How the Vakderm vaccine is used to protect dogs from fungal diseases

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Infections that affect the skin, fur and claws of a cat are much easier to prevent than to treat. For these purposes, practice-tested vaccines are used. Veterinarians often recommend Vacderm F (Vacderm-F) for cats. It is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of various types of lichen. Compliance with all points of the instructions for use of the vaccine guarantees a minimum number of side effects and the effectiveness of the product.

Vakderm vaccine for cats

A common choice for protecting pets from dermatophytoses is the safe and effective Vakderm vaccine for cats.
Feeding on the blood of the host, lice, fleas, and ticks cause inconvenience to the animal. The animal's behavior changes, the pet loses its appetite and becomes nervous. An infected animal's immunity decreases; wounds form at the bite sites, which become the entrance to the body for various infections and pathogenic microorganisms.


Vakderm is a vaccine with a targeted effect on the treatment and prevention of dermatophytoses in animals. The product is produced in the Russian Federation and is available in the form of powder and solution for injection in ampoules (1 ml). Vakderm has a yellow-brown color. When introduced into the animal’s body, the medication develops immunity to microsporia and trichophytosis.

The vaccine is safe and has been successfully used to vaccinate both cats and other pets. The preventive effect of the drug is clearly expressed.

The drug is allowed to be used within a year from the date of release, subject to compliance with storage and transportation requirements.

The vaccine is inactivated and does not require a disinfection process

The product may be disposed of without precautions.


Administration of Vakderma forms the animal's immunity to dermatophytosis, 25 - 30 days after double use with an interval of 10 - 14 days.

Post-vaccination immunity lasts for one year.

In one immunizing dose of the product, the saturation of fungal particles is approximately 30 - 50 million / cm 3.

After 10 days, you need to repeat the drug twice.

Vakderm is intended for the prevention and treatment of microsporia and trichophytosis in cats, other pets and fur-bearing animals.

It is not allowed to immunize cats:

  1. with elevated temperature;
  2. in the second half of pregnancy;
  3. with an unstable health condition.

Weakened and unhealthy cats should be pre-treated for fixed ailments, and only after complete recovery should they be vaccinated against dermatophytoses.

The vaccine is intended for intramuscular administration twice. Injections are given in the opposite limbs in the thigh area with an interval of 10 - 14 days according to a certain dosage:

  • for cats aged 1 – 3 months, the dose is 0.5 ml;
  • after 3 months of life - 1 ml for each immunization.

Subsequent preventive revaccination of pets is organized every year, twice with an interval of 10 - 14 days in accordance with the above standards.

The dry vaccine must be diluted with saline solution, a special vaccine diluent or distilled water. The medicine must be mixed until smooth.

Violation of the immunization schedule leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy for dermatophytoses.

If for some reason the next vaccination is missed, the procedure should be carried out as soon as possible.

It is strictly prohibited to use Vakderm simultaneously with other medications that can suppress the immune resistance of a vaccinated cat.


In case of an overdose in a cat after vaccination, individual sensitivity may be recorded in the form of compactions and abscessed areas at the injection site. The cat may become sleepy.


Vaccination with Vakderm is not allowed if the cat has:

  1. heat;
  2. late pregnancy;
  3. infection;
  4. exacerbation phase of chronic diseases;
  5. a weakened state is recorded for some reason.

Immunization with this drug in cats may cause:

  • the formation of minor bumps at the injection site, which resolve after 3 days;
  • drowsiness that goes away after 3 days.

Warming the drug to body temperature reduces the likelihood of side effects.

You can purchase the vaccine at veterinary pharmacies. The cost of the product is about 100 rubles per dose of 1 ml.


Before choosing and using replacement medications, you should consult your veterinarian.

Vakderm provides reliable protection against dangerous diseases and is an effective and safe remedy.


The components of the vaccine are pure samples of three tiny fungi, which are specially cultivated on a nutrient medium.

Biological components include the following types:

  • Trichophyton,
  • microsporum,
  • Epidermophyton.

The saturation of fungal cells in one ampoule is 50-80 million/cm3. During the production of the vaccine, the activity of fungi is reduced by formaldehyde, used at a concentration of 0.3%. This substance also acts as a drug stabilizer.

