Dog American Cocker Spaniel - reviews about the breed

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* Here is a photo of a typical representative of the American Cocker Spaniel dog breed . You can send us photos of your animals by email, and we will post them on the website. Don't forget to send your pet's name.

Brief description of the breed

What is the actual country of origin?


What is the country of origin according to the FCI?


When did the breed appear?


How long does he live?

from 12 to 14 years

How much does a male dog weigh?

from 9 to 14 kg

How much does the bitch weigh?

from 7 to 10 kg

What is the height (height at withers) of a male dog?

from 36.8 to 39.4 cm

What is the height (height at withers) of the bitch?

from 34.4 to 36.8 cm

How much does a puppy with documents cost?

from 20 to 100 thousand rubles

What is the price of a puppy without documents?

from 5 to 20 thousand rubles
The American Cocker Spaniel is an example of a companion dog. These are very calm, obedient, friendly animals. This breed is a hunting breed, which undoubtedly affected their character and habits. The Cocker Spaniel is an endless source of energy. This is a great friend for children, a companion and assistant for adults. If you decide to adopt an American Cocker Spaniel into your family, be sure to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the breed presented in this publication.

Smart, kind and cheerful dog

Advantages: Cheerful, cheerful, smart and kind dog.

Disadvantages: Knows how to be cunning if you need to beg for a treat.

Review: The main qualities of English cocker spaniels are extraordinary intelligence, kindness and some cunning. Cheerful, very energetic - these dogs are excellent friends and companions, especially suitable for children. In our family, the children adopted their first spaniel in New York from a homeless animal shelter. The dog, naturally, understood commands only in English, but after about six months he mastered the Russian language. Bim became everyone's favorite, he enjoyed playing and running with the children, he came with us... Read more


* We invite you to watch a video about the American Cocker Spaniel . In fact, in front of you is a playlist in which you can select and watch any of 20 videos about a given dog breed by simply clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the window. In addition, the material contains quite a lot of photos. By looking at them you can find out what an American Cocker Spaniel looks like.

In this article:
  • History of the Origin of American Cocker Spaniels
  • American Cocker Spaniel - description of the breed
  • Popular colors of American Cocker Spaniels
  • Character and habits of American Cocker Spaniels
  • Interesting facts about American Cocker Spaniels
  • Pros and cons of American Cocker Spaniels
  • Breeding American Cocker Spaniels
  • Caring for American Cocker Spaniels
  • Diet of American Cocker Spaniels
  • Diseases and health problems
  • American Cocker Spaniel - price and how to buy it correctly

Tips for choosing a puppy

American Cocker Spaniel puppies are not cheap, so you must first decide on the financial capabilities, as well as the needs of the owner. Thus, exhibition copies will cost an order of magnitude more expensive to purchase and maintain.

Girls adapt faster to their new conditions, and they are also much friendlier. Male puppies, on the contrary, demonstrate disobedience and leadership habits. However, competent training helps solve all problems.

A huge number of nurseries offer a wide selection of animals based on color or working qualities. But it is important to find out the reputation of these places and read the reviews of the owners. There is no need to be shy about asking for documents confirming the pedigree of your future pet. The seller is obliged to demonstrate the baby's parents at the buyer's request.

When purchasing, you need to find out about the treatments carried out against parasites, as well as the vaccinations given. The puppy's tail should be docked, its coat should be shiny, and its eyes should be inquisitive.

History of the Origin of American Cocker Spaniels

The American Cocker Spaniel was bred specifically for feather hunting. This small, energetic dog originated from Great Britain. It has a very interesting, long history. The first essays on spaniels date back to the fourteenth century. It’s true that back then these animals were called “Spanish dogs.” In those days, these dogs were used as bird hunters. They are small, fast, agile. But in the realities of the modern world, the hunting qualities of the cocker spaniel have regressed. However, they still influence the character and some habits of the animal.

Over time, American dogs were able to discern a talent for hunting not only birds, but also other animals: aquatic and land. Small cocker spaniels did not do well in water, so all the major breeders began breeding land species. This is what gave impetus to the appearance of English toy cocker spaniels in the nineteenth century.

