Anti-tick tablets for dogs - TOP 5 best 2022. (comparative analysis)


  • Risk factors
  • Purpose
  • General information
  • Operating principle
  • TOP 5 best anti-tick tablets for dogs
  • 1) Anti-tick tablets “Bravecto”/ “Bravecto”
  • 2) Anti-tick tablets “Inspector Quadro Tabs”
  • 3) Tablets against ticks "Simparika" / "Simparica"
  • 4) Tablets against ticks “Frontline NexGard” / “Frontline NexGard”
  • 5) Anti-tick tablets "Nexgard Spectra" / "NexGard Spectra"
  • Features of using anti-tick tablets for dogs
  • As a conclusion

Anti-tick tablets for dogs are a popular means of protection. Every year the number of their consumption in the world only increases, as dog breeders strive to protect their pets as much as possible from the serious risk of infectious, including viral, infections. Although there are still ongoing debates about the safety of their use. The main advantage of using anti-tick tablets is long-term and permanent protection.

In this material we will consider the most popular anti-tick tablets for dogs in practice. We will conduct a comparative analysis (manufacturer, purpose, active substance, side effects, protection periods, etc.). The final decision on taking the drug should be made after consultation with a veterinarian.

Selection of products for dogs of different breeds and sizes

There are several important factors that must be taken into account. First of all, you need to decide on the form of the product. As mentioned earlier, tablets are the most effective option.

The age of the dog must be taken into account. Most standard medications are not given to puppies until they are 8 weeks old. It is also important to pay attention to weight. Some medications have restrictions on this parameter and are not used for dogs weighing up to 1.2 kg.

If the dog is an adult, then almost any drug will do. If a puppy needs treatment, it is advisable to give preference to shampoos. They are less effective, but completely safe for a small individual.

Breeds weighing more than 20 kg are given only tablets. Other options will not be effective. Otherwise, breed and coat type do not influence the choice of medication in any way.

Risk factors

With the onset of spring, blood-sucking insects become more active. Among the most dangerous are ticks, the bite of which leads to serious health consequences and sometimes death. The high activity of ticks in the warm season is explained by the peculiarities of their life cycle and reproduction.

READ MORE: “Habitats, external signs, features of development and behavior of the tick” “How the infection process occurs”

The following types of ticks are common in dogs:

  • Ixodes tick (ticks of the genus Ixodes carry many infectious diseases, including Babesiosis);
  • Scabies mite (mites of the genus Sarcoptes scabiei form “burrows” in the skin of pets, most often inhabiting less hairy parts of the body)
  • Subcutaneous mite (Demodex mites grow excessively inside the hair follicle, leading to baldness and purulent skin lesions);
  • Ear mites (mites of the genus Otodectes cynotis are the cause of otitis externa).

Types of ticks dangerous to dogs - risk factors and symptoms
Parasites live outside and inside dogs and usually go unnoticed by owners. There are many types of ticks, fleas and worms that are dangerous to dogs. These parasites have one thing in common - sooner or later their presence can lead to health problems or discomfort. In addition to dogs, many parasites can also harm their owners, especially children.


Anti-tick tablets for dogs are used for both prevention and treatment:

  • acarosis caused by ixodid, sarcoptoid, psoroptoid and demodectic mites (more than 20 varieties);
  • entomosis caused by fleas;
  • from intestinal parasites (helminths, nematodes, microfilariae, etc.).

