DIY dog toys: fun and development

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An active, curious and energetic dog needs to be occupied with something - otherwise it will find entertainment on its own. Simple and interesting toys will help protect furniture and shoes from damage and channel the dog’s energy into useful channels. There is no need to buy them; excellent crafts can be made from scrap materials. Any owner can make toys for dogs with their own hands. When choosing, you need to take into account the age, temperament and individual characteristics of the pet.

  • 2 How to sew a soft toy for a pet
  • 3 Intellectual development of dogs

Leaky bottle

The essence of this game is that you make several holes in a plastic bottle, fill it with treats and throw it on the floor. The dog should roll the bottle with its nose or paws, thus shaking out the food.

Please note that some dogs scratch the toy a lot and end up scratching the floor. In this case, it is better to play outside rather than at home.

Let's look at it step by step

Step 1. Take a plastic bottle, scissors and tape.
Step 2. Cut several holes in the bottle of such a size that the treat can freely fall out of them.

Step 3. Cover the edges of the holes with tape to prevent your dog from getting hurt while playing.

Step 4: Place some treats in the bottle.

Step 5. Throw the resulting toy on the floor and observe the actions of the dog.

For games, use treats that will not stick to the bottle or box, but will easily spill out.


If you pay attention to industrial intellectual games, you can see that they require considerable ingenuity from the dog. Some elements need to be moved aside, others raised. You can do something similar and even more interesting with your own hands. It is convenient to use a seedling tray with 6, 9 or 12 holes as a base. Each hole will have separate tasks. For example, these:

  • A treat wrapped in paper;
  • The hole is closed with the cut off top of the bottle. You will need to lift it by the lid with your teeth.
  • A tall plastic cup with a tasty treat at the bottom;
  • The hole is covered with cardboard with a loop that needs to be pulled.
  • A piece of fabric is glued over the corner holes. The flap will need to be elevated with the nose.

You can come up with your own options, taking into account the dog’s abilities.

Game for dogs “Hodgepodge”

Rotating bottle

The spinning bottle game involves handing your dog a plastic bottle with a treat placed on a stick. The dog must push the bottle with its nose so that it rotates and food spills out of its neck.

You can use one bottle or several at once, putting them in a row. You can also complicate the task if you play outside - then the dog will have to additionally look for a fallen treat in the grass.

Let's look at it step by step

Step 1. Take a plastic bottle, scissors, stick (or rope).
Step 2. Make holes on two opposite sides of the bottle of such a size that the stick can fit through them freely.

Step 3: Fill the bottle with treats.

Step 4. Place the stick through the holes and make sure the bottle can rotate easily.

Step 5. Secure the stick between two chairs or simply hold it in your hands at the level of the dog's muzzle.

The main thing is safety

The main condition for homemade or purchased toys for dogs is their safety for the pet’s health. Toys must not:

  • smell sharp;
  • paint the owner’s hands and the animal’s mouth;
  • have small parts that are easy to break off or chew (if there is a squeaker inside the ball, then it must be securely fixed or removed);
  • toys made of fabric or rope should not easily tear or fall apart into fibers.

All play accessories for animals should be easy to wash or wash.

Toys that can be machine washed (or washed under the tap) are much safer for your pet’s health because they do not accumulate harmful bacteria or debris.

Important! It is not recommended to use children's toys for playing with your pet; they are not suitable for being chewed or torn into pieces. An animal can swallow a small part, cut itself with a sharp piece of debris, or be poisoned by non-food plastic.

Delicious garland

This game consists of showing the dog a rope with a toilet paper base attached to it, under which a large piece of treat is hidden. The dog's task is to take the base in its teeth and move it to the side to open access to the hanging food.

Another version of the game is not to string the treat on a rope, but to place it inside the bases. In this case, the dog must shake and tilt the bases so that the food falls out.

Let's look at it step by step

Step 1. Take 1-2 toilet paper bases and a rope (or stick).

Step 2: Make a hole in the middle of the treat large enough to thread a string through (or buy a ring-shaped treat right away).

Step 3: Thread the string through the treat and the toilet paper base.

Step 4: Cover the treat with the base.

Step 5. Stretch the rope between the chairs or simply hold it in your hands at the level of the dog's muzzle. Over time, increase the number of bases.


A brilliant idea for those who don’t know what to do with their dog when he’s alone at home. The volume of the bottle must match the size of the pet. For large breeds, two-liter ones are suitable, and for the smallest ones - 0.5 liters. A tripod is built for the game. It can have different designs and is made from any available materials. The main thing is that the bottles can be “strung” onto the top bar. Instead of a tripod, you can use a well-tensioned rope.

