1st Choice, dog food: reviews, variety of choices, healthy additives, recommendations from owners and veterinarians

A balanced diet is the basis for the normal functioning of all body systems of a pet. There are breeders who prefer natural food and diet from the common table. But the more literate ones try to provide the pet with all the necessary elements and vitamins, which are contained only in specialized foods. By choosing a proven and high-quality brand of food, you don’t have to worry that the animal will not receive enough of any substances and will need to additionally offer a vitamin supplement. 1st Choice dog food has long been popular among experienced breeders. Reviews show that its composition has a beneficial effect on the body and fully satisfies the need for all the necessary elements.

Why is he so in demand?

The 1st Choice brand has been developing animal food for over 35 years, so it is trusted by many experienced dog handlers and veterinarians. The company was founded in Canada and is recognized as a leader in its industry. All feeds are balanced and of undeniable quality. Such characteristics are confirmed by specialists and ordinary breeders. The entire diet is constantly updated and improved.

1st Choice dog food is completely chemical-free. Reviews show that consuming such a diet promotes the animal’s full growth and activity. It has been experimentally proven that the products are completely environmentally friendly, because they are made only from natural raw materials.

Recommendations from experts

Veterinarians suggest that only a menu consisting of meat and vegetable components will support the animal’s own strength. 1st Choice dry dog ​​food has similar characteristics. Reviews confirm that the pet, when consuming this menu, remains healthy and cheerful for a long time. It is known that various ailments can develop due to a lack of any substances in the diet. Canadian food is made exclusively from natural meat and vegetable products.

Veterinarians advise choosing a different diet in each specific case. Thus, the ratio of vitamins and minerals should be different in a menu intended for puppies, older dogs, large dogs or those experiencing health problems. 1st Choice dry dog ​​food will help with this, which is designed for different breeds and animals with various health problems.

It is known that Canadian food strengthens one’s own immunity and reduces the risk of disease. Experts say that for a long and active life, a proper balance of all elements in the diet is important. It provides a menu from 1st Choice.

Why is this food better than others?

A big plus of 1st choice food is the absence of cheap fillers in the diet: wheat and corn.
A significant advantage of Fest Choice food compared to other super premium food is the abundance of fiber-rich components. The dog’s body needs fiber for the proper functioning of the digestive system and improved metabolism. Fest Choice diets for medium and large breed dogs contain 4.5% fiber, while Porcelan only contains 1.5%, and Trainer – 2.2%.

Another advantage of Fest Choice food is the complete absence of corn and wheat in the composition, which are the most common causes of food allergies , and also indicate the low quality of the product. For example, Monge, Bosch and Arden Grange foods contain corn, Fitmin – wheat, and the Eukanuba diet includes both allergenic products.

All Fest Choice food options have a very rich composition, represented by basic products and additional beneficial components in the form of medicinal herbs and plants, natural sources of glucosamine and chondroitin (small shrimp shell, crab shell, sea cucumber, New Zealand green mussels) and sources of fructo-oligosaccharides and mannan-oligosaccharides . For example, Eukanuba, Barking Heads and Almo Nature food cannot boast of such an abundance of composition.

Basic diet

The emphasis of each nutrition of the brand in question is on the protein component. The basis of the feed is meat or fish meal. Moreover, the combination can be completely different, depending on the purpose. The most popular dog food is 1st Choice Lamb. You can also purchase types that contain:

  • chicken;
  • duck;
  • herring.

Fats must be included. Chicken fat, vegetable oils and flax seeds are used. They guarantee saturation of the body with Omega-3 acids and linoleic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the skin and coat quality.

1st choice food line

The 1st choice line of dog food was developed based on the differences in the nutritional needs of animals depending on the age category, coat condition, character and living conditions. The range of food includes food for puppies, adult dogs and elderly pets.

Puppy food

1st choice for puppies contains everything necessary for the full growth of the baby.
This food is designed to provide a smooth transition from breast milk to solid foods. The size and shape of the granules are adapted to the puppy’s fragile dental system and contribute to the development of chewing skills.

The formula of diets based on chicken meat for miniature and small breeds (Boston Terrier with photo), as well as medium and large breeds, contains the amount of proteins and a vitamin-mineral complex necessary for healthy growth and development.

The food, specially designed for toy and small dogs, is rich in hypoallergenic proteins and components that maintain healthy skin and coat. This option is great for pets prone to food intolerances.

The line also includes 1st choice food for puppies of all breeds suffering from sensitive fur and skin. Sources of proteins are lamb meat and fish, supplemented with vitamins, calcium and minerals.

