A serious and self-possessed giant with feline grace - the Alanian Great Dane

Usage:service dog
Color:red with various shades, silver-blue, brindle
Dimensions:males reach 65 centimeters, females - 61 centimeters. Weight from 30 to 40 kilograms
Lifespan:11 – 14 years old

The Spanish Alano is an aboriginal dog whose appearance has undergone virtually no changes. He is distinguished by his cruel character, stubbornness and devotion. A pet needs a strong-willed owner who can build a clear hierarchy in relationships.

History of the origin of the breed

The peculiarity of the ancient Alano breed is that they are the progenitors of many dogs belonging to the Molosser family. The Spanish bulldogs themselves were domesticated in ancient times and came to Spain along with the nomadic tribes of pastoralists and warriors of the Sarmatians - the Alans.

A universal dog was needed that could serve as a shepherd, protector and fighter - the tribes fought wars of conquest. All these qualities were perfectly combined in Alano.

Alano-Bulgarian nomads brought dogs to the territory of the Iberian Peninsula at the beginning of the 5th century, then they were expelled to Africa, but the dogs remained. Some of them were brought by the conquistadors to the New World.

The first mention of Spanish bulldogs dates back to the 14th century in the “Book of Hunting,” dedicated to the praise of fighting dogs. It was noted that the Alan’s jaws were as if they were made of metal; the dog was ready to grab everything that moved.

Since the 19th century, Alanos became regular participants in bullfights and accompanied their owners on driven wild boar hunts and participated in fights. In 1883, bullfighting was officially banned due to its cruelty, and subsequently driven hunting was also banned.

The breed practically disappeared; some individuals survived only in distant regions of the country - they grazed and guarded livestock.

At the end of the 20th century, a group of dog handlers became concerned with the issue of restoring the breed. The remaining Alano representatives were collected and the selection of breed lines began.

In 1997, the first Spanish bulldog was recreated, the Spanish Society for the Development, Support and Breeding of the Alano was created and in 2004 the breed was officially recognized in Spain.

There are currently about 1,000 dogs of this breed in the world.

Description of the breed

  • the head is large, the skull is brachycephalic;
  • short muzzle with contrasting black lips;
  • The ears are miniature compared to the head. Shape: triangular or pointed with rounded edges;
  • the eyes are elliptical in shape. Color: from black to amber;
  • the neck is short, but very dense and muscular;
  • wide chest;
  • paws are muscular, smooth and parallel;
  • The toes are long and the pads are hard. The breed does not have dewclaws;
  • tail shape: saber. Thick and fairly short;
  • the skin is rough. There are many folds on the body, mainly on the muzzle;
  • the coat is thick, but short and harsh;
  • There is no uniform standard for color. It can be very diverse: shades of red, fawn, copper, gray and similar shades. A black mask on the face and white spots on the paws and chest are allowed.


Adult height: males - 65 ms, females - 61 cm. Weight: male - from 38 to 45 kg, female - 33-38 kg. Characteristic color: different shades of brindle. Coat Length: The coat is short and smooth to the touch. Life expectancy: from 10 to 13 years. Advantages of the breed: patient, balanced, not picky, intelligent. Difficulties of the breed: too independent. Average price: from $500 to $2800. Classification: medium breed; hunting, guard dog, companion dog.

Character and behavioral characteristics

A dog's temperament is determined by its origin; these are true Spaniards. They are energetic, dexterous, and have lightning-fast reactions. In battle and hunting, they are result-oriented, show innovative thinking and independence in decision-making. This does not mean that the dog will disobey the command.

Despite their impressive size and reputation as a bloodthirsty fighter, dogs are absolutely subordinate to humans. The breed shows virtually no desire to win authority from the owner and test his strength.

At home he shows himself to be an affectionate and good-natured pet. They are very people-oriented and love children. They get along well with other animals without showing aggression.

Alano is only suitable for indoor living. This does not mean that they can live in an apartment - they need constant movement and being outside, the best option for keeping them is to live in a private house.

Education and training

Raising a puppy begins from the first days at home, teaching it its name, collar and place. Gradually they are accustomed to a diet and walking regime.

Despite the serious size and myths about the bloodthirstiness of the Alano, the owner can cope with their upbringing and training on his own. Although, experienced dog handlers do not recommend having such a dog as your first pet.

