TOP 20 most popular and cute small dog breeds

Small breeds of dogs are an excellent option for those who, due to limited space or for some other reason, cannot have a larger four-legged friend.

Tiny creatures cause affection not only among children, but also among the older generation. Recently, they have been acquired no less often than large dogs. Its popularity is due to its charming appearance, playful disposition, and lack of excessive requirements for living conditions and nutrition. At the same time, small breeds are practically not inferior in intellectual abilities to large breeds and are easy to train.

The article presents the top 20 smallest dogs in the world with names, sizes and photos.


A stocky pet with a round, wrinkled muzzle and large, sad eyes. Despite his awkward, swaying gait, he is very mobile. A calm, easygoing disposition, curiosity and stubbornness are the hallmarks of this species.

It gets along well under the same roof with other animals without any problems. Loves affection and attention. It is very vulnerable, so it is difficult to endure even the shortest separation from its owner. An extremely smart animal. He has a keen sense of people's moods.

Size Chart (Pug)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male29-36 cm29-36 cm9-11 kg
Bitch25-30 cm25-30 cm7-9 kg
Puppy (3 months)10 cm10 cm3 kg

Pugs grow quite quickly and become adults by the age of one year. They love to eat, so breeders need to carefully monitor their pet’s diet, otherwise obesity cannot be avoided. The chubby lumps do not tolerate the heat well and prefer to sleep in hot weather. In summer, it is recommended to bathe them more often than other dogs.

French Bulldog

A smart, courageous and balanced breed. Enjoys making contact with people. Loves outdoor games. Loves to be the center of attention. He is attentive to details and subtly senses the owner’s mood. But breeders should remember that this is a fighting dog; innate protective instincts can manifest themselves in moments of aggression from both animals and humans.

Does not tolerate disdainful attitude towards himself. And for affection and kindness he will respond with devotion and fidelity. He has an instant reaction and intelligence, so he is easy to train.

Size Chart (French Bulldog)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male27-35 cm27-35 cm9-14 kg
Bitch24-32 cm24-32 cm8-13 kg
Puppy (3 months)9-10 cm9-10 cm3.2-5.2 kg

The development of a puppy is influenced by hereditary factors, as well as diet. It is important to feed your baby breast milk for as long as possible for the proper formation of bone and muscle tissue. Growth continues until about 11 months in height, and in width up to 1.5 years. Special care is required only during the molting period. Life expectancy is 10-12 years.

Medium breeds

Their height reaches 40-55 cm at the withers, weight – 11-25 kg. Decide which breed of dog to choose for your child from the average pets. The photo shows how sweet and kind they are.

Russian Spaniel

Tireless play partner. It has so much energy that the most active person is more likely to get tired than a four-legged friend

It is important for him to be trained, taught, and not just given attention during games. Very attached to the owner. The Russian Spaniel has well-developed intuition and protective qualities; he will immediately recognize a person with bad intentions and will protect his owner.

The Russian Spaniel has well-developed intuition and protective qualities; it will immediately recognize a person with bad intentions and will protect its owner.

Shetland Sheepdog, Sheltie

He loves to be the center of attention. He treats the little ones carefully, feels like their guardian, nanny. When a stranger approaches, it will bark loudly to notify its owners of possible danger. The Sheltie can play for hours. Feels great in a large family. Suitable for living in houses with private territory, large apartments.


Active, open, love games. They are not used to dominating their owner; they often choose the youngest in the house as their leader. Beagles need systematic training and walks in the fresh air. They are perfect for runners; they will go for runs with them over any distance.

Siberian Husky

They do not tolerate living within four walls well; they need space and regular activities. They will be happy to carry you in a sled in winter. They need training and long walks in nature. Not suitable for homebodies.

Huskies are friendly, not guard dogs. They are happy with any person.

Miniature Schnauzer

Active with a reserved disposition. Although he is playful, he is not intrusive. If the owner does not have time to play, the miniature will not pester, but will settle down next to him or will follow him. They enjoy playing with everyone, regardless of age, and at the same time protect them. They are suspicious of strangers and, if necessary, will rush to protect the owner and household members.

English bulldog

Friendly, strongly attached to the owner, difficult to tolerate long separations. The bulldog gets along with kids, is ready to play and play pranks with them, but not for long. His energy reserve will last him an hour and a half, and then he needs rest. Therefore, dog experts recommend getting English bulldogs for a daughter or son who is already 10-12 years old.

Welsh Corgi

Some of the most life-loving, friendly pets. They are equally attached to all family members. They love to play, are ready for many hours of active games, but at the same time they are able to lie at the feet of the owner for hours while he works or studies. Welsh Corgis are very careful with their little ones and tolerate their pranks without any aggression.

They practically do not bark, but they like to howl.

Border Collie

Needs regular training and is very active. If she is not given proper attention, due to excess energy she can go crazy: constantly run around the house, ram walls. Enjoy spending hours outside. It should not be started for children who are too young. The ideal age of the owner is 10-12 years

A person should pay attention to the border collie every day: train it, care for its coat, walk it for 1-2 hours


Playful, strongly attached to the owner. It is better to take them with you on trips than to leave them in pet hotels, as they get very stressed. Ideal for children over 10 years old. They do not have enough patience for the pranks of too young household members. They love active games. Dog handlers say that representatives of this breed have a cat-like disposition, they are willful, and do not always easily agree to training.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

In England, these pets are called nannies because they love to take care of babies. They can even rock a newborn and get angry with parents if the baby cries. This is a guard dog. If you want your son or daughter to become its owner, it is better that they are old enough to carry out thoughtful training.