The healing properties of the vaccine are enhanced by the addition of the immunomodulatory substance Ribotan at a concentration of 0.2%. The mentioned substance stimulates the immune system in the body of a cat infected with lichen.

The Vacderm vaccine, similar in components, is intended for most pets, while Vacderm-F is developed only for cats.

What diseases will Vakderm-F help with?

The Vakderm-F vaccine is successfully used for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases:

  • Trichophytosis
    is a type of ringworm caused by fungi of the genus Trichophyton. The routes of infection lie in the cat’s communication with individuals sick with trichophytosis (and their things - beds, bowls, brushes, etc.), in contact with rodents (mice, rats). Sometimes an animal can be a carrier of the fungus without external manifestations of the disease. In other cases, the owner can observe the following symptoms in his pet: the appearance of bald spots (most often first on the head, and then throughout the body), disheveled and brittle hair, dandruff, itching, inflammation on the skin, discoloration and delamination of the claw;
  • Microsporia
    is a disease that is also called lichen. The causative agent is Microsporum fungi, which lie in wait for an animal upon contact with an infected cat during a walk (fungal spores can be found on the grass or in the soil). Sometimes even a cat that does not leave the apartment can get microsporia if, for example, the spores end up on the owner’s clothes or shoes. Like trichophytosis, microsporia can occur in a latent form, when the symptoms of the disease are not visible to the owner. In the acute form of the disease, round hairless areas of the body may be observed, broken off like cut hairs at the site of the outbreak, whitish scales on the skin, inflammation and blisters on the skin, and the appearance of ulcers.

Ringworm can affect any breed of pet, but long-haired animals (Persian, Himalayan, Angora cats) are most susceptible to the disease. At particular risk are young kittens, elderly cats and weakened individuals. But even adult animals whose health is quite strong can catch the pathogen both at home and outside. That is why the vaccine against lichen for cats “Vakderm-F” is relevant for a pet owner of any age.

Pros and cons of the drug

The widespread use of Vakderm F is explained by several advantages. These include:

  • prolonged action;
  • ease of use;
  • possibility of prevention and treatment.

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When choosing Vacderm-F for cat vaccination, you should also remember about the existing disadvantages that either limit its use or impose certain requirements. The disadvantages include:

  • Specific storage conditions for the product and a relatively short shelf life.
  • Incompatibility of the drug for lichen with other medications of similar action.
  • Presence of contraindications and side effects after vaccination.

Operating principle

The therapeutic effect of the drug administration is manifested in the formation of increased resistance to dermatophytosis in the animal. Usually it is produced within 30 days after twice application with an interval of 10-14 days. The vaccine has a prolonged effect that lasts for 1 year. A single dosage of the vaccine contains approximately 30−50 million/cm3 of fungal particles.

The medicine is used without special precautions, since it is a reactogenic and completely safe drug. Injections given to animals that show signs of dermatophytoses help the symptoms of mycosis to appear more quickly in places where pathogens accumulate

They look like single or multiple mycotic lesions on the skin. 10 days after the first vaccination, the injections are given again

Injections given to animals that show signs of dermatophytosis help the symptoms of mycosis to appear more quickly in places where pathogens accumulate. They look like single or multiple mycotic lesions on the skin. 10 days after the first vaccination, the injections are given again.

Complications after vaccination

With the correct dosage, the drug is well tolerated by cats and rarely causes adverse events.

Side effects that may occur in an animal after vaccination include:

  1. Painful lump at the injection site. Occurs when a cold solution is injected into a cat or an unsterile syringe is used. This symptom does not require treatment and goes away on its own in 3-5 days.
  2. Slight drowsiness. May bother you for up to 3 days.

If your pet experiences undesirable reactions after the injection, he should be given rest for up to 5 days.

Vakderm is not safe for the liver, so it can only be used as prescribed by a veterinarian.

Methods of personal protection when treating an animal

Dermatophytosis is an anthropozoonosis. That is, to diseases to which people and animals are susceptible. A person can become infected from an animal and another person. The infection destroys the hair and surface of the skin. Caused by microsporum and trichophyton fungi. When infected from a person, trichophytosis spores are transmitted; when infected from an animal, microsporia spores are transmitted.

