Pembroke Welsh Corgi. A big shepherd in a small body

Pembroke Welsh Corgis are small herding dogs with a centuries-old history, favorites of Queen Elizabeth II.
There is one legend according to which the Pembrokees at one time used to ride forest fairies and elves on themselves. But even without such fantasies, the history of the breed is interesting. These dogs appeared a long time ago, approximately in the 8th-9th century AD.

The first written mention of the Welsh corgi dates back to the 10th century, this is a decree of King Hywel the Good, according to which the owner demanded an entire ox from the killer for killing a corgi. Corgis grazed herds on their own, without the participation of the owner, so the loss of a dog was an impressive loss.

History of the Corgi breed

The homeland of the Pembroke Corgi breed is England and Wales. It is believed that these are the first herding dogs to appear in that area. Their origin causes a lot of controversy among scientists and breed lovers.

There are two legends that explain how these dogs ended up in people's possession.

The first claims that the children found two red puppies on tree branches. They brought it home. The puppies have grown up and turned into reliable helpers.

According to the second, fairies presented dogs as gifts to people. The sorceresses themselves rode them. The animals actually have saddle-shaped markings on their backs.

W. Lloyd-Thomas, a researcher from Wales, devoted many years of his life to studying small herding dogs. He concluded that the Pembroke's ancestors were brought to the island by Flemish weavers. In 1107, they were invited to Wales by King Henry I. The Flemings quickly settled in southwest Wales: they produced textiles and were engaged in agriculture.

The ancestors of the modern Pembroke Corgi were similar to the Schipperke. But they were not related to dachshunds.

Miniature dogs herded livestock and birds. Their small stature and short paws allowed them to easily maneuver between cattle and avoid getting under the hooves.

In 1892, the Corgi dog breed was first presented at an international exhibition. From that moment on, the popularity of the breed began to grow.

Corgi in Russia

In 1993, corgi puppies were brought to Russia for the first time. Initially, the breed did not arouse interest among Russian dog breeders. By the end of the 90s the situation changed. The Russian Canine Federation has registered the National Corgi Club. Royal dogs began to take part in exhibitions. They paid attention. The breed became popular.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi and Cardigan

Uninformed people may consider the Pembroke and Cardigan to be the same breed. There are similarities between them in the exterior. This is not an accident. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the development of transport established trade links between two once isolated counties: Pembrokeshire and Cardiganshire. Cardiganshire farmers were selling puppies to neighbors. Lloyd-Thomas claims that farmers in Pembrokeshire crossed their dogs with Cardigans. Therefore, the blood of Cardigans flows in the veins of the Pembrokes.

At the beginning of the 20th century, English experts considered Pembrokes and Cardigans to be two varieties of one breed. By 1934 they sorted it out and recognized them as independent and independent.

Why is the corgi called the royal dog?

In 1933, the Duke of York gave a corgi puppy to his daughters, Margaret Rose and Elizabeth. The last one, the future Queen of Great Britain, was seven years old. From that moment on, the girl’s love for small shepherd dogs began.

When Princess Elizabeth turned 18, she received her first Welsh Corgi named Susan as a gift from her parents. All subsequent dogs of the Queen of England were descendants of this bitch. Elizabeth II herself was involved in their breeding. She had more than 30 pets in her life. In 2015, the royal favorite Willow, a direct descendant of Susan in the fourteenth generation, died. After his death, the Queen did not want to have dogs. The reason is age and health. Life has made its own adjustments.

In 2016, Elizabeth II took pity on her and adopted the dog Whisper. An elderly Welsh Corgi was left alone after the death of his owner. The pet lived in Buckingham Palace until October 2022. After his death, the Queen does not have dogs.

Photo: Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and her pets

Interesting Facts

There are several interesting facts about the breed:

  1. The etymology of the word "corgi" is unclear. So, according to one version, it is derived from the Welsh cor - dwarf and ci - dog. According to another, the term comes from cur (observe, look). According to the third, cor means gnome.
  2. Previously, Pembrokes and Cardigans were called Ci-llathed - a yard-long dog.
  3. According to legend, corgis were fairies' helpers. They carried fairy-tale creatures on their backs. Because of this, the color on the back of some dogs resembles a saddle.
  4. According to another legend, fairies gave Pembrokes to people. When two peasant children got lost in the forest, little sorceresses sent corgis to lead them home.
  5. Pembroke Welsh Corgis are true singers. Overflowing with joy, they produce “cake songs” - a drawn-out bark with howls and modulations. True, not all pets can do this. The rest make do with a different range of sounds - whining, grunting, grunting, muttering.
  6. Natural shepherds take care of people in the absence of livestock. They nip at the heels of adults and children, knocking them into groups.
  7. Lively facial expressions made the Pembrokes wonderful actors. 3 dogs of Elizabeth II starred in a video about the adventures of James Bond, dedicated to the 2012 Olympic Games.
  8. Pembroke Welsh Corgis have also been used on television. They filmed programs, TV series and about 20 films. Among them are “The King’s Speech!”, “The Queen”, “Lost Puppy”, “Robinson Crusoe” 1997, “Agent Johnny English”.
  9. The charm of the Pebble Rocks has not escaped the animators. In the second part of "100 and 1 Dalmatians" the villain corgi appears. Even the Japanese have been captivated by the charisma of doggies – the dog Ein of this breed appears in the anime series “Cowboy Bebop”.

Appearance of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The Corgi is a hardy, strong dog with a squat, compact figure. Movable. Energetic. The look is smart and interested. The figure is squat, moderately elongated. The distance from the withers to the ground is 40% less than the distance from the withers to the tail. According to the breed standard, the height at the withers is 25-30 cm. The weight of a corgi is proportional to height, but not more than 13.6 kg for males, 12.7 for females.

Experts note that modern corgis have increased in size. Often exceed standard weight and height requirements. However, this does not prevent them from receiving high marks at exhibitions.


Wide and flat skull The skull is wide and flat between the ears. The head looks like a fox. The cheeks are rounded. The forehead blends smoothly into a tapering muzzle. The ratio of the length of the skull to the length of the muzzle is 5:3. The eyes are set somewhat askew. Medium size. Oval in shape. Color: various shades of brown. The edges of the eyelids are dark. Ideal when black.


Medium size. Gradually taper from the base to rounded tips. Standing and mobile, they are sensitive to sounds.

Jaws and teeth

Scissor bite. Direct bite is allowed.


The rounded chest is slightly long. Descends between the forelimbs. The loin is short. When viewed from above, the body tapers slightly towards the lower back.


Short. With strong bones.


The Pembroke Corgi standard provides for a short tail - up to 5 cm long. Most puppies are born bob-tailed, but there are some with long tails. In Russia, such tails are often docked. Dogs with natural and docked tails are eligible to take part in shows. In Europe things are different. Tail docking is prohibited. Dogs with any tails, except docked ones, are allowed at shows.


Straight. Light waviness is allowed. The undercoat is waterproof, short and dense. The length of the coat is medium. It has different lengths on the body. Longer and thicker on the collar, chest and withers.


Officially, according to the standard, there are two colors of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi: red and white and tricolor. The latter comes with a red and black head. It is these two colors that are indicated in the pedigrees of dogs. White fur is allowed on the chest, neck, limbs, and muzzle. In the form of a thin groove on the head.

Unofficially, corgi lovers divide the colors of dogs into shades: red and sable, yellowish-brown - fawn, black and tan - without white spots or with them.

The disadvantages of the breed are:

  • flat, barrel-shaped or too deep chest, if it interferes with the free movement of the animal;
  • high-ass;
  • uneven topline;
  • narrowly or widely spaced limbs in motion;
  • light eyes;
  • aggressive behavior;
  • timid character;
  • incorrect gait – mincing movements, prancing or “waddling” step.
  • wiry or curly coat.

A few years ago, a long tail, set vertically or thrown behind the back like a crook, was considered a vice. Currently, such a “feature” is not a big drawback.


The Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed standard considers too fluffy and long hair on the ears, chest and lower body to be a serious fault.


Initially, the Welsh Corgi breed was bred for herding cattle. The miniature dogs easily managed sheep and cows, deftly dodging their hooves and horns.

Today, Pembrokes are kept as companions. Charismatic dogs with a cunning, cheerful and intelligent face become favorites of single people, children's friends, jogging and traveling partners for athletes.

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi has excellent watchdog and security qualities. They will warn about the visit of a stranger, although they are not distinguished by excessive “barking”. And in case of danger, they fearlessly rush to protect the owner, regardless of the size and strength of the enemy.

If a male corgi is raised incorrectly, excessive aggressiveness can occur.