Interesting fact: Around 1870, several English dogs were exported to America. And at the end of the nineteenth century, the American Cocker Spaniel saw the light of day and quickly gained popularity. Even though the English Cocker Spaniel is the closest relative of the American Cocker Spaniel, they are completely different breeds.

For a long time, breeders and other dog breeding specialists prevented the mixing of these breeds so that each of them could retain its original qualities. And for the first time the breed received official recognition only in 1946. American Cocker Spaniels are recognized by the American Kennel Club.

Basic moments

  • Cockers have an amazing ability - they appeal to almost everyone who plays with them for at least a couple of minutes. Only the heart of the most faithful cat lover will not be able to touch these lively and incredibly positive animals. They are characterized by increased curiosity and are ready to go for a walk and play with their owner at any time. They do not adhere to an established and measured daily routine, so a sudden change of plans will not ruin their mood.
  • All the activity and playfulness of the “Americans” does not prevent them from accurately carrying out the owner’s commands. They quickly understand intonation and also easily learn new commands. Such a pet will easily become a real joy and pride for the whole family.
  • American Cocker Spaniels are considered animals with a fine mental organization. They are ready to give love and affection, but they can harbor a big grudge. An owner's irritated tone or shouting at a pet often causes stress.
  • A light and positive disposition does not mean a lack of intelligence. The “Americans” are quite skilled at manipulating people. With the help of their charm, they achieve concessions, because of which the owner will be forced to continue making all sorts of concessions.
  • This is a hunting breed, which means its representatives need good physical activity. Sometimes it seems that the energy of such dogs is enough to provide electricity to the entire house. If the owner prefers to lie on the sofa, then such an active pet will be a burden to him.
  • American Cocker Spaniels have beautiful, long, silky hair. To maintain it in proper form, you will have to try. Care will not be difficult, but you should devote at least a few minutes to it every day.
  • The pet will not behave “lower than water, lower than the grass.” The dog loves to “comment” on what is happening around him, using a ringing and loud bark. You can moderate your four-legged friend’s talkativeness through training.
  • The animal will feel comfortable both in a house with a garden plot and in an apartment. For him, it’s not the square meters that are much more important, but the availability, which doesn’t cope well with prolonged loneliness.
  • Among the advantages that representatives of the breed have is a keen sense of smell. Combined with the ability to quickly learn commands, it helps dogs achieve considerable success both in the circus arena and during rescue operations.

American Cocker Spaniel - description of the breed

The ancestors of American cockers are considered to be people from England. When breeding the latter, puppies with unusually large eyes were noticed. The breeders did not write off the babies as a waste, but decided to create a completely new breed. This is how American Cocker Spaniels appeared at the end of the nineteenth century.

It is distinguished from its predecessor not only by its large eyes, but also by the shape of its muzzle. In this breed, it became several times shorter than the skull. Another distinctive feature is the wool. It has become longer, and the undercoat is much thicker.

In addition to the above, the American Cocker Spaniel has other external features:

  • Strong physique. The dogs move freely and the back does not bend when moving. The muscles are well developed, but spaniels have not been used for hunting for a long time for many reasons;
  • Long wool. The wool is soft and requires a lot of care. Long hair is one of the reasons why American Spaniels are rarely used for hunting today. The color of the coat can be different - both monochromatic and multi-colored. The main colors are black, chocolate, fawn;
  • Average height, weight. The dog's height does not exceed thirty-nine centimeters, its weight is average, and is not regulated by standards. Typically spaniels weigh about twelve kilograms. In the group of hunting dogs, Cocker Spaniels are the smallest, but not the weakest;
  • Dark nose, eyes. The nose is black or brown - it depends on the color of the coat. The eyes are very expressive, almond-shaped.

Popular colors of American Cocker Spaniels

American Cocker Spaniels have a rich range of coat colors. They come in fawn, red, chocolate, white and fawn, white and fawn, white and chocolate, and even tricolor. At the same time, colored cockers also have “shirts”. They are either small spots with a clear boundary or small specks.

