You won't be able to pull Chappi by the ears - a review of dry dog ​​food

Dry food "Chappy" is by far the most popular and popular in the modern animal feed market. This is primarily due to its low cost, as well as great convenience for owners. Buying trimmed meat at the market and preparing porridge for your pet is a thing of the past. However, how beneficial such nutrition is for his four-legged friend’s body! First of all, we need to consider the composition, that is, find out what is included in the “Chappy” food, and draw our own conclusions from this.

Product Description

Each owner, when switching his pet to dry food, will definitely ask himself the question of how much he can afford to spend per month on feeding his pet. If the amount is not too large, then you need to choose from the line of economy class food. This is precisely the reason for the high popularity enjoyed by the Chappy food. In addition, the marketing policy of the manufacturer makes its products as accessible as possible to the consumer. This line of food is sold in all major supermarkets, as well as small specialized departments. One more point: the feed is packaged in packages of various sizes, starting from 2.5 and ending with 15 kg. In this regard, Chappy food is also very convenient.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to all the above-described advantages, Chappie food does not contain artificial flavors and taste enhancers, which is a big advantage for an economy-class food.

Among the shortcomings is the lack of clearly defined treatment lines. Some foods may contain corn and flour made from it. Not suitable for dogs with intolerance to any ingredient.

The opinion of veterinarians

This is the first thing a loving and caring owner should pay attention to, because the length and quality of your dog’s life depends on nutrition. And in fact, it is the composition that causes the most heated debate between veterinarians and owners. Arriving at the hospital, the latter begin to passionately prove that their animal has been eating only this type of food for many years and nothing bad has happened to it. To which doctors, with no less fervor, begin to tell terrible stories about crippled destinies and poor health, linking this with feeding with cheap dry food. Veterinarians encourage feeding your dog meat, including stewed vegetables and cereals, as well as cottage cheese and eggs. Based on this, we can say that “Chappy” is the food that causes the most such controversy.

Consumption rate

The daily dose of food depends on the time of year and climate of the area, as well as on the level of physical activity, living conditions and individual characteristics of the dog.

The dog's weight is the main dosage criterion

The main criterion for the dosage of any type of food is the dog’s weight:

  • if the dog’s weight does not exceed 5 kg, its daily dose of canned food is 67 g or a third of a 200-gram jar;
  • The daily requirement of Chappy dry food for a dog weighing 10 kg is 175 g. If the owners feed their pet a canned product, at this weight he should receive 134 g or two-thirds of a can;
  • a dog weighing 20 kg should receive at least 200 g or one can of canned food per day;
  • A 25-kilogram dog requires 350 g of dry granules per day;
  • a dog weighing 30 kg should receive 300 g or one and a half cans of canned food;
  • if a dog weighs 40 kg, its daily dose of dry product is 500 g;
  • A 60 kg dog needs 650 g of compressed Chappy per day;
  • with combined feeding, for every 10 kg of animal weight, 80 g of dry and 80 g of canned food are measured per day.

Important! The daily portion of water in the animal's diet should be related to the amount of feed in a ratio of 3:1.

Feed composition

What does the manufacturer pack in bright bags with tempting inscriptions “lunch meat”? Is there really meat in there? Chappy dog ​​food, of course, must have a detailed description of the ingredients included in its composition, however, as it turns out, only premium food manufacturers follow this rule. But in our case, the buyer will have to be content with modest data on the packaging.

In first place (in the composition indicated on the package) are cereals. Very good, but the dog must eat meat, this is the main component, to which there are various additives in the form of cereals and vegetables. Why did the manufacturer choose this ingredient as the main one for feeding carnivores? But this is not the last mystery that Chappy dry food conceals. There are no hints about what kind of cereals are presented here. You won't know what your pet ate today. Was it rice or barley, millet or oats, and also how the ratio changes from one type of feed line to another.

Main types and description of feed

The manufacturer produces several varieties of Chappie. We sell both wet and dry food. As indicated on the package, only natural ingredients were used in production, without the addition of artificial flavors and dyes. This type of food is industrially developed taking into account the physiological needs of the animal.


