Beauceron dog. Description, features, care and price of Beauceron

Breed characteristics

Short description
Conditions of detention:In a house with a yard, in a spacious apartment
Purpose:Cattle dog, companion dog, cattle dog
Color:Black and tan or “harlequin” – gray-black with red spots
Wool length:Medium, smooth-haired, about 4 cm
Adult dog size:Height of males 65–70 cm, females 61–68 cm, weight of males 40–50 kg, females 35–40 kg
Average life expectancy:12-14 years old
Walk:Needed, twice a day
Physical activity needs:Average, walks from 1 to 3 hours per day
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group 1: herding and cattle dogs, Section 1: shepherd dogs
Puppy price:10,000 – 50,000 rubles

Beauceron care

A purebred dog always requires special care. And the Beauceron is no exception. Caring for a dog includes careful attention to it, starting with the hygiene of the pet and the place where it most often lives, ending with the delivery.

Features of living in an apartment

A dog as large as the Beauceron needs a lot of space. Make sure your apartment is large enough for this pet. Despite the fact that he will not rush around the room, the dog should have enough space to lie on the floor, wander around, lightly chase his favorite toy and, finally, get a good night's sleep, sweetly stretching out to his full height on a lounger. If you live in your own two-story house, it is better to place the dog on the first floor so that it does not risk damaging its paws when going down the stairs. The floors should not be slippery so that the Beauceron does not twist his paw when playing.

The Beauceron is a freedom-loving shepherd who spends most of his time outdoors. Keeping it indoors for a long time or on a chain in the yard is fraught with mental disorder of the dog, and this can become dangerous for humans.


The place where the Beauceron lives must be kept clean. Beds and bedding need to be changed periodically. Make sure your dog's dish and water bowl are not dirty either. Frequent cleaning of the apartment is welcome.

Dog body hygiene is also important. But despite the fact that the Beauceron, like many shepherd dogs, loves to rinse in water, you should not wash dogs of this breed too often: it is advisable to carry out the procedure no more than twice a month.

Of course, washing is better in warm water using special shampoos for dogs; human shampoos should never be used - the dog’s body may have an unpredictable reaction to them. A shower for a shepherd can be organized both in the bathroom and outside using a hose.

The Beauceron can be washed in the bathtub or hosed down with warm water outside.

After each walk, it is advisable to rinse the Beauceron's paws and the tip of the tail under running warm water.

The dog's ears are cleaned with a cotton swab and a special product once a week.


Since Beaucerons are an expensive and purebred breed, their nutrition must be appropriate. If you want your dog to be healthy and energetic, to win competitions and produce good offspring, cheap food will not come in handy. It is best to pay attention to dry canned food, although natural food will be healthier. It is worth choosing premium and super-premium dry food: this way you will be sure that your pet receives the required daily share of nutrients. Despite the fact that the French Smooth-haired Shepherd is undemanding when it comes to food, its diet should be balanced. It would not be superfluous to feed with natural lean meat and boiled sea fish. You can give your pet porridge cooked in water or broth, boiled or fried vegetables . Dairy products should always be given separately from meat products, preferably at different meals.

The best super-premium dog foods according to the 2022 rating

Periodically, once every 3-4 months, the dog needs to be given a vitamin-mineral complex. This is especially important for puppies. At 3 months, their teeth begin to change; at this age, it is important to feed babies with preparations containing calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, which affect the formation of bones and the musculoskeletal system as a whole. By six months of a dog’s life, the constant need for such mineral baits disappears.

A vitamin-mineral complex for large purebred dogs is especially necessary for puppies

An adult dog should be fed twice a day - this will be enough, a puppy - 3-4 times. If for some reason a meal was missed, the next one will still go strictly according to schedule and in the same amount, and not in double quantity.

Finding out whether your dog has enough food and whether the portion should be increased is quite simple: look at how he behaves immediately after eating, whether he licks the plate or calmly moves away from it. In the first case, it is clear that the beauceron does not have enough food, and next time you need to feed more. But you shouldn’t let your dog overeat: excess weight may appear, and the dog will become lazy and lethargic. It takes 20 minutes for a Beauceron to get enough food. Even if the dog has not touched the food, after this time the plate must be removed: a schedule is a schedule.

