Who to choose - Amstaff or pit bull: the main differences between the two breeds

American Staffordshire Terrier

  • Fact:
    This is a small animal, fast, cunning, nimble and quick-witted.
  • Fact 2:
    They say about such people that they “smell danger with their nose”
  • Fact 3:
    The price of terrier puppies is quite high and depends on the purity of the pedigree
  • Fact 4:
    For many, the word “Stafford” is associated with a fighting breed of dog.

Amstaffs have a very interesting history and many different names. This breed is called pit bulls, bull terriers, pit bull terriers, staffords, with the prefix “American” to each and any of the definitions will be correct.

The modern American Staff Terrier is a small animal, fast, cunning, nimble and quick-witted. He has a wide-muzzled skull, a powerful chest structure and at the same time a good-natured look. The dog has an amazing inner sense. They say about such people that they “smell danger with their nose.” The protective instinct inherent in nature serves the dog owner well - these dogs are impeccable bodyguards.

History of the breed

Dogs were considered service dogs and the first written mentions of them date back to 1209. Contrary to the erroneous opinion, the homeland of the Staff is England, and not America at all, as many believe. The variety of names for one type of dog comes from the fact that over many hundreds of years the animal had different functions and tasks.

When gladiator fights fell into oblivion, people found a new entertainment - pitting animals against each other. This is how dog fighting came about. True, initially they exhibited another breed - mastiffs. But because of their impressive size, they were easy prey for the hooves and horns of large wild animals. Then they decided to make the size of the dog more compact. A terrier and a bulldog joined the tribe. The result of the crossing was the Stafford.

Over time, the variety of pit bull terriers has evolved. With the breed standard characteristics that exist today, the dog was officially registered in 1936. Since 1976, the dogs began to be called American Staffordshire Terriers. Since that time, no changes have been made to the breed or its definition.

The price for terrier puppies is quite high and depends on the purity of the pedigree, which in turn is formed on the basis of victories won at dog competitions and exhibitions.

Staffordshire Terrier

For many, the word “Stafford” is associated with a fighting dog breed. And these people are not far from the truth. Many will even cite as evidence several heartbreaking stories about a pit bull (another name for a terrier) attacking its own owners or their children. Indeed, the history of the origin of the breed tells us that the dog was initially bred for one specific purpose - to participate in dog fights. But that was many hundreds of years ago, because it began in Medieval times. Since then, a lot has changed in the dog’s genetics.

Cases of dog attacks on humans have been recorded more than once, and this was not necessarily a Stafford. the whole point is what kind of education the dog will receive, and not what its breed is called. In this regard, one cannot help but recall the words of the famous detective Holmes, who used to tell his faithful assistant: “ Remember, dear Watson, if you were attacked by a Staffordshire terrier, be glad that it was not his owner .” What makes a dog aggressive is the person and the conditions in which it is kept. A well-bred pit bull raised in a loving family has a very kind look and a “smile” on its wide muzzle.

Who is better?

If we talk about the family pet, then experienced dog breeders will advise you to buy an Amstaff. And if you need a reliable security guard, defender, bodyguard, then you should not ignore the option of purchasing a Pit Bull Terrier.

But neither breed is suitable for a beginner. And if you still decide to take a risk and find a four-legged friend for yourself among dogs with a fighting past, then do not neglect the help of a professional trainer. Not only your safety, but also that of those around you may depend on this. Who is better?

For each owner, his own pet will be the best, and you can’t argue with that.

Breed characteristics and photos

The main mistake people make with Staffies is to regard them as just a regular pet, meant for fun games on the front lawn. In fact, these are service dogs, and they were created with the appropriate appearance. Their strong, healthy body radiates confidence and power coupled with wild grace. Terriers are excellent candidates for police and military service. There is no hassle in caring for them and maintaining them; they have good physical characteristics and excellent health.

The dogs are very sociable by nature, they are friendly and love to play. They enjoy contact with people, with all family members, and not just with the owner. The peculiarity of the terrier is its amazing sense of the psycho-emotional state of a person. The dog's almost hypnotic gaze is always directed straight into the owner's face.

The dog instantly detects the slightest change in mood and immediately adapts to it.

