Can Chappi dog food be considered high-quality nutrition?

Representatives of the scientific world claim that the dog food produced in laboratory conditions by Chappie is not only not healthy, but also dangerous for the lives of man’s four-legged friends. To confirm their verdict, scientists shared with the public the results of numerous scientific experiments. In particular, it turned out that long-term use of dry granules, regardless of brand, ends in the formation of cancerous tumors, and also provokes kidney stones and kidney failure.

Brief description and country of origin

All types of relatively cheap dry and canned dog food for Chappie are produced by the American company Mars. Today, the enterprises of this company operate in almost all countries, including Russia.

Chappie is often sold loose without packaging.

For your information! It is noteworthy that the efforts of the initiators of the advertising campaign promoting the superiority of Chappi over homemade food are aimed exclusively at citizens of the CIS. Dog breeders from foreign countries, including the USA, know nothing about this food or the manufacturing company.

The manufacturing company mentions the unique properties of the product: a beneficial effect on the general condition of the dog, as well as the positive changes that will occur to the animal’s fur and skin. If you believe the advertising slogans, by regularly consuming Chappie, the dog receives a daily dose of microelements. It improves the functioning of the animal's digestive organs and immune system.

Product Description

Dry dog ​​food is one of the cheapest. As reviews show, this is due to its high popularity among numerous pet owners. In addition, accessibility can also attract attention. The products can be purchased both in a specialized store and in a regular supermarket.

The goods are packaged in packages that differ in volume. You can buy food in bags from 2.5 to 15 kg.

Features of the composition

A distinctive feature of Chappy brand dry dog ​​food is its composition. It contains brewer's yeast. They help improve the immunity of your four-legged pet. In addition, the composition of Chappie's products includes all the essential minerals and vitamins required for dogs.

With the help of special additives included in the composition, it can significantly improve the dog's appearance. The skin becomes healthier. Metabolism also normalizes. Chappy dog ​​food includes products obtained from meat processing, by-products, as well as substances that promote the growth and development of a pet.

The cereals included in the composition act as a source of fiber. They help improve digestion. In addition, this product contains a significant amount of carbohydrates, which act as an energy drink. Due to the fact that Chappie's products contain vegetable and animal oils, they become attractive in terms of taste.

Contains dry dog ​​food and seasoned vegetables. We are talking about carrots and alfalfa. They act as a significant source of nutrients that stimulate metabolic processes. With the help of these products, the animal maintains excellent physical shape.

A distinctive feature of dog food is its nutritional value. It supplies your four-legged friend with additional energy, allowing him to be more active in various games.

The video will feature a familiar commercial for dry food from a well-known brand.

Composition analysis

Akana: food for dogs of small and large breeds, puppies

The composition of dry food includes cereals, meat, offal, vegetable protein extracts, animal fats, vegetable oils. In addition, according to advertising information, Chappi is a storehouse of a number of vitamins and minerals. In every 100 g, the animal receives 350 kcal, 18 g of protein, 10 g of fat, 7 g of fiber, the same amount of ash, 0.8 g of calcium, 0.6 g of phosphorus.

The composition is indicated on each pack

Note! Canned soft food consists of meat and internal organs of cattle and poultry. 100 g of food contains 77 kcal, about 5 g of protein, 4 g of fat, 2.5 g of ash, 0.3 g of fiber, 81 g of water and 0.25 g of calcium.

Composition of vitamins

100 g of dry food contains:

  • 500 IU vitamin A;
  • 50 IU vitamin D;
  • 8 mg vitamin E;
  • B vitamins;
  • nicotinic and pantothenic acids.

A kilogram of canned food contains 150 IU of vitamin D3, 20 mg of vitamin E, 2 mg of copper sulfate and 53 mg of zinc sulfate.

Main feed lines

Dog Chow: food for dogs and puppies of large and small breeds

The main line consists of:

  • food recommended for adult dogs of large and medium breeds, “Meat Plate”. In addition to traditional ingredients, this includes chamomile and brewer's yeast;
  • 2 types of food intended for adult dogs of all breeds - “Hearty meat lunch...”. One of them contains chicken meat and vegetables, the other contains beef instead of chicken;
  • option “Meat abundance with vegetables and herbs” with carrots and alfalfa. Recommended for feeding dogs of all breeds and ages, except puppies.

Meat abundance with vegetables and herbs

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing this food as the main one, the owner must take into account its disadvantages and advantages. The advantages of the ready-made Chappi diet include:

  • presence of herbs, minerals, grains and vegetables;
  • affordable price;
  • diverse product line.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Another advantage is the absence of preservatives. However, this product belongs to the economy class category, so it is unlikely that it contains natural meat components without flavor enhancers and preservatives.

The main disadvantage of the diet is its composition. There is no precise indication of what types of cereals are used. According to experts, the ingredients contained in this food are unable to fully satisfy the nutritional needs of the pet.

Chappi dry dog ​​food for all breeds

Pedigree: food for dogs and puppies of small and large breeds

Especially for large and small dogs of any breed, Mars produces a “Hearty Meat Lunch with Beef and Vegetables” and a “Hearty Meat Lunch with Chicken and Vegetables.”

