DIY Dog Treats: 5 Easy Dog Cookie Recipes.

Today we will tell you how to make dog biscuits with your own hands, and present to you two simple recipes for this delicious natural treat for dogs.

Cookies can be offered to your furry friend as an independent treat, they can be used as a reward for training, and they can be used to decorate any birthday cake for a dog.

Earlier, in the article “Sweets and Treats for Dogs,” we already showed recipes for cookies that were prepared based on fish, chicken, pumpkin and banana. Today we will prepare meat and liver biscuits for dogs.

Liver cookies

Liver cookies are quite popular among four-legged owners. Many housewives prepare it. Each has its own recipe for cooking. Some people prepare delicacies simply from one liver. Some people add various vegetables, herbs and even fruits. You can prepare different delicacies each time, and add different ingredients each time. You can use carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, sweet peppers, broccoli, apples, pears and even banana. The main thing is that these vegetables and fruits are suitable for your furry friend.

Our recipe for liver biscuits for dogs calls for the addition of carrots and zucchini.

We will need:

  • 250-270 grams of raw liver.
  • 1 small carrot.
  • 1/2 zucchini.
  • 1 egg.
  • rice flour.


Cut the raw liver into pieces and grind in a blender (or twist in a meat grinder).

Grate carrots and zucchini on a coarse grater.

Place all ingredients in a separate container. Combine vegetables and liver, add egg. Mix everything well until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Add flour to the resulting mass. I put the flour “by eye” so that our liver dough turns out to be the consistency of thick sour cream.

We cover a baking sheet with parchment paper, and place the resulting mass on it in strips 2-3 cm wide and about 1 cm thick. In addition, I have special seed-shaped molds. Therefore, I put part of the “dough” into molds, and laid out the rest on parchment.

Place the liver cookies in an oven preheated to 140-150 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

Let the finished delicacy cool.

Break it into pieces, and... liver treats for dogs are completely ready.

Is it possible to give sweets?

If you want to pamper your pet, never forget that human and dog taste preferences, to put it mildly, are not entirely similar. What seems tasty and healthy to you may be harmful and even dangerous for your dog. At the very least, cause an allergy, which is very unpleasant for the animal and will cause many problems for you as the owner.

And don’t reassure yourself that your pet eats candy, cookies and other human food with such pleasure. What the animal does not understand, you must understand well and know that everything can end sadly.

But for now we will only talk about cookies, which some people try to treat their pets to according to the principle: what will happen with one cookie!

Let's figure it out: will it happen or won't it? Let's turn to specialists who know exactly the answers to all questions related to feeding dogs.

Both veterinarians and trainers are unanimous: no treats from your table, no cookies, especially chocolate (this is generally poison for dogs), raisins, grapes.

There are dog treat compositions specially developed by veterinarians. But even here you need to maintain the norm. If you give cookies, then their weight, calorie content, and nutritional value must be taken into account in the overall daily diet.

Dog reward treats are developed by veterinarians to support healthy digestion, optimal weight and good oral health in dogs.

By giving treats from your table, you provoke your pet to gain excess weight. In addition, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract may well be disrupted, and there is also a risk of poisoning.

Should I feed it oatmeal?

It seems that oatmeal cookies are the most harmless for dogs, because oatmeal is included in the diet. But this is only at first glance. Sugar doesn't disappear from there.

Don't forget: dogs are domesticated carnivores, and their metabolic processes occur differently. Glucose is not absorbed in the body of these animals. So they are not shown all the sweets. This is the path to allergies, caries, liver disease, and festering eyes. There are even cases of diabetes mellitus.

Even if you give cookies periodically, you can cause intestinal problems and poisoning. Moreover, the effect on small dogs is faster and stronger. In general, sugar tends to accumulate in the body, so the negative impact is not immediately felt, but the load on the liver will eventually be serious.

Meat biscuits

Meat biscuits for dogs are prepared in almost the same way as liver biscuits. You can use any vegetables or fruits in the same way.

We will need:

  • 250-270 grams of raw meat (I took beef trimmings).
  • 1 small carrot.
  • 1 egg.
  • rice flour.