The plate of food should be at the height of the dog's sternum to prevent him from bending over to eat. To do this, you can purchase a special stand at the pet store.

The plate and drinking bowl should be at the level of the dog’s sternum; there are special devices and stands for this

Make sure the drinking bowl is filled with clean water. Every day it needs to be changed to a new one, preferably filtered. The drinking bowl, like the plate, should be on a stand.

Any meal should take place no later than 2 hours before training and no earlier than an hour after it: only then the food eaten will not adversely affect the dog’s health.


The Beauceron Shepherd Dog, which grew up in the French foothills, needs frequent walks, and a sedate walk in the park is not suitable for such a dog. Trail running is essential to maintaining your dog's physical and mental health. This pet must throw out its energy to the fullest, otherwise it will negatively affect its quality of life. You need to walk your Beauceron for at least 1 hour.

Long runs and agility are what are ideal for the Beauceron. True, in the latter case, you yourself also need to stock up on time, energy and patience: the game implies the active participation in this sport of both the dog and its owner.

Agility running is the best walking option for a Beauceron

Pregnancy and childbirth

If, when purchasing a puppy, you chose a Beauceron female, there is a chance that she will bear offspring twice a year.

A dog's first heat begins between six months and a year, and this period lasts from 1 to 3 weeks. The appearance of so-called false estrus is possible - this is scanty discharge in pets close to puberty. Even if mating with a male occurs at this time, fertilization will not occur. But real heat may appear after 1–2 months, and at this time the owner of the Beauceron should be especially careful.

Dog behavior during heat:

  • playfulness and some disregard for the owner;
  • licking the perineum;
  • attracting the attention of male dogs;
  • Frequent urination, which is actually marking territory.

The owner must clearly record the time from the first to the second heat. It is in the third phase of the cycle that the mating process is most favorable.

Despite their strong sexual desire, females may be aggressive towards males for the first time and not allow them to approach them. 1.5–2 weeks after the start of estrus, the spotting is replaced by a yellowish discharge. At this time, the behavior of the Beauceron Shepherd Dog changes greatly, and when they see the dogs, they take a pose of readiness for sexual intercourse, moving their tail. The loop becomes greatly enlarged, indicating strong excitement. It can last up to 1 week. This is when bitches are most ready for mating.

If there is no mating, the dog may experience a false pregnancy. In this state, she may look for a secluded place, surround herself with toys, and even experience false contractions. The owner should prevent this behavior by taking away toys and distracting the bitch. You need to reduce the amount of protein in your diet. Sometimes a false pregnancy may indicate liver disease.

Dog handlers advise allowing a female Beauceron to breed at the age of one and a half years, but some owners insist that the female be at least 2 years old.

If the mating was successful, the following symptoms may appear in the French Shepherd in the second month:

  • poor appetite and toxicosis;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • abdominal enlargement;
  • swelling and lightening of the nipples.

Some of the symptoms of Beauceron pregnancy are lethargy and drowsiness.

If pregnancy is confirmed, the dog should be sharply limited in activity so that future puppies are not harmed. Every week, increase your diet by about 10%, gradually reducing the amount of proteins (meat, eggs) in it. A week before giving birth, feed your dog dairy and fermented milk products - milk, cottage cheese, cheese, and boiled vegetables. During this period, determine the place for childbirth, keep it clean, and often change the sheets on the sunbed.

The necessity of pregnancy and childbirth for a dog’s health is practically a myth. This condition represents enormous stress for the bitch’s body, which can result in many different diseases. Only perfectly healthy dogs should be allowed to breed.

2-3 days before the expected birth, you should start measuring the dog’s temperature. Its decrease to 37–37.5 °C indicates an approaching event. Decide for yourself whether you are ready to give birth yourself, or whether you should contact a veterinarian. Even if you are confident in your abilities, always have the number of a breeder or zoo doctor at hand: the whelping process may not go according to plan, and difficulties are possible where consultation with an experienced person will be necessary.