Corgi fluffy

The English word “fluffy” is translated as fluffy. Fluffy is a dog with a non-standard coat - long and soft, with a weak undercoat that is prone to matting. Sometimes there is no undercoat at all. Such wool cannot reliably protect the animal from cold and dampness. It should not be forgotten that the Corgi is a shepherd. With such wool, she is not able to perform her main duties - grazing livestock. Therefore, Fluffy Corgis are culled. They are not allowed to attend exhibitions. They are not used for breeding.

Price issue

Corgis are quite expensive dogs. On average, the price can start from 15,000 rubles and reach quite large amounts. Here everything will depend on the puppy’s belonging to a particular class:

  • pet class (pet category) can cost 15 – 25,000 rubles. It is worth noting that the minimum cost level is indicated. Many owners charge extra money to prepare the necessary documents;
  • breed class (exhibition participants). They are more expensive pets, and the price here starts at 30,000 rubles;
  • show class (dogs with impeccable pedigree participating in breeding). The most expensive category of four-legged animals, purchasing such a pet will cost from 50,000 rubles.

Not all owners care about pedigree and breed standards. If the goal is simply to acquire a good dog for the soul, then a person can make his choice in favor of corgis sold by private breeders. But if you want to take your dog to international exhibitions in the future, then it is best to go to a kennel to get a puppy.

Corgi character

  1. The dog has high intelligence. Easy to learn. Quickly masters commands. If desired, she can be taught useful things. For example, serve slippers.
  2. Subtly senses a person's mood. They will never bother their owner if he is in a bad mood.
  3. Smart and cunning. Knows how to manipulate owners.
  4. Curious and active. They love walks. Short legs do not prevent her from going long routes. Enjoys playing with the owner and fellow dogs.
  5. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi has a sociable personality. A dog is not made to sit on a chain alone. It is vital for her to be surrounded by her family and keep abreast of events. When she chooses a place in the house, she will lie down where all family members can be kept under control.
  6. Distrustful of strangers.
  7. He is kind to all the inhabitants of the house: people and animals. But he does not impose his attention on those who do not need it.
  8. Gets along easily with other pets.
  9. They are distinguished by their inexhaustible cheerfulness. They always radiate positivity. They infect others with it.
  10. Devoted to family. Despite its small size, it is distinguished by determination, courage and courage. In case of danger, they stand up to protect their household. A small shepherd dog will not be embarrassed if the enemy is larger than it.
  11. The royal dog has a sense of humor. Representatives of the breed love and know how to perform various tricks to amuse the owner.
  12. Emotional. At the moment of pleasure they make a variety of sounds: grunting, grunting, sniffling. Most often this can be observed during games.

How to instill in a puppy the skill of following the owner's orders?

When purchasing a puppy for home, most people hope to raise it into a reliable protector in the future. However, until the time when hope meets expectations, the pet can cause a lot of trouble until he learns to understand the meaning of commands, without which the puppy will be uncontrollable. The undertaking will require a lot of patience and perseverance from the owner of the future defender. Often, improper training of a corgi leads to disappointment; many complain about the unfortunate choice of a puppy who is not endowed with the ability to learn simple actions. Most likely, this is, in most cases, a deep misconception. The explanation is simple - the training method is incorrect. You need to look for an individual approach to any puppy, and adhere to the indispensable rule; up to a certain age, the pet must know one owner and get used to taking food only from his hands. This will be the beginning of mutual understanding between man and dog.

Popular questions about the breed

How many years do they live

The average lifespan of a Pembroke Corgi is 12 – 14 years. However, this indicator may change in one direction or another. Much depends on living conditions and the quality of medical care. And from luck.

Is it suitable for a family? Corgi and children

The Pembroke is an excellent family dog. She will choose the main owner from among the family members. First of all, he will be repaired. However, this will not affect relations with the rest of the household. She will build an even relationship with them. He will take care of them and protect them.

The Welsh Corgi has a cheerful character. Thanks to him, dogs quickly establish contact with adults and children of all ages. They tolerate it when babies pull their ears and put their hands in their mouths. Enjoys taking part in games with teenagers.

Who is not suitable for the Welsh Corgi?

This breed should not be owned by people who disappear all day at work. Cookies are very sociable. They need their owner's attention. Loneliness is hard to bear.

For men and women who have difficulty moving, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is also not a good choice. Small Welsh Sheepdogs need long walks.


If not only dogs live in the house, but also cats, birds, and hamsters, the corgi will be an excellent addition to the “menagerie.” He finds a common language with everyone, and can even make friends with iguanas and turtles.

