Drops on the withers against ticks for dogs - TOP-15 in 2022 (comparative analysis)

Every year the activity of ticks increases, their habitat areas expand. Many people know about the dangers of ticks and the diseases they carry to humans, but have animal owners ever thought that blood-sucking parasites are equally dangerous for their pets?


  • When to start using anti-tick drops for dogs
  • Mechanism of action
  • Tick ​​drops for dogs - TOP 15 best
  • How to use anti-tick drops for dogs
  • Restrictions when applying anti-tick drops to the withers
  • Safety when using drops against ticks and fleas
  • As recommendations

All pet owners in the spring are faced with the problem of choosing means to protect their pets from ticks. This is especially true for dog owners, because ticks carry very common and dangerous diseases, such as babesiosis (also known as piroplasmosis), borreliosis (the so-called Lyme disease, which can also affect people) and some others.

These diseases are much easier to prevent than to treat, so it is easier and cheaper to buy special acaricides at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. Today, a huge number of drugs have been developed, varying in price and effectiveness, in the form of drops, collars, sprays and even tablets for systemic action against ticks. The validity period can vary from 1 week to 3 or more months.

Learn more about the habitats, external signs, developmental and behavioral characteristics of the tick, and how the infection process occurs.

In this material we will look at drops on the withers against ticks for dogs:

  • when to start dripping drops;
  • how these drugs work;
  • composition, characteristic features and duration of protective action (briefly);
  • restrictions and security issues, etc.

Worms or helminths

Helminths are classified as internal parasites. Worms are the general name for worms that parasitize the body of the host (dogs, cats, people) and cause helminthiasis. There are 82 types of worms that parasitize cats and dogs, and 32 of them are dangerous for humans. If an animal becomes infected with worms, its immunity is significantly weakened, so a sick dog easily picks up viral diseases.

The following types of parasites are most often found in dogs and cause the corresponding diseases:

  • roundworms, or nematodes, cause nematodes;
  • flatworms, or trematodes, are the causative agent of trematodiasis;
  • tapeworms, or cestodes, are the cause of cystodosis;
  • as well as whipworms and heartworms.

Let's take a closer look at each: you need to know the enemy by sight, so to speak :)

Roundworms, or nematodes. The most common type is roundworm .

Roundworms are large bisexual worms up to 17 cm long (can reach 40 cm), round in cross-section, pointed at the ends. The color can vary from white to yellow and even pinkish.

Ascaris, structure

Ascaris can reproduce about 200 thousand eggs in one day. Hundreds of roundworms can simultaneously live in the body of an infected dog, which disrupt the normal functioning of the digestive tract, and if the roundworms become entangled in a ball, they can cause intestinal blockage or, worse, rupture. Roundworms are also dangerous for people.

Almost all puppies become infected with worms before birth or receive parasites through their mother's milk. A few weeks are enough for the roundworms to develop into adults, which themselves are already capable of reproducing.

Hookworms attack the lungs, throat and entire gastrointestinal tract of dogs. Sick animals lose a lot of blood at the sites of parasite bites.

Flatworms, or trematodes. The most common type is the liver fluke , or cat fluke .

Cat fluke

The body length of the liver fluke is 3 cm, and the width is 1.3 cm. When worms enter the body of a dog or person from poorly cooked fish, they are localized in the liver and bile ducts and cause opisthorchiasis (liver disease).

Tapeworms, or cestodes. The most common type is cucumber tapeworm .

Cucumber tapeworm

The length of this helminth is about 50 cm, and the width is 2.5-3 mm, the body has 4 suckers and a proboscis with four rows of spine-like hooks. This type of tapeworm received this name because of its similarity to cucumber seeds. Cucumber tapeworm, settling in the middle and lower parts of the small intestine, causes poor digestion and, as a result, diarrhea and decreased appetite, or, conversely, increased and perverted appetite.

Dogs contract this parasite when they ingest fleas. Humans also become infected.

Another representative of tapeworms is Echinococcus .

Echinococci enter the dog's body through raw meat or animal entrails and parasitize the small intestine. This type of tapeworm is very dangerous for humans: it causes an often fatal disease called echinococcosis. With echinococcosis, the patient's lungs and liver are affected.


The length of the body of Echinococcus is 3-5 mm, it consists of a head with four suckers and two corollas of hooks and three to four segments.