A small watchdog who is wary of what is happening. Hardy, active and energetic. Reacts quickly to extraneous noise and strangers. At the same time, he will never show aggression towards his owners.

Affectionate, nimble, tireless, curious - this is how you can characterize the Schipperke. The cute creatures pick up everything on the fly, so there will be no problems with training. Willful and freedom-loving, they are unlikely to allow themselves to be squeezed and stroked endlessly, but they are not at all averse to chasing a rubber ball or a bone with the owner.

Size chart (Schipperke)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male26-35 cm26-35 cm3-9 kg
Bitch26-31 cm26-35 cm3-8 kg
Puppy (3 months)10 cm10 cm1.5-3 kg

They are long-lived dogs, with an average age of 15 years. They are distinguished by excellent health, although congenital diseases cannot be ruled out. Standard care - combing the coat 1-2 times a week, treating the ears and eyes, trimming the nails. They are unpretentious in nutrition.

Content Features

The idea that a small dog means small problems is deeply mistaken. The tiny dog ​​requires the same care as any dog. And sometimes keeping a Pekingese or other decorative breed is much more difficult than keeping a German Shepherd or Alabai.

The reason for most misconceptions is fashion: many consider mini-dogs part of the image, forgetting about their natural needs. Of course, it’s not a problem to carry a Toy Terrier, Chihuahua, or Yorkie with you in a convenient handbag, but their walks shouldn’t end there. Yes, small dogs can wear a diaper, but this does not mean that they should not be walked outside.

Basic care rules will help you avoid mistakes:

Sleeping area. Decorative dogs love to bask on the sofa, in an armchair or in the master's bed, but, like any other pet, they need “their” corner. The dog should have a comfortable basket with soft bedding or a special bed. Care items. All dogs, especially those with thick and long hair, need proper care. Regular combing of the coat with a comb, combing with a special brush, and water treatments as necessary are necessary. Ears, teeth, claws. Caring for the ears and teeth of small dogs is no easier than for large ones. Many breeds with floppy, fur-covered ears are prone to ear infections and ear infections. Solid food can cause bleeding gums. It is also necessary to monitor the length of the claws, which grow especially quickly in former small hunters (dachshunds, terriers). Protect babies from heights and falls. One big mistake of owners of small breed dogs costs the animal's life. This mistake is purchasing a “baby” for a child. Every year, hundreds of pets die in veterinary clinics due to injuries received while playing with a child. A dog, even if it has the same name (“toy”), is not a toy for children! Small breeds are extremely vulnerable to falls, careless movements, and fractures due to jumping from high surfaces. Cloth. Cute overalls, sweaters and other clothes are not a tribute to fashion, but a manifestation of caring. The fact is that many small breeds are vulnerable to hypothermia. In regions with harsh winters and cold off-season periods, warm overalls are indispensable. But decorating it with rhinestones and other “trinkets” is the owner’s desire to express himself. Special feeding. Small dogs are more likely to have food allergies than their larger dogs.

They eat little, but the food must be of high quality. Attention to health. It’s no secret that “dwarfs” suffer from chronic diseases

Miniature breeds are prone to a range of abnormalities and diseases. The most common are hydrocephalus, renal failure, umbilical hernia, and hypoglycemia. Walks. Like any dog, “kids” need to be taken outside for a walk. And this is not so much the need for the toilet, but the need for communication and socialization. Without walks and getting to know other dogs, people, and society in general, such dogs become aggressive, tyrannical, mentally unbalanced and hysterical. Communication and games. Most decorative breeds are companion dogs, so they need constant communication with humans. It is not recommended to leave such dogs alone for a long time; you need to play and communicate with them a lot. If the owner leaves home, the dog should have a variety of toys, and even better, a four-legged friend.

Chinese Crested

One of the most active, inquisitive and sensitive breeds. A very friendly, sociable dog. An excellent companion for lovers of active pastimes. Even adults are not averse to kicking the ball around. Always positive, without care and affection they become gloomy and nervous.

By nature they are completely devoid of aggression. They are suspicious of unfriendly strangers. They are highly trainable. They get along great with people. They love to be the center of attention. Separation is difficult for them. Ready to follow the owner everywhere.

Size Chart (Chinese Crested)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male28-33 cm28-35 cm4.1-6.8 kg
Bitch23-30 cm23-32 cm2-5 kg
Puppy (3 months)20-27 cm20-29 cm3 kg

Active growth stops after changing teeth at 4-5 months. They are distinguished by excellent health, although they are very sensitive to cold, especially the hairless representatives. Their skin is susceptible to sunburn, and therefore requires special care with sunscreen moisturizers in hot weather. Dogs with fur need regular visits to grooming salons.

Miniature Pinscher (Miniature Pinscher)

By nature, this small dog is endowed with fearlessness, a lively and lively disposition. The dog is very active and curious, has a lightning-fast reaction and excellent grip - these are echoes of the natural hunting instinct.

Tends to dominate, ready to rush around, frolic, dig the ground tirelessly, and chase other animals. Therefore, breeders should restrain the pet’s irrepressible energy and not allow themselves to be manipulated. If this is not done right away, then it will be difficult to cope with the daring and stubborn nature of your pet.

With proper training and upbringing, the Pinscher will grow into a loyal and devoted four-legged friend. Perfect for families who prefer to lead an active lifestyle.

