Malinois dog. Description, features, care and price of the Malinois breed

Category: Puppies.
Breed: Belgian Shepherd.
Species: Malinois
Status: Buy
Date of birth: 01/04/18
Gender: Males and females
Mother: Infinity II from Solnik

Boy 1

Boy 2

Girl 1

Category: Puppies.
Breed: Belgian Shepherd.
Species: Malinois
Status: Buy
Date of birth: 11/30/2017
Gender: Males and females
Father: Vampire from Solnik
Mother: Yudzhersi from Solnik

& amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block ; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" class=”mce_SELRES_start”& ;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; & amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/span&amp ;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; ;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;
Category: Puppies.
Breed: Belgian Shepherd.
Species: Malinois
Status: Buy
Date of birth: 10/1/17
Gender: Males and females
Father: Vampire from Solnik
Mother: Infinity from Solnik

Boy 1

Girl 1



Category: Puppies.
Breed: Belgian Shepherd.
Species: Malinois
Status: Buy
Date of birth: 09/12/2017
Gender: Males and females
Father: Lexus from Solnik
Mother: Nifertiti from Solnik

Boy 1

Boy 2

Girl 1



Category: Puppies.
Breed: Belgian Shepherd.
Species: Malinois
Status: Buy
Date of birth: 08/19/2017
Gender: Males and females
Father: Kasey from Solnik
Mother: Zolda from Solnik

Category: Puppies.
Breed: Belgian Shepherd.
Species: Malinois
Status: Buy
Date of birth: 08/19/17
Gender: Males and females
Father: Kasey from Solnik
Mother: Zolda from Solnik

Belgian Shepherd Malinois. The girls have an excellent exterior, a rare spectacular appearance, and are large! Two Malinois girls of working breeding are for sale. Darkened color. Correct pedigree small ears. Drive, mining. For sports, work, protection, as a pet. The kennel helps in the professional training of dogs for home use and the competitive level of IPO, Russian Ring. Puppies are raised on Hills professional food. We invite everyone to get to know the breed better. You can drive up, choose and reserve your puppy. Look at the parents and make sure the Malinois breed is working properly. For more detailed information, call Moscow +79262186607



Category: Puppies.
Breed: Belgian Shepherd.
Species: Malinois
Status: Buy
Date of birth: 2.07..2017
Gender: Females
Father: Lexus from Solnik
Mother: Niagara from Solnik

Appearance and characteristics of the breed

Raspberry owners sometimes have to deal with funny cases. For example, citizens who love dogs, but do not understand breeds, meeting a Malinois on a walk, can exclaim with a smile: what a cute mongrel!

If you don’t know that “raspberry” is a real shepherd, you might get confused. He looks like a “German”, only thin, of a strange color and, in general, “somewhat different.”

According to the breed standard, the Belgian Malinois must have lean, strong muscles, be harmonious, elegant and well proportioned. Therefore, the “thinness” of a typical representative of the breed does not frighten its owner. Everything is as expected by the standard.

We've sorted out the exterior, now about the features. Character is the most important feature of “raspberries”. Unrealistically energetic dogs that work with special passion, most Malinois are choleric by nature.

The excitement is so extreme that the animal constantly wags its tail and smiles, in the literal sense of the word. Even when the raspberry is sleeping, its tail continues to wag.

The breed has gained popularity among dog handlers, police officers, emergency situations officials, and customs officers. The average dog lover rarely owns Belgian Shepherds.


The Malinois has a balanced character. He is vigilant, not timid, and has innate protective qualities. Obedience and affection make him a loyal friend and companion. A lively and active dog needs an equally energetic owner. Without physical exercise, the Malinois can become aggressive, because the historical purpose of the shepherd requires a burst of energy. With proper upbringing, he becomes a full member of the family, a friend for children.

The Belgian Malinois is able to accurately recognize a person’s mood and the atmosphere in the house.

Will not tolerate rude treatment, indifference is a real punishment for the Belgian. Does not strive to be the dominant one in the family; he considers the owner to be the center of the Universe. The main characteristic of the breed is determination and efficiency.