Cut the meat and carrots into pieces, add herbs and grind everything in a blender (or meat grinder).

Place the resulting minced meat in a separate container. Add egg, flour and mix well.

In the same way as liver cookies, we place the minced meat on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper in strips 2-3 cm wide and about 1 cm thick. So that after cooking the meat cookies are broken into even pieces, you can make small cuts (as shown in the photo).

In general, initially I did not plan to make such cookies for Jack. It was Jackushka's birthday and I wanted to bake him a delicious cake. But there was quite a lot of minced meat, and from the leftovers I made special meat biscuits for dogs.

Well, on his 10th Bones Day, of course, Jackushka was not left without a cake. By the way, to decorate the cake I used liver cookies in the shape of a bone. I think it turned out well.

✔ Conclusions:

The cookie has a simple recipe, I recommend trying it for training, it’s very convenient for the owner (doesn’t get your hands dirty) and dogs adore it.

Next time we’ll look at another recipe for a treat that’s great for training.

Author of the article: Alexandra Bondarenko https://UmnayaDobaka.rf/

Other recipes for treats for training:

If you liked the recipe, check out these other dog treat recipes:

  • Dried lung for training
  • Dried treat
  • Dried meat and tripe

What to do if you eat it?

If your dog does eat a cookie (stolen a bag of treats without you noticing), you need to know how much. It is possible that you need to urgently contact a veterinarian - a lot depends on what kind of cookies it was, what products it included in its composition.

Owners of dogs to whom this has happened half-jokingly say that nothing bad will happen. Well, allergies, well, it will itch... This is actually not funny at all. They also say that the dog may feel sick, may have vomiting, or have intestinal upset. Therefore, take seriously the fact that your pet is eating regular, non-dog, cookies, and it is better to contact your veterinarian for a consultation and examination.

With beef liver

For preparation you will need: rolled oats, flour, boiled liver, water, egg, vegetable oil.

Grind the rolled oats using a coffee grinder. Chop the liver into small cubes. Place on a baking sheet and dry over low heat for about 15 minutes. Mix rolled oats and flour. Mix the dry ingredients with the egg, water and oil. Knead the stiff dough. Roll it out into a flat cake. Scatter the dried liver, wrap it inside and continue kneading until the offal is evenly distributed. Roll out the layer, the thickness of which should not be more than 5-7 mm. Cut it into pieces so that it is convenient to give to your pet. Place on a baking sheet and dry in the oven at 120 degrees for 25 minutes.


Chicken liver should not be given to dogs that have food intolerance or an allergic reaction to chicken protein. This may manifest itself in stool disturbances, itching, scratching in the groin and axillary area.

There are known cases of anaphylactic shock after taking this by-product.

Liver, which is a source of pure protein and phosphorus, is strictly contraindicated in animals with renal failure, since this product puts a strong strain on the kidneys.

Fat-soluble vitamin A, contained in huge quantities, provokes the formation of stones, which in this case is categorically undesirable.

Older pets should be given liver with caution (maximum 100 grams once a week), as it can lead to increased cholesterol levels and atherosclerosis.


Ingredients: carrots, parsley, cheese, vegetable oil, flour, bran, baking powder, broth (meat, vegetable or chicken).

Grate carrots and cheese on a fine grater. Finely chop the parsley. Mix the vegetable component, cheese, vegetable oil. Separately combine flour, bran, baking powder. Add the dry mixture to the previous ingredients. Pour in the broth and thoroughly knead into a thick dough. Place it on a board and roll it out into a layer 1-1.5 cm thick. Cut it into cookies of any shape. Place the molds on a baking sheet and bake at 90-100 degrees until brown.

Once the finished cookies have cooled completely, place them in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.

Once the finished cookies have cooled completely, place them in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.

How to properly treat a dog

“Sweets” are quite high in calories. In order not to overfeed the animal, this point should be taken into account when preparing the daily diet. The total daily share of treats should not exceed 8-10%, and for small breed dogs - no more than 5%. If you decide to choose a purchased option, you should not exceed the doses recommended by the manufacturer.