The next representative of tapeworms is the sheep brainworm .

The helminth, 10 cm long and 5 mm wide, enters the dog’s body and parasitizes in the intestines.


cause heartworm disease, in which the parasite, which lives in the right side of the heart and adjacent blood vessels, causes cardiovascular weakness, puts great strain on the lungs, kidneys, liver and heart, leading to organ failure. The first signs of the disease are decreased appetite and weight, and fatigue.

There are treatments for heartworm disease, but they are dangerous. Prevention is best. Most medications for this type of worm contain ivermectin, which successfully fights worms. But these products are also toxic to dogs. So discuss the pros and cons with your veterinarian.

Mechanism of action

After applying drops to the dog’s skin, the active components are quickly distributed over the surface of the body, retained in the lipid layer on the animal’s skin and fur. The active substance is distributed throughout the dog’s body, protecting the entire surface of the animal’s body, including the most vulnerable places (the inner surface of the ears, armpits, between the paw pads, abdomen, groin area). After application, the active substances are distributed over the surface of the body within 24 hours, are not absorbed into the bloodstream, accumulate in the epidermis, hair follicles, sebaceous glands and have a long-term contact effect.

Tick ​​drops for dogs also have a repellent effect on parasites and prevent the bite itself. The parasite gets on the dog's fur, but cannot gain a foothold. After such an interaction, the parasite falls from the animal and dies in the environment before it has time to bite the pet.

How to Apply Flea and Tick Drops for Dogs

Are fleas on dogs dangerous for humans?

Human blood is not suitable for such insects, but they bite the legs when there is nothing else to feed on. Often these signs are used to detect fleas in the house, even in the absence of pets. There is a small chance of contracting an infection or developing an allergy to the saliva of parasites.

So the “dog” fleas themselves are basically harmless to humans, and only possible diseases that can be transmitted by them through bites are dangerous.

Insect infestation is a seasonal disease. They cannot tolerate low temperatures and therefore rarely survive winter. But preventing a problem is cheaper and easier than getting rid of it. Follow preventive measures, treat your pet on time, and annoying parasites will never bother you.

Tick ​​drops for dogs - TOP 15 best

In 2022 The following drops – preparations – are registered and used in Russia:

  1. "Frontline" (2 drugs - "Frontline Combo" and "Frontline Spot On" ), France
  2. Bravecto Spot On , USA
  3. "Dana-Ultra" , Russia
  4. Advantix , Germany
  5. "Lawyer" , Germany
  6. Hartz Ultra Guard , USA
  7. "Inspector" , Germany
  8. Biospotix Spot On , Germany
  9. "Prac-tik" / "Prac-tik" , Germany
  10. Rolf Club 3D , Germany
  11. "Insectal" , Germany
  12. "BEAPHAR - IMMO Shield Line-on" , Netherlands
  13. BEAPHAR - VETO pure , Netherlands
  14. " Bars " (2 drugs "Bars" and " Bars Forte" ), Russia
  15. Dironet Spot-on , Russia
  16. "Deltsit" , Russia.

1. “Frontline” (“Merial”, France) Active ingredients: a) “Frontline Combo” - 2-component ( fipronil 9.8%, S- methoprene 8.8% and excipients polyvidone and polysorbate). b) “Frontline Spot On” - d/v fipronil . The period of protection is from ticks – up to 4 weeks, from fleas and immature stages of fleas – up to 12 weeks, from the preimaginal phases of insect development – ​​up to 8 months.

2. “Bravecto Spot On” (“Merck Animal Health” / “MSD Animal Health”, USA) The active ingredient is fluralaner . The period of preventive protection is up to 12 weeks. The speed of initial action is after 8 hours for fleas, after 12 hours for ticks.

3. “ Dana-Ultra” (Apicenna / Apicenna, Russia) Active ingredients - fipronil, thiamethoxam, pyriproxyfen. Destruction of external parasites, including fleas, lice and lice, within 24 hours after application of the drug. Protection against ixodid ticks for a month, against fleas, lice, lice for up to 8 weeks. Lack of resistance of parasites to the drug. Interruption of the development cycle of insects at the larval stage.

4. “Advantix” (“BAYER”, Germany) Active ingredients - imidacloprid 10% and permethrin 50%. The protection period is up to 28 days after a single application, if necessary, the frequency of treatments is no more than 1 time per week. Initial exposure time: 12 hours for fleas, 24 hours for ticks.