Among the varieties of ready-made diets for dogs, it is considered the most useful. It differs in that it consists of 75% liquid. This type has a convenient packaging - a package weighing 100 g, designed for one-time use. For dogs of large breeds, 400 g versions are available. Inside there are delicious pieces in meat broth. The manufacturer claims that the food is equally well absorbed by representatives of both large and small breeds, which indicates its versatility.


Sold in hermetically sealed bags containing dry granules. The composition of this ready-made food for dogs and puppies is practically no different from canned food. However, veterinarians believe that dry dog ​​food is less digestible than wet dog food. This type is not recommended for permanent use.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Next to the cup where the dry substance is poured, there should always be a bowl filled with water. The liquid helps maintain the water-salt balance in the dog's body.

Moving further down the list

The second ingredient in the composition is meat. Well, finally, the owner will breathe a sigh of relief. But it’s too early to rejoice, there is no information about what kind of meat it is, and given the cost of feed, doubts begin to creep in. If we look at the percentage of protein in the product, it becomes clear that there is very little meat, whatever that means. The next item is offal. Whether this means high-quality fish and meat and bone meal or beaks and feathers from the slaughterhouse of a poultry farm again remains a mystery. Finally, protein plant extracts. Another big question. If it contains meat and offal, why use vegetable protein? Probably in order to slightly increase the percentage of proteins to 15%, although this is still very little. That's pretty much what "Chappy" is all about. The composition of the food is, to put it mildly, not impressive. The last item is animal fats, and it is also not indicated what exactly their origin is and what to expect from them, benefit or harm.

Finally, various additives are indicated. This could be carrots or alfalfa, vegetable oils. It’s very good if it’s healthy, but what if it’s palm oil? Finally, minerals and vitamins are indicated, but it is also unclear which ones and in what quantities.

Video “Damage from dry food”

This review only talked about the benefits of Chappy dry food, but it can also cause harm to some dogs. The video will talk about the dangers of feeding your four-legged friends with dry food.

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Variety of flavors

The products of this brand are based on 4 main lines. They will suit almost any taste requirements of your four-legged friend. However, a thoughtful study of the products again leads us to the idea that if the main ingredient is grains, then what difference does it make whether you buy “Meat Plenty” or “Meat Plate”, the taste will still be provided by artificial flavors. However, so that you have more information, we will tell you about each of them. “Meat plate” is food for adult dogs. It contains brewer's yeast, which should ensure normal metabolism, help strengthen the immune system and improve the pet's coat.

The second option is the Beef Diet. Judging by the manufacturer's promises, the composition contains beef and brewer's yeast, as well as carrots and alfalfa. “Meat abundance” - everything is the same, brewer’s yeast and meat in advertising, the list of ingredients is already listed on the packaging.

Conclusions about Chappi food

The conclusions about Chappi food are clear - this is one of the most dubious and low-quality industrial diets for dogs. If your pet eats food based on grains, its health will deteriorate every day. Chappi food can be called a stomach filler; it “kills” the feeling of hunger, but does not bring any benefit. The unclear wording in the composition leads to the darkest suspicions. Subjectively, Chappi food is not suitable for everyday feeding of even the healthiest and most picky dogs.

Chappi food is actively discussed on veterinary and amateur forums. Experts in formulating diets for dogs even doubt whether Chappi can be classified as “food”.

Veterinarians strongly do not recommend Chappi food for feeding pets, since the damage caused to health due to improper feeding is often irreversible.


Can Chappie food be used as a complete nutrition for a dog? Reviews from veterinarians lead us to believe that no. Sometimes, as a snack or camp lunch, it is possible, and even then it is advisable to choose a higher quality food, where the contents of certain substances will be carefully described on the packaging. For daily use - absolutely not, unless you want to deprive your pet of health, activity and longevity. There is a sad joke among veterinarians that as long as owners buy food of similar quality for their animals, they will not be left without work. Therefore, think carefully: experts say that by saving on food, you can seriously spend money on the services of a veterinarian who will not be able to restore your pet to full health. If you want to spend less on feeding your dog, give preference to representatives of small, indoor breeds. Then you will be able to buy high-quality food (either natural or dry) and still stay within your budget.

