Estrus in dogs: signs, stages, duration, care

Rice. dog breeding
If, after the next boarding, a “lock” occurs, you can carefully move one of his front and hind legs over the back of the bitch, placing each dog comfortably, this should be done carefully, well. Under no circumstances should you try to separate the dogs that are in this will lead to serious damage to the genitals. After mating, the dogs should be taken away. The male dog should be washed with a chlorhexidine solution. The widespread belief that repeated (control) mating is necessary to guarantee fertilization is groundless. needed for the owner's complacency than for the bitch herself. ovulation is healthy, fertilization is guaranteed. bitch owners simply allow the dog's strength to be wasted.


When does Spaniel dogs come into heat?

Estrus in dogs is a natural, psychophysiological process that is characteristic of most female mammals.
The presence of estrus indicates that the female is ready to mate and bear offspring. A dog can begin to go into heat from 6 months to 1.5 years, it all depends on the specific organism, because The time when estrus appears is purely individual and there is no specific time frame. The first heat, unlike the next ones, is the shortest. Often only a weak manifestation of it is noted, the so-called hidden empty space is a slight discharge of blood, which attracts little male dogs. Signs, symptoms, dog in heat. How to determine if a dog is in heat? A dog's behavior changes during heat. The dog becomes more active, playful, and disobedient. Hormones begin to “play”, and instinct pushes her towards free behavior. Estrus can be determined by the following signs: • At this time, the dog begins to urinate much more often; • attention from male dogs increases significantly; • you may notice blood droplets on the bedding or floor coming out of the loop; • females periodically lick the loop; • the bitch's loop is swollen;

How many days does it last and how many times does a dog go into heat (frequency)? Typically, estrus occurs twice a year and lasts 20-28 days (3-4 weeks). If its frequency is 3-4 times a year or more, then it is advisable to contact a veterinarian. Most likely the dog has hormonal imbalances. The next heat may occur 6-12 months after the previous one.

During heat, the dog should not be let off the leash and should not be walked on a “roulette”. Walk preferably in places where there are no other dogs and preferably outside the city. To fight off the smell, anti-cobelin spray can help a little (the effectiveness is not very high).

A dog is NOT allowed to swim in water while in heat. This is a very favorable period for a kind of bacteria bait.

So, at the end of estrus, after 1.5-2 months, owners of bitches notice various changes in the behavior of their pets, but they do not appear in all of them. This is false whelping or pregnancy.

• The dog's mammary glands are swollen; • The dog's behavior changes; • The dog mistakes its toys for puppies and cares for them;

In order to prevent false whelping, you need to: • Remove all objects that provoke the maternal instinct in the bitch; • Reduce consumption of protein foods; • Do not try to squeeze out milk and generally do not touch the mammary glands; • More stress while walking;

If false puppyhood manifests itself very emotionally, it is worth consulting with a veterinarian about various sedatives.


Russian hunting spaniel

Sexual activity in females occurs cyclically - 2 times a year.
It is controlled neurohumorally. Therefore, environmental factors as well as internal factors (trauma, nervous shock and other severe pathologies) can disrupt the cyclicity of the sexual function of bitches. Normally, the maturation of germ cells is accompanied by morphological rearrangements of the entire reproductive system of the bitch, and especially the uterus.

Approximately 7 days before the start of ovulation, bitches begin to go into heat, that is, the flow of mucus mixed with blood from the genital tract. These secretions contain attractants, substances that excite males. However, during the first week, as a rule, the bitch does not allow the male to mate.

The process of ovulation in females occurs in the 2nd week after the start of estrus and lasts up to 10 days. Thus, productive mating is possible from the 7th to the 17th day. However, there are females whose ovulation extends beyond the mentioned periods. But there are few such dogs.

After 3 weeks from the start of estrus, the bitch is still attracted to males, but mating during this period is no longer possible.

The approach of estrus can be noticed by the fact that during a walk the bitch begins to urinate more often, becomes playful and disobedient. Instinct pushes her to expand her habitable territory in order to disperse the scent “calls” to potential suitors.

Having noticed these signs, a caring owner begins to take the dog out only on a leash.

The bitch's heat is accompanied by an enlargement of the external genitalia, the "loop", it swells and becomes noticeable to the eye, while during the resting period it is hidden in the fur. The onset of estrus is determined by bloody discharge, drops of which can be seen on the floor if the dog lives in an apartment. From the beginning of the empty house, the bitch must be isolated from street “applicants”. And no matter how obedient your pet is, you can only take her out for a walk (until the empty space is over) on a leash, and the rest of the time she must be locked up.

At the first stage of emptying, the bitch does not allow males to be mated, jumping back and snarling. After a week, coating is already possible. Timely coating usually occurs on the 12th–14th day of estrus. By this time, the discharge from the “loop” is no longer bright red, but pinkish or even colorless.

By this time, the bitch’s behavior also changes; she reaches out to male dogs, flirts with them, and when approaching them, takes a characteristic pose, freezing in a stance and moving her tail to the side. She does the same when stroking her hand on the lower back and croup.