Interesting fact: Colored cocker spaniels have a unique appearance. It is impossible to find two puppies in the world with exactly the same spots. All these dogs have a unique color. A rich range of colors allows each person to choose the most suitable dog for themselves.

The popularity of colors has varied at different times. So, in the first years after the appearance of this breed, puppies of any color were sold out. They were at the peak of their popularity and were quite rare. Today the situation is different. American Cocker Spaniels are very common. The most popular color currently is fawn. Everyone wants to get a light dog with bright dark expressive eyes. Puppies with reddish coats are also in demand.

In second place in popularity are puppies of chocolate shades. But the demand for them has increased relatively recently. Just ten years ago, many simply had no idea that cocker spaniels were dark in color. For everyone, the standard of the breed was red and fawn dogs. Chocolate or dark tricolor dogs look spectacular at exhibitions. These animals are unique and have their own charm. And only people far from dog breeding can call colored cocker spaniels a defect of the breed.

Very active!

Pros: Ideal for children.

Disadvantages: Sometimes very intrusive.

Review: I love spaniels, but I don’t want to get one. We had two and my friend had one - they are very active - and this is their main feature that sets them apart from other dogs. They literally cannot sit still, they are very nimble, always ready to play and show attention to their owner. At the same time, they are very sensitive and understanding, but like any other dog they need to be trained - they are very playful and at the same time can completely disobey and play around. You have to walk them for a long time, because during the walk they throw away their e... Read more

Character and habits of American Cocker Spaniels

After spending even five minutes with this dog, it will become clear to everyone that the cocker spaniel is an inexhaustible source of energy. This is a very friendly, active dog. Her cheerful disposition and cheerfulness are transmitted to everyone around her. Representatives of this breed love walks in the fresh air and active games with both people and other animals. For this reason, American Cocker Spaniels are children's favorites.

A distinctive character trait is sociality. Cockers need company; they cannot exist alone. Breeders recommend these dogs to people with large families with many children. Children are simply necessary for cockers. The dog will be able to play with them and have fun. Loneliness is contraindicated for representatives of this breed. It can even cause dogs to develop various mental illnesses. A lonely dog ​​may bark frequently, destroy things, or howl at night.

Interesting fact: The American Cocker is great with other animals. He will be able to get along with another breed of dog or even a cat.

A characteristic trait of the Spaniel's personality is also sensitivity. The animal has a high level of intelligence and sensitivity. It can guess the mood of its owner. Such a pet will never impose itself at a time when its owner is too busy, but will always “support” in difficult times.

Despite a number of positive qualities, cocker spaniels also have bad character traits. In particular, they easily mislead their owner and “cloud” his mind. Even after looking at a dog, many people have an irresistible desire to treat it with something, to pamper it. You cannot succumb to such manipulations, because dogs quickly sense weakness and begin to show leadership qualities.

Education and training

The upbringing and training of the American Cocker Spaniel should be carried out even if it was not bred for hunting. A poorly trained pet will create many problems for the people around it and other inhabitants of the house. Its socialization must begin from the moment the puppy appears in the house.

To begin with:

  • teach the baby to use the toilet and hygiene;
  • develop the skill of walking on a leash;
  • teach him to respond to his nickname.

Next, they conduct training to teach various commands. The very first one is “Place!” – is fundamental for understanding and consolidation.

The following elementary orders: “Sit!”, “You can’t!”, “Voice!” are worked out gradually. Educational or training exercises are performed regularly. There is no need to give your pet some slack, but shouting won’t be able to change the situation either. The dog should not be afraid of the owner's touch. Physical violence is completely excluded. Praise and treats work well for the baby for correctly following the owner’s instructions.

It is important to expend the enormous energy of the quadruped. If he does not fully use it during walks, then you should not be surprised at chewed pieces of furniture or wardrobe.

In the United States of America this breed is used as a sporting breed. Dogs take part in a variety of shows and competitions. To perform at exhibitions, cockers undergo ring training and learn how to make the correct stance.

