Butox 50 for chickens - instructions for use of the drug

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Published: 08/15/2017

Reading time: 5 min



Poultry farming is now very common. Many farmers, beginners or with sufficient experience, are faced with chicken infestation with various parasites.

In this case, everyone is looking for a budget-friendly and effective pest control product that is as simple and easy to use as possible.

  • Description of the drug
  • Treatment of chickens and premises
  • Contraindications and side effects

Butox 50 for chickens - instructions for use of the drug

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BUTOX 50 (Butox 50)


Emulsifying concentrate contains 5% synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin. In appearance it is a light yellow oily liquid, emulsifies well in water, with a weak specific odor. 1 liter of concentrate contains 50 g of deltamethrin. Available in 1 liter aluminum bottles. Packaged in ampoules of 1 ml.


Butox 50 has a wide spectrum of insecticidal and acaricidal action, and is active against ixodid, scabies, chicken, cat mites, flies, midges, bedbugs and other ectoparasites of animals. Having entered the body of arthropods, deltamethrin contact or enterally accumulates in the ganglia of peripheral nerves and inhibits their activity. It disrupts the coordination of the pathogen's movements, then causing its paralysis, lethargy and death. The drug is moderately toxic to warm-blooded animals; in recommended doses and concentrations it does not have a local irritant or allergenic effect. Effective against ectoparasites resistant to phosphorus and organochlorine compounds. Toxic to fish and bees.

INDICATIONS To combat animal ectoparasites (ixodid mites, scabies mites, lice, lice eaters, flies, horseflies, bedbugs, midges and others).


Butox 50 is used only for external treatment of animals and premises. Immediately before use, prepare an aqueous working emulsion of the drug. Animals are treated by spraying or bathing.

Before carrying out mass treatments, each batch of Butox 50 is first tested on a small group of animals (10-15 heads) of varying fatness and age, which are monitored for 2-3 days. If there are no complications, treatment of the entire livestock of animals begins.

After cleaning the bathtub for bathing, make a preliminary mixture of the required amount of Butox 50 (in accordance with the dosage for bathing). Distribute the solution throughout the entire container, then stir for 10 minutes. To get a perfect emulsion, you first need to pass 20 animal stirrers through the container. After the animals have removed 10% of the total volume of working fluid from the bath, it is replenished to the original level. In this case, 0.9 liters of Butox 50 is added to each ton of added water. Make sure that the first 20 animals wash again during the bathing course. Before treatment, animals should not be tired and should not be thirsty. Treatment in very hot weather is not recommended. After treating 2.5-3 thousand sheep, the acaricidal liquid is poured into settling wells, preventing it from entering water bodies or rivers. The bath is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and washed with water, which is also drained into settling wells.

Before using Butox 50, it is necessary to make a preliminary mixture in 1 liter of water, add it to the required amount of water in the spray tank and mix thoroughly. During each course of treatment, a minimum of 3 liters of diluted product must be used per animal. The sequence of spraying the animal is: ears, head, body, tail, area around the anus, limbs. Particular attention must be paid to the affected areas. Do not wash off the drug. It is not recommended to spray against the wind.


Amount of Butox 50 per 100 liters of water

Amount of Butox 50 per 1000 liters of water

The required amount of Butox 50 emulsion concentrate is calculated using the following formula:

(A x B) / C = X, where: X is the amount of the original 5% emulsion concentrate in ml required to prepare 1 liter of working emulsion; A is the concentration of the working emulsion; B is the required volume of working emulsion (ml); C is the percentage of active substance in the drug.

You need to prepare 1 liter of 0.003% Butox 50 emulsion. Substituting the values ​​in the formula, we get:

Therefore, to prepare 1 liter of 0.003% emulsion, you need to take 0.6 ml of 5% Butox 50; for 10 l – 6 ml, for 100 l – 60 ml, etc.

A weighed portion of the drug is emulsified in a small volume of water (1:4), then gradually poured into a bath or desalination container and water is added to the required volume. The temperature of the working emulsion should be within 15-20 °C.

To successfully treat scabies, it is necessary to carry out two courses with a break of ten days. To prevent the disease, it is recommended to take one course every six months. If lice are present, one course of treatment is usually required. If mites are present, repeat the course of treatment each time, depending on the degree of infestation. To kill flies, a single application of Butox 50 is required, which usually lasts for a period of 6-8 weeks.

For the treatment of psoroptosis in cattle, an aqueous emulsion is used at a concentration of 0.005%; for therapeutic purposes, it is treated by spraying twice with an interval of 7-10 days; for prophylactic purposes, once. To combat single-host ixodid ticks, use a solution at a concentration of 0.0025%; if there are two or three host ticks on animals, it is recommended to treat with a concentration of 0.00375%.