During training, consider the following points:

  • you cannot use physical force or roughness;
  • achieve a trusting relationship with your pet;
  • make it clear that you are the leader.


The ancient breed has a strong immune system, which allows such a pet to live a long time and practically not get sick.

It is believed that Alanos have practically no genetic diseases. Like all large dogs, Spanish Bulldogs are susceptible to:

  • articular dysplasia;
  • arthrosis;
  • otitis;
  • allergies.

A feature of Alano Hispaniol is its rapid blood clotting. This has a positive effect on the health of dogs, since neither their ancient activities nor their current ones are safe. Alano simply needs fast wound healing and protection from large blood loss.

Dogs need timely vaccination against the most common diseases. Only in this case will the pet be healthy and live a long life.

Maintenance and care

The maintenance of an Alano is no different from the requirements for other fighting breeds. Dogs are domestic dogs; they cannot live outdoors. It is necessary to pay attention to the claws and cleanliness of the ears. The dog requires regular bathing and brushing. At the same time, you should not use large amounts of detergents, since, unlike people, they have the completely opposite effect on a dog’s skin.

For this reason, purchase shampoos and conditioners designed specifically for dogs and avoid using products formulated for humans.

Alano are unpretentious in nutrition. The main thing is that the food is balanced and made from high-quality products. In this case, you will not know what intestinal problems your dog has. With proper and timely care, the dog will get sick less and will be able to live longer than it should.


Both ready-made industrial diets and natural food are suitable. You cannot mix the two types of food.

Dry food is chosen from the premium segment and above, taking into account the label “for active dogs”. Since the Spanish Bulldog requires a large portion of food, ready-made food is the best choice. This will make life easier for the owner, saving him from preparing and preparing a balanced diet on natural food.

Natural food type:

  • 80% of the diet should be a source of protein: meat, offal (large pieces);
  • fermented milk products (up to 9% fat content);
  • eggs;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice);
  • vegetables and fruits – raw, potatoes – boiled;
  • There should always be water available to saturate the muscles with oxygen.

Exclude from the diet:

  • sweets and smoked foods;
  • salty foods;
  • spices;
  • tubular bones and chicken.

Dogs are prone to allergic reactions, so you need to strictly monitor their diet and eliminate the product that causes suspicion or change the food.

Caring for the Alanian Great Dane

You can feed your Great Dane Alano with both natural, freshly prepared food and ready-made dry formulas for large and active dogs of at least super premium class (Royal Canin MAXI ADULT, Bosch Adult Maxi, etc.).

A natural homemade diet consists of:

  • lean varieties of meat (beef, veal, turkey, etc.);
  • eggs (chicken and quail);
  • boiled ocean fish (pollock, halibut, etc.);
  • offal (liver, kidneys, etc.);
  • porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat, etc.);
  • raw and boiled vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, turnips, zucchini, etc.);
  • fruit;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes (Gelakan, Radostin, etc.).

"Gelacan Darling" is an easy-to-use, safe and effective natural drug for dogs for the treatment and prevention of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The protein part should make up at least 80% of the total food volume . Depending on their age, puppies are fed from 3 to 6 times a day; adults are given food twice a day.

You should not give dogs sweet, highly salty, hot, peppery, spicy and fatty foods, as well as tubular (chicken) bones.

Short and hard coats are combed 1-2 times a week using a rubber mitten or brush. Water treatments are carried out no more than once every 3-4 months, using zoo shampoos (Artero Vitalizante, Espree Argan Oil Shampoo, etc.). The ears are examined weekly and the eyes are examined daily, cleaned and wiped with a cotton pad soaked in a special lotion for animals (Leopard, Rosinka, etc.). The claws are shortened if necessary (once a month).

Alan Danes are distinguished by their jumping ability and can climb trees well.

Large and active Alanos are very difficult to keep in an apartment; for them it is much more comfortable to live in a private house or a country cottage, where there is a good spacious area for walking . You can keep them in an enclosure, but you cannot put them on a chain. Since Alan Danes have short hair, they are moved to a warm room during the cold season. Dogs need daily (3 times an hour) active walks to run, jump and play to their heart's content.