Canned Chappie

Soft food is recommended for regular consumption by dogs of all breeds. Some veterinarians recommend alternating canned food with compressed kibble.

Important! Before feeding, the jar, if it is stored in the refrigerator, is taken out and allowed to warm to room temperature. Food intended for the dog should not be cold or hot.

After feeding, the remaining food in the jar is transferred to a glass container and stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life of canned food removed from the jar is no more than 2 days.

The daily portion of canned Chappie depends on the individual needs of the dog, its energy level, age and breed. Most pets cannot eat both dry and canned varieties at the same time. A gradual transition from one type of food to another may take 5 to 7 days.

Regardless of the type of food, the animal needs round-the-clock access to drinking water - fresh and cool.

Daily food intake for puppies

Puppy age (in months)Number of meals per dayDaily kcal norm per 1 kg of weight in
Up to 16220-250

Small breeds of puppies

Puppies of small and miniature breeds develop very quickly due to increased metabolism; at 6 months, such a miniature dog puppy is already very similar to an adult dog. Therefore, during the period of intensive growth, such babies need high-calorie food, which allows the animal’s body to properly form in such a short time.

Age (months) dog weight up to 10 kgSuper premium diet (using Akana as an example, value about 450 kcal)Economy (using the example of Our Brand, value about 300 kcal)
1-315-80 gr45-100 gr
3-417-115 g60-200 gr
4-620-120 gr70-250 gr
6-1225-125 grFeed used for adult animals


Large breeds of puppies

Large breed dog puppies need a diet rich in protein and calcium for muscle growth and healthy skeletal development. Their development occurs spasmodically, at six months of age they look more like ugly ducklings rather than adult dogs. The heart muscle also requires special nutrition, which must receive all the necessary elements for further uninterrupted operation.

Dog's age/weightSuper premium diet, value 400 kcal (using Grandorf as an example)Economy food, value 300 kcal (using the example of Pedigree)
1-3 (from 5 to 70 kg)50-220 gr400 gr
3-4 (from 25 to 70 kg)230-330 gr450-530 gr
4-6 (from 25 to 70 kg)260-500 gr550-600 gr
6-12 (from 25 kg)250-800 gr650-900 gr

Should you feed your dog only prepared food or use a mixed diet?

Before we find out exactly what portion of dry food a dog needs every day, let’s find out whether it is possible to feed the dog exclusively with dry granules or canned food. Many owners worry that such a diet is too monotonous and can lead to negative consequences. To avoid this, they switch the pet to a mixed diet - mixing meat directly into a bowl of dry granules or replacing one of the meals with natural products.

Let's highlight the main risks that a dog's mixed diet carries:

  • the combination of dry food and meat products can lead to excess protein. Its excess puts additional stress on the kidneys and liver. The result is kidney failure, liver dystrophy, allergic reactions;
  • the combination of dry pellets and fish leads to an excess of phosphorus. The result may be urolithiasis. In addition, there is a critical decrease in the level of leukocytes. Minor hemorrhages appear. Bones lose calcium and accumulate phosphates. In adults this leads to osteoporosis, in children to rickets;
  • a mix of dry food and porridge leads to an excess of carbohydrates in the body. This situation threatens the rapid development of obesity and all the ensuing consequences.

Constant menu changes actually terrorize the gastrointestinal tract, forcing it to produce different types of enzymes. Such intense work leads to gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Opponents of dry food talk about the risks that a monoration poses. First of all, they note a negative effect on the mucous membranes, especially when the daily norm is exceeded. Despite the qualitative differences in dry diets depending on the class to which they belong, there is no negative effect on the mucous membranes. Before entering the market, all dry food undergoes laboratory testing. All of them are produced with a monoration in mind, so high-quality products contain the entire necessary set of minerals, vitamins and microelements.