The disease resulting from infection from a cat or dog lasts longer, is more difficult to cure and is more severe than that transmitted from person to person. Children and adults with weakened immune systems are at risk. Direct or indirect contact is the main route of infection.

When examining an infected cat or dog, caution must be exercised when vaccinating a healthy animal. The veterinarian carries out all manipulations in special clothing and medical gloves and a gauze mask, that is, he adheres to the usual safety measures

Mode of application

The Vakderm drug, purchased at a veterinary pharmacy or pet store, is usually accompanied by instructions for use, which detail the vaccine administration schedule and the effect that occurs after administration of the drug. In order not to harm the health of the animal, the following rules must be observed when vaccinating:

  • 10 days before vaccination, the pet must be given any anthelmintic medicine;
  • before use, the dry vaccine must be diluted with a special liquid (1 milliliter of liquid per dose of the drug); for dilution, you can use saline solution, distilled water or a special liquid diluent for drugs of similar effect, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy;
  • the vaccine is placed intramuscularly into the soft part of the dog’s thigh, the syringe must be sterile;
  • for dogs whose body weight is less than 5 kilograms, it is enough to administer 0.5 milliliters of medicine; the dose for large dogs weighing more than 5 kilograms is 1 milliliter;
  • full vaccination consists of two injections: the first vaccination is placed in one thigh of the animal, and the second after 1.5-2 weeks in the other thigh;
  • After vaccination, the animal must be provided with rest; the owner must free the pet from any physical activity for several days.

Owners should know that Vakderm can be used at any convenient time, regardless of the month or season (puppies can be given the first vaccination from 2 months). A veterinarian must prescribe vaccination with this drug. In order to completely protect your dog from infection with dermatophytoses, it is necessary to vaccinate every year.

Instructions for use Vakderm

The difficulty is that some aspects of the official instructions for using Vakderm may not be very clear to breeders who do not have a veterinary education. We will try to talk about the procedure for using the medicine in no less detail, but at the same time simplifying some points.

So, what do you need to keep in mind? Since the drug belongs to the biological category, its use requires careful compliance with a number of specific requirements. First of all, careful adherence to the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. The specialist must be dressed appropriately (overalls or gown), and the use of disposable surgical gloves is mandatory. During the manipulation, it is strictly forbidden to drink, eat or smoke (there are cases of fungal lesions forming on the lips).

The preparation of the animal itself is no less important. Exactly 10 days before the expected date of vaccination, the dog is treated with anthelmintic drugs . If there is a suspicion of severe helminthic infestation, it is advisable not only to take stool samples before vaccination. In such situations, you need to repeat their use exactly 10 days after the first administration of anthelmintic drugs, and then take a stool sample again. Only if no worm eggs are found in the samples can the dog be vaccinated.

For injection, you should use only thoroughly disinfected needles and syringes (ideally, only disposable ones), and also use only a 70% alcohol solution to disinfect the injection site (this is a very important condition).

In addition, the vaccine must be heated to approximately 37° Celsius before use.

Such drugs should never be administered directly from the refrigerator! If a dry vaccine is used, before use it is diluted with a sterile saline solution preheated to 38° Celsius.

Release forms

The vaccine itself is a transparent, homogeneous liquid with a slightly yellowish color. Slight opalescence is possible. Pharmacists today produce medicine in versions from 1 to 450 vaccination doses. In addition, release forms include dry (lyophilized) vaccine. In the latter case, the solvent is not included! There are two packaging options: either sealed glass ampoules or bottles.

Glass bottles are sealed with rubber stoppers and additionally protected with aluminum caps. Regardless of the release form, the medicine is subsequently packaged in boxes made of thick packaging cardboard. In addition to the vaccine, the manufacturer provides them with instructions for use. The ampoules or bottles themselves must be printed with the release date, expiration date, and production lot number. If the data is lost or for some reason cannot be read, the use of the vaccine is strictly prohibited! The same applies to cases of flakes or cloudy sediment appearing in the preparation itself.


Vakderm contains dermaphyte spores in an inactivated form. It can be either dry or liquid; ampoules are available in 1 milliliter sizes.

