Pregnancy of a toy terrier: symptoms, main signs, duration, care features, veterinarian advice

A dog's pregnancy is an important stage in its life and a rather troublesome time for owners. At this moment, a lot changes in the pet’s body. From the moment of fertilization until birth, nature has allocated only nine weeks to the dog, and despite the fact that toy terriers are pregnant for a fairly short period of time, their body still experiences stress and global restructuring.

It is in our power to make sure that this difficult period, filled with the expectation of offspring, proceeds easily and without complications, and the baby brings healthy and beautiful puppies at the right time. This article describes in detail how the pregnancy of a toy terrier proceeds.

Determining the day of mating

Pregnancy in a toy terrier dog can only occur if fertilization is successful. This is only possible if the days favorable for mating are correctly determined. The owner must understand that this parameter is individual for each animal. In the literature there are often recommendations to breed a dog at 12-14 days. But all toy terriers are different, one bitch will successfully breed on the 9th day, while another – on the 18th.

Even if this dog was already bred, for example, on the 12th day, and then she gave birth to puppies, this does not mean that this will always be the case. Readiness to mate depends on many factors: age, physical condition, time of year. If you rely only on book recommendations, then your bitch may never get pregnant.

It is very good if there is a male dog in the house, he will help determine the optimal mating day. But most often the owners have only one dog, so this method is not suitable for everyone. In this case, you can contact a veterinarian who, using swabs from the loop and a blood test, can determine the best day for mating.

How to choose a pair?

To find a partner, it is best to contact a club, where specialists will help you choose the most suitable male for a given bitch. If the owner himself selects a partner, then he needs to adhere to the following recommendations:

The male must be interesting in terms of origin and be at least the same as the female in terms of exterior quality.

He must have a full pedigree and permission to breed.

The line from which the stud dog comes must be free from hereditary diseases.

The partner must have all the necessary vaccinations, and he himself is completely healthy.

It is undesirable to breed a bitch with her close relative: inbreeding in some cases helps to improve the breed, but it is very risky for a non-specialist to do it.

In order to make the process of pregnancy and childbirth easier for the bitch, it is advisable to breed her with a smaller male.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“A few weeks before mating, you need to adjust the bitch’s weight: if she is overfed, keep her on a diet, and if the girl’s weight is slightly below normal, fatten her up a little. At the same time, you need to understand that you should not breed a very small bitch, since the risk is too great. Also, with the onset of heat, you need to start giving the bitch vitamin supplements. And, of course, you need to take care of all the necessary veterinary measures in advance: vaccinations, deworming and treatment for external parasites.”

Symptoms of pregnancy in a toy

In the early stages, not every owner will be able to notice signs of an interesting situation in their dog. How long does a toy terrier's pregnancy last? Usually about 62 days. In the later stages, the bitch’s interesting position can be seen with the naked eye. In the first weeks, pregnancy is hardly noticeable, but the dog may exhibit the following signs:

  • unusual behavior;
  • the appearance of strange food cravings;
  • change in the animal's well-being.

The toy terrier, after it begins to feel its interesting position, will take care of itself. Most dogs try to jump less, the bitch becomes more careful in games. The longer the period, the more the toy terrier protects itself.

Just like in humans, toxicosis occurs in dogs. In this case, the toy terrier may feel sick. If a dog doesn’t feel well, it tries to lie down more and its appetite decreases. The bitch may develop unusual food preferences. The uterus puts pressure on the stomach, so the dog begins to eat more often, but in small portions.

How to calculate the due date in other ways?

If in doubt about the date of the last menstruation, the due date can be calculated using such methods as ultrasound examination, calculation based on gynecological examination, the appearance of the first fetal movements, and others. None of the listed methods guarantees the accuracy of the calculations.

How to find out by ultrasound?

When a woman undergoes the first ultrasound procedure in the early stages of pregnancy (11-12 weeks), the doctor determines the PDR based on fetal parameters:

  • the size of the fertilized egg and embryo is visualized already at 4-5 weeks;
  • coccygeal-parietal size (KTR) - the length of the fetus from the head to the coccyx;
  • the size of the baby’s limbs, head and tummy, which develop approximately the same in all children up to 12 weeks.