Important: of course, it is worth considering the presence of diseases in your pet. Particular attention should be paid to gastrointestinal problems. If a veterinarian recommends giving up dry food and switching to a natural diet, this must be done.

Why do you need to define the norm?

Determining the daily feeding rate is very important. Overfeeding or underfeeding will lead to health problems. Dogs cannot control their food intake on their own. Some breeds, such as pugs or dachshunds, will eat whatever is in their bowl. This behavior has a genetic reason - in nature, the ancestors of dogs did not get prey every day. Of course, domestic dogs are freed from the need to get their own food, but unlimited access to dry food leads to excessive consumption.

Interesting: some manufacturers put a special measuring cup in the package with dry food, which is very convenient for measuring portions for your pet. It is worth remembering that such measuring containers are only suitable for granules from a certain manufacturer and cannot be used for others.

Daily food intake for older dogs

Upon reaching the age of seven, the pet needs to review its diet and the amount of food consumed. During this period, chronic diseases and pathologies worsen, and metabolism slows down. The dog needs additional minerals, but not an increase in food portions. It is worth changing the food, choosing one that contains special markings.

Let us note that with age, most animals’ need for rest and sleep increases, but food preferences change greatly: from uncontrolled food consumption to refusal of it.

If your dog has problems with the gastrointestinal tract or teeth, you should start soaking the granules or switch to wet canned food.

Dog weight (over 7 years old) in kgDaily value (in g)Daily value in a cup (1 measuring cup about 100 g)
45+480 + 50 g/ 5 kg5+

Pros and cons of Chappi

To choose the best food for your pet with the optimal composition, you should consult a veterinarian.

The specialist will calculate the dosage of Chappie food for dogs to avoid overeating and an allergic reaction.

Main advantages:

  1. Affordable price.
  2. No product shortage.
  3. The food is produced in the form of pate and granules.
  4. Balanced composition.
  5. Packaging in different volumes.

Main disadvantages:

  1. There is no information about cereals in the composition.
  2. Preservatives and chemicals.
  3. Vitamins, macro and microelements are contained in small quantities.

Feeding chart by dog ​​weight

To independently calculate the daily amount of dry formula required for your pet, it is convenient to use a table that indicates the required amount of the product. In this case, you need to know the energy value of a particular feed.

Royal Canin

The product belongs to the super premium category and is of high quality. The mixture contains all the ingredients, vitamins and microelements required by the animal. The manufacturer offers food for all breeds of dogs, as well as for puppies, nursing bitches, old and sick pets. Royal Canin formulations should be given to the animal in strictly limited quantities. To calculate the feeding rate, use this table:

Dog weight Serving (g)
About 2 kg 40-50
2-3 55-65
3-4 70-80
4-5 80-95
5-6 90-105
6-7 100-120
8 115-130
9 116-120
10 126-130


Dry mixtures are produced by an American company. A distinctive feature of the product is its composition: Chappie contains brewer's yeast, which improves the pet's immunity. The rate of consumption of economy class mixture will depend on age, weight, lifestyle, and breed of animal. The average daily dosage can be calculated using the table provided.

Dog weight (kg) Daily serving (g)
To 10 About 180
10-20 Up to 350
30-40 Up to 500
40-60 650


The company produces premium dry mixtures for different breeds, ages and sizes of dogs. It won’t be difficult to choose the right product, and to calculate the optimal daily portion, you can use the following table offered by the manufacturer:

Animal weight (kg) Daily feeding dosage (g)
To 10 120
10-20 Up to 200
20-30 Up to 270
30-40 330

Dog Chow

The product contains minerals, vitamins, oils and fats. About a quarter of the mass comes from whole grains and antioxidants, and about 15% is the meat component. Dog Chow is a high-quality, balanced premium dry product that is suitable for all breeds:

Weight (kg) Daily Amount (g)
13-15 100-200
15-25 200-350
25-40 300-600
40-70 500-800
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