5. “Advocate” (“Bauer HealthCare AG”, Germany) Active ingredients - imidacloprid 10% (from external parasites - lice, adult fleas, flea larvae) and moxidectin 2.5% (from scabies mites - subcutaneous and ear mites, as well as for internal parasites – for roundworms). The validity period is up to 28 days after a single use.

6. “Hartz Ultra Guard” (“Hartz”, USA) Active ingredient – ​​phenothrin 85.7% Protection period – up to 30 days after a single use, mandatory number of treatments – 3 times (once a month). The speed of initial action is from 15 minutes against mosquitoes, the full protective effect develops 2-3 days after application.

7. “ Inspector” (“Neoterica GmbH, Germany) Active ingredients – fipronil – 10% and moxidectin – 2.5%. Duration of protective action: against ticks 1 month, against insects 1.5 months, helminths 1 month.

8. “Biospotix Spot On” (Germany) Active ingredient – ​​geraniol 0.75%, a herbal preparation. The period of action is up to 4 weeks after a single use.

9. “Prac-tik”/ “Prac-tik” (“Klocke Verpackungs-Service GmbH”, Germany) Active ingredient – ​​pyriprole 125 mg/ml. The protective effect is 4 weeks, the speed of the initial effect is 24 hours.

10. "Rolf Club 3D" (Neoterica GmbH, Germany) Active ingredients - fipronil 9.8%, D- cyphenothrin 5.2%, pyriproxyfen 2%. Duration of protective action: up to 1 month - against ixodid ticks, 2 months - against fleas, lice, lice, 7 days - against mosquitoes, mosquitoes, midges. If there are attached ticks and parasitic insects, their detachment and death occurs within 1-2 hours after treatment.

11. “Insectal” (“Neoterica GmbH”, Germany) Active ingredients - fipronil 10% (from fleas and ticks) and pyriproxyfen 2% (from flea larvae and other parasites, reduces the risk of re-infection). Duration of protective action: up to 30 days against ticks, up to 2 months against fleas.

12. “BEAPHAR - IMMO Shield Line-on”, (“BEAPHAR BV”, Netherlands) Active ingredient – ​​dimethicone , 474 g/l. The period of protective action is up to 4 weeks, the period of initial exposure is 24 hours

13. “BEAPHAR - VETO pure” (“BEAPHAR BV”, Netherlands) Margosa extract 50 g/l, pyrethrins and pyrethroids 5 g/l Protective effect period - up to 4 weeks, initial exposure period - 24 hours

14. “Bars” (LLC “AVZ S-P”, Russia) - TWO drugs “Bars” and “Bars Forte” ). The active ingredients are fipronil 50 mg/ml, diflubenzuron 1 mg/ml and dicarboximide (MGK-264) 5 mg/ml. Protective effect - 1-2 months with a single treatment.

15. “Deltsit” (LLC “AVZ S-P”, Russia) Active ingredient: deltamethrin 4.0%. It is used not only to combat ectoparasites of animals, but also for disinfestation and decontamination of premises.

How to Apply Insectoacaricidal Flea and Tick Spray for Dogs

Here are some deworming rules:

  • All your pets and family members need to be dewormed regularly, otherwise re-infection may occur;
  • find out the exact weight of the dog to determine the dose of the medicine. This can be done quite simply: first weigh yourself with the Pomeranian, and then without it, subtract the second value from the first, the resulting difference will be the weight of the Pomeranian. Just in case, weigh yourself a couple of times;
  • puppies should receive deworming treatment every 2 weeks until they are 2-3 months of age.

How to use anti-tick drops for dogs

1.If desired, you can wash your dog 2-3 days before using the drops. Cosmetics partially wash out the lipid layer, which is necessary for distributing droplets over the surface of the dog’s skin and coat. Therefore, if you washed your animal with shampoo, it is better to wait 2-3 days and treat the dog with drops.

2. The drug is applied to places inaccessible to licking by animals: on the skin at several points in the back, between the shoulder blades or in the neck at the base of the skull in doses specified in the instructions for each specific drug.

* A wet-oil stain may appear on the fur within 24 hours after application.

** At the site of application of the drug, hair may stick together, itching and slight redness may occur, sometimes hair loss, and if ingested, increased salivation.

