8 types of Yorkshire Terrier crosses with other dogs

The variety of dog breeds never ceases to amaze the human mind. Each of them, be it small breed mixed breed puppies or a mulatto dog, is sweet and beautiful in its own way. Moreover, all four-legged friends of man are loyal to their owner, regardless of size, eye color or ancestors. A particularly interesting topic in this case is the description of mixed-breed dogs, which are the result of inbreeding of several breeds.

These puppies are born when different breeds of dogs are deliberately crossed.

Mixed breed dogs: what are they like?

When the owners are about to give birth to a mixed-breed puppy, it is always a game of roulette, since it is impossible to predict which genes will prevail and what appearance the newborn will be gifted with. Sometimes crossbreeding can lead to the fact that instead of a small dog like the parents, a puppy will be born that will become a huge dog.

One of the main reasons why the owner's hand rises to commit such an act is that the negative aspects in the description of the dog can be replaced by the positive traits of his mate. However, for some, this activity becomes a hobby, and even a special term has appeared to characterize those who like to create a cross between dogs - designer crossing.

Dachshund mix

Puppies of these breeds grow up to be quite unpredictable. You can never guess which parent they will be like. Most often they inherit short legs from the dachshund, and the color is standard black and tan, although there may be exceptions.

Such dogs are always short-haired. The position of the ears also cannot be guessed, but only in rare cases do they stand up, like in toy terriers. Basically they are in a hanging position, which indicates the predominance of dachshund genes. The body of the mestizo may be slightly elongated, but not critical. Often this feature does not manifest itself at all.

Their character and temperament are also quite individual. The main stream of such dogs is much more balanced and calmer than the toy terrier. From dachshunds, puppies take on excessive activity, as well as some hunting instincts.


These dogs need to be supervised when walking, and puppies that are not yet fully accustomed to being near you should not be let off the leash. Otherwise, you risk losing your pet, because at any moment he can completely unpredictably take off and chase a car or a cat.

The height is about 30-35 cm, depending on whose genes are dominant. This also applies to weight, but, in general, it rarely exceeds 6 kg.

Metis and mongrel: main differences

Some are beginning to wonder why there are two different names for seemingly two identical types of dogs - mutts and mixed breeds. Both are born due to the mixing of blood of different breeds, but there are differences.

Among the important characteristics that help to distinguish whether a mongrel dog is a mixed breed or not, the following can be highlighted:

  • a crossbreed is special in that the ancestors can be traced and identified, they are representatives of specific breeds, with certain characteristics;
  • mongrels are obtained due to the mixing of different breeds, and in a chaotic order (the pedigree is impossible to trace).

Additional Information! If a mongrel is crossed with a purebred individual, for example with a husky, then the puppy, by definition, can be called a mestizo. From now on, the history of the family can be traced, albeit partially.

The price category for mestizos is often significantly lower than for purebred individuals

What it is?

Mixed breeds are puppies obtained from parents of different breeds. They appear for several reasons.

  • When the owner did not keep an eye on the dog, and an accidental mating occurred. Animals can take on the character and appearance of both parents. The result is unpredictable and such puppies are not worth paying money for, they are given “in good hands.”
  • The conscious work of breeders to cross different breeds of dogs in order to improve their appearance, working qualities, physical, mental and psychic capabilities. These puppies are called “designer breeds” and some of them cost a lot of money. The result of the work can be a puppy whose genotype consists of three, four or even five types of DNA from its purebred ancestors.

The process of mixing different species to obtain new qualities is called “interbreeding outbreeding” and dates back fourteen centuries. People have long deliberately bred dogs for hunting, protection, or just for fun. In the latter case, we have breeds of decorative dogs, the origin of which was worked on by our ancestors.

Mestizos should not be confused with mongrels. They are the children of titled parents, and the breed of one of their ancestors or both of them should be visible in their appearance.

If this does not happen, the puppies are called mongrels. Accidental hybrids have an appearance reminiscent of wild dogs: a strong body, strong muscular legs, a donut tail, erect ears.

