Medium-sized dogs are ideal pets for apartments

A person who consciously approaches the choice of a dog, and after purchasing it devotes enough time to caring for and raising it, receives in return a reliable, strong, faithful, sincere and loving friend.

Those who make a rash choice of dog breed, do not attach importance to its training, or provide improper care can end up with a sick, inadequate, aggressive, dangerous animal in their home.

Therefore, you need to approach the choice of a dog very responsibly.

After all, this is not a toy that you took, threw and forgot, but a living creature that has the same feelings as a person.

The best enclosures for dogs and puppies in an apartment: how to make them yourself cheaply and with high quality?

When you answer all these questions, you can start making your choice. If you decide to choose a medium breed, then this is an excellent choice for keeping in an apartment of any size. Dogs of average height and size are those whose weight ranges from 10 to 20 kg. Mainly medium-sized dogs include farm dogs, gun dogs, hounds and greyhounds.

Now we will talk about the 10 most suitable medium-sized dogs for keeping in an apartment.

English Setter

A loyal and sociable family friend with a complex temperament. The dog is aristocratic, both in appearance and in character. A violent temper requires constant restraint; it is recommended to provide good exercise to release excess energy. Hunting and outdoor activities will become an outlet for the animal and the owner. The setter gets along well with children, will be the protector of his pack, a loyal and devoted friend.

Size chart English Setter
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)up to 3025-35up to 8

Cubs are suitable for selection from 2 months, it is at this time that the character and habits of the animal begin to form. They quickly get used to their owner, so to reduce mental trauma, it is recommended to take puppies to a new family as early as possible.

Australian Kelpie – 11-20 kg

The Australian Kelpie is a capable and intelligent herding dog that was used to herd sheep and other livestock in the United States and its native Australia.
Kelpies were created by crossing early collies with other herding dogs and possibly dingoes. This intelligent dog needs to be provided with daily exercise, otherwise it can cause all sorts of destruction while trying to find something to do. Understand this breed's working style before bringing one home. Australian Kelpies gather livestock by clinging to the animals' hooves. If they have nothing to do, they may transfer this behavior to children, other pets, and vehicles such as bicycles and cars. The Kelpie can be a service dog and is excellent for sporting competitions. The breed is an excellent watchdog, has an alert nature and will bark at something or someone suspicious. The Kelpie is by no means a barn dog and if it doesn't socialize with people it will become a lonely, bored, destructive dog.


One of the varieties of the Belgian Shepherd, it is highly versatile. Dogs are smart, obedient, good-natured and easy to train. They can be used as friends, companions and workers, even as guide dogs. They are infinitely loyal, love children and are ready to help the owner in every possible way.

Size chart Groenendael
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)30-35up to 408

Puppies quickly gain weight; it is possible to say that upon reaching age the dog will meet the standards if the weight increases to 3 kg up to 6 months. age and 2 kg monthly until reaching 1 year.


  • Height: from 58 to 70 cm
  • Weight: from 18 to 27 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 14 years

The Saluki is one of the oldest breeds in the world, with roots dating back to 7000 BC. They have impeccable vision and their sleek bodies are built for speed. Salukis used to hunt gazelles, so it is not surprising that they are very athletic and love the outdoors. Salukis are intelligent and happy to receive regular mental stimulation.

Their silky coat requires weekly brushing, but Salukis are also known to be very clean dogs , requiring only occasional baths.

German boxer

Despite their bad reputation in the media, purebred dogs have an excellent, strong psyche, are affectionate, and love children and their family. They are zealous about protecting the territory; thanks to their endurance, strength and courage, they are used in the police and security. They easily make contact, with proper upbringing they do not destroy the apartment in the absence of the owner, and they are easy to train.

Size Chart German Boxer
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)40-4644-5011-14

The puppy will grow in size very quickly; in order for it to become strong with beautiful muscle definition, constant and good physical activity is required. The first simple classes can be started from 3 months, which will allow you to get used to training and improve weight gain, adding not only height, but also muscles.