Read Sled dogs - 20 popular breeds around the world

Size Chart (Miniature Pinscher)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male25-30 cm15-18 cm4-6 kg
Bitch25-30 cm15-18 cm4-6 kg
Puppy (3 months)15 cm9 cm1.3-1.9 kg

Intensive growth continues for up to 6 months. The diet should consist of healthy foods (40% meat products). Regular brushing of teeth and sharpening of claws is required. During the cold season or rainy weather, the Pinscher freezes, so you should take care of special clothing for dogs. Average age is 13-15 years.


Yorkie Poo
With the tiny stature of a Yorkshire Terrier and the intelligence of a Miniature Poodle, this playful, outgoing, energetic mixed breed dog makes the perfect family pet. The YorkiePoo breed is a designer type of small dog that was created by crossing two different purebred dogs - poodles and Yorkshire terriers. In addition to the above benefits, they can also be excellent watchdogs due to their devotion to their family. Plus, they are hypoallergenic! The average weight of these dogs is about 6 kg with an increase of 7 cm at the withers.

Welsh Corgi

The perky little animal gets along well with adults and children. A moderately energetic dog is attentive to everything that happens. Developed intelligence allows you to study a large number of commands. Well-mannered, friendly and devoted companion.

Loves active walks and fun games. It senses the owner’s mood and adapts to it. Completely devoid of aggression and rancor, although at times somewhat excitable. The lively disposition makes itself felt in the form of loud barking.

Size Chart (Welsh Corgi)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male25-30 cm50-70 cm10-12 kg
Bitch25-30 cm50-70 cm9-11 kg
Puppy (3 months)8-10 cm15 cm5-6 kg

Rapid growth stops by 7 months. At this time, the puppy exchanges its old “fur coat” for a new adult one. A dog's diet should contain enough protein, especially in the first year of life.

Physical activity should not be neglected, especially when bone tissue is being formed. At the first sign of obesity, to which corgis are prone, fatty meat and carbohydrates should be removed and the amount of food reduced. The average life expectancy is 12-13 years.


An active, peaceful and sociable breed. For dogs of this species, tactile contact and encouragement are very important. Always in a good mood, ready to run, to comprehend the unknown. Fear is alien to them. At the same time, the dog is easily excitable and responds to the slightest irritation with a quiet bark.

Feels responsible for his owner and is ready to protect him in moments of danger. He can be stubborn and rebellious, as well as be a real stickler. Playfulness and activity are in his blood.

Size Chart (Affenpinscher)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male25-30 cm25-30 cm4-6 kg
Bitch25-30 cm25-30 cm4-6 kg
Puppy (3 months)9-10 cm9-10 cm1.5-2 kg

It is necessary to engage in development and education from an early age, because The small Affenpinscher can chew furniture, objects and mark its territory. The formation of the skeleton and muscle tissue lasts up to about a year.

The dog is in good health; a visit to the veterinary office is required mainly for preventive purposes. No special tools are required for maintenance and care. It is enough to tidy up the claws and fur in time. Average life expectancy is 12-15 years.

Mini dogs

Decorative dog breeds have always occupied a special place in people's lives. Their size is not the only attractive feature. If you take any of their decorative breeds, you will notice that they are distinguished by their beautiful exterior, as well as a wide range of prices. A person of any income can choose a lap dog. There are also some breeds whose price is very high and its purchase will cost a lot of money.

Most types of decorative dogs arose as a result of crossing working breeds, this was done purposefully. The main goal of breeding was to consolidate certain features of the exterior of a particular breed, which was most attractive to dog owners. For this reason, exaggerated features with fixed mutant and dwarf forms can often be observed in miniature representatives.

Russian toy

He has a friendly, fearless character. Ready to rush to defend its territory as soon as it senses something is wrong. Accustomed to being the center of attention, he is often stubborn and disobedient. Therefore, it is important to teach your dog order and discipline from an early age.

Cannot tolerate noise, which is indicated by loud barking and increased nervous excitability. He suffers from loneliness and constantly requires “feedback” from his owners. An active and affectionate animal, ready to frolic and play all day long.

Size chart (Russian Toy)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male20-30 cm17-32 cm1.4-3 kg
Bitch21-28 cm20-30 cm1.4-2.8 kg
Puppy (3 months)14-20 cm16-22 cm0.46-1.5 kg

Puppies grow up to about a year, but there are cases when development stops at 6-9 months. In order for the baby to grow strong and healthy, it is necessary to follow a diet and daily routine, especially during the period of active growth.

The dog does not require any special care products. With proper maintenance, diseases are excluded. Average life expectancy is 10-12 years.

The Toy Poodle is a miniature “version” of everyone’s favorite poodle.

Weight: 6-7 kg

Height: 25-28 cm

Average life expectancy: 13-18 years

The breed is relatively young, appearing in the twentieth century in France. The “toy” usually weighs 6-7 kg, with a height of 25-28 cm. The breed is distinguished by wavy, elastic and dense hair. Toy poodles are available in black, white, apricot, chocolate and gray colors.

The dog is easy to train, flexible and friendly. An aristocrat, an intellectual with spectacular external characteristics, which must be monitored very strictly so that the pet always looks presentable.

As a disadvantage, one can point out excessive noise in the form of frequent barking for no reason. The breed is prone to serious diseases, but nevertheless the life expectancy of toys reaches 18 years.

Bichon Frize

The miniature dog, which looks like a soft plush toy, will become a true faithful friend to its loving owners. Despite his funny appearance, the dog is quite smart and savvy.