Prescription of anti-tick tablets for dogs


Drops are an effective means for the prevention and treatment of parasitic diseases. The drugs are prescribed for entomosis, otodectosis, sarcoptic mange, cheyletiellosis, notoedrosis, as well as to protect the dog from attacks by ectoparasites, such as ixodid ticks. The duration of action is indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions for the drops and averages from 1 to 2 months. The AVZ product range includes the following drugs:

  • Insectoacaricidal drops "Bars".
    Three-component innovative product. Depending on the dog’s body weight, you can choose the right amount of medication. The drops are applied once to the withers or to the area between the shoulder blades. The drug accumulates in the sebaceous glands, providing long-term protection for the dog against parasites. In recommended doses, the product does not have a negative effect on the animal.
  • Insectoacaricidal drops "Bars Forte" for dogs.
    The drug contains diflubenzuron. This is a component that prevents the growth of insects by blocking the synthesis of chitin. This helps fight not only adult insects, but also their eggs and larvae. The drops have insectoacaricidal activity and a repellent effect against ticks, fleas and lice.
  • Insectoacaricidal drops "Bars Forte" for puppies.
    The active and auxiliary substances in the composition of the drug (fipronil, diflubenzuron, citronella essential oil) make it effective against larval and adult ectoparasites. The repellent property of the drops has a deterrent effect on blood-sucking insects, including mosquitoes. The product effectively prevents the animal from becoming infected with diseases transmitted by ticks and fleas.
  • Repellent drops "Four with a tail".
    The product contains components of natural origin (a mixture of essential oils of lavender, schizandra and citronella). The drug repels blood-sucking parasites, including fleas and ticks. It is not an insecticide, so it can be used even on weakened animals.

General information

The tablets are classified as insecticides; they differ fundamentally from each other in composition and the active substance used (fluralaner, afoxolaner, spinosad, milbemycin, sarolaner, etc.)

Each active substance has its own purpose. According to the direction of action, the active substances work to destroy internal parasites living in the gastrointestinal tract and/or to destroy external parasites living on the skin (fleas, ticks, etc.)

Manufacturers produce these drugs based on the weight and age of the pet. Based on this, the appropriate dosage and frequency of use are selected.

The territory where the pet lives is also taken into account; the number of ticks in each specific region or locality may differ significantly, etc.

What are insecticides and repellents and how do they work?

Insecticides are special substances of biological or chemical composition designed to kill harmful insects. They have many types. Currently, insecticides with a gentle effect have appeared:

  • attractants - attract insects into the trap;
  • pheromones - have the smell of secretions of the reproductive glands of insects, also attract fleas to danger;
  • sterilizers - deprive insects of the ability to reproduce;
  • aphidants - deprive insects of appetite.

Flea products based on insecticides work very simply: the active substances, when spread, remain on the hair follicles, skin and subcutaneous fat of the animal. When insecticides enter the body of fleas, the substances block the functioning of nerve impulses, disrupting coordination of movements, causing paralysis and quick death.

It is worth paying attention to repellents. These are substances that repel unwanted pests. They are used to protect not only domestic animals, but also people.

Operating principle

The tablets enter the gastrointestinal tract along with food intake. Through the mucous membranes of the stomach walls, the active substance enters the bloodstream after 2-3 hours and begins to function. The insect, sucking blood, receives a dose of nerve poison. As a result, the parasite's connections in the transmission of nerve impulses are disrupted, causing paralysis, leading to death.

That is, the death of a tick occurs when a dog is bitten by a parasite; the insect does not have time to attach itself, which completely eliminates intoxication and the risk of infection.

The medicine is excreted naturally (with feces, urine, bile). The half-life is usually about 2 weeks.

How to tell if your dog has fleas

The dog most often makes it clear that fleas are bothering him. Therefore, determining whether a dog has parasites is not difficult - examine the animal’s fur and skin.

Flea eggs look like very small grains, and waste products look like pepper grains: small brown or black grains of sand.

An adult flea is easy to spot if you run your hand against the dog's fur. Insects can be found all over your pet's body, but most often they live in secluded places: in the armpits or under the ears. If the flea infestation is severe, you may notice parasites during water procedures. Most often, fleas climb onto dry areas of fur, on the face, for example.

The most common symptom of flea infestation is dog itching - the animal often itches, tries to bite the itchy areas, and loses its hair. Parasites, in addition to examination, can be identified using various blood tests, scrapings and other professional methods.