History of the origin of the breed

There lived one person in Belgium. Professor of veterinary sciences, breeder and just a big dog lover. The man's name was Adolf Reul; today's Raspberry enthusiasts know him as the “father” of the Belgian Shepherd. The professor wanted to get a unique breed: a hardy shepherd, perfectly adapted to the local climate.

In September 1891, the Belgian Shepherd Dog Club was created in the country. And already in November, the founder of the club, based on research of 117 local herding dogs, selected the best representatives, with a pronounced instinct. They became the ancestors of the Belgian Shepherd.

The first breed standard was approved in April 1892, it included three possible types of coat, there was no division into colors.

The name "Malinois" appeared in official exhibition catalogs only in 1909. Even later, a breed standard regarding the exterior of these dogs was approved. The standard included a deer color with a black “mask”, short hair and a high-set, saber-shaped tail.

Then the breed standard was periodically adjusted and supplemented. Currently, the FCI standard No. 15 dated April 19, 2002 is used.

Breed standard

According to the FCI breed standard No. 15, the Malinois should look like this:

  1. A dog with a dry, harmonious build, medium size. Combines power and elegance. Has strong, defined muscles.
  2. Head: raised high, moderately long, well sculpted, dry. The muzzle is slightly longer than the skull.
  3. Muzzle : medium length, below eye level with clear edges; gradually tapers towards the nose, resembling an elongated wedge.
  4. Transition from forehead to muzzle: moderate.
  5. Ears: small, set high, almost triangular in shape, the ears are rounded at the base, the tips of the ears are pointed.
  6. Eyes: medium size, neither protruding nor sunken, almond-shaped, obliquely set, brown, preferably dark brown; the edges of the eyelids are black.
  7. Nose: black.
  8. Teeth: Jaws with strong and white teeth, regularly spaced, firmly seated in well-developed jaws. Scissor bite.
  9. Body: strong but not heavy; The length of the body from the shoulder to the ischial tuberosity is approximately equal to the height at the withers.
  10. Tail: Well set, thick at the base, of medium length. In a calm state, it is lowered down, the tip is slightly curved to the level of the hock joints.
  11. Coat: The hair on the head, outside of the ears and on the lower parts of the legs is very short. On the rest of the surface of the body the coat is short, on the tail and around the neck it is more abundant, in the neck area it forms a collar that starts at the base of the ears and ends at the dog’s throat. On the back of the thighs there are elongated fringes. The shape of the tail resembles an ear of corn, the tip of the tail is not fluffed.
  12. Color: only fawn with black pattern and black mask.

The ideal height for a male dog is 62 cm at the withers, weight is 25-30 kg. The ideal height of a female is 58 cm at the withers, weight 20-25 kg

Diseases and health problems

“Raspberries” are considered one of the breeds with the strongest immunity and excellent health. However, most modern dogs have a very weak nervous system, which is also a disease.

So, Malinois are prone to:

  1. eye diseases;
  2. hip dysplasia;
  3. hormonal imbalances;
  4. allergies to flowers, less often to food;
  5. epilepsy;
  6. gastric volvulus;
  7. gaining excess weight;
  8. nervous disorders.

If behavior unusual for “raspberries” occurs, you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

Possible diseases

Dog handlers consider shepherds to be a relatively healthy breed. However, there are a number of diseases that occur in Malinois more often than others. The first group includes diseases of the musculoskeletal system, among which the leading ones are dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints. Intestinal problems such as bloating and bloating are common.

Neurological disorders include epileptic seizures. Among other things, Belgian Shepherd dogs often suffer from overweight and obesity. They are prone to allergies to both plants and food.

The eyes deserve special attention. Diseases such as cataracts, retinal atrophy and other diseases are common. By the way, this breed does not tolerate pain relief and anesthesia well. Therefore, the veterinarian must solve any problems that arise on an individual basis, with preliminary tests.