Hunters begin to train their spaniel to search for birds from an early age. First, he is accustomed to the smell of game, then he goes out into the forest and into the fields to work in the area. By the age of one year, the little helper should learn to look for shot prey, make a stand next to it and patiently wait for the owner.

Interesting facts about American Cocker Spaniels

American Cocker Spaniels are extremely sweet and intelligent dogs. This is an old breed, but few can boast of deep knowledge about it. If you decide to get a cocker spaniel, be sure to read the most interesting facts about this breed.

Cocker spaniels with different coat colors have different personalities. Thus, light-colored individuals are more docile and docile, while dark-colored individuals are more active, “alive.”

American Cocker Spaniels are almost annually recognized by experts as the best pets for children of any age. These small dogs cannot harm even a small child, and their high intelligence allows children to enjoy the company of their pet for a long time.

When forming this breed, breeders paid most attention to appearance. They wanted to get a beautiful dog with unusually expressive eyes. Unlike the English cocker, the American does not have outstanding hunting skills.

Cocker spaniels are very sensitive. They should not be brought up in excessive severity. “Aggressive” parenting can have the opposite effect. The dog will become disobedient and sometimes behave completely inappropriately. The pet will develop neuroses, and will begin to show aggression towards strangers. Then it will be extremely difficult to re-educate such a dog.

The name of the breed itself reflects the basic idea of ​​its creation. Many researchers claim that the word “cocker” comes from the word “sandpiper”. This is how the purpose of cockers was depicted - hunting birds (not only land ones, but also water ones).

Pros and cons of American Cocker Spaniels

When choosing a puppy, you need to study all the pros and cons of the breed you like. If we talk about American Cocker Spaniels, they have an impressive list of advantages.

These dogs:

  1. They have a pretty appearance. They have long, thick fur, expressive eyes, and charming ears. Such a pet causes tenderness;
  2. They are distinguished by refined manners. Unlike many other breeds, Cocker Spaniels are naturally very well behaved. They have an inflated sense of self-esteem. The pet knows its worth, so it never “loses face” in society;
  3. They have a good disposition and are friendly. The playful nature of dogs makes them the “soul” of any company. They easily find a common language with people of different ages and get along well with other pets;
  4. Trainable. There will be no problems with them when training. Dogs of this breed are obedient and quickly learn the material covered. Have excellent memory;
  5. Clean. Cocker spaniels will never allow themselves to be dirty; they very carefully monitor the cleanliness of their coat;
  6. Have good health. The breed is naturally strong. Dogs have excellent immunity. They are practically not susceptible to genetic diseases.

The breed does not have many disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the intolerance of loneliness. These puppies should not be left alone for long. Due to loneliness, they may develop health problems. As a result, dogs develop passivity and bad habits. If you are constantly away from home, then it is better to consider dogs of a different breed for purchase.


I had 2 since school, lived the first 10 years, my ears hurt.
My mother took a big risk on him, we bought the same one... he lived for 12 years, was not sick, my eldest Vika still played with him. The breed is very good, sociable! Kind and gluttonous Yes, they are all gluttonous, probably my mother had a pit bull, he ate as long as they gave him, and he doesn’t care if he doesn’t bother anymore, he will beg and eat. They fed me strictly by the hour with a certain portion.

Ours was vomiting and he asked again

And the mother choked in the same way, climbed back, and whined and asked again with her paw, he also asked like that, like yeah

We had a Russian spaniel. The neighbors have a cocker. Cocker is more beautiful, but dumber than Russian. Both ears have a weak point, they need a hat for cold and rain. And so in terms of health, in principle, they are problem-free.

They are gluttons. They do not have a saturation center. We must be careful not to overeat. Very friendly.

Almost all dogs have this. Mine are never full either))

My dog ​​is always hungry too

Mom had a pit bull. He also ate it while they were giving it, and then he started vomiting, but he still ate it. This is probably how all dogs are. Dogs should be fed only according to a schedule, I know that.