Just above the middle of the bottle, two parallel holes are made, through which it is put on a bar or rope. Dry food is thrown inside. To get the treat, the dog will have to twist the bottle upside down with its paw or muzzle.

Video example:

Search box

The essence of this game is very simple - you throw a treat into a box, put balls of rolled up newspaper on top and watch the dog look for treats.

Instead of newspaper, you can use other “filler”, for example, plastic balls for a dry pool. But whatever you use, make sure that the items are large enough so that your dog won't accidentally swallow them.

Let's look at it step by step

Step 1. Take a short box and newspaper (or paper).

Step 2: Roll some newspaper into balls.

Step 3: Place the balls in the box and place a few treats in the bottom.

Step 4: Have your dog find a treat among the newspaper.

You can also use toilet paper bases, plastic balls, or rolled up socks instead of newspaper.

Smell training

Finding a toy by smell is a great sport and entertainment for dogs. This applies to absolutely all breeds, not just hunting ones. This game will require strong-smelling treats to keep your dog's attention. Place a small amount of fragrant reward in KONG and hide it. Let your pet smell the “sample” and let him start looking for the hidden toy. As the skill improves, you can hide the KONG in hard to reach places and give your dog fewer clues.

Dog bell ringer

This game involves tying a bottle filled with treats to a strong tree branch or simply holding it on your raised hand, and the dog must grab the belt hanging below with its teeth and actively pull it so that food falls out of the bottle.

Let's look at it step by step

Step 1. Take a bottle with a handle (usually milk, water or juice bottles have this shape), scissors, rope and a belt (or long rope).
Step 2. Make several holes around the entire perimeter of the bottle, about 1 cm from the bottom. The holes should be of such a size that the treat can spill out of them freely.

Step 3. Tie a rope and belt to the handle. Place a treat inside the bottle.

Step 4. Tie the toy to a tree or simply hold the rope in your hand so that the dog can easily grab onto the strap.

Maintain a positive atmosphere while playing. If the dog doesn’t succeed in something, there is no need to be nervous - help him or move on to the next game.

What are they for?

A dog is an emotional and socialized creature. Animals love to move for a long time, they just need human communication and things to spend their energy on. If you don’t engage and communicate with the dog, then he will direct his attention to something else.

Toys are an important part of a dog's development.

Out of boredom, dogs often choose furniture, shoes, carpets and many other household items as toys. Often the owner is faced with the question of what can be done for the dog so that it does not get bored. To avoid this, you should prepare special toys for your pet that can keep him occupied for a while. In addition, such things will help the dog quickly develop its various positive qualities.

Rags with a surprise

You can even make an educational toy for a dog from an old hat or towel. Take a few fabric items that you don't mind, put a treat inside them and invite your dog to get it.

For example, you can give your dog a rolled-up towel containing a treat, which he must turn around with his nose to get to the pieces. Or put food inside a hat and gloves so your dog has to give things a good shake. You can also use a sock rolled up into a ball, which the pet must unfold. Start with one thing and gradually add the rest.

Let's look at it step by step

Step 1: Take an old towel, sock, glove and hat.

Step 2. Place a few pieces of treats on the towel.

Step 3. Roll the towel into a tube.

Step 4: Place a small, heavy treat into the glove so it falls out easily and doesn't get stuck in your fingers.

Step 5 . Place food on the hat and fold it in two or four times.

Step 6. Place a treat on the sock and roll it into a ball.

Step 7: Lay things out on the floor and send your dog in search of food.

How to make a rope toy with your own hands

When making homemade toys for your pet, it is better to use durable natural materials.

A practical, affordable and harmless material for making homemade toys is ordinary rope. It is best to use durable natural jute; it is pleasant to the touch, durable, and safe. The thicker the rope, the more voluminous the toy will be. Such products are great for large dogs, as well as pets who like to chew on various objects. A thick rope is not so easy to break; the toy will delight the dog for many days.

From rope you can make a light ball, a bone for carrying, or weave a rope that not only puppies, but also adult dogs will have fun playing with. The larger the pet, the thicker and stronger the rope should be. If natural jute is not found, you can use blanks made of synthetic materials, for example, safe and strong lavsan.

What you will need for work:

  • a piece of strong rope made of natural or synthetic fibers;
  • safe quick-drying glue;
  • dry treat or some ready-made food.

Between the rope layers, if desired, you can put pieces of treats for your pet

First, you can try making a ball. It does not have to be perfectly round; the main thing for the product is strength.

