Who is better to choose - a girl or a boy Pomeranian

Charming Pomeranian Spitz puppies are active, energetic and restless, they can be kept even in the smallest apartment, so there are more and more fans of the breed. Potential buyers are faced with the question of who to choose: a girl or a boy Pomeranian. A lot depends on the gender - how successfully the training can be carried out, whether problems will arise during the maintenance, what kind of relationship will develop between the pet and the owners. In order to be fully prepared for any surprises, it is worth getting acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of females and males of the Pomeranian breed and only after that make the final choice.

Pros and cons of Pomeranian girls

Among all small decorative breeds, females are in greatest demand. The German Pomeranian is no exception; girls are preferable for most dog breeders. There is an opinion that they are submissive, soft and sweet. The character of a dog, regardless of its gender, is influenced by the individual characteristics and heredity inherited from the Pomeranian’s parents. But still, there is a difference in the behavior of representatives of the two sexes, and therefore they have both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of Pomeranian girls include:

  1. Gentleness and goodwill - females are affectionate and loving, they become strongly attached not only to the owner, but also to all family members.
  2. Subtle emotional perception of the environment - they feel the mood of a loved one and empathize with him.
  3. Ingenuity - in any situation they can show originality of thinking and find a non-standard solution.
  4. High intelligence and quick wit are easy to train, teach and educate.
  5. Compliance - girls are obedient, follow the orders of the owner.
  6. They are quickly toilet trained and do not mark their territory.

There are several features of Pomeranian girls that can be attributed to the disadvantages of dogs:

  1. The need for hygienic care during estrus.
  2. Difficulties and complications of reproduction - they cannot give birth without outside help, it takes a long time to recover after pregnancy.

These shortcomings are not so important that one cannot choose a Pomeranian girl. The disadvantages can be minimized if you have patience, strengthen control and care for the females.


So, for your purchase to bring you pleasure in all its forms:

    Make sure your home is suitable for each breed of dog . If the dog is large, there should be plenty of room for it to move. If the house is small or you live in an apartment, then the barking of a big dog will drive not only you, but also your neighbors crazy. Having a backyard will create a place for your dog to play actively. After all, they love fresh air and games so much.

Make sure you have enough money . This is not about money to buy a puppy. You must have money for food, visits to the veterinarian, and a hairdresser (if it is a long-haired dog). Also an important condition is the availability of free time. You need to not only walk with the dog, but also play. If you don’t devote time to her, she will get bored, and may even begin to damage furniture and things.

Find a friend for your puppy . If you work a lot and spend little time at home, be sure to find a dog sitter. She will feed her, play with her and take her outside on demand. This way your dog will be happy and his character will be flexible.

The dog can be naughty. In puppyhood, they all seem obedient and flexible. But some individuals can literally turn your house upside down. Be sure to think about what you can do with your dog at home to redirect his attention - buy special toys .

If you already have other pets, think about how introductions will take place and whether your pet will accept the new family member . This should be done very carefully so as not to traumatize the animals’ psyche. Give them the opportunity to sniff each other and get used to it.

  • Prepare your home for the arrival of the puppy and create a comfortable environment . Buy a small house or bed for your puppy. While on it, he will be able to relax and feel safe.
  • Pros and cons of a Pomeranian boy

    Male Pomeranians are no less funny and playful than girls. They can brighten up the everyday life of an elderly person, become a companion for the young, or a play partner for children. Among the advantages of boys:

    1. They have a wonderful appearance - their coat is thick and lush, their body is muscular, which is why male dogs are purchased for participation in exhibitions.
    2. Restrained character - they rarely show their emotionality, more often they behave sternly and distantly.
    3. They are capable of demonstrating protective qualities - when strangers appear, they rush to defend their territory and owner.
    4. Endurance and perseverance in achieving results.

    Most of the shortcomings of Pomeranian boys can be corrected.

    Among the disadvantages of males:

    1. Excessive stubbornness - require more persistent training and education.
    2. Wayward character - it is difficult to force someone to do anything against their will.
    3. During a walk, it can run away from its owner if it smells a female.
    4. Fights with other males.
    5. Marks territory.