Based on these parameters, the gestational age is determined, and based on this, the due date can be calculated, taking into account the approximate date of conception (usually 7-14 days from the first day of the last menstruation).

Calculation based on inspection

Examinations when registering a woman after a missed period also make it possible to calculate the date of birth. In this case, parameters such as the level of hCG in the blood (the most reliable) and the size of the uterus, determined during a gynecological examination, are taken into account. This is one of the oldest ways to determine the duration of pregnancy in the earliest stages (and, accordingly, childbirth).

By 5 weeks, the uterus softens, becomes rounded and slightly increases in size. This is exactly how it is felt during a two-handed examination, when an obstetrician-gynecologist examines the condition of the cervix through the vagina with one hand, and palpates the abdomen with the other, trying to detect an enlarged and rounded uterus.

After the 12th week, the method of determining the period by examination is not used, since changes in the uterus vary depending on several reasons:

  • the structure of the pelvis of the expectant mother;
  • the amount of amniotic fluid in the fertilized egg (polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios and normal);
  • fruit size.

When receiving examination data that differs from calculations based on ultrasound or the date of the last regulations, preference when recording in the pregnant woman’s chart is given to the latter.

Manual examination of a pregnant woman

How to count from the first movement?

Today it is not recommended to calculate the maximum fetal life span based on the appearance of fetal movements. Previously, the calculation was simple - 20 weeks were added to the date when the child first moved and the expected date of birth was obtained. Long-term observations have shown the complete inconsistency of this method, since the onset of fetal movements varies markedly among different women:

  • some expectant mothers begin to “hear” the baby at 15-16 weeks;
  • in others, movements begin after 20 weeks;
  • working mothers, who are in constant movement and bustle, may not notice and miss the beginning of the first push;
  • future mothers in labor, sitting at home and listening to every sound inside themselves, can mistake intestinal peristalsis for movements.

Even mothers who have given birth repeatedly are not immune from imaginary sensations, so it is not advisable to calculate the date of birth based on movements.

How to calculate the due date based on the date of conception?

If the date of conception is known, and this cannot always be determined with high accuracy, calculating the date of birth is as simple as using the date of menstruation. To do this, you just need to count 40 weeks forward or 3 months ago according to the calendar from the day of conception. But this calculation cannot be called absolutely accurate, since the actual duration of pregnancy cannot be predicted. Gender of the child by date of conception.

Pregnancy by day

After mating, fertilization does not occur immediately. First, the sperm meets the egg. Then, as a result of fertilization, a zygote is formed, which is attached to the uterus on days 12-14. Pregnancy of a toy terrier by day:

  1. For 15 days, the embryo is fixed in the uterine cavity. From this moment on, the dog needs to be protected and protected from stress.
  2. At 17 days, the embryos develop a head, body, and spine.
  3. On day 21, the embryo begins to develop a heart.
  4. From day 22, pregnancy can be seen on an ultrasound machine. During this period, the dog experiences discharge from the loop and may begin vomiting.
  5. By day 26, the puppies reach the size of a walnut. From this moment on, the babies can be felt by palpating the abdominal wall of the bitch.
  6. By the 34th day, the dog’s belly has enlarged, they take great care of themselves, jump and run less.
  7. On the 44th day of pregnancy, the uterus significantly increases in size, and the hair around the mammary glands falls out.
  8. By 50 days, an experienced breeder may notice movements of the puppies in the bitch’s stomach.
  9. From day 58, the dog begins to produce milk.

How long does pregnancy last for a toy terrier? Typically 58 to 64 days. If a dog's rectal temperature drops to 36 degrees, then it will give birth in the next 24 hours.

Age for mating and first heat

The ideal age for the first mating of a male Russian Toy Terrier is 1.5-2 years.
Earlier matings can negatively affect his psyche. Veterinarians recommend untying a bitch on her third heat in a row, which occurs around the 2nd year. By this time, she will have time to fully develop physically and win the required titles at exhibitions. Important! The weight of the potential female at the time of mating must be at least 2 kg.
The standard assumes mating from 10 to 16 days from the moment of estrus. These parameters are individual and it is better to focus on the behavior of the bitch. By the day of ovulation, the loop gradually increases in size and becomes soft. The discharge itself becomes lighter, acquiring a specific smell.