The Russian Spaniel's first heat occurs at the age of 7-10 months. The bitch is capable of mating. But you cannot breed a dog during its first heat. Such early mating is undesirable and has a detrimental effect on the bitches, since their growth and development are slowed down, not to mention the weakened offspring from early matings.

Bitches can be used for breeding once they reach physiological maturity, not earlier than the 2nd heat, from 15-18 months.

It is important to protect the bitch from drafts and hypothermia during heat. In windy, wet or cold weather, walks should not be long.

Source: V. Gusev, E. Guseva “Manual for experts and owners of breeding dogs”


Sexual cycle, estrus

Every dog ​​breeder, regardless of the gender of his dog, is one way or another faced with the phenomenon of estrus: owners of female dogs - directly, owners of male dogs - let's say, indirectly. Even if you don't intend to breed your dog, it's a good idea to at least have a basic understanding of the physiology of this period and take a few precautions.

What should a dog owner know about estrus?

The duration of the sexual cycle - the interval from the beginning of one heat to the beginning of another - for most bitches is 5-8 months, individual and breed variations from 4 to 15 months are possible.

In the sexual cycle without fertilization, there are 4 phases: proestrum, estrus, metoestrum and anestrum.

What surprises await you during your first heat?

The onset of the first heat is possible by six months. Consequently, a dog can become pregnant from six months. Therefore, carefully monitor your beloved dog at this time and remember that pregnancy and childbirth before one year are considered harmful to the animal’s body, negatively affecting the development and formation of the body, as well as the offspring.

Many consider swelling of the genital loop to be the beginning of estrus. But most often, the signal for the owner of a bitch is the first drops of blood that are found on the dog bed or on the floor. Write down the date you saw them - this will help you calculate the days on which your dog might breed (and anticipate the possibility of unwanted matings!), as well as find out the most favorable days for subsequent planned matings.

To prevent your dog from getting dirty in the house, you can purchase special “dog” panties, but many experts recommend teaching the bitch to lick herself from the very first heat. In any case, during the empty space, it is better to remove the carpets in the house, and cover the armchairs and sofas with washable covers made of thick fabric.

Young males from 6 to 10 months are most interested in females during the pre-estrus period. Experienced stud dogs usually don't pay much attention to a bitch until they feel they can breed her.

There may be some deviations from the above terms and standards, which is an individual feature of each individual dog.

Physiological disorders should be considered

the onset of the first estrus is earlier than 6 and later than 15 months, the interval between estrus is less than 4 and more than 9 months, the duration of estrus is less than 12 and more than 30 days. The absence of estrus in a dog or its occurrence more often than twice a year indicates hormonal imbalances and requires the attention of a doctor.

Rules of conduct for the owner of a female dog in heat

There are special Dog Stop preparations (sprays) that make the smell of a female dog in heat less attractive to males.


Features among different breeds

The duration of emptying, considered in the context of rocks, is 10-30 days. There are also other differences between representatives of different breeds, including the intensity of discharge and the time of the onset of the first menstruation.

In small breeds

Estrus in small breed bitches begins at 6-9 months, and its average duration is 10-15 days. Representatives with this cycle include Pekingese, Yorkies and Chihuahuas.

Owners of small dogs should take care when purchasing panties. The fact is that the discharge of small-breed animals is more intense, which negatively affects the cleanliness of the floor and furniture.

In large breeds

The larger the animal, the longer the average duration and age of onset of the first emptying. In representatives of medium breeds (English bulldogs, cocker spaniels, Akita Inu) it begins at 10-15 months and lasts 20-22 days, and in representatives of large breeds (Great Danes, Alabai, Mastiffs) - at 13-24 months and lasts 22 -30 days respectively.

First heat

The first heat can occur at different times. It all depends on the breed and individual factors. As a rule, in small breed dogs (such as dachshunds, Pomeranians), the first signs of estrus begin already at 7–8 months. For bitches of medium breeds (pug, cocker spaniel) - at 8-14 months, and for large breeds (shepherd, mastiff) - at 13-15 months.

To plan mating, you should not rely on the first heat . As a rule, the duration of estrus in dogs at this time is not constant; it can begin earlier or later, be interrupted, and even be invisible to the average owner. In order not to risk causing a false pregnancy, it is better to wait with mating until the third heat, when the female’s body has fully adapted.

The onset of estrus is caused by bloody discharge. To find out the exact time of onset, it is best to contact your veterinarian. He will be able to carefully examine the dog and, taking into account the characteristics of the breed and your bitch, will give a more accurate answer.

History of the dog breed English Cocker Spaniel

Where does the English Cocker Spaniel breed originate? First of all, it is worth noting that this breed was artificially bred at the beginning of the 19th century, and the initial task of breeding work was to create an ideal dog for hunting. But the history of the breed spans a longer period of time - despite the fact that it was originally bred on the islands of Britain, Spain is also directly related to its formation, since it is considered the first homeland of all spaniels. According to historical information, it was from Spain that this dog was brought to the British Isles.