Any dog ​​requires attention and training, a friend’s Labrador, he ate all the shoes, documents, sofa))) Another one has a Jack Russell, he also eats everything))) These are animals.

It's clear. For example, I have a pug and he is also an untrained turd)) cockers are hunting dogs, temperamental, that’s what I’m talking about. Labradors are terribly kind and there will be no problems in terms of playing with children.

I like Labrador too. But they are big, I’m afraid they’ll suddenly jump on the child while playing. Well, it will be harder for me to walk with a big one, it will drag me away, I won’t be able to hold it, and, of course, they are more expensive

You will have four children, you have a cat, why even have a dog, it’s so much trouble. and for me the apartment, even though it’s 4 rooms, is still not suitable for dogs

Article on the topic: Coton de Tulear owner reviews

Don't know. Dogs are fun to play with, have fun with, and talk to, take them for a walk, and take them out into nature. Our cat just sleeps next to me all the time; children are not interested in him. There is not much to worry about, it is not difficult to flush the toilet and fill the bowl once a day. There is no fuss with the children either, my husband takes care of his children himself, I take care of my son myself, they are already big, independent, they walk, dress themselves, etc. They will walk and play with the dog. I don’t know, I’ve dreamed of a dog all my life. Mom had a healthy pit bull, and the apartment was small, but it was so cool to play with him. I don’t want anything like this for myself, I’m afraid for my children. But I don’t like a very small dog, like a Toy, a Yorkie, a Chihuahua, they’re kind of scary, they shake, and they’re small, I’ll ask and not even notice, but a spaniel seems to be just right

Breeding American Cocker Spaniels

A purebred cocker spaniel is in demand on the market. These small, cute dogs are in good demand, so their owners often think about breeding. However, you cannot start mating spontaneously without thinking through several important points. Breeding dogs is not a cheap hobby. You need to be prepared for large material costs. It also takes a lot of time and physical effort. The pet will need special care, and then so will its puppies.

Also, this event may not pay off, because the litter may be very small. If you definitely decide to engage in breeding, you need to know some fundamental points. The most basic thing is to find a suitable male dog. He must have good pedigree, excellent appearance, good health and high quality litter. The latter criterion can be assessed by checking the previous offspring of the selected dog. Also, when selecting a male dog, you should take into account the color of his coat. For a monochromatic bitch you need to look for the same male, for a colored bitch - a colored one.

Before mating, dogs should undergo a genetic test. The mating process itself must be under the control of the breeder. First, the animals need to be given time to get used to each other. During mating, the bitch must be held by the head until the “lock” occurs. This usually happens no later than ten minutes. A few days later, a second meeting is arranged for the male and female.

Important fact: In cocker spaniels, childbirth is long and difficult. For the first time, it is better to enlist the help of a veterinarian.

At one time, the bitch gives birth to three or four puppies. The first two are born with an interval of three hours, the rest - faster. After birth, puppies need their mother's care and milk. Sometimes milk is not enough. In this case, the puppies need to be supplemented by the breeders. Puppies can be sold to new owners no earlier than a month and a half after birth.

Caring for American Cocker Spaniels

The American Cocker Spaniel is a beautiful, small dog that needs good care.

Care should include several mandatory procedures:

  • Combing. You need to brush your pet every day. Cocker spaniels have long, thick coats. During a walk, a lot of specks, dirt, and leaves get into it. Tangles often form on the paws and in the groin area. They need to be removed every day, otherwise the dog will need a radical haircut;
  • A haircut. These pets require periodic grooming. It is better to entrust such a matter to a professional groomer. The groomer will quickly tidy up the animal's fur and give the hair an attractive shape;
  • Daily walk. These dogs need active games in the fresh air every day, without exception. For this reason, they are not recommended for people who work a lot. During a walk, the animal should definitely be trained, at least taught simple commands;
  • Buying clothes. Like any other small dog, American Cocker Spaniels get cold in the winter. Clothing should fit tightly to the body to maintain warmth, but not restrict the dog’s movements;
  • Bathing. Spaniels love to splash in the water! Bathing for them is not only a hygienic procedure, but also great pleasure. You need to bathe your spaniel at least once every three weeks;
  • Hygiene of ears, teeth, eyes. Owners need to pay special attention to these organs. Cleaning your eyes, ears and teeth will help prevent various infectious diseases.


