How to stop a dog from crapping in an enclosure: effective ways

  • December 21, 2019
  • Dogs and hunting with them
  • Elizaveta Matchina

The article offers information that worries many dog ​​owners: how to stop a dog from crapping in an enclosure.

Despite all the joy and excitement of bringing home a new puppy, potty training can be enough to make an owner begin to doubt his or her abilities. Don't get upset in advance. In fact, this is one of the most popular problems among dog owners of many different breeds. This question becomes especially acute when you are the owner of an impressive home pen, for example, as in the photo below.

A dog enclosure, the size of which directly depends on the breed of the pet, is unpleasant to clean, no matter how small or huge it is. You can make it yourself, the main thing is to correctly calculate the dimensions of the structure. The minimum length of one wall is 2 meters. This is enough for a comfortable stay. During construction, the breed of the dog is taken into account. The table shows the relationship between the height of the pet and the area of ​​the enclosure.

Height in cmArea in m2
60-65from 10
50-60from 8
less than 50from 6

Temperament is also taken into account: for example, for mastiffs, despite their large size, an enclosure of 10-12 meters is suitable, while for lighter, but active and restless huskies, a room with a walking area of ​​15 square meters is needed.

So, the area of ​​the enclosure is more or less clear, but what about the height? The height of your dog’s possessions should be such that he can freely stand on his hind legs and not reach the roof.

So how do you organize your faithful friend? The ideal solution is to train your pet to relieve itself outside during a walk. But this option will be practically inaccessible to owners of very young wards. After all, kids need to go for walks very often, which is almost impossible! One more nuance: the dog must be fully vaccinated before going out into the world and having contact with other animals.

Root cause of the problem

First you need to understand why your pet does this. In fact, there can be a huge number of reasons. The issue discussed in the article concerns destructive behavior both in the home dog enclosure and in the house itself (relief on the sofa is not such a rare occurrence).

As soon as you get a pet, you need to provide it with a place for the toilet. This must be done, because you can’t walk him now, he has not yet completed the full range of vaccinations. Contact with infected animals can have disastrous consequences. This is the first piece of advice regarding the long process of stopping your dog from crapping in the kennel.

It is better to lay out newspapers or diapers in the place reserved for the toilet. You can also use specially designed toilets for dogs. As soon as your pet has been vaccinated, begin teaching him to relieve himself while walking. It should be one specific place, and not anywhere.

How to stop a dog from crapping using repellent odors

Nowadays, many veterinary pharmacies and pet stores have a large assortment of special medications that can be used as an aid to stop a dog from shitting in the wrong place, for example, on the carpet. These products are quite effective, you just need to spray all the places where your pet is addicted to doing this.

The smell will scare the dog away the next time it is about to do an unacceptable act. These products are successfully used not only in apartments, but also in summer cottages; they help preserve garden beds and lawns.

Very often young dogs on a walk do not understand where they can go to relieve themselves and where not. Unfortunately, the animal is not aware of the presence of beds, lawns, and front gardens. The best solution would be to spread repellent odors in areas where the pet is not allowed to walk. However, many chemicals quickly evaporate or completely pollute the soil. Therefore, the site recommends preparing such a remedy yourself from available ingredients, especially since there is nothing simpler. It can be created using alcohol, vinegar, shag, citrus fruits, or even hot pepper—there are still many household smells that repel dogs.

The smell of rubbing alcohol lingers for a long time, and dogs cannot stand it. Therefore, if she smells a similar aroma, she will try to avoid these places for a long time. Place swabs soaked in alcohol around the garden. In an apartment, it is enough to wipe the floor with water with the addition of a small amount of alcohol.

Hot pepper is also able to protect the garden from pet attacks. A decoction of hot pepper irritates the mucous membranes, so dogs will avoid contact with this product. Spray the leaves of plants, beds with it, or, for example, wash the entrance with it if the animal has taken a fancy to it.

Vinegar essence is also an excellent repellent for dogs. Dampen rags with this solution and place them in “hot” areas. The effect will not be long in coming - the dog is unlikely to want to be there, much less pee.

The smell of citrus fruits is more suitable for indoors, as it disappears faster, and it would be irrational to spread the remains of oranges and lemons all over the area. You will have to lubricate the surfaces with citrus juice every day, but in the end, the dog will remember where the source of the repellent odor is and will understand what they want from it.

Sprinkle baking soda over the entire surface of the lawn. You can also use a soda solution and pour it over the area where the dog managed to mark the territory. It is unlikely that she will return there with bad intentions. In addition, baking soda protects plants from other diseases or insects. It neutralizes the smell of urine and scares away other dogs.