Prepare the following items:

  • scissors;
  • alcohol;
  • sterile wipes;
  • oilcloth;
  • heating pad

Before giving birth, the Beauceron bitch begins to whine and scratch the wallpaper, and often urinates. There is rapid breathing and chills. Contractions soon appear, which can last from 1.5 to 24 hours. Then attempts begin, accompanied by the dog sitting down. She can also lie down. Whelping occurs within 2.5–3 hours, puppies can walk with their heads or pelvis forward. Each baby should have a placenta. If this does not happen, call your veterinarian and breeder.

Sequence of actions when giving birth to a dog

As soon as the puppy comes out, remove the mucus from the nose area and begin wiping the little Beauceron's body with a napkin. Do this carefully but quickly. Squeeze the umbilical cord so that the blood flows towards the puppy, and cut it at a distance of 2–2.5 cm from the tummy. If it starts to bleed, you can bandage it with thread. Give the baby to the bitch, she will begin to lick him, stimulating blood circulation in his body. When the second puppy is on the way, put the first one in a box so that it does not get injured. Immediately after giving birth, the pet will begin feeding newborns.

Immediately after giving birth, the Beauceron begins feeding the puppies.

After the birth is over, contact your veterinarian and ask him for answers to all your questions.

History of the origin of the species

Researchers put forward several versions of the origin of the breed . According to one of them, the supposed ancestor of the Beauceron is a fossil turf dog. Another version elevates French shepherds to wolves based on external similarities, as well as common characteristics identified at the intracellular level.

The formation of the species took place in France; outside influence was insignificant. The dogs that lived on the plains and foothills of the French Republic were distinguished by their large size, endurance and strength. They were used for grazing livestock, as well as for hunting deer, wild boars and bears.

The breed was introduced to the general public in 1863 at the Paris Exhibition. It was called Bas Rouge, which means “red stockings” in French. The nickname arose due to the presence of bright red tan marks on the dogs' front paws.

The new name appeared in a book by zoologist Jean Pierre Mengin. In 1896, together with his colleagues, he took part in the development of breed standards. The smooth-haired Frenchies are called Beaucerons, and the long-haired ones are called Briards. 15 years later, Menzhin, in love with Beaucerons, founded the Club of Beaucerons, which was involved in the development of the breed.

History of the Beauceron breed

The Beauceron is a purebred French shepherd that has never crossed with other breeds throughout its existence. The exact origin of this dog today cannot be established, but many experts are inclined to believe that its ancestor is the French turf dog. Others argue that the Beauceron breed originated from wild wolves and, in the process of evolution, acquired modern characteristic features.

Beauceron French Shepherds have never been crossed with other breeds, which is why they are a type of purebred dog breed.

However, the first mention of the dog dates back to 1578. Later, in the 18th-19th centuries, when French agriculture was experiencing the heyday of sheep breeding, the Beauceron gained popularity as an excellent guard dog.

Two dogs could cope with guarding a flock of 200–300 heads of sheep. Their endurance made it possible to accompany the herd throughout the day, covering distances of 70–80 km. The French professor of zoology, veterinarian Jean-Pierre Menin, in his book about army dogs for their guard functions, first nicknamed this breed “Beauce shepherds” (from the French berger de Beauce, Beauce is the region in France where the breed originated).

The Beauceron is a guard breed capable of guarding flocks of several hundred sheep.

In 1863, the first dog show was organized in Paris. There, a previously unknown dog of rural origin, the Beauceron, was presented. Despite its proud posture and stern, direct gaze, this breed did not receive the general attention of exhibition visitors, which is not surprising: miniature dogs or hunting greyhounds aroused much more interest at that time. However, the “Boss shepherds” were still officially recognized in 1863. Their other name, which is still preserved in some places, is “red stockings” (French bas rouge), obtained due to the reddish-red color of the bottom of the paws, which was better remembered then.

