How to stop a dog from sleeping on the bed and jumping on the sofa

Raising a pet requires patience, certain knowledge and experience from the owner. Therefore, novice dog breeders often have questions. One of the most common is how to wean a dog from sleeping on the bed with its owner. Often people are led by emotions and allow the puppy to lie down in their sleeping place. But as you grow older, this habit causes more and more problems. However, behavior can be corrected at any age if you act persistently and persistently.

Why do dogs like to sleep with their owner?

The desire for a pet to sleep on a sofa or bed with a person goes back to antiquity. When animals lived in the wild, they formed packs to keep warm at night and protect each other from attack. Domesticated pets have an ancestral instinct, so they are more comfortable being in the company of people.

Do you scold your dog for sleeping on the bed?





From the psychological point of view, this behavior of dogs is associated with dominance. When a pet goes to bed with its owner, it tries to take a leadership position. At the same time, the pet does not allow you to touch his sleeping place - it is his property. As a result, the animal stops obeying, becomes eccentric and uncontrollable, which is fraught with many problems.

Also, reasons why a dog likes to jump on the bed may be:

  • lack of attention – the pet lacks affection and communication, so he tries to be close to the person at least at night;
  • an attempt to warm up - decorative and hairless breeds quickly become hypothermic. They are looking for a source of warmth, and the master's bed becomes the most suitable place;
  • fear - perhaps the pet is stressed or uncomfortable at home, so he tries to hide near his leader. In the presence of a leader, the animal feels safe.

Some owners allow their pet to lie on their bed and sleep with them. But otherwise, you should wean the dog off the owner’s bed as soon as possible. It is advisable to start acting while still a puppy - re-educating an adult animal is much more difficult.

The ideal option is a prohibiting command

It is extremely rare for pets to go against the will of their owners. After fulfilling the request, it is advisable to call the companion to his new place and give him a toy or treat and praise him. A shaggy friend should associate his dog bed only with positive emotions.

If you decide to take the issue seriously, be consistent. You weren't allowed to climb onto the bed? From now on, the path to the top is completely closed for the pet! The ward can be cunning, come to you at night, wake you up, be the most gentle and affectionate... Do not give in to persuasion. If you let it go even once, all progress will be reset.

Pets sense our mood. They know when we are irritated or very tired. Pets can use this. The dog will probably at some point try to board you: climb onto your bed when you come home from work tired. Your loved one understands perfectly well that you do not have the strength to fight. Here you will have to use all your willpower: drive your pet away until you are blue in the face. Hold on!

It is worth mentioning one more important detail. If you have several pets, you will have to prohibit everyone from climbing on the furniture. The dog simply will not be able to accept it if you give another dog or cat more privileges.

Why should an animal not be allowed on the bed?

A small shaggy ball snoring nearby is a very cute sight. However, such an indulgence seems harmless only at first glance. In a dream, the dog tosses and turns, moves its limbs, sometimes snores, and the owner, on a subconscious level, is afraid of crushing the pet. As a result, a person gets much worse sleep, feels exhausted and tired even after a long rest.

Due to constant contact with the animal, the owner may become infected with ringworm, demodicosis, scabies, or pick up any parasites. This is especially dangerous for children, whose fragile bodies cannot yet withstand many infections. In addition, the fur of most dogs is a strong allergen that causes skin or breathing problems.

Possible violations

To understand whether your dog has a lack of sleep and whether it needs to be compensated for, you need to understand the reasons why sleep may be disturbed:

  1. Little physical activity - don’t be lazy, go out and play with your pet outside, rest assured, this is one of the best cures for problems in a person’s life too.
  2. Behavior - dogs are smart and cunning creatures. For example, you got up to go to the toilet at night, and your pet tearfully asks for food, although he just recently devoured a full bowl. You generously pour him some food, and the situation will definitely repeat the next night, since this has already worked before. Gradually, this will begin to turn into a habit, which will not be so easy to get rid of. Here you can give one piece of advice - don’t let the dog manipulate you.
  3. Health – If your dog can’t sleep, it’s most likely due to his well-being. All sorts of pain and digestive problems can affect sleep. It’s better not to experiment and show your friend to the veterinarian.
  4. Nervous overexcitement and stress - dogs can also worry and not sleep at night because of this. Don't reject your dog because he woke you up at night, pet him, talk to him, let him calm down.
  5. Hunger - make sure your dog’s bowl is full. Malnutrition can become an ardent opponent of sleep, and then he will still have to use manipulation to eat.