A 0.0025% aqueous emulsion is used against flies by spraying. A 0.00125% aqueous emulsion is used against lice. During their active season, animals are sprayed against ixodid ticks once every 6-7 days before being put on pasture or after a day's rest; for entomosis - according to indications. When treating animals against sarcoptic and ixodid ticks, as well as insects, the consumption rate of the working emulsion is 2-3 liters per animal. To treat sheep against psoroptosis by bathing in a bath, a 0.003% aqueous emulsion is used. For preventive purposes, animals are treated once, for therapeutic purposes - twice with an interval of 7-10 days.

Treatment of dogs, cats and fur animals

Treatment of animals is carried out by wetting the fur and skin on the affected areas with a ready-made working solution of Butox 50, or by treating the entire surface of the body. Long-haired breeds of animals can be bathed whole. The animal's house, bedding or kennel are also treated. Before use, Butox 50 is dissolved in cool tap water. To treat animals against fleas, lice, lice, 1 dose (1 ml) of the drug is diluted in 4 liters of water. When animals are affected by ixodid ticks, 1 dose (1 ml) of the drug is diluted in 1.3 liters of water, repeated treatment, during the tick season, is carried out once every 6-7 days. To treat scabies, it is necessary to treat the affected area, covering 1-2 cm of healthy skin, dilute 1 dose (1 ml) of the drug in 1 liter of water and moisten the hair and skin with the resulting solution. Repeated treatment is carried out after 7-10 days until two negative skin scrapings are obtained. Before using the drug, the animal should not be washed three days before treatment, as well as for three days after treatment.

Butox 50 is used for treating premises, sheds, and pens in the presence of animals, including young animals. It is used against all flying and crawling arthropods, including cockroaches, red bird mites (Dermanyssus), lice beetles, mealworms, ants, bedbugs and others. Disinsection and decontamination of premises is carried out using the method of fine-droplet spraying. The consumption rate depends on the type of surface being treated (concrete, stone, wood, plastic), as well as on the types of insects.

How to treat a room with Butox

This is especially true for old, wooden buildings. There are often bedbugs there. These insects can cause a lot of trouble, but in order for the insects to stop bothering you, you just need to purchase the drug “Butox”. The price for a package of 5 ampoules does not exceed 110 rubles, so you can treat a room of any size.

To kill bed bugs, the drug is diluted in one liter of water. The solution is poured into a spray bottle and the room is treated. It is necessary to go through mattresses and sofas, baseboards and cracks, floors and walls. After processing, an unpleasant odor remains, it resembles kerosene. Therefore, it is better to leave the premises for several days during the treatment period.

An apartment in which people and animals live can also be treated using Butox. It will not only get rid of lice and fleas, but will also provide effective assistance in the fight against any crawling and flying parasites. Butox 50 has proven itself well in the fight against flies, ants, bedbugs, cockroaches and many other unwanted neighbors.

The apartment is treated with a solution of the drug, which is taken in an amount per 10 liters of water:

  • from flying insects – 15 ml;
  • from crawling parasites – 30 ml.

If the surface of the floor or walls being treated has a smooth structure, 5 liters of solution per 100 square meters of area is sufficient. If the surface is porous, you will need twice as much solution.

Residential premises where pets and their owners live can also be treated with Butox. It will not only lead to the death of all fleas and lice, but can also provide excellent assistance in the fight against other flying and crawling insects.

We suggest you read: How to treat ear mites in cats

“Butox” in ampoules has shown itself to be excellent in the fight against ants, flies, cockroaches, bedbugs and many other harmful parasites. The living space is treated with the composition of the drug, which must be taken in an amount per 10 liters of water:

  • from crawling insects – 35 ml;
  • against flying parasites – 20 ml.

When the wall or floor structure being treated has a relatively smooth surface, then five liters of solution per 100 square meters is enough. m. room size. With a porous structure, you will need twice as much solution.

Signals of the appearance of pests in the body of a pet can be:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • weakened immune system;
  • depression;
  • drowsiness;
  • spasms in internal organs and various pains.


The instructions for Butox must be fully followed. Precautionary measures will enable you to avoid trouble while using the drug:

  • the drug should not get into your pet’s eyes, mouth or nose;
  • it is necessary to handle a pet only using gloves;
  • It is prohibited to use this product simultaneously with organophosphate insecticides;
  • The product is not used for weakened animals, with open wounds, or on damaged skin areas;
  • when an animal exhibits high sensitivity to this drug, its use must be stopped immediately;
  • After extensive treatment, the fur must be completely dry; at this time, it is necessary to protect the pet from licking the fur.