A cheerful, playful disposition, sociability and emotionality are the main characteristics of the tiny creature. Excessive activity and sensitivity to what is happening can be expressed in loud barking or constant running around the apartment. If he gets bored, he becomes a real “sticky dog” and follows his owner around.

Rarely becomes attached to one family member; he is friends with everyone who is ready to play with him. The pet is artistic by nature, so it can easily learn several simple tricks.

Size Chart (Bichon Frize)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male25-29 +1 cm15-30 cm3-5 kg
Bitch25-29 -2 cm15-30 cm3-5 kg
Puppy (3 months)10-12 cm10 cm1.5-2 kg

Actively develops in the 1st year of life. The presence of thick, curly hair causes a lot of trouble for owners. Regular haircuts and bathing are required for this species. Masters the tray quickly.

Active walks in the fresh air are recommended for good health. It belongs to the category of long-lived dogs (average age 18-19 years).

Small dogs - advantages and disadvantages of keeping them

Small breeds have many advantages:

  • small height and weight. This is of great importance in a city apartment;
  • do not require large amounts of feed;
  • are friendly;
  • gets along well with all family members;
  • have a positive attitude towards elegant things that are put on them;
  • have a long life expectancy;
  • are not afraid of heights;
  • love displays of tenderness.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • the animal requires more careful care;
  • the pet needs constant attention;
  • food should only be of good quality;
  • require large maintenance costs: haircuts, shampoos, warm clothes, visits to the veterinarian.

Coton de Tulear

The owner of a soft silky coat is endowed with a lively, perky temperament. To maintain good health, your dog needs long, active walks outside.

A quick-witted and intelligent creature will be happy to master a couple of commands. He will respond to affection and care with boundless devotion and love. He is naturally gifted with courage and bravery, ready to protect his master. Always keeps his ear to the ground. If something worries him, he reacts to danger with a ringing bark.

Not picky about food. Despite its awkward appearance, it easily climbs onto tables and chests of drawers.

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Size Chart (Coton de Tulear)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male26-28 cm39-42 cm4-6 kg
Bitch23-25 ​​cm34.5-37.5 cm3.5-5 kg
Puppy (3 months)8-10 cm12-18 cm1-1.5 kg

In order for your pet to develop fully, it is necessary to feed it according to the diet and include in the diet only those foods that are allowed for this variety.

By 9 months, the tiny furry baby becomes a fully grown individual who lives for about 15 years. The coat, claws and eyes also require regular care.

A dog listed in the Guinness Book of Records

Today, the world's smallest dog is officially considered a Chihuahua named Miracle Milly, who lives in Puerto Rico with her owner Vanessa Semler. Her height is 9.5 cm, weight is 400 g. It was entered into the Guinness Book of Records in 2014.

In 2014, Miracle Millie was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest dog in the world.

Millie practically doesn’t go for walks, and if she does go outside, it’s only in the arms of her owner. She is so fragile that her tiny legs can break from any awkward movement.


A friendly, active dog is incredibly attached to its owner. Shows curiosity about everything that happens around. Subtly senses the owner's mood. It is very important for her to know that she is a favorite. He will respond with loyalty for praise, care and affection.

The dog is a complete bundle of energy. You won't have to walk down the street with him. But you shouldn’t spoil your four-legged friend too much. The dog will not become uncontrollable, but it may become prone to depression.

Size Chart (Papillon)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male20-28 cm24 cm1.5-5 kg
Bitch20-28 cm24 cm1.5-5 kg
Puppy (3 months)8-10 cm5-6 cm1.4-2 kg

Active development lasts up to a year. During this time, the baby will get stronger and become an adult. Proper nutrition and care will save the dog and its owners from many problems with education and health.

It is recommended to walk at least once a day. Average life expectancy is 14-18 years.

Alaskan Klee Kai (Mini Husky)

"Alaskan Klee Kai (Mini Husky)"
Do you like Huskies but don't have enough room for a medium-sized dog? Let me introduce you to the Alaskan Klee Kai - this dog looks like a husky, but it weighs no more than 7 kilograms! This decorative dog breed, amazing in appearance, has no health or mental problems, for which it has rightfully gained enormous popularity. If you need more convincing, English actress Sophie Turner has an adorable puppy of this miniature breed. The first miniature huskies appeared on the territory of the Russian Federation only in 2011. Therefore, they are still considered a rare and expensive species.

Japanese Chin

The dog is popular among breeders due to its calm temperament and very extravagant appearance. Very clean and picky. Rarely barks. However, in moments of danger, it is capable of recklessness, and can even hiss and spit.

Communication with a funny animal delights all generations. Easily adapts to the owner's mood. She will never bother him, but will prefer to quietly wait for attention to be shown to her. He treats strangers with caution, but demonstrates boundless love and friendship to “his own people.”

Size Chart (Japanese Chin)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male20-27 cm20-27 cm1.8-4 kg
Bitch20-25 cm20-25 cm1-3 kg
Puppy (3 months)10-15 cm10-15 cm1-2.5 kg

Puppies gain most of their weight by 9 months. Although there are no strict standards. The diet should include meat, cereals, dairy products, fish, vegetables or suitable prepared food. Food should be high in calories and high in calcium and protein.

Health problems are rare. With a properly organized lifestyle, dogs live up to 12 years.

Shih Tzu

One of the oldest breeds in the world. He gets along well with other dogs, although in moments of danger he can show aggression, expressed in loud barking. He treats people very kindly, loves company and cannot stand loneliness. However, he does not become attached to one family member; he prefers to communicate with everyone equally.