Food for adult dogs

Diets for adult pets of miniature and small breeds cover the age category from 10 months to 8 years, and food for medium and large breeds (description of bullmastiff dogs) - from 14 months to 6 years. In both versions, the main component is chicken meat.

1st choice food for healthy skin and coat with the taste of lamb and fish is designed for dogs of all breeds and categories of decorative and small pets. A lightweight low-calorie diet is intended for adult dogs of all breeds that need weight control.

For four-legged friends suffering from stomach problems or food allergies, a special hypoallergenic food based on duck and potatoes has been developed.

The Fest Choice line is very wide: it includes food for dogs of different sizes, ages and activity.

Food for older pets

Such diets contain increased amounts of L-carnitine and sunflower oil extract, which help absorb and break down fats entering the body. The composition also includes an optimal amount of prebiotics that improve digestion processes.

1st choice food for aging pets is intended for dogs after 6 and 8 years of age. The line includes chicken flavored options for miniature and small breeds (the fluffy baby Bichon Frize), as well as medium and large breed groups. A diet based on lamb, fish and brown rice is suitable for all breeds prone to sensitive skin and coat.

Important. All foods for aging pets contain sufficient amounts of glucosamine, chondroitin and collagen, which keep joints and cartilage healthy. This is especially true for dogs with arthritis.

No cheap component

Each pack contains only natural and beneficial substances. Very often, dog food contains cheap ingredients such as wheat or corn. They are a source of gluten and can cause allergies. 1st Choice dog food does not contain such substances. Reviews from breeders can be seen only positive, because the composition is favorable for any animal.

Substitutes include brown rice, oatmeal and barley. The ingredients are healthier and no less nutritious. Potatoes provide the animal's body with carbohydrates, which are a source of glucose and easily digestible starch. In addition, the vegetable contains important fibers that have a beneficial effect on digestion and maintain normal intestinal microflora.

Advantages and disadvantages

Having studied the composition, we can highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of 1st choice feed.

Let's start with the pros:

  • The main source of proteins is meat.
  • Good mineral supplement.
  • The food contains amino acids and fatty acids.
  • The food contains essential vitamins.
  • The food is preserved with tocopherols – a natural preservative.
  • Wide assortment that meets market needs.
  • Widely spread.


  • The composition does not indicate the percentage of ingredients.
  • Active dogs fed 1st choice food will require additional vitamin courses.
  • Instead of whole rice, chopped rice is used in the feed.

Note that the disadvantages are insignificant, since 1st choice food fully meets the generally accepted characteristics of the super-premium class.

Vegetables are a must

Any 1st Choice dog food must contain vegetables. The main fillers include:

  • tomato pulp;
  • carrot;
  • dried beets.

They not only provide the animal’s body with vitamins and microelements, but also serve as a source of fiber. As a result, the digestion process is normalized and metabolism improves.

In addition to vegetables, the manufacturer enriches the feed with phytocomponents. The list of useful supplements is as follows:

  • green tea;
  • dried seaweed;
  • medicinal herbs (for example, mint);
  • ginger;
  • chicory.

These substances make the composition more harmonious and improve digestion.

Information on the packaging

The logo of this brand is the inscription 1st Choice (“first choice”), which is framed by a stethoscope tube folded into a kind of heart. A creative approach that seems to hint that this product is the first choice of veterinarians, but, of course, this is done for advertising purposes, as is the application of the phrase The Trusted One (“the one who is trusted”). Such statements are pleasing to the eyes of buyers who can read English.

The Nutrition Super Premium label indicates that the manufacturer classifies the diet as super premium. We have repeatedly stated that this is an advertising classification, and we do not rely on it in any way in our work.

There is a photo of a cute teenage puppy on a white background and a note that the food is suitable for all puppies aged 2-12 months.

The inscription OptiCrunch (“optimal crunch”) next to the photo of the granule does not have any explanation on the packaging of the food 1st Choice Puppy Sensitive Skin & Coat Lamb, Fish & Brown Rice, as well as the characteristic With Immunity Support - “with immune support”. Perhaps we are talking about the presence of prebiotics in the food, which are designed to improve local immune defense in the intestines of animals - but this is our assumption, since the manufacturer has not provided any other explanation.

There is also a message on the package: 24% Protein, 14% Fat - this is just an excerpt about the percentage of protein and fat from a guaranteed analysis; it does not provide information about the quality of the food components.

