How is feijoa useful and for what diseases? Feijoa fruit: beneficial properties, contraindications, photos and recipes. Feijoa jam: beneficial properties

Feijoa - what is it and what is it eaten with? Is this a vegetable or a fruit? What does it taste like? This is how the majority of people in our country will react. Is this fruit name exotic to you? It is not surprising, because South America is considered the birthplace of this fruit, so in Russia this name remains mysterious and enigmatic. However, in Europe and the USA, this tasty and healthy fruit has won more than one million fans. Let's figure out what feijoa is, what it tastes like, how to eat it, and what its beneficial properties are.

You will learn everything about this wonder from our article.

Feijoa fruit is rich in vitamins and microelements . This is an additional source of iodine for our body, and this berry also contains manganese, iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium and other useful trace elements. This exotic wonder is rich in vitamin C, so it will help cope with viral diseases in autumn and winter.

Feijoa: photo, description

Feijoa is a shrub with evergreen foliage, the height of which varies from two to four meters. The branches are gray-yellow in color, and beautiful large flowers are visible on them during flowering. Blooms from June to July. The flowers are pretty and last a long time.

The fruit is greenish in color, the berries reach a size of approximately 5 cm in length and from 20 to 120 g in weight. Full ripening occurs in late autumn, at the end of October - beginning of November, depending on the variety. The harvest from the bush is abundant. Even a houseplant can produce about three kilograms of fruit, and on a plantation 30 kg or more are harvested from a tree.

The feijoa fruit, whose beneficial properties became known a little later, tastes very sweet, like a ripe sweet pear. It contains a lot of fructose and sucrose, which makes it so. The consistency of the fruit is a jelly-like mass that can be eaten with a spoon.

Feijoa: features of choice

If you need to buy feijoa, it is better to do it at the market rather than in the supermarket. At the time of purchase, the seller must cut the fruit to ensure that the flesh is transparent. If it is white, it turns out that it is unripe, but in two days it will be quite ripe. The brown color of the pulp indicates the unsuitability of the fruit.

It is better to buy large fruits, uniformly dark green in color and without damage. If the fruit rots at home, it should be thrown away. Feijoa fruit, the beneficial properties of which depend on quality and freshness, should be consumed only in a suitable form. It will be possible to taste it fully only if it is completely ripe. It turns out that before you start tasting, you should put it in the refrigerator for several days.

Can Chihuahua puppies be given fruits and vegetables?

Yes, you can! When a puppy weans its mother's milk and switches to a full diet, it begins to receive nutrients and vitamins from the food it absorbs.

This can be either natural food or dry commercial food.
In the first case, fruits and vegetables are an integral part of a complete diet
. In the second case, fruits and vegetables can be given to the Chihuahua puppy in strictly limited quantities, or the idea can be abandoned altogether.

You can give every day. The daily volume of fruits and vegetables should not exceed 10% of the daily food volume. This is due to the fact that commercial feeds, as a rule, already have a balanced diet, and an excess of vitamins can cause hypervitaminosis.

If you notice an allergic reaction or signs of a gastrointestinal disorder (diarrhea, vomiting), then immediately eliminate the fruit or vegetable that led to such a reaction in the puppy’s body.

Dangerous properties of feijoa

Before you try, you need to learn everything about feijoa: beneficial properties and contraindications, reviews from knowledgeable people. Basically, this fruit does not pose any danger to humans. But there are still some restrictions:

• Possible allergy to essential oils of the fruit. • You should not consume more than 400 g per day. • High sugar content may cause digestive problems. • Possible heart failure. • Do not use if you are overweight. • Has an unfavorable effect on diabetes mellitus. • If you have acne due to an excess of iodine in fruits, you should not eat them.

If there are no contraindications, this food product can be included in your diet.

How is feijoa useful and for what diseases?

This rare fruit is of great interest to medical experts. Like other exotic fruits, it is very attractive and becomes the source of controversy. The question of how feijoa is useful and what diseases it is beneficial for is often discussed.