In 1896, the already known Jean-Pierre Menin, farmer and owner of herding dogs Emmanuel Boulet and the French Minister of Agriculture Ernest Menod gathered in the village of Villette to set standards for the Bosque shepherd breed. Then the main division of one breed into two was made: long-haired herding dogs began to be called Briard shepherd dogs (berger de Brie - Brie shepherd, where Brie is a region in France), and the name Beauceron was finally assigned to the smooth-haired ones.

The French Briard Shepherd is a long-haired analogue of the Beauceron breed.

Later, the French Shepherd Dog Club was formed in France, and in 1911 Jean-Pierre Menin organized the French Club of Friends of the Beauceron (Club les Amis du Beauceron), which was engaged in maintaining the characteristics of the breed and popularizing it among dog lovers. However, over time, sheep farming ceased to be a popular branch of agriculture, and the main area in which the Beaucerons were involved began to disappear. Concerned about preserving the existence of the breed, the Friends of the Beauceron Club began to introduce herding shepherd dogs as guard dogs to protect homes and people.

During World War II, French Shepherds were often used by the military to transmit information, search for mines, and track saboteurs. After this, there were only 50 such dogs left in the world. But thanks to breeders, the popularity of the breed began to increase in the second half of the last century, and today they are actively used as companions, service and military dogs, and also, as before, guard dogs. Now there are more than 7,000 of them worldwide.

The Beauceron is a breed that copes well with the duties of a watchman and companion, capable of protecting the home and family members from attacks by intruders.

It was only in the early 2000s that Beaucerons first appeared outside of France. In 2003, the American Beauceron Club appeared in the United States. However, this breed, unfortunately, never gained much popularity overseas.

Distinctive features

Beauceron dogs are often associated with wolves or crosses with Dobermans and Rottweilers . Shiny black fur, a powerful body with pronounced muscles and intelligent eyes - all this gives the dogs a very menacing appearance and is their distinctive feature. The standards put forward the following requirements for the appearance of Beaucerons:

  • The body is proportionally built, it is slightly longer than the height of the dog at the withers. The girth of the sternum is 20% greater than the height at the withers. The back is straight. The croup has a slightly sloping shape.
  • The head is elongated and has a chiseled shape. The skull is flat. The neck is dense.
  • The eyes are oval-shaped, elongated. The iris is dark brown. Harlequin dogs may have heterochromic eyes. A light shade of brown is considered a fault.
  • The nose ends with a developed black lobe. There shouldn't be a gap.
  • The ears are set high, equal in length to half the head, and triangular in shape. Hanging or acquiring a semi-standing position. Stiffly erect ears are a breed defect.
  • Black lips They fit tightly to the jaws.
  • The limbs are straight, collected, with well-developed muscles. They have elastic pads and strong black claws. All Beaucerons have double extra toes, which are considered a sign of purebred breeding.
  • The tail is long and low. When the dog is at rest, it hangs down, taking on the shape of a hook. When moving, it rises to the top line.
  • The coat is distinguished by the presence of a thick gray undercoat hidden under the guard hair. The length of the coat is on average 4 cm. The head is covered with coarser and shorter hair, the hips and the inside of the tail are covered with longer hair.
  • Color can be of two types. The first is rich black with so-called “red stockings”, tan marks of a red hue on the limbs. Red spots are also found on the sides of the muzzle, on the chest, neck, eyebrows and under the tail. The second type of color is “harlequin”. Suggests a gray-black shade of fur with red tan marks distributed over the body. There may be a white spot on the chest; this is not considered a fault.

Distinctive features of the breed

In the 19th century, the Beauceron belonged exclusively to a number of working dogs that could keep herds of sheep under control, and no one considered the pets of this breed attractive.

Over time, this trend became irrelevant and puppies of this breed were distributed all over the world. An adult male dog reaches a length of about 70 centimeters, the dog's weight can reach about 45 kilograms. This pet lives for about 11 years if you care for it properly.