For your information! Manufacturers of Chappie food advertise their product as extremely healthy, high-quality, natural food, devoid of harmful components - chemical additives with an attractive odor to the dog, flavorings and coloring substances.

Canned Chappie

Soft food is recommended for regular consumption by dogs of all breeds. Some veterinarians recommend alternating canned food with compressed kibble.

Important! Before feeding, the jar, if it is stored in the refrigerator, is taken out and allowed to warm to room temperature. Food intended for the dog should not be cold or hot.

After feeding, the remaining food in the jar is transferred to a glass container and stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life of canned food removed from the jar is no more than 2 days.

The daily portion of canned Chappie depends on the individual needs of the dog, its energy level, age and breed. Most pets cannot eat both dry and canned varieties at the same time. A gradual transition from one type of food to another may take 5 to 7 days.

Regardless of the type of food, the animal needs round-the-clock access to drinking water - fresh and cool.

Consumption rate

The daily dose of food depends on the time of year and climate of the area, as well as on the level of physical activity, living conditions and individual characteristics of the dog.

The dog's weight is the main dosage criterion

The main criterion for the dosage of any type of food is the dog’s weight:

  • if the dog’s weight does not exceed 5 kg, its daily dose of canned food is 67 g or a third of a 200-gram jar;
  • The daily requirement of Chappy dry food for a dog weighing 10 kg is 175 g. If the owners feed their pet a canned product, at this weight he should receive 134 g or two-thirds of a can;
  • a dog weighing 20 kg should receive at least 200 g or one can of canned food per day;
  • A 25-kilogram dog requires 350 g of dry granules per day;
  • a dog weighing 30 kg should receive 300 g or one and a half cans of canned food;
  • if a dog weighs 40 kg, its daily dose of dry product is 500 g;
  • A 60 kg dog needs 650 g of compressed Chappy per day;
  • with combined feeding, for every 10 kg of animal weight, 80 g of dry and 80 g of canned food are measured per day.

Important! The daily portion of water in the animal's diet should be related to the amount of feed in a ratio of 3:1.

Recommendations from experts

Dogs need balanced food that contains nutrients and beneficial ingredients in certain proportions. This type of food is difficult to prepare on your own. You have to purchase additional medications and add them to your diet.

To avoid this, you can purchase dry food that has all the nutrients added in the required quantities. As numerous reviews show, a pet can get used to natural food. In such a situation, it should be gradually transferred to dry food over the course of a week.

Chappie brand products should be given to your four-legged friend twice a day. This should be done in the morning and evening after a walk. In this case, the daily portion should be approximately two-thirds larger.

As reviews from experienced dog breeders show, during feeding it is necessary to provide the dog with access to clean and fresh water. This is due to the need to maintain water balance in the body.

Advantages and disadvantages

Chappi food is trusted by most dog lovers who are not breeders. It is this category of dog breeders that leaves the largest number of positive comments regarding the reasonable price, as well as the variety of vitamins and microelements. However, inexpensive food often turns out to be of poor quality.

Reviews from experienced dog handlers indicate that this brand of food is not suitable for energetic dogs.


Chappi is dog food that is always available both in mega-markets (for example, in Lenta) and in small street retail outlets. It is popular both among novice dog breeders and among people for whom making money from breeding dogs is unacceptable.

The main advantages of the product include:

  • reasonable cost;
  • an abundance of elements beneficial to a dog’s health;
  • taste variety;
  • absence of substances that can cause allergic reactions;
  • high fiber content, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive organs.


According to the testimonies of most consumers, the most significant shortcomings of the brand include:

  • lack of nutrition for unhealthy dogs;
  • deficiency of fats and proteins;
  • the specific flavor imparted by herbs and brewer's yeast;
  • inability to buy a large tin can instead of several small ones.

Chappie has many disadvantages

Important! Modern veterinarians who participated in an interactive survey on the benefits of inexpensive food do not recommend Chappie for large breed puppies. First of all, there is no manufacturer involved in producing Chappie for puppies. Secondly, this food will not be able to properly nourish the young, growing body of an energetic puppy.

Today's breeders encourage dog breeders to feed natural food, personally calculating the dosage and selecting the ingredients. People who do not have enough time are advised not to get a dog at all.

*Prices are as of December 2022.

Moving further down the list

The second ingredient in the composition is meat. Well, finally, the owner will breathe a sigh of relief. But it’s too early to rejoice, there is no information about what kind of meat it is, and given the cost of feed, doubts begin to creep in. If we look at the percentage of protein in the product, it becomes clear that there is very little meat, whatever that means. The next item is offal. Whether this means high-quality fish and meat and bone meal or beaks and feathers from the slaughterhouse of a poultry farm again remains a mystery. Finally, protein plant extracts. Another big question. If it contains meat and offal, why use vegetable protein? Probably in order to slightly increase the percentage of proteins to 15%, although this is still very little. That's pretty much what "Chappy" is all about. The composition of the food is, to put it mildly, not impressive. The last item is animal fats, and it is also not indicated what exactly their origin is and what to expect from them, benefit or harm.

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