The dog flea larva looks like a small caterpillar.

TOP 5 best anti-tick tablets for dogs

Currently, the most popular and effective drugs are:

  • "Bravecto"
  • "Inspector Quadro Tabs"
  • "Simparica"
  • "Frontline Nexgard"
  • "Nexgard Spectra"

1) Anti-tick tablets “Bravecto”/ “Bravecto”

Anti-tick tablets for dogs “Bravecto”/ “Bravecto”

/ "Bravecto"Intervet GesmbH (MSD Animal Health), Austria/Netherlands
Official site
Composition/active ingredient (d/v)FLURALANER
Dosage of active substance112.5 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg, 1000 mg, 1400 mg (25-56 mg/1 kg of weight)
Release format (dog weight)2-4.5kg, 4.5-10kg, 10-20kg, 20-40kg, 40-56kg.
Features of application— validity period 12 weeks; — speed of influence – from fleas 8 hours, from ticks 12 hours; — can be used by pregnant and lactating dogs under the supervision of a veterinarian; - used shortly before, during or after feeding; — used for puppies from 8 weeks of age, all breeds and weighing from 2 kg.

2) Anti-tick tablets “Inspector Quadro Tabs”

Anti-tick tablets "Inspector Quadro Tabs"

/ "Inspector Quadro Tabs"The manufacturer of the drug is the Russian Ecoprom.” The developer of the drug is Neoterica GmbH (Germany)
Official site
Composition/active ingredient (d/v)Three-component drug: LUFENURON + MOXYDECTIN + PRAZIQUANTEL
Dosage of active substance10 mg lufenuron, 5 mg praziquantel and 0.3 mg moxidectin per 1 kg of weight
Release format (dog weight)120 mg, 240 mg, 750 mg, 1500 mg. (per animal weight: 0.5-2 kg, 2-8 kg, 8-16 kg, more than 16 kg)
Features of application— the drug is used both for preventive protection and for treatment; — the duration of the protective antiparasitic effect of the drug (with a single use) is up to 5 weeks; — insectoacaricidal protection after 24 hours, reaching the maximum level after 48 hours; — it is possible to treat cats and dogs of all breeds without restrictions (for collie, sheltie and bobtail breeds, the drug “Inspector QUADRO” is used under the supervision of a veterinarian); — animal weight from 0.5 kg; - treatment of pregnant and lactating females is allowed (“Inspector” in the form of drops on the withers); — approved for puppies and kittens from 3 weeks of age (when using the drug “Inspector mini”); — for preventive purposes, the drug can be used throughout the year; — THREE-component composition provides maximum protection.

3) Tablets against ticks "Simparika" / "Simparica"

Anti-tick tablets for dogs “Simparika”/ “Simparica”

/ "Simparica"“Zoetis”, USA/Portugal,
Composition/active ingredient (d/v)SAROLANER
Dosage of active substance5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg; 120 mg
Release format (dog weight)1.3-2.5 kg, 2.6-5 kg, 5.1-10 kg, 10.1-20 kg, 20.1-40 kg, 40.1-60 kg.
Features of application— protection period up to 35 days; — bioavailability about 85%; — possibility of use for very small dogs weighing from 1.3 kg; — the maximum concentration in the bloodstream is observed after 3 hours; - waiting period: for fleas - 3 hours, for ticks - 8 hours; — restrictions for animals sick with infectious diseases, as well as puppies under 2 months old.

4) Tablets against ticks “Frontline NexGard” / “Frontline NexGard”

Tablets against ticks "Frontline NexgarD" / "Frontline NexGard"

/ "Frontline NexGard""Merial", France,
Composition/active ingredient (d/v)AFOXOLANER, 2.27%
Dosage of active substance11.3 mg, 28.3 mg, 68 mg, 136 mg (2.5 mg/1 kg weight)
Release format (dog weight)2-4 kg, 4-10 kg, 10-25 kg, 25-50 kg
Features of application— 2-4 hours after administration, the maximum concentration of d/v in the blood is observed, bioavailability is 74%; - waiting period for initial exposure - 4 hours for fleas, 48 ​​hours for ticks; — total duration of protection up to 4 weeks; — used for puppies from 8 weeks of age, all breeds and weighing from 2 kg; — tablets should not be used in productive animals; if necessary, pregnant and lactating dogs are given the drug under the supervision of a veterinarian.