Basic Techniques

  • "Come to me" command. Ideally, your dog should run towards you on command. It is much easier to control a pet who is fluent in this command. As a rule, few people have problems during the learning process.
  • Conduct regular training. In addition, you need to pay attention not only to the fact of why the pet does not want to stay in the yard, but also to train it not to do so. Regular exercise will tire the dog and it will not want to waste energy.
  • Sterilization. Neutered dogs are less likely to travel and are also not attracted to members of the opposite sex. On the other hand, you have the need to monitor interactions with other dogs.
  • Install a fence. Give your pet enough space to move around without worry. If you decide to install a fence, you need to make it high enough so that the dog cannot jump over it. You also need to cement the foundation so that it does not undermine. If you do not want to resort to such a measure, then periodically check to see if your four-legged friend has gone on a journey.
  • Always work on your pet's behavior. Your responsibility during a walk is to explain to him in an understandable way what he can do and what he cannot do. If you have not done this, keep the animal on a leash. Also, include your number and home address on the collar. If you're lucky, if you lose it, caring people will return your pet. After it has been returned to you, do not scold it, but rather praise it and give it something tasty. If you encourage him to return, then sooner or later he will understand that this place is his home.
  • Enjoy spending time together with your pet. For many, dogs are good friends who take owners on various adventures. In addition, arrange your yard so that the animal is not interested in leaving its confines. Train his behavior, encourage obedience with delicious food. Also buy him toys so that he can chew and fiddle with them.
  • Add variety to your dog's life. Very often they become bored with backyards, so they may run away to explore a new area. Take your pet for rides in the car, if possible, and take them to parks and training grounds.

The second reason is lack of attention

Another reason may be lack of attention. If you walked your dog in the morning and left it alone for the whole day, then you shouldn’t be surprised at the “minefield” that it has prepared for you. How a dog goes to the toilet also directly depends on the owner. This is a protest.

How to proceed in this case? After all, the dog shows that he does not want to be alone for a long time. A technique that can be used to wean a dog from chewing things in the house will help here. Train your dog to accept your grooming. Let him know that you are not leaving him and that you will return home soon. A little effort - and you will get rid of the unpleasant consequences of your long absence.

Prohibited and permitted methods

It often happens that people take a dog into their family without studying the main points of raising it. This threatens permanent puddles and piles around the house, which over time will introduce a persistent smell of feces into the atmosphere of the apartment. If all efforts are in vain and the puppy continues to poop in inappropriate places as he gets older, it means the owners are doing something wrong.

What is not recommended to do:

  1. You cannot raise your voice at the animal while the pet is defecating and immediately after it. Such actions will develop the wrong reflex in the dog; it will begin to shit in secret places or eat excrement in order to hide traces of the crime.
  2. It is prohibited to hit an animal or poke its nose into a puddle. The pet will be afraid of such treatment.

How to proceed:

  1. Regularly take the animal to its place at the same time. You can’t take him outside or take him to the toilet today and skip all the events tomorrow.
  2. When the dog does the right thing, you need to praise it with treats, pet it, and hug it. In the future, she will do anything for approval.
  3. If you constantly repeat the same actions, the animal will remember them and will not crap in the house.

When a baby misbehaves, the owners should scold him with behavior, not screaming. It is important to show frustration and dissatisfaction. Representatives of decorative breeds and many large dogs can be punished by ignoring them. For them, there is nothing worse than lack of attention.

Control your emotions when breaking up

Many inexperienced owners say goodbye to their pet too emotionally when they intend to leave him alone in the enclosure. By this they themselves encourage the pet to be nervous and afraid of this moment. As a result, the prospect of being left alone makes him anxious.

Don't repeat this mistake. When you leave, tell your dog in a calm voice to stay in the enclosure. Do not reassure with words: “Stay here, my dear, I won’t be long and will come soon.” The dog does not understand the content of this phrase, but he perfectly detects the alarming, pitiful notes in your voice. That is why he begins to get nervous and prepare for the test.

When you return, you can not hold back your emotions and show them in full force, especially if you have been away for a long time. Play with your dog, give him a piece of food he likes. Tailed friends quickly get used to this way of life if the owner does not make mistakes and behaves consistently.


The listed actions can be supplemented with auxiliary means - special preparations sold in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. They help scare the animal away from the wrong place with the help of an unpleasant odor or, conversely, attract it to the tray.