But as many historians and dog breeders note, Germany and Greece are called their historical homeland, the image of cockers is found in miniatures of the 16th-17th centuries, when there were still 2 centuries left before the official recognition of the breed itself. In 1902, the English Cocker Spaniel breed was officially approved among dog experts, setting out their requirements and standards.


In this article, we tried to tell everything about what estrus looks like in dogs, whether it happens in sterilized animals, and much more. Estrus is a difficult time for both the female and the owner. However, with proper care and pre-planned actions, even this period can pass calmly and without incident. But if you see serious deviations in behavior or in the nature of discharge, be sure to visit a veterinarian. Then you will find out exactly what the source of your worries is, keep your pet healthy and understand what to do next.

Color of the dog breed English Cocker Spaniel

If the English Cocker Spaniel has a solid coat color, the latter can be completely black or red, golden or chocolate, dark chocolate and liver with tan. The white color in this case is an unacceptable deviation from the standard; the maximum is a small white spot on the chest.

With a spotted color, the main background should be light, the piebald main background and colors such as black and white, red and white, liver white or ash white. Spotted colors can come with or without specks. The breed standard also distinguishes a tricolor color - black or liver and white, with the obligatory tan markings.

If we talk about the black color of the breed, the breed standard distinguishes such colors as black-roan or chocolate-black, red-black, with black or brown pigmentation present.

The breed standard also provides for such colors as golden roan with black or brown pigmentation, red or fawn roan, liver or blue roan with tan. All other colors in the Cocker's coat are not considered standard and are considered as a deviation from accepted standards.

Signs of heat

During estrus, a dog's behavior often changes dramatically. Estrus can be determined by the following signs:

During estrus, large breed dogs may become more aggressive. If your pet has stopped obeying normal commands and is overly excited, it is better to limit your movements around the city with him. Smaller breeds are characterized by excessive activity and playfulness.

When walking with a female dog in heat, you should be on guard. The smell of the discharge attracts males, which often causes unwanted mating. To prevent unwanted consequences, you should protect your pet from other cables.

What to buy

The dog should be comfortable in the house, it should have its own sleeping place. Get a bed or house in advance. Other animals should not be allowed into the cocker’s abode, otherwise he will show aggression.

For a puppy, it is better to buy the cheapest collar and a regular leash without a tape measure. When your dog grows up and gets used to walking next to you on walks, choose more expensive accessories. Choose toys carefully – spaniels love soft and exciting toys.

Think about what your pet will chew so that he does not choose furniture for this purpose. Buy sinew bones, but to begin with, not too large so that the dog can carry them to a convenient place. You need a regular bowl, without a stand, but with high sides so that your ears don’t fit into it.

To care for the coat, you need a furminator or a regular brush, but with it, combing will take longer and is not as effective. For water procedures, you will need shampoos and conditioners specifically for spaniels.


The main question that interests all owners of females is how long does estrus last in dogs? Regardless of the breed, all dogs, from the miniature dachshund to the large shepherd, estrus lasts about 20–22 days .

To better understand how estrus proceeds and when favorable days for mating occur, consider periods of estrus in dogs .

The period between estrus is called anestrus . A healthy young dog should come into heat twice a year. Older dogs gradually enter estrus once a year. If this happens more or less frequently, you should contact your veterinarian.

Popular dog breed names English Cocker Spaniel

Almost every official kennel or kennel club has a rule - puppies obtained in the same litter are registered with names that all begin with the same letter. Also, quite often in the passport of a dog with a pedigree there is a third name - the first is the name given by the owner, then comes the name of the breeder himself or the name of the kennel and the third is the nickname worn by the mother or father of the puppy itself.

So the official name may differ from the home name, which is what household members name the dog, and in this case the main point is simplicity of pronunciation, ease of sound.

Popular nicknames for males of the English Cocker Spaniel breed are Alan, Blake, Harold, Zeus and Ilan, Dar and Trim, Laid, Milord, Nice and Nate, Orlan, Thibault and Falk, Charlie and Elton, Yukki. Popular nicknames for female dogs include Alma and Alta, Brina and Verna, Nymph and Sparta, Yurma and Fortuna, Teyla and Terry, Puma, Prima.

Estrus - features of care and maintenance of the bitch

Every dog ​​breeder, regardless of the gender of his dog, is one way or another faced with the phenomenon of estrus: owners of female dogs - directly, owners of male dogs - let's say, indirectly. Even if you don't intend to breed your dog, it's a good idea to at least have a basic understanding of the physiology of this period and take a few precautions.

What should a dog owner know about estrus?

The duration of the sexual cycle - the interval from the beginning of one heat to the beginning of another - for most bitches is 5-8 months, individual and breed variations from 4 to 15 months are possible.

In the sexual cycle without fertilization, there are 4 phases: proestrum, estrus, metoestrum and anestrum.

