American Pit Bull Terrier: What Black, White and Gray Look Like

Black pit bulls look strict and at the same time quite elegant.

These medium-sized, strong, muscular and hardy dogs are suitable for indoor living.

They are quite unpretentious in everyday life and do not require complex care.

Black pit bulls can make excellent family pets, but they are also good as sporting dogs, as well as participants in conformation shows held by organizations that officially recognize them.

Appearance Standard

The American Pitbull breed has not been officially recognized by the cynological organization. Representatives can vary greatly in appearance. This fact gave rise to doubts about the existence of uniform standards. In fact, the main quality of a purebred dog is the absence of the aggression gene. Today, adba and ukc, organizations for the registration of pit bull terriers, have put forward two versions of standards.

  1. UKC club
  1. adba
  1. Head
  2. Jaw
  3. Frame
  4. Tail
  5. Eyes
  6. Limbs
  7. Weight
  8. Height
  1. Head
  2. Jaw
  3. Frame
  4. Tail
  5. Eyes
  6. Limbs
  7. Weight
  8. Height
  1. Large, proportional to the body with clearly defined brow ridges
  2. The shape is a blunt wedge. The ratio of muzzle to skull is 2:3.
  3. Well developed, scissor bite.
  4. Strong, muscular, sculpted body. The length is slightly higher than the height at the withers.
  5. It has become a natural continuation of the upper body, tapering towards the top.
  6. Deep-set, widely spaced eyes. Blue color is not allowed.
  7. The fore and hind limbs are powerful and strong. Clearly defined hock angles at the hock joints.
  8. Cables 16-27, 2 kg, females - 13.5 - 22.7 kg.
  9. Cables - up to 40 to 42 m, bitches - from 37 cm to 39 m.
  1. The shape is wedge-shaped, tapering towards the nose. The bridge of the nose is well developed.
  2. Powerful, preferably scissor bite. The lips fit tightly to the jaw.
  3. Powerful body with a well-developed chest tapering towards the bottom. The length of the body exceeds the height of the animal.
  4. Set low, widening towards the base.
  5. Wide set, elliptical shape.
  6. The forelimbs have a pronounced relief, the shoulders are wider than the chest. The hind limbs are distinguished by sloping hips with thinner bones.
  7. From 10 to 35 kg
  8. From 42 to 48 cm

When determining breed standards, the American Dog Breeders Association pays more attention to the fighting qualities of the animal. In the second case, the emphasis in the description of the breed is placed in favor of its exhibition relative, the Staffordshire Terrier, and the physical characteristics are less closely examined. Both organizations pay attention to the character and temperament of the animal

Both organizations pay attention to the character and temperament of the animal

Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features

  • Height . Males - 46-53 cm. Females - 43-51 cm.
  • Weight . Males - 16-27 kg. Females - 14-23 kg.
  • Head . Proportional to the body, medium in size, resembling a rectangle in shape. The skull between the ears is quite wide and somewhat flattened. The jaws, especially the lower one, are well developed, powerful and strong.
  • Muzzle . Almost square in shape, quite wide and voluminous.
  • Ears . If left undocked, they are semi-erect or pink-shaped; if docked, then, as a rule, they are quite short and pointed to the tips.
  • Eyes . Almond-shaped or oval, set fairly low and not too prominent. The preferred eye color is dark brown, but it can also be lighter, for example, amber.
  • Neck . Slightly widening towards the shoulders, strong, lean and muscular.
  • Shoulder blades . Quite wide apart and set obliquely, strong and muscular.
  • Back . Short and moderately wide, slightly sloping towards the base of the tail.
  • Rib cage . Not very wide, but at the same time of sufficient depth, with well-developed muscles and slightly convex ribs.
  • Forelegs . Medium length, strong and parallel, set moderately wide.
  • Hind limbs . Strong and muscular with well angulated hocks.
  • Tail . Relatively short, set rather low. Usually it is lowered down, but when excited and during movement it rises to the line of the back.
  • Wool . Short, moderately stiff, close-lying and shiny. There is no undercoat.

