20 largest dog breeds in the world: what pets look like monsters


There are a huge number of dog breeds in the world, and confusing some of them with each other is much easier than it might seem. The differences may be the most subtle, but you will hurt the owner of an Alaskan Malamute to the heart if you compliment him on what a cute husky he has. To avoid making such a mistake and to belong among dog breeders, it is enough to know the difference between dog breeds, which people often confuse.

Tibetan mastiff

An intelligent, strong-willed and extremely determined dog. Sleeping in freezing temperatures? It's possible. Protect huge herds? Please. Protect the owner? We sincerely sympathize with the attackers. And yes, the dog has incredible endurance and vitality.

We also think you might find it helpful to know which dog breeds are best for people who lead an active lifestyle.

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Alaskan Malamute and Husky

nordicmalamutes, ig_huskyheaven
Malamutes are more powerful, their fur is longer and fluffier, and their ears are more rounded. Huskies seem more graceful and slender. It may also seem that Malamutes have a kinder facial expression than Huskies - all because of the color characteristics of the latter. However, it only seems so, because the character of a dog does not depend at all on its color.

Carpathian or Romanian Shepherd. (Carpathian or Romanian Shepherd)

Carpathian or Romanian Shepherd. (Carpathian or Romanian Shepherd)

Dog breeds similar to German Shepherds.

These dogs originate from the Carpathian Mountains in Romania and are also known by other names. They were originally bred to fight dangerous animals such as wolves and to work as working dogs.

German ShepherdCarpathian/Romanian
Height55-65 cm60-73 cm
Weight22-40 kg23-29 kg
Life expectancy9-13 years12-14 years old

Cane Corso and boxers

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Usually Cane Corso can be distinguished by cropped ears, but if such manipulation is not carried out, then they can be confused with Boxers. The main difference, of course, is the size - Cane Corsos are much more powerful and muscular than boxers, who are distinguished by their fit.

If you still haven’t been able to determine who is in front of you - a pug or a Labrador, it’s better to ask its owner: “Who is this cute little charmer here?” We are sure that the owners will be happy to tell you about the breed and character of their pet.

Belgian Shepherd

Belgian Shepherd
Belgian Shepherd.

These dogs are also known as Belgian Malinois and they bear the most striking resemblance to GSD dogs. These dogs are medium to large in size and they are also quite intelligent. They are very energetic and bred for herding purposes, they are also very strong.

German ShepherdBelgian Shepherd
Height55-65 cm56-66 cm
Weight22-40 kg20-30 kg
Life expectancy9-13 years10-14 years

Differences between a Boston Terrier and a French Bulldog

The Boston Terrier and the French Bulldog are significantly different. Boston looks like a miniature boxer - straight paws, tucked belly, minimal wrinkles on the muzzle, elegant neck, wide chest,

French bulldogs have slight curvature of the limbs, a roundish (barrel-shaped) chest, and almond-shaped eyes.

The Boston Terrier breed standards limit the possible colors; the French have more varied colors.

Bostons do not show aggression, they are less irritable than French bulldogs, but they can stand up for themselves and their owner.

German boxer everything about the breed, standards and characteristics

The German boxer dog is a relatively tall breed.

An adult, properly formed, smooth-haired pet has dense and powerful bones, and is distinguished by a characteristic square body format.

The Boxer breed is distinguished by dry and strong, developed and voluminous, protruding muscles.

When assessing the qualities of a German boxer, the following characteristic parameters of the established breed standard are important::

  • the head is not light and not too heavy, it is in harmony with the body, it is distinguished by a wide and voluminous muzzle, which correctly relates to the area of ​​the skull;
  • from the area of ​​the bridge of the nose downward, marked wrinkles are constantly present;
  • the region of the skull is graceful and somewhat faceted, slightly arched, with a weakly defined and not very deep frontal groove;
  • characterized by the presence of a wide and slightly upturned nose, black in color, with wide and fairly open nostrils;

  • the appearance of a massive muzzle is determined by the shape of the jaws, the location of the fangs, as well as the condition of the labial fold;
  • the tongue, fangs, and incisors located on the lower jaw of the animal are not visible when the mouth is closed;
  • the eyes of a German boxer are not too large and not too small, not protruding and not too deep;
  • medium-sized ears, set on the side of the head, at rest should be adjacent to the cheekbones and hang slightly forward;
  • the neck line is characterized by an elegant arch in the direction from the occipital region to the correctly defined withers;

  • the area of ​​the back with the lumbar region, short and fairly strong, straight in direction, wide and clearly muscular, passes into a slightly inclined and relatively sloping area of ​​the croup;
  • The chest area is deep, with a well-developed forehand and arched ribs extending well back; a German boxer's rear with a moderately high set;
  • The forelimbs, when viewed from the front, should be straight, with a parallel stance in relation to each other and strong, developed bones;
  • hind limbs with developed muscles, straight direction.

The breed is characterized by a lively movement full of strength and nobility.

The coat is short, hard, with a characteristic shine, and is of a close-fitting type.

