Allergies in dogs: main signs and pet care

Dogs quite often experience allergic reactions to food, certain foods, medications and even household chemicals. Under no circumstances should you ignore signs of allergies, since this directly affects your pet’s well-being . Specialists from the Berloga veterinary clinic in Moscow talk about how to recognize an allergic reaction in a dog and how to care for the animal.

Read in this article:

What is an allergy? Types of allergies in dogs What foods are dogs allergic to? How can you tell if your dog has an allergy? Diagnosis Treatment of food allergies in dogs Elimination diet First aid: what to do if a dog has allergies? Caring for a dog suffering from allergies How to protect a dog from allergies?

What is an allergy?

Allergies in dogs are a chronic condition that occurs when the immune system suddenly reacts to certain medications, foods (such as rice or chicken), or other factors. At the same time, the breed's predisposition to allergic reactions has not been proven, but some breeds are much more likely to encounter them.

On a note! Allergies in animals are often confused with food sensitivity (hypersensitivity) or intolerance to certain types of food and products.

The most sensitive dog breeds that are more likely to experience allergic reactions include:

  • cocker spaniels,
  • dachshunds,
  • boxers,
  • shar pei,
  • labradors,
  • german shepherds,
  • collie, etc.

This may be due to the fact that these breeds are predisposed to atopic dermatitis, and food allergies usually occur simultaneously with this dermatological disease.

Types of allergies in dogs

Before treating allergies in dogs, it is necessary to understand what causes an allergic reaction. The most common types of allergies in dogs are:

Medicinal . Occurs when a pet takes medications one-time or over a long period of time. Most often, allergies in dogs are caused by antibiotics and B vitamins. If an allergy to medications occurs, the veterinarian must change the medications or stop taking them.

Household . It occurs due to exposure to certain components of household chemicals or cosmetics, whether or not specifically intended for dogs (for example, shampoo). To prevent this, use hypoallergenic products in moderation.

Food . Most often, allergies in pets occur to certain foods or feeds, especially those with a poor composition (for example, with a large number of synthetic additives). For treatment, you need to select an elimination diet from a veterinarian.

For parasites . Bites from ticks, fleas or other insects can lead to an allergic reaction (itchy skin, red rash, etc.). Typically, this form of allergy occurs in the warm season and only in those dogs that do not undergo regular treatment for parasites.

What foods can dogs be allergic to?

The main feature of allergies is individual development. One dog may have an allergic reaction to chicken, another to rice or vegetables, another to dairy products, etc. However, there are certain products that most often cause allergies in pets, and these include:

  • nuts,
  • products containing sugar (baked goods, candies, chocolate and other “harmful” treats for dogs),
  • mutton,
  • chicken,
  • eggs,
  • wheat,
  • soybean,
  • corn,
  • milk and dairy products.

However, this does not mean that every dog ​​will have an allergic reaction to these products. Don't forget that everything is very individual.


As a matter of fact, the most striking symptoms include the above-mentioned external manifestations of allergies. However, this disease can also masquerade as other diseases; in this case, the dog owner, even if he is a veterinarian, is unlikely to be able to confidently make the correct diagnosis solely based on external signs. These include vomiting, upset stomach, lethargy, and fever (above 39.5 °C). That is why it is so important not to neglect all these manifestations and contact a specialist in time, because an allergy that is harmless at first can intensify and lead to serious consequences, including anaphylactic shock.

As for the symptoms that can be identified using tests in the clinic, we can talk about the body’s specific responses to the introduction of small doses of potential allergens.

How can you tell if your dog has an allergy?

As a rule, with an allergic reaction, the dog develops constant itching of the skin . It is quite intense and is a characteristic sign of an allergy. Pay special attention to your pet's skin. It may have redness, spots and various rashes .

On a note! The most commonly affected areas are the ears, muzzle, armpits, sacrum and groin. However, skin itching can also be generalized (general), in which case the whole body will itch.

Other signs of an allergic reaction:

  • hives;
  • swelling of the face, ears, lips, eyelids;
  • watery and itchy eyes;
  • formation of “crusts” on the skin;
  • flaky areas of skin;
  • dullness and hair loss;
  • bouts of vomiting;
  • frequent bowel movements, diarrhea;
  • severe gas formation, bloating;
  • increased body temperature;
  • decreased activity;
  • chronic ear infections, otitis.

Food allergies can occur at any age. However, it is believed that puppies under 12-15 months are most susceptible to such reactions.

When does hay fever occur?

Flower allergies develop when pollen from certain plants appears in the air. The time of appearance depends on the climate, ecology of the region, weather and other conditions.

Usually there are three main waves when hay fever manifests itself most clearly:

  • March - April is the time for trees to bloom;
  • May - June - cereals and meadow grasses bloom;
  • August - wormwood, ragweed, quinoa, sunflower and corn bloom.

At an appointment, an allergist can determine the pattern between the appearance of symptoms and the flowering of certain plants. In addition, you can track flowering periods and pollen distribution intensity on special sites, such as Gismeteo.

Treatment of food allergies in dogs

There is no cure for food allergies in dogs. There are no drugs or procedures that could help get rid of it. All that is possible is to eliminate individual symptoms (for example, itching, rash or diarrhea) with the help of different drugs.

