7 Basic Commands for Training a Pomeranian

Hello. A week ago, my husband and I bought a Pomeranian Spitz, a 2.3-year-old female. The dog immediately found a common language with my husband, did not leave a single step, and was affectionate. Vivid aggression towards me. Unable to pet him, he starts growling. If I’m home alone, the dog sits in its place (under the table) and doesn’t come out. He doesn’t go outside with me, he even bites me. I give treats - he takes it warily and runs away. Please advise what to do in the described situation? I want understanding and affection from the dog. She didn’t scream, didn’t scold, didn’t hit. What to do?

Education at home

This is necessary, first of all, for the owner himself. It will hardly be pleasant for him to walk with an uncontrollable Spitz, constantly running away from him, rushing at passers-by and running after cars with a loud bark. And an untrained dog will cause a lot of problems at home. For example, tearing books to shreds or barking at people passing by the door.

Unlike large dogs that require professional training, the Pomeranian can be raised and trained independently , without the help of a dog handler or from time to time consulting with a professional if any problems arise during the training process.

This approach to training will require a lot of time and effort from the owner, but it will all pay off in full: the dog will understand the owner literally, and the owner can rightfully be proud of a perfectly trained pet.

Education is the process of shaping a dog’s behavior that suits its owner.

During home education, the relationship between the animal and its owners is established.
The foundations of behavior are laid in various conditions: at home, on the street, in transport, in a veterinary clinic, at exhibitions, at a party, etc.

It is how the Spitz is raised that will determine its attitude towards strangers, other people's dogs and other animals, such as cats or, for example, birds. Unlike the training process, which takes several weeks or months, raising a dog begins from the first days of its appearance in the house and continues throughout its life.

Types of aggression and possible causes

Selection has minimized the manifestation of predatory instincts. Clear training and impeccable pedigree are the key to a dog’s predictability. In most cases, a missed moment of upbringing results in aggression, which is difficult to eradicate after one and a half years. This trait takes root, so as not to aggravate it, it is important to thoroughly understand the reasons.

Aggression is classified according to its source of origin, and a number of main types are distinguished:

  1. Hierarchical. Based on the distribution of roles in the “pack”, family. If the dog is not put in its place at a young age, as it matures, the animal will become confident in its own role as a leader, setting the tone of behavior. Characterized by insubordination and insolence. Often a dog determines its only owner, which does not mean that aggression towards family members is acceptable. A similar situation arises if the dog changed his family and, having recognized the “leader”, simply did not have time to get used to the rest of the household. Hierarchical aggression towards everyone except the owner becomes a consequence of the owner’s disdainful attitude towards training. For example, you should not allow a dog to become a higher rank than a child. Nurturing this trait is the task of the “leader.”
  2. Defensive aggression. Occurs in stressful or dangerous situations. Cowardly-aggressive behavior is often observed when the dog is scared but ready to attack. Stray dogs and animals that have been abused are often susceptible to this type. Owners of dogs adopted from shelters face similar aggression. Poor treatment does not always mean cruelty; difficulties can arise from ignoring the puppy and lack of attention. Defensive aggression develops against a background of mistrust. At the first sign of unwanted behavior, it is important to prove to the dog your own goodwill. If the habits are alarming, it is better to seek the qualified help of a dog handler.
  3. Sexual aggression. Vividly expressed during puberty. In males it manifests itself in relation to males during “courtship” of a female. Females tend to show sexual aggression during estrus, during the period of feeding their offspring.
  4. Acquired. Aggression is not always cultivated purposefully. The trait towards irritating factors that the owner did not consider as a reason for aggression is strengthened. Example: the puppy’s play is inflamed, the baby growls and fights, defending the toy. For the puppy, what is happening is serious, but the owner stops playing (tired, tired, has something to do) and lets go of the toy. In the situation described, the puppy believes that he has won, forcing the owner to retreat with his own roar.

Basic commands for a puppy

You don’t have to teach your Spitz special tricks, but he must know these basic commands from puppyhood:


It doesn't have to be complicated or intricate. The puppy should be called by name from the first day of his appearance in the house, and it is advisable not to distort his name at least at first.

A puppy can easily be named by calling him by name before feeding or by rewarding him with treats and games after he comes to his owner's call during a walk.


Many owners abuse this command and at the same time forget that the command “Ugh!” - this is an order to the dog not to pick up inedible and suspicious things or to spit out what it managed to grab in its mouth, and not at all a ban on continuing unwanted actions.