Animals have a friendly and cheerful disposition, always ready to play, run and jump. They have the ability to hunt, are good companion dogs, have absolutely no protective qualities, and will not defend their territory. Not suitable for lying on the sofa; active temperament requires an outlet of energy. If the dog does not get tired during a walk, it is capable of destroying the furniture in the apartment out of boredom and needs constant attention, especially during character formation and socialization.

Dalmatian size chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)40-4644-5011-14

There are no specific age criteria for how much weight and height a puppy should gain; it all depends on the constitution of the dog. On average, upon reaching 6 months of age, the weight is 17-20 kg, but if the dog is large, with strong bones, it can reach 26 kg.


  • Height: from 33 to 41 cm
  • Weight: from 9 to 11 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years

Once used by English gentlemen as a hunting companion, the Beagle is now a friendly and fun-loving family companion that also fits well into the lifestyle of single people. Beagles love children, are easy to train , shed moderately, and are generally healthy.

Fun fact: Beagles may be one of the oldest dog breeds, but their origins remain a mystery, as does their name. Some experts suggest that "beagle" comes from the Gaelic word "big", which means "small". Others suggest that the breed was named after the sound they make when hunting.

Siberian Husky

A hyperactive breed of dog with which you won’t be able to lie on the sofa, otherwise you may be left without furniture, chewed off from boredom. Requires constant exercise, training, physical activity and constant attention from the owners. If you do not carry out proper socialization and do not work with the animal, then the furniture, wallpaper and other things are unlikely to remain intact in the house. With daily exercise, the dog grows active, cheerful, good-natured and obedient.

Size Chart Siberian Husky
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)up to 40up to 44-458-12

There are no special conventions or growth standards for puppies of this breed. When weaned from their mother and switching to a healthy diet, they are able to gain up to 3 kg per month, growing quickly and noticeably. Muscle mass is gained after 7 months, so until this time they may look thin; at these moments you should not overfeed, this is a normal teenage factor.


  • Height: from 45 to 56 cm
  • Weight: from 7 to 19 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years

Whippets are similar to greyhounds, but they are much smaller, measuring between 45 and 56 cm at the shoulder. They are incredibly fast and enjoy (and need) a few quick bursts of activity each day, such as chasing a Frisbee. In between bursts of energy, they lounge around and love to snuggle with their owners.

Interesting fact: this elegant greyhound can reach speeds of up to 56 km/h . The Whippet was bred in England, where it was used for dog racing and rabbit hunting.

Whippets are a spotted breed of dog. These are very friendly and affectionate pets, they are easy to care for and rarely bark . They enjoy running around in a large yard, but will be happy living in an apartment. With regular exercise, they will behave quietly and with dignity at home.

Longhaired Collie

Calm and sociable dogs have an innate sense of self-esteem, which can lead to difficulties in training. They get along well with children, will never offend them, but are capable of becoming good defenders. They do not tolerate separation from their owner well, are very bored, and require attention and careful grooming. They are smart, intelligent, clean, and do not cause any problems in the apartment, except for fur.

Size Chart Longhaired Collie
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)38-4042-467

Puppies grow and develop quickly; their diet must include the entire complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for the formation of joints and beautiful coat. By the age of one year they already take on the appearance of an adult, mature dog.


Let's summarize our article. Short-haired dogs have many advantages - minimal hair on the floor and furniture, no special care required, pleasant appearance. There are many breeds with short hair - they differ in color, size, and character. Several popular breeds of short-haired dogs are Dalmatian, Boxer, Great Dane, Shar Pei, Pit Bull, Beagle, Dachshund and others. When choosing an animal, remember that not all animals can live in an apartment (some breeds are only suitable for living in the yard of a private house).

Golden (golden) retriever

A friendly, active and powerful dog with a wonderful disposition. She will become a wonderful companion, gets along well in families with children, is ready to tolerate their pranks and play along with them. Retrievers are smart, loyal and reliable; they are not prone to aggression towards people or other animals. The breed is good for working professions; from the first months it shows its readiness to bring prey when hunting or pick up a scent.

Golden Retriever Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)39,5-4243-4612-14

On average, a puppy gains 2 kg per month, which indicates that when he reaches age he will enter the standards. However, genetic predisposition and the junior period may cause less weight gain - this is normal. Puppies should not be overfed, otherwise they will develop problems with the musculoskeletal system and joints.