Auxiliary Ingredients

1st Choice dog food is rich in all the necessary substances. Reviews from experts confirm that the animal receives everything it needs, so additional enrichment of the diet with vitamins is not required. Auxiliary ingredients include:

  • Zinc. Supports your own immunity and accelerates recovery processes after illness.
  • Lecithin. Helps slow down the natural aging process, reduces the percentage of bad cholesterol and improves liver function.
  • Beta carotene. Helps the body resist infectious and cancer diseases. Necessary for normalizing the functioning of the optic nerve.
  • Yucca extract. Significantly reduces the unpleasant odor of dog feces.
  • Mannan oligosaccharides. Improves intestinal microflora and promotes better absorption of nutrients.

Thanks to its composition, 1st Choice dog food has received only positive reviews from veterinarians. Doctors often recommend it to their clients and note the activity and health of the animal that receives this diet.

Feed composition 1st choice

Fest Choice super premium food is produced in Canada.
Thanks to its high-quality and optimally balanced composition, the 1st choice brand has earned trust in more than 20 countries around the world. The source of protein in the diet is real meat in the form of flour, and not plant products. Among the variety of menus you can find flour made from chicken, lamb, duck and herring.

It contains four foods rich in carbohydrates: broken rice, oatmeal and barley, and brown rice. The recipe is completely free of corn and wheat - cheap fillers and common allergens. In some variants, the role of carbohydrates is sweet potatoes or flour made from them, containing easily digestible starch and healthy dietary fiber that have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.

Sources of fat in the 1st choice diet are chicken fat, flaxseed and vegetable oil. They supply the dog’s body with linoleic acid and beneficial Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids, which have a positive effect on the condition of the animal’s skin and coat.

Another quality ingredient in the list of products is chicken liver hydrolysate. A small amount of it has the properties of a natural flavor and taste enhancer. Dried beet and tomato pulp saturate the body with fiber, which is necessary to normalize digestion and metabolic processes.

Important. Flour from poultry, animal or fish implies preliminary defatting of the meat, as well as the complete exclusion of by-products and additional additives. You should also understand that the label of 1st choice food indicates the actual mass fraction of the meat ingredient (if fresh meat is used and not flour, then after cooking its volume is reduced by approximately three times).

The food contains a large number of additional beneficial ingredients:

  • zinc strengthens the immune system and accelerates healing processes;
  • beta-carotene prevents infectious, neurological and even cancer diseases, as well as eye diseases (see blepharitis in dogs);
  • mannan oligosaccharides help absorb nutrients and maintain an optimal balance of intestinal microflora;
  • lecithin improves liver function, inhibits the aging process, and also reduces cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • Yucca schidigera extract helps eliminate the pungent odor of pet excrement.

The manufacturer has added an impressive list of vitamins, minerals and numerous phytocomponents to the food: chicory, green tea, parsley, mint, ginger, etc.

The composition of Fest Choice food is rich in proteins, vitamins, fiber, healthy Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids.

Menu for puppies

1st Choice dog food, for puppies in particular, meets all accepted standards and meets the needs of a growing body. Due to the absence of harmful substances, nutrition contributes to the development of one’s own defenses and improved health. Experts note that puppies are not prone to allergies and grow up cheerful and active. Many breeders noted that the Canadian manufacturer took into account all the recommendations of dog nutrition experts and produces truly high-quality food.

It is important that to facilitate the transition of puppies from feeding on mother's milk to dry food, the granules for them are made of optimal shape and hardness. During the production process, they are adapted to suit growing and fragile teeth. It is noted that all components used are only of natural origin. Thus, the menu has a beneficial effect on the puppy’s growing body and its coat and teeth.

Fest Choice dry food for cats

Choosing 1st Choice dry food for cats is not difficult.

  1. Fest Choice cat food is divided into three main groups: for kittens, adult cats and elderly or inactive animals.
  2. In the category of food for adult cats, there are several additional criteria that are important to consider when choosing the appropriate diet:

  • food allergy
  • picky eating
  • sterilization or castration
  • excess weight
  • problems with the urinary system
  • special attention to skin and coat health

The main ingredient of 1st Choice food is animal protein - fresh meat or fish, meal from meat or fish. Vegetable proteins included in the composition are rice, barley and oatmeal, pea protein. Among the useful components of Fest Choice food for cats are taurine, lecithin, Yucca Schidigera and chicory extract, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Reviews of 1st Choice cat food

In addition to the good composition and low price of 1st Choice dry cat food, owners of purring cats most often note the following positive qualities of the food:

  • suitable for cats with allergies
  • good taste and quick satiation
  • excellent coat condition

Among the negative reviews, the main argument was individual intolerance to some components. In addition, switching a pet from another food to 1st Choice is not so easy; it will take persistence and luck. It is rare that pet owners who initially fed their pet 1st Choice food switch to another brand. However, many of those who fed their animals with lower-class food are switching their pets to 1st Choice dry food. At the same time, qualitative changes in the pet’s health and appearance, as they say, are “visible.” Choose the best diet for your pets. Be sure to read the composition and guaranteed analysis of the feed. Analyze unfamiliar ingredients in detail. This is the key to the health and longevity of your pets.