Advantages of the breed

  • Dogs of this breed are relatively unpretentious and require a minimum of care.
  • The pit bull stands out for its mental abilities. Thanks to this, he successfully undergoes training.
  • Also, such dogs know how to get along with almost all pets.
  • The quality of courage of a pit bull terrier is incomparable; he is able to protect the entire family to the last and, if necessary, at the cost of his own life.
  • By the way, the cost of a puppy of this breed with a pedigree, depending on the city where it is sold, ranges from 150 to 1,200 dollars, or, based on average prices in St. Petersburg and Moscow, 15,000 to 25,000 rubles.

If those wishing to purchase this puppy come across a higher price, then they should think carefully about two options - the dog is either already an adult and has managed to win certain results in some competitions, or the price is simply unreasonably high, despite the “eliteness” of the puppy.

How to choose the right puppy

You can buy a baby from a trusted nursery at the age of 2 months. At this time, they are socialized and are able to communicate with their relatives. By 8 weeks, the young animals are given basic vaccinations, treated for worms, and have their ears/tail docked (it may be undocked).

When choosing a pet, the future owner should examine the entire litter, the female, and try to distinguish and compare defects. If at least one baby has them, then there is a high risk of their development in apparently healthy individuals.

Important! What a healthy baby pit bull looks like: well-proportioned, active, playful and curious. A beautiful puppy should not be shy and have a good appetite.

You will have to think about which gender to choose: girls are more affectionate, boys are independent.

Chinese toys for dogs

Character and intelligence

The dog's appearance suggests that it is strong and strong-willed. In this case, you can judge by clothes, because the pit bull really has such traits. They are balanced and will never attack anyone without reason. They have high intelligence and, if they see a person as a master, they obey him without whims. Dogs show interest in the world around them and have curiosity. Learning new commands is just a pleasure for them. Moreover, they grasp new information on the fly.

The pit bull is an agile dog that can easily learn to overcome fences and fences and run in mazes. You can also take your faithful friend with you on a hunt, because he has an innate instinct aimed at tracking down prey. Protects housing and knows what to do with thieves and those who like to invade other people's territory. There will certainly be no concessions.

On the contrary, they are very demanding about love and care, they require a lot of attention and affection. In turn, they bestow the owner with complete dedication and devotion, ready to come to the rescue at any moment and fearlessly save from any misfortune.

Attitude towards children and others

It was already mentioned above that the American pit bull is not characterized by malice and cruelty.

On the contrary, these dogs are friendly to kids and will never hurt them. This dog is smart and aware of the physical strength it has. She knows when and where to use it and understands that in a situation with a child you need to be patient and affectionate. Children may even put their fingers in the dog's mouth and pull on his ears, and he will tolerate such disrespectful behavior. They often play with rubber toys together and jokingly take them away from each other.

When a passerby walks down the street and sees a pit bull, he usually becomes alert and expects an attack. There's no need to worry. If a dog is psychologically healthy, it will not attack a stranger, and will not even bark in his direction. They show aggression only after forced and prolonged provocations or when they see that their owner is in trouble. Smart animals sense when someone is unkind to their owner, and a conflict is brewing. They do not attack other breeds, they can play with them and make new friends.


A pit bull must be gradually socialized and introduced to people. This must be done while still growing up. Take him to crowded places and watch his reaction. He should not be afraid or angry at people passing by. If his actions do not suit you, raise your tone and show your dissatisfaction. There is another method. Turn the person on his back and hold him for a while. In a pack, those who were dominated showed their bellies to their leader. Repeat several times until you are satisfied with the result.

You should develop an exercise routine with your puppy and take him for walks according to a schedule. Training begins when the puppy is 5 months old. Teach endurance. To do this, you will need a treat that your pet likes and a leash. Let the pit bull lie down and you gradually move away from him, holding a treat in your hand. The puppy should not run to you until you call him.

To practice hunting, tie an animal skin to a long stick. Give your dog a sniff so he gets used to the smell. Then lift it high above your head and command “Take!” It is necessary to ensure that the pet is eager for the skin and tries to grab it.

As you grow older, always keep chewable toys at home. They must be stable and not collapse under multiple attacks. If toys are missing, the dog will start biting you. Of course, from the first days it is worth showing who is boss in the house. Don't let him dominate or question your authority. You cannot allow people to go in front of you, only behind and next to you. It is you who set the route and direction, manage the situation, and not vice versa. Don't always keep the animal on a leash; give it absolute freedom at least occasionally.