Dogs are very smart animals. They quickly remember where exactly the treat is stored and begin to beg for a handout. Don't give in! A treat should be a reward for exemplary behavior and a learned command. It is unlikely that the animal will follow the trainer’s instructions if it manages to obtain a treat by extortion.

Special treats

Dog biscuits are treats developed by specialists from companies that produce food and everything necessary for keeping and caring for animals.

Reviews about this product are positive, not only from foreign companies, but also from domestic ones.

Animals eat these cookies with pleasure. This delicacy contains important microelements and nutrients. You can choose it according to its purpose: affecting the condition of the coat, for cleaning teeth, dietary, etc. It is convenient to take it with you for a walk and reward your pet for following commands.

Cookies usually have a long shelf life, but you must follow the instructions on the package.

Bosch (Bosch)

One of the most famous manufacturers is the German company Bosch, which has been producing pet products for more than half a century. All ingredients are approved for use as food for animals.

The trade line is represented by a variety of treats that are recommended for giant, large, medium and small breeds. All products have EU certificates.

Packages of 1 kg and 450 g allow you to make a choice depending on the size of your pet. Contains nutrients, the percentages of which are indicated on the packaging. These are protein, fat, fiber, minerals.

The company produces a unique product, Goodies Vitality, which contains an extract of the New Zealand green sponge mollusk. It is a natural source of glucosamine and chondroitin, helping to maintain joint function, allowing even older dogs to remain active.

The price varies: from 85 rubles. for 125 g and up to 730 per 1 kg. You can always choose the packaging that suits you best in terms of composition and cost.


Titbit's product line of delicacies includes 5 groups, including baked goods. Production features include the exclusion of high-temperature processing, which preserves all useful microelements, as well as the structure of living tissue.

Biscuits with salmon, chicken, wheat germ, lamb, beef liver, dietary - priced on average 160 rubles.


Pedigree is a well-known trademark of the American company Mars. Since 1995, the company opened its representative office in Stupino (Moscow), where its products are manufactured.

Cookie consumption recommendations indicate the number of cookies per week for different breeds. Attention is drawn to the constant availability of fresh drinking water for the pet. The delicacy should be stored at a temperature no higher than +35°C and no lower than +4°C.

Price – from 70 rub. for 150 g and above depending on the weight of the package and the composition of the cookies.


A special feature of the Proplan treat is its low fat content, so these cookies can be given even to overweight and sterilized dogs. Treats support proper digestion, healthy gums and teeth.

The price depends on the weight of the package and the type of cookies.

All products are subject to strict control by world scientists and veterinarians, so there is no doubt about the highest quality.

What others exist?

Other well-known companies also produce dog biscuits. Among them are Hartz (USA), StarSnack, Trixie (Germany), LoLo Pets (Poland), Dog Fest, Green Cousin (Russia), Scholtus Special Products (Netherlands). And this is not a complete list of companies that produce a wide range of dog biscuits.

Cookies will delight your pets with their taste benefits. But this is not the only advantage of this product. The main thing is the composition, carefully selected taking into account the needs of a particular animal.

With chicken flavor

To prepare you will need: chicken broth, yeast, water, egg, wheat flour.

Place the chicken in a saucepan and cook for 30-35 minutes. Then strain and cool to room temperature. Pour the yeast with warm water and leave for 30-40 minutes. Add egg and broth to the yeast mixture. Introduce the liquid into the dough, kneading into a thick, plastic dough. Knead for 5-7 minutes, then roll out the cake to a thickness of no more than 7 mm. Cut and layer rounds or other shapes. Place them on a baking sheet. Place in the oven to bake at 160 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

Crackers "Tuk" and others

No veterinarian will include crackers in a dog’s diet – neither salty nor sweet. We have already talked about the dangers of sweets, but salt should also not be abused.

The joke about white death is not a joke at all. A person needs a maximum of 5 g of salt per day, along with that already contained in foods. This is about half a teaspoon. Dogs need 0.15 g for small breeds and 1.7 g for large breeds.

And give crackers prepared for dogs according to a specially developed recipe for your pet’s health. But again, strictly taking into account their mass in the daily diet.

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