Colors can be very different, taken from one of the parents or mixed. For example, a Pomsky may well look like a red fox-type Pomeranian, only the mask on its face will give away its husky ancestors. Achieving a rare color, breeders mixed Weimaraner and Labrador, resulting in a mixed breed with silver hair. Unusual mixed breeds are the Tolmatians, they are endowed with the beautiful spotted color of the Dalmatians, but have a small, slightly elongated body, similar to a dachshund. Horgis can be found with the coloring and mask of a husky and the long hair of a corgi.

Mestizos have many positive qualities. Mixing the blood leads to its renewal. In most cases, babies are born in good health. Hereditary diseases of purebred parents bypass them. And the psyche of such dogs is more stable. Most often, mestizos are smart and friendly, but there are exceptions.

Pros and cons of mestizos compared to purebreds

Knowing what a mixed breed is, it is not difficult to guess that representatives of such species will have some differences from purebred dogs. Of course, there are both pros and cons.

Positive and negative characteristics:

  • mestizos are less susceptible to diseases;
  • mixed breeds, unlike purebred breeds such as Caucasian or German Shepherd, Labrador, etc., have fewer chronic diseases;
  • mestizo is a breed of dog that inherits only the positive qualities of its parents;
  • they can be called excellent watchdogs who do not require a special diet.

Negative qualities - restless character. Their nervousness may be off-putting at first, but there is a way out - you need to engage in careful training and education.

Jack - Russell

A cross between Yorkshire Terriers and Jack Russells, these are small dogs growing to a maximum of 30 cm at the withers, with a long and soft coat of black-brown or white-black-brown color. Yorkie Russells have a friendly and fearless personality and get along easily with other animals and people. These pets do not tolerate loneliness well and need constant attention from their owners, the lack of which is reported by loud howling and destructive behavior.

These dogs cannot tolerate cold and are not suitable for outdoor living. These are exclusively domestic pets, which, however, require regular walks and exercise. The coat requires careful care, as it tends to get tangled and very dirty after walks. In addition to possible genetic pathologies, Yorkie Russells are prone to dental diseases, which means it is necessary to monitor the condition of the pet’s oral cavity and brush its teeth 2-3 times a week.

Life expectancy is on average 12 - 16 years, subject to proper care and comfortable living conditions.

Review of the most famous and interesting mestizos

Among the variety of mixed-breed dogs, there are several species that you can pay attention to when purchasing.

Dachshund and Chinese Crested (Crestoxy)

Crestoxy can be called one of the most exotic breeds. However, it cannot be called popular. Representatives of this breed also have an extremely large number of diseases.

German Shepherd + Chow Chow = Chow Chow

Chow chows are popular due to their attractive appearance. This is a very interesting mixed breed: a dog of this species looks like a cute bear. They are not very large in size and are suitable for home security. They are distinguished by their loyalty.

Labrador Retriever + Siberian Husky

The most memorable features of this representative are their incredibly beautiful eyes. It is the multi-colored irises and the structure of the face, coupled with the golden hue, that attract the attention of connoisseurs.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke + Dalmatian

It is not recommended to give birth to this type of mestizos, since the appearance may not be entirely harmonious. Dalmatian Corgis are distinguished by their extreme activity and sociability.

Note! The pet can be very active and love to move around. These are Pembroke genes.

Gobirien (Golden Retriever and Siberian Husky)

Very friendly individuals, most often having a golden hue to their fur. The pet will turn out to be harmonious and with an easy-going character.

Yorkshire Terrier + English Bulldog

Extremely popular due to its origin. Character in most cases is defined as very persistent and loyal.

Labrador - black Labrador and Great Dane

Thanks to its genes, it is considered an excellent dog suitable for guarding a private home. Despite the external seriousness, complaisance is also observed in individuals.

Pitsky - pit bull and husky

An unusual combination of blue eyes from a husky and a large face inherited from a pit bull. But absolute loyalty to the owner is captivating.

Sharpasset (basset hound and shar pei)

Metis is suitable for those who value consistency and calmness in pets. The look of this individual is kind and faithful.