Treatment for allergies in dogs consists of completely eliminating the offending foods from the diet . However, there is a difficulty here, and it lies in the fact that you first need to find the product that provokes the allergic reaction. To do this, the veterinarian prescribes an elimination diet.

Elimination diet

The main feature of this diet is not just replacing food, but creating a fundamentally new diet. The first thing you need to do is make a list of those foods that your dog has always eaten (for example, specific types of meat, vegetables and cereals), and then choose something fundamentally new for him. Typically, choose one source of protein and one source of carbohydrates.

For example, if your pet has never been given duck or rabbit meat, then this is perfect for his temporary (elimination) diet. Using the same principle, a product is selected that will be a complete source of carbohydrates. The main thing is that the dog has never eaten it before.

This task seems quite difficult, but do not worry - a veterinarian in Moscow will help in choosing a diet. It takes about 1.5-3 months to stick to the new menu. If after this time the skin itching or other symptoms have passed and have not returned, then this clearly indicates a food allergy.

Let's summarize

Many people love animals very much, in particular dogs, and dream of such a pet. Unfortunately, allergy symptoms do not always allow you to enjoy communication with animals, as they cause real physical discomfort for a person. The situation is especially sad if the allergy appears unexpectedly, when the dog already lives in the family and is a dear friend for the household.

In any case, you first need to obtain medical confirmation that it is the four-legged pet that provokes the unpleasant reactions. After the diagnosis has been carried out, a person must make a decision - either enjoy communicating with the dog, as before, relying on modern methods of treatment and symptom relief, or get rid of the source of the allergy.

First aid: what to do if your dog has allergies?

If you are unable to immediately take your dog to the vet, but all signs point to the presence of a food allergy, then eliminate all foods that you have previously given him from your pet's diet. Create comfortable conditions for your pet, provide free access to water, and do not give any medications yourself.

If possible, consult with your veterinarian by phone or online to find out the best steps to take before your visit. If necessary, a specialist will tell you what medications and in what dosage should be given to a pet suffering from an allergic reaction. As soon as possible, take your dog to the clinic for examination.

Answers to popular questions

Is preventing exposure to an allergen a good way to treat allergies?

This may help for one season, but this method will not work for a lifetime.

What can you do to relieve allergy symptoms? How to help yourself?

Leave the house less often, change clothes when you come from the street. Do not eat cross-reacting fruits and vegetables raw when they are in bloom. Carry out wet cleaning at home, install a filter that catches pollen.

Is there a need for special nutrition?

Depends on the allergen - whether it causes a cross-reaction. Therefore, special nutrition will help one patient, but not another, everything is individual.

Is it possible to outgrow an allergy?

This happens rarely; it is almost impossible to outgrow an allergy. But with age, manifestations may decrease or symptoms may change.

Is it possible to drink alcohol during the flowering period with hay fever?

Alcohol can be consumed, but it cross-reacts with antihistamines, meaning they enhance each other's effects. Therefore, while taking medications, you can become seriously poisoned by alcohol or worsen the sedative effect of an antihistamine. Therefore, it is better to abstain from alcohol during treatment.

How long do symptoms usually last?

Symptoms last as long as the plant that caused the allergy blooms and disappear after this period ends.

Why can hay fever turn into asthma?

The surface cells of the airways have similar properties to the cells that produce mucus in the nose. They also react to the penetration of pollen - this can lead to the development of bronchial asthma with prolonged contact with the allergen without treatment.

Caring for a dog with allergies

First of all, contact a veterinary clinic in Moscow. Follow all veterinarian recommendations, especially regarding nutrition. If possible, switch your dog to a hypoallergenic diet, having previously agreed with your veterinarian.

Take good care of your pet's skin and coat. Allergic reactions in 9 out of 10 cases are accompanied by skin itching and rashes, so stop using hard combs that injure the skin for a while.

Try to temporarily limit your pet’s contact with other animals (for example, while walking). Make sure your new diet contains enough vitamins and minerals necessary for your dog's health.

Diagnostics and laboratory tests

Before starting treatment, you need to do an allergen test on your dog!

Basic tests necessary to determine the type of allergic reaction:

  • Skin scraping - diagnosis of possible parasitic infections of the skin, a pre-treated scalpel is inserted into the skin layer cleaned from hair and the resulting “smear” is transferred to glass; cost – 500-550 rubles ;
  • Cytological examination - is carried out on a swollen or purulent surface of the skin, using a sterile device, the secreted substance is scraped until blood discharge appears; cost – 900 rubles ;
  • Test for identifying allergens - the animal’s skin is excised, samples of possible allergens are applied to small cuts, and based on the reaction that occurs, it is determined what exactly causes irritation; cost – 4000-5000 rubles ;
  • Blood test for histamine - similar in method to general blood test
  • blood lysis.

How to protect your dog from allergies?

It is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction. However, you can reduce your likelihood of developing a food allergy. The best way is to choose high-quality food containing easily digestible protein, omega-3 and omega-6 acids.

When bathing your pet, be as careful as possible and use special shampoos that do not damage the skin secretions. If you have questions related to caring for your dog or choosing hypoallergenic food, you should definitely contact a veterinarian in Moscow.

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