American cockers are obedient and easy to train. For full development, you should alternate physical and mental exercises. Spaniels are trained in a playful way, excluding any violence. As a result of the use of brute force, animals become isolated and cease to obey the owner.

Socialization of a spaniel puppy begins as early as possible - from about 8 weeks. He is introduced to his relatives and other people, taught not to be afraid of strangers. At 4 months of age, the American Cocker may try to dominate. This behavior must be stopped immediately.

Properly socialized spaniels do not clash with other pets. Only in relation to birds can they show a hunting instinct. Cockers develop very close friendships with cats.

The spaniel and the children quickly find a common language. They enjoy spending time together. The American Cocker is tolerant even of children and calmly tolerates their pranks.

Diet of American Cocker Spaniels

After purchasing an American Cocker Spaniel, everyone asks the question: what is the best way to feed the animal? Unlike many other small dogs, the spaniel does not require anything extra expensive in the feeding process. These animals can eat both food and natural food. The main task of the owners is the correct selection of products and control of the pet’s weight.

If you want to save your time, then the best choice would be to buy specialized dog food. The food must be of high quality. Then the animal will receive all the necessary minerals, vitamins and will be able to live a long life.

If you wish, you can feed your spaniel regular foods. Dishes from the owners' table, of course, are not suitable for the dog. The basis of the spaniel's diet should be protein foods: meat, lean fish, cottage cheese, kefir. You also need to add vegetables and various cereals to your diet. It is better to develop a menu for your pet together with a veterinarian.

Even if you feed the animal the freshest, healthiest foods, you will not be able to provide it with all the necessary minerals and vitamins. In addition to natural food, your pet should be given special vitamin supplements and mineral complexes. Regardless of diet, the Cocker Spaniel needs 24/7 access to drinking water.

Owners should also carefully monitor the portions of food they eat. American Spaniels are very susceptible to obesity. They should not be overfed. You should especially not treat your dog with something tasty during the break between main meals.

Diseases and health problems

Initially, representatives of the American Cocker Spaniel breed had excellent health and strong immunity. However, these dogs have been freely interbred for many decades, which has had negative health effects.

Due to this fact, cocker spaniels may develop the following ailments:

  • Glaucoma;
  • Cataract;
  • Retinal atrophy;
  • Allergy;
  • Primary seborrhea;
  • Autoimmune hemolytic anemia;
  • Hip dysplasia;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Patella dislocation, etc.

As you can see, the list of common diseases is quite large. Eye diseases come first for this breed. That is why owners need to carefully monitor their hygiene and condition. If there is the slightest change, you should immediately contact a doctor. Many eye diseases can be successfully treated or completely cured.

In second place is allergies. These dogs have a sensitive digestive system and often suffer from food allergies. Allergies can come in different forms. With proper treatment and examination, this disease can be completely cured by eliminating the provoking factor.

Many of the common illnesses listed above are hereditary. They are passed on from generation to generation. In order not to buy a sick puppy, you should first study its pedigree, conduct analyzes and tests. If you approach this issue wisely, then the cocker spaniel will not bring you any discomfort. Puppies with a good pedigree have excellent health, and quality care can guarantee that your pet will live a long life.

Maintenance and care

The American Spaniel cannot be kept in an aviary. Despite their thick coat, they do not tolerate cold well. Moreover, they cannot be alone. These dogs live well in an apartment and do not require much space. The bed should be placed away from drafts and heating devices. Designate a separate place for eating, where there should always be clean water. You need to immediately buy toys for the puppy so that he does not have the desire to chew things.

These dogs need long walks and a lot of physical activity. It is recommended to walk your pet 3 times a day, let him run and play outside.