The benefits of feijoa are great, especially for people who have iodine deficiency in the body. It contains it in a bioavailable form.

Thanks to vitamin C, which is contained in fruits, the human body becomes stronger and more protected from various infectious diseases. This is especially noticeable in autumn and winter.

Everyone knows how feijoa is useful and what benefits the pectin contained in it provides to the body. Thanks to him, feijoa is considered an excellent natural laxative. The peel is rich in tannins, but should only be taken when brewed. This drink or tea has a unique taste and can quickly eliminate all signs of poisoning. It is recommended to give it to teenagers and children, since the benefits for a not yet fully strengthened body are invaluable.

This is the feijoa fruit. What else is it useful for? Useful properties include:

  1. The presence of trace elements and vitamins that can have an anti-cancer effect.
  2. Participation together with other means in normalizing blood pressure.
  3. The ability to cleanse the blood of dangerous substances.

People who suspect apathy, lack of appetite, severe chills, or hair loss should turn to feijoa for help first of all. It is also useful for people with low hemoglobin and progressive atherosclerosis.

Health Benefits

Supports the Digestive System

Feijoa is a good source of soluble fiber. And dietary fiber can stimulate intestinal motility and increase the secretion of gastric juice, which facilitates the digestion process and prevents constipation and flatulence. In addition, fiber can bind and remove carcinogens from the intestines, thereby preventing the development of colorectal cancer. Vitamin B6 makes this fruit an effective remedy against nausea and vomiting.

Does not increase blood sugar levels

People with type 2 diabetes can consume this fruit without any worries as it belongs to the low glycemic index food category. This means that as it breaks down in the body, it is slowly absorbed into the blood, preventing sudden changes in glucose levels in the bloodstream.

Stabilizes blood pressure

The benefits of feijoa include the ability to prevent high blood pressure. Rich in potassium and low in sodium helps relax blood vessels and ensure proper blood pressure in the body.

Reduces the risk of developing cardiac diseases

Fiber, ascorbic acid, vitamin B6 and potassium are known to be beneficial for maintaining heart health. The named substances are contained in sufficient quantities in feijoa fruits. In addition, it is important to remember that these fruits cleanse the body of excess cholesterol, which is also important for a healthy heart.

Helps fight infections

100 g of feijoa pulp contains approximately 82 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. And it is known to be a powerful natural antioxidant that helps the body resist infections and viral diseases. In addition, it has anti-carcinogenic properties, protects against free radicals, and effectively strengthens the immune system.

Antioxidant fruit

Ripe fruits contain manganese, which is an important cofactor for several enzymes necessary for energy production and the formation of antioxidant defenses. This means that some enzymes need manganese to neutralize free radicals, and feijoa fruits will help replenish its reserves.

A study conducted by American scientists showed that people who regularly consume this fruit have an almost 50 percent lower risk of dying from coronary heart disease.

Improves memory, attention and concentration

Several components of the fruit, including potassium, folic acid and various antioxidant substances, provide neurological benefits to the body. Folic acid, for example, reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease and prevents cognitive disorders, protects against the development of dementia. Potassium is known to stimulate blood flow to the brain, activating neurons that improve concentration and cognitive abilities. And thanks to vitamin B6, feijoa will protect against depression. Researchers say that two servings of these exotic fruits per day will minimize the risk of developing depression, anxiety levels and the effects of stress.

Useful during pregnancy

Feijoa fruits are rich in iron and folic acid, which are critical for the formation of blood cells. Both substances are simply irreplaceable for expectant mothers. Iron will prevent anemia, and folic acid will protect the child from developmental pathologies. On the other hand, fruit pulp rich in fiber will improve intestinal function, which is a “weak spot” for many pregnant women. It should also be remembered that feijoa, more than other fruits, is rich in iodine, and it is an indispensable element for the body of the expectant mother.

Feijoa is perhaps one of the most unexpected sources of iodine

Source of iodine

This mineral deserves to be discussed separately. Many are accustomed to replenishing their iodine reserves from seafood, but this fruit is also beneficial for those with iodine deficiency. Feijoa should appear in the diet of people suffering from goiter or hypothyroidism. Regular consumption of the fruit will prevent obesity, improve metabolism, reduce sensitivity to cold, and relieve fatigue and depression, which are signs of thyroid dysfunction.