The height of an adult male varies between 57.0-63.0 cm, and that of females - 53.0-59.0 cm. The average weight of a male often exceeds 29-30 kg , while an adult female typically weighs 24- 25 kg .

Important! The presence of any deviations from the breed standards in a boxer is necessarily regarded as a deficiency or defect of varying severity, up to and including the disqualification of the dog.

Why do people choose mixed breeds as pets?

There are several reasons for the popularity of mixed breeds. Mini-boxers obtained as a result of a planned or random mating of two purebred dogs, regardless of which breeds were crossed, are always cheaper. Breeders usually reject such dogs and sell them at a reasonable price. The desire to save money on buying a pet leads dog lovers to choose a mixed-breed puppy.

Besides this, there are a number of other reasons:

  1. The inherent desire of a person to stand out, to have a special (not like everyone else) pet is triggered. Mixed puppies usually have an exotic appearance.
  2. Desire to have a healthier pet. It is believed that half-breed puppies are less sensitive to breed genetic pathologies. Such offspring are superior to their parents in health.
  3. It is a misconception that caring for mixed-breed dogs is easier.
  4. The hope is that the mixed dog has better performance characteristics taken from two different breeds.

Important: if you buy a miniature boxer, know that he will not bring you awards and medals, but he can become a faithful companion and friend.

History of the breed

Boston Terriers appeared in the 19th century in Massachusetts (Boston). In 1865, Robert Huppert acquired a male bull and terrier , who after some time became the owner of a neighbor's dog. The puppies turned out surprisingly similar to their father. This offspring became the starting point in breeding a new breed.

In 1878 they already participated in exhibitions. The peak of popularity occurred in the 20s of the twentieth century, when these sturdy ones became fashionable among rich ladies. In 1981, the first breed club was created, and already in 1983 the breed was recognized as independent.

Dog handlers began to actively work to improve the breed - Bostons were crossed with a boxer, with an Old English white terrier, a French and English bulldog, a bull terrier and even with a pit bull. As a result, the dogs became more elegant and acquired a unique set of psychological characteristics.

The breed standard was first adopted in 1891, and the final one in 1998.

Maintenance and care

Suitable for keeping even in a small apartment. But, it categorically does not tolerate living on the street , since it is not adapted to frost and bad weather.

This is an active dog, ready to walk for a long time. For an adult dog, the minimum walking time is 60-90 minutes , while activity in the form of games and training is desirable. You need to walk at least 2 times a day , the puppy is taken outside more often.

When going for a walk in bad or frosty weather, wear warm clothes . In the cold season, it is advisable to reduce the walking time.

Dogs can be fed:

An adult dog is fed morning and evening, a puppy 4-6 times. The largest meal is in the evening.

You need to regularly examine your teeth, coat, eyes, and ears. You should not wash it often (only when necessary - for example, after walking through mud), and brush the coat with a stiff-bristled brush. It is necessary to trim the nails if they do not grind down naturally.

Shiloh Shepherd

Shiloh Shepherd

German Shepherd lookalike.

This is a rare breed of shepherd dog, which is not yet recognized by any famous kennel club. The breed is still under development and they are created with Alaskan Malamute dogs.

This is why they are larger than GSDs and also have better bone structure. These dogs are very intelligent and need a lot of exercise to stay healthy and active.

German ShepherdShiloh Shepard
Height55-65 cm71-76 cm
Weight22-40 kg36-59 kg
Life expectancy9-13 years12-14 years old

Is a mini boxer considered a purebred dog?

In the history of cynology, there is no information about when the first miniature boxer saw the light of day. These dogs are not purebred; it is a mistake to believe that mini-dogs are representatives of the Boxer breed of a smaller size than usual. No, that's not true! These are hybrid dogs resulting from crossing several breed combinations. The result of experimental matings of different dog breeds was the Boxer with the prefix “mini”.

All hybrids (mestizo) are not considered purebred dogs. Therefore, when getting such a pet, you must keep in mind that he will not be allowed to join the purebred dog club, and will also not be allowed to participate in exhibitions. Yes, the parents of such puppies can have titles and regalia, and be members of cynological societies. But puppies will not be like that. But calling such pets simple mongrels is a mistake. The correct name for such dogs is a pedigree hybrid or mestizo.

Important: This hybrid is recognized by the American Canine Hybrid Club (ACHC) and The Dog Registry of America, Inc.

External signs and character of the dog

According to the international standard, the normal weight of a French bulldog is 8-14 kg, the normal height is 25-35 cm .

In addition to the power combined with its small stature, the square, massive head of the French Bulldog is impressive.

Its muzzle is considered snub-nosed due to its upturned nose.

The breed is characterized by erect ears with rounded ends, bulging eyes, developed cheekbones, black lips, strong jaws, the lower of which is slightly protruded.

The short, strong neck has a slight arch. Back muscles are well developed. The stomach is tucked, the croup is rounded. The front legs are shorter than the hind legs, the tail is straight and short. The velvety coat fits tightly and shines.

The color of dogs
is divided into 4 main types :

  • brindle, when the main color is red, but there are black hairs, or the main color is black, and the hairs are red;
  • fawn - coat color varies from red to light red;
  • white is the rarest of the colors, representing perfectly white smooth fur;
  • piebald, or, as it is also called, spotted, is often a white color with brindle or fawn splashes.

