Pedigree brand dog food - composition and reviews from veterinarians

In Russia, Pedigree dog food was introduced relatively recently, but has firmly established itself in the pet products market. According to the characteristics, this product belongs to the economy class. Mars, the manufacturer of Pedigree, has provided consumers with good variety in pet diet choices based on age and type. At the same time, the price is set low, which is one of the main advantages of these diets and affects their popularity. Is it worth buying Pedigree brand food for your pet and how, if used, how to properly formulate the nutritional system.

Pedigree food line

Dog food includes dry and wet food. In addition, owners are offered healthy treats to choose from. The advantage of diets is the gradation according to the size and age of the pets.

A staple of dog nutrition, Pedigree dry food contains fiber to aid digestion. And each granule helps maintain the normal condition of the oral cavity, because it is formed in such a way as to help clean the animal’s teeth.

On average, the price range of dry food is from 120 to 160 rubles. per kg. Packaging allows the buyer to choose a convenient volume.

Wet food, which is close to natural nutrition, is no less healthy. It is not as high in calories as dry food, and this helps control the dog’s weight and prevent overfeeding. And a significant amount of moisture has a beneficial effect on the dog’s urinary tract. The cost of 1 serving of such a diet with a volume of 85-100 g is on average 20 rubles. per package.

Dry food

This type is presented for adult dogs in various versions, and for puppies in several diets, but with a single chicken taste. An indication of the size of the breed the pet belongs to and its age will help you make the right decision.


Currently in Russia, the manufacturer offers 2 types of dry food “Pedigree” with poultry flavor:

  1. For puppies of all breeds from 2 months. When preparing the nutrition, the specifics of the baby’s body and their need for an active increase in growth and normal development were taken into account. The food is easily digested, and the dog receives the nutrients it needs, including vitamins (E, group B), zinc and omega-3-6 fatty acids.
  2. From 6 months. This diet is formulated taking into account the specific body structure of large animals and giant breeds. The formation of the musculoskeletal system in such pets must be carried out correctly and evenly. As in the previous form, the nutrition includes the required microelements and vitamins in the proper balance and quantity. In addition, it is enriched with glucosamine, as well as acids: omega 3 and 6.

Veterinarians recommend the use of these foods for whelping and lactating bitches, because they need more energy.

Pedigree dog food - reviews



They are not here


harm to health

Previously, I didn’t think about what kind of food is generally on the shelves of our stores, what they are like in terms of quality and composition. When she became the owner of pets, she began to study this issue very carefully. So, as for Pedigree food, or other economy class food such as Whiskas, Kiteket or Darling - these foods are poison for your pets. Just look at the ingredients, no meat. Do they contain any vitamins at all? Of course not. After these foods, the animals do not want to eat other, normal foods. Do you know why? Because it is full of chemicals, taste enhancers that are addictive. There are also a lot of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, etc. do not skimp on the health of animals. You don’t save on yourself; you love to eat tasty and high-quality food. And it’s the same here. If you save on food, you will then have to spend a lot on treatment. I advise you to look at premium/super premium food or holistic.





absolutely useless

My Rottweiler is two years old and during this time we have tried a lot of food, including pedigree. I tried feeding this brand of food both as a puppy and as an adult - the result was the same. Firstly: it constantly makes the stomach swell and produces gases with a stench. The dog doesn't have time to walk. As much as I ate, I went down with liquid porridge twice as much. Secondly: itching begins and the dog becomes covered with scabs. Moreover, my neighbor has the same story with a male collie. Maybe it will work for someone, but mostly I hear negative reviews. I did not find anything useful in the composition of this food, therefore the digestibility of the body is 20-30%. If you really care about your pet's health, I advise you not to use this food for its nutrition.



No one.


One big minus!