Friendly, gentle, at the same time independent and lazy, the long-haired beauty is an ideal companion for older people and a companion for children. Sitting on laps is a favorite activity of adults. Puppies are ready to play tirelessly with their owner.

Size Chart (Shih Tzu)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male25-27 cmAbout 30 cm4.5-8 kg
Bitch25-27 cmAbout 30 cm4.5-8 kg
Puppy (3 months)15 cmAbout 20 cm2.5-3 kg

It grows quite quickly: it gains full weight before a year. Particular trouble is caused by long hair, which, without proper care, hangs over the ears and eyes, and clumps into a head that is difficult to comb.

Although the breed does not have guard and hunting instincts, it is quite possible to learn a couple of commands with a cute creature.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Remember the amazingly beautiful "Elizabeth Taylor" - Charlotte's beloved dog in the movie "Sex and the City"? So, this is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel! The spectacular appearance and grace of these beautiful animals, with large, beautiful round eyes and silky hair, make this breed very popular. The Cavalier gets along well with other animals and children. Easily adapts and will become just the perfect companion.

Tibetan Spaniel

A smart, dexterous and loyal dog. He is distinguished by a balanced character, well-developed intellect and intuition. He perfectly senses the mood of his owners, loves and respects them. Treats strangers with distrust. Always shows independence and activity. When walking, he easily makes contact with other dogs. I am used to living in cleanliness and comfort.

Requires increased attention to his own person, for which he pays with devotion. If the baby doesn’t like something, he signals this with a loud bark.

Size Chart (Tibetan Spaniel)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male25 cm15 cm4-7 kg
Bitch25 cm15 cm4-7 kg
Puppy (3 months)10 cm5-6 cm2 kg

With proper care, a dog can live up to 15 years or more. The period of active growth occurs in the first 7-12 months.

Unpretentious in everyday life, easily withstands mild frosts thanks to the undercoat. However, keeping on a leash is not applicable to this species. It is advisable to start education and training at an early age.

Italian Greyhound

Small greyhounds, the ancestors of Italian Greyhounds, lived during the time of the pharaohs in Ancient Egypt; at the beginning of the 5th century they became venerable favorites in Ancient Rome. But the peak of the breed’s popularity occurred during the Renaissance, Italian greyhounds were depicted on famous paintings, and later the dogs became inhabitants of imperial courts, but the classic type was created only at the beginning of the 20th century.

This is the shortest greyhound, whose height is 32-38 cm, and its weight does not exceed 5 kg. The Italian Greyhound is very active and needs long walks and runs every day. The little greyhound has well-developed vision, thanks to which it is perfectly oriented in space and pursues prey. She has a slightly eccentric nature and is prone to injury to her limbs due to their fragility.

Australian Terrier

Future owners should remember that the decorative breed was bred for hunting rodents. Hence the increased level of activity. Has excellent vision and instinct. Warns of danger with a loud, long bark.

An absolutely non-aggressive species, it easily makes contact with people and animals. Obedient, affectionate and friendly dog. Despite its tiny size, it is quite brave and cocky. They carry out learned commands without problems, for which they then demand praise and affection.

Size Chart (Australian Terrier)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male24.5-25.5 cm14.7-15.3 cm5-6.5 kg
Bitch24.5-25.5 cm14.7-15.3 cm5-6.5 kg
Puppy (3 months)10-12 cm6-7 cm2 kg

Harmonious development directly depends on proper care. The four-legged friend is completely unpretentious. It is distinguished by good health, although vaccination, treatment against ticks and fleas, and deworming must be carried out regularly.

Read TOP hairless and hairless dogs - 9 breeds with names

He does not require haircuts in grooming salons due to the fact that the coat, although thick, is quite tough and easy to comb.

At birth, the tail must be docked, which can grow to 2/3 of the length of the body.

Rat Terrier (American Rat Terrier)

"Rat Terrier (American Rat Terrier)"

The Rat Terrier is an American breed of miniature dog that was originally used to catch rodents. Today they are more often taken as companions. Rat terriers can be either small or medium in size, weight ranges from 5 to 15 kg, and height at the withers is 36-58 cm. The rare breed is not recognized by the FCI, only by a few American Kennel clubs. Rumor has it that Teddy Roosevelt came up with the name for this pint-sized terrier. In addition to being excellent rat catchers (hello, city dwellers), they are energetic, loyal, obedient and cheerful, and have silky smooth coats.


A willful, stubborn and independent animal, but at the same time infinitely affectionate and gentle with its owners. But he will not tolerate a rude attitude towards himself; he may even bite in response. Therefore, breeders should be careful if they have small children who are used to cuddling and endlessly playing with their pet.

Some individuals may be owners. They are not averse to showing their character by showing disobedience, which makes it difficult to learn any tricks with them. They are not too active, but during walks you can let a dwarf dog run around without a leash without any problems.

Size Chart (Pekingese)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male15-25 cm9-15 cm2-5 kg
Bitch15-25 cm9-15 cm3.5-5.5 kg
Puppy (3 months)8-10 cm6 cm1.2-2 kg

Growth ends around 9-12 months. It has good health and does not cause any particular difficulties in caring for, with the exception of the eyes and fur.

Due to its structure, the visual organ is susceptible to inflammation and injury. Your pet will have to be cut once every 2 months, and its claws trimmed once a week.

Small dog breeds - review of popular pets

Chinese Crested Dog

The Chinese Crested dog can be hairless and have fur. The second type of dog is called Powder Powder and is less well known than Hairless Dogs.