The main advantages of Butox:

  • quite convenient and easy to use;
  • affordable price for every pet owner;
  • the ability to purchase the product at almost any veterinary pharmacy;
  • the presence of a residual effect;
  • absolute effectiveness when fighting parasites and insects on cats and dogs.

To summarize, the product in ampoules is one of the most affordable drugs for combating a variety of skin parasites for dogs and cats, which is most effective during a single treatment and can destroy the majority of pests.

The most important difference between Butox and many drugs for the same purpose is the need to dilute the product to make an emulsion, and not immediately drip it onto the skin. The emulsion is applied to the entire skin, and not at individual points.

Before treating apartments with Butox, remove children and pets from the premises, clean aquariums and plants, and avoid contact of the insecticide with food. Work with the substance in special protective equipment.

How to make a solution for treating premises:

  • Dilute one ampoule with 2-4 liters of water.
  • Pour the product into the respirator and treat the surfaces or use a rag or brush to apply the product.
  • The floor is cleaned thoroughly.
  • After treatment for a week, the product is not removed from surfaces to improve the effect.
  • Subsequently, it is necessary to vacuum all treated areas, especially upholstered furniture, to remove dead individuals.

There is no need to add other insecticides to the solution. Fleas are found in the apartment in upholstered furniture and baseboards, cabinets and behind them. For them, favorable conditions for reproduction are in bulk products. Therefore, it is recommended to throw away all contaminated cereals, as they may contain eggs.

Description of the drug

The drug Butox 50 is a universal product that can be used for external treatment of poultry and for disinfection of areas where chickens are kept (barns, chicken coops, pens, perches). The product is quite effective against parasites such as fleas, bedbugs, various types of mites (scabies, ixodids) and other ectoparasites. The result of using the drug Butox 50 is visible after a single use.

The active ingredient of the drug is deltamethrin in a concentrated composition, used in the form of a solution, so the consumption is quite economical. Deltamethrin accumulates in the body of parasites, has a powerful effect on the nervous system, causes paralysis and death of ectoparasites. When using the drug, parasitic insects do not flee from the affected bird, but die.

Efficiency and effect of the drug

Despite the fact that many people are often alarmed by the too low cost of this product, it has managed to prove itself on the positive side, proving its high level of effectiveness time after time.

The principle of action of the drug is based on the following processes it causes:

  1. When processing an animal, the active substance is absorbed through the skin and removed through the intestines. If you follow the prescribed dosages, there are no side effects or allergic reactions.
  2. Deltamethrin, despite the fact that it has a rather complex chemical formula, includes only one isomer that can have an insecticidal effect. Upon contact with the parasite, it begins the process of destruction of the insect’s nervous system; first of all, a failure occurs in metabolic processes associated with acetylcholine and potassium.
  3. As a result of this effect on the body and a number of systems, the insect experiences nervous overexcitation, which leads to its death.
  4. The active component is a long-term excretory substance, so the protective effect against various types of parasites persists for several weeks after the animals have been treated.

Treatment of chickens and premises

The drug can be used to kill chicken parasites in several ways:

  • medicinal baths;
  • spraying;
  • room treatment.

To prepare a floating bath for swimming, 0.9 liters of the drug is needed per ton of cool tap water. The prepared solution is thoroughly mixed for ten minutes to obtain a more uniform emulsion. Next, the birds in small groups (10-20 birds) are driven through a container with an evenly distributed solution.

The bird should not be tired or hungry. In addition, it is necessary to give the chickens a drink first; to avoid ingesting the solution, which may be toxic, it is better to avoid getting the solution into the bird’s body.

When preparing a solution for spraying chickens, take 50-100 ml of the drug per 100 liters of water. The components of the solution mix well. Each feather of the bird is carefully sprayed with the prepared composition. The applied emulsion should dry; there is no need to rinse off the solution.

In addition to treating the poultry itself, it is also necessary to disinfect the premises in which the chickens are kept. The solution for treating premises consists of 15-30 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water. Before spraying, it is necessary to clear the room of food residues, sweep the floors, clean all boxes, feeders and perches. After this, the solution is evenly applied using a spray bottle to horizontal and vertical surfaces, floors, and walls. Since the active ingredient of the drug is moderately toxic, the premises should be left empty for several days. Chickens can only be returned to their original habitat after thorough ventilation.

If the poultry and the premises in which the chickens are kept are thoroughly treated, repeated spraying will not be necessary. The substance of the drug destroys the colony of parasites completely.

How can you recognize cloacitis in chickens and how to cure this disease? Find out about this by reading our article.

Why do roosters' combs turn black? All reasons are described here.