Our dog has eaten only natural food all her life. When she was almost seven years old, circumstances developed so that we had to move to another area for work. While our life was getting better, we decided to buy Pedigree for our dog. She ate it, of course, with great pleasure. She also asked for more. But after a while I noticed that my dog’s fur had become dull, and after a while he began to go bald. At first I couldn’t understand why this was happening, but then I called a good veterinarian who knew our dog from birth, and he told us that all this was happening because of the dry food. Our dog ate this food for about three months. More than a year has passed since this incident, but the fur is restored with great difficulty. Her stomach also suffered from this food. Now we are restoring with a strict diet, vitamins and ASD-2 what this vaunted food did to us.


I adopted a dog. Not purebred, not picky... And what happened to her?!

I started feeding her Pedigree food. The advertisement inspired me to do this. Well, I think, since my little dog has never seen anything good before me (he wandered the streets), then I’ll take care of him. And I started feeding him 3 times a day with this same food. After all, they say on TV that this is a good treat for your beloved pets. A month has passed. I started to notice that my dog ​​was drinking too much water. Well, I think he’s played enough, it’s hot in the house and he’s thirsty. Then he began to generally drink water. And here I suspected something was wrong. It's good that I know a veterinarian. He won't give me bad advice.

I called the vet. She told me the whole situation. And his first question was: “What do you feed the dog?” Naturally I answered with what. It was here that the terrible truth was revealed to me. It turns out that I am sending my dog ​​to the next world with my own hands.

The fact is that this Pedigree contains not normal ingredients, but crammed with the hell out of it. Substances that are addictive form a large number of kidney stones, narrow the intestines, which causes thirst and dryness in the animal’s body.

I decided for myself - I will never give this to my dog ​​again! This is exactly what they call it, not food. But it was not there. The dog refuses to eat unless this nasty mixture is available.

I'm sincerely trying to wean him off. I add just a little Pedigree to my normal food. And every time less and less.

The only thing I'm glad about in this story is that I caught it in time! After all, there have already been fatalities in the lives of animals.

I beg you people, feed your pets correctly! Don’t be lazy and don’t waste time preparing food for your animal. As a last resort, feed what you eat yourself. And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed.


We feed the dog exclusively royal, but there was a delivery delay and we had to choose food in a regular supermarket near our house. We took a 2.2 kg pedigree bag for puppies. I was surprised that the daily portion is 1.5 times less than usual. But the dog ate it with such appetite that we began to think about switching to this food. And it eats well (better than royal canin) and is cheaper. But the next day we started to notice gradual changes. First, gases began (normal for such a sudden transition to a new food), and we began to observe further. On the second day, problems with stool began, either diarrhea or constipation, while she drank a lot and went to the toilet VERY often. Further more. Itching began, a terrible smell from the mouth, the poor child was constantly tense, and behaved simply inappropriately. Moreover, on the fourth day, we, of course, no longer gave this food and began to slowly feed him with cereals and soups. By the fifth day, all the side effects had passed, everything was restored and we started feeding our food again.

Perhaps it is suitable for someone, I will not write that it is poison and should be discontinued. It didn't suit us.

And also, I would like to add, our sweet 7-month-old Golden Retriever girl is sitting on dry food (for supporters of exclusively natural dogs))). But in addition to this, we also give fruits, vegetables, berries and a little milk (cheese, cottage cheese, kefir), as well as a complex of vitamins, if necessary. And we tolerate all sorts of pedigree treats like seeds, tubes and other things very well.


No merits

Poison, gastrointestinal problems, vomiting from food, terrible diarrhea, almost died

I always fed my puppy natural food, but one day, due to a difficult financial situation, he had to eat food for 1.5 months. (I must say that the puppy at that time already weighed 35 kg, and on a natural basis it cost me about 8-9 thousand rubles per month).

At the pet store they simply praised pedigree to me and I agreed to buy it. Who knew that I would regret it later. In 1.5 months of feeding, we used 3 packages of 13 kg each, it’s even scary to imagine how much poison and dyes my puppy ate during this time.

At first, while we switched him to food, everything went fine. Two weeks later we completely transferred him, and the first bells began to ring. The dog had diarrhea every other day from this food. It turned out that almost every evening walk, after 3 feedings a day, the puppy had loose stools. I decided to reduce my daily portion and it really helped. But not for long.