You should not replace the “Fu” command with the “No” command , since although they are similar, they are not identical. Also, there is no need to use it in combination with other commands, as this can completely confuse the dog, and when commanding “Fu!”, it is necessary to reinforce the action with a sharp jerk of the leash.

"It is forbidden"

This command is used to prohibit unwanted actions, such as begging near the host's table, barking at passers-by, running after cars, chasing cats or birds.

Like “Fu,” this command must be spoken in a clear and stern voice that cannot be ignored or disobeyed.


Even before purchasing a Pomeranian, it is necessary to prepare a place for the puppy where he will sleep and where he can be sent if necessary, for example, when guests come, and the Spitz is in the way of everyone, getting underfoot or loudly barking at people who come to the house.
As soon as the puppy falls asleep somewhere in a place not intended for this, you need to pick him up and take him to his bed. If the Spitz takes this calmly, then you need to praise and pet him. If the pet wants to leave, you need to gently but persistently hold it, repeating: “Place!” In the end, the puppy will understand what is required of him and will stop resisting.

Most dogs perceive their bed as a place where they can be completely safe. Where no one will touch them, and therefore it is unacceptable to punish the Spitz when he is on her.

Tips from dog handlers

Experts in the field of Spitz training give owners the following advice:

  1. Start training the dog 3-4 hours after feeding.
  2. Encourage your pet not only with treats, but also with kind words and approval.
  3. Conduct training sessions from simple to complex. The reverse algorithm is difficult for a dog to learn.
  4. If your Spitz is nervous while studying, you should stop him, calm him down, and show him some care.
  5. Follow the training schedule: 3 times a week – 1-2 hours, on other days – 15 minutes.


Training a dog is a very interesting and important process. You should start training your puppy from an early age. About this in the video.

"To me"

One of the most necessary commands that can save a dog from death under the wheels of a car.

The puppy must clearly understand that as soon as he hears this command, he must immediately run to the owner.

It is necessary to teach your pet this command from an early age.

To do this, if the Pomeranian is free-range, you can show him a treat, call him by name, and only then command: “Come to me!” After the puppy runs up, he needs to be rewarded with treats and play.

The pet should associate the command “Come” with something good: a treat, a game or a walk. It should not be given by calling the dog in order to punish. Otherwise, next time the Spitz may not approach the owner.


This command is necessary to teach the puppy discipline.

When teaching it to a Pomeranian Spitz, it is necessary to resort to methods of physical influence on the dog.

To do this, you need to take the puppy on a leash, say his name and then the command “Sit!”

Then you should lightly press on the animal’s sacrum and at the same time pull the leash forward and upward.

As soon as the Spitz sits down, he should be immediately rewarded with treats and praise.


Like the previous one, this command develops the dog’s obedience.

To teach it to a puppy, you need to show him a treat, then lower your hand forward and down. The Spitz will reach for a treat, and at this time you need to give the command “Lie down!”, and then gently press on the back of the pet’s back, forcing him to lie down. When your Pomeranian follows the command, you will need to reward him with praise, treats or play.


When giving this command, you need to gently but persistently tighten the leash, forcing the dog to approach the owner’s left leg. At the slightest attempt by the Spitz to move away or run forward, you need to repeat the command. If it doesn't work, tighten the leash again.

Pulling on the leash should not cause pain to the animal. As soon as the dog follows the command, it needs to be rewarded .


  • The main character traits of a Pomeranian: female or male?
  • Character of the Pomeranian Spitz
  • Basic commands
  • Raising a dog

In this article you will learn what features of character and behavior are inherent in the Pomeranian Spitz. After studying this information about the temperament and disposition of the Pomeranian Spitz at different ages, you will get an idea about the breed. Find out how the character of a bitch differs from the behavior of a dog. We hope our article will help you figure out which gender of puppy is best for you.

Features of training

When training a Pomeranian puppy, you need to follow these guidelines:

  1. Training should be consistent: first teach the pet simple commands, and then move on to more complex ones.
  2. At the beginning of training, each team should be supported by a nickname.
  3. When training, you need to act gently but persistently. You should not yell at your puppy or punish him too much. But at the same time, one should not allow commands to be ignored or executed incorrectly.
  4. Almost all commands should be given in a calm voice without a threatening intonation. The only exceptions to this rule are the prohibiting commands - “Fu” and “No”.
  5. You should not distort the names of the commands, for example, replace the command “Lie down” with “Lie down” or “Lie down”. This can confuse the dog and cause it to refuse to follow the owner's orders.