When used as a prophylaxis, the dog is found to have an incubation period for dermaphytosis. Mycoses and lesions appear at the location of the bacteria.

Then the Vakderma vaccine is administered twice. After two weeks or more, you can already notice how crusts begin to fall off from the lesions.

In such an area, fur can regrow. Immunity from dermatophytosis can generally last at least a year after vaccination.

Instructions for use

This vaccination is recommended every year. If the type is dry, then you must first dissolve it in a special solvent intended for the vaccine.

Sterile distilled water or physiological solution is also used as a solvent.

As a preventive measure, the vaccine is administered in the following dosages - if the total weight of the pet is less than five kilograms, then 0.5 ml of the vaccine. Over five kilograms one milliliter.

It is recommended to administer intramuscularly into the pet's thighs. Moreover, it must be injected first into one thigh, and after two weeks into the other. The time of year does not affect the vaccine; it can be used when needed.


  • pregnant bitch;
  • the dog is weakened;
  • the pet is sick with any disease;
  • The dog has a high temperature.

Small lumps with painful sensations may form at the vaccine injection sites. It's OK. After a few days everything will go away on its own.

Lumps may occur due to cold vaccine being used. It must be heated before use. Or non-sterile syringes were used.

Some pets notice a lethargic, drowsy state. Don't be alarmed, this is completely natural. Veterinarians also advise freeing your pet from physical activity after using the vaccine.


The price at the time of writing is as follows - Vakderm in a 1 ml ampoule costs 88 rubles per ampoule. Find out the current cost when you need it in city pharmacies.

Contraindications: which dogs should not be vaccinated

Despite the safety of the vaccine, some dogs are either not recommended for vaccination, or cannot be vaccinated at all. There are the following contraindications:

  • The most important limitation is that puppies under two months of age cannot be vaccinated. The body of such pets is still too weak, its defense systems are, in fact, completely absent, and therefore the effect of vaccination will be either zero or completely negative.
  • Weak dogs, as well as animals with elevated body temperatures, should not be vaccinated.
  • It is also prohibited to vaccinate dogs with chronic diseases during the period of exacerbation of the latter.
  • Pregnant bitches should not be vaccinated.
  • All types of parasitic helminthic pathologies are a serious contraindication. Worms produce many toxins and other harmful substances that make it difficult or impossible to form a normal immune response.

Some veterinarians, however, believe that vaccination should be limited to pregnant dogs and puppies under two months of age.

Diagnosis of dermatophytosis

Ringworm is a cat disease that has pronounced symptoms. Its incubation period lasts from 3-4 days to 3 weeks. The main symptom of dermatophytosis is scaly alopecia that appears on the cat’s body. They are formed due to the fact that the animal’s hair, affected by the fungus, becomes very fragile and quickly breaks off.

Sometimes this disease can be asymptomatic. Therefore, to accurately diagnose dermatophytosis, special techniques must be used:

  • examination of wool using a Wood's lamp;
  • microscopy of scales;
  • mushroom cultivation.

What is dermatophysis f

Dermatophys f is a skin fungus in cats and dogs
caused by the pathogen Microsporum canis. It is often transmitted both from rodents and other animals infected with it. It can also be found in the soil on which an animal infected with the fungus had previously been located for some time. This pathogen also loves large crowds of cats, as this helps it spread much faster.

From observations of cats, it turned out that this fungus is more common in young cats.

. Due to the incubation period varying from a week to three months, it is very difficult to timely track the fact that your pet needs treatment. Sometimes an animal can suffer the disease in a latent form (that is, asymptomatic), but sometimes this can lead to the fact that the dermatophysis f can subsequently give complications that are very diverse in their manifestation and it will be difficult to distinguish it from other skin diseases.

Description of the drug Vakderm-F

Vacderm-F is a vaccine that is used in veterinary medicine for the prevention and treatment of dermatophytoses (infectious diseases of the skin, claws and coat) in cats. The vaccine formula was developed by the Russian organization NPViZTs "Vetzverotsentr".

Vakderm-F is widely used by veterinarians to vaccinate cats.