If we describe the characteristics of the breed in more detail, we can characterize Beaucerons according to the following criteria:

  • almost always black coat with gray or red spots;
  • The length of the fur is no more than 4 centimeters, it is coarse and thick;
  • in winter, your pet’s coat is slightly denser than in summer;
  • the Beauceron's neck is quite muscular, the chest is wide, the shoulders are well developed;
  • dogs have dewclaws on their toes, but unlike other breeds, this does not become a reason for their disqualification at exhibitions;
  • the dog is smart and resilient, but is a little wary of strangers;
  • pets of this breed are devoted to their family and love children very much;
  • Beaucerons are aggressive towards other dogs and other pets;
  • Dogs regularly need training, as well as great mental stress.

Young Beauceron age 7 months

Dogs of this breed are very loyal to their owners. The Beauceron in the photo looks very majestic and will also behave properly at home.

Photo of an adult dog

Photos of puppies

Features of character and behavior

Beaucerons are the owners of pronounced leadership qualities. Such a character is inherent in nature itself. The ancestors of modern French Shepherds had to control large numbers of livestock. The owner of the Beauceron must have a strong character and be able to demonstrate self-confidence. Only under such conditions can you raise an independent, courageous, devoted pet with developed intelligence, who will become a reliable protector and friend. Otherwise, behavioral problems may arise.


French Shepherds serve in the army, police, rescue squads and security. Their help is invaluable in identifying missing people. If dogs feel sincere care from their owners, they will certainly respond with loyalty.

Shepherds are often considered aggressive animals. Beaucerons are not characterized by excessive aggression. They treat strangers tolerantly, without showing concern or suspicion. Dogs only speak when there is a real threat. Then they become furious defenders for their owners. And the menacing appearance of French shepherds serves as additional intimidation.

Beaucerons get along well in common areas with other pets if they grow up with them from puppyhood.

The character traits inherent in the breed give it uniqueness. The advantages of Beaucerons include:

  • independent character and ability to make independent decisions;
  • excellent qualities of a security guard who will not offend the owner and will protect the territory entrusted to him;
  • the ability to respond to changes in the owner’s mood;
  • friendliness, which allows a well-trained dog to be a companion and playmate for the owner, as well as loyal to all family members.


  1. For those who are planning to get a dog and have small children or pets with a tendency to dominate in the house, choosing a Beauceron as a pet will be unsuccessful. Representatives of this breed compete for leadership positions with animals.
  2. Their relationships with children also do not always go smoothly. Dogs treat children favorably, but they do not tolerate bullying or games that involve humiliation or cruelty.
  3. Another character trait is stubbornness and self-confidence. Dogs cannot tolerate disrespect and physical punishment. They must be educated in such a way that this process takes the form of cooperation. Then the animals work with pleasure and respond well to affectionate treatment and encouragement.
  4. Sometimes French Shepherds have mental problems . Dogs show fearfulness and anxiety. Often this becomes a consequence of mental trauma and is eliminated by a caring attitude.


You need to understand that dogs of this breed are very valuable. Not everyone can buy such a pet for themselves. Even if we talk about the cost of a small puppy and not an adult dog, you will have to pay a lot for such a friend. You can purchase a Beauceron online without any problems. People who breed pets of this breed ask from 800 to 2000 dollars for one purebred puppy.

The price is, of course, rather large, but for those who want to have a faithful friend and reliable protector for many years, it will not become a problem of enormous proportions. If you look at the cost parameters of these dogs in Russia, then Beauceron puppies can cost from 10 to 30 thousand rubles. The price of a dog will also depend on its specific age. To buy puppies at the best price, the consumer must:

  • explore different offers on Internet sites;
  • determine whether the dog offered for sale meets the required standards;
  • check the puppy's documents.

Not everyone will be able to buy a Beauceron for themselves, but if a person still has such an opportunity, then it is worth purchasing this particular pet. The dog is very peaceful and devoted at home, but at the same time, do not forget that even with the kindest pet you should not leave children alone.

Your pet should be given the opportunity to exercise regularly by playing with it in the yard, in the park or on the street. It is unlikely that anyone will want to keep such a large dog in the house, so you need to prepare a reliable outdoor enclosure for it. It is worth remembering that the pet will not sit in a cage for a long time; it needs a sufficient amount of space for movement and exercise.