Another week later, first one eye of the puppy festered, then the other. We treated his eyes persistently, but they continued to fester, to the surprise of the veterinarian. While we were treating his eyes, another two weeks passed, and then the worst began. During the last week of feeding, the puppy began to vomit. It didn’t happen that often, once every two or three days, so at first we decided not to see a doctor, expecting that the minor disorder would go away on its own. BUT IT DIDN'T PASS. After this week, the poor dog was vomiting 3-4 times a day! At the same time, my appetite became crazy. It happened that the puppy ate in the morning, was not given anything during the day, and after 12 hours he vomited, UNDIGESTED FOOD! On the third day of incessant vomiting, we were already flying to the clinic, and the ultrasound tests did not please us. The puppy had highly elevated leukocytes, ultrasound showed inflammation of the small intestine, and impaired evacuation of stomach contents (this is precisely the reason why he was vomiting undigested food).

Well, the culprit is, of course, queer. We were treated with antibiotics, gamavit and medicinal food, and transferred to Pro Plan. He has been eating it for the second month now, no diarrhea, no festering eyes, no vomiting.

Conclusion: a healthy puppy was turned into a dog with food intolerance, and a huge amount of money was spent on treating the consequences of feeding. One thing is good: the consumption of premium food is completely different, and 15 kg is enough for us for a month, and not 26 as before.


Hi all! I'll tell you about Pedigree dog food. My dog ​​has been eating dry food since birth. At first it was expensive food, but our dog grew so much in size that we gradually began to switch him to cheaper food. The choice fell on Pedigree. They bought it, poured it in, and Danechka ate it. He ate this food with us for a year and a half, then the dog began to refuse it and wouldn’t even come up to smell it. Then I noticed a sore on the inside of the tip of my ear, as if there was dried blood. Oh, we got scared, we quickly went to the veterinary hospital. The doctor looked at the ear and said that it was dermatitis, most likely the dog’s liver was not working well, he asked what we were feeding him, and when he heard about Pedigree, everything immediately became clear to him. We were prescribed treatment and vitamins. I had to switch the dog to regular food, although it was very difficult. A year has passed, and the effects of the food still remain; from time to time this sore appears in the same place in the ear. And it takes a long time to heal. So my review of Pedigree food is negative. I do not advise.

Detailed composition

In terms of composition, Pedigree food is included in the economy group. At the same time, the diet of each series contains the following components:

  • corn and wheat;
  • chicken, meat flour;
  • rice;
  • beet pulp;
  • animal fat and sunflower oil;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • minerals and vitamins.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Glucosamine is included in the diet of puppies and adult dogs of large breeds, and methionine is included in the diet of miniature dogs.

In the dry version, the predominant component is corn, which, together with wheat and rice, is a source of carbohydrates. Poultry or meat flour is protein, and beet pulp is fiber.

The wet diet includes by-products, but which ones are not specified. Analysis of the composition suggests that inexpensive ingredients are used, which actually determines the low pricing policy of this manufacturer’s feed.

Feed composition overview

The composition of all Pedigri dry food begins not with a meat ingredient, but with cereal components - rice, wheat and corn. This indicates a small amount of protein component. In addition, corn and wheat are among the most useless ingredients that do not provide any benefit to the body, are almost not absorbed, and sometimes cause food intolerance in pets.

The composition does not indicate full-fledged meat at all; only meat flour made from offal and partly from meat is indicated.

Beet pulp is considered a controversial ingredient among experts. Some say that it is a cheap, useless product, while others point out that it is designed to regulate sugar levels and is good for intestinal function.

The food also includes a complex of vitamins and beneficial microelements.

The composition of wet food starts with meat ingredients - meat and offal, and only then comes grains and oils. However, the percentage of protein is not encouraging - only 6-7%. But the moisture content is stated to be 85%. The rest is fats and beneficial microelements.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Pedigree nutrition include:

  • popularity;
  • low price;
  • the ability to choose a diet based on the size, age and needs of the pet;
  • availability on the Russian market;
  • presence of vitamins and minerals

The disadvantages include:

  • poor feed composition;
  • a significant amount of cereals;
  • use in the manufacture of low quality products;
  • lack of information about the percentage of ingredients;
  • a small amount of vitamin-mineral complex, as well as natural and beneficial components;
  • There is no information about the by-products included in the diet.