Composition of the drug

Vakderm-F consists of the following components:

  • cells of dermatophyte cultures (Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum canis and Microsporum gypseum);
  • stabilizer (inactivator) formalin 0.3%;
  • immunomodulator - Ribotan 0.2%.

Release form

The vaccine is a clear injection solution, colored light pink. The liquid is poured into glass containers (bottles or ampoules) with a volume of 1, 2 or 10 cm3. Each bottle is closed with a rubber stopper and a rolled metal cap. Units of the drug are packaged in cardboard boxes (10 pieces each) along with paper instructions for use.

If you are forced to replace Vakderm-F with its broad analogue, consult your veterinarian

How to properly store the vaccine

The instructions for use indicate the following storage conditions:

  • the vaccine is stored and transported in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 2 to 10°C and out of the reach of children;
  • The shelf life of the vaccine is 12 months from the date of release, subject to storage conditions; after the expiration date, the vaccine is not suitable;
  • bottles without labels, with an expired expiration date or the integrity of the closure, with a changed color and/or consistency, or with the presence of foreign impurities must be disposed of.

The recommended storage temperature differs from usual conditions. I have had to store vaccine solutions at home many times. For this purpose, there is a separate pocket in the door of my refrigerator. A small bottle will not take up much space, but it is better to put it in the cold in a closed box. An opened box of ampoules can be sealed with tape or adhesive tape. If I have to store the vaccine for a long time, I periodically do an inspection - I inspect the solution for transparency, the presence of sediment and oxidation of the edges of the aluminum cap. The main thing in this case is not to place the drug close to the freezer.

If the manufacturer recommends storing the drug at a temperature below 10°C, then the best storage place will be the refrigerator

Shelf life and storage conditions

Vakderm can be stored for a year from the production date (as we have already mentioned, it is indicated on each ampoule and bottle). Storage conditions: refrigerator (permissible temperature 2-10 °C).

For safety reasons, it is necessary to prevent children from having access to ampoules or vials.

It is prohibited to use:

  • the drug has expired or has been stored in violation of the above conditions;
  • ampoules or vials on which the necessary markings are missing or erased (we have already provided a list of information that must be applied by the manufacturer to the vaccine container);
  • bottles (ampoules) that are damaged, not hermetically packaged, or opened more than half an hour ago;
  • a drug whose appearance does not correspond to what was declared (has a different color or consistency, there is sediment or foreign impurities, mold, etc.).

If any of the above circumstances are present, the vaccine is discarded

This process does not require any additional disinfection measures, just ordinary precautions.

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate your cat against lichen is a question that every cat owner decides for himself. This vaccination is not mandatory by international standards, but it is included in the “vaccination calendar” of many veterinary clinics. "Vakderm" is one of the top three most common drugs used for these purposes, its price is quite affordable, and side effects are minimal.

A loving owner is concerned not only with the appearance of the pet, but also with its health. Unfortunately, cats are often susceptible to skin diseases such as dermatitis. Its peculiarity is that this disease can become dangerous for the cat owner. Preventing a disease is easier than treating it. Any experienced veterinarian will confirm this. In this article you will find instructions on how to combat lichen with the help of medications.

Therefore, it is worth taking care of your furry pet in advance by carrying out preventive vaccination

using the drug Vakderm-F. He will protect the cat:

When visiting a veterinary clinic, the cat owner will be offered vaccinations.

using Vakderm or Vakderm-F. Let's look at their distinctive features and determine which drug is right for your cat.

Precautionary measures

Vakderm contains a large concentration of pathogenic fungal spores. Therefore, when administering the vaccine, do not allow the drug to come into contact with the skin; wear medical gloves. If an ampoule accidentally breaks, wipe the puddle with an antiseptic. If the vaccine gets on your body or in your eyes, rinse them with running water. If you swallow the medicine, consult your doctor, bringing with you the instructions with the list of ingredients.

Vakderm is stored at temperatures from 0° to 10°. Therefore, when purchasing a vaccine, make sure that it is taken out of the refrigerator. At home, also keep the ampoules in the refrigerator. After opening, the product's shelf life is half an hour. After this, it should be disposed of.

The drug is prohibited for use if it has expired, the integrity of the container has been damaged, sediment, cloudiness, or mold have appeared.