Pembrokes are gentle and careful with children. They steadfastly endure all the pranks and involve the kids in their pranks. At the same time, corgis are strong enough to withstand kicks and pinches. And they are ready to run around and play with school-aged children from morning to evening.

Pembroke Welsh Corgis are cool towards strangers. But family friends are treated warmly, perceiving them as members of the pack coming and going.

Raising and training Welsh Corgi

Raising a puppy must begin from the first day he crossed the threshold of the house. To begin with, the pet must understand what is allowed, how to behave with the owner and family members, and where to go to the toilet. Usually a week is enough to absorb this information. The Pembroke Corgi enjoys learning. Thanks to their high intelligence and hard work, they easily master commands.

To make your child's learning easy, you need to follow simple rules.

  • You should start learning with simple commands. Only after mastering them move on to complex ones.
  • It is better to learn new commands at the beginning of training, before the puppy gets tired.
  • It is recommended to reward good learning of the material with praise and treats.
  • The peculiarity of shortbreads is that they quickly get tired of monotonous work. To make the training process go faster, use game techniques.

From 3 months, after the second vaccination, you can go outside with your pet. The puppy must be accustomed to a collar, leash and muzzle. The pet must learn how to behave with unfamiliar people and animals.

From 4 to 6 months, the puppy masters basic commands: “come to me”, “sit”, “stand”, “lie down”.

From the age of 6 months, prohibitive commands are practiced: “fu” or “no”. The puppy understands the boundaries of what is permitted. During this difficult period, it is important that the owner pays attention to the pet. Showed understanding and rigor.

Pembrokes do not tolerate being shouted at. They perfectly understand commands given in a calm, firm voice. The owner's nervousness is always transmitted to the pet. As a result, the shortcake stops working and ignores the mentor’s commands.

Many owners of small dogs do not consider it necessary to train their dog. This opinion is wrong. Subsequently, they have to pay for their delusions.

The Pembroke Corgi is a shepherd dog. Needs constant physical and mental stress. If you don't pay attention to her, she will find something to do on her own. For example, it will chew off the owner's shoes. There is no point in scolding her for this. The royal dog cannot stand idleness.

Society has formed an image of the Welsh Corgi, an animal that lacks aggression. It's a delusion. The little shepherd dog knows how to fend for itself. Her teeth are sharp. An ill-mannered dog will easily use them to take revenge on the offender. There can be many reasons. One of them is challenging the leadership position with an unauthoritative owner. This problem often occurs with teenage males. This is the most common reason why owners give up their Corgi.

Unsocialized shortcakes often attack other dogs. Usually those that exceed them in weight and height. They grab them by the hind legs and try to injure them.


When training a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, dog trainers advise adhering to the principles of raising a German Shepherd. Both breeds are from the same family, they have a similar psychotype and behavior.

Pembrokes are included in the ranking of the smartest dogs. In terms of intelligence, they are second only to border collies. They learn commands within 2-3 tries. They are easy and pleasant to train.

However, parenting will fail if the right relationships are not built. Although corgis are not inclined to dominate, with a weak-willed owner they take the position of leader and become capricious and irritable. The difficulties are added by their cute appearance and artistic abilities - many owners pamper these cunning foxes and they sit on people’s necks.

Pembrokes must undergo general training and controlled city dog ​​courses. The rest is at the discretion of the owner. Corgis easily master herding, agility, and flyball. True, they are not recommended to be trained for protection and security - dogs cope with general functions instinctively, and they have no need for excessive anger.

Caring for a Welsh Corgi

Pembroke Corgis are suitable for apartment living. They don't require much space. It is necessary to properly organize the space.

The place you allocate for your pet should provide him with a wide view of the apartment. The dog must keep all family members in sight. The instinct to “grow” and “protect” is in the corgi’s blood.

Choose moderately hard, wide bedding. The Pembroke Corgi should be comfortable on it. Due to the characteristics of the dog's body type - long body and short legs - uncomfortable bedding can cause problems with the spine.

The bed should be located in a place where there are no drafts or high humidity. Otherwise, the dog runs the risk of catching a cold.

Choose a convenient bowl for food. It should be stable and deep, made of metal or ceramic.

Pembrokes are easy to care for. Dogs should be washed 3-4 times a year or as needed. Brush thick fur twice a week with a comb. The exception is the molting period. He comes 2 times a year: in spring and autumn. To prevent wool from lying around the apartment in clouds, your pet must be combed daily.