The weight of a Chinese Crested dog does not exceed 6 kg. The height of babies is 23-33 cm.

A dog of this breed establishes a close bond with its owner. She finds it difficult to bear separation if she has to leave the house, and will take a very long time to get used to the new owner.

Pros of the Chinese Crested:

  • lack of shedding in hairless dogs. Puff puffs also shed very little, despite the presence of wool;
  • have a very friendly and cheerful character;
  • very trainable. You can teach them to perform even complex tricks.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • a naked dog is afraid of the cold;
  • an animal with no hair requires more careful skin care;
  • puffs require constant care for the coat, which is prone to tangles;
  • If you do not raise your pet correctly, it will chew furniture and interior items.

Moscow Longhaired Toy Terrier

The Moscow Toy Terrier is a small dog. Her weight is 3 kg, her height does not exceed 28 cm.

This breed is often chosen due to its excellent health. The dog loves to communicate and has a sweet, handsome appearance.

Pros of content:

  • can live in an apartment without any problems or special difficulties;
  • quickly establishes contact with all household members;
  • shows distrust of strangers, making him an excellent guard;
  • does not feel an urgent need for long walks and heavy physical activity.


  • trying to take a leadership position in the family;
  • have a tendency to various diseases;
  • when cold weather sets in, they freeze very much;
  • picky eaters.

Prague rat

The Prague Ratter is an ancient breed that was popular at the court of the Czech kings. A special feature of this decorative dog is its miniature size. The animal's height is 19-23 cm, weight is only 2-2.5 kg.

The rat is a brave, very smart and quite hardy dog. Unlike other breeds, he does not choose one owner, but treats all family members with equal love and affection.

Advantages of the breed:

  • small sizes;
  • friendly character;
  • intelligence;
  • calm and easy-going disposition.


  • restlessness;
  • if it is in the vicinity of small rodents, it turns into a hunter.

American lo shi pug

The breed was created by crossing a Pekingese and a pug. It is small in height, only 20 cm. Weighs from 1 to 4 kg.

This pet will become a kind of positive person in the house. He will find a common language with both adults and children. The animal is completely uncharacteristic of aggression. In general, this is a very obedient baby, capable of becoming the soul of any company.

The advantages include the following:

  • small sizes;
  • relative ease of care;
  • charming appearance;
  • good attitude towards children;
  • obedient and sociable animal.


  • tendency to a number of diseases;
  • Possibility of living only in an apartment;
  • dependence on the owner;
  • predisposition to snoring.

Rabbit dachshund

Small dog breeds include the rabbit dachshund. This animal is considered to be the smallest representative of hunting dogs known to everyone. His weight is 3.5 kg, and his height is only 10-15 cm at the withers.

Despite such modest data, the dachshund is a tireless hunter, an excellent watchdog and a devoted companion.


  • endurance;
  • excellent hunting qualities;
  • bravery;
  • excellent rapport with the owner.


  • tendency to disease. In particular, the ears and spine are affected;
  • love of constantly digging the earth;
  • habit of barking at everyone.

Pomeranian Spitz

Photo: This breed is also called the German miniature Spitz.
It has rather modest dimensions: height no more than 23 cm and weight within 3 kg. The dog has a friendly character and is obedient. A very energetic animal that loves movement. Pros:

  • stunning appearance that is impossible to resist;
  • energy;
  • love of games;
  • ease of learning and training;
  • ability to easily learn various tricks;
  • attachment to the owner.


  • the need for careful grooming;
  • tendency to bark for no reason in the absence of proper education;
  • the ability to provoke a fight with an opponent out of the blue;
  • mandatory visit to the veterinarian.


The Chihuahua tops the list, which lists the smallest dog breeds from around the world. The representative of the breed received its name due to the fact that he was a resident of the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

The minimum weight of this dog is only 0.5 kg, and the maximum does not exceed 3 kg. The height of the animal is also small, only 10-23 cm.

Animals of this breed are distinguished by touchiness and vulnerability, despite the fact that they have the character of a watchdog.


  • does not require a lot of space to live;
  • the cost of feeding the pet is minimal;
  • requires simple care;
  • does not need long training sessions or frequent walks.


  • conflict situations are possible if there are other animals in the house;
  • unusually jealous;
  • most Chihuahuas have a tendency to bark for no reason;
  • picky eaters;
  • get very cold in the cold season.

Miniature Pinscher

The breed has German roots. The pet is very small, its height is from 25 to 30 cm, and its weight does not exceed 6 kg.

The Miniature Pinscher is a sweet, energetic animal, cheerful and loyal. Gets along well with children. Has a tendency to be stubborn. Early socialization and training are very important.


  • undemanding in care;
  • very vigilant, has good watchdog qualities;
  • playful;
  • has good external characteristics.


  • needs proper upbringing, otherwise it can be aggressive;
  • prone to stubbornness;
  • frequent and loud barking.

Russian Tsvetnaya lap dog

The Russian Tsvetnaya lapdog is a fluffy baby weighing up to 1.5 kg and height not exceeding 26 cm. Has different colors.

Suitable for completely different people, both single and family. The dog has a sweet, friendly character; it quickly finds a common language with people of different ages.


  • sociability;
  • playfulness;
  • high intellectual indicators;
  • excellent health.


  • tendency to eye diseases;
  • long hair requires careful grooming.


Photo: The Bolognese breed got its name from the city of Bologna, which is located in Italy.
The standard height of this miniature dog ranges from 25 to 31 cm. The weight has a lower limit of 2.5 kg and does not exceed 6 kg. Bologneses get along well with people, children, and other animals. They were originally bred to be a companion for humans. The pet's character meets all the requirements for a companion dog.