The Beauceron is well suited as a guard dog and therefore it is beneficial to keep it in the yard. The cost of puppies of this breed is quite high, because dogs from this category are among the best breeds. You need to constantly play with the Beauceron; from time to time he will have to cut his nails and comb his fur.

The dog will always be active and therefore needs a lot of space. There is no need to create any special living conditions, because the pet is unpretentious and can live on the street. If you care for the dog correctly, it will delight its owners for at least 11 years.

Care and maintenance

  • The Beauceron does not require specific conditions of detention. A dog can live in an apartment or on the territory of a private household, where it is necessary to build a fairly spacious enclosure for it. But it is impossible to keep Beaucerons on a chain, as in this case the dogs become uncontrollable and dangerous.
  • They have one not-so-pleasant feature in everyday life: their wool gives off a specific unpleasant odor. To reduce it to a minimum, it is necessary to keep the dog's coat clean.
  • Claw care also requires attention. They need to be shortened. In addition, all Beaucerons have forked spurs on their hind legs. Their condition must be constantly monitored.
  • Pets' ears and eyes require regular cleaning . All these measures help avoid infections.


The French Shepherd's diet can consist of both dry balanced food and natural food. Special feeds and their daily amounts are selected in accordance with the age and weight of the animal. If the owner of a Beauceron decides to feed his pet natural products, he should consider that:

  • Dogs should not be fed pork; the best choice for them is veal or chicken;
  • Consumption of dairy products is also not recommended; you can give the animal low-fat cottage cheese and cheese from time to time;
  • It is good to include cereals in the menu, preferably in the form of porridges, as well as vegetables and fruits;
  • Dogs should not be fed sweets or baked goods.
  • It is enough to feed adult Beaucerons once a day, at the same time. You can add a small snack.
  • The best time for the main meal is noon.

The diet of puppies differs from adults:

  1. During the first two months of life, their diet is divided into five parts.
  2. Then the number of meals is gradually reduced to 3 times a day by the age of 3 - 4 months and to 2 times by 5 months.
  3. Puppies can be gradually introduced to solid food starting from the third week. To do this, it is diluted with meat broths, bringing it to a mushy state.


The breed as a whole is characterized by good health . Its representatives are unpretentious in care and at the same time get sick quite rarely. A coat with a thick, dense undercoat protects them well from bad weather.


To protect the animal from infectious diseases, it is important to carry out preventive vaccination in a timely manner. Two weeks before vaccination, it is necessary to treat your pet for helminths and skin parasites, and also to monitor its condition, pay attention to appetite, stool, activity, sleep, and measure body temperature several times.

The norm for adult dogs is 38.5–39 degrees , for puppies – 38–39 degrees . Such observation helps the owner evaluate how his pet is coping with the vaccination.

Preventive vaccinations are usually performed according to the following schedule:

  • at 1.5 months - vaccination against enteritis, hepatitis and 10-14 days later - re-vaccination;
  • at 2.5 months – vaccination against distemper;
  • at 7 months - repeated vaccination against distemper;
  • at 8 months - administration of the rabies vaccine.

Subsequently, animals are vaccinated once, every year.


The following diseases are common for Beaucerons:

  • retinal atrophy, which can lead to blindness;
  • volvulus;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • bloating and other digestive difficulties;
  • sensitivity to drugs.


Nature has created French Shepherds as hardy, freedom-loving animals. Their ancestors spent a lot of time on spacious pastures. Therefore, active long walks are a prerequisite for keeping Beaucerons.

They are able to tirelessly cover long distances, love to overcome obstacles, and take part in various games with great pleasure. Dogs need to be walked twice a day. It is advisable that the duration of walks be at least 1.5 hours.


Being smooth-haired animals, Beaucerons still need regular coat care.

  • comb it 2-3 times a month with soft brushes to get rid of dead hairs and skin particles.
  • You can bathe animals twice a year. But you can do this more often if you wish. For example, in good weather, in warm climates, dogs enjoy swimming in ponds.