In the spring of 1971, the document was approved by the FCI:

  • The head is medium-sized with a wide, almost square skull and a slightly prominent occipital protuberance. A pronounced transition from the muzzle to a slightly convex forehead. The skull and muzzle are equal in length.
  • The nose is quite large, with open nostrils, and colored black. Beneath the dry lips are large white teeth. Dense jaws with a scissor bite.
  • The eyes are rounded, low and wide apart, with an attentive gaze. The iris is dark.
  • Ears , set wide and high, can be cropped (at 2/3 of the original length) or not cropped. The second option is preferable.
  • The neck is massive, muscular, without folds, has a beautiful nape line and widens towards a well-defined withers, smoothly turning into a straight back.
  • The back is muscular and wide, barely noticeably sloping down to a wide, rounded croup. The loin is short, slightly convex. Moderately tucked stomach.
  • The shoulders are set obliquely and elongated. Shoulder girdle with prominent muscles. Elbows are pressed to the body and looking back. The chest is deep and spacious, with rounded ribs.
  • The forelimbs are parallel, with strong bones and well-sculpted muscles, set wide apart. The hind legs are also parallel, with noticeable (not coarse) muscles. The angles of the joints (hocks) are emphasized.
  • The paws are strong, small in size, and tucked into a ball. When moving, the dog springs slightly.
  • The tail is set low, straight and short, tapering towards the tip. When excited, it assumes a horizontal position.

According to the standard, Amstaff males are more muscular and larger than females. The latter weigh 22-25 kg with a height of 43-46 cm, males can weigh 25-30 kg with a height of 46-48 cm.

Coat and color

The Staffordshire Terrier's coat should be shiny, thick, short, straight and harsh. A fault is a soft/sparse, loose coat; a fault is silky, overly soft, long, sparse, wavy or matte hair.

Staffordshires are allowed to have (according to the standard) almost any coat patterns and colors. Acceptable solid colors range from black to cream, with the exception of white. The latter is allowed for the collar/chest as part of a pattern. The undesirable category includes the so-called Rottweiler color (black with red tan) and brown-red.

With a two-color color, white spots should occupy no more than 20% of the body area. Chestnut and black spots are possible (up to 4/5 of the main color). The breed also includes piebald, spotted, bicolor and brindle colors.

Differences from the American Pit Bull Terrier

Amstaffs are distinguished from close relatives of American pit bull terriers by the following facts:

  • Amstaffs have a higher upper growth limit.
  • Pitbulls are allowed to have a red nose.
  • Amstaffs are less angry and impulsive.
  • Amstaffs have a wider head and pronounced cheekbones.

Both breeds are very similar as they have common ancestors.


At home, Staffords behave excellently. They love their owners and try to please them. They willingly play with children and frolic with various toys. They do not require special care. But it is not recommended to ignore this issue. You need to brush your dog daily. Bathing is necessary for exhibition and for a good shine of the coat. During this hygiene procedure, high-quality shampoo is used, sold in pet stores. And also, using a piece of suede, you need to constantly wipe your pet’s fur - this way you will achieve an impeccable appearance for your pet.

Remember to walk your dog at least twice a day. A kind and sensitive attitude will not keep you waiting. Your pet will only bring joy to you and your loved ones. Typically, dogs of this breed live from 9 to 15 years. Life expectancy depends on many factors. Including the presence of diseases inherent in American Starffordshire Terriers. For the most part, these are hardy and healthy dogs. Proper care, care and love will ensure longevity for your pet.

What is the difference between a Starfford and a Pitbull? With paws. For the former they are much higher. Quite strong. For Staffies, the height at the withers should be 46-48 cm, for a Pit Bull - 40-42 cm. There are actually many differences. Even the behavior of these dogs when walking is different. A pit bull can rush and bark at another dog, staffs are calmer and won’t bark again.

Dog character

By nature, the terrier is a balanced, energetic, courageous and cheerful breed. He is independent, self-sufficient, vigilant, curious and extremely intelligent. This active and strong dog is an excellent protector and friend who is infinitely devoted to his owner.

The breed is capable of showing aggression towards other dogs. But if the owner teaches the Amstaff from an early age how to treat strangers and animals correctly, he will grow into a completely adequate pet who will not rush at everyone on the street.

The American Staffordshire Terrier can be very aggressive towards cats, rabbits or other pets. He is a good watchman and security guard, very distrustful of strangers, and will not let a guest out of sight until he leaves the owner's house.

American Staffordshires are very friendly towards children, but to protect your baby, it is better not to leave him alone with the dog, no matter how much you trust the pet.

We must remember that a feature of the character of these dogs is the constant desire to please their owner in everything. Therefore, in the inexperienced hands of a person who is not aware of the strength and dexterity his pet has, the Amstaff can grow up pugnacious and aggressive.

When walking, always keep him on a leash, especially in crowded and public places, always control his behavior when strangers appear. Any aggression on his part must be immediately stopped by the owner.

Remember, the main instinct of these dogs is protection, so they can become aggressive in a split second if they suddenly feel threatened by their owner.