For owners who do not trust industrial products, folk remedies are suitable. They are easy to find in a regular kitchen cabinet or home medicine cabinet. To repel and eliminate odor use:

  • vinegar;
  • citrus peel and juice;
  • soda;
  • hot pepper decoction;
  • cotton swabs soaked in rubbing alcohol.

Be careful when using these products. Their aggressive effects can lead to burns of the nasal mucosa.


The effect of veterinary drugs is individual. Here you will have to try until a suitable spray is found. Popular brands include Antigadin, Puppy Trainer and Stop it Dog. The effect occurs within 2 hours after use.

Raising a pet is a painstaking, but important and interesting task. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and remember that success never comes right away. Try to be patient and enjoy your pet’s success as if it were your own.

The article is of a recommendatory nature. Consult your veterinarian or dog handler!

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The third reason is illness

What should you do if your dog shits in the enclosure, but previously only relieved itself outside? Contact your veterinarian immediately for help, your pet is probably sick.

The thing is that recently dogs are often switched exclusively to dry food, citing the fact that it is healthy and contains a whole complex of vitamins that contribute to the proper development of the dog. Of course, this is true: dry food does contain vitamins, it is nutritious, and dogs love it very much. But no one pays attention to the fact that it leads to various diseases, including the urinary system.

If your dog is faced with this disease, then he will go to the toilet often and, possibly, in the wrong place. Don't scold him; your pet is most likely incontinent.

Reasons for misunderstanding between puppy and owner

  1. The baby does not understand what his owner expects from him. A pet can shit wherever it wants: on the floor, on the carpet, on the sofa, even in the entrance. And the owner behaves ambiguously. Either he scolds his four-legged friend, or he jokes affectionately, which the dog understands as approval. Owners often make one mistake - they do not walk the animal the required number of times. The puppy must remember that the dog toilet is outside.
  2. Puppies can't hold out for long. Due to physiology, puppies from birth to three months cannot tolerate more than 1-2 hours. A 6-month-old purebred puppy, such as a Labrador, should be taken outside after 3-4 hours. Only closer to a year can the animal easily endure a walk. The animal can be trained to walk a couple of times a day.

Stress and negative emotions

A dog may start defecating at home due to stress caused by:

  • Change of residence
  • The arrival of a new person or animal in the house
  • Painful medical procedures
  • Unusual smells and sounds

Lack of attention can also affect a pet's uncleanliness in the house.

Lack of attention

Having deliberately shitted in the apartment, the dog knows that punishment will follow. However, the pet is ready to accept such a fate for the sake of the owner’s attention. The fact that the dog is in dire need of your attention is indicated by piles and puddles made on the sofa or bed.

When left alone for a long time, the dog falls into despair and is even ready to commit an immoral act and deserved punishment.

Digestive disorder

Digestive disorder is one of the reasons why an animal may begin to leave piles and puddles in the apartment. The pet cannot tolerate going outside and defecates at home. Let us list the main reasons why this condition occurs:

  • Errors in nutrition
  • Stale foods in the diet, poisoning with poisons and drugs
  • Binge eating
  • A sharp change in diet: from dry food to natural products
  • Viral and bacterial diseases
  • Internal parasites

If you suspect that the above reasons are causing your dog to defecate at home, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system

If there are problems with the bladder, the animal will inevitably leave puddles in the apartment, even if the owner follows the walking schedule. This problem is especially common in older dogs.

For example, a bladder tumor may contribute to frequent bowel movements. The disease is detected and treated only by a veterinarian in the clinic.

Sexual hunting

When heat occurs, the hormonal background of the animal changes: females and males begin to mark. Animals use scent to mark their territory and attract partners for mating.

Sexual heat in females occurs 2 times a year. And males are always ready to mate if there is a female in heat nearby. Therefore, the problem of marking an apartment due to heat is more relevant for owners of male dogs than for owners of female dogs. Let's look at ways to solve it.


For some time, mating with a female will help solve the problem of male tagging. However, as soon as the pet again feels the bitch in heat, sexual hunting and marking of the territory will resume.


Removing the testes from a male dog is a radical method of solving the problem of sexual heat. A male dog may not change his habits after castration, especially if he is castrated as an adult.

In addition, castration is not suitable for breeding animals that are used for breeding. After the operation, procreation will be impossible.