Portuguese water dog

A working breed, its purpose is to always help a person in everything. This determines the main qualities: good learning ability, sharp mind, lack of aggression, excellent flexible character. Ready to protect, guard, hunt, work as a rescuer, both on land and on water. Belongs to rare and expensive breeds. The coat does not shed and has water-repellent properties, which makes it a very good pet for an apartment.

Size Chart Portuguese Water Dog
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)up to 35 cmup to 39up to 5 kg

The puppies gain weight well, more than 1.5 kg every month. From the age of 2 months, this breed can be trained to wear equipment and behave in society. From 3 months, simple exercises and commands are offered. With the right approach, they are easy to learn and have a positive attitude towards the process.

Samoyed dog

An incredibly active, cheerful and friendly dog ​​that makes a family member and companion. It is easy to train if it respects its owner. She recognizes only one “leader”, to whom she will be faithful and devoted until the end of her days. They are a pack breed that require a lot of attention, care and long walks.

Samoyed Dog Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)25-3528-387-8

Puppies at 3 months (the ideal age to adopt) are hyperactive, so it is worth putting fragile things away. During teething, it is worth monitoring your pet's behavior. With a good selection of food, puppies grow quite well, gaining 2-2.5 kg per month.

Chow chow

Companions that bond closely with their owners. They have a jealous sense of possessiveness and do not show aggression or timidity. A surprise from a good-natured and sweet dog can be wariness towards strangers, so you should not insist on the animal’s attention. Not an active breed, which will be ideal for keeping in an apartment, on a soft, cozy sofa.

Chow Chow Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)25-30up to 408-10

On average, puppies gain 2 kg per month after birth to 6 months. During the junior molt, hormonal changes around 6 months, decreased appetite and lack of weight gain may be observed. After passing through the youth period, everything is compensated.

Miniature Schnauzer

An energetic, sociable, intelligent and devoted friend, not without hunting qualities, can be used for search work. He has a healthy amount of self-esteem, but is submissive, easy to train, and amenable to training. To moderate the energy and minimize the resulting furniture damage, you need to come up with a task for the dog. The meaning of her life is to serve people; in her responsibilities, she will forget about petty pranks in the house.

Miniature Schnauzer Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)3034-365-6

It is important to be careful when choosing a puppy and pay attention to the weight and height of the animal, as they are often confused with a miniature schnauzer. The data for a 3-month-old puppy is shown in the table; a baby of the second breed will be 8-10 cm lower at the withers by this age, and will also have half the weight. Unless, of course, the seller cheats with the date of birth.

Border Collie

The dogs are hyperactive and active; they were previously used on herding pastures, which resulted in their main qualities: freedom-loving, flexible, efficient, good trainability, and high intelligence. Owners should think in advance about the scheme of training, walking and activities. Such an animal should not be bored; it constantly requires attention and exercise for mental and physical development.

Border Collie Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)30-34up to 408

The ideal time for choosing puppies is 2-2.5 months, which is due to the fact that they quickly get used to their owners. At a later time, they may not recognize the new owner.

Buy a puppy with documents, since sometimes even professionals cannot distinguish a border collie by sight.

Silky Windhound

  • Height: from 46 to 60 cm
  • Weight: from 10 to 25 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 20 years

The Silky Windhound is a breed of sighthound that is smaller than its classmates such as the Saluki. They make fantastic pets, which is why Silky Windhounds are recommended for owners who decide to have a pet for the first time. They have a unique appearance, do not require much exercise , and the disposition of Silky Windhounds is very sweet and pleasant.

Breton epañol

A very, very active dog that can start working from a very early age. Capable of learning, has a good mind and a pleasant character. It needs not only long walks, but also physical and mental exercise. Must be constantly at work. Well suited for hunting and search work. If you buy a puppy for the soul, you will have to devote a lot of time to it. Future owners should remember that this is a hunting dog that needs constant activity and running in nature.