The Beauceron dog needs not only proper care and training, but also a well-established diet. Just like for humans, it is better for a dog to establish a split diet. The daily portion of food should be divided into at least 4 meals.

Frequent feeding is especially necessary for scarlet puppies, and when the pet becomes an adult, it is enough to feed it three times a day. Small puppies should not be given exclusively solid food. Of course, such food will be a necessary basis in the diet, but it should be filled with meat broth to create a kind of porridge.

Even if you feed an adult shepherd once a day, it will be able to satisfy its hunger, but it is better not to introduce such a practice. If the owner of a Beauceron wants to offer his pet a new food, then it should be introduced into the dog’s diet gradually.

When the new food is mixed in small doses with the usual food products, the transition to new products will not be too painful for your pet. If a person has Beauceron puppies , then he must strictly follow the following rules for feeding them:

  • divide the daily dose of food into small portions;
  • supplement dry food with high-quality meat broth;
  • Do not give your dog food that is too hot or too cold;
  • if the dog has not finished the food, then it cannot be left for a second time;
  • you need to select food that contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements for the normal functioning of dogs of this particular breed;
  • The dog should always have clean water;
  • if a person is dealing with a female Beauceron who feeds small puppies, then she needs to be constantly given milk;
  • Meat for dogs must be cooked so that it does not lose its beneficial properties.

The Beauceron Shepherd needs proper care and proper nutrition. This dog is unpretentious, but leaving it completely unattended is strictly contraindicated.


The Beauceron is a breed that is rare . It is recommended to resolve mating issues with breeders or in clubs. Professionals provide assistance in selecting a match for the dog, and also provide information about the features of the procedure.

Before mating, the animal must undergo training. This includes deworming and disease testing. A dog that is preparing for the birth of offspring must be well developed, physically and psychologically healthy.

Beaucerons can be bred no earlier than they are two years old. Until this time they are considered immature. The most successful age period for mating is from 3.5 to 7 years . The time between births for bitches should be at least 1.5 years .

Brief description of the breed

Dogs of this breed are not only excellent shepherds, but also excellent guards. The breed is quite large, the dog's weight varies from thirty to fifty kilograms. This is an active, athletic breed that is suitable only for experienced dog breeders. Amateur dog breeders who decide to purchase a dog of this breed most often fail to care for it. That is why, in order to avoid disappointment, those who have not yet owned dogs of other breeds should not get a Beauceron.

The Beauceron is not the best dog for new dog owners. She is distinguished by her intelligence and stubbornness. This is a real guard, because thanks to its size, the dog does an excellent job of protecting not only the family, but the entire house. The Beauceron owner requires firmness and perseverance in order to achieve excellent results in training and socializing the animal.

There is a good chance that the Beauceron will get along well with cats. Of course, this breed is a hunting breed, and in the wild the animal will happily chase cats and other small animals, but at home, dogs of this breed very often find a common language with cats.

Only energetic and active people should choose a breed. For those who love running and daily walks, various physical exercises, for example, cycling, jogging, walking, the Beauceron will be happy to keep you company! This dog is perfect for being involved in various rescue and search operations. The only thing the Beauceron cannot tolerate is boredom.

Often such dogs show aggression towards unfamiliar dogs or other animals. If you have your own yard, then it must be fenced to prevent the dog from leaving the yard, as well as to prevent other people’s animals from entering the yard. Some people install an underground electric fence, thus hoping to prevent the dog from leaving the perimeter. All this is in vain, the electric discharge will not be able to stop the Beauceron. Therefore, a metal fence is the best option!

Despite the strict requirements for arranging a fence, you should remember when the whole family gathers at home, the dog should be next to you. After all, the affection and attention of family members is very important for the Beauceron!

Key points in training

French Shepherds are leaders by nature . Their tendency to dominate must be taken into account when training.