For adults

The line for adults is quite extensive. The food differs not only in taste, but also in its purpose for different breeds - small, medium or large. Veterinarians note that each breed needs a certain ratio of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The brand of food in question takes these features into account and offers a wide variety. Particular attention is paid to additives that affect the coat and skin.

In the line for adult dogs, a special place is given to the diet for those losing excess weight. They are a mixture of dietary chicken and sweet potatoes. Replacing heavy carbohydrates and eliminating fats help the animal lead an active lifestyle, but maintain normal weight.

The Canadian manufacturer takes into account the possibility of an animal being allergic to various components. In this case, it is recommended to purchase 1st Choice hypoallergenic dog food. The product is an innovative development that is suitable for pets with sensitive bodies.

Experts say that switching a dog to Fest Choice food helps to increase the average life expectancy of a pet by 2-3 years. This is due to the harmonious composition, naturalness of the components and unprecedented content of minerals and vitamins.

Reviews from veterinarians about Fest Choice dog food

Many veterinarians recommend Fest Choice food to their clients.
Natalya, veterinarian, 38 years old. Throughout my veterinary practice, I have repeatedly recommended Fest Choice food to my clients. The diets of this brand have a number of undeniable advantages: a sufficient amount of meat ingredients, vegetables, herbs, an abundance of vitamins and minerals. In addition to the main components of the food, they contain natural prebiotics in the form of chicory extract, fructo-oligosaccharides and mannan-oligosaccharides, which promote the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora and strengthen the immune system. The recipe also contains components that freshen your pet’s breath and ensure oral hygiene. And the presence of a large amount of healthy fatty acids has a beneficial effect on the dog’s skin and coat. I recommend this food as a complete balanced diet.

Anton, veterinarian, 44 years old. Fest Choice food has well-balanced formulas that meet the needs of your four-legged pet depending on its activity level, size, age and physical condition. The composition contains exclusively high-quality products, without such undesirable components as corn, wheat, soy and animal by-products. The diets have a unique taste and appetizing smell. In addition, the shape and size of the granules are selected taking into account the size of the animal and its age. The food is highly nutritious and saturates the pet’s body to the fullest.

For older dogs

1st Choice food for senior dogs is rich in various substances. The recipe of the diet is lightweight, but includes all the necessary components to support the health of the animal. Supplements promote better digestion and absorption of food, which is often a problem in older animals.

The food helps keep your pet active and cheerful. As a result, not only does health remain normal, but the skin does not dry out and the coat looks decent.

The regeneration of dead cells and normalization of the digestive process is facilitated by the presence of prebiotics in food for older animals. This inclusion is also important to support normal body function and health. If an aging dog has weight problems, it is recommended to purchase a special dietary series.

It is known that with age it is important to maintain the cartilage fibers located in the joints in normal condition. For this purpose, the food contains chondroitin, glucosamine and collagen. This circumstance protects dogs from the formation of arthritis.


Manufacturers assure: the complex excludes components that negatively affect the health of the dog during pregnancy and illness, but if you are individually intolerant to the components (chicken, salt included in the composition), you should contact your veterinarian for a careful selection.

Reasons for choosing “1 Choice food for dogs with allergies”

  • No restrictions - an extensive range of flavors, division by weight category, age of pets, special series for those losing weight and those suffering from an acute allergic reaction to any food;
  • There are no “offal” found in the composition, there is real meat (protein), the real amount is indicated on the packaging;
  • Chicken liver hydrolysate replaces the "breakfast attraction with a persistent chemical aroma";
  • Has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach due to minerals, prebiotics and natural composition;
  • Hypoallergenic for the most capricious pets;
  • “Travel” versions are available - 350 g;
  • The price/quality ratio is good.


  • Difficult to access in land-based stores, easily ordered online;
  • The presence of salt in the composition, however, the pet’s body does not cause a negative reaction;

What do they think of 1 Choice?