  • sociability;
  • the ability to find an approach to everyone;
  • playfulness;
  • calmer temperament than other small breed dogs.


  • careful grooming;
  • needs constant human attention.

Bichon Lyon

There are many sites on the Internet that describe breeds of small dogs with photographs and names. Among such descriptions you can find the Bichon Lion dog. After studying the information, you can decide whether to have this baby.

So, what is a Bichon Lyon? This is an old French breed, whose closest relative is the lapdog. The haircut, in which the hair remained only on the animal's head and at the tip of the tail, gave the name to the breed, because the dog became like a lion.

The height of a dog starts at 21 cm. The upper limit is different in each country, but in general it does not exceed 38 cm. A small lion weighs about 4 kg.

Despite its rather modest size, the Bichon Lyon is distinguished by its courage and fearlessness. In addition, this is a very kind dog. Lyon is playful and active, so he is not suitable as a sofa dog.


  • devotion;
  • cheerful character;
  • absence of causeless barking;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • the ability to get along well with everyone around them.


  • requires careful grooming and regular haircuts;
  • difficult to train.

Petit Brabançon

Petit Brabançon is a decorative smooth-haired dog with a height not exceeding 25 cm and a weight of about 4 kg.

Even the photograph of Petit Brabançon shows that this little guy has self-esteem. The dog is characterized by a very balanced psyche; it quickly becomes attached to its family.


  • lack of aggression;
  • high intelligence;
  • sociability;
  • placability;
  • easy to train.


  • predisposition to skin and eye diseases;
  • the habit of picking up various objects from the ground;
  • poor tolerance of separation from the owner.

Japanese Spitz

The height of the Japanese Spitz is 30-38 cm, and the weight can be 5-8 or 10 kg. This animal is cheerful, active throughout its life and completely taciturn.


  • easy learning;
  • contact with any member of his family;
  • as a companion it is simply ideal;
  • is a good watchman.


  • excessive distrust of strangers.

French Bulldog

Bulldogs also made it into the top of the smallest dog breeds, although they are not so modest in size.

The height of the French bulldog is 25-35 cm, weight 8-15 kg.

These pets have a menacing appearance, but inside they are cute and soft. They make excellent but demanding companions as they need a lot of attention.


  • friendliness and playfulness;
  • gets used to any place quite easily;
  • does not need long walks;
  • performs well as a watchman;
  • Grooming the coat is not particularly difficult.


  • needs consistent training, since at such moments his obstinacy manifests itself;
  • does not like loneliness;
  • does not tolerate hot weather very well;
  • often snores.

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is a little dog from England, or more precisely, the county of Yorkshire. It has a light weight, not exceeding 3.2 kg, and a height of up to 23 cm. This breed of dog is characterized by its curiosity, intelligence, courage and intelligence.


  • immeasurable love for a person;
  • curiosity;
  • mobility and activity;
  • cleanliness;
  • a calm attitude towards a person’s attempts to dress him up and do his hair.


  • difficulties in caring for the coat;
  • fear of cold weather;
  • fragility of the pet.


Photo: [email protected] /22503908307/
The breed is quite ancient, its existence dates back more than 2000 years. Pets were originally intended only for royalty.

The height of the Pekingese is only 15-23 cm, and its weight is 3-5.5 kg. Like almost all dogs of small breeds, the Pekingese is simply confident in its irresistibility. This is a dog that combines a high level of intelligence, pride and self-esteem. But at the same time, these are very vulnerable natures who are sensitive to shouting and rough treatment.


  • good looks;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • ease of care;
  • good health;
  • performs well as a watchman.


  • predisposition to certain diseases due to the specific structure of the muzzle;
  • heavy shedding;
  • the need to protect the animal from exposure to high temperatures.

Tibetan Spaniel

The Tibetan spaniel once lived in monasteries, where he served as a watchman and companion. Buddhist monks considered this breed sacred, they were even allowed to pray. Tibetan spaniels were not for sale. They could be given only to worthy and respected people.

The dog is small in size, its height is approximately 25 cm. The weight of the animal is from 4 to 7 kg.


  • good mental performance;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • activity;
  • restraint in emotions;
  • consistently strong nervous system.


  • the need for constant attention;
  • excessive energy;
  • stubbornness;
  • self-confidence.

Toy Fox Terrier

Toy Fox Terrier is a terrier type dog. She is small in height - 21.529 cm, and weighs from 1.5 to 3.5 kg. Its character combines the features of terriers and decorative dogs. This means that the baby is brave, determined and intelligent, and is also completely devoted to his owner.


  • ease of care;
  • love for the owner;
  • ease of training;
  • doesn't need a lot of food.


  • love of barking;
  • predisposition to injury due to its small size;
  • The lack of undercoat makes the dog a big freezer.

Shih Tzu

A selection of photos dedicated to the Shih Tzu makes it clear that a significant part of its charm is its long, beautiful coat. But the character of the animal is quite cute.

This is an ideal companion, with a mischievous, cheerful character, selflessly loving not only people, but also other animals.

The Shih Tzu is 20-28 cm tall. Its weight ranges from 4 to 8 kg.


  • unusual appearance of the pet;
  • cleanliness of the animal;
  • high level of intelligence;
  • consistently calm psyche, without manifestations of aggression;
  • does not have any unpleasant odors typical of dogs;
  • the ability to find a common language with other pets.