Days 1-9: Proestrum (the period of the beginning of estrus, preparation for hunting) - lasts on average 7-10 days. During this phase, follicles grow and mature in the ovaries, which produce estrogen hormones. Under the influence of estrogens, characteristic changes occur in the dog’s genital organs: swelling, enlargement and tension of the external genitalia (loops), bloody discharge from it, scanty at first, then more abundant, frequent urination. Behavior also changes

Anestrum (rest period) is a stage of relative absence of sexual desire. The duration varies greatly, with an average of 90 to 130 days.

What surprises await you during your first heat?

The onset of the first heat is possible by six months. Consequently, a dog can become pregnant from six months. Therefore, carefully monitor your beloved dog at this time and remember that pregnancy and childbirth before one year are considered harmful to the animal’s body, negatively affecting the development and formation of the body, as well as the offspring.

Many consider swelling of the genital loop to be the beginning of estrus. But most often, the signal for the owner of a bitch is the first drops of blood that are found on the dog bed or on the floor. Write down the date you saw them - this will help you calculate the days on which your dog might breed (and anticipate the possibility of unwanted matings!), as well as find out the most favorable days for subsequent planned matings.

To prevent your dog from getting dirty in the house, you can purchase special “dog” panties, but many experts recommend teaching the bitch to lick herself from the very first heat. In any case, during the empty space, it is better to remove the carpets in the house, and cover the armchairs and sofas with washable covers made of thick fabric.

Young males from 6 to 10 months are most interested in females during the pre-estrus period. Experienced stud dogs usually don't pay much attention to a bitch until they feel they can breed her.

There may be some deviations from the above terms and standards, which is an individual feature of each individual dog.

Physiological disorders should be considered

the onset of the first estrus is earlier than 6 and later than 15 months, the interval between estrus is less than 4 and more than 9 months, the duration of estrus is less than 12 and more than 30 days. The absence of estrus in a dog or its occurrence more often than twice a year indicates hormonal imbalances and requires the attention of a doctor.

Rules of conduct for the owner of a female dog in heat

The average duration of estrus is 18-22 days, sometimes up to a month. If you are not interested in getting puppies from your dog, at all times adhere to the following rules: • Walk your dog during heat ONLY on a leash: even the most obedient individual these days can simply run away from you, not paying attention to commands, and you will surely you will find your favorite in the castle with some male dog. • When walking, literally DO NOT take your eyes off the female dog in heat, even stopping to talk to a friend or buy bread in a tent. • Do not leave the current bitch alone with the male dog, even for a second. • Eliminate or minimize contact with male dogs, do not allow them to mount your bitch: once sexual intercourse begins, it is almost impossible to separate the dogs. • You should not rely on drugs to terminate pregnancy in dogs: they do exist, but have many contraindications and side effects. • Keep the male and the female during heat in the same apartment, separated only by closed

doors, cruel and bad for both the dog and the bitch. • Try to follow the rules of “dog etiquette” when walking. Think about other people's dogs, if possible, refrain from long walks in your usual “public” place of company at your usual time.

There are special Dog Stop preparations (sprays) that make the smell of a female dog in heat less attractive to males.

​False pregnancy in a dog - what to do?​​​

Possible problems and consequences

Possible problems include variations in timing. Contact your veterinarian if:

the appearance of a delay of 9-10 months;

menstruation lasting less than 10 or more than 30 days;

any deviations in the cycle after 2 years, including a delay in the first emptying;

increased frequency of menstruation;

abundance or intense color of discharge.

The animal may also experience a false or unwanted pregnancy. The first can be eliminated with medication, and the second can be eliminated by competent avoidance of male dogs or surgical intervention.

How to discourage male dogs

In addition to walking on a short leash, it is possible to use sprays that fight off the smell of a bitch in heat. They are applied to the back of the body before each walk. Domestic products are also represented by BioVax.

Unwanted pregnancy

Unwanted pregnancies are treated with abortifacients or surgery. In the latter case, the surgeon cuts out the uterus, which excludes the dog from further breeding.

False pregnancy

If you notice signs of pregnancy in an unmated pet, contact your veterinarian. Physiological changes occur due to an excess of progesterone and rarely disappear on their own. In most cases, the problem can only be solved with drug treatment. Without the help of a veterinarian, there is a high chance of developing mastitis or pyometra.

Hygiene and care

During estrus, the dog owner must follow some simple rules. To begin with, it is best to note when the heat began and ended. This is necessary to approximately know the beginning of the next estrus and the periods most favorable for mating.

If mating with a male is undesirable, you should not let the female off the leash during estrus. Even with a good knowledge of commands, the bitch’s behavior changes, and she may behave completely differently than expected. It is worth carefully ensuring that the male does not come too close, since in the event of mating it will not be easy to pull him away.

During estrus, the dog should be restricted from exhibitions and competitions. The character of a bitch changes greatly, and it is impossible to predict her behavior. In addition, the risk of unplanned mating increases. Also, you should not allow your pet to go to bodies of water or other places where she can easily catch an infection.