Directions for use and dosage for cats

For preventive purposes, Vakderm is used by sequential administration of two injections with an interval of ten days to two weeks. For adult cats, a single dose of the drug is one “cube” (in some cases, depending on the weight of the animal, it is increased to one and a half or even two), for kittens under three months old - half a “cube”.

The manufacturer guarantees that 25–30 days after the second injection, the animal develops stable immunity to the causative agent of the corresponding disease, which is sufficiently preserved throughout the year.

Thus, the frequency of preventive use of the drug is two vaccines annually with a two-week interval. There are no restrictions on the time of year in this case.

Vakderma injections are administered intramuscularly into the cat's thigh (if the first injection was given in the left thigh, the second is given in the right, and vice versa).

Did you know? A shot in the thigh is the classic way to administer any vaccine. In humans, similar injections are given in the same way (sometimes in the shoulder blade, but never in the gluteal muscle). It is believed that this method is as safe as possible and contributes to the most effective immune response of the body.

A special feature of the drug is that when used as a vaccination for a healthy animal, it does not cause any signs of infection. But if the animal has already “caught the infection” by the time of the injection, even if it has not manifested itself externally, after the injection, foci of lichen will appear on its skin and fur. If this happens, the animal needs to be re-punctured not once, as usual for vaccination, but twice (in total, three injections are given with an interval of 10–14 days), after which after another two to three weeks the disease begins to recede, infected and dead skin falls off and the area is gradually covered with new hair.

Accordingly, to treat lichen, Vakderm is also usually injected three, sometimes four times.

Before injecting Vakderm into a cat, it is necessary to carry out deworming (“worming”). Deworming is done 10–14 days before vaccination, not later. We must not forget about this rule; it is universal and applies to all types of vaccinations without exception.

Important! Any vaccination, no matter how safe it may be, weakens the body’s ability to resist infection. For this reason, the animal must be completely healthy at the time of vaccination.

Otherwise, it is exposed to an additional risk of contracting the disease for which the vaccination is being carried out, or getting complications from the one from which it has already suffered. A few days after deworming are exactly what is needed in order to completely destroy any parasites that may be present in the cat’s body.

For the same reason, the drug "Vakderm" is used only if the animal is completely healthy. If a cat has an elevated body temperature (for those who don’t know, the normal temperature for a cat is from 38.0 to 39.0 ° C, kittens are half a degree higher) or symptoms of an acute disease (regardless of whether it is infectious), in addition, dermatophytosis, the use of the drug is postponed until complete recovery.

Pregnant animals and cats are not vaccinated during the period of feeding kittens.


Of course, you will be immediately offered treatment and advised on various ointments, shampoos or bath products

. The first thing to do is isolate your cat. If you have a long-haired breed, it would be advisable to cut your pet's hair. It would also be a good idea to trim the claws. Also try to treat the room where the cat is with disinfectants. For this, the best option would be to use chlorhexidine.

The best treatment is to use the Vakderm vaccine.


Your veterinary clinic should offer you the Vacderm vaccine. It is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of dermatophyses
. Sometimes impatient owners may panic that no therapeutic effect is observed. However, this is not at all true. The vaccine is administered twice, and the effect occurs two to three weeks, immediately after the second vaccination. After this amount of time you will be able to see the result. The scabs will begin to flake off and fall off, and new hair and fur will grow.

You must be provided with instructions for using Vakderm.

If you use the vaccine for prophylaxis, you should take into account that immunity will not develop immediately

. First, the first vaccine is administered to a healthy animal intramuscularly in the thigh area, and after two weeks it is repeated in the second thigh. After about twenty-five days or a month, intense immunity is developed, which will last for a year.

The vaccine itself is a fraction of weakened dermatophyte spores. Once in the body, the immune system will begin to produce antibodies to the incoming antigen, and they will protect the body from the pathogen for another year, preventing it from manifesting itself. Ultimately, he will abort, and your cat will be healthy and feel almost nothing.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Naturally, the vaccine also has contraindications for use.

, such as:

  1. second half of pregnancy;
  2. elevated cat body temperature;
  3. acute poisoning;
  4. presence of an infectious disease.