Listen to your pets, they will not bother you over trifles. Don't forget to play and talk to them, because they love their owner's attention.

  • Author: iarriba
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Requirements for the bed

The biggest mistake novice dog breeders make is the reluctance to provide their pet with its own sleeping place. In this case, the animal is forced to encroach on the owner’s bed - he simply has nowhere to sleep.

A dog of any breed should have a comfortable bed where he can always be alone and relax. It will be easier to accustom you to your own sleeping place if it fits the animal perfectly:

  • if your pet prefers to curl up in a ball, you should choose a round or oval mattress;
  • if the dog sleeps stretched out to its full height, a rectangular-shaped bed is more suitable for it;
  • orthopedic beds that take the shape of the body have been developed for older animals;
  • If the house is cold, you should buy a heated sleeping bag.

You should also take into account the characteristics of the breed. For example, burrowing dogs prefer to relax in closed houses.

Stages of sleep

As it turns out, the sleep of dogs and people is identical in structure, only the periods last differently. There are the following types of sleep

  • Napping - the dog is relaxed, but conscious.
  • Shallow sleep - the animal is completely relaxed, but hears surrounding sounds.
  • Deep - only at this stage does the pet’s muscles rest, he can move his lips or jerk his limbs.
  • Fast - the animal is motionless, relaxed, only the eyes move. After this stage, the pet wakes up or enters a phase of shallow sleep.

How to wean a puppy off the bed

Raising dogs and consistent training allows you to raise an obedient animal. Therefore, even in childhood, the puppy is taught to behave correctly in the house, follow a minimum set of commands, and observe a regime of activity and rest.

The baby is provided with a sleeping place in a quiet place away from drafts. In the evening, the pet is taken to the bed, repeating the command “Place”. There is no need to forcefully drag the animal - he will consider this a punishment. If the dog lies down calmly, he is generously praised and treated with a treat.

The puppy is accustomed to the place in stages. The pet remains on the bed for 10-15 seconds after the first training - this is already a success. Gradually increase the time until the dog gets used to sleeping only in its place.

If the puppy falls asleep somewhere in the house, and not on his mattress, you should carefully move him to a bed, give the command “place” and praise him.

At this time, the pet is not allowed to lie down with the owner. If the owner has made a firm decision to wean the puppy from the bed, no concessions can be made. Even when the pet begins to beg very pitifully, you should be patient and steadfastly ignore all the animal’s attempts to press for pity. Over time, the dog will understand that its efforts are in vain, and will sleep peacefully separately.

It is strictly forbidden to shout at the puppy if he whines. The pet will understand that it managed to attract the owner’s attention and will continue in the same spirit.

If the puppy is already accustomed to climbing on the bed, weaning will take longer. With each attempt, it is necessary to give prohibiting commands in a stern voice, and when the baby does not obey, force him to be taken to his own bed. However, it is important not to overdo it - if you drive the dog too aggressively, it will become afraid of the owner.

To make the puppy less lonely on the bed, place his favorite toys, bones or other things he loves nearby. This way it will become clear to the baby that his sleeping place is much better than the owner’s bed. You can put your jacket or sweater - the dog will not feel abandoned.

Another important point in establishing the correct hierarchy is allowing the dog to enter the master bedroom only after an invitation. It is necessary to convince the puppy that the owners’ room is not his territory. He can get here only with the consent of the leader.

During the period of weaning on the sofa or bed in the absence of the owners, you should close the door to the bedroom.

Features of organizing a place for a pet

For the comfort and coziness of the dog in his place, you need to take care of his proper arrangement. The place should be prepared in advance, before the puppy arrives in the house.