Check your eyes and ears regularly. The eyes themselves and the fur around them should be clean. If discharge appears, this is a reason to contact a veterinarian.

Dirt and wax should not accumulate in the ears. They can be easily removed with a cotton swab soaked in a special lotion.

Nails need to be trimmed as they grow. They should not knock on the asphalt or floor. This must be done with a special nail clipper. If it is not there or you are afraid to perform this procedure, contact a veterinary clinic or pet salon. Specialists will provide assistance.

What to feed a Welsh Corgi dog

Shortbreads have an excellent appetite and are prone to overeating. These nuances must be taken into account when choosing a feeding regimen and diet.

An adult Corgi should be fed twice a day at set times. The diet may consist of industrial feed or natural products.

If you prefer the first option, choose premium or super premium food. You can determine whether it is suitable for your dog by the following criteria:

  • The dog is cheerful and active.
  • Good looking. She has excellent wool.
  • Normal stool.
  • No skin problems.
  • Clean ears.
  • There is no discharge from the eyes.
  • The dog maintains his weight steadily: he neither loses nor gains weight.
  • White areas of fur do not turn pink.

If you answered “yes” to each item. The food was chosen correctly.

An alternative to industrial feed is a natural diet. It should be immediately clarified that dogs cannot be fed leftovers from the owners’ table. For them it is necessary to prepare food specially.

You can safely include in your pet’s diet:

  • Cereals – buckwheat, rice.
  • Meat - beef, turkey, chicken, offal.
  • Fish. Better than sea.
  • Vegetables.
  • Dairy products.

Health and illness

  • Obesity. If fed incorrectly, the Welsh Corgi will quickly gain weight. Extra pounds have a negative impact on the body. Causes diseases of the heart and digestive system.
  • Eczema. It manifests itself as unbearable itching. The dog combs the affected area of ​​the body and gnaws out the fur.
  • Degenerative myelopathy. Most often this disease manifests itself in old age. The following symptoms indicate the disease: the dog drags its hind legs and has difficulty urinating. The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that it cannot be treated. Ends with paralysis of the limbs.
  • Von Willebrand's disease. The tendency to the disease is transmitted genetically. Stress can trigger the development of the disease. The dog has problems with blood clotting. This may cause sudden bleeding. The disease is treatable with medication.
  • Eye diseases: cataracts, retinal atrophy and dysplasia. The dog loses orientation in space and begins to bump into objects. The only way to help the animal is through surgery.
  • Corgis are prone to tartar formation. To keep your dog's teeth strong and clean, they must be brushed regularly with a special toothbrush and toothpaste. If a stone has already formed, you should contact a veterinary clinic. There, specialists will put your pet’s teeth in order.
  • Due to their elongated body and short legs, dogs often suffer back injuries. The reason may be an unsuccessful jump from the sofa. Experts recommend not allowing your Corgi to jump a lot.
  • This same physiological feature is the cause of complications in bitches during childbirth. In 50% of cases, puppies are born with the help of veterinarians. Doctors perform a caesarean section on the four-legged mother, remove the babies, and save the lives of them and the mother in labor.