When choosing panties, you should know a few simple rules. Panties must be made of natural fabric, with a special hole for the tail. They should be sewn without seams so as not to irritate the pet. The size must be completely appropriate for the dog so that they do not cause discomfort. Various options are available with Velcro, fasteners, etc.

Character of the dog breed English Cocker Spaniel

By their nature, they are cheerful and playful, sympathetic and good-natured, gentle and affectionate dogs, very sociable and always strive to be close to people. The loyal English Cocker Spaniel is perfect for both large families and single people.

The main thing to remember is that some dogs of this breed can become very attached to their owners and be dependent on a person, so it is worth teaching him to have some independence.

The cocker's character is flexible, although females are more stubborn than males, but regardless of gender, they strive to please their owner. This breed of dog is perfect for keeping in a family where there are small children, as well as other animals with whom they can easily get along.

If you are an avid hunter, this particular breed of dog will be especially helpful, since it was originally bred to chase game. With proper training, dogs will work hard and never get tired of the hunt.


If the owner is going to breed his pet, he needs to carefully monitor each heat. Record its beginning, duration and record all changes in the dog’s behavior. For each bitch, the peak of sexual activity is individual. On average, it occurs 10–16 days after the onset of estrus. During this period it is worth doing knitting.

When mating, the female must come to the male, and not vice versa. The room where this process will take place should not be noisy or crowded. Over time, dogs must succumb to their instincts and understand for themselves what is required of them. Otherwise, specialist help may be required.

Periodicity of estrus

We found out how many days dogs go into heat, now let’s talk about how many times a year estrus occurs.

Typically, sexual estrus in an adult female occurs twice a year. While the animal is growing, the frequency may vary. Living conditions also matter: a dog that lives on the street (yard, enclosure) may come into heat once a year.

In a service dog, this phenomenon also most often happens once a year: this frequency is influenced by training and a lot of physical activity.

In domestic girls, estrus occurs twice a year, more often in autumn or late winter; in dogs living in the north, the process starts once a year, in early spring.

Please note that for shepherd dogs and Rottweilers, emptying takes place once every 4 months.

If the period between the end and the beginning of menstruation lasts more than 8 months or less than four, you should consult a veterinarian, this is a deviation.

Stages of heat

Estrus has several stages. For the first time, all the symptoms may be blurry or, conversely, too bright.


Hormonal changes in the body last 7-10 days. At this time, the egg matures and a layer of mucus appears on the uterus.

Externally, proestrus is manifested by frequent urge to go to the toilet, redness of the loop, and the appearance of blood discharge. During walks, the dog marks its territory, shows interest in male dogs, but does not allow them to approach itself.


Sexual heat or estrus occurs 9-10 days after the first discharge appears. The stage is characterized by the release of the egg from the ovaries and the movement of the cell to the uterus through the fallopian tube. Now the dog is allowed to approach the male dogs, and stands in a characteristic pose with a raised pelvis and a tail set to the side.


At the third stage, the discharge stops and the loop decreases to its normal size.

Even without mating, hormones partially enter the dog’s blood to preserve the fetus. Because of this, the bitch’s mammary glands swell, her appetite increases, and her movements become slow.

This condition lasts 10-12 days. Then the pet’s behavior and well-being return to normal.


The resting stage lasts 4-5 months. At this time, the dog’s reproductive system rests and gains strength for a new heat. Bitches again obey their owner and show indifference or friendliness towards male dogs.

Warning symptoms include:

Dog breed standard English Cocker Spaniel

The whole appearance of the English Cocker Spaniel speaks of his energy, manners and habits of an experienced hunter. The body has a square shape, the muzzle is rectangular, while the skull has smooth outlines in its structure, and the nose is wide.

The eyes are dark, brown in color, large oval in shape, but without protrusion. Ears - set at eye level, hanging down, having a patchwork shape. The neck is of medium length, set beautifully on the shoulders and without dewlap. The chest is well developed and of medium size.

The front legs are powerful, short, and the hind legs have a pronounced and well-developed range of flexion, which together ensures fast running. The paws have pads reminiscent of a cat's. The body is strong for a small animal, convex ribs and a strong loin, the back line is even, wide croup.

The cocker's tail is mobile, set below the level of the back line, when moving it will be at the level of the back line, never rising upward according to the standard. Often dog breeders dock it for hunting purposes, but not too short.

The coat is long, soft hairs; according to the standard, it should not be curly, although its slight waviness is omitted. The height of the English Cocker Spaniel is 38-400 cm for males and 36-38 for females, weight according to the standard varies between 12.5-15 kg.

Estrus after childbirth

After the birth of puppies, you should not let your guard down. Despite childbirth and subsequent feeding with milk, six months later the dog’s estrus resumes. Its signs are no different from the estrus of an ordinary, nulliparous dog.