How consumers respond to the drug

Consumers who have used Butox-50 are usually divided into two camps: satisfied and dissatisfied. Satisfied people note the high effectiveness of the drug in the complex treatment of animals and the premises in which they are kept. They are also pleased with the low cost of the drug Butox-50, the price of which, we repeat, is about one hundred rubles per package (5 ampoules). Dissatisfied people complain about the degree of toxicity of the drug, as some experience allergic reactions. Some note a deterioration in the health of their pets and attribute this to drug poisoning.

The third category of livestock breeders believes that treating pets with Butox is already outdated, and prefers to use other flea and tick remedies that are more convenient to use, such as drops, sprays and collars.

Some consumers add the product to water and wash the floor to prevent and kill parasites. As a result, parasites do not appear or disappear.

Contraindications and side effects

When the solution is prepared in the correct concentration (according to the required dosage), there are no side effects from use.
In the fight against chicken parasites using the drug Butox 50, you must be careful not to treat sick or weakened animals with the drug. It is better to postpone the processing of such individuals until better times. In addition, when using this active substance, organophosphorus insecticides should not be used simultaneously, as they can impair metabolism and increase the susceptibility of chickens to the moderate toxicity of the drug. The only contraindication to the use of Butox 50 is the increased sensitivity of birds to the active substance (deltamethrin). In this case, it is necessary to select a drug with a similar effect, with a different active substance.

To avoid contact of the composition with the skin and respiratory tract when spraying the solution, a person must use protective equipment such as goggles, gloves, and a mask.

Hazard class and safety measures

In accordance with GOST, “Butox” belongs to the third class of hazard, that is, to moderately dangerous substances that can cause an allergic reaction if the dosage is violated and poisoning if ingested, but do not pose the same danger to warm-blooded creatures as to insects

The following precautions must be observed when using this drug:

  1. Before using the product, you must carefully read the instructions for use.
  2. When using the product, you must wear protective clothing, which, among other things, includes safety glasses, a hat, a respiratory mask and disposable rubber gloves. It’s best to wear things that you won’t mind throwing away later.
  3. After completing the treatment, you must thoroughly wash all exposed areas of the body with soap.
  4. In case of contact with mucous membranes or inside the body, it is necessary to immediately rinse them with a significant volume of water. If these measures do not help and an allergic reaction occurs or any side effects occur, you should immediately seek emergency professional medical help.
  5. Empty Butox containers, as well as unused remains of the product, are subject to mandatory disinfection. This procedure is carried out by allowing soda ash to sit in a prepared solution for at least 6 hours, after which the container must be rinsed with clean water.
  6. The containers in which the product was located are not allowed to be further used for household or any other purposes, even if they have been thoroughly disinfected.

Application of Butox in veterinary medicine and disinfection of premises

Ectoparasites irritate animals, which leads to diseases and decreased productivity. Insects attack mammals and birds not only indoors, but also on walks, pastures, and places where pets walk. They cause a lot of trouble in the apartment, settling in carpets, on upholstered furniture, in kitchen areas, and storage rooms. This article provides introductory instructions for the use of a universal and affordable means of combating ectoparasites of humans and warm-blooded animals - Butox.

The active principle of Butox is deltamethrin, which is a synthetic pyrethroid. Dalmatian chamomile (pyrethrum) is known to repel insects, and the powder made from the flowers has long been used against bedbugs. Deltamethrin is a waxy substance that is insoluble in water. Therefore, an auxiliary component of the drug is an organic eluent. The insecticide is sometimes called Butox 50 because it is a 5% deltamethrin solution. It is an oily liquid with the smell of kerosene, capable of forming a stable emulsion with milky water.


“Butox” has not been tested for compatibility with most other antiparasitic agents, so the combined use of several drugs at the same time is not recommended; moreover, the effectiveness of this insecticide is quite sufficient for the high-quality destruction of insects.

Considering the fact that it contains deltamethrin, Butox is definitely incompatible with the following elements:

  1. Oxidizing substances.
  2. Substances belonging to the halogen group.
  3. Insecticides based on organic phosphorus compounds.


Pyrethroids are able to interact with lipids of the skin, as well as plant leaves. The water and organic solvent evaporate and the waxy substance adheres to the fats. For warm-blooded creatures, pyrethroids are low-toxic because they are almost not absorbed, remaining on the surface of the skin. The second defense mechanism is the rapid destruction of the active substance to harmless compounds. Cold-blooded animals do not have defensive devices, so the pyrethroid, when it gets onto the surface of the body or into the intestines of the insect, deactivates acetylcholine. The functioning of the nervous system is disrupted, paralysis occurs, and the arthropod dies. When working with Butox 50 and other drugs containing pyrethroids, caution is required. Drops that fall on a flower plant will kill the bees, and if the drug spills on the soil and is then washed away by rain into the river, the fish will die.


