Savarra dog food: reviews and composition overview

Savarra for dogs

Savarra feed is a completely new product produced in the UK; it is interesting that the recipe for these feeds was developed under the guidance of Russian animal nutrition specialists.
The Golden Acres company claims that the food contains about 70% animal components, unfortunately, this cannot be verified in any way, since the proportion of ingredients in the composition is not indicated. But if this is really the case, then the trend towards improving the quality of feed makes me very happy. The food is positioned as hypoallergenic, the packaging states that they do not contain common allergens such as chicken, corn, etc., but the product contains chicken eggs, which means it is contraindicated for the most common allergy to chicken protein. The set of vitamins and minerals in the food is standard, but I have nothing against the classics, but again, I really miss the percentage of these elements. This significantly complicates the selection of food and the prescription of additional medications for certain problems in animals, so no matter how good the composition is, I can only recommend this food to healthy and young dogs. The composition of savarra dry food for large breed puppies is questionable. I have a Rhodesian Ridgeback mix. Up to 6 months I fed acana dry puppy food. At exactly six months, the male’s height at the withers was 65 cm. Since it became expensive to feed Acana (we only had 11 kg bags on sale), I decided to switch to Savarra (18 kg bags were on sale, which is very profitable). I fed the puppy savarra food for large breed puppies for six months, from 6 to 12 months. At exactly one year old, the male’s height was measured and it was 67 cm. It turns out that during the most critical period of growth, the male rose by only 2 cm, and this was in a whole 6 months. I assume that at the factory that produces the food, they add not meat to the savarra line (as stated on the packaging), but waste meat products (bones, wool, intestines, etc.). Meat is used in feed, which is distributed all over the world, but savarra, which is very strange, is feed only for the Russian market. From this I conclude that the protein contained in the feed is more of plant origin, but not of animal origin. In this case, out of 28% protein (stated on the package), no more than 15% is absorbed, which is why the puppy has not really grown. I think that the Russian entrepreneur who ordered the production of feed at a UK factory knows about the real composition. But, apparently, the desire for profit is higher than moral principles (as is the case with most “traders” in our country). I doubt that there is even a grain of truth on the website (I’m talking about the team of “specialists” who painstakingly compose the menu). In our city, it is not possible to conduct a complete analysis of the feed; I am interested in the actual vitamin and mineral composition, and, if possible, the protein content (exactly which protein is greater, plant or animal). If someone (independent of the savarra “team”) has the opportunity to conduct a complete analysis of the food for its composition, be kind and many dog ​​breeders and their pets will be grateful to you.

The good thing about the food is that it is suitable for all breeds; each dog does not need to buy a separate one. The range is not the widest, there are only 5 main lines - for any puppies, for large breed puppies, for older animals, for adult dogs of large and small breeds. It is difficult to judge the balance of food; not all types of food indicate the percentage of ingredients. But there is definitely no soy, artificial flavors, dyes or flavor enhancers in the composition. The dogs like the food, at first I gave them Pappy for puppies, now I give them the option for adults with turkey. They eat with gusto, the flavors don’t get boring, medium portions are enough to satiate, and the feeling of fullness lasts for a long time. During the day, my tailed cats were energetic and playful; there were no health or stool problems when feeding Savarra. The transition to this drying from natural was relatively easy, the appearance changed significantly for the better after a month of regular feeding.

Assortment and features of feed

The Savarra food line includes only dry products. The production of wet food is planned in the future; treats do not exist in principle.

Most cat treats are produced in economy food lines. At best, such treats are useless, and at worst, harmful to the health of animals.

The food is divided by type of meat - each type has a specific packaging color. Savarra feed uses only three types of meat: turkey, duck and lamb, and they never mix them together.

The green color of the packaging means duck meat, raspberry means lamb, and beige means turkey.

Currently, Savarra products are being rebranded and packaging is being changed, so old and new packaging can be found on sale. The new packaging retains the same color scheme, tied to the main component of the feed, but is more faded.

My cat tried Savarra food and reacted positively to it. I decided to switch him from the widely advertised Royal Canin food, which had lost its former quality, to a food with a good composition. After searching for information on the Internet and looking through the assortment in my favorite online store, I chose two foods and ordered them to try: Savarra and Farmina. The poor cat was stressed when he was given a choice of two bowls of these foods. He rushed between them and ate alternately from both, but here it must be said that he is generally a very greedy animal for food. He showed us that he really likes both foods. Then I began to carefully study the composition of both products. I didn’t like the fact that the composition of Savarra did not indicate the percentage of components. All this was spelled out in the Farmina food. I was still hesitant, because a manufacturer from the UK seemed to me a much more reliable option than a manufacturer from Serbia, but I still chose Farmina because of the rich assortment of flavors and the interesting composition of these products. All cats love variety. The Savarra food range seemed rather poor to me. By the way, I didn’t notice at all that Savarra food is packaged in Russia, otherwise this fact would have served as an additional reason to choose another food. By the way, Savarra contains absolutely no corn or corn gluten, but some Farmina foods still contain it. So in some ways Savarra really excels. But as a result, we use a different food, and my cat is fine with his health and activity.