The appearance of estrus after childbirth does not mean that the female is ready for sexual activity. You should not immediately start the next mating, as the dog is quite weak and is not ready for a subsequent pregnancy. An unwanted pregnancy can have a negative impact on the health of the female and her offspring.

Estrus after childbirth has the same duration as before. As before pregnancy, estrus will occur twice a year. Any changes may indicate hormonal imbalance.

General condition of the bitch

You can understand that a dog is in heat either using a special calendar or based on the symptoms it exhibits. The first option is more reliable, but is completely unsuitable for determining the first void.


A dog's behavior before going into heat manifests itself in different ways. Some show aggression, others show excessive friendliness, and others show apathy. Such states are individual, but rarely coincide with the usual state of the pet. If you notice the first behavioral changes, do not forget to check the physiological ones. Only together do they indicate the onset of menstruation.

Physiological changes

Physiological symptoms of estrus in a dog are manifested in loss of appetite, deviation of body temperature from normal and the appearance of urinary incontinence. Eternally hungry animals begin to refuse their favorite food or finickyly dig into the bowl, throwing out some of the food. There is an increase in body temperature within 0.5 °C. Frequent urination occurs due to increased estrogen levels, which reduce the number of nerve cells in the bladder sphincter. As a result, the valve ceases to fulfill its role of containing urine.

Sterilization during heat

Sterilization is the surgical removal of the ovaries. After it is carried out, dogs not only do not become pregnant, but also do not go into estrus. This operation is a preventive measure against diseases of the genitourinary system that develop due to hormonal imbalances. In addition, it can be difficult for an owner to keep a large Staffordshire Terrier or Alabai on a leash during restless or aggressive behavior characteristic of proestrus.

Castration is best done at a young age during anestrus. During heat, dogs tolerate anesthesia worse and have a harder time recovering from surgery. And doctors note difficulties in stopping internal bleeding.


Preparation for mating and its implementation

Mating is carried out on the 11-15th day of the third emptying in the territory of the dog. 1.5 months before mating, animals are dewormed and checked by a veterinarian.

According to the method of knitting, it can be free and manual. In the first case, the animals do everything on their own, and in the second, their owners help them. Hand knitting is typical for small breeds and untied animals. During this process, the owners help to mount and wait for mating - 5 minutes of mating after ejaculation. To consolidate the result, it is recommended to knit again.

Sexual cycle

All sexual processes in mammals, including humans and dogs, are regulated by the body's neuroendocrine system.

Despite the fact that in the process of domestication dogs acquired the ability to have several cycles per year and regardless of the time of year, most are inclined to consider them, like wild canines, as monocyclic animals. The reasoning here is that, firstly, domestic dogs easily interbreed with wild representatives of this family (wolf, jackal, etc.); secondly, there is a characteristic feature in the reproductive cycle of dogs - estrus occurs after a long period of rest.

Spaniels before breeding

In any case, the reproductive cycle of bitches differs from that of laboratory and farm animals. First of all, in females, the onset of heat is preceded by bleeding. And although they resemble menstrual discharge in higher primates and women, in females it is the release of blood through the walls of blood vessels, and in higher primates it is uterine bleeding associated with rejection of the overgrown endometrium. Further, in females, the beginning of sexual heat coincides with the beginning of ovulation, and the formation of a functional active corpus luteum occurs by the time it ends. In most other animals, the formation of the corpus luteum occurs after the end of the sexual hunt. There are other differences, but these are the subject of purely scientific research.

The specific features of the reproductive cycle of dogs have led to the use of some terminological differences in describing this process. For simplicity, you can use the system presented in the book of the French researcher, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine A. Fonbonnet (1996).

So, in most bitches, the sexual cycle occurs twice a year and consists of four phases: proestrus, estrus (these phases correspond to the period of estrus), diestrus (characteristic of pregnancy) and anestrus (rest period between estrus).

Proestrus is the first phase of estrus, which lasts about 10 days; however, its duration can vary from 5 to 20 days. Externally, estrus is detected by swelling of the loop, its softening and bloody discharge from the vagina. However, these changes are not at all typical for all bitches. So, some of them may have no bleeding, while others experience delayed discharge, while in fact the estrous cycle has already begun. Hence the difficulty in determining the first day of estrus. A number of anomalies in the development of an individual can lead to a delay or complete absence of estrus (amenorrhea).

Most often, delayed sexual development occurs due to disharmonic disorders or is the result of improper use of medications during puberty. Thus, according to French experts, significant doses of corticosteroids used, for example, to relieve itching, can play a very negative role. In some cases, such phenomena are caused by antifungal drugs (grisiofulvin, etc.). Experts advise refraining from treating dogs with hormonal drugs and anabolic steroids until the animals reach puberty, otherwise the breeder risks the future career of breeders, especially since infertility caused by the use of certain medications is incurable in the future.

Poor, excessive, inadequate feeding (any factor is enough) not only reduces the reproductive abilities of animals, but is also often the cause of infertility.

In addition, communication with the opposite sex has a significant impact on the regulation of sexual functions in dogs.