Exile syndrome

Symptoms of this problem most often include marking the bed, their beds and personal belongings of the owners. In dog packs, there is a practice of expelling weak members from the pack. To maintain the existence of the pack, the leader may decide to expel from it those who threaten it. These could be old people, disabled people, or young dogs that are too emotionally excitable and weak. Therefore, it is important to understand that a dog, being unsure of its importance and need for the pack, may be afraid of expulsion. These are, as a rule, issues of trust in the owners and a question of self-esteem of the dog itself. In this case, the dog craps at home in order to earn the right to be in its “pack”. She strives to leave as much of her scent on her personal belongings as possible. For the owner, this is a kind of message: “Don’t drive me away! Love me!" Do you have the right to punish your dog for toileting at home in this case?! In no case! Any punishment in such a situation will only lead to aggravation of the dog’s condition. Not only will you not solve the problem, but you will complicate it. In this case, you need to take care of increasing the dog’s self-esteem and increasing trust in your relationship.

How to train a dog so that it does not run away and always stays in the yard

Many people are faced with the problem that the dog does not stay in the backyard, but constantly runs away somewhere. There are certain reasons for this. Almost every dog ​​enjoys running around in new places. However, when an animal constantly runs away from home, it becomes a bit of a challenge. The task of every owner is to maintain the health of their four-legged friend. So how do you train your dog to stay in the yard?

Training techniques should be explored to ensure your dog remains safe at all times.

First you need to find out why the dog does not want to stay in the backyard.

First you need to determine whether the animal is doing this out of its own fear. Perhaps something is frightening the dog, so it is trying to hide. In addition, animals often react too strongly to unfamiliar noises. Perhaps there is construction work going on in a neighboring area and your pet is simply scared. He may also be afraid of various visual images, such as flashes of bright lights or strangers walking on the sidewalk past your house.

As a result of a long training process, does the dog still shit in the apartment?

In this situation, a consultation with a veterinarian is necessary, and if he confirms that there are no physiological reasons for such behavior, then a meeting with a zoopsychologist will be required.

The help of specialists is also necessary if the owner cannot independently understand the reason for the dog’s inappropriate behavior.




Is your dog taking longer to toilet train than you expected? The main thing is patience. Even learning one basic command takes a lot of time, and this is such a difficult question. This section provides several facts about dogs associated with loose toileting.

  1. A puppy cannot control his bladder until he is 16 weeks old. So no matter how much you want it, he just can't wait long.
  2. He will not be able to control his bladder until he is 17 weeks or older. Please note that a four-month-old puppy can “hold himself in his paws” for only five hours. Next, add another hour to each month. It's the same time at night.
  3. Each breed is individual. For example, miniature dogs may need more frequent walks due to their fast metabolism and tiny bladder.
  4. Each puppy is individual, even within the breed. Your first pet may have been potty trained in a few weeks, but your next one may take months.

Why are SEX BARRIER drops for males chosen by experienced breeders and dog owners?

  • There will be no more marks. SEX BARRIER solves the problem of marking the territory due to sexual hunting. Eliminates all problems associated with male sexual activity.
  • A male dog will be able to have puppies. The use of SEX BARRIER is a humane alternative to castration, since after discontinuation of the drug, the reproductive function of the dog’s body will be completely restored. The male dog will be able to have offspring again in 2-3 months.
  • Safe for health SEX BARRIER is a bihormonal drug. Due to two analogues of natural sex hormones, the concentration of active substances in SEX BARRIER is reduced tens of times in comparison with analogues. This ensures high safety of the drug while maintaining its effectiveness.

Fear of separation

Dogs are truly loyal to their owners, no matter who they are, so there is a chance that the pet will run away from home in search of you.

Fear of separation arises precisely because of attachment to the owner. It is activated when the pet cannot go with you, for example, to work. Therefore, determine whether he is sad in your absence.

So, we have decided what could be the reasons why a dog leaves home. Now let's move on to simple steps that will help prevent him from running away.

Why does an adult dog shit in the house?

To cope with a similar problem that manifests itself in an adult pet, you will have to work hard on it. To retrain such a dog, in addition to auxiliary means and smells that repel dogs, you will need a lot of patience and perseverance, as well as intensive training.

Before taking any action against animals, Miss Clean magazine recommends determining the reason why they began to behave this way. You may need to consult your veterinarian.