“Butox” is sold individually in ampoules, boxes with different numbers of ampoules, as well as in bottles of various sizes.

The most common types of packaging are:

  1. An ampoule for one-time use costs from 5 to 15 rubles.
  2. A box with 5 ampoules costs about 90 rubles.

You can purchase the drug in departments with household chemicals or in various specialized stores with veterinary supplies.


According to the instructions, Butox is used to destroy crawling and flying arthropods on animals, walks, pastures, and in premises including housing. The drug has a protective effect. You should not bathe the animal three days before and the same time after treatment.

Butox 50, like other pesticides, does not affect arthropod eggs, so you need to wait three days until the larvae hatch. In order for them to become poisoned, it is important not to dilute the pesticide. It is believed that the toxicity of pyrethroids for warm-blooded animals is 2000 times less than for cold-blooded animals. But this is in case of contact with skin. Therefore, when working with Butox and analogues, it is necessary to protect your eyes, nostrils, and mouth.

Advantages and disadvantages of “Butox-50”

Like all drugs, Butox-50 in ampoules has a number of disadvantages:

  • presence of a strong unpleasant odor;
  • age restrictions (the drug is not used to treat animals under six months);
  • the result does not appear instantly, but a day after application.

Along with this, the product also has a number of advantages:

  • high level of efficiency;
  • low level of toxicity;
  • Availability: “Butox-50”, the price of which is on average 100 rubles, can be purchased at any pharmacy.


An aqueous emulsion of Butox 50 is prepared on the day of use according to the instructions for carrying out the following insecticidal measures:

  • Bathing.
  • Spraying.
  • Wetting.
  • Treatment of premises.
  • Processing of paddocks.

Sheep bathing

They practice bathing sheep. Before mass events, the drug is tested on a small group of animals. Lambs of different ages and different fatness are selected and observed for 2–3 days.

Swimming is carried out in warm, but not hot weather. To do this, use a specially prepared cupping pit located on a hill far from bodies of water. The need for Butox is calculated based on the volume of water and the required 0.05% concentration. To ensure access of the medication to the skin, treatment is carried out after cutting the hair.

Animals do not need to be fed before bathing, but they should be given water. To ensure uniform distribution of the active substance, the solution is mechanically stirred for 20 minutes. Then 20 sheep are driven through the bath, removing a tenth of the working solution. Its amount is restored by adding 1.5 liters of Butox per 1 m 3 of water. To allow the insecticide to drain off, the sheep are kept in a specially prepared pen. The waste liquid, as well as dirt from the pit, and water after washing it are transferred to settling wells. Make sure that the working solution does not get into the reservoir. At the discretion of the veterinarian, sheep bathing can be repeated within 10 days.

Chickens bathing

If chickens lose feathers, they are examined for lice eaters. If parasites are found, the easiest way to get rid of them on the bird is by bathing. The treatment is carried out in warm, but not hot weather. Add 0.9–1 liter of Butox to 1 m 3 of water. Chickens are thrown into a container with a working solution in small groups of 10–20 individuals. If there are few birds, a bucket or basin will do. The chickens must dry out.


Before treatment, ensure uniform mixing of Butox with water inside the sprayer. If an animal is diagnosed with scabies, then it is necessary to use a 0.1% emulsion. For a large animal, reserve 3 liters of working solution. The treatment is carried out in the absence of strong wind. It is necessary to avoid contact of the emulsion with the eyes of animals and humans.

It is recommended to carry out processing in the following sequence:

  1. The inner, then the outer surface of the ears.
  2. Head.
  3. Torso.
  4. Anal area and tail.
  5. Legs.

Inflamed areas are treated with special care. This applies, first of all, to the treatment of sarcoptic mange in pigs. In order to destroy the larvae that have hatched from the eggs and prevent them from becoming sexually mature, it is necessary to repeat the treatment within 7–14 days.

When keeping animals on pastures with an abundance of midges, treatments are carried out weekly. The drug is not washed off to maintain its protective effect. The instructions recommend different dosages to kill ticks, lice, and flying insects. Typically, the animal is attacked by all types of parasites, so the highest recommended dosage should be used. In pig farming, when lice are detected, a 0.025–0.033% emulsion is used.

Precautionary measures

Butox is moderately toxic to humans, so you should protect your eyes, organs of vision, breathing and skin from the action of the emulsion. You should work in gloves, safety glasses, a respirator and special clothing. If the concentrate gets on the skin, wash it off with a stream of water. Before work, it is advisable to consume 5-10 tablets of activated carbon.