English bulldog and shar pei

Of course, the protective abilities of a bulldog and the calmness of the face of a sharpei will appeal to some dog breeders. Suitable for lovers of small dogs.

Akita Inu + German Shepherd

After acquiring this dog, the geography of which is extremely vast, it is important to initially note its superiority, otherwise the pet will consider itself to be in charge.

Metis will turn out very beautiful and large

Descendant of Husky and Corgi

Their easy-going disposition and extremely curious appearance attract future owners. Horgas are small in stature and of medium build.

Cheagle (Chihuahua and Beagle)

The owner will be attracted by the intelligence and sweet look of the pet. The Cheagle is best suited for those looking for miniature dogs.

Golden Retriever + Dachshund = Golden Dachshund

The shade of the coat and miniature size attract the attention of female owners to a greater extent. A true representative of mixed breed small dogs.

Shih Tzu + Poodle = Thorn

A smaller version of the poodle, which will attract many future owners. The pet will be an excellent companion, an intelligent friend to lonely or elderly people.

Chocolate Labrador and Pitbull

There is a high probability that the dominant nature of the pit bull will prevail. But sometimes it also happens that the pet will be friendly and flexible.

Bullmatian (Bulldog and Dalmatian)

Representatives of this mixture are distinguished by their increased love for human attention. They quickly establish contact with both humans and other dogs.

Wesley - Corgi and Beagle

The main positive quality that distinguishes the variety is protection and fidelity. In addition, the crossbreed will have a balanced character and try to avoid conflicts.

The pet will have a small build

Husky + Labrador Retriever

The appearance of a mestizo turns out to be very attractive, and expressive eyes become a calling card. The pet turns out to be obedient and flexible.

Chowski (chow-chow and husky)

Dogs turn out to be extremely faithful and devoted, moreover, attractive.

Important! Most often, pets are small in size. The eyes of the Chauska deserve special attention.

American Cocker Spaniel + Shar Pei

A crossbreed between a southern ancestor from America and a spaniel looks harmless and cute. He is not suitable for the security service, but he can become a good comrade.

Alaskan Malamute + Husky = Alaskan Husky

The puppy looks not only noble, but also very respectable. They are bred specifically for it to protect the house, since its impressive size will scare away scammers and thieves.

Yorkshire Terrier + Poodle

A decorative dog that will appeal to female representatives. The coat is curly, the shades vary from golden to grayish.

German Shepherd + Siberian Husky

The strong-willed nature of the ancestors becomes the reason for the birth of a serious puppy and a good guard. Often the pet also inherits expressive eyes.

Poodle + Corgi = Corgipoo

This mixed breed is a mix of a poodle and a corgi. It becomes an excellent example of the mixing of blood of elite and beautiful breeds. The puppy will be curly-haired and small in size, like a corgi.

Labrador + poodle = labradoodle

The variety has become very popular due to its unusual name. That is why puppies began to be actively purchased.

German + Shar Pei

In terms of body structure, this mestizo is similar to a Shar Pei, while the color is more like a shepherd dog. The pet can be both calm and active in the German.

Other hybrid varieties

Mixed labrador and shepherd dog, mongrel, husky and other breeds

There are several more mestizos, photographs of which convince of their uniqueness:

  • The descendant of a pit bull and a Labrador looks very interesting, but in the bad hands of a frivolous owner it can become uncontrollable.
  • Wier is a fairly rare dog - the result of crossing a German and a long-haired collie.
  • Yorkshire strudel - a descendant of the York terrier and poodle - is a very dynamic creature, ready to become a true friend to a resident of the Moscow region or any other.
  • Yorkie and Shih Tzu are an attractive, cute little one.
  • Bullmatian is the name of the ancestor of the Dalmatian and the bulldog, a formidable dog on the outside, but a very good-natured dog on the inside.
  • The Weimerman is a cross between a Doberman and a Weimaraner.
  • The muzzle and ears of a whippet, the physique of a pit bull, the paws of a boxer - this is a description of an amazing hybrid.
  • Bernudel. It can be obtained by mixing the breed characteristics of a poodle and a Bernese Mountain Dog.
  • A snow-white giant with a brave heart - a cross between a Malamute and a Pyrenean mountain dog. It is not afraid of frost, although it does not have particularly lush fur.