3. For the first 2-3 days after treatment, it is recommended not to bathe the dog and not allow it into natural bodies of water.

4. Do not forget to treat the dog monthly during the entire period of parasite activity. Before walking, for additional preventive protection, it is recommended to use an insectoacaricidal spray against ticks.

Measures to prevent parasite infestation

  • Your Spitz's diet should be good and balanced in vitamin and mineral composition - this will improve the dog's immunity;
  • if during a walk your Spitz wants to eat the feces of other dogs, do your best to prevent this;
  • monitor the hygiene of your pet’s environment;
  • do not walk your dogs in crowded places;
  • carry out preventive deworming.

Almost every dog ​​has some kind of worms in its body, so you need to periodically (2-4 times a year) deworm your pets.

Restrictions when applying anti-tick drops to the withers

  1. The drugs are contraindicated for use in case of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug (consult a veterinarian)
  2. If it is necessary to use the drug for Collie, Bobtail and Sheltie puppies, due to the increased sensitivity of dogs of these breeds to drugs, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian.
  3. It is prohibited for use by patients with infectious diseases, weakened animals and puppies younger than N weeks of age (see drug) and/or weighing less than 1-2 kg.
  4. It is not recommended to take the drugs together with other insectoacaricidal agents.

Safety when using drops against ticks and fleas

All drugs considered are certified and registered in the Russian Federation. According to the degree of impact on the body, they are classified as moderately dangerous substances (hazard class 3 or 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in recommended doses they do not have skin-irritating and resorptive-toxic, embryotoxic and teratogenic effects. If it gets into the gala, mild irritation is possible. The drugs are toxic to rabbits, bees, fish and other aquatic organisms.

In case of overdose, excessive salivation, muscle tremors, and vomiting are possible. In this case, the drug is washed off with water and detergent, and the animal is prescribed antihistamines and symptomatic therapy.

As recommendations

  • The animal should not be petted for 24 hours and should not be allowed near small children.
  • Do not wash or bathe the animal for 3 days before and after treatment, and do not apply the drug to wet or damaged skin.
  • In order to prevent re-infestation with fleas, the animals' bedding is replaced or the floors of the premises are treated with any insecticidal agent.
  • Repeated treatments are carried out according to indications, but not more than once every 3-4 weeks.
  • It is advisable to treat all animals living together.
  • Clearly calculate the dosage based not only on the weight of the animal, but also on the age and state of health.
  • If you have any doubts regarding use, you should consult a veterinarian. doctor.
  • Pay special attention to treatments in the warm season.

When choosing protection for your pet, you must take into account that ticks, typical for Russia, are often resistant to antiparasitic drugs developed and produced in Europe. In addition, European drugs are developed with an eye on the composition of parasites living in Europe, without taking into account the characteristics of the Russian parasitic flora. Owners of pets living in Russia are recommended to use modern domestically produced parasite remedies for their pets - for example, products from the Dana Ultra line: anti-parasitic collars, drops on the withers and sprays for treating fur from the leading Russian manufacturer Apicenna.

Video about the mechanism of action of drops against pests using the example of the active ingredients imidacloprid and moxidectin from the company Bauer, Germany (not an advertisement)

Folk remedies: table

Active substancesRecipe and application
Tar soapUsed for swimming. It must be applied to wet wool, lathered, and wait 5 minutes. and wash off. Brush the dog thoroughly.
Lemon waterBoil 6 crushed citrus fruits in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes. Leave for 8 hours in a covered container. Filter, pour into a container with a spray bottle and spray the wool. Repeated treatment no earlier than after 1 day.
Garlic solutionCrush 3 large cloves of garlic and add 250 ml of water. Leave overnight, and in the morning apply the concentrate in a small amount to the withers.
Essential oilsTake equal parts of lavender, eucalyptus and tea tree extracts. Treat the dog's hair. Relevant for small breeds.
Salt bathIt is allowed to bathe a pet in this solution only if there are no wounds on the body, which is impossible if there is a large flea infestation, since the animal itches a lot. Sometimes to the point of bleeding. Dissolve a pack of table salt in 10 liters of warm water and wash the dog. Rinse off with running water after a couple of minutes.
Apple vinegarMix vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:3 and rinse the dog with the resulting liquid. Can be used as a spray.
Brewer's yeastUsed as a food additive. For small breeds - 1 tsp and 1 tbsp. - for large ones.
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