Adverse reactions are possible in the form of the development of a lump at the site of vaccine administration, but it will resolve after three to five days. Fatigue may also occur quickly, so do not give the animal heavy loads and carefully monitor your cat.

Release form and price

This vaccine is suitable for cats, dogs, rabbits and other fur-bearing animals.

It is produced in two forms:

  • vaccine solution
  • vaccine powder

The latter is diluted in a sterile solvent. The cost of a dose is approximately one hundred and ten Russian rubles. Different veterinary clinics set their own prices for the drug.

Dosage of the drug

Vaccination of dogs is carried out from the age of 60 days. The dose is selected according to the weight of the animal:

  • if the weight is less than 5 kg of weight - a dose of 0.5 cm3 (ml);
  • weight more than 5 kg - dose 1.0 cm3 (ml).

The drug is administered twice with an interval of 10-14 days. If there is only one dog, you cannot buy the vaccine packaged in 2 ml bottles to be administered once, and after 10 days another time. Once opened, the vaccine can only be used for 30 minutes.

Intramuscular injection is carried out in different limbs of the animal, in the thigh area (once in the right limb, after 10 days in the left). Revaccination is carried out after 12 months, in the same doses, twice with an interval of 10-14 days.

Before vaccination, 10-12 days before, the dog should be treated preventatively against helminth infections. For this purpose, preference is given to complex, highly effective drugs.

The vaccine is administered in compliance with aseptic and antiseptic rules. The syringe and needle must be disposable and sterile. If there are several dogs, it is allowed to draw the vaccine into one syringe, but a separate needle is used for each animal. The injection site is treated with a cotton swab moistened with a 70% concentration of ethyl alcohol solution.

Before administration, the solution should be brought to a state of uniform suspension and ensure that it is at the animal’s body temperature. To do this, the hermetically sealed bottle is lowered into a container with water, the temperature of which is 38-40 ᵒC. Leave for 2-3 minutes, shaking occasionally. Next, take out the bottle, shake well, draw it into a syringe and administer it intramuscularly to the animal.

For therapeutic purposes, the same dosage is used. The disappearance of symptoms is observed by 15-20 days after the first injection. The scabs become loose, are rejected, the epidermis is cleansed, and the growth of new hair is clearly visible. To form stable immunity, a repeat dose is administered 10-12 days after the first injection.

Properties and effect of the vaccine

The drug contains cells of several types of dermatophytes. Fungi are grown on a special nutrient medium. Formalin is also present in the composition - it plays the role of an inactivator or stabilizer.

After double administration of the medicine with a two-week interval, the cat’s body develops a strong immunity against the fungus. It lasts for twelve months, so vaccination is carried out annually for prevention.

Vakderm also has healing properties, so it can prevent the development of dermatophytosis. At the same time, the drug is considered harmless, since it cannot cause the development of infection in an absolutely healthy cat. The need for vaccination is determined by a veterinarian, and he carries it out in compliance with all the rules.

Indications for use

The main purpose of the product is the prevention of various fungal infections. Vaccinations should be done every year, as ringworm and other diseases can be transmitted to people. They are especially dangerous for children, since they have not yet developed immunity.

Vakderm F can be used in the treatment of trichophytosis and microsporia identified in cats. But experts recommend using it only in the first stages of the disease. Otherwise, using the medicine will lead to a deterioration in the pet’s health.

If the drug is used for preventive purposes, it is necessary to follow the recommended regimen of use and carry out the procedure regularly. If you do not follow this rule, the effectiveness of the vaccine decreases and immunity weakens. If for some reason it was not possible to get vaccinated, you should go to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Vakderm F

When the medicine is administered in the early stages of the disease, the symptoms become more acute: foci of infection become larger and appear in other places. Despite this, after ten to fourteen days you need to give another injection, since immunity appears only after a double injection. After three to four weeks, the crusts fall off, and the coat gradually recovers.


If you carefully read the instructions, you can understand that Vakderm is prohibited for use in the following cases:

  • for kittens less than a month old;
  • at high temperature;
  • in the second half of pregnancy;
  • for infectious diseases.