Character and habits

There are good dogs, there are great dogs, and then there are Malinois. A breed ideal for canine athletes: energetic, cheerful, ready to work anytime, anywhere. The whole life of a “raspberry” is a gambling job, from which the animal takes pleasure.

IMPORTANT: people who are not ready to engage in regular training and devote almost all their free time to their pet should refrain from purchasing this breed!

The fact is that a typical representative of the breed is a real bundle of energy. And energy needs an outlet, and given its excess, “raspberry” is simply not suitable for sitting on the sofa. On the first day of idleness, the pet will probably relax a little, on the second it will begin to look for an exciting activity. And on the third day, the owner returning from work will find a beautifully dismantled apartment and a happy dog.

By the way, malinois not only gain excess weight from idleness. Created to work, these dogs become depressed when their minds are free and there is no outlet for frantic activity.

“Malinkas” are very smart, they grasp everything on the fly. Training such a pet is a real pleasure. At the same time, the animal needs an internally strong owner, but not a cruel person who wants to force the dog to work using force. In the latter case, there is a high probability of being bitten. Moreover, the Malinois will bite with a smile from ear to ear, and actively working with its tail.

Representatives of the breed are fearless, passionate, and great lovers of long active walks and communication with the owner.

IMPORTANT: the breed is not suitable for too busy people who spend more time outside the home.

Personality of the Belgian Shepherd

The Belgian Shepherd is a very versatile breed due to the fact that each of the four categories has its own unique character.
At first it is not noticeable. However, when interacting directly with Belgian Shepherds of all types, you will easily notice that they behave slightly differently, although in general they combine certain characteristics of each other. Belgian Shepherd with heifers

The Groenendael is ideal for the role of a guard dog. Not a single offender will escape the shepherd's close attention, and she will notify those around her of whose appearance she will bark loudly. The feeling of fear or timidity towards strangers is not inherent in Groenendael. However, in the presence of a family, a shepherd dog is cautious and does not immediately develop trust in a person whom it sees for the first time in its life. Otherwise, the Groenendael is an active animal, which is famous for its tendency to patronize and take care of each member of its family. The ideal environment for this Belgian Shepherd will be people who prefer to lead an active lifestyle and thereby provide it with the opportunity to stretch its paws. Otherwise, the Groenendael will splash out the accumulated energy on its own - and not always in the right direction. Give your pet a game with a ball or frisbee, keep him busy practicing herding and searching skills - and your Belgian’s happiness will know no bounds!

Laekenois combines contradictory qualities: playfulness and seriousness, vigilance and detachment, the desire to move mountains and the desire to lie down at the feet of the owner. Like the Groenendael, this variety of Belgian Shepherd copes well with its guard duties and, if necessary, will enter into a fierce battle with the enemy, wanting to protect the owner. The Laekenois gets along well with other pets if it has been raised side by side with them. However, it is better to refrain from decorative rats, chinchillas, hamsters or parrots. As for pastime, Belgian Laekenois prefer active walks in the fresh air, during which it is necessary to give the animal certain physical activities.

Belgian Shepherd with a child

The Malinois, like his brothers, needs regular “shake-up” to release pent-up energy. Otherwise, this is a completely balanced and obedient dog that will follow its owner’s heels and greedily catch his every word. The Belgian Malinois is not a pet that would prefer loneliness and a peaceful sleep in a remote corner of the apartment. The owner of a shepherd dog must pay it as much attention as possible, while remaining a strict but loving owner. However, the first may not be necessary: ​​among all varieties of the breed, the Malinois has gained fame as the dog with the most docile character.

Tervuren, on the other hand, is known for his impulsive and lively temperament. It is noteworthy that initially these animals were distinguished by a timid and shy character, which was almost completely eradicated as a result of correct breeding selection. Belgian Tervurens actively react to any stimulus, so in the blink of an eye they get involved in a fun game with the owner or in pursuit of his offender. By the way, this shepherd experiences an extreme degree of affection only for one of the family members, so becoming this very person is your main task. Tervurens cannot stand loneliness and always try to compensate for it with torn slippers or a broken vase.