  1. Diseases of the genitourinary system are characterized by a frequent urge to urinate; a dog in such a situation simply cannot wait to go for a walk.
  2. Incontinence caused by old age or illness. A sick pet should never be scolded. For a dog, the fact that he gets dirty in the house is already stressful. Be sure to show your pet to the veterinarian, buy dog ​​diapers or nappies.
  3. At one time, the animal did not develop a feeding and walking regime. To eliminate the problem, your pet should be provided with regular meals and walks.
  4. An owner who once shows aggression towards a dog may lose authority in front of it. She may start to shit even when he starts talking to her loudly.
  5. A dog can also write out of boredom, that is, when no one is playing with him, showing in such a simple way that he needs more attention. This could be a kind of protest, for example, if another pet appeared in the house or even a child who was given more attention.


It is very important to constantly monitor the dog, this is also the key to successful training. You cannot prevent accidents if there is no direct contact. This section has some tips to help with supervision.

  1. If you have organized a toilet for your dog in the enclosure, take him to the potty as often as possible. For small breeds, intervals between attempts may be as little as 15 minutes.
  2. Set a timer that will notify you when it is time for your pet to go to the toilet. This is necessary in case you forget about new responsibilities, as a result of which “accidents” occur.
  3. Monitor your puppy to learn to recognize the signs that he wants to go to the toilet. Very common occurrences include sniffing the ground, circling in one place, or whining. When you notice these signs, take your pet to the bathroom immediately.
  4. If you are busy with something and cannot keep the dog in sight all the time, then a long leash that is wrapped around the waist will come to the rescue. This way you limit the space for the dog, and he is always in your field of vision. This option is suitable for those who have an aviary in their home.

We teach the correct manners - we teach you to walk

The owners have a question: how to stop a small puppy from peeing on the floor of the house? Often this question is acute for inexperienced educators. Experienced dog lovers unanimously answer this question - patiently.

No folk remedy will help, it is important to mentally prepare for the long process of learning to walk.

It is quite possible to avoid irritation from sudden puddles on the floor:

  • it is necessary to temporarily remove carpets and rugs from the floor; cleaning the floor is easier than a bright carpet;
  • wear slippers in the apartment - it will save you from suddenly entering into the consequences of life activity;
  • Prepare a bucket of water and a rag - wash after the puppy as soon as you notice that he has relieved himself.

Teaching the command “Place!”

Training your dog to learn this command is quite easy. You need to put a treat in the booth and invite the animal to get it, while saying the word “Place” loudly. After repeating the manipulation several times in a row, take a short break. After some time, the fun game is repeated again, but the treat is placed in the booth every other time.

Additional Information! When teaching a command, you need to choose the right moment when the animal is in a playful mood, it is cheerful and active.

It is quite difficult to train a pet to stay in a kennel. This is a labor-intensive process that requires a lot of effort and patience. To achieve success, you need to act persistently but gently. Through joint games and treats, the owner can show that the booth is very good, comfortable and cozy.

Aviary for rest

An enclosure for a dog (photo above) as a place to rest is a good option, because animals do not like to get their bed dirty. And if you introduce it to your pet correctly, he will not view the crate as a punishment. Everything will turn out exactly the opposite - this will be his shelter, a safe place.

When choosing an aviary, you need to consider several nuances.

  1. Select a cage of the appropriate size. The dog should be able to lie down and turn around, but without excess space. If the crate is too large, the puppy may use one end as a toilet, which will delay potty training.
  2. Use a large drawer and dividers. If you are purchasing a crate for an older dog, dividers can help the space “grow” with the dog.
  3. Associate it with good experiences (put treats there, feed it there, put your favorite chew toys there), then the pet will soon fall in love with its personal space.
  4. Reward him for going to his place. The aviary is great for relaxing, do not use it for punishment.
  5. Take your dog directly to the toilet area when you let him out of the crate.

How to toilet train a puppy?

If the dog is still small, then, in general, there is no problem. Your pet will learn to go outside during the first year of life.

Important Puppies do not know how to endure and therefore “go” where they have time. It cannot be any other way. Scolding a puppy can only make things worse. However, you can teach your baby to use the toilet, which is discussed below.

To protect your apartment from the smell of dog urine and feces, it is advisable to allocate a small space on the flooring that is easy to clean as a toilet. You can also cover an area of ​​the floor with an absorbent blanket. The most important rule is to try not to punish the dog for “bad” behavior, but also don’t particularly praise it for “good” behavior, even if it was done in a designated area, since, in the long term, the dog should get used to the street. As a rule, before the first vaccinations, the puppy cannot be taken for walks, which is why he is temporarily taught to use the toilet indoors.