    The difference between a girl and a boy

    Despite the outward manifestations of gentleness and obedience on the part of Pomeranian girls, they do not behave the same in different situations. So, if several Pomeranians live in the house, the female will strive to dominate and lead the hierarchy. It is quite possible that he will show arrogance, intolerance, demandingness, and even dominance in his territory. In nurseries, conflicts between two girls during the struggle for dominance are not uncommon.

    Boys, despite their waywardness and stubbornness, are more attentive and devoted to their owner, and become strongly attached to family members. Male Pomeranians perceive other animals in the common territory more easily; they are more sociable and more sociable than females. For male dogs, praise and treats are a huge motivation, which makes the training and training process more effective. At the same time, they practically do not grow up, remaining in the behavior of puppies until the end of their lives - they can easily be distracted by sounds and movements. And in old age, males remain cheerful, can play serenely, and do cute stupid things. Pomeranian girls become more and more serious over the years, they behave nobly and decorously.

    To get attention from the owner, the bitch will come to him and leave when she sees fit. Males wait for the person to turn his gaze on him and stay with him until the last.

    A girl does not have to give birth; experts recommend either knitting her regularly or not doing it at all. Male dogs, depending on the breeder's goals, can be bred or neutered at four to six months of age.

    Despite the fact that the appearance of boys is considered brighter and more beautiful, and girls are considered graceful and petite, there are females who are easily confused with males. They not only have a male constitution, but also a corresponding character.

    A common feature of Pomeranian males and females is courage and lack of fearfulness despite their small size. The breed is intelligent and smart, but boys love to bark for no apparent reason; this habit is rare in girls.

    Females shed more intensely, especially during estrus. They need to be brushed more often at this time. Due to their brighter exterior, boys are rated higher at breed shows.

    Physiology and behavior

    Most owners, when choosing a pet for their home and family, do not consider mandatory exhibition activities and do not plan to participate in breeding breeding programs. Therefore, excluding the issue of reproduction, we will dwell on the physiological differences between males and females, and the behavior associated with them.

    Girls . When trying to discern the character and temperament of a puppy, you should not forget that bitches are softer, more cunning and generally more obedient, and the estrus period, which lasts about 21–30 days, no more than twice a year, will not make life much more difficult, and it is enough not to let the dog loose off leash.

    Boys . Males, in contrast to females, are more honest, straightforward, more active in everyday life, dominant on the street and more often find out who is in charge in the family, and are also not averse to sorting out relationships with neighboring males, with whom they can be close friends.

    Who is better to choose?

    Most often, the question of who to get - a boy or a girl Pomeranian Spitz - is not fundamental and depends only on the personal preferences of the dog breeder. Some choose impressive-looking male dogs that do not shed much, do not lose physical shape throughout their lives, and are excellent for a show career. Others like Pomeranian girls who mature quickly. To make the right choice, you need to weigh your options, all the pros and cons.

    There are advantages to purchasing a male Pomeranian. Even if at some point he runs away from his owner on a “date,” his unplanned mating will not produce unwanted offspring. They don’t have regular heats like girls do, so you don’t need to buy sanitary panties for them, and you can walk with your pet calmly, without fear of unwanted “acquaintances.” Exhibitions and competitions are planned boldly, and not canceled due to heat. For this reason, there are always more males at events, they take prizes, and the breed standard is written from them.

    There are also some disadvantages. There is no possibility of getting offspring unless you agree on a mating or purchase a female as a mate for your pet.

    Most often, Pomeranian boys are more aggressive, and if there is a choice between going after the owner or the bitch, they will run after the girl if she is in heat. There is only one way out - keep the Pomeranians on a leash during walks. Another unpleasant feature of males is that they constantly mark their territory with urine, not excluding any room, including an apartment.

    Choosing a Pomeranian girl has its advantages - you can regulate the frequency and timing of mating, and get the desired offspring at a time when the dog is feeling well and the owner needs puppies. The bitch does not run after a pack of dogs, does not mark her territory, and not all Pomeranians need to buy hygiene materials; some do just fine without them.

    There are several facts against purchasing a Pomeranian girl. Although females do not mark their territory, this is done by males, who do not leave the door of the house if they smell heat. “Cavaliers” often try to protect their “lady” from everyone, including their owners.

    There are times when girls fight. If for boys everything ends with the voluntary surrender of one of the opponents and recognition of the supremacy of the strongest, for females the battle goes to the death.