Training is a mandatory procedure for Alan fighting dogs, and you will need the help of a canine instructor who is thoroughly versed in canine education and understands the nuances of working with complex animals . The breed is quite difficult to train, especially for an inexperienced beginner. In experienced hands, training and training an Alano goes without problems, but you should study with it throughout your life, constantly developing positive skills and qualities. You can teach your pet simple commands yourself. The obedience course takes place after 5–6 months.

When working with an Alano, it is important to make the dog understand that the leader in the tandem is not he, but the trainer. No indulgences or indulgences can be made for the pet. Brute physical force is unacceptable.

Alan Danes must be trained

Mating, pregnancy and childbirth

Physiologically, the bitch is ready for mating in her first heat, but it cannot be mated so early! The best age for the first mating is the age of 2 years - for a bitch and a dog.

The owner can detect external signs of pregnancy starting from the fifth week, when the mammary glands swell and the abdomen enlarges. The psychological state also changes - the bitch is more affectionate and affectionate.

During pregnancy, the dog needs to be supported with a special complex of vitamins, taken to the toilet more often and equipped with a comfortable place.

From mating to birth it takes from 55 to 73 days. The owner should note the day of mating in order to calculate the due date and track its violation. Early or late birth can lead to the death of the litter, so you need to contact a veterinarian in advance to control the process.

Owner reviews

Ivan K.

I am the owner of a beautiful red male. Before this, a Stafford lived in the family. A wonderful dog, but he is more focused on protection and has a fair amount of aggression, including towards people.

I was surprised to read that Alanos were also used to breed Staffies. The dog impressed with its versatility: it will not let you down as a guard or watchman, even on a hunt. I purchased it from a European nursery. We hunt together, even for a bear. An excellent home protector, he never aggressions in vain.

Alexander O.

We have a large family and we chose a dog of such a breed that it would treat all family members almost equally, without singling out one. We planned to breed and sell purebred puppies, so we chose a female.

Indeed, the dog has one owner, with whom it hunts, but the rest of the family members are not empty space. She doesn’t take instructions aggressively and gets along well with children – such games are great!

Advantages and disadvantages

Alans are very balanced, they do not have spontaneous attacks of aggression. These are devoted and faithful dogs who love all members of their family equally. They are always ready to protect their owners from possible danger.

The disadvantages of the breed include their desire to constantly dominate. Therefore, such a dog is not suitable for people with a soft character; the dog must feel the strength of its owner’s spirit . Also, if you do not allow the Alan to splash out his energy through active walks and games, the dog can become very aggressive.

When choosing a dog, would you choose a Spanish bulldog? What do you like and what don't you like about his character? Share interesting facts that you know about the Alans.


Briefly about the main thing

  1. Alano is an ancient breed of dog.
  2. The breed is not officially recognized by the FCI.
  3. Purpose: guard, hunting, shepherd.
  4. They can only live in a private home and require intense exercise.
  5. Alano breeding began in Russia - in Ossetia, the main nurseries - in Europe and the USA.
  6. The cost of dogs is from 500 to 1500 US dollars.

Share your experience of keeping representatives of this ancient breed in the comments. Your experience is very important and interesting.

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Choosing a puppy

The number of Alanian Great Danes in Russia is extremely small. According to the official national Alano fan club, the number of registered individuals does not exceed 70. Buying a puppy is very difficult. Most of the nurseries are located in North Ossetia (Ossetian breeders constantly maintain close contact with their Spanish colleagues). You need to purchase a baby of this rare breed only in a specialized nursery, where they guarantee the purebred of the animal and provide the necessary set of documents (pedigree, puppy card, veterinary record, etc.).

It is difficult to find a good purebred Alan Dane puppy.

It is quite difficult to distinguish a small Alano from puppies of other similar molossoid breeds; only a specialized canine specialist or expert can figure this out.

Video: Alan Great Danes are being bred again in North Ossetia

Price of a puppy of this breed

The cost of Doga Alano puppies starts from 30 thousand rubles, depending on the working qualities of the parents and the prospects of the resulting offspring, it can be much more (up to 60–70 thousand rubles).

Since the price of Spanish bulldogs is high, very often unscrupulous breeders sell unclean or outbred animals, passing them off as purebred Alanos. Before purchasing, it is recommended to visit the nursery in person to see the parent pair and living conditions.

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