Among the common character traits inherent in all varieties of the breed, the following are distinguished:

  • the dog’s ability to make decisions independently;
  • sensitivity - the Belgian Shepherd reacts sharply to any critical remark of the owner;
  • excellent adaptation to new conditions;
  • tendency to dominate other animals.

Care and maintenance

After reading these lines, some will be indignant, while others will not believe it. Most competing athletes keep their “raspberries” in cages, as in the photo.

A dog releases energy only during training combined with a walk.

It’s hard to imagine the average dog lover living with a typical representative of the breed. This is no offense to dog lovers; “raspberries” are not particularly popular in environments other than professional ones.

The possibility that the Malinois could simply become a pet is not excluded. In this case, to keep a pet you will need:

  1. Cage or box, bedding. For example, a small mattress.
  2. Bowls for food and water on an adjustable stand.
  3. High-quality food or natural nutrition.
  4. Dog toys. These can be balls on ropes or pullers.
  5. Collar and leash.
  6. Warm suit for late autumn and winter.
  7. Paw shampoo or special soap.
  8. Comb for dogs.
  9. Nail clippers.

The most important thing when keeping a “raspberry” is regular, very active walks and training. These dogs desperately need to not only burn off their energy, but also exercise their brains.

Malinois do not require special care. Perhaps washing the belly and paws after a walk, periodic combing and daily preventive examination of the ears, eyes, and oral cavity.

Interesting stories

In 2022, which is considered the year of the dog according to the Chinese calendar, a short film “A New Year's Story Told by a Malinois” was prepared. The main role is given to this wonderful dog, and the story is told from her perspective. The film was created with the participation of the Russian National Guard film studio.

photo of dog

Another example from the film career of four-legged Belgians. In 2015, the film “Max” was released, telling about the difficult fate of the Malinois. While serving in Afghanistan, he loses his friend and partner Kyle. After suffering stress, the dog cannot perform combat missions, and the military believes that the animal must be euthanized. But Kyle's family decides to take Max for themselves. This film is about how Max learns to exist in a world without bombings and shootings, about friendship and loyalty.

Education and training

It is necessary to train the “raspberries”. Representatives of the breed cannot live without it; work for them is pure pleasure. Owners should find a good dog handler - a professional in his field and turn to him for help.

Training begins immediately after the puppy moves to a new home. First of all, the owner must be consistent in his actions.

If the puppy is not allowed, for example, to sleep on the owner's bed or lie on the sofa, this cannot always be done without exception.

Training with a Malinois puppy can begin at 2 months of age. Household obedience is based on treats and play, to begin with - without any commands. Contact must be established between the puppy and its owner: the pet understands that only near the owner it is good, interesting and tasty. Imagine, a puppy asks with his eyes: what should I do to get something tasty? Still so small, the pet wants to work next to a person and enjoy it. With the right motivation, of course.

Advice: Malinois are dogs that do not forgive mistakes in training. Therefore, you should go with your puppy to a lesson with a dog trainer.


The Belgian Malinois is considered one of the healthiest breeds: it is suitable for outdoor living and is not susceptible to colds. With proper care, a dog can live up to 14-15 years, while maintaining its working qualities for up to 10-12 years.


Common diseases include food allergies. Also, due to improper nutrition and lack of exercise, the dog may become obese.


Routine vaccinations are required for Malinois just like all dogs. No animal is immune from such life-threatening diseases as plague and rabies. Vaccinations performed strictly according to an individual schedule will reduce the risk of disease.

The first standard manipulations are carried out at 2 months of age. The puppy is first treated for fleas and worms: the presence of parasites can negate the effectiveness of vaccinations. In the table below you can see the planned immunization activities.

DiseaseVaccination procedureRevaccinationNext vaccination
Rabies12-13 weeksAt 12 monthsAnnually
HepatitisThe first vaccination is at 8-10 weeks, the second after 3-4 weeks.At 12 monthsAnnually
PlagueThe first vaccination is at 8-10 weeks, the second after 3-4 weeks.At 12 monthsAnnually
ParvovirusThe first vaccination is at 8-10 weeks, the second after 3-4 weeks.At 12 monthsAnnually
Microsporia1-6 monthsIn 2 weeksAnnually

Nutrition: diet, what to feed

One of the most pressing questions is: what to feed the dog. The choice is small: either dry food or natural food.