A mixed breed of Yorkie and Shih Tzu will become a real favorite for the whole family.

How to choose a good mixed breed puppy

Choosing a pet is an important and responsible procedure.
To choose a suitable dog that was born due to a mixture of blood, it is important to understand for what purpose it is needed. If for official use, you should opt for larger breeds. If the main need is to have a beautiful and cute dog, then cuter and smaller representatives will do.

Now the reader knows for sure that such a “mixed breed” breed does not exist. This term refers to dogs that are the result of crossing different purebred dogs. And it doesn’t matter whether this happened by accident or at the request of the owners. Mixed breed dogs (“matiz” is incorrect to say) inherit the characteristics of different parents, sometimes they turn out to be successful, cheerful and smart, and often suffer from various hereditary defects.


Mestizos are not picky about food, they do not need special food, but homemade dishes with excess fat and spices will not bring any benefit. Chicken bones can hurt any dog's mouth. It is better for them to cook porridge with the addition of vegetables, meat and fish products. When creating a diet for your pet, you should take into account its age and weight, as well as physical activity. For active healthy growth of a puppy, its diet should consist of 30–40 percent protein, the presence of carbohydrates will provide energy.

The menu may include special food for dogs, they are completely balanced. But if the dog eats natural food, it is enriched with vitamins and minerals.


Most mestizos respond well to training; some difficulties may arise with hybrids in which huskies participated in the creation. They often exhibit independence and willfulness and should be taught from an early age. Half-breeds are more intelligent than their purebred parents. If you start training a puppy from three months old, you can achieve amazing results. Knowing the parents of the mestizo, dog handlers focus on their behavioral traits, forming obedience, good nature, sociability and other necessary qualities in the pet.

The mixing of breeds causes significant changes in the character of the mestizo. A cross between a good-natured Labrador and guard or fighting dogs, the temperament changes to aggressive. In such cases, good education is essential.

Mixed breeds are pets with an original appearance, good health and improved qualities of their parents. They are unpretentious in maintenance, loyal and, with proper upbringing, will become ideal pets.

About hybrids of dogs of different breeds, see the following video.

A special category of pets is a mestizo - a dog obtained as a result of mixing two breeds. This pet has a bright, unusual appearance, although sometimes it looks very funny. There are several options for crossbreeds.

Labrador Husky

The first thing to say is that a Labrador Husky cannot be confused with a Siberian Retriever.

An adult Labrador Husky, without an owner and a collar on the street, can cause some to panic: in front of you is a wolf, often white or light in color, just like Akella from the fairy tale “Mowgli”.

And in fact, the Labrador Husky resembles a wolf much more than the Siberian Huskies themselves.

And in your relationship with him you need to be very careful: like any wolf, these huskies have the temperament of a leader, a boss.

For example, the lack of food in a dog’s bowl will be accompanied by a rather angry, dissatisfied growl.

From childhood, you must raise your puppy competently, demonstrating who is boss in the house. Then your mixed breed will grow up to be a good-natured dog and will not differ in character from cheerful huskies.

The wolf needs long walks and games, but what is important: on the street, do not let him run ahead of you - a formidable leader may awaken in him


It is impossible to predict the behavioral line of mestizos; they can take traits from both parents. But they have every chance to receive the best from their ancestors. If outbreeding is carried out by professional breeders, in addition to conformation, they will also be interested in working capabilities. For example, you want to see a dog in your apartment that is not too big, but has protective qualities; for this purpose, poodles are mixed with guard dog breeds. Most often the result is an intelligent, loyal, medium-sized dog. She will not bark at guests, but she will not let a stranger out of the house. There are exceptions to the rules when a huge, kind-hearted person grows up in a cramped apartment. He won't bark even if all the things are taken out of the house.