To determine pregnancy in a veterinary clinic, several methods are used:

  • ultrasonography;
  • X-ray;
  • palpation.

All methods are informative; your doctor will help you choose the best one. The most popular method is ultrasound. With its help, you can find out the approximate gestational age of a toy terrier. Using an ultrasound machine, the owner will be able to see the puppies in the uterine cavity in real time.

With radiographic examination, the number of fetuses can be accurately calculated from their skeletons. But this method should only be used from 40-45 days of the dog’s pregnancy. By palpation, the doctor can feel the puppies in the bitch's stomach. Owners should not do this on their own; it can cause a miscarriage. In addition, inexperienced owners, when palpating, most likely will not be able to distinguish small fetuses in the uterine cavity from the animal’s own tissues.

Ultrasound of a dog during pregnancy

An ultrasound of a dog during pregnancy is often performed. Ultrasound is the optimal method for diagnosing pregnancy in a dog.

An ultrasound of a dog during pregnancy can be performed from the 15th day after mating, but the optimal time for an ultrasound of a dog during pregnancy is 24–28 days. It is at this time that the heartbeat of future puppies can be detected.

An ultrasound of a dog during pregnancy makes it possible to assess the condition of the fetuses by observing their movements, heartbeat, etc. You can determine the size of the puppies and their approximate age. And on day 28, an ultrasound is 99.3% accurate in determining whether a dog is pregnant.

But it is difficult to accurately determine the number of future puppies using ultrasound.

Feeding a pregnant bitch

While pregnant, your dog's appetite may change. Some animals become selective eaters, while others, on the contrary, begin to consume more food. Pregnancy in a toy terrier lasts up to 72 days. During this time, the dog's food preferences may change several times.

If the animal is accustomed to dry diets, then it needs to be switched to puppy food. In addition to ready-made food, there is no need to buy vitamins, because it already contains everything necessary for the normal development of pregnancy. Puppy food contains more protein, which is very beneficial for the expectant mother.

If the dog eats natural food, then you will definitely have to buy vitamins. The bitch should start receiving a high-quality mineral complex from the first day of pregnancy. If this is not done, the puppies may be born weak and underdeveloped. You can feed the dog only fresh ingredients; it is forbidden to give the pregnant bitch leftovers from the owner’s table.

How to care for a pregnant toy terrier

The course of pregnancy very much depends on the care of the dog. First of all, this applies to feeding.


Conventionally, a dog’s pregnancy can be divided into two stages. Nutrition at these moments is slightly different. So, in the first phase you should not increase it, even if the dog begins to ask for more. The initial weeks are associated with toxicosis; at this time the bitch does not want to look at food. It is not advisable to force feed her, so as not to provoke vomiting. There is another extreme: excessive appetite, which should also not be encouraged. After all, objectively, at first, puppies in the womb gain weight very slowly, and therefore excessive nutrition is fraught with obesity. And it is unsafe at any stage: the bitch may not give birth.

So, we feed a pregnant dog up to 5 weeks, as before, with natural food or feed. If your pet doesn’t eat well, treat her to something unusual, for example, lean raw meat, if she previously ate boiled meat, or give her fish instead of meat. By the way, even when feeding with ready-made formulas, veterinarians recommend offering your pet some cottage cheese and meat during pregnancy.

In the second part of the term, feeding becomes more varied. Food intake will be in small portions, 4-5 times a day. On average, the diet in the second half of pregnancy increases by a third, and after 6 weeks it doubles. Include dairy products and protein in your diet. During this period, switch dogs receiving ready-made food to puppy food. From the 8th week, try to reduce the protein content of food by replacing meat with fish and eggs. Before giving birth, stop giving protein foods completely for a couple of days.

Important! During pregnancy, it is contraindicated to push, so as not to provoke early labor. Therefore, make sure that your pet does not have problems with stool.