By nature, he is quite helpful, cheerful and proud. Always controls himself, even if he shows character. But if suddenly such a dog becomes furious, it will be very, very difficult to control.

This is the breed that must constantly be busy with something, otherwise he will find something to do for himself, and then he will have to buy new furniture, sofas and various household items. Can live both in a city apartment and in a country house. They are compact and clean, do not take up much space, but need constant, long walks and good physical activity.

Whom to choose

Staff or pit bull – this is a question asked by many dog ​​breeders who want to acquire a reliable guard at home.

Just for the soul and protection, a pit bull is suitable. Amstaff is a show breed. This is his advantage over pit. The cost of a purebred Staffordshire will be much higher.

The question that worries the future owner is who is stronger of the two. Pit bull terrier, of course. The dog is smaller, but more resilient. And his grip is much stronger than that of the Amstaff.

Both dogs need a serious approach. Amstaff or pit bull are not suitable for beginners. A person without proper experience in dealing with these breeds runs the risk of growing a killing machine. Animals need to feel the owner’s weak spot in order to sit on the neck. Such a pet will eventually not obey. He will turn out to be an aggressive, uncontrollable creature. The media talk about such representatives of the breed, presenting them as dangerous to society. It is not the dogs that are dangerous, but the owners who failed to raise the dog correctly.

When choosing a pet, a person wants to know how a pit bull differs from a staff dog in terms of maintenance. No problem, Staff and Pit require the same care. Both are heat-loving and cannot be kept in enclosures. These animals are intended for home keeping.

It is prohibited to put representatives of these breeds on a chain. Firstly, they will freeze in winter. And secondly, such content will develop unmotivated aggression.

Staffordshire and Pitbull dogs need long walks. The staff, at the same time, will not refuse to run and frolic.

Relationships with a human owner

Amstaff is very dependent on its owner and adapts to his character. Therefore, it is recommended only for balanced and consistent people to own such a dog. Puppies should get used to company as early as possible. They are taken for a walk along a busy street, travel with them on public transport or by car, and go to places with a lot of visitors. This helps the Amstaff get used to unfamiliar people and unexpected situations. In order for puppies to get used to getting along with other dogs, they are brought to calm individuals.

The breed is well trained; training should begin at an early age . Only positive motivation is acceptable, otherwise the pet begins to become bitter. Puppies are very smart and easily trained to participate in various types of canine sports. When a dog is stubborn, it can be difficult for the owner. You should be patient and avoid any wounding influences.

Raising and training dogs

The undoubted advantage of the breed is its unerring execution of commands, which makes the Amstaff an ideal (working, show and domestic) dog.

Stafford is an exemplary nanny for children and a reliable friend to all household members. Moreover, a properly raised dog is loyal to other pets, including cats.

True, in order for your Amstaff to become exactly like this, you will have to work hard, without giving him any concessions. The key to success is regularity of classes, strict discipline and increased workload.

Recommended for Staffordshire Terriers:

  • agility;
  • Frisbee;
  • bikejoring;
  • waitpulling;
  • skijoring;
  • swimming.

Sport keeps the dog in good shape, helps release tension, and forms excellent muscles.

Care, maintenance, nutrition

Grooming smooth-haired dogs is simple: trim off any stray hairs and make your pet more eye-catching, highlighting some details.

Routine care of the coat, ears, claws, teeth and eyes consists of examining them daily. Plaque in the eyes/ears is removed with a cotton pad soaked in a solution of boric acid. Dead hairs are collected with a rubberized mitten; the claws do not need special care if the dog runs a lot on the asphalt.

If you intend to crop the ears, perform this operation when the puppy is 1.5-2 months old: later there will be more blood vessels in the ears, and the rehabilitation period will be longer.

The shape of the ears for each baby is selected individually. It is not advisable to perform partial amputation of the ears when the dog's teeth are changing.

As for living conditions, the Amstaff must live in an apartment or house. He needs a warm and dry place. An aviary located on a garden plot is not suitable for keeping this dog.

For the American Staffordshire Terrier, there are two types of feeding: natural food and premium ready-made dry food.

The main rule is never mix two types of food in one feeding, this is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract.

Number of Amstaff feedings:

  • From 2 to 4 months - 5 times a day
  • 4 – 6 months – 4 times a day
  • 6 – 9 months – 3 times a day
  • After 9 months, an adult dog is fed 2 times a day

For any type of nutrition, follow simple rules, and your pet will be active and healthy:

  • Feed your pet only after walks.
  • Feed the puppy from a bowl located on a stand so that correct posture is formed. Adjust the height of the stand as it grows.
  • The bowl should be at chest level or slightly higher so that the puppy only puts his face in it.
  • It is necessary to have two separate bowls: for food and for water. Bowls are washed with hot water after each feeding.
  • Never feed your dog table scraps.