Table: Savarra feed range

SeriesPurposeType of meatPercentage of meat in compositionEnergy valueMain componentsPrice
KITTENFor kittens from 4 weeks to 12 monthsturkey77%
  • proteins-31%
  • fats-19%
  • fiber-1.5%
  • ash-9%
Turkey meat, rice, oats, turkey fat, yeast, peas, flaxseeds, natural flavor, salmon oil, vitamins and minerals, herbal supplements (vegetables and fruits)From 400 rubles per 400 grams, from 1575 rubles per 2 kg, from 8000 per 15 kg.
ADULT CATFor adult animalslamb71%
  • proteins-28%
  • fats-18%
  • fiber-1.5%
  • ash-9%
Lamb, rice, salmon, oats, turkey fat, peas, eggs, brewer's yeast, flaxseeds, natural flavor, salmon oil, vitamins and minerals, herbal supplements.From 400 rubles per 400 grams, from 1600 rubles per 2 kg, from 8200 per 15 kg.
INDOOR CATFor indoor petsduck73%
  • proteins-30%
  • fats-20%
  • fiber-1.5%
  • ash-9%
Duck meat, rice, oats, turkey fat, peas, natural flavor, flaxseeds, salmon oil, vitamin-mineral and herbal supplements.From 400 rubles per 400 grams, from 1675 rubles per 2 kg, from 8050 per 15 kg.
LIGHT/STERILIZED CATFor overweight and sterilized petsturkey67%
  • proteins-30%
  • fats-12%
  • fiber-2%
  • ash-8.5%
Turkey meat, rice, oats, peas, natural flavor, flax seeds, turkey fat, vitamin-mineral and herbal supplements.From 300 rubles for 400 grams, from 1300 rubles for 2 kg, from 7500 for 15 kg.
HAIRBALL CONTROLTo get rid of hairballs in the digestive tract of long-haired petsduck69%
  • proteins-30%
  • fats-14%
  • fiber-2%
  • ash-9%
Duck meat, rice, oats, peas, alfalfa, natural flavor, flax seeds, turkey fat, salmon oil, vitamins and minerals, herbal ingredients.From 400 rubles per 400 grams, from 1550 rubles per 2 kg, from 7900 per 15 kg.
SENSITIVE CATFor adult animals with sensitive digestionlamb74%
  • proteins-28%
  • fats-17%
  • fiber-1.5%
  • ash-10%
Lamb, rice, salmon, turkey fat, dried eggs, peas, natural flavor, brewer's yeast, flaxseed, salmon oil, vitamins and minerals, herbal ingredients.From 400 rubles per 400 grams, from 1600 rubles per 2 kg, from 8200 per 15 kg.

Photo gallery of Savarra feed

The high sodium content in turkey meat contributes to the normal course of metabolic processes in the body of sterilized cats

Turkey meat is highly digestible and high in nutrients, which is why it is used in kitten food.

Duck meat contains 2 times more vitamin A than any other meat, making it the basis of food for indoor cats

This food contains alfalfa and other sources of fiber: their fibers mix with hair and remove it from the cat’s gastrointestinal tract.

The low fat content and dietary properties of lamb meat allow it to be used for feeding cats with sensitive digestive systems.

In food for adult animals, the amount of protein optimally meets the needs of an adult cat

Savarra Dog Food Review

Nowadays, pet stores (especially large ones) have ready-made food for dogs from many companies, produced in a variety of countries and belonging to different classes. Today we will take a look at the super-premium food Savarra, which is produced in the UK and which can deservedly be called holistic.

Read about other brands:

Composition of Savarra feed

Let's look at the composition of Savarra food using the Puppy option (for puppies) with turkey and rice as an example. The first two ingredients are fresh turkey meat and dehydrated turkey meat, then three sources of carbohydrates - rice, oats and barley, and then again a source of protein - dehydrated salmon meat. After - turkey fat, flax seeds, peas, dehydrated egg.

The only protein-rich source of protein other than meat and eggs is peas, but given how far they are, there is no doubt that most of the 29% protein in the composition is of animal origin. After the main ingredients there are various vitamin and mineral supplements, followed by vegetables and fruits. But since they are at the end, their percentage is very small.

Pros and cons of Savara food

The advantages of this brand of food include:

  • the main source of protein is meat, not legumes;
  • rich in vitamins, minerals and other benefits;
  • the price is lower than many analogues.
  • The only way to buy Savarra dog food in a small town is to order it online.