  1. After cutting a piece of rope, wrap it around your hand, forming wide loops.
  2. The layers need to be wound tightly and evenly.
  3. The end of the rope is pulled through the loops several times, securely fastening the structure.
  4. To prevent the craft from falling apart, the tip is fixed with superglue, having previously hidden it inside the toy.
  5. Having finished the winding, the ball is formed by hand, straightening the loops. If desired, you can place treats between the rope layers: dry food, dog biscuits, pieces of dried beef tendons.

Rope balls for your pet will become an interesting and useful toy

The size of the ball depends on the size of the pet. Large balls are made for puppies that are easy to bounce around the floor. Older dogs are interested in diarrhea. The ball must fit the size of the mouth and not slip out of it. If the dog ignores a new toy, you can modify it: add treats or wrap another layer of rope. Balls slightly damaged by dog ​​teeth are restored in the same way. It is better to replace severely torn toys with new ones.

The bones are made in the same way. Their main difference is the narrow middle part. This toy is convenient to carry in your teeth, it is suitable for practicing the “Fetch” command. To make it, the rope is folded several times, then the loops are tightly wrapped so that the middle is smooth and rigid, and a voluminous fringe is formed at the ends. The end of the rope is folded inward and glued. To make the bone stronger and last longer, you can place a base inside: a wooden stick or a cardboard sleeve.

If there is no rope, it can be woven from any soft, durable scraps. Stripes cut from used knitted T-shirts, T-shirts, and sheets are suitable. To make the toy look elegant, it is better to use multi-colored fabric.

To work you will need:

  • durable cotton fabric (preferably knitwear);
  • scissors;
  • fraying lavsan threads, needle.

To attract your pet's attention, the toy rope can be made in different shapes.

  1. From a piece of fabric, cut 4 identical strips about 1 m long and 10 cm wide.
  2. Stretch the resulting blanks with your hands so that the fabric slightly curls into a tube.
  3. Fold the ribbons, moving 7 cm from the edge, tie a knot and arrange 4 strips in the form of a cross. Holding the knot between your knees, begin weaving.
  4. Strips of fabric are laid out in loops one by one, loose strips are pulled between them and tightened tightly.
  5. In this way, a dense rope is woven, the ends are tied in a knot. If desired, the rope can be closed in a ring, secured with strong lavsan threads.

A puppy or small active dog will definitely like this toy. For representatives of large breeds, it is better to weave a rope or ring from durable jute or thick synthetic rope.

Boxes with treats

Another simple game option is using boxes of different shapes and sizes (toothpaste, candy or toys). Place the food in boxes, throw them on the floor and watch as your dog tries to get the pieces.

It is better to start with one box, gradually adding the rest. At first, do not close the box tightly so that the pet can definitely get the food and does not lose interest in the game.

Some of the boxes can be held with your hands or glued to the floor with double-sided tape. Small boxes (for example, toothpaste boxes) should not be glued - the dog should tear them apart with his teeth or paws and then shake out the contents.

Let's look at it step by step

Step 1. Take several boxes of different sizes.

Step 2. Place treats into boxes.

Step 3 . At first, help your dog by holding the boxes.


To play, you will need a plastic bucket or any other container suitable for the size of the dog. It is filled to the brim with cardboard cylinders, cork plugs, tennis balls, any other small things and a handful of food is poured in. The dog's task is to get through many small obstacles to a tasty reward.

For experienced players, you can make the task more difficult by dividing the bucket into several sections. To do this, cut out a circle of cardboard of the same diameter. A U-shaped cutout is made in the middle and folded over. This will be the handle by which you will need to pull out the obstacle with your teeth.

Game for dogs “Edible-inedible”

DIY educational games for dogs will bring a lot of pleasure to both the owner and his four-legged friend.

Treat tower

The essence of the game is that you build a “tower” with tongues and, in front of the dog, throw a treat at it. The dog must figure out to pull the tabs to push out the treat, or drop it and pick up the food from the floor.

It’s better to start with one tongue, and when the dog understands the essence of the task, add all the others.

Let's look at it step by step

Step 1. Take thick cardboard, scissors and tape.

Step 2. Cut a large piece of cardboard, fold it 4 times to form a “tower” and secure with tape.

Step 3. Make 1-2 holes on each side of the tower. The holes should be the entire width of the tower and about 1 cm high.

Step 4. From the remnants of cardboard, make tongues of such a width that they move in and out of the holes relatively freely, and such a length that part of them fits into the tower, and the other part can be grabbed by the dog with its teeth.