Other beneficial properties of feijoa fruits:

  • prevent chronic colds;
  • improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  • strengthen gums;
  • prevent anemia;
  • strengthen bones;
  • accelerate the body’s recovery after injuries and illnesses;
  • improve lung health;
  • protect against harmful bacteria;
  • activate the thyroid gland;
  • accelerates wound healing;
  • help fight chronic weakness.

Feijoa – treatment of the thyroid gland. Recipes

The amount of iodine in feijoa is the same as in seafood. But it all depends on where the bush grows. If the fruits are used to treat a certain disease, before doing so you need to find out how much of it is contained in the product you are purchasing. For prevention purposes, fruits from any bush are suitable. This does not include only the treatment of thyroid disease.

The thyroid gland responds well to treatment using feijoa. Read on for useful properties and recipes in the article:

  1. Pass a kilogram of sugar and feijoa fruits through a meat grinder, leave until the sugar dissolves. Take a tablespoon of the mixture in the morning and before bed for ten days. After a ten-day break, repeat the treatment.
  2. For thyroid diseases, eat about 300 g of fresh fruits every day. The course is three weeks. In winter, when there are no fresh feijoas, you can drink dry infusion (pour 3 tablespoons of raw material with two glasses of boiling water, leave for 24 hours in a thermos). The next day, drink the contents in three doses of 0.5 tbsp. half an hour before meals.
  3. You can do it simpler: cut the fruit in half, scoop out the aromatic contents with a teaspoon and eat it, inhaling the healing aromas.
  4. Pour the cocklebur herb and dried feijoa fruits, taken equally, with a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Drink 100 ml of medicine before meals three times a day.
  5. In this recipe, feijoa shows its beneficial properties (reviews confirm) very clearly. It includes 200 g of peeled walnuts, 500 g of fresh feijoa fruits and 200 g of liquid honey. The medicinal mixture is taken in a tablespoon 3 times a day, always before meals.

Using feijoa for cosmetic purposes

This exotic berry is not only eaten, but also with the addition of fruit pulp, excellent face masks, lotions and other cosmetics are obtained. We will provide several recipes for homemade cosmetics. You can prepare them very easily and simply.

Moisturizing mask for dry and sensitive skin

Take the yolk of one chicken egg, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and the pulp from one feijoa fruit. Mix our products and apply the mask to previously cleansed skin of the face and neck. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Wipe off the remaining mask with a cotton pad. Lubricate the skin of the face and neck with a moisturizing day cream. This mask perfectly nourishes, softens and moisturizes.

Lotion for oily skin

Let's prepare an alcohol-based lotion. To do this, take 50 grams of alcohol and mix it with the pulp of ripe feijoa berries. Leave for a week in a cool, dark place. Strain and use the lotion in the morning after washing and in the evening before bed. Apply a small amount of liquid to a cotton pad and wipe over face and neck. Moisturize the skin with cream.

This lotion perfectly refreshes, tones and cleanses the skin, removing excess secretions from the sebaceous glands.

From this article you learned that there is such a wonderful berry with a unique taste - feijoa. This is truly a very useful product that we advise everyone to include in their diet. Its properties are multifaceted, the benefits of the fruit are undeniable. There is even more iodine than in seafood. What other arguments are needed for you to try this natural storehouse of vitamins? Hurry up, run to the store or market and buy this exotic wonder for the whole family!

Recipes with feijoa for treating diseases

Next we will talk about feijoa, whose beneficial properties and recipes for the treatment of certain diseases are not known to everyone. The fruit is endowed with the ability to clean blood vessels and is used for atherosclerosis, and also improves memory. You can, without waiting for exacerbations of cardiovascular diseases, take preventive measures using the plant. The benefits of feijoa have already been mentioned earlier. To prevent heart disease, you can drink 50 g of water with 1 tbsp once a day. spoon of feijoa juice. For depression and stress, regularly eat 3 fruits a day.