Do you need minerals and vitamins?

Phosphorus, vitamin D and calcium are a set of the most necessary substances during this period. Plus folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids. An excess of calcium is dangerous; a deficiency will lead to problems in the development of the fetus. Therefore, if a dog takes high-quality, balanced food, then it already contains everything it needs, and there is no reason to worry. But if the food is dry, some substances decompose when exposed to light (the same fatty acids), so wet food is preferable.

For a dog that is on a natural diet, it is recommended to add parsley, lettuce, sweet pepper (vitamin B), and cottage cheese to the food. But the easiest way out is to buy a ready-made vitamin complex for pregnant bitches. Today there are ready-made drugs of good quality on sale that will solve this problem.

Walking and stress on the body

Care during pregnancy involves frequent and leisurely walks. Do not allow the dog to frolic with the same intensity, jump from heights and do not allow heavy loads. You need to walk a lot, but wisely and carefully.

Exercise of a pregnant bitch

During gestation, both mother and future puppies experience an increased need for oxygen. Walking is a must in the life of a pregnant bitch. Yes, a dog can wear a diaper at home, but you cannot completely deprive it of fresh air at such a crucial moment. During pregnancy, the Toy Terrier's walks will not be as long as before.

While the dog is outside, the owner must ensure that the dog does not become overtired. It is better to avoid playing with other animals, especially large ones. Usually the dog is already aware of its interesting situation and takes care of itself, but the owner must also be vigilant.

Walking outside is very beneficial for a pregnant bitch; it helps the animal stay in good shape. It has been noticed that in dogs that sit at home all the time, complications during childbirth are more common than in more active individuals. If there are no contraindications to walks, then the toy terrier can be taken outside every day until the birth itself.

Preparing the dog

On the day of mating, dogs should not be fed at home; as a last resort, you can give them some food in the morning if mating is scheduled for the evening. But it is necessary to take both partners for a walk.

At the same time, you need to make sure that during the last walk before mating, no other males approach the bitch.

Before mating, you cannot bathe a Toy Terrier girl with detergents or treat her fur with anything that will remove the natural odor of a bitch in heat..

Complications during pregnancy

Bearing fruits is not always successful; sometimes the owners themselves are to blame. Some reasons for the development of complications during pregnancy:

  • the dog’s unpreparedness for pregnancy, for example, early age or low weight;
  • poor environmental conditions in the bitch’s place of residence;
  • improper unbalanced diet;
  • use of certain medications.

These factors can harm the expectant mother and her babies. The most common types of complications during pregnancy in a toy terrier:

  • toxicosis;
  • miscarriage;
  • false pupishness.

Some diseases that the bitch suffers from can cause spontaneous abortion. Toxicosis in toy terriers is most often observed at the very beginning of pregnancy. The dog is nauseous, spends almost all the time lying down and refuses to eat.

Before a miscarriage, the animal develops strange discharge from the loop. If the cause of spontaneous abortion is an infection, then they have an unpleasant putrid odor. Sometimes pupishness can be false. In this case, the dog acts like it is pregnant, but in reality it is empty.

Symptoms of false pregnancy

False pregnancy in dogs is a disorder that occurs in the animal’s body and is physiological and mental in nature. They can be caused as a result of any abnormalities in the activity of the gonads.

The external signs of a false pregnancy are quite similar to a normal one. There is a change in the pigments of the mammary glands, the abdomen enlarges, colostrum appears, but in reality the fetus is absent. The only sign by which a false pregnancy can be determined is the absence of movement of the embryos in the animal’s stomach.

All signs of a false pregnancy are associated with a sharp change in the bitch’s behavior:

  • The female with special love arranges her den for future puppies.
  • He constantly plays and does not part with soft toys, licks them and behaves as if they were alive.
  • There is a certain lethargy about walking.
  • In most cases, he behaves excitedly and sometimes even aggressively.

If such signs appear, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. Also, an imaginary pregnancy can be eliminated by the owner himself. To do this, you need to exclude all dairy products from the animal’s diet, try to distract the animal as often as possible and give it various sedatives.