Also, the drug should not be given to weakened animals and cats suffering from chronic pathologies. In such situations, the underlying disease is first treated and then vaccinated.

Vakderm is prohibited for use in kittens under one month old

Sometimes cats become sensitive to the medication. This is signaled by such signs as drowsiness, apathy, and lack of appetite. Lethargy is also possible if the dosage is exceeded. In such cases, no special measures are required, since all symptoms disappear on their own. But if your pet’s health has not changed after two days, you need to go to the veterinarian.

Biological properties

Vakderm belongs to the group of immunobiological drugs. Its therapeutic and preventive effect is its effect on the immune system. Thanks to the vaccine, the body's protective reserves are acquired, increased, and activated.

If you notice wounds and bald spots on your pet, you should immediately consult a veterinarian

Vakderm vaccine causes a targeted immunological reaction. The purpose of Vakderm is the destruction of fungal formations and the complete destruction of fungal cells in the animal’s body.

The effect of the vaccine becomes noticeable a month after a double injection. Immunity caused by the drug will be maintained for 365 days after vaccination. You don’t have to think about dermatophytosis for a whole year.

The vaccine is harmless and does not cause allergic reactions. An important advantage of Vakderm is that it not only prevents the disease, but also has a therapeutic effect. Symptoms of the disease are reduced and the coat is restored.

The animal recovers fairly quickly. There is a nuance. An animal whose appearance and behavior indicate complete recovery may remain a spreader of infection. Tests and cultures are required to confirm complete recovery.

Indications for vaccination

Fungal diseases are dangerous for dogs. They weaken the animal’s immunity, change its behavior and appearance. Symptoms of the disease include hair loss and itching in the affected areas. The dog scratches his bald spot with his paw, leaving scratches. Through them, pathogenic microorganisms enter the body, causing suppuration and sepsis.

Vaccination relieves your pet of these problems. In addition, the owner and family members can interact with the dog without fear of contracting ringworm and other fungal diseases.

Contraindications and side effects

Injecting Vakderm to a dog is prohibited in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • infectious diseases.

Only healthy dogs are vaccinated. Therefore, if the temperature rises, the dog is lethargic, or is in heat, vaccination should be postponed.

Side effects may occur due to individual intolerance to the components of the product, when a cold drug is administered, or failure to comply with sterility conditions. To prevent lumps from developing into an abscess, you should:

  • lubricate the bump with an antiseptic;
  • draw an iodine grid;
  • rub in heparin ointment;
  • reduce the dog's physical activity.

If the lump has not resolved within 5 days, the veterinarian will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs.


Vasily, Yaroslavl

“I take my poodle to shows every year. Therefore, I cannot allow skin diseases to appear. I regularly take Champion to the vet. He gives vaccinations with Vaderm and other drugs. As a result, my dog ​​practically doesn’t get sick.”

Ekaterina, Stavropol

“During a walk, my dachshund made friends with stray dogs. When I drove them away, I noticed that the dogs had bald patches on their sides. I took Button to the veterinarian, who vaccinated her against fungal diseases with Vakderm. Now I can calmly take my pet outside.”

Composition of the drug

The drug contains exclusively natural ingredients. To produce the drug, specially weakened spores of several strains of dermatophytes are used. Obtaining the latter is still a problem for pharmacists. The fact is that they are obtained artificially, growing on special nutrient media. Fungi grow on them for a long time and poorly, which increases the cost of obtaining the drug.

To prevent the introduction of the vaccine from ending in infection of the dog, fungal spores are first neutralized with formaldehyde. Simply put, the Vakderm vaccine belongs to the “dead” category, i.e. there is no living pathogen in its composition. This means that the administration of the drug will under no circumstances lead to infection of the pet! More precisely, foci of mycoses may appear under conditions of severe overdose, but only at the injection site and they never “mutate” into a full-fledged disease.


Does the drug have analogues? Yes, but there are not so many of them:

  • Polivak-TM.
  • Microderm.

These products are produced on the basis of the same inactivated spores of parasitic fungi, and therefore they do not have any significant differences from Vakderm. Simply put, all three drugs can be used with equal success. If you follow the instructions for their use, you can reliably protect your dog from becoming infected with lichen.

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