Use newspapers and special diapers for dogs. You should bring the puppy to them as often as possible: when he has eaten, he just woke up when you saw that he began to sniff the floor or spin around in place. Praise for “correct” urination. Yelling at a dog if it has already committed a “bad” action is unacceptable; it will not understand what its fault is. Aggression can only frighten the puppy; he will simply begin to be afraid and avoid his owner.

Tip If you see that the baby is starting to try on the “pee-pee”, throw the keys on the floor or hit your hands so that he is distracted, and then pick him up and immediately take him to the diaper or outside. In your hands, the dog will try to be the most restrained, and if you lead him on a leash, he can leave a “gift” right on the staircase.

Arrangement of the kennel

To begin with, decide on the material for the kennel. It could be:

  • Plastic. Products made from this material are light and cheap. They are easy to transport and wash. They do not rot and do not need painting.
  • Wood. Wooden buildings are stronger and more environmentally friendly. In such a house there is less chance of overheating for the dog. The only big disadvantage of wood is rotting.
  • Iron. Metal booths have a long service life and are easy to maintain. But they are quite bulky and uncomfortable.

The booth must be placed on legs for ventilation. The roof must be airtight and made of durable material. For interior decoration, it is better to use polystyrene foam or felt as insulation. You should not lay fabric bedding, newspapers, or hay on the floor of the house. Such materials often become moldy and become infested with bedbugs and fleas. A good option is pillows with cedar shavings. Cedar essential oils repel insects. But make sure your pet doesn’t have allergies.

The door is made of a piece of canvas or rubber. The material is cut into longitudinal strips, and the ends are weighted. This way, the dog will watch the yard without leaving the kennel.

There are two types of enclosures:

  1. Open – fence around the sleeping place.
  2. Closed - a structure with a roof and doors.


When thinking about how to potty train your puppy, don't underestimate routine and consistency. Establishing a schedule and sticking to it will help prevent accidents and ensure each pup gets to where he needs to go. These tips will help you stay consistent.

  1. Know when your puppy should relieve himself. Most people need the toilet when they wake up in the morning, after eating, after playing and after sleeping. Therefore, every time one of these events occurs, take him outside to the chosen toilet area.
  2. Walk your puppy when you think it's time. But don't let him run and play instead of going to the toilet. Instead, bring him back into the enclosure for 10-15 minutes and then try again.
  3. Feed your pet strictly on a schedule. This way you can more accurately control his toilet time.

What not to do

When working to train a pet to live in a kennel, many dog ​​breeders make a number of mistakes that absolutely should not be made:

  • Forcibly force the animal to stay in its own separate room. This will cause it to experience severe stress and fear. The owner must behave very carefully and act slowly but persistently, without succumbing to pathetic tricks.
  • When saying the command “Place!”, you should not overtire your pet, thinking that he will learn everything in one go.
  • The animal should be rewarded for correct behavior with its favorite treats, but it should not be overly pampered.
  • It is strictly forbidden to shout, much less physically punish, when the animal is inside the booth. This will cause the room to be associated with the fear of punishment, and it will never want to be there again.

Screaming and physical punishment will not lead to the desired result.
When accustoming an animal to a leash, you cannot immediately put it on it. It will take some time to adapt to the site.


If you reward your puppy with treats every time he uses his potty as intended, he will be more likely to use it again in the future. When awarding, remember the following:

  • reward him immediately after completing tasks, get a treat in advance;
  • keep a bag of treats handy on walks - this way you will always be ready to reward your pet;
  • If it’s hard for your dog to concentrate on the toilet when going out, then take him outside with a leash that can only be unfastened after the toilet, and free play will be a bonus reward.

Methods of punishment

Remember, a dog is a very smart creature that reacts quite sharply to the mood of its owner.
If you do not offend your pet, he will respond to any of your requests. Of course, it is difficult to calmly react to a puddle or a pile made on the path, but you can show your dissatisfaction with the dog.

  • Change your tone of voice and scold your dog for what he has done.
  • Take away your favorite toy and let him play only when the dog defecates outside.
  • As soon as you see that the dog wants to relieve itself, use the command: “Ugh! It is forbidden!". She needs to understand how you feel about this behavior.


From 6 months the baby begins to endure, the urinary system is ready for emptying by the hour. Walking is introduced. In the first days there will be an acquaintance with the new environment, and upon returning home, a trip to the toilet. Over the months of quarantine, puppies usually develop just such an algorithm of actions. To discourage your pet from shitting on the floor, you need to use the following tricks:

  1. Half an hour before going for a walk, feed the dog and wait until it starts looking for a place.
  2. It is recommended to stay in the air with her for a long time and give her something to drink at the first request. If she wants to go to the toilet in the house, she will soon not be able to stand it and go to the grass.
  3. When the long-awaited event happens, you need to praise the baby.