    The best option is to purchase Pomeranian Spitz of both sexes in order to get twice as much positive, especially since all the difficulties with maintenance are easily overcome.

    Determining the healthiest and best of the litter

    You can determine the physical condition of a puppy using the following criteria:

    • His movements should be confident and free. The puppy should stand well on its hind legs. If there are problems with the limbs, then they are noticeable immediately - just watch the dog’s behavior.
    • The coat color must be the same as the breed standards. It should be shiny and free of seals and bald spots.
    • There should be no pus in the eyes - they are dry and shiny.
    • The surface of the ear is always pink, it has no discharge or unpleasant odor.
    • The nose is cool and wet, also without any discharge. It is undesirable for there to be pigmentation on its surface.
    • The oral cavity is pale pink and there is no plaque on the tongue. You need to ask the owner if the puppy's mother has all her teeth. There should be 42 of them. You can check if necessary.
    • The baby's abdomen should be smooth, but not bloated.

    Who is better - a bear-type boy or a girl?

    Bear-type Pomeranians (Teddy) are chosen more often than other varieties. Small dogs that look like teddy bears have their own differences, which dictate certain rules for the care and maintenance of such babies.

    Their main feature is a round head and a short, flattened muzzle. The nose is turned up, and the small eyes are located close to each other. Both girls and boys of dwarf Spitz are distinguished by their small height (up to 22 cm), weight up to 3 kg and unique appearance. They look like tiny bears thanks to their haircut, fluffy hairs on their faces, creating the effect of cheeks and a charming smile.

    The female looks more graceful than the male, who has a voluminous chest and strong legs. Plush Spitz dogs have a lot of advantages:

    1. The character is cheerful and inquisitive.
    2. “Bear cubs” are smart, energetic, love active games, and can run all day.
    3. Thanks to their high intelligence, they are not difficult to train.
    4. Dogs are incredibly clean - they lick themselves like cats.
    5. Teddies love people very much.
    6. They are distinguished by devotion and fidelity.

    Minor disadvantages of the bear-type Pomeranian are associated not only with its behavior, but also with physiological characteristics:

    1. He is prone to gaining excess weight.
    2. Joints and bones are weak.
    3. Boys are especially stubborn and can become aggressive towards opponents.
    4. They love to bark for any reason - out of joy, fear and surprise.
    5. They can be capricious.

    You need to start raising Pomeranians as early as possible in order to correct flaws in character and behavior in time.

    Despite the tenderness and voluminous appearance of the wool, caring for it is not as difficult as it seems. It is necessary to tame the brush from the first months, this is especially important during the molting period. At this time, Spitz girls lose hair more actively than males and they need more frequent and thorough brushing. Dogs are bathed once every 2-3 months with a special shampoo that does not dry out the orange skin.

    It is impossible to answer the question of who is better, girls or boys, bear-type Pomeranians. Before choosing, you should determine for yourself why you need a puppy. A show-class male is suitable for exhibitions and competitions, a breed-class girl is suitable for breeding, and a pet-class baby of either sex is suitable as a pet.

    How to choose a puppy: important tips for a future dog owner. Everyone needs to know this!

    Have you decided to get a dog?
    This is a great idea! But you should definitely plan all the nuances and think about possible problems.
    This article is an excellent guide to learning how to choose the right little puppy.

    By following the recommendations outlined below, you will not only be able to choose the right breed, but also take a healthy and strong baby into your family.

    Peculiarities of raising a bitch and a male Pomeranian

    Pomeranian Spitz is an ancient breed, in the blood of which there are genes of sled dogs, hunters and watchmen. Despite their miniature size, decorative dogs inherited from their ancestors leadership qualities, independence, intelligence and perseverance in achieving goals. Cunning is also characteristic of Pomeranians. If you don’t raise children, after a while they begin to manipulate others, take advantage of their position - they become theatrically offended, throw a tantrum, their faces take on an unhappy expression that no one can resist.

    You should not fall for such tricks, which can most often be expected from Pomeranian girls. It is unacceptable to solve a problem with shouting or corporal punishment. Only by establishing a connection with your pets and understanding their needs can you achieve results. The main attributes of the owner are persistence and encouragement.

    The training of Pomeranian boys and girls is more successful given their love of games. By turning the activity into a competition with a prize in the form of a tasty piece of treat and praise, learning becomes effective and enjoyable for a puppy of any gender.