Do not treat sick, weakened or less than six months old mammals. Butox should not be used in combination with organophosphate insecticides.


The withdrawal period for meat is 5 days, for milk - 3 days. Therefore, cows should be treated during dry periods or the products should be fed to animals.

Non-residential premises are used for storing Butox. The drug contains a volatile organic solvent, so it should not be stored near heating equipment. Shelf life at temperatures from -15 to 40 °C is 48 months.

General precautions when working with the drug

When working with the drug “Butox-50” in ampoules, the instructions require the following general precautions:

  1. Use personal protective equipment: gloves, protective clothing, respirators, goggles.
  2. Observe personal hygiene measures after working with the product: wash hands and exposed areas of the body with soap.
  3. Do not allow direct contact of the product with the skin or mucous membrane.
  4. Avoid getting the drug into the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract.
  5. It is prohibited to use Butox simultaneously with organophosphorus chemicals.
  6. Do not pet animals for three days after using the product.

Butox 50 for chickens - a veterinary drug for the destruction of ectoparasites of birds and the treatment of chicken coops

Active substance: synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin (deltamethrin).

An insecticidal-acaricidal 5% solution of the drug Butox 50 is used to destroy scabies, ixodid and chicken mites, lice, fleas, lice, bedbugs, flies, midges and other ectoparasites . Active against adults and larvae, but does not affect insect eggs.

Fights against pests that are immune to preparations containing phosphorus and organochlorine compounds. Toxic to fish and bees.

Once in the body of parasitic insects, the pyrethroid deltamethrin accumulates on the periphery of their nervous system, suppresses nerve impulses, depriving the insects of mobility and causing paralysis and death.

If it comes into contact with the skin of warm-blooded animals and humans, it can be toxic in concentrated form . When diluted, it has virtually no irritating and/or allergic effect.

Active substance

The main component of the drug “Butox-50” (analogues, except those listed above, “Deltanol No. 10”, “Deltsid”) is deltamethrin, which belongs to the third hazard class. Once in the body of insects, the drug affects the nervous system, blocking the transmission of nerve impulses, which causes neuromuscular paralysis and death of the parasites.

When working with Butox-50, it should be taken into account that the product is toxic to bees and fish. Butox-50 is not dangerous for all warm-blooded animals, provided the recommended doses and safety measures are followed.


Treatment of adult chickens

An aqueous solution of Butox 50 is used for bathing or spraying birds, if such a clause is provided in the instructions for its use . Chickens must first be fed and watered.

Solutions are prepared immediately before procedures in accordance with the instructions in compliance with safety measures. Testing of the solution is carried out 2-3 days before mass treatment on a control group of birds of different fatness and age. If the result is positive, the rest of the population is treated.

When spraying, the emulsion is sprayed onto the bird's feathers. Areas under the wings, tail and around the anus are intensively treated . The solution should not come into contact with the bird's eyes or beak.

The emulsion does not need to be washed off and should dry naturally on the bird’s feathers, so it is advisable to carry out the treatment in the warm season or in a heated room . Birds that have undergone the procedure should be housed separately from those awaiting treatment.

The amount of Butox 50 concentrate to obtain the emulsion depends on the type of parasitic insects. In small farms and personal farmsteads, the following proportions are used for bathing and spraying :

Features of application for laying hens, broilers and chickens

There are no separate instructions in the instructions for using the drug for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for laying hens and broilers. The same treatment methods and dosages of the drug apply to them as for other breeds and hybrids of birds.

Treatment is best carried out by spraying, using a drug whose instructions for use include a clause that requires spraying poultry. The emulsion is prepared by mixing 1 ampoule (1 ml) with 4 liters of cool water until a homogeneous composition is obtained.

The chickens are processed one at a time, covering the head, generously moistening the areas under the wings and tail, belly and neck . The insecticide solution should not come into contact with the eyes and beaks of the chicks.

Treatment of poultry housing areas

To get rid of blood-sucking parasites, it is extremely important to clean and disinfect the premises where birds are kept . You only need to work in protective clothing, paying special attention to respiratory protection.

The number of birds is removed from the chicken coop. Before processing, clean all feeders, boxes, perches, partitions and cages. The remaining food and bedding are taken out and burned, and the floor is swept.

The solution is mixed at the rate of 15-30 ml of Butox 50 per 10 liters of water. Per 100 sq. m requires 5-10 liters of solution depending on the type and porosity of surfaces .

The resulting emulsion is evenly sprayed on all areas of the chicken coop: walls, ceiling, floor, perches, cages and partitions. Joints, corners, crevices, fastenings and other hard-to-reach places are intensively processed.