Approximate diet:

  • Beef, turkey, chicken meat and offal – 80%;
  • Cereals – 15-20%;
  • Fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits – periodically;
  • Chicken egg – 1-2 times a week;
  • Sea fish - several times a month.

During the growth process, vitamin supplements are not required if there are no health problems and the dog’s appearance is satisfactory. Wool is the main indicator of condition, so dullness, hair loss, and inflammation in the root zone indicate unsuitable nutrition.

Other nuances of feeding a Stafford:

  • Almost a third of the dog menu is devoted to proteins;
  • the dog is fed at the same time (morning and evening);
  • the remaining food is removed from the bowl (especially in summer);
  • It is forbidden to overfeed staff (this has a bad effect on the heart muscle and its health in general).

Important. All tubular bones (bird bones), as well as rabbit bones, are excluded from the list of provisions.

You can give beef moslaks, which are taken after the dog eats the meat and cartilage tissue. This will protect your pet from dislocating its jaw when trying to gnaw on a large bone.

Who is more picky about feeding?

Both Pit Bulls and Staffords are not picky about food and are considered almost omnivorous dogs.

They can be fed with both natural products and industrial feeds, the main thing is to ensure that the diet is balanced, contains all the necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements and is appropriate for the age, health and physiological state of the pet.

It is important to know that some foods, in particular beef, rice, corn and wheat, contribute to the development of allergic reactions in pit bull terriers. In addition, these dogs should not be given grains that are so necessary for representatives of other breeds, since grains provoke obesity in pit bulls, which puts additional stress on the heart and joints

The only exception is puppies during the period of active growth.

In addition, these dogs should not be given grains that are so necessary for representatives of other breeds, since grains provoke obesity in pit bulls, which puts additional stress on the heart and joints. The only exception is puppies during the period of active growth.

Health, life expectancy, diseases

With good innate immunity, the American Staffordshire Terrier lives approximately 10-12 years. The most typical breed ailments of the Amstaff are related to the musculoskeletal system. Increased physical activity often leads to ligament rupture.

The list of breed diseases includes:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • heart failure;
  • arthrosis;
  • flatulence;
  • allergy;
  • eye diseases (retinal atrophy and cataracts);
  • deafness.

"professional" sores are considered to be lacerated, infected wounds that he receives in dog fights. But, if the genes are not bad, your four-legged dog will rarely get sick.

Amstaff (American Staffordshire Terrier) puppies: where to buy and what is the price

Nurseries of this breed are common in countries where there is no ban on breeding Amstaffs; large numbers are located in the USA and Eastern European countries. The National Breed Club is registered in the RKF, through which you can buy a purebred puppy.

Average price of a puppy: 50,000 rubles.

Healthy-looking puppies are dense, strong and playful. The coat is shiny and lies smooth. The puppy should not have any rashes or scratches on its skin. Amstaff colors are a matter of taste; compliance with the breed standard is important. It is worth examining his tummy: if it is too swollen, this indicates infection with helminths.

In our country, about 70 kennels are engaged in the breeding and sale of American Staffordshire Terriers. This is where you should buy a puppy to avoid getting an animal with genetic abnormalities. There is a practice of booking puppies, and only the future owner is informed by the breeders of the cost of the chosen baby.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, you can apply for Amstaff Terrier puppies:

https://www.astidog.ru Moscow

https://western-best.narod.ru/ Moscow

https://www.stafflife.ru/ Moscow

https://www.juttaelus.ru St. Petersburg

www.npearl.ucoz.ru St. Petersburg

On average in Russia, a Staff puppy can be bought for $250 – $430. In Moscow and St. Petersburg nurseries the price is slightly higher and can reach up to $515.

Interesting Facts

  • An American Staffordshire Terrier pulled a load weighing 135 kg. For a dog whose weight rarely exceeds 30 kg, this figure is indisputable evidence of innate endurance and desire to win.
  • Amstaffs are in the service of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations , as they are agile, learn quickly and are able to follow the scent. During the siege of the infamous terrorist attack on Dubrovka, before the assault, the building was examined by dog ​​handlers and amstaffs.
  • When numerous accusations of attacking people fell on the breed, the famous artist and public figure Yuri Nikulin stood up for it.

*Based on the results of my own work and colleagues from doggy-boom.ru, sobaki-pesiki.ru, prosobak.com

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