Signs of approaching labor

The Toy Terrier is a small breed of dog, so they are more likely to experience complications during childbirth than, for example, German Shepherds. Therefore, the owner should be especially attentive to his pet during pregnancy. If something goes wrong during the birth process, the owner should immediately call a veterinary specialist. It is better to write down the doctor’s phone number in advance, so that later, if necessary, you can find him immediately.

If the toy terrier's pregnancy has come to an end, the owner will be able to notice signs of impending birth:

  • the dog is worried, whines, looks at its stomach;
  • the animal refuses food and water;
  • the bitch’s rectal temperature dropped to 36 degrees;
  • the pet is trembling.

These symptoms should alert the owner. Some dogs dig bedding during contractions, preparing a nest for future babies. Typically, after these signs appear, labor occurs within 24 hours.

Features of care during the postpartum period

All emerging puppies are weighed, recording the data in a notebook. To distinguish them, a thread of a certain color is immediately tied, about which a corresponding mark is made.

During this time, one of the remaining family members cleans the room. The birth box is removed. The female, who has returned to the second house with fresh bedding, is given puppies. Make sure they are all sucking milk.

The temperature in the room is maintained at least 25˚C. The bedding is replaced daily. They try to exclude unnecessary people in the room and maintain silence. After a month, older puppies no longer need a house. It can be taken apart. Additional heaters are also removed, establishing normal room conditions.

The bloody discharge in the bitch after giving birth stops within a week. If this does not happen, or the liquid acquires a greenish color or an unpleasant odor, you need to call a veterinarian.

It is recommended to monitor emptying daily and check the condition of the nipples, which will avoid burnout and hardening of the glands. If a weakened female is not able to feed her offspring, then, on the advice of a veterinarian, they purchase special bitch milk.

For the first week, the mother is fed four times a day with food that was prepared immediately before birth. Several times a day they drink tea with milk, adding a little honey. Then they begin to introduce lean meat, pouring boiling water over it, and boiled fish.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The menu includes cottage cheese, to which calcium gluconate (¼ tablet) is added once a day. Every other day, calcium glycerophosphate is added to the food in the same volume. Consult a veterinarian first.

When the puppies are three weeks old, tea is removed from the dog’s menu. After another 7 days, they switch to two feedings a day. In the morning they give cereal and fermented milk varieties, in the evening meat (every 4 days - fish) with vegetables.

Pregnancy is a serious period for a dog. An attentive owner will organize suitable conditions for her and prepare the necessary equipment. If necessary, take measures to facilitate childbirth.


The owner should prepare in advance for the expected date of birth of the puppies. It is necessary to determine the place where the animal will give birth. The owner should purchase absorbent diapers and a heating pad for the puppies. For long-haired Toy Terriers, the hair around the nipples and loops should be trimmed.

The opening of the birth canal in a dog is accompanied by contractions. At first they are very weak and unnoticeable, but then they intensify. The dog at this moment becomes nervous, digs the bedding, and often asks to go to the toilet. 3-12 hours after the onset of contractions, the bitch begins to push. The dog lies on its side and gives birth to a puppy. The baby is in the membranes, which the bitch ruptures. If she does not do this, then the owner must come to her aid. Then you need to tie the umbilical cord, trim it with sterile scissors and treat the wound with peroxide.

Basic rules step by step

Basic mating rules to follow:

  • Mating of Russian Toy Terriers is carried out indoors, having previously covered the slippery floor with old carpets or thick fabric.
  • You need to put a muzzle on the bitch or wrap a bandage around her face.
  • Let both dogs into the room so they can get to know each other.
  • The dogs will begin to play and flirt with each other until the bitch suddenly stops, moving her tail to the side.
  • At this time, the girl’s owner must hold her by the collar with one hand and under her stomach with the other.
  • The male does the mounting himself or is helped by his owner. .
  • As soon as a “lock” is formed, the partners need to turn their backs.
  • Until the dogs separate themselves, you need to keep them in place.
  • After the animals are freed from the “castle”, they must be immediately taken to different rooms and given water to drink.
  • After 1-2 days, carry out a control mating.