Size Chart Breton Epagnole
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)up to 34up to 403-5

Depending on their bone structure, puppies will gain weight at different rates. Males will be larger even at the juvenile stage. With proper nutrition, on average, a puppy should gain 1.5-2 kg per month. Before purchasing, carefully check the documents, since most often kennel puppies are registered several matings in advance, and selling secondhand does not always indicate the purchase of a purebred puppy.

Hungarian Vizsla

  • Height: from 53 to 64 cm
  • Weight: from 18 to 29 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years

Hungarian Vizslas are known for their reddish-brown coat. Since they were originally trained as hunting dogs, they like to stay close to their people. They are loyal and affectionate companions, but often do not do well when left alone for long periods of time.

Did you know that by the end of the First World War, the Hungarian Vizslas were almost extinct.

This is an active, energetic dog with great strength, drive and determination. Lively, affectionate and obedient, the Hungarian Vizsla thrives in an active family. Gentle and sensitive, yet fearless and assertive, this breed excels as a guard dog . The Hungarian Vizsla is easy to train. Its coat does not require special care.

Shar Pei

Previously used as a fighting dog, but now classified as guards and companions. He has a noble character and a sharp mind. The Shar Pei is very loyal to its owner, has courage, and will become an excellent protector. These dogs need good physical activity to build muscle mass and have a beautiful appearance. In the absence of these, excess weight quickly gains, and you will need to follow a diet.

Shar Pei Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)32-34up to 40until 9-10

With the right diet, the puppy grows and gains weight very quickly. On average, it will increase to 3-3.5 kg per month up to 6 months. Then the gain decreases and up to 1 year it is about 2-2.5 kg for the same period. By one and a half years it reaches the size of an adult dog.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Despite anti-advertising in the media, it is a family dog ​​breed. Amstaffs get along well with children, forgiving all their pranks, and are ready to protect and protect. An innate sense of situation analysis allows you to quickly assess the situation and make a decision, thanks to which they are considered the best defenders, but properly socialized ones never show aggression towards people and other animals.

Size Chart American Staffordshire Terrier
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)30-3633-409-12

With a properly selected diet and regular physical activity, puppies gain 3-4 kg per month, reaching a weight of about 20-25 kg by the age of one year. Rapid development requires serious mental and physical training with the animal.

American Pit Bull Terrier

Powerful and massive dogs, dexterous, brave, strong, but with proper socialization, good-natured and completely without aggression. Despite the notoriety that the breed has received due to its participation in dog fighting, the pit bull is an excellent companion, protector and nanny for children. Such dogs love their family, are friendly to guests, and are ready to protect their owners loyally and free of charge, at the cost of their own lives.

American Pit Bull Terrier Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)30-3634-408-13

Puppies grow up very quickly, gaining more than 3 kg per month. In childhood, special attention should be paid to the socialization of the dog, its communication with people and other animals, which will help to completely eliminate aggressive behavior in the future. In adolescence, from 6 months to 1.5 years, attempts are possible to establish oneself as the leader of the pack; it is important to control this moment, loading the dog with mental and physical work, avoiding unnecessary behavior.

Bull Terrier

  • Height: from 45 to 55 cm
  • Weight: from 22 to 38 kg
  • Life expectancy: 10 to 14 years

Bull Terriers were first bred in England in the 19th century. This energetic and playful breed is always ready to frolic. On the other hand, Bull Terriers are known for being stubborn and mischievous , but with good training and enough exercise they will make excellent companions. Bull Terriers thrive in human society and are incredibly loyal to their owners. And another advantage is that the bull terrier’s coat does not require special care.

English Springer Spaniel

Cheerful, inquisitive and friendly dogs that will be happy to lead an active life. They belong to hunting and working breeds, are easy to train and learn, and become strongly attached to their owners. They are very energetic and require a lot of mental and physical exertion.

Size Chart English Springer Spaniel
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Male40,5 — 4345-4812,5 — 15,5
Bitch38 — 40,542-4511,8 — 14,5
Puppy (3 months)up to 26up to 325-6

Puppies grow quickly, at 8 months. with normal maintenance and a balanced diet, they practically reach the size of an adult dog. Cuddles should not be left unattended, they begin to get bored and howl, and constantly need communication.