During the period of proestrus, under the influence of an increasing amount of female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, significant changes occur in the reproductive system of the bitch. The walls of the uterus thicken, blood supply increases; The contractile activity of its walls increases, while the cervix is ​​relaxed and the canal is slightly open. At this time, bitches are often thirsty, they become restless, capricious, irritable, and often run away from their owner. A bitch in heat secretes special substances along with her urine - pheromones - with a specific odor that is so attractive to males. Bitches often urinate - they mark their territory. Males show special interest in such females, court them and follow them everywhere. At the end of proestrus, females also begin to flirt with males, but cages are not allowed.

How to help a dog

If the owner does not plan to breed the dog, drugs are used to interrupt estrus:

  • Sex barrier;
  • Stop-Intim;
  • Contrik;
  • SexControl;
  • CounterSex.

To interrupt estrus, the drug is given no later than the second day after the start of sexual heat for 5-7 days. You cannot give medications during the first start.

To delay estrus before the expected onset of sexual heat, sex barrier agents are given 1-2 weeks in advance.

Veterinarians do not recommend abusing hormonal drugs and advise using them in extreme cases. Regular use of anti-estrus drugs leads to hormonal imbalances in the dog and the development of pathologies of the reproductive system: polycystic ovary syndrome, neoplasms, inflammatory diseases of the endometrium, etc.

The use of sex barrier drugs will be relevant when visiting exhibitions during the onset of estrus, or if the dog behaves very restlessly these days: whines, completely refuses to eat, behaves inappropriately during walks.

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Estrous cycle

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Who can handle the breed

Caring for a Cocker Spaniel is not difficult. The main conditions of keeping are attention to the coat and regular outdoor games. It is better to bring such a dog into a large family so that someone is always at home.

Cockers can be left alone, but not for long. Loneliness affects the dog’s psyche, it gets irritated, gets into the habit of constantly howling, barking and ruining things. The spaniel is sincerely attached to only one person, but tries to please all family members and treats everyone with love.

This breed is suitable for older people who want a loyal companion in retirement. The spaniel will not let you get bored, will be a devoted friend, and will amuse you with his acting abilities.

English and Russian cockers can be owned by hunters. If you start training your puppy right away, he will be a good companion by adulthood. Spaniels have a sensitive sense of smell; they do not stand in a stance, but immediately rush to the prey, without giving it time to escape. When it finds itself in the tenacious teeth, the cocker carries it to the owner carefully, holding it by the very edge so as not to damage it.

American spaniels are winners of many exhibitions and shows. If you want to compete, the breed's long coat and neat face will win your heart.

All cockers can be safely left alone with children. You can even leave the house for a while and hand over the reins to your dog. She takes such tasks seriously, not allowing the child to do anything wrong.

All this applies to well-mannered dogs, who were shown in childhood who is boss. If you constantly indulge the whims of a seemingly defenseless puppy, then as it grows up its character will become unbearable - the pet will sit on your neck, considering itself to be in charge. Such errors will have to be corrected by the instructor.

Taking care of your teeth

As soon as you get a puppy, get him accustomed to the fact that you will periodically look into his mouth and check his teeth. Do this 1-2 times a week, then reward your pet with tasty food.

When baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth (at 6-7 months), they need to be brushed once a month. Choose a comfortable brush and veterinary toothpaste for dogs. A human one will not work, since you cannot explain to your pet that you need to spit out the remains and rinse your mouth. And aggressive substances will cause digestive problems. Regular dental care will prevent dental diseases.

Why does estrus take a long time to end or starts too early?

If the heat goes on for a long time, how dangerous is it? This is an extremely alarming situation that requires immediate examination of the dog at the veterinary clinic. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon - from a simple hormonal imbalance to a malignant tumor. Based on instrumental and laboratory examinations, the doctor will determine the cause of the failure and prescribe treatment. Prolonged estrus is a phenomenon characteristic of mature dogs. Young individuals rarely encounter these types of problems.

What is the normal intensity of discharge? It all depends on the size of the individual: large females can leave behind small pools of blood on the floor, while small dogs secrete meager drops. The smell of discharge during estrus is specific, without signs of rotting.

Another abnormal phenomenon is the complete absence of estrus in the pet. If the dog has not had any discharge for 12 months, there is no need to panic - sometimes estrus can be bloodless. In such cases, ovulation occurs, but without any characteristic symptoms. Owners planning to breed offspring are advised to undergo an examination at a veterinary clinic to confirm ovulation in their pet.

What should you do if your dog loses control of urination during heat? This condition is not a pathology - during critical days, the synthesis of estrogen in the pet’s body increases, which may result in a decrease in the sensitivity of the bladder sphincter. Once the heat is over, the incontinence problem should resolve itself without medical intervention.

What to do if your dog doesn't want to mate

If your plans include breeding, find out what to do if the dog does not want to mate.

The first piece of advice is to contact a kennel club or professional breeders. There are knitting instructors there. The specialist will explain how you can help the dog or do everything himself.