Feed manufacturer, brief overview

Officially, Savara is produced in the UK, reaching domestic pet stores through official representatives. And although the price of the product is quite high, the European quality leaves no doubt: this food is recommended for dogs with a special digestive system, as well as for some breeds whose diet must be strictly controlled.

The composition of the food is developed by experienced veterinarians who monitor pets and know exactly what is needed for a dog’s “complete happiness.” By purchasing Savarra, you can be sure that your four-legged pet’s food is healthy.

Savarra dog food - reviews

Review of Savarra dog food, writes Alina. My baby Pomeranian grew up on this food. On the recommendation of the breeder from whom the puppy was taken, I first bought Akana, but he was somehow reluctant to eat it, and I decided to try alternatives. While looking through them in the store I saw Savara food, which is no worse in composition and at the same time cheaper. The dog liked it, the chair and everything else were normal, so I decided to stay on it. I'm happy with the result)

Maria writes a review about Savara dog food. A friend’s Chihuahua eats Savarra food, so when they decided to get a dog, they also bought it. We have been eating turkey with rice for two months now, the baby has grown a lot (we have a husky puppy) and looks great, very active and playful))) I liked the composition of the food, it says on the packaging that it contains 80% meat ingredients.

In general, both we and the baby are happy, the only disappointment is the price - more than 600 rubles per kilogram. Probably when the puppy grows up and begins to eat much more, you will have to look for something cheaper.

Review of Savarra dog food, writes Svetlana. I’ve been feeding my 2 dogs Savara for over a year now, I’m happy with everything: they eat willingly, look great, have excellent fur, and are active. The only thing I didn’t like was the slightly pungent smell, but dogs seem to be attracted to it on the contrary. The food suited my dogs and I can recommend it to you too!

Conclusions about Savara food

Reviews about Savarra dog food are mostly positive, although there are quite a few of them (this food is more popular among cat owners and there are much more reviews about it). The composition of Savara food is also very good; based on these facts, the Dai Lapu website can safely recommend it as the main food for your dogs.

Can be purchased at:

  • online store "Ozon"

Savarra feed price

  • Dry dog ​​food Savara 1 kg - from 610 to 660 rubles;
  • Savarra dry food for dogs 3 kg - from 1700 to 1800 rubles;
  • Dry food Savara for dogs 12 kg - from 5800 to 6100 rubles;
  • Dry dog ​​food Savarra 18 kg - from 8850 to 9130 rubles.

*Price may vary slightly depending on option, store and other factors. You can buy Savara food at the above prices as of the end of summer 2016.

Savarra dog food

Savarra brand dry dog ​​food is produced in the UK. This super-premium product is a complete nutrition for your pet, providing its body with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. There is food for puppies and adult dogs.

Average rating: 3.60 Votes: 5

The size of the pellets is suitable for animals of any size. Such dry food supports the cardiovascular system, controls metabolism, improves digestion and intestinal microflora, improves metabolism, maintains optimal weight, ensures healthy skin and coat, strengthens joints and ligaments, and develops muscles. You can also read the review of Savarra cat food.

Conclusions, price/quality ratio

Although the food has not yet gained popularity in our market, it can be called quite good and affordable. A large number of positive reviews indicate that Savara is a really good product suitable for pets.

The average price for 1 kg of feed is 650 rubles. A pack lasts for a long time, especially if you combine dry food with offal or boiled food. This is really a good solution for owners of purebred dogs who want to get good quality for minimal money.

Feed overview

The product is based on fresh and dehydrated meat and eggs, which serves as a source of protein. Carbohydrates are provided in the form of oats, barley, brown and white rice, millet, and peas. Also included are sources of fats and fatty acids. Fiber is represented by flax seeds, alfalfa, tomatoes, apples and carrots.

For taste and aroma, Savarra food contains natural flavoring, parsley and salt. The product's natural antioxidants include rosemary and green tea extract. The manufacturer also took care of the animals’ joints by including green mussels and chondroitin sulfate.

Insulin will be useful for digestion, and seaweed will saturate the body with iodine and other useful elements. Other ingredients worth mentioning are minerals and vitamin supplements.

Advantages of Savarra food:

  1. Meat and fish serve as the main source of protein;
  2. Mono-meat formulations;
  3. Hypoallergenic product;
  4. Vitamins and proteins are included in sufficient quantities;
  5. A natural preservative is used (a mixture of tocopherols);
  6. The cost is more affordable than analogues;
  7. Zip-lock fastener on all packages for convenient use and storage.
  1. Insufficient distribution - difficult to find in most pet stores.

Composition of Savarra Adult All Breeds Dogs Lamb food

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