    Boys are stubborn and try to dominate everyone in their social circle. Their acting talent comes into play when they need to achieve something, and if it doesn’t work out, they refuse to eat and pretend to be sick and unhappy.

    Girls are not tyrants, but they can achieve their goal by “making” innocent eyes and a touching muzzle; in extreme cases, they begin to whine and squeal.

    Depending on their age, Pomeranian Spitz are taught the following skills:

    • up to 2 months - know your name, place, tray;
    • at 3-4 months – they are introduced to the environment outside the home, taught to go to the toilet on the street, and not to take food from someone else’s hands;
    • at 5-6 months – training in basic commands.

    When raising girls and boys of Pomeranian Spitz, they follow a number of rules:

    1. Training is carried out not from time to time, but regularly, according to a clear schedule.
    2. At the beginning of each lesson, previously learned skills and commands are reviewed.
    3. It is unacceptable to demonstrate anger and shouting; mistakes must be patiently repeated and explained.
    4. The Pomeranian is encouraged and praised for every achievement.
    5. For training, choose a secluded place; nothing should distract the pet from the learning process.
    6. Allowing a dog to follow a stranger's commands is unacceptable.

    Features of the care and maintenance of girls and boys

    Regardless of what gender of the Pomeranian puppy you decide to purchase, you need to carefully prepare for its arrival in the house. The territory must be safe and comfortable for living. To achieve this, several activities are carried out:

    1. Remove live wires and cables from the floor so that the puppy does not chew them.
    2. They limit the territory, blocking access to places from where it will be difficult to get it.
    3. They make the balcony safe so that the pet does not accidentally fall out.
    4. Remove all interior items that are unstable and could fall.
    5. Cover the floor with a rough material to prevent the puppy's paws from slipping.
    6. Make the trash can, small objects and chemicals inaccessible to the orange.

    Pets must be handled with care. A Pomeranian puppy (especially girls) has very weak muscles, so they are taken with both hands at once - they sit on one and hold it under the chest with the other. Children should not be left unattended on a sofa or chair. Jumping from great heights can result in injury. Little Pomeranians need a lot of sleep - their resting place is organized in a quiet, cozy corner, where no one disturbs and there are no drafts.

    The main rule of feeding Pomeranians is to create a balanced menu and not overfeed. If the baby has an unkempt appearance, his coat has become matte and patchy, it is worth analyzing the diet and adding vitamins to it.

    From the first month, puppies are toilet trained. As soon as they start looking for a place and sniffing corners, they are transferred to the tray. For boys, choose a container model with a post so that the dog marks it and not the furniture in the apartment.

    Special attention is paid to the choice of toys for the Pomeranian. The ideal material is latex or bovine sinew. You can chew on them without the risk of choking on small plastic or iron parts.

    The Pomeranian needs to be walked in any weather, he needs communication with other dogs and exercise in the fresh air. The first walks lasting 15-20 minutes are carried out immediately after vaccination and quarantine, gradually increasing the walking time. You should not take your Pomeranian out into the scorching sun, and in cold weather be sure to wear overalls.

    Brush the dog 2-3 times a week. Grooming is especially necessary for girls, since after childbirth they shed very intensely. To avoid causing problems with the coat, bathe no more than once every 2-3 months. After a walk, just wash or wipe your paws.

    The Pomeranian's ears are erect, so they rarely get sick. Care consists of regular cleaning and removal of natural secretions using cotton pads soaked in boiled water or zoo lotion.

    The eyes of Pomeranians are large and protruding and often watery. They are wiped with a clean cloth every day, and if purulent discharge appears, contact a veterinarian.

    The claws are trimmed twice a month as they grow, removing only the keratinized part without touching the pulp. The teeth are cleaned with a brush or a finger with a bandage wrapped around it. The frequency of the procedure is 2-3 times a week.

    Pomeranian girls require special care during the period of heat. The first occurs at the age of 8-12 months and lasts up to 25 days. For a bitch, the period is quite difficult. At this time, you must follow the rules:

    1. Walk only on a leash.
    2. In cold weather, keep away from drafts and rain.
    3. Do not participate in competitions and exhibitions.
    4. Purchase special hygiene products and protective underwear against infections.