If the dog cannot reach the bitch's loop, then you should place a stand under his hind legs.

Complications during childbirth

Large breeds often give birth much easier than small breeds. Even if the pregnancy of a Yorkshire terrier or toy terrier proceeded well, this does not mean that the birth will definitely go well. If the attempts have been going on for an hour, and the puppy has still not been born, then you need to call the clinic. The fetus may be too large, then the small dog will not be able to give birth to it. In this case, the doctor performs a caesarean section.

Another common complication is postpartum eclampsia. It is due to the fact that the embryos took too much calcium from the mother during development. Therefore, it is very important to feed a pregnant bitch in a balanced manner. Without treatment, the dog dies from eclampsia, often in a fairly short time. The main symptoms of the disease:

  • shiver;
  • convulsions;
  • frozen look.

This pathology requires immediate contact to a veterinary clinic. It is better to place puppies before consulting a veterinarian.

How does it develop from 1 to 12 months?

Development of a toy terrier puppy from 1 month to 1 year:

Age (months)DescriptionSize(cm)Weight (g)
1Newborn period. The puppy knows how to suck the mother's nipple and move its paws to get to it. The baby does not have independent thermoregulation, he does not know how to empty himself. 6-10200-650
2Transition period. At this age, the puppy has already opened his eyes and began to hear, is able to move independently and play, and a craving for solid food appears. Baby teeth have already appeared. 10-14320-1050
3Period of socialization. By this age, the puppy has already formed the basic functions of the body, active growth and weight gain continue. A daily rhythm begins to form and physical activity increases. During this period, the dog begins to understand the “laws of hierarchies.” 14-20460-1550
4Teeth change and the immune system begins to form. Until this age, the puppy’s immunity functioned due to beneficial substances obtained from the mother’s milk. 18-24600-1900
5-6Juvenile period. At this time, the puppies develop their character. Individual qualities and specific behavioral reactions. At this age, the first sexual games begin. 20-28700-2200
7Puberty. During this period, the Toy Terrier bitches’ eggs begin to mature and they become capable of fertilization. At the same age, the first estrus begins. 20-28800-2500
8-12Period of puberty.Growth is overWeight gain stops

Pregnancy in a Yorkshire Terrier

The period of gestation of puppies in small breeds of dogs has its own characteristics. How long can a Yorkshire Terrier's pregnancy last? Dogs usually whelp from 56 to 72 days. But it is Yorkshire terriers who delight their owners with offspring most often from 60 to 62 days from the moment of mating. If the bitch's temperature drops below thirty-seven degrees, then the babies will soon be born.

The pregnancy of a Yorkshire Terrier ends with the birth of 1 to 6 babies. Multiple litters are rare for this breed. This is primarily due to the small size of the dog.

How to calculate due date using last menstruation

If the girl does not know the exact day of ovulation, it can be calculated based on her cycle readings. You need to look at the calendar and calculate the due date based on your last menstrual period.

It is from ovulation that the pregnancy calendar is usually counted, since conception is possible and occurs from the moment the egg is released

Data for accurate calculation

You must first evaluate the following parameters:

  • Cycle duration. Calculate the number of days between the indicated dates of menstruation for the last several periods. The standard is 28 days, but values ​​in the range of 21-33 days also occur.
  • Systematicity. Compare the obtained numbers with each other. Normally, they should be equal, with a maximum deviation of 1 day. In such a situation, there will be no problems with how to accurately calculate the due date. There are also failures when in one month a shift suddenly occurs by 1-2 weeks. This is caused by stress, illness, the use of hormone-containing drugs, climate change, etc. There is no need to worry, this is normal. If the cyclicity is broken and each month the dates differ by 5 or more days from each other, the rhythm is considered irregular. This is not scary, it’s just that calculating the gestational age and due date will be much more difficult. If such failures have not occurred before, it is better to consult a gynecologist about the reason for identifying possible problems.
  • Duration and characteristics of menstruation. Normally, they should be of the same type in structure, abundance and duration every month.