A Pomeranian should never be allowed to carry out commands given by strangers. This will help prevent the dog from being kidnapped and will reduce the risk of strangers harming it.

The main character traits of a Pomeranian: female or male?

The Pomeranian Spitz puppy is an active and restless pet. If you take care of and train your puppy, you can avoid pampering. Constant damage to things does not indicate the baby’s bad character, he is just very active and needs somewhere to throw out his energy. You can buy toys for him, he will be active with them, direct his energy to playing with them. Already from 3-4 months (the time of socialization), he is able to perceive the general rules of education. At this time, it is important to begin socializing and training the dog.

Let's stop barking

Pomeranians are big fans of barking, but neighbors and passers-by on the street are unlikely to like it. This means that you need to wean your puppy from such a bad habit as excessive barking.

It should be remembered that:

  1. A dog should be scolded for barking excessively, but it is unacceptable to use physical methods of punishment.
  2. It is best, as soon as your Pomeranian starts barking at neighbors or passers-by, to attract his attention with a toy. Just don’t immediately play with your pet or, especially, give him a treat. Then he will decide that his owner rewarded him for barking loudly. Then the process of weaning from this habit will take much longer.
  3. When a Spitz barks for no reason, you can spray water from a spray bottle into its face. You just need to make sure that it is water splashes and not a stream of water. It can cause harm to the dog or greatly frighten it.
  4. If a Spitz barks at people passing by the apartment door, then you need to force the dog to stop this action. Then ignore him for some time, thereby showing your dissatisfaction. For Pomeranians, most of whom are very people-oriented and cannot do without communicating with their owners, this will be the most severe punishment.
  5. To wean older puppies from barking, you can use the “No!” commands. and “Place!” Only they need to be served not at the same time, but with some interruption, so that the dog does not think that the owner is forbidding him to go to the place.

What does a barking spitz mean?

Barking is a verbal method that dogs use to communicate with each other and with humans. Every time behind the usual “woof” there is some information or emotion of the animal. Scientists have long found out that domesticated animals bark more often because they have to convey their desires to their owners. In the wild, representatives of “canines” rarely use bark.

Dogs are capable of making different sounds over a wide range and can easily change timbre. In addition to barking, they howl, whine, squeal, and growl. Each intonation is accompanied by corresponding movements of the ears and tail. If you are attentive to your pet, you can easily guess what he wants to convey to others.

Reasons why a Spitz barks

What can a dog's bark express?

  1. joy (when meeting the owner, from the delicacy received, during the game);
  2. a warning for those who have crossed the boundaries of the dog-protected area;
  3. aggressive attitude;
  4. asking for food and water;
  5. call to play;
  6. attracting the owner's attention;
  7. request to go outside;
  8. pain, discomfort (cold, heat);
  9. fear, despair;
  10. anxiety, stress;
  11. boredom, melancholy;
  12. communication with others like you (social barking).

What determines the barking of a Spitz dog?

If you pay close attention to your pet, you can determine what the dog wants by the nature of the sounds it makes. Barking speaks volumes about the animal's emotional state.

  1. A strong fright is indicated by a long, loud bark that turns into a squeal.
  2. Low, rough sounds indicate an aggressive mood.
  3. Rare joyful “woofs” - the dog wants to play or is happy about the owner’s return.
  4. The intervals between “woofs” have become shorter, the volume of sounds is increasing - the Spitz has sensed danger and is preparing to defend itself.
  5. Lingering sounds that turn into howls indicate hunger, cold, melancholy and loneliness.
  6. Fear is indicated by random barking and squealing. The tail is lowered at this time.
  7. Noise sounds turning into a menacing roar - the animal is threatening, ready to defend its owner and territory.
  8. Loud barking followed by puppy yelps most often occurs in dogs during play.

Important: dogs have a unique ability to change the timbre of their voice without tension. Their barking can be divided into melodic and noise.

Bitch: character

There is an opinion that Pomeranian Spitz bitches have a more submissive and gentle character. But experts believe that character largely depends on heredity and individual characteristics. There are always exceptions, bitches with a very difficult character, and there are males with an easy-going and submissive character. But still, there is a difference in the behavior of the sexes. There are advantages and disadvantages for female and male genders.