Step 5. Throw a treat from the top of the tower so that it falls on the tongues.

Step 6: Hold the tower in your hands or secure it to furniture.

Why does everyone love Kong?

Kong is an extremely durable toy. This means that it can be transferred from the microwave to the freezer, and after the dog has dealt with it, to the dishwasher without damage.

Kong and other similar puzzle toys provide environmental enrichment. They provide animals with the necessary mental stress, the need to chew and obtain food. This is an easy way to add some variety to your dog's life and keep him occupied for a while.

Kong advantages:

  • relief of stress and boredom. This is an easy way to keep your dog occupied and entertained for a while while you are on Facebook, there is a thunderstorm outside, or guests come over;
  • it's great for slowing down dogs who eat food from the bowl too quickly;
  • Relieving Separation Anxiety - Including a Kong in a behavior modification program for dogs with separation anxiety will help keep your apartment and belongings intact, your neighbors kind, and give your dog something to do while you're away;
  • Kong provides the dog's need for gnawing, the table legs and your favorite shoes will remain intact;
  • Kong provides mental stimulation and the dog's need to get food;
  • chewing Kong strengthens teeth and gums;
  • increases the dog’s persistence and concentration;
  • promotes the development of coordination and work with the front paws;
  • an easy way to dispose of leftover feed and some food from the table;
  • an easy way to train your dog to crate;
  • Helps keep a dog occupied with arthritis or during the post-operative period when it is necessary to limit its mobility.


The game of thimbles is familiar to everyone - the host shows the ball, places it under one of three cups, mixes them up and offers to choose the right one. Playing with a dog looks similar, but instead of a ball there will be a treat. The dog can choose the right cup with his teeth or his paw - it doesn't matter.

It is better to start the game with one cup so that the dog learns to turn it over. Then you can increase their number to 3 or more.

You can read more about this exercise in a separate article - Playing thimbles with a dog.

Let's look at it step by step

Step 1. Take 3 identical non-transparent cups.

Step 2: In front of your dog, place a treat under one of them.

Step 3. Mix the cups.

Step. 4. Invite your dog to guess where the food is.


The KONG toy is heavier than water, so you can play with it on bodies of water where the bottom is clearly visible. Use this method in swimming pools or shallow ponds. For dogs who love to dive, this is great fun, not to mention a nice swim on a hot day. Pets who are afraid of water can overcome their fear using this method. Throw the toy into the water, the dog must get it and bring it back. You can tie the KONG to a rope to avoid losing it.

Spinner for dogs

If you have a lot of free time and desire, you can build a very serious structure - a spinner. The essence of the game will be that the dog rotates the spinner with its nose and food flies out of it.

Depending on the size and activity level of your dog, you may need to further strengthen the original structure by increasing the thickness of the “rod” and adding additional fasteners.

On a tightrope

This interesting fun will require some effort from the owner, but it is worth it. Stretch a long rope over two posts or trees, threading it through the KONG. The rope should be slightly higher than the standing dog's head. Fill the toy with food or treats and let your dog play with it. This will stimulate the dog's mental activity and will entertain others.


For dogs that are on natural feeding (homemade diets, BARF or another form), Kong is a great way to diversify the diet. Natural food usually contains more moisture, which allows you to freeze it for longer enjoyment.

Wet ingredients: wet canned dog food, yogurt, cottage cheese, peanut butter, low fat cream cheese, pumpkin or applesauce, mashed banana, processed cheese, baby food, mashed cooked vegetables, raw ground meat or fish, meat broth, egg, cereal and mashed potatoes.

Peanut butter is the most popular conga filling ingredient. Dogs really like its taste and texture. When purchasing, you need to make sure that it does not contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is toxic to dogs.

There is also a special paste for filling Kongs with different flavors. Usually dogs are delighted with her and are ready to do anything to get her.

Solid ingredients: dry food, small treats (homemade or commercially produced), pieces of sausage, boiled meat, hard cheese, bread, jerky, raw vegetables and fruits, ice, frozen berries.

Dry food can be soaked or added dry, alternating layers with wet ingredients.

What not to put in a kong

  • Foods toxic to dogs: onions, garlic, raisins, grapes, avocados, chocolate, macadamia nuts, industrial products containing xylitol as a sweetener.
  • Very fatty and sweet foods.
  • Foods that cause your dog indigestion or excessive gas.
  • Other foods that are not recommended to be fed to dogs (boiled bones, smoked sausages, etc.).
  • Care should be taken to give liver (excess vitamin A) and foods that can increase or, on the contrary, reduce peristalsis (beets, bran).
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