  • Height: from 35 to 45 cm
  • Weight: from 15 to 19 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years

Standard Poodles are generally classified as a medium dog breed. They are very smart , excellent swimmers and very easy to train.

Did you know that the majestic, elegant and affectionate poodle was bred in Germany as a water retriever.

Their coat requires careful grooming, including daily brushing to prevent matting and monthly trimming. However, their fur is good because it practically does not shed! Additionally, poodles of all sizes require a fair amount of exercise. Swimming, running and searching for objects are some of their favorite activities.

Shiba Inu

A Japanese dog that will not blindly follow its owner's beliefs. Relationships with her are built only as a partner, nothing else. Gets along well with children, but patience with children's pranks depends on individual temperament. Among the main qualities: devotion, dominance, activity, developed hunting instincts.

Shiba Inu Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)17-2326up to 4

Given their small size, Shiba puppies gain weight and grow very slowly. On average, a dog’s weight increases by 500 g per month; higher values ​​are a deviation from the norm. Up to 6 months, weight reaches 5 kg, which is 1/3 of the size of an adult dog.

Basset Hound

A friendly dog ​​in all respects, a wonderful companion, but at the same time it has great stubbornness and self-esteem. This is a moderately active breed that is suitable for home keeping with good walking and outings. There is no urgent need for constant movement. Sociable, a little phlegmatic, little emotional, but not slow. Dogs are attached to one owner and are very sad and bored in his absence.

Basset Hound Size Chart
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)2530-389-10

Puppies are difficult to train due to their innate independence and stubbornness. They are very smart, but they will not engage when the owner wishes. As they grow and mature, they get in great shape, gaining 1.5-2.5 kg per month. At the same time, they require constant attention and communication; in the absence of the owner, they begin to howl. Therefore, at first, do not leave them alone in the apartment, so as not to cause inconvenience to the neighbors.

Criteria for determining the intelligence of a quadruped

The most famous work in the field of canine intelligence is the work of Stanley Coran, a professor of psychology at the University of Vancouver. When compiling his rating, he took 2 criteria as a basis:

  • understanding the new team;
  • the ability to execute a command the first time.

Despite fairly good reviews from the public, the chosen technique has a significant drawback. It takes into account only one type of intellectual capabilities - working ones, that is, the ability to learn new knowledge. But, besides them, there are 2 more important varieties:

  • adaptive, allowing you to make independent decisions;
  • instinctive, based on innate breed qualities (the ability to guard objects and track down game).

The omission of these features led to the fact that quite smart four-legged hunters and sled dogs, known for their independent character, ended up at the bottom of the rating. Neither one nor the other can be called stupid. They are also suitable for training, but require more time and patience from the owner due to their innate stubbornness and obstinacy.


Young breeds are much easier to train than those that have lived next to humans for several centuries. This is explained by a stronger attachment to the owner.

English bulldog

A calm and even phlegmatic creature that will become a wonderful friend and companion. The breed was selected, which caused various genetic diseases. The Bulldog will look perfect both on the sofa and as a guard dog. However, in the latter case, it is more likely to act as a deterrent, because it is not his nature to bark, even when a stranger approaches, and rather to growl than to inform his owners. They get along well with children, unquestioningly tolerate the pranks of little tomboys, quickly get used to the family, and do not tolerate loneliness.

Size chart English Bulldog
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)23up to 288

When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the absence of skin damage; the coat should be smooth, without bald spots or other defects. The baby should stand firmly on his feet and not fall on his side. It gains weight well, but do not overfeed, the breed is prone to obesity.

Read Dogs that do not cause allergies - 20 breeds


  • Height: from 33 to 41 cm
  • Weight: from 6.5 to 12 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 13 years

The Sheltie is one of the medium-sized dog breeds and has a very sweet personality. Shelties, also known as Shetland Sheepdogs, are obedient, friendly, loving dogs that get along well with families and single people. They tend to be submissive but a little nervous, although not all of them are.

Fun fact: This long-haired, rough-coated cattle dog is descended from the Scottish Border Collie.

Shelties need 30 minutes of daily exercise and do well in private homes and apartments. Keep in mind that Shetland Sheepdogs shed all year round, with heavy shedding twice a year, so they require regular brushing and grooming.

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