Experienced owners and breeders recommend feeding your pet only super-premium or holistic food. Let's put it this way: it is always easier to switch to expensive food than from it to cheaper food. You need to start selecting “drying” with premium food, and see what suits a particular dog.

A Malinois can eat the same Royal Canin all its life and feel great, or it can become allergic to even the most expensive food such as Wolf's Blood.

As for feeding natural food, it means raw food diet:

  1. Natural meat (turkey, beef) – 60%.
  2. Bone component (turkey or duck necks) – 20%.
  3. By-products (liver, heart, stomachs) – 20%.
  4. Vegetables – 5-7%.
  5. Cereals – 5-3%.

An approximate raspberry diet looks like this. A veterinary nutritionist can create a more appropriate diet based on the needs of a particular dog.


As is the case with other breeds, Malinois puppies eat about 5-6 times a day. At three to four months, the number of servings is reduced by one per day, by six months the dog eats three times a day, and by one year of age - twice a day.

Malinois puppy

However, some breeders claim that already at six months the dog can eat only in the morning and evening. However, in practice this is not always the case. And don’t forget about the principle: reducing the number of meals means increasing the contents in the bowl.

You can easily find weight and height charts for dogs of this breed on the Internet. If the owner is worried that his dog is malnourished, he can use the data on the sign. Although usually the story is the opposite with Malinois, since the dog has a tendency to become obese.

Basic principles of eating:

  • gradual weaning from the food that the breeder gave the dog;
  • gradual introduction of new products into the diet if the dog is naturally fed;
  • exact adherence to the feeding schedule on time;
  • attention to the weight of portions;
  • Regularly refreshing a bowl of clean drinking water.

Malinois boy age 3 years

There are three types of feeding, from which the owner will choose what suits him and the dog: natural, artificial (factory food), mixed. If everything is relatively clear with the mixed type, then the artificial type, which implies the use of dry food in the diet, must be of high quality. It is desirable if it is premium or extra-premium class.

Such food is not sold everywhere; for example, you rarely see it in a regular supermarket. But you can be sure that it will not harm the dog (Malinois is prone to allergies) and will be beneficial. The main advantage is saving time on cooking.

If the owner decides to cook for the pet himself every day, he will need to know the lists of allowed and prohibited foods. Many types of meat are allowed, such as beef, lamb, veal, poultry and even horse meat. You can boil it, you can crumble raw pieces into pieces, but you should avoid minced meat. Pork is prohibited due to its high fat content. Sea fish is also allowed as protein.

The preferred cereals are oatmeal, rice and buckwheat. The taste can be enhanced by cooking the porridge in rich meat broth. It is better to give vegetables locally, boiled or grated. Eggs are allowed a couple of times a week.

Allowed “fermented milk” includes natural yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir and yogurt. The taboo list includes: river fish, garlic, onions, spices, baked goods and chocolate, spicy foods, salted and fried foods, sharp bones.

Price, where and how to buy, how much puppies cost

If you go to a well-known classifieds website, Malinois puppies are sold there for 10,000 - 12,000 rubles. Let's reveal a secret: really cool litters, with a wonderful future, are reserved even before mating; breeders prefer to sell such babies to “their” people interested in professional training.

A Malinois puppy cannot be cheap. Firstly, a lot needs to be invested in the pregnant bitch and litter. The second point is that promising litters are very valuable, they have a corresponding price.

Those wishing to purchase a puppy for professional training or service in the authorities should contact kennels that breed this breed, registered in the RKF and well-established among dog handlers.

In these nurseries you can purchase a puppy from working parents (only for serious training, not for the sofa):

  1. Vyatkins.
  2. In the Constellation of the Moons.

The dogs from these kennels constantly compete and win canine competitions. Many have attended the IGP World Specialty Championships, and some representatives of these nurseries are winners of the annual Russian IGP Championships.