How to provide for his needs

The dog’s place must be arranged taking into account the following features:

  • There should be no draft in the sleeping area to prevent colds from occurring. The place should be secluded.
  • A place in the corridor where people constantly walk is not suitable for arrangement. The dog should feel protected and have a peaceful rest.
  • You should place your pet’s toys near the designated area for him to play with and chew on.
  • If possible, it is worth placing the place where the animal is most comfortable. The owner's sleeping area should be excluded.
  • The pet feels comfortable in a place with a good view. It is important for him to observe everything that is happening, as he feels like a member of the family.
  • The bed must be made from high-quality material. It is important that it is comfortable, wear-resistant and easy to care for.
  • Due to the rapid contamination of bedding, it is worth giving preference to models with removable covers. If you purchase several covers at once, you can quickly change them if necessary.
  • If you install a carpet made from natural raw materials, it will not cause allergic reactions and will not become electrified.
  • The pet's sleeping place must correspond to its size. The best option can be selected after studying the animal’s favorite sleeping positions. If your dog likes to sleep rolled up, an oval-shaped bed with sides will suit him. Those who like to stretch out will feel comfortable on the mattresses.
  • Poor quality material for an animal's sleeping place will quickly deteriorate, since it is known what dogs do at night - they spin around for a long time.

Important! It is unacceptable to scold a dog on his bed, because this is his personal territory. Only positive emotions and a sense of inviolability should be associated with this place. You need to try to persuade and train your pet.

You should leave his toys where the puppy is.

Sleep and stress

Like people, dogs can start eating and sleeping a lot from idleness. This is where the duration of sleep comes from. A dog that sadly sits alone at home all day will be in a drowsy state almost all the time, and a pet that has been taken out for a long walk, and even with physical activity, will not sleep for so long, but its sleep will be deep.

We can conclude that in order for the animal’s body to function properly, it is necessary to give it feasible loads. In addition, dogs have very acute hearing, and if the pet lies down to take a nap, and there is noise at home, then proper rest will not be possible. The dog will hear everything that happens. For representatives of some breeds, it is extremely important to have their own corner where they can relax in silence.

A stressful situation can disrupt an animal's sleep. Noisy guests or any unpleasant incident on the street can deprive him of deep sleep for some time.

Read how to properly euthanize a dog.


As babies, pets sleep a lot; they can fall asleep while playing and even eating. And this is not surprising, since the daily sleep requirement is 18-20 hours. After three months, pets become more active and sleep time is reduced, but only by a couple of hours.

Veterinarians warn that if a puppy moves its paws in its sleep, whines or squeals, this should not cause alarm. Pets, as scientists have found, also dream and can react to what they see. But if a pet wanders without fully opening its eyes, this is an alarming sign of a neurological disorder.

Older animals return to puppy mode again, but everything is individual. Representatives of some breeds do not lose activity for up to 8-10 years. But more often, an elderly pet tries to get a good night's sleep and does not miss an opportunity to sleep after eating and walking. During this period, it is worth reducing the caloric content of food, as the dog’s metabolic processes slow down and sleep becomes longer.

Interesting article:

  • how dogs see our world;
  • how long do dogs live;
  • how to properly raise a puppy.

Factors of influence

In order to more accurately determine how many hours dogs should sleep, taking into account individual subjective and objective characteristics, it is necessary to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Age. Pets under the age of 3 months and older than 8–9 years need additional rest, since the former need more time to grow, and the latter to recuperate. But no matter how old the dog is, she will sleep as much as she wants (it is impossible to force her).
  2. Breed. The larger the animal, the longer it should sleep. In addition, the duration of sleeping is often determined by the purpose of breeding (service breeds tend to stay awake, while decorative breeds traditionally lead a sedentary lifestyle).
  3. Health status. Stressed or sick dogs, depending on how long their experience or illness lasts and progresses, may sleep all day or, conversely, suffer from insomnia.
  4. Living conditions. Yard dogs have no time to sleep for a long time, because they have too many things to do and interests, and those living in an apartment, at best, only get the view from the window. Depending on how many other inhabitants live in the apartment and how often they are at home, the dog can also be always busy or constantly bored alone and, accordingly, sleep a lot.

Additionally, the reasons why dogs sleep a lot may be external. For example, the weather, which affects pets in the same way as people. Cloudiness or rain, as well as excessive heat, usually cause drowsiness, while bright sunny days increase activity.

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