    Breed characteristics and training

    Boys . Having chosen a cute, clumsy puppy that looks like a soft toy for your home, be sure to be prepared for him to grow up - the baby will grow into a large, bright, but also independent male with a clear desire to dominate, as well as to occupy a higher level in the hierarchy of your family. You will have to cope with this without allowing yourself to be pushed around, which requires strength - both moral and physical, strength of your character and endurance. However, many dog ​​breeders will prefer the company of a male dog for joint trips to the fields, hunting, fishing, just for a walk or to warm up by walking or jogging in a forest or park. Because any owner appreciates in his dog courage, endurance, tirelessness, and the desire to share the joy of mutual communication in any life realities or situations. This is the striking feature of boys - straightforwardness and devotion.

    Girls . Unlike males, females are usually much calmer, more obedient, more affectionate, gentle and friendly with their owner. It is believed that the intelligence of females is much higher than that of males; they are more intelligent, flexible, with a good instinct of self-preservation and a developed emotional perception of the outside world. Bitches rarely claim key positions in the family, however, leadership is also inherent in them, but at the same time they are subtler, more cunning, adapt well to life circumstances, due to which they are easier to train and communication with them is much richer due to their more complex, multifaceted and less direct character than that of males.

    There is a common opinion about the so-called “cross-selection” of a puppy - a male owner should choose a female, and a female owner should choose a male.

    What to look for when choosing a puppy?

    It is better to buy a Pomeranian Spitz from a specialized nursery or from professional breeders. Reputable, trusted sellers always have a website on the Internet where you can monitor their work, read reviews and draw conclusions. By the time they are handed over to their new owners, puppies must be vaccinated according to their age, and information about them must be included in the veterinary passport. During the purchase of a Pomeranian, an official deed of sale and purchase is drawn up.

    When choosing a puppy of a certain color, take into account that five colors are standard - white, zone-gray, black, orange, gray and their shades. Determining color at an early age is quite difficult. You can look at the fur behind the ears or move the fluff on the back. Most likely, an adult Pomeranian will have the same color as in the indicated areas.

    If the type of dog (bear, fox or “toy”) is important to the future owner of the dog, it will be possible to distinguish the babies only at two months.

    When choosing a Pomeranian Spitz, pay attention to the conditions under which they are kept. Enclosures should be clean and spacious.

    You need to make sure that the puppy is healthy. Such a baby is not afraid of people and goes to its future owner without fear. He is moderately well-fed, not obese. The pet's belly is round. You need to make sure there is no hernia. The coat is thick, rich in color, without bald spots or dandruff. There is no redness, rash or inflammation on the skin. The puppy's eyes and ears are clean and free of discharge. The nose is cold and wet.

    A Pomeranian should not be younger than two to three months. It must be remembered that taking very tiny puppies is dangerous. They have weak immunity and are at high risk of disease. The pet must be able to eat independently and be accustomed to eating food appropriate for its age.

    Purpose of purchase: for breeding or “soul”

    Boys . If you decide to become the owner of a stud dog, then you need to remember that only 5% of dogs with a pedigree and good conformation are used for breeding. In addition to an excellent exterior and a considerable number of exhibition titles, high-quality rearing with specialized feed, appropriate physical activity and sports training, the stud dog must have good health and psyche, the absence of defects not only in his own, but also in the closest related offspring, etc.

    Girls . The requirements for choosing a female stud are not as stringent as for males; it is possible to purchase a puppy with insignificant deviations from the standard, these may be minor flaws and must be without defects. But, again, it should be remembered that if the purchase of a bitch is planned to create a nursery, then when choosing, in addition to the pedigree, it is necessary to take into account the exterior, and high-quality rearing and care, as well as the requirements for health and psyche should be as high as and from a stud dog.

    If you look at the issue of choosing the gender of a puppy a little more broadly, then what is important is not the gender of the dog, but its character and temperament, and their closeness to the character and temperament of the owner himself. Therefore, you should pay attention, first of all, to compliance with the breed characteristics, and whether the puppy is a boy or a girl is absolutely not important, since once you like it, it means yours from the tip of the nose to the tip of the wagging tail. Look carefully at the puppies you like - maybe you will see an arrogant, bully girl, which you will like more, or, on the contrary, a kind, sociable boy will catch your heart. So choose a character that is close to yours, without limiting yourself to certain attitudes towards a male or female.


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