Owner reviews

Tatiana Lozitskaya

Dog trainer, owner of a Pembroke Welsh Corgi dog

When I was choosing a dog, I was not limited by anything: the price for the puppy was not decisive, size and weight did not matter, I was prepared for the financial costs of upkeep, the lack of puppies in my hometown was not an obstacle (I flew to St. Petersburg to pick him up), there is a large forest for walks near the house, free time for education and training in abundance. In 2013, it was very difficult to see corgis on the streets of Novosibirsk, so the choice was made in absentia based on photographs, descriptions and videos. At first glance, the bright appearance of the corgi captivates you; your favorite red color in combination with white looks festive. Clear, expressive eyes, amazing facial expressions, amazing ears, to which everyone’s hands are drawn. My dog ​​has a gorgeous tail, and by the position of the tail I can tell from afar what gender the dog is coming towards, whether the dog is calling to play, is happy or tired. I am familiar with a large number of corgi dogs, they are all different, they are all similar to their owners, the dogs are united by their love for humans. My dog ​​loves all people, anyone can pet him, and he especially enjoys meeting people he knows. However, there are also corgis that only treat their owners well or require a long time to get to know each other. Another common feature of the breed is that corgis love to go for walks. Their versatile wool allows for long walks both in summer and winter; in rain and snow, my dog ​​practically does not get wet, but he brings a sandbox from the beach. In the literature it is recommended to wash your corgi 3-4 times a year; in real life, I wash my dog ​​much more often. And the first thing I tell people who decide to get a corgi about the breed is that the dog smells, especially when wet, and that it will shed all year round, even with weekly brushing. But corgis do not need a haircut, this makes them easier to care for. Corgis are excellent companions and will keep you company in any activity. My dog ​​got a very restless owner and he studied obedience for six months, completed an initial course in animal psychology, after training he passed the OKD test, failed the test for herding instinct, and only for this reason he did not engage in shepherd service. Then we practiced canine freestyle for more than a year and took part in three competitions. Corgis, for the most part, are healthy dogs, so you can successfully practice agility and circus tricks with them. In general, corgis are very smart; their success depends to a large extent on the skills and mastery of the owner. A corgi from Nizhny Novgorod is known throughout the country, who worked together with his owner at customs inspection of trains. I enjoy spending time next to a corgi dog, my dog ​​is eight years old, he came into the family at 1.5 months, during all this time he has not caused any damage to any things, shoes, or the interior of the house, he is calm, balanced, and imposing. I love it when he looks at me with his attentive, beautiful, wise eyes.

Tatyana Lozitskaya and her pet King

Where to buy a Pembroke Corgi

You have decided. You need a royal corgi. You should not try to purchase a purebred puppy from dubious sellers. There's a chance you'll get lucky. But there is a high probability that your pet will not meet the breed standard.

It is safer to contact a breed nursery. You can find a good breeder through breed groups on social networks.

Ask the parents of the kids and their achievements. If parents participate in exhibitions and receive high marks and titles, this is a good sign. Their appearance meets breed standards. Almost all show quadrupeds have good personalities. Vicious dogs are removed from the rings.

The breeder will definitely show you the mother of the babies. In 80% of cases, it is from the bitch that Welsh Corgi puppies inherit their character, working qualities and conformation.

How to choose a puppy

Observe the behavior of the little shortcakes. Welsh Corgi puppies should be well-fed, active, cheerful, with a cunning “fox” face, inquisitive and affectionate.

If you are adopting a one and a half month old puppy, you should not be afraid that his ears are not yet erect. They will definitely get up later.

In boys, two testes should be palpable in the scrotum.

When purchasing, it is worth considering that the color of corgi puppies changes by the age of three to four months. Brownish puppies with a dark stripe on the back become reddish, turning into light red or almost reddish. Black and white are transformed into tricolors. Shortbread's fur should be soft and plush to the touch, and of medium length.

As a rule, breeders offer buyers puppies born with short, docked or long tails. Choose according to your own taste, but keep one caveat in mind. If you are buying a little one as a family dog, then the length of the tail does not matter. If you are planning a show career for your dog, it is worth considering that in Europe only participants with short tails from birth or natural long ones are allowed to participate in exhibitions. There should be no creases on the tail.

It's not just your corgi puppy that should show interest in you. You should also feel sympathy for him, want to take him in, raise him, educate him and take care of him.

Don’t be embarrassed and give up on your four-legged baby if he’s the last one left in the litter. Breeders are convinced that each puppy is destined for an owner from above. Consider that this dog was waiting for you.

Along with the puppy, the breeder must give the buyer a puppy card and a veterinary passport. The first owner will later exchange it for a pedigree. The veterinary passport must indicate all vaccinations given to the baby.

How much does a Corgi cost?

The cost of puppies varies from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. The price directly depends on the title of the parents and the location of the nursery. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies are more expensive than in small towns.

Breeders associate high prices for puppies with their own high costs. They include exhibitions, payment for mating, travel to another city for mating and expenses associated with the trip, high-quality feeding of the mother and puppies, and veterinary services. Not everyone knows that Welsh Corgi puppies often cannot give birth on their own without veterinary care. Half of the puppies are born by caesarean section.

If a buyer takes a corgi puppy with deviations from the standard, the puppy card contains the mark “plembrak”, then the price for it should be reduced.


Before you welcome a Welsh Corgi puppy into your home, you should remove everything that might get on this cute fluffy dog’s teeth. Shoes, wires and carpets should be removed. And buy a lot of toys that the dog will sharpen his teeth on. Dogs themselves are smart; they only need consistency and precision in their actions. The best way to train your dog is while playing. You also need positive motivation and nothing better than tasty treats has yet been invented.

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