  • Strong relationship with owner and home
  • Emotionally sensitive perception
  • Girls are smarter and smarter than boys
  • Accepts training tasks well
  • During walks, he runs less in the bushes
  • Doesn't rush at strangers
  • The breed is ideal for breeding, just one assessment from the exhibition is enough


  • Sly
  • Periodic menstruation

Insufficient loads as a reason for fixating on “one point”

To survive, an ordinary dog ​​or wolf in its natural habitat is forced to:

  • spend up to 15 hours a day on the move;
  • defend territory in a fight;
  • stalk prey for a long time, hunting for food;
  • fight for the opportunity to produce offspring;
  • spend energy on protecting the young and raising offspring.

The domestic dog spends most of the day lying in a cozy bed. She does not need to hunt - the owner regularly supplies food. He is not given the opportunity to fight within the pack; there is no reason or the owners do not allow him to fight with his fellow tribesmen outside the walls of the house. But the body of a domestic dog is not much different from the body of, for example, a wolf - energy is produced taking into account the needs listed above. It is not surprising that many dogs that do not receive enough physical and emotional stress become hyperactive sexually. This is an outlet where the body “drains” excess strength that simply does not fit in the body of a dog that is forced to spend most of its time lying on the sofa. Therefore, for comfortable coexistence with an uncastrated male dog, you need to accustom yourself to go for walks every day: either long exercise on foot, or active games with the owner or fellow tribesmen.

Positive sides


They not only look like smiling, bouncy balls, they are. Spitz are very optimistic and active. Very active, tireless dogs, distinguished by good health and endurance.


Spitz are very smart and easy to train, even if the owner does not have such experience. They grasp everything on the fly.

Security skills

Spitz dogs have no hunting instinct. They are guards. Natural distrust of strangers and deep affection for their owner and their family make them excellent watchdogs. Spitz dogs signal any intrusion into their territory with a loud bark.

Loyalty and empathy

Representatives of this breed become very attached to all household members and are able to capture the slightest nuances of a person’s mood. They perfectly adapt to the needs of the owners.

Respectful attitude towards children

Spitz are very patient and gentle with children. They can allow children a lot, and will never bite. Here, sometimes it is more important to raise a child than a dog that resembles a toy, so that the latter does not get hurt.

History of the breed

Those who just want to get a dog of this breed, or already have one, probably cannot even imagine that the ancestors of these fluffy little ones were many times larger, tougher and lived in the north. Thanks to archaeological excavations, it was possible to find out that their ancestors were the so-called turf dogs, which were used for movement.

Everything began to change dramatically during the Middle Ages. Their appearance and energy attracted special attention from European aristocrats. Noble people increasingly began to show off not only their beautiful dresses, but also their little furry companions. According to history, the inhabitants of Germany can be called the discoverers of the Pomeranian Spitz as a small domestic dog. It was in this country, at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries, that breeding of the Spitzhund breed began, which later spread throughout all nearby countries.

It is worth noting that the first Spitz weighed about 15 kilograms! Therefore, dog breeders who were breeding this breed selected the smallest individuals and tried to get a more compact litter.

The fate of this breed changed the moment the British Queen Victoria saw a Pomeranian named Marco . The Queen could not resist his charm, so he soon went home with her, where the breeding business was continued. Since then, these dogs have become regulars at various exhibitions. They received a lot of awards, won international competitions, thanks to which a dog breeders club appeared at the end of the 19th century. Only wealthy ladies and representatives of noble families could enter it. They not only organized various competitions for dogs, but also founded many nurseries where Spitz dogs were bred and kept. By the way, at that time each kennel was breeding dogs of a certain color.

The efforts of English dog breeders did not go unnoticed. At the end of the 19th century, America became interested in the breed. Spitz were brought to the USA, where for a long time they were not recognized as a separate breed. However, in the 20th century the situation changed dramatically, and the first exhibition for Pomeranian Spitz was finally organized in the USA. Despite the fact that the breed looked amazing, American breeders still tried to make their own adjustments to it. However, after a while, their attempts to breed smaller Spitz dogs were over. The fact is that a strong decrease in body proportions had a bad effect on the health of dogs and their ability to reproduce. In addition, during experiments they found that maintaining the blue coat color of dogs is the most difficult, and white Spitz dogs are larger than their relatives.

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From this story we can conclude that the breed has come a very long and difficult way. However, it was definitely worth it, because now these fluffy buns delight their owners, amaze them with their intelligence, touch them and give them happiness every day. Therefore, if you want to buy yourself a small, fluffy and kind companion, then the choice is clear - this is a Pomeranian.

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