In most cases, half-breeds are quite adequate dogs, not aggressive and sociable . But some hybrids require special upbringing. For example, crossbreeds of small breeds can be too timid or, on the contrary, do not know fear and bully large dogs. And mixed breeds of large guard dogs are difficult to train; they should be raised from childhood.

Each hybrid exhibits its own qualities characteristic of both breeds, namely:

  • if you mix huskies and corgis , the dogs will be kind, intelligent, they follow the owner’s commands well;
  • bloodhounds (a cross between a bloodhound and a Moscow watchdog) are hardy, intelligent, endowed with a keen sense of smell, they can serve as service and guard dogs;
  • Pitskies (pitbull and huskies) are infinitely loyal to their owner and kind, but they inherited a headstrong disposition from the husky, which can only be corrected by good upbringing;
  • Tolmatians are good-natured and cheerful, but if Dalmatian genes take over, mestizos may not be very smart or stubborn.

All character flaws of a half-breed can be corrected by persistent and correct education. It is more difficult to do this if the dog was adopted as an adult by unknown owners.

Toy - terrier

Perhaps the most controversial mixes of Yorkshire terriers are the result of crossbreeding with toy terriers. By nature, these are active and independent dogs. The appearance of mestizos can be attractive or not. One can only judge with certainty the size of such dogs: Torques do not grow large, since their parents are representatives of small breeds of dogs.

As a rule, Torks have medium-length fur and not very thin paws, so they are liked by people who do not want to care for the long coat of Yorkshire terriers and who do not like Toys for their thin and slightly crooked limbs.

How to cut a Pekingese haircut at home - step-by-step instructions

In order to trim the Pekingese yourself, choose the right time when the pet is calm. You should not frighten your dog with tools. It is advisable to stroke it so that the animal relaxes and accepts the procedure as caress.

When the shaggy prankster is in a playful, high spirits, it is better to postpone the haircut for a while so as not to injure the pet.

Preparing the site and tools

Choose a comfortable, well-lit, elevated place, such as a table. It is recommended to cover the surface with a mat - regular or rubber - so that the dog's paws do not slip. This will make both the animal and the hairdresser more comfortable.

All tools for cutting a Pekingese should be at hand:

  • animal clipper (silent, not very vibrating, high quality);
  • a set of scissors (large, small, curved, thinning);
  • several types of combs (soft brush, slicker brush, comb with sparse long teeth);
  • nail clipper for nail care.

After each use, instruments are thoroughly washed, dried and disinfected.

Grooming an animal at home includes the following steps, compliance with which will facilitate the grooming procedure and help achieve the desired result:

  1. Comb the animal and remove any matted fur.
  2. Bathe with shampoo, being careful not to get water into your eyes and ears.
  3. Wipe with a towel and dry with a hairdryer.
  4. Brush the fur with a soft brush and treat the ears with hydrogen peroxide.
  5. It is recommended to trim your Pekingese using the area trimming method.

Haircut by region

Begin the procedure with the paws, cutting off the hair between the pads with curved scissors or a machine. Everything must be done slowly, carefully, so as not to injure the animal. Next, the claws are shortened with a special nail clipper.

The groin and tummy are shaved next, leaving at least 1.5 cm of hair. When starting on the body, start from the base of the tail and work against the fur along the back. Next they cut the sides. To do this, use a 22 mm nozzle.

The paws, neck, and chest are processed using curved scissors, removing all long hair sticking out to the sides. If the owner does not like the excessive fluffiness, it can be removed by thinning.

Fine hairs on the ears are removed. Interfering hairs on the head are lightly trimmed. A uniform smooth transition is made from head to neck.

The hair under the tail is cut off, leaving about 1 cm in length. The tail itself, at the owner’s request, can be left fluffy or shaved with the exception of the tassel at the end.

After cutting, it is advisable to rinse the Pekingese in the shower to remove the small hairs that have been clipped. You can wipe your pet with a soft towel soaked in herbal infusion. This will soothe the skin and have a bactericidal effect.

