Everything you need to know about the Beauceron, or French Shepherd

a brief description of

Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Endurance in the cold
Endurance in the heat
Country of origin
Lifespan10−12 years
Height male62–70 cm
Rising bitch61–67 cm
Weight male40-50 kg
Weight bitch36–40 kg

The Beauceron is an indigenous breed that was formed naturally in the French foothills. In modern times, there are not so many French shepherds, they are not as popular as their “neighbors” in the group in the FCI qualification - German shepherds. The number of Beaucerons does not exceed 7,000 dogs, and throughout the history of their formation there were no more than 80,000.

Interesting! The name of the breed "Beauceron" comes from the name of the French region "Beauce".

It is surprising that the Beaucerons, possessing both power and elegance, striking characteristics of appearance and character, have not gained great fame. The breed belongs to group 1 in the FCI qualification, to section No. 1 “Sheepdogs”.

basic information

Breed name:Beauceron
Country of origin:France
Time of origin of the breed:16th century
Type:shepherds and cattle herders
Weight:36 – 50 kg
Height (height at withers):61-70 cm
Lifespan:10 – 12 years
ICF classification:Group 1, Section 1, Number 44
Price of puppies:800 – 2200 $
The most popular nicknames:list of nicknames for Beauceron

Brief description of the breed

Dogs of this breed are not only excellent shepherds, but also excellent guards. The breed is quite large, the dog's weight varies from thirty to fifty kilograms. This is an active, athletic breed that is suitable only for experienced dog breeders. Amateur dog breeders who decide to purchase a dog of this breed most often fail to care for it. That is why, in order to avoid disappointment, those who have not yet owned dogs of other breeds should not get a Beauceron.

The Beauceron is not the best dog for new dog owners. She is distinguished by her intelligence and stubbornness. This is a real guard, because thanks to its size, the dog does an excellent job of protecting not only the family, but the entire house. The Beauceron owner requires firmness and perseverance in order to achieve excellent results in training and socializing the animal.

There is a good chance that the Beauceron will get along well with cats. Of course, this breed is a hunting breed, and in the wild the animal will happily chase cats and other small animals, but at home, dogs of this breed very often find a common language with cats.

Only energetic and active people should choose a breed. For those who love running and daily walks, various physical exercises, for example, cycling, jogging, walking, the Beauceron will be happy to keep you company! This dog is perfect for being involved in various rescue and search operations. The only thing the Beauceron cannot tolerate is boredom.

Often such dogs show aggression towards unfamiliar dogs or other animals. If you have your own yard, then it must be fenced to prevent the dog from leaving the yard, as well as to prevent other people’s animals from entering the yard. Some people install an underground electric fence, thus hoping to prevent the dog from leaving the perimeter. All this is in vain, the electric discharge will not be able to stop the Beauceron. Therefore, a metal fence is the best option!

Despite the strict requirements for arranging a fence, you should remember when the whole family gathers at home, the dog should be next to you. After all, the affection and attention of family members is very important for the Beauceron!


Review #1

We chose the dog from the photo. We thought she was cute.))) The breeder said that French shepherds are the ancestors of modern Dobermans. The dog turned out to be active. You need to walk, run, and play with him a lot. We live in a private sector and just let him out into the yard. He frolics with all his heart, running like a horse, here and there.

Dick's character turned out to be kind, but I think that this also depends on his upbringing. When he runs into the house, he jumps up and kisses everyone, wagging his tail. He doesn’t want to obey us just like that, but once we show him a piece of something tasty, he’s ready to stand on his hind legs. He does what he wants and will execute the command when he wants it.

Loves tricks. He runs into the corridor, grabs a slipper or boot and rushes into the house with it. We hit him on the butt with a slipper, and he slyly bares his teeth and jumps. Dick is devoted, worries when someone leaves even for half an hour. Then he greets you joyfully from the doorway. We all love him very much and can’t imagine how we ever lived without this mischief-maker?

Review #2

Shepherd dogs mature only at 3 years old. When training, you need to be patient. When raising or training a pet, you should not hit it. He has an excellent memory. He will remember the insult and may take revenge on occasion. It will be fun. Not for you, but for your dog. Love and pamper your pet in moderation.

Estimation of breed characteristics

Adaptability (a definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life)
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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