5) Anti-tick tablets "Nexgard Spectra" / "NexGard Spectra"

Tablets against ticks "NexgarD Spectra" / "NexGard Spectra"

/ "NexGard Spectra""Merial", France,
Composition/active ingredient (d/v)TWO-component drug: AFOXOLANER 1.87% and MILBEMYCIN OXIM 0.38%
Dosage of active substance2.5 mg afoxolaner and 0.5 mg milbemycin oxime per 1 kg of weight
Release format (dog weight)2.5-3.5 kg, 3.5-7.5 kg, 7.5-15 kg, 15-30 kg, 30-60 kg
Features of application- pleasant taste of the tablet with the smell of stewed beef, as well as a soft texture; — comprehensive protection: from fleas and ticks, as well as from intestinal parasites (helminths, microfilariae, etc.); — proven effective against 8 types of ticks and 2 types of fleas — easily tolerated, no complications or side effects; — used for puppies from 8 weeks of age, all breeds and weighing from 2 kg; — there are no restrictions for dogs with allergies to animal proteins.

Flea spray as an alternative to drops

As a rule, you can find an antiparasitic spray on the shelves of veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. Manufacturers and brands are the same as those just described. Many people believe that sprays are a complete analogue of drops on the withers, but this is not so:

  • Unlike drops, these products are distributed only through the coat and the very top layers of the skin. Accordingly, you can’t count on their very long-term effect.
  • In the production of sprays, insecticides and repellents are used that are less “vigorous”, and therefore younger or older pets can be treated with sprays.

Features of using anti-tick tablets for dogs

When using, the following features should be taken into account:

  1. Anti-tick tablets for dogs are used monthly, the first dose is 30 days before the initial period of insect spread.
  2. The duration of use (frequency of administration) of the tablets depends on the region of residence and the number of parasites.
  3. The dosage is prescribed by the veterinarian based on the weight of the animal. You cannot change (increase or decrease) the dosage on your own, otherwise the protection will not be effective, or an overdose is possible. It is not allowed to break tablets.
  4. When taking it, take into account the age of the dog, as well as developmental characteristics - for puppies, pregnant, lactating or weakened animals, special standards for the use of tablets are established.
  5. The ban on taking tablets is established for dogs less than 2 kg and less than 2 months old; these indicators are individual for each drug.
  6. For dogs with diseases of the urinary and excretory systems, or with hypersensitivity to the active ingredients, the regimen of use is established only by a veterinarian.
  7. The tablet begins to act against ticks 24-48 hours after consumption, against fleas - after 3-5 hours, against internal parasites - 1-2 hours.
  8. The tablets contain a flavor (the taste of liver, chicken, etc.), which prevents your pet from refusing to consume it. However, the dog owner should make sure that the tablet is eaten.

Application rules and errors

The first thing you need to do to use the tablets correctly is to select the dosage according to the dog’s weight. For example, Nexgard Spectra tablets are available in 5 dosages, and Frontline Nexgard - in four. Dividing the tablet, as indicated in the instructions for use, is not allowed.

The drug can be fed in pure form or along with food. You need to make sure that the dog eats the tablet completely.

To protect against two types of fleas and eight types of ixodid ticks, Frontline Nexgard tablets are suitable.

And the complex veterinary drug Nexgard Spectra also protects against helminths and heartworms (microfilaria).

The effect of the NexgarD Spectra tablet is one month, according to the instructions for use. If the re-treatment time is missed, the animal may be unprotected after the drug expires and will need to be given the tablet again.

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