  • requires a lot of time and effort for daily care;
  • is a bad watchman;
  • does not like loneliness;
  • has a tendency to illness and allergies to household chemicals and tobacco smoke;
  • exhibition specimens require large expenditures for various procedures.

Japanese Chin

At one time, the breed was popular among the Japanese and Chinese nobility. Representatives of the breed lived in imperial palaces.

The dog is small in height, only about 25 cm, and weighs from 1.8 to 3.5 kg. This is a cheerful creature, distinguished by its intelligence and loving owner. But at the same time, the Japanese Chin loves to be in the center of everyone's attention. The lack of this same attention can lead to your pet withdrawing and becoming jealous.


  • interesting exotic appearance;
  • cleanliness;
  • easily get used to the tray;
  • taciturn;
  • having a fairly strong backbone.


  • excessive distrust of strangers;
  • a specific structure of the skull, which leads to difficulty breathing;
  • the need for constant attention from the owner;
  • picky eating;
  • heavy shedding.

Prague rat

A very mischievous, active dog. Excellently trainable. It’s difficult for the little cheerful creature to sit still. A calm and reasonable dog shows aggression in exceptional cases: when it senses danger.

The arrival of a stranger is signaled by a loud, prolonged bark. Ambitious, inclined to show heroism in front of large “brothers”. Loves affection and kind attitude. He is very smart, understands why he is criticized or praised. However, it is absolutely forbidden to beat him. This can not only injure delicate skin, but also cause psychological trauma.

Size chart (Prague rat)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male20-23 cm21-24 cm2-2.6 kg
Bitch20-23 cm21-24 cm2-2.6 kg
Puppy (3 months)10 cm10.5 cm0.7-1 kg

Average life expectancy is 12-14 years. Caring for a rat rat is simple. The coat should be brushed regularly with a rubber brush, teeth and ears should be cleaned 3-4 times a week.

Nutrition should be correct and balanced depending on age.


Has a complex character. She can be flexible, as well as show disobedience and cockiness. Despite its miniature size, it is distinguished by increased sensitivity and painful pride.

Can be offended and jealous, which is expressed in loud barking and arrogant behavior. A dog becomes attached to one owner. She is subject to mood swings: she has just licked an uninvited guest, and in a minute she may try to bite her on the leg. Hardy, loves outdoor games, has a good reaction.

Size Chart (Chihuahua)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male15-23 cm15-23 cm3 kg
Bitch15-23 cm15-23 cm3 kg
Puppy (3 months)4-5 cm4-5 cm0.5-1.4 kg

Representatives of this species grow to approximately 8-10 months. The main factors for the harmonious formation of physical and intellectual abilities include: heredity, quality of nutrition, habitat and training.

The stages of socialization will pass faster if the pet is forced to actively move, and not kept constantly on your lap.

Pomeranian Spitz

The miniature pet has excellent hearing and intelligent, expressive eyes. A very sociable dog with a lively, playful disposition. Although he is often stubborn. It is better to eradicate a bad habit in childhood, otherwise the dog will then be able to easily manipulate the owner.

The Spitz loves movement and will never prefer it to the sofa. The friendly animal is surprisingly savvy and amenable to training. If he feels that he or his owner is in danger, he is ready to fight the offender without fear.

Size chart (Pomeranian)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male18-22 cm18-22 cm1.4-3.2 kg
Bitch18-22 cm18-22 cm1.4-3.2 kg
Puppy (3 months)14-16 cm14-16 cm0.46-1.15 kg

Final development ends by 2-3 years. It is by this time that the dog gains the required weight and height. Along with genetics, feeding and housing conditions play an important role in the formation of a living creature.

It is strictly forbidden to cut Spitz dogs; you can only trim the ends, otherwise the structure of the coat will be damaged. They live on average 12-16 years.

Rabbit dachshund

Decorative dog with an elongated body. He has a soft, obedient character. Very sociable and curious. Easily adapts to a new environment and becomes very attached to its owners. It is difficult to endure a long separation from the owner. This cheerful, active and intelligent animal is adored by all family members.

The dog is not devoid of fearlessness and independence, cunning and stubbornness, although it will never encroach on the authority of the breeder.

Size Chart (Rabbit Dachshund)
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male12-16 cm20-27 cm3-4 kg
Bitch12-16 cm20-27 cm3-4 kg
Puppy (3 months)4-6 cm6.5-8 cm1 kg

The skeleton is fully formed by 15 months. If the vaccination schedule, proper care and nutrition are followed, the individual lives on average 12-15 years. Being in old age, the animal does not suffer from laziness. His interest in the world around him is at the same level as in childhood.

The structural features create additional stress on the back, so owners must carefully ensure that the pet does not overeat and does not grow in width.

So you have learned about the smallest dog breeds in the world, and which breed is the smallest in your opinion? Write in the comments!

Irresponsible breeding of pocket breeds

Pocket breeds are quite common because their miniature members are cute and adorable. However, in the pursuit of profit, breeders often achieve small sizes at the expense of poor animal health. Such irresponsible “entrepreneurs” are only concerned with the maximum number of dogs, and not their condition. You should be very careful and not support such a business, and buy pets only from reputable dog breeders.

Here are some tips to make sure you are getting a responsible, reputable breeder:

  • visit a place where animals are kept;
  • check the parents of your future furry friend;
  • ask questions regarding the history of the breed and puppies;
  • ask for veterinary documents for the puppy and both parents;
  • Ask for contact information of dog owners who have used the services of this breeder and call them to find out their opinion.
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