If the puppy turned out to be a tough nut to crack and peed or pooped in the apartment after a walk, then next time it is better to go with him to a place where other dogs gather and praise someone else’s pet for toileting.

Adult dog

If an animal appears in the house from other owners, then you will have to be patient to accustom it to the street and stop it from crapping in the house. You can’t be angry at failures; for him, moving and changing his family is a lot of stress. The situation may also be due to resentment. You need to show care, don’t be lazy to stroke and praise him once again. A slow development of the regime is needed.

If suddenly your dog starts peeing or pooping on the carpet, you first need to find the reason in your relationship with it.


  • a child or another animal appeared in the house;
  • a full-time job appeared;
  • the pet is often left alone, he lacks attention and it does not matter whether he is an adult male mastiff or a female lapdog.

You need to endure and pay every possible attention to your pet.

If a dog deliberately shits in the house in the absence of the owner, you can try leaving him in a special cage. There must be food, water, soft bedding and favorite toys inside. You should start getting used to a new habitat when all household members are in the house.

Teaching an adult dog to go to his place, and not to the carpets, is possible only with determination and rigor. It is important to show disapproval and frustration, as many breeds are driven by a desire to dominate.

If an old dog begins to pee and poop in the house, it is recommended to take it to the veterinarian. You may have to come to terms with the problem due to a disease of the urinary system. The doctor can recommend hygiene products and talk about care.

How to build?

After the foundation is completely dry, you can begin building the enclosure . Males and females require different types of enclosures.

Females need a maternity chamber and vestibule, which should be well protected from the weather. Puppies are quite active, so they won't just sit in a kennel.

The cubs can move freely throughout the entire area of ​​the enclosure.

For the male, it is necessary to make a dense room with strong walls and a door . It should be remembered that the male is larger and stronger than the female. He can knock down the wall or door of the enclosure.

Base for the aviary

Required Tools:

  • channels;
  • boards;
  • gravel;
  • roofing felt;
  • cement mortar.

It is not recommended to leave an earthen floor in the building, because the dog can dig under and run away . A strong concrete base should be created on which the wooden floor will be located.

To do this, you need to weld 4 channels around the perimeter of the foundation so that they form a rectangle.

After this, it is necessary to place a board on the base of the channel, which should be treated in advance with an antiseptic or anti-mold spray.

Roofing felt is placed on top of the board for insulation, which is sprinkled with gravel on top . After completing the manipulations, you can fill it with cement and level it.

As soon as the solution begins to compact, wooden beams for the floor joists should be placed in it across the structure every 50 cm.

A wooden shield or ordinary boards are placed on top of them, which must be treated with an antiseptic. The covering is fastened with self-tapping screws .

Wall installation

The walls protect the dog from the wind and provide support for the roof. Therefore, the enclosure must be closed on 2 or 3 sides .

To build walls, you need strong material: brick, wood, slate, corrugated board. Brickwork requires a concrete foundation.

For sheet materials, you will need to install pillars, which must be connected from above with transverse slats.

Experts recommend creating walls on a metal frame with wood cladding . First you need to install a perimeter from a profile pipe, which should be welded to the channel at the corners of the future enclosure. If there is no welding, tight bolts will do.

After this, a metal frame must be stretched between the pipes that act as a supporting structure. It needs to be leveled using a level. In this case, you need to leave room for doors and windows.

It is recommended to construct the frame of the enclosure from reinforcement with a horizontal pitch of 10 cm . Metal rods will help strengthen the structure. After making the frame, it is necessary to make the outer lining of the enclosure from wood.

It should protect the dog from the wind.

After creating the cladding on the outside, the selected insulation should be laid, after which you can begin constructing the internal cladding of the building . Then the door and windows are installed.

Toilet training while walking

How to stop a dog from shitting in its enclosure? Some tips below will help you with this.

  • Teach your puppy a potty command, such as "toilet." Give the command whenever he goes outside, then don't forget the reward. With enough repetition, your dog will follow your command whenever you ask him to.
  • If your dog is potty or diaper trained, move the indoor toilet outside. Just don’t take him far from home right away, do it gradually. First, move the toilet to the exit, then to the porch, then to the final destination.
  • Downsize your outdoor toilet. If your dog has a hard time getting used to walking on the ground rather than in the litter box, then reduce its size. This will make the dog uncomfortable, and it will start going to the toilet next to the potty.