Eating grain feed in large quantities by a dog leads to diseases such as dermatitis and obesity.

Feeding rules

A well-designed diet and diet for a dog is the key to keeping it healthy. The food that people eat often harms animals, because the dog’s body is not adapted to its normal absorption.

Nutrition should be balanced. It should contain the required amount of useful ingredients that are necessary for the dog’s well-being.

If the owner prefers natural food, then it is important to correctly calculate the dog’s daily diet. It should be compiled so that it is varied and meets the needs of the animal. In this case, the pet needs to be given vitamin supplements regularly. His diet should be high in calories and easily digestible.

The most convenient for the owner and the best for the dog is the use of special ready-made food. The advantage of this type is that it takes into account the characteristics of animals. The Pedigree food line provides a good choice for the consumer.

Manufacturer's feeding recommendations are located on each package and are distributed according to your pet's weight. Owners should pay attention to the fact that one of the conditions for optimal nutrition will be a combination of dry and wet diets. It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the dog, its temperament and the conditions in which it is kept.

For puppies

A growing body needs much more nutrients than an adult dog. Babies' food should contain the amount required for proper development and growth. Using the Pedigree line, veterinarians recommend switching the animal from 2 months to a special dry food that promotes its normal development and strengthening the immune system. Along with this, it is advisable to add a wet diet created for this age group.

From six months onwards, the diet changes. In particular, for puppies of large and giant breeds, you need to use a different special food, since these dogs continue to actively grow. They need proper nutrition to develop their musculoskeletal system. At the same time, wet food is still combined with dry food.

For adult dogs

In the diet of an adult dog, it is necessary to take into account its physiological characteristics, activity, age, and living conditions. Nutrition should be balanced.

With a mixed diet, the types of diets should be alternated, without using them simultaneously in 1 meal.

Your pet should always have constant access to a container of clean and fresh water.

Pedigree for dogs: brand history

The famous brand has been producing complete food for your pets for more than 50 years. Pedigree® products have become world famous due to their high quality and variety of lines, which allows you to choose a diet for each pet.

Many years of research by specialists from the WALTHAM™ scientific center, involved in the nutrition and well-being of pets, also helped the brand achieve recognition. Pedigree® food's innovative solutions help meet your dog's needs based on his age, size, health and personality.

The food has also been approved by the Association of Veterinary Practitioners. This is another “quality seal” that makes Pedigree® so popular among owners and their healthy and active pets!

Reviews from veterinarians

Valeria: “Pedigree food can be classified as a high-quality economy class product. Despite the meager composition, it contains the necessary components. But when using it, you should additionally give your dog vitamin and mineral complexes.”

Alexey: “Available, cheap and widespread food. At the same time, the quality of the components is questionable, and their percentage is not clear. In such a situation, the assertion that the Pedigree diet is complete and balanced is questionable.”

Natalya: “The food is cheap. Does not contain meat, instead it is by-products (which is not clear). Vegetables and fruits are also missing. Vitamins and minerals are not enough. I do not recommend this food for feeding a dog. It is advisable to choose a diet with the best composition.”

Pedigree food is very popular and the main factor for this is its low price. It should also be noted that despite the paucity of the composition, the presence of harmful substances was not detected in it, and reviews from veterinarians are not always negative. According to the manufacturer, proven raw materials are used for production. This class of food has a wide range and is one of the most popular diets.

Manufacturer information

Pedigree is one of the most advertised and well-known foods among amateur dog breeders . It is made in the USA by the well-known company Mars. Production began in 1934 , and the food came to the Russian market in the 90s. The low price immediately made it extremely popular.

On the official website, the manufacturer states that each of the offered feeds is balanced and complete. at the Waltham Research Center .

Raw materials for products are ordered exclusively from proven suppliers, factories meet quality standards for the production of food for people, and each stage of product creation is subject to careful control.

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