Reviews make you want to buy dog ​​food - veterinarians/owners recommend it, talking about its “miraculousness.” The example shows 2 opinions - a specialist and a housewife:

“Clients are faced with a problem - their beloved pet refuses to eat pellets, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract occur. I recommend the hypoallergenic “Choice” - clients return with words of gratitude. Dogs measuring 70 kg lose weight up to 40 by eating ready-made food. Thanks to the reduction in fat levels, flavorings that affect the taste and smell of the product, but are not harmful to health (beets), vitamins and minerals, and the absence of cheap corn, dogs live longer and get rid of problems without suffering from a rash on the back, the promised formula can freshen breath . The complex is available for purchase and is worth the cost. Don’t torture the animal, don’t feed it rubbish.”

“After long struggles with analogues that changed the composition, we purchased food from the Canadian company 1 st choice.

The pet has been eating for a month and is completely satisfied - it smells natural, unlike chemical flavorings, the composition is decent - I was pleased with the amount of meat and minerals with vitamins.

There are no complaints about dry food. The dog is running happy)"

Cases of non-acceptance are understandable - the animal may not fully digest food, lose weight by eating it on both cheeks - the choice is agreed with a specialist, a ruler is selected, and the DOG'S DIMENSIONS are taken into account. The body of a small puppy cannot physically digest large granules for “large creatures”. A girl who switched from pellets for small breeds to pellets for large breeds (a dachshund dog) was surprised - the dog was losing weight and going to the toilet more. There were no doctor's recommendations to switch to the series for large breeds.

Overall First Choice rating (1 st Choice)

The diet of Fest Choice dog food excludes analogues in Russia, does not deceive the buyer with cheap corn, and attracts a decent amount of meat. Price for 20 kg. – 6,333 rubles, enough for several months, the dog will receive an incredible dose of minerals, components that fight approaching old age, and will strengthen blood vessels. The food differs from its competitors, remaining inexpensive, healthy, and hypoallergenic.

The main rule: running to the store if you find a rash on your puppy’s back is a bad idea, contact your veterinarian for advice. When purchasing food at random, do not complain about the quality - the difference between the subtypes of diet for size and age category matters!

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Reviews about the use of food

1st Choice dog food receives only recommendations from veterinarians. The Canadian manufacturer tried very hard and took into account all the recommendations when compiling the recipes. Thanks to the natural composition, animals receive everything they need, develop well and have no digestive problems. Pets usually eat the food offered with pleasure; it has a pleasant taste and aroma. Dogs do not experience problems with their coat, teeth or gastrointestinal tract. It is noted that thanks to the additives, the stool becomes less odorous and normalizes.

However, there are reviews that a sudden switch to such food sometimes causes the dog to refuse to eat. Experts explain this by the lack of flavorings to which the animal gets used. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually introduce it into the diet, gradually adding it to your usual diet.

There are also opinions that the brand is too expensive and is not always available for purchase. However, the price is more than compensated by its beneficial properties and good digestibility. Smaller portions are required to fill you up. But it’s difficult to buy 1st Choice in supermarkets or veterinary pharmacies. Most often, breeders purchase this brand on specialized Internet sites.

Reviews from dog breeders about 1st choice dog food

Veterinarians and dog owners speak positively about 1st choice food and recommend it as their pet’s main diet.
Antonina. When we adopted a small Spitz dog from the kennel, he ate only Royal Canin food, which his eyes watered at. After that we switched to Grandorf, which he ate very poorly (maximum once a day). When choosing food again, the salesperson at the pet store recommended 1st choice food for decorative and small breeds. At the first feeding, the dog immediately ate the entire portion and was satisfied. To this day, I feed my dog ​​only this food, and I have never had any stomach upsets or allergies. Another advantage of the feed is its profitability.

Denis. For a long time I fed my two dogs, a Labrador and a Golden, natural food. After a while, the golden dog began to develop allergies: the hair on its belly fell out, its ears became covered with a coating with an unpleasant odor, and the dog constantly scratched itself. We tried a bunch of ready-made food, but there was no improvement, and the pets did not touch some brands at all. I accidentally heard about Canadian food 1st choice and decided to try it. I would like to note that the food does not have a pronounced odor and contains useful additives and vitamins. The main thing is that my picky people liked it. Digestion improved, people began to go to the toilet like clockwork, the peeling of the skin stopped, and new thick hair with a wonderful shine began to grow. If dogs get tired of a certain food, then I simply alternate it with another version of the same brand. I can’t recommend this food to everyone, because every dog ​​is different. But it's definitely worth a try.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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