Washing and combing

The short-haired Pekingese also needs regular bathing and brushing. It is enough to wash the animal once a month, using a special shampoo and conditioner. After bathing, wrap the animal in a towel to absorb moisture from the fur.

Then be sure to dry it with warm air from a hairdryer, without bringing it too close, so as not to burn your pet. At the end of the procedure, you should comb the dog.

After spraying the fur with the product, they begin to comb the belly, back, sides, and paws. The tail is combed from base to tip.


Metis have different purposes. Decorative species live in apartment conditions, but many dogs are created for living in enclosures. They have guard, fighting or detective qualities. By creating hybrids, breeders achieve endurance and good adaptation of animals to the external climatic environment. Domestic dogs need walks in the fresh air, they should be played with, and exercised.

For lazy owners, there are types of small mestizos that do not need daily walking; they use a cat litter box or an absorbent diaper for the toilet.

Hybrids do not need to create special conditions of detention. They need their own corner with warm bedding and no drafts, clean bowls for food and water, and special toys designed for dogs. If the mestizo has long hair, it should be combed. Dogs need to be bathed when dirty. After walking outside, you need to check your pet for ticks, examine the eyes and ears in order to promptly rule out inflammation and suppuration. Dogs should have their teeth brushed periodically . If, while walking, your pet’s claws do not wear down naturally, they should be trimmed periodically.

As for health, mestizos rarely complain about it, since they have an enviable immunity and do without hereditary diseases. But this does not mean that the dog does not need hygienic care. Vaccinations and preventive examinations by a veterinarian are required for all dogs. Infectious diseases can be contracted through close contact with a sick animal, even if you have strong immunity.

With proper care, hybrids almost do not suffer from allergies and live longer than purebred dogs.

Shih Tzu (Shorki)

The practice of mating Yorkshire terriers with Shih Tzus is also widespread, also aimed at producing designer puppies called Shorkies. These dogs are distinguished by their compact size, wide, pretty muzzle, body type, reminiscent of a Shih Tzu, and the color of a Yorkshire terrier. At the same time, some individuals may have spots of various shades on their fur.

Some sources note that Shorkie wool is hypoallergenic.


Strangers, children and other pets in the house cause them discomfort and dissatisfaction. Intensive early socialization will correct the situation. When meeting family members and pets, Pomchis need the support of their owner. The puppy needs to be calmed, stroked or even picked up. It is preferable for the pet to gradually get used to its surroundings.

If the puppy is left alone for a long time, you can take a second dog, but the gender and breed must match. Pomchi, who grew up alone, strives to dominate those who are smaller and weaker and tries to get rid of competitors. Therefore, it is advisable not to take new pets when the dog is already an adult, as this can cause jealousy and worsening behavior.

Forms of crossing

The dynamics of breeding ideal puppies depends on the type of crossing of pets; special tables are compiled to help breeders. All forms of related selection make it possible to transfer and concentrate the necessary genes in each subsequent generation, homozygosity develops - genetic uniformity.

Types of acceptable inbreeding

NameWhat pairs are used for mating?Designations in the pedigree table
Close inbreeding is pure inbreeding, using pets that are in a direct family relationship - mother, father, children. Often used for mating unique individuals for whom it is impossible to find a suitable match outside the related line. Father and daughter;
mother and son;

brother and sister.



Close inbreeding - using offspring one generation apart.cousins:
niece and uncle;

nephew and aunt;

granddaughter and grandfather;

grandson and grandmother.



ModeratePets are used that have family ties in the III-IV generation; females are always taken from the younger generation. Or they cross the grandchildren of their ancestors with each other. I-IV;




RemoteThe difference between generations can be 1–4 units, but pets are taken for mating starting from the third generation. Sometimes puppies from the same litter are crossed to control the purity of the breed. IV;




ComplexThe pedigree contains one or more pairs of common ancestors.

Dogs in which the number of recessive manifestations does not exceed 10% are considered promising for breeding. When breeding, it is important to choose the right female, since the main qualities, character traits, and appearance of the right offspring are passed on through the maternal line.

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