What smell is guaranteed to keep dogs away from your favorite carpet or lawn?

If you have problems with your dog relieving its needs in the apartment, of course, they need to be addressed. There are many means that are used to prevent animals from shitting anywhere. But where to start depends, first of all, on the age of the dog. How to stop her from peeing and is it worth using a scent that repels dogs if she is still a puppy? Toilet training (tray, disposable diaper, etc.) is one of the main points in raising a little four-legged friend.

Advice There are, of course, small breed dogs that are accustomed to going to a special home toilet. However, the vast majority of adult dogs do this outdoors.

It’s a completely different matter if your dog is no longer a puppy, but still craps in the apartment.

DIY foundation

To build an enclosure, a foundation is required. Thanks to it, the building will not deteriorate from moisture accumulation, sag and will last longer.

The depth of the foundation is 1-1.5 meters, the area is 6-8 m2 depending on the size of the husky . The bottom of the pit should be lined with a layer of stones and secured with concrete.

To create the latter, mix cement, water, sand, crushed stone in a ratio of 1:1:2:3 and fill the bottom of the pit with the resulting mass.

The cement mortar will dry in about 72 hours. If the ground is soft or clayey, you should strengthen the edges of the hole with boards.

After creating the cushion, it is necessary to fill the foundation with cement mortar so that it rises 10 cm from the ground level . To protect against moisture, it is recommended to waterproof with roofing felt.


It is human nature to look for the negative in everything and take the good for granted. But we have to do things differently with puppies. Always reward and praise good behavior and ignore things that go wrong. This is especially true with “accidents” during training. Mistakes are inevitable, so don't overreact, frighten or punish your pet for accidents in the kennel. How a dog goes to the toilet directly depends on the owner. Here are some tips for troubleshooting:

  • Interrupt your pet if he was caught at this moment, just don’t scare him. You can use a quiet clap - this is enough for the dog to interrupt. Punishment may cause your pet to seek shelter for the toilet in places that are difficult for you to reach.
  • Take him to your toilet area. If the dog stopped when you interrupted him, he can finish in the right place, reward him when he finishes his work.
  • Clean the scene of the “accident” with special cleaning products so that the dog is not attracted to the smell and does not repeat the mistake.

Be more tolerant, because you are raising a small child. He still has a lot of things to explain.

How to get rid of unwanted pets?

It often happens that other people’s pets come into the territory of owners who don’t even have a dog. Their marks can have a detrimental effect on lawns, carefully planted plants and shrubs. Moreover, as soon as one dog pees in the garden bed, the smell begins to attract a pack from all over the area. But you shouldn’t rush to give in to such invasions; there are many methods for dealing with “uninvited guests.” In this case, it is not the beds that need to be protected, but the entire garden plot.

Lavender or thorny bushes

Plant plants that do not have a pleasant scent for dogs, such as lavender. This way you will create a natural repellent barrier.


The best remedy for uninvited guests is, of course, a good fence. Of course, a dog looking for a secluded place will choose an unfenced area. Periodically check along the fence for any digs made by animals. Applying current to the fence is used only as a last resort - this can be dangerous not only for dogs or cats, but also for people.

Alternatively, you can use a repeller with ultrasonic radiation. The device is installed near the location of the dog gathering. As the animal approaches, the motion sensor will be triggered and automatically release ultrasonic waves. Dogs are too sensitive to this range and will rush to leave your garden as quickly as possible.

What should outdoor housing be like for a dog?

For a pet to agree to live in a kennel, it must be properly equipped and comfortable. A good kennel must meet the following conditions:

  1. Right size. The home should not be too spacious or too cramped. The dog should turn around freely and sit inside so that the tips of the ears do not touch the roof. The pet should lie freely across its width on the floor. At the same time, an overly spacious house will be uncomfortable and cold.
  2. Warmth and comfort. The boards should be nailed tightly butt to each other so that the pet is not afraid of drafts. In cold northern regions, it is worth insulating the inside of the kennel with a thermal insulation coating.
  3. Natural materials. When building a booth, it is better to use environmentally friendly material that does not cause allergies. Dry wood is best suited for this purpose.
  4. No dampness. The house should be dry so as not to provoke the development of all kinds of diseases. The roof must be installed with a slight slope towards the rear wall so that water does not accumulate, but drains. Before adopting your dog, check the roof for leaks.
  5. Safety. When the house is ready, carefully check the inside to make sure there are no screws or nails sticking out anywhere.
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