And now about the price: the minimum cost of a puppy starts from 70,000 rubles . The price ceiling can reach up to 200,000 rubles and above.

Pros and cons of the breed, who is suitable for it

Pros and cons are a very controversial point. For some, a certain character trait of a dog will seem like a plus, for others it will be a disaster. Therefore, we describe the advantages and disadvantages of the breed as we see it.


High motivation to work.

Incredible work ethic.

The dog is very owner-oriented (if there is contact).

Crazy activity.

These pets are very smart and training them is a pleasure.

Unpretentiousness in content.

Pets love active, long walks.

For the most part, “raspberries” calmly treat their own kind.


These dogs cannot stand idleness.

Loneliness has an extremely negative effect on Malinois; pets become aggressive and irritable.

When the dog does not have enough opportunities to work and release energy, he will dismantle the apartment in a matter of minutes.

The ideal owner for a “raspberry”: a non-working, very, very active person who will be nearby 24 hours a day.

If the "raspberry" sees the target, it does not see obstacles. If the pet decided to “eat” someone, and the owner missed this moment... Well, the Malinois will “eat”, smiling from ear to ear and wagging its tail.

This is an excellent service breed, ideal for sport training. But keeping a Malinois as a pet dog is a very dubious pleasure.

Owner reviews

Here's what owners of this breed say:

Malinois are wonderful dogs!! Incredibly energetic, active, very smart and insightful! With brilliant working qualities and strong character.

This is a very active dog that needs an eye and an eye! Because of your hyperactivity, you can seriously harm yourself!

A real four-legged hurricane!!!

Mega brain! But not for lazy owners.

A real shepherd, that says it all.

In general, only the potential owner decides whether to take a Malinois or not. But you definitely need to weigh the pros and cons.


Let's consider the TOP questions regarding this breed:

Question to the expert

Can a Malinois be the first dog if there is no experience?

Some of the breeders will answer: yes, quite. Some will say a categorical “no.” It all depends on the goals of potential owners, the thoughtfulness of purchasing a dog, the attitude towards mandatory training and constant, active walks.

At what age is it better to adopt a puppy?

Not earlier than the baby turns 45 days old.

Is it true that bitches are not aggressive and are not capable of guarding?

Absolute lie. Protective qualities depend on genetics and upbringing, but not on the gender of the dog.

Who is better: male or female?

It all depends on the purpose and experience of potential owners in keeping dogs.

Are there any guarantees that I will get exactly the dog I want?

Real breeders do not give such guarantees. The puppy is selected individually for each potential owner, depending on his goals. Good genetics is 50% of success in training and education. Much depends on how the owner will raise the puppy.

Is it possible to keep a Malinois in an apartment?

Yes, you can. Taking into account constant, active walks.

Interesting Facts

And finally, some interesting facts about this wonderful breed:

  1. Malinois are very jumping: representatives of the breed are capable of jumping up to 5 meters wide and up to 3 meters long.
  2. These dogs calmly jump into trees.
  3. Raspberries guard important government buildings in the United States.
  4. Excellent dogs for detaining criminals, they are used in police service in many countries. In Russia, “malin” is used to work in prisons.
  5. The dog, due to its increased excitability, is practically unsuitable for tracking work in organs. However, most representatives of the breed have an excellent sense of smell.
  6. Belgian Shepherds took part in the filming of the film "Tehran 43".

To sum it up: Malinois are extremely active dogs and are not suitable to be kept exclusively as family pets. Training is mandatory for them.

Belgian Shepherd Health and Diseases

The Belgian Shepherd has a strong immune system, which is maintained by timely vaccination of the animal and regular examinations by a veterinarian. However, some diseases are still more common than others. Among them are:

  • deficiency of thyroid hormones;
  • cramps and bloating;
  • joint dysplasia;
  • volvulus;
  • epilepsy;
  • cataract.

Belgian Shepherds are prone to obesity, so you should not overfeed your pet, no matter how tearfully he asks to fill the bowl.

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