Be sure to check and clean your spaniel's ears several times a week. They are long; due to dirt and uncleaned sulfur, bacteria can develop and inflammation will develop. Before each meal, it is recommended to secure the ears on the top of the head with an elastic band so that they do not get dirty. You should also regularly wash your eyes with boiled water or chamomile infusion. To prevent tartar, you can give your pet chewing bones. Nails are trimmed 1-2 times a month, unless they become worn down during walks.


Cockers are difficult to care for due to their long coat. It needs not only to be combed, but also cut. Some owners go to a dog hair salon for grooming. But you can learn how to cut your pet’s hair and do different hairstyles yourself. To do this, purchase special tools. You will need a comb, a slicker brush, a massage brush, and scissors. Spaniel body clippers are not used.

It is recommended to brush your pet daily, this will help prevent the appearance of tangles. It is better to do this after a walk, as twigs, blades of grass, and debris get stuck in the fur. Pay special attention to the armpit areas, hair in the groin, abdomen, and neck. Here it is recommended to trim the wool so that it does not mat.

Spaniels are given regular haircuts to give a decorative appearance to their coat. You can learn how to cut your pet's hair yourself. There are full, partial, sports haircuts, and different types of decorative ones.

The photo shows what options there are for cocker haircuts:

Intercalated dogs receive professional grooming. The coat is only slightly trimmed and trimmed, treated with conditioner and oils to make it shiny. The grooming procedure also includes brushing teeth and trimming nails. If the dog does not show, you can cut it short in the summer, this will save it from the heat.

You can bathe a spaniel once every 2 weeks, although these dogs are clean, their fur quickly gets dirty. Be sure to use a special shampoo for long-haired dogs. It is also recommended to buy a conditioner to make the coat easier to comb. It is better to dry it with a hairdryer after bathing; wet wool gets into tangles faster.

After every walk you need to wash your pet's paws. To make them less dirty, the hair on the bottom and between the toes can be trimmed. And to protect their ears from dirt, many owners use special mesh caps.

The video will help you understand how to properly care for the coat of dogs of this breed:

Video: Grooming a Spaniel. Grooming an American Cocker Spaniel

Video: Grooming. How to cut an American Cocker Spaniel

Video: 5 features of caring for an American Cocker Spaniel

What to feed your American Cocker Spaniel

The health and well-being of a pet depends on its nutrition. You can feed your American Spaniel dry food or natural food. When feeding naturally, you need to carefully select the diet - representatives of this breed are prone to allergies and obesity.

The main part of the diet should be lean meat - rabbit, turkey, beef. You should also give porridge - oatmeal, buckwheat, rice. It is recommended to add carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, and greens to your food. Kefir and cottage cheese are useful. You should give an egg yolk a couple of times a week. Suitable treats include dried fruits, apple slices, and rye crackers.

You should not give your pet pork, fresh bread, confectionery, or chocolate. Fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, sausages, mushrooms, legumes, and spicy vegetables are prohibited. You should not give food from your table - this will teach the dog to beg. An adult dog is fed twice a day, puppies, depending on age, 3-6 times. The amount of food depends on weight, you cannot overfeed, spaniels are prone to overeating.

When choosing dry food, you should give preference to premium or super-premium options. They should be hypoallergenic, with a minimum content of grains, with added vitamins and minerals. The best foods for American Cocker Spaniels are:

  • Acana;
  • GO!;
  • Orijen;
  • Belcando;
  • Artemis;
  • Royal Canin.

Health of the breed

With proper maintenance and care, American Cocker Spaniels live 15-16 years. Although their health is not very good. Allergic diseases, inflammation of the eyes and ears are common. If not fed correctly, they quickly gain weight. The following hereditary pathologies are also possible:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • seborrhea;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypothyroidism

To protect your pet from infections, you need to get all the necessary vaccinations on time. Carry out antiparasitic treatment several times a year and give anthelmintic drugs. Although cockers have long and thick hair, they often catch colds, so the dog must be protected from frost and drafts. With proper care, the pet will live a long time and remain active until old age.

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