There are 3 dominant qualities in the character of bulldogs - friendliness, kindness, energy.

There are also possessive tendencies. A representative of this breed can truly be called a “best friend.”


The pet quickly becomes attached, loves to spend a lot of time with them, protects at the right moment, as it is characterized by devotion and courage.

These animals love attention, frisky games and communication.

Read more about French Bulldogs here.

How to distinguish a purebred boxer from a mixed breed

If purity of blood is of great importance to you when buying a dog, you need to be able to distinguish a hybrid puppy from a purebred one. It is important to consider that mixing of blood could have occurred both in the first and in previous generations.

When choosing a future pet, you should carefully study the documents and pedigree. It is best to involve a specialist from the field of cynology in assessing the dog’s exterior and breed characteristics. It will help evaluate the characteristics of the puppy and compare them with breed standards. The opinion of a professional is most important when making a purchasing decision.

The price of a puppy that is too low is always an alarm bell, indicating possible genetic defects or half-breed origin. Don't be fooled!

Important: the purebredness of a breed can only be determined 100% using genetic tests.

No matter how these small energetic dogs were obtained, no matter who their parents were, these are active pets who require attention and love for their person, love active walks and fun games. Don't leave them alone, don't deprive them of affection. Bored animals that are offended by their owners can develop into destructive dogs with destructive behavior.

The German boxer belongs to the category of breeds bred in Germany.

It is a large, powerful and stocky, smooth-haired animal.

Boxer dog - the standards provide for a uniform red, brindle, white or brindle color with characteristic white spots. During breeding, breeds such as the English bulldog and bullenbeisser were involved. The Boxer is a breed of dog that belongs to the Molossian group.

Education and training

The dog lends itself well to training - at home and professionally. First, you need to teach the puppy the rules of behavior in the house, and after six months you can attend classes conducted by an instructor and undergo a “basic training course” (BTC) under his guidance. A trained dog will not cause inconvenience to the owner and others.

Training should be done in a playful way . To keep your dog from getting bored, you can practice agility, take your pet to swim in ponds, or go into the forest.

Dutch Shepherd

Dutch Shepherd

Dutch Shepherds were bred by Dutch farmers to herd livestock and cattle. These dogs are very competent and among all herding dogs, these dogs are the best at agility, obedience and herding. They are also very loyal and make excellent companion dogs.

German ShepherdDutch Shepherd
Height55-65 cm55-62 cm
Weight22-40 kg23-32 kg
Life expectancy9-13 years12-15 years

King Shepherd

King Shepherd

German Shepherd lookalike.

Good Shepherds are giant dog breeds bred by American breeders Shelley Watts-Cross and David Turkheimer. They used other dog breeds including the Great Pyrenees, Alaskan Malamute, and European and American German Shepherds to create this breed.

These dogs are larger than GSDs and less aggressive. They are very smart, loyal and stronger than German Shepherds.

German ShepherdKing Shepherd
Height55-65 cm64-81 cm
Weight22-40 kg34-68 kg
Life expectancy9-13 years10-11 years

Similar breeds

There are breeds that, when compared with the French bulldog, reveal many similarities.

English bulldogs

The normal height of a dog is 30-40 cm, and it usually weighs 22-25 kg.

There is aggressiveness, which is not at all characteristic of the French bulldog. These two breeds are similar in that their head is massive in relation to the body. Both representatives do not tolerate heat well.

The English Bulldog is a reliable dog, its bond with its owner is very strong .

Ears that are wide at the base, intelligent eyes, and a teeth-opening jaw are other characteristics of the English Bulldog.

American Bulldogs

The largest species of the bulldog family.

They usually reach a height of 50-68 cm and weigh 28-58 kg . The large square head has semi-erect ears. The eyes are brown and rounded. Black lips with pink accents.

Belarusian or East European Shepherd. (Byelorussian or East European Shepherd)

Belarusian or East European Shepherd. (Byelorussian or East European Shepherd)

Belarusian or East European Shepherd.

These dogs are more popular and famous in the Russian subcontinents and are also known as Belarusian Shepherd, VEO and East European Shepherds. These dogs are specially bred to work and survive in freezing temperatures and were created by crossing a German Shepherd with a Russian breed.

German ShepherdBelarusian Shepherd
Height55-65 cm62-76 cm
Weight22-40 kg30-60 kg
Life expectancy9-13 yearsUp to 13 years old

Boxer puppies, care features

Caring for a Boxer puppy is a troublesome, but interesting task.

The four-legged pet is provided with full comprehensive care from an early age, which includes taking care of physical and emotional development.

German Boxer puppies love walks, which should be daily, long, with sufficient physical activity.

It is necessary to periodically check the wool for cleanliness and the absence of ectoparasites. Ears and teeth are systematically cleaned and overgrown claws are trimmed.

When grooming, use a rubber brush soaked in water. It is also necessary to pay special attention to age-related vaccinations of the German boxer and ensuring a nutritious diet from a very early age.

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