  1. The dog owner is required to be tough, strict and patient . This is the only way to show your pet who is in charge. At the same time, the Beauceron does not like to be in a subordinate position. He is a friend and partner who must be treated with respect. Therefore, the educational process should not include shouting, physical punishment, or any manifestations of cruelty and suppression.
  2. Beauceron puppies can begin to be socialized and trained in obedience classes from an early age. Dogs take a long time to mature, so you can develop and train them up to the age of three. The intelligence and intelligence of animals makes them easy to train. They should have a habitual occupation, since the calling of the Beaucerons is to serve man.
  3. Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

Education and training

Raising a Beauceron needs to be done from childhood. Only then will the dog become obedient and accustomed to following the commands of its owner.

The most important thing here is to establish contact between the dog and the person (one of the family members). The Beauceron must trust its handler, otherwise the pet will ignore him and act distant or even aggressive. In the process of education, you should show your leadership qualities and strength of character, otherwise the dog will take on the role of owner and commander in the house. The Beauceron is an independent dog, and its upbringing must be strict. However, the “whip” method of scolding is not recommended: it can cause aggression and destructive behavior in the French Shepherd. From childhood, it is necessary to explain to the dog where its resting area is located in the house, what not to do in the rooms and how to properly ask to go outside. Wean your Beauceron from displays of impudence: he should not beg for an extra piece of treat.

The Beauceron needs to be raised from childhood, only then will the dog be obedient and accustomed to following the owner’s commands

Raising a dog of this breed requires a lot of patience. The main thing is to never allow injustice or a hostile attitude towards it: the Beauceron will forever lose confidence in the owner, and further education and training will be in vain.

You should start training in a playful way from an early age (about 3 months), as soon as you achieve complete trust from the puppy: this way the dog will be better able to respond to commands. Each pet’s success should be followed by a reward in the form of a treat, this will stimulate him to new exploits.

Beauceron training should be done in a playful way, starting from an early age.

Initially, the training of the Beauceron should be carried out in a quiet, possibly deserted place, so that the dog is not distracted by extraneous noise. As the dog gets older, you can move on to training in a specially designated area. But remember: your pet can react unpredictably to a large number of other people's dogs. Teach your Beauceron new commands, make him run and expel his energy. But do not overtire your pet, otherwise all his interest in the training process may disappear.

How to choose a puppy

  1. When choosing a French Shepherd puppy, you need to get information about its parents . They must meet breed standards. Breeders are required to confirm a five-generation pedigree.
  2. Puppies between 6 and 8 months of age are often assessed using the Campbell test, which determines the dog's personality traits and suitability for various types of service in the future.
  3. When choosing a pet, priority should be given to animals that do not show anxiety , uncertainty and fear, apathy or hysterical barking. Puppies should not adopt a posture of submission and at the same time not demonstrate wild joy when interacting with a stranger. Normal behavior is exploratory tactics with a hint of aggression.
  4. In the future, with the right methods of education and caring attitude, the puppies grow into animals devoted to their owners, who, without a moment’s doubt, will rush to defense in case of danger. And at the same time they will be cheerful and friendly among family members.

The Beauceron is a dog for those who value in four-legged dogs not only loyalty, but also endurance, power, and strength of character. But these dogs are not for beginners in dog breeding. The best representatives of the breed are raised by experienced, strong people.

5 / 5 ( 1 voice )

Breed standard

The Beauceron, like representatives of other breeds, must fit into certain standards. If we talk about these indicators for the presented breed, then the dogs must clearly fit into the following parameters:

  • large, strong and well-built body;
  • the height and width of the head should be slightly less than its length;
  • there should be confidence in the dog’s character;
  • the dog must be obedient to its owner and be courageous;
  • the head has harmonious chiseled lines;
  • slightly rounded or completely flat skull;
  • the occipital protuberance is well defined;
  • the lips are well pigmented and firm, the lobe is black;
  • presence of a scissor bite, strong, large teeth;
  • cropped, high-set ears;
  • straight back and short lower back;
  • tail dropped low;
  • When viewed, the front and hind legs stand vertically;
  • The hair on the throat is much coarser and shorter than in the body area.

If a dog does not fit into these standards, then it is not suitable for competitions and guard duties. The Beauceron breed must meet the presented standards, since only such a dog will be able to fulfill its duties and become a true friend.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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