People suffering from jaundice or nephritis will benefit from tea made from the leaves of the medicinal bush. Infuse one tablespoon of leaves in a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes. Drink twice a day.

Feijoa jam: beneficial properties

Feijoa can be consumed raw, added to salads, dessert dishes, and also made into very tasty jam. It will be better if you make it fresh, that is, do not cook it, but keep it in the refrigerator in sterilized jars. There are many recipes by which you can make feijoa jam, the beneficial properties of which remain for a long time.

1. It is very good in combination with honey and walnuts. Jam made from such ingredients also has an excellent taste.

Required products:

  • Fresh feijoa fruits – 0.5 kg.
  • Walnut kernels – 0.1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 0.7 kg.

How to prepare: wash the fruits, grind them in a meat grinder (optional), add sugar and add the chopped nuts. Boil for ten minutes, place in sterile jars and roll up. It is better to store in the refrigerator or in a cold basement.

2. Feijoa and lemon go perfectly together in jam. For preparation you will need:

  • Fruits – 1 kg.
  • Medium lemon - one piece.
  • Sugar – 800 grams.
  • Water - one glass.

What's not allowed?

The following foods should never be given to your pet:

  • chocolate;
  • grapes or raisins;
  • avocado;
  • sugar;
  • cookies, candies and other sweets;
  • baked goods;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • sausages;
  • pork;
  • mayonnaise and products with it, for example, salads;
  • spices;
  • spicy dishes;
  • ketchup;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol.

Feijoa and cooking

This fruit is used not only in its natural form. It is included in various dishes. This is not only a dessert, but also a second savory dish. If feijoa fruit is so widely used, why is it useful in cooking? What can you cook using it?

It is added to sauces and vegetable side dishes. It is considered indispensable in vitamin drinks, lemonades, and homemade juices. Pancakes turn out especially tasty if feijoa pulp is added to the dough. The layering in the cake is also excellent!

Anyone who loves exquisite taste will definitely try all the options for dishes with feijoa, whose beneficial properties (photos of the fruit are in the review) are so in demand in cooking.

What natural foods to feed your Chihuahua: what you can and cannot give your pet

Chihuahuas are small dogs native to Mexico with a complicated history of origin.
A Chihuahua owner who decides to feed his pet natural food is faced with the difficult task of choosing the ideal diet for the dog.

And, of course, one of the main questions that worries owners is what foods can be given to a Chihuahua and which cannot?

After all, sometimes you really want to treat your pet to something tasty, but you are not sure whether the tasty morsel will be harmful to the pet.

So what foods can be given to a Chihuahua, and what should be excluded from the diet of these dogs once and for all?

How to use feijoa correctly

Considering the topic: “Feijoa, beneficial properties and contraindications, reviews,” you need to dwell on how to eat the fruit correctly.

You can enjoy the real taste benefits only when the feijoa is ripe. But it is not often possible to buy fruit that is fully ripe, because it is not harvested completely ripe. This causes rapid spoilage. You cannot eat spoiled fruit.

Some people, out of ignorance, eat feijoa like kiwi, cutting off the outer skin and cutting the flesh into slices. In fact, they need to be eaten with the peel, which contains all the useful substances.

How to store it correctly. Recommendations

What are the benefits of feijoa? The presence of vitamins and healing properties, which are lost if stored improperly. But its shelf life when ripe is very short. Even in the refrigerator it can be kept in a suitable form for no more than a week. If you want, you can always have delicious fresh fruits, but you need to buy up to two kilograms at a time.

If the fruit is not yet ripe, its shelf life is longer. If it is collected in the last days of autumn, then if the storage rules are followed, it can remain until spring. The temperature should be 0 degrees. But if you need to make unripe fruits ripen at home, they should be kept in a well-ventilated area at a temperature of about 24 degrees. In about two weeks, ripening will occur.

The best option for storing feijoa is in a special section of the refrigerator, where the desired temperature is maintained.

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