To accurately calculate the date of birth and draw up a pregnancy calendar by week, you need to know the characteristics of your own menstrual cycle

Ovulation in the menstrual cycle

Knowing the parameters that the calendar gave us, it is not difficult to calculate the due date if you identify the day of ovulation. It is calculated when it is necessary to calculate the date of birth based on menstruation, based on the following knowledge regarding the duration of the ongoing phases in the female cycle:

  1. The time of follicle and cell generation is 11-17 days. It differs significantly among women due to the different levels of hormones in the body and their balance. The standard is 14 days, but it is possible for girls whose cycle has been unchanged for a long time and is equal to 28 days.
  2. Release of the cell and its path to the uterus. If sperm are not encountered along this path, it will last only a day. Rarely, life activity can be longer - up to 2-3 days; usually, it dies within 12 hours. That is why pregnancy, calculating the date of birth for which would remain the last unresolved issue for a girl, the date of ovulation must be identified as accurately as possible in order to prescribe a productive act.
  3. The functioning of the corpus luteum in the absence of a fetus ends after exactly 14 days. This criterion is the same for everyone. Very rarely, it can be 12-13 days.

Physiological patterns make it possible to reliably determine the date of ovulation and, accordingly, the estimated date of conception based on the date of the last menstruation

The last number is known for certain, it is equal for all girls, and therefore ovulation is calculated by it. The formula looks like this: subtract 14 from the duration of the monthly process. The result obtained must be counted from the previous menstruation and marked on the calendar. This is the date of ovulation, which is the moment of conception, because on other days this is not possible due to the lack of a ready-made cell. Now it’s easy to even prescribe a birth calendar yourself and calculate it based on the date of conception identified in the described way.

The period of gestation of puppies in the Jack Russell Terrier

This breed is slightly larger than Yorkshire and Toy terriers. Pregnancy in Jack Russell Terriers most often goes well. The dog needs to be given vitamins throughout the entire period of gestation. Jack Russell Terriers are active dogs, so during pregnancy you need to reduce their activity. The dog will benefit from quiet walks in the forest or in the park.

If the animal lives in an apartment building on one of the upper floors, then you need to either use the elevator or carry your pet in your arms. The dog should not be overtired, as this may negatively affect its condition.

37th week of pregnancy for baby

At the 37th week of pregnancy, the baby’s height is approximately 48 cm, and his weight is 2,600 g. Externally, the fetus is almost no different from a newborn; all facial features are developed, and cartilaginous tissue is clearly visible. The accumulation of subcutaneous fat at this stage of pregnancy makes the body contours softer and rounder. The baby’s skin gradually smoothes out, it is no longer as pink as in the previous weeks of intrauterine development, and the integument gradually becomes lighter. The baby's body is still abundantly covered with lubricant, but the amount of vellus hair decreases noticeably, vellus hair remains only on the shoulders and back, and in some babies it disappears almost completely.

This week the accumulation of fatty tissue continues. It reaches a maximum of 15% of the child’s total body weight. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of adipose tissue for newborns; it is this tissue that protects the child from overheating or hypothermia, since the baby’s thermoregulation system after birth is not yet sufficiently formed and continues to develop in the first months of the little person’s life.

At this stage, not only the volume of subcutaneous fat increases, but also the muscles and skeleton intensively develop. The child constantly moves his arms and legs. These unique workouts help increase muscle mass. The baby also makes rhythmic breathing movements that strengthen the intercostal muscles and diaphragm, preparing the respiratory organs for childbirth.

At what age does a shepherd dog give birth?

German Shepherds, like all large breed dogs, are distinguished by a late onset of maturity. They continue to grow and develop until they are 15 months old, and early pregnancy in a shepherd will harm both the mother and the fetuses.

But we should not forget that pregnancy and childbirth are a serious burden on the body of a German Shepherd. Good breeders do not breed dogs every time they are in heat, but only once a year, so that internal reserves can be restored. And even under such conditions, the body works “for wear and tear”, so bitches over 8 years old should not be forced to whelp.

In one litter, 6-7 puppies are usually born, but fertile females have 10-12, and even 15 puppies. Firstborns rarely have multiple litters.

At the age of 6-8 years, the German Shepherd gives birth to 1-3 puppies

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