The owner can independently help his girl like this:

  1. Choose the right day for mating.
  2. Put a muzzle on your dog or tie a scarf over its muzzle.
  3. Place your thigh under the bitch's belly and turn her towards the dog. Hold your dog by the collar.
  4. Secure the dog and tuck its muzzle under your armpit.
  5. Help the male dog during boarding. You can lift the loop by placing your hand under the dog's belly.


A cocker spaniel should be taught from childhood to water treatments and brushing so that an adult pet does not cause problems. Only wash your dog if his coat looks dirty. Before doing this, check that there are no tangles in it. Use special dog shampoos or baby products that do not dry out the skin. After the procedure, the pet should be rinsed well so as not to cause irritation.

It is better to care for the coat with several brushes with metal, not too frequent teeth. Move along the hair growth in this order: neck, shoulders, back, sides, outside of the paws, area around the tail. Then take a softer brush and brush the ears (especially the inside), body, front legs, armpits, groin, hind legs and tail.

Use a wide-tooth comb to remove any dead undercoat, then go over again with the main comb. If there are tangles, they are sorted out with your fingers or a soft brush.

The procedure is performed every 2-3 days. If you live in a private home and often let your dog roam freely, you will have to brush it daily.

It is better to call a groomer to groom your cocker. He knows where to use scissors and where to use a clipper, so as not to spoil the breed. Russian Spaniels do not need to be trimmed.

Feeding rules

Proper nutrition is the key to your pet's health. There are two diet options for a cocker spaniel - natural food and super-premium dry food. If you don’t have too much free time, buy ready-made formulations. Feed your dog natural food if you can devote time to cooking every day - you cannot give your spaniel regular human food.

In the first 2 months, the puppy needs to be fed 6 times a day with the same food as in the nursery, the amount of food is approximately 0.5 cups. The dog's weight should increase from 350-450 g to 4-5 kg. Establish a clear feeding routine so your puppy knows when to expect food.

After 2 months, you can introduce liquid semolina or rice porridge with milk into your diet. Minced meat and bones and grated carrots are added to it. The number of feedings is reduced to 5, and after four months of age – to 4. At this point, the dog’s weight is 8-10 kg.

Starting from the age of six months, the puppy is transferred to three meals a day. At this time, its weight is 11-13 kg. After 1 year, the dog is fed 1-2 times a day. The diet should consist of 80% proteins and 20% carbohydrates.

The cocker's menu should include the following products:

Lean meat - sinewy beef or boneless chicken (the basis of the diet). It is better to boil the product. You can give the meat raw, but first you need to keep it in the freezer for several days to prevent infection with parasites. Offal. Spaniels are partial to beef hearts, lungs, and liver. Sea fish. It is better to give your dog boiled boneless fillet. Cereals. Cockers can be given any grains, but rice and buckwheat are considered the most valuable. Vegetables. Dogs enjoy eating grated raw carrots with a little vegetable oil. Other vegetables can also be given raw or cooked. Only legumes and potatoes are prohibited. Fruits. Sometimes you can pamper your pet with melon, watermelon, apple or grapes. This should not be done often, otherwise digestive problems will arise. Dairy products. Kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt can be given in small quantities every day. Eggs. Cockers can be given 1 raw chicken egg or a powdered shell once a week. It is added to cereals or fermented milk products.

Spaniels should not be given pasta, sausages, sausages, confectionery products and river fish. Do not feed your dog fried, fatty or smoked foods, and do not allow them to eat food from your table.

Training Basics

Cocker spaniels actively accept training, but for this you need to follow the following rules:

Timeliness. Start teaching your dog commands from an early age, otherwise it will be more difficult later. Regularity. Work with your pet daily, otherwise he will forget the learned commands. Sufficient load. Cockers are hunting dogs, so develop their potential. Use more active commands in training. Tolerance. Don't scold your spaniel for mistakes in training. The animal does not understand your speech; it needs time to get used to it. Game format. Get your pet interested and training will go smoothly. Personal contact. If you consider yourself the owner of a cocker, do the training yourself, without entrusting it to other family members or trainers.

First, train your spaniel to respond to your name, thereby attracting his attention. Then teach the command “place”, then “sit”, “to me” and “lie”. An important stage of training is learning the word “no” or its alternative “fu”. They are needed so that your apartment does not look like a battlefield.

Place of detention

Cocker spaniels are small in size, so they feel comfortable even in a one-room apartment. The dog needs to create a separate corner in order to immediately stop attempts to go to sleep in the owner’s bed.

A pet can only be kept outside in the summer - it is not adapted to cold weather. Make a comfortable booth, put soft bedding and additional toys in it.

The Cocker cannot be kept on a chain or in an enclosure - he constantly needs freedom of action so that he can splash out his energy.

You can put a playpen for dogs in the apartment. The pet is allowed into it if the owners leave for a while. There should be plenty of space in the playpen; toys should be placed there so that the pet does not get bored and does not look for a way to retreat.

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