After wet treatment, keep the room tightly closed for 3-4 hours, then ventilate well for several days. After ventilation is completed, new bedding is laid and the chickens are released. .

For prevention, chicken coops are cleaned and disinfected regularly, at least 1-2 times a year, regardless of the illness of the chickens. It is important to constantly ventilate the room and periodically change the bedding, preventing the creation of a humid environment for the spread of harmful microorganisms and insect larvae.

special instructions

After using the drug to treat cattle, animal milk and meat are prohibited from being consumed for five days.

A container contaminated with the drug should be disinfected with a five percent soda ash solution for 5-6 hours.

Unused residues of the product are neutralized with a five percent solution of caustic alkali or slaked lime.

The drug "Butox-50" is effective in the fight against blood-sucking parasites. It is suitable for treating animals and disinfecting premises. If you follow the instructions and use the drug correctly, you can quickly get rid of parasites and not cause harm to the health of your household and pets.

Composition and release form

The main component of the product is deltamethrin, which belongs to the group of pyrethroids of synthetic origin. It has long been known that pyrethrum can repel various insects.

It is very convenient that the drug can be bought in the quantity you need

The active component does not dissolve in water, as it is similar to wax. An auxiliary component is an organic eluent. The drug is often called Butox 50, because it is a 5% deltamethrin solution. An insecticide is an oily liquid with an unpleasant odor of kerosene, which forms a whitish emulsion. The product can be produced in different packages, starting from 1 ml glass ampoules and ending with 1 liter metal containers.

Pharmacology of the drug

Pyrethroids can come into contact with skin lipids. In this case, the solvent and water evaporate, and waxy substances join the fats. For all warm-blooded organisms, pyrethroids are practically non-toxic, since they remain on the surface and are not absorbed.

At the next stage of protection, the active substance is destroyed into harmless compounds . In cold-blooded organisms, the body does not have protective functions, so when the pyrethroid ends up on the insect's body or in its intestines, it deactivates acetylcholine. As a result, the arthropod experiences paralysis, after which it quickly dies.

The instructions for using Butox in veterinary medicine warn: when working with the drug, you need to be extremely careful . If the drug gets into the soil near the river, the fish will die, if it gets on a honey plant, the bees will die.

Video instructions about the qualities of this drug:

Precautionary measures

According to the instructions for use of Butoxcept 5 ml, this drug is moderately toxic for humans.

When working with it, you need to be careful, protecting your skin and face from the emulsion.

To do this, you should wear goggles, gloves, special clothing and a respirator. If the concentrate gets on your skin, you should immediately remove it with a stream of water. And before starting work, it is recommended to drink 7-10 tablets of activated carbon.

Butox 1 ml cannot be used on mammals that are under one year old or sick. It is also prohibited to combine Butox with organophosphate drugs. It is better to process cows during dry periods or give their milk to animals.

The drug should be stored in non-residential premises where there is no heating, since Butox contains a solvent that evaporates. The shelf life of the drug is 4 years at a storage temperature of -15...+40°C.

It is not recommended to consume milk from cows that have recently been processed

Animal handling

The dog or cat cannot be washed for three days before treatment, and also for three days after. “Butox” in ampoules is a cheap and extremely effective product that has proven itself on the market for a very long time. The entire animal must be treated with an aqueous solution. To do this, arm yourself with a cotton swab and go over your entire body. Long-haired dogs and cats can be bathed whole in the solution. It is very important after treating the animal to also treat the kennel, bedding or house. You should not treat sick or weak animals; in addition, you should not mix the drug with other insecticides. Judging by the reviews, this drug helps a lot, it is especially useful for those who live in the village. After treatment, all parasitic insects completely die, and the animal stops suffering. At the same time, I am pleased with the cost of the drug “Butox”. The price of one ampoule is about 30 rubles. Today this is the most affordable tool.

Purpose and application

According to the instructions for use of Butox 1 ml, it is used against arthropods that live on animals, as well as in residential premises and pastures. Before treating the animal, it should not be bathed for three days.

The pesticide does not destroy the eggs, so you should wait three to four days for the effect until the larvae hatch and are poisoned by the pesticide. The toxicity of the poison for cold-blooded animals is 2000 times greater than for warm-blooded animals, but this is in case of contact with the skin.

The poison emulsion is prepared on the day of use for the following procedures:

  • bathing (eg sheep, chickens);
  • spraying for scabies;
  • wetting (for example, cats and dogs);
  • processing of paddocks and premises.

Due to its properties, the insecticide allows you to treat not only animals, but also premises

Sheep bathing

Before mass sheep bathing, it is worth conducting a test on several animals. Select individuals of different ages and body types and observe the reaction for 2-3 days. There is no need to bathe animals when it is hot outside. To carry out the procedure, you should dig a hole away from bodies of water.

The sheep are pre-shorn so that the drug has a good effect on the skin.

It is worth giving the sheep a good drink before the procedure, but there is no need to feed them. The prepared 5% solution is mixed well for about 25 minutes so that the active substance is evenly distributed in the liquid. 10 animals are driven into the bath, and they will carry 5% of the solution on their bodies. To restore the required concentration, you need to add 1.5 liters of Butox to each cube of water. Treated sheep are kept in a pen until they dry out.

The water that remains in the pit should be transferred to settling wells at the end of the procedure. If necessary, the manipulation is repeated after two weeks. When chickens get lice eaters, bathing in Butox will help get rid of them. The bath is prepared at the rate of 1 liter of the drug per cubic meter of water. 10-15 birds are placed in the container at once. You can recalculate and prepare only 20 liters of liquid if there are few chickens on the farm.

To treat animals, it is better to choose a non-hot time of year, and monitor their well-being for a couple of days after.

Spraying procedure

For scabies, prepare a 1% solution; you will need a spray bottle. Spraying should be carried out in calm weather. A large creature will need about 3 liters of emulsion. It is important that it does not get on the mucous membranes of humans and animals.

Spraying sequence:

  • you need to start with the ears, first inside, then from above;
  • proceed to the head;
  • move to the body;
  • then the tail and anus area is treated;
  • The last stage is the legs.

When treating sarcoptic mange (itch mite), pigs must be treated again after a week. Then all the larvae will definitely be destroyed.

The emulsion concentration should be 0.025−0.035%. In this case, the chickens can be treated by spraying or bathed. According to the instructions for using Butox 50 for chickens, the consumption will be a maximum of 30 ml per bird. The chicken coop also needs to be treated.

The instructions for the drug indicate a detailed dosage for treating poultry.

Treatment of cats and dogs

The technique is effective against ectoparasites. For scabies, only the affected areas should be treated. Animals with long hair are given a full bath. For fleas and lice eaters, prepare a solution: 1 ampoule per 4 liters of water.

For scabies, the concentration should be increased and 1 ml of Butox per 1 liter of water should be used. To remove ticks, you should dilute one ampoule in 1.5 liters of water. It is advisable to treat pets once a week for prevention.

It’s more difficult with cats, as they constantly lick themselves. This can be fatal .

The emulsion becomes harmless two hours after drying, so an Elizabethan collar is used for cats.

Video instructions for treating dogs with this drug:


Many people have already used the product to destroy various types of parasites; below are their impressions of the result and effectiveness of the drug:

  1. Vyacheslav: “My family and I live in a village, we usually keep a large number of animals, so Butox has become one of the main assistants on the farm. I tried to use it for the first time, since it was possible to treat not only cats and dogs with this product, but also sheep, cows and other animals that live with us. Thanks to this, it was possible to remove not only all the parasites, but now even flies with horseflies do not fly close to livestock. I think that Butox would also be effective for exterminating cockroaches and other domestic insects, but we don’t have them to test.”
  2. Oksana: “I started using Butox after the vet recommended it. I have a Saint Bernard, which is not helped by other flea treatments, and the anti-parasitic drops that need to be applied to the withers cause a severe allergic reaction. “Butox” has no such side effects, it helped to quickly remove insects, now we use it once a month as a preventive measure, since we often go outdoors, where there is always a risk of picking up a tick.”
  3. Mikhail: “A friend recommended me a drug called Butox, I didn’t want to use it for a long time because the price was too low. One day I finally decided to test it in action when my shepherd dog got fleas. The product coped well with the task of quickly destroying them. Now in the spring and fall we use it weekly as a preventive measure. It turns out that, unlike expensive analogues, the effect lasts one week, and not one and a half to two months, but Butox has a significant advantage. The point is that the fleas died instantly after treatment, that is, they did not have time to scatter throughout the apartment. Among the shortcomings of the drug, I can only highlight a rather strong and pungent odor, although the instructions said that it was not particularly noticeable. After bathing the dog, you have to ventilate the premises for another 15-20 minutes to get rid of it. Considering this feature of Butox, I did not risk using it to treat the apartment, although the instructions stated that this is a recommended measure for the destruction of remaining insects and their larvae.”
  4. Yulia: “A good and effective drug at an affordable price. The only downside is the strong and extremely unpleasant smell, but the result is worth it. I use it to treat cats, which are very sensitive to many products, and Butox does not contain components that are dangerous to them. Before leaving for the dacha, I use the solution to treat the entire apartment; in just a few days, the smell has time to completely disappear, but the house is protected from parasites, and ants and cockroaches completely disappear.”
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