Training and education of a pit bull

The very first thing a happy owner of this dog must do is show who is in charge. The owner must immediately make sure that the dog obeys and obeys him.

Attention! This does not mean that cruelty is necessary; on the contrary, it will cause aggression. A dog will harbor a grudge against a person and nothing good will come of it.

It's simple - the owner must talk to the dog, giving him commands in a calm, but firm and confident voice.

The most important age is up to 4 months. At this time, the foundations of the animal’s character and habits are fully laid. At this time, you need to play with the puppy a lot, pet it often, and show that it is loved by all family members. The dog must fit into the team, become its member.

In order for your pet to better pass the socialization stage, you need to walk it in crowded places from infancy. He must see and calmly react to other people and animals. His world should not focus on a narrow family circle.

If the puppy tries to show aggression, he needs to be turned over on his back and held in this position for some time. Genetic memory will make itself felt. Only the leader of the pack, in this case the owner, the main one, can do this.

American Pit Bull Terriers have an excellent memory; they easily learn not only basic, but also many additional commands. However, the system of prohibitions should always be stable, and not lobby day after day.

  • If the dog succeeds, he must be petted, praised, and you can give him a treat.
  • If, during the game, teeth come into play, the “No” command is required, after which the lesson must stop.

This will serve as a kind of punishment for the baby and he will gradually master the boundaries of what is permitted. It is not recommended to have this dog for those families who have or are planning to have a child. Despite the fact that a dog can be an excellent nanny for older children, it can cause serious harm to a baby who can grab it, pull it by the ears and tail. American Pit Bull Terriers are dangerous for children.

Important! Before purchasing a dog of this breed, it is worth analyzing whether the owner has enough strength to give him the necessary education.

Also, those families in which quarrels and scandals often arise should not get a puppy. There the animal will grow up unbalanced and with an unstable psyche.

Black American Pit Bull Terrier puppy


Socialization is the most important moment in raising a dog, which determines how a pit bull will look in society and, most importantly, how it will behave and interact with people in the future.

As a rule, they do not show any aggression towards people; on the contrary, they are very friendly. Especially if they are regularly walked in crowded places from a young age.

Other dogs can become a “red rag” for them. The hunter's instinct has not been canceled; you need to monitor this and be able to control this process. In order to avoid dog fights, it would be ideal to make friends with owners of non-aggressive dog breeds and exercise together daily.

It is better to take young puppies that will grow together and become friends. This way the pit bull will get used to dog company and will stop seeing the surrounding dogs as prey.

Important! Pit bulls need regular exercise. You need to spend at least an hour a day on them. The dog should run, play on the dog playground, and on weekends you can go for walks in the forest or park, where there will be more free space for the animal.

American Bully diet

For proper development and full health, representatives of the American Bully breed need good nutrition. If you don't pay enough attention to this aspect, you can create a lot of problems for your pet. The owner's responsibility in this matter should be at its best.

Whenever it comes to the nutrition of our little brothers, there are ardent supporters of industrial food and those who prefer to feed their pet exclusively natural food. It is high time to stop the debate on this topic by defining a balanced diet as the main criterion for feeding a pet.

Industrial feeds have undeniable advantages. They contain carefully selected nutrients, vitamins and microelements, all in the correct proportions and sufficient quantities. The owner who chooses this method of feeding will not have to use additional food additives. It is only necessary to provide your four-legged friend with a sufficient amount of fresh water, which a dog eating commercial food should always have free access to.

Food for American Bullies must be selected from the premium category. Their quality will allow you to avoid problems in the form of allergic reactions and other possible adverse consequences. In the matter of choosing the right industrial food for a particular dog, the help of a qualified specialist is very welcome.

If the choice is made in favor of a natural diet, then it should consist of dietary meat and a mixture of three main cereals - rice, buckwheat and millet. In this combination, your pet’s lunch will be the most complete. When preparing food, do not use salt or spices. This is the basis of the American Bully menu.

But it needs to be diversified with the following permitted and useful additions:

  • Low-fat fermented milk products (2-3 times a week);
  • Seasonal fruits and vegetables;
  • Vegetable oil (one tablespoon per day);

There is, of course, a list of prohibited foods that should never appear in a pet’s bowl, regardless of age.

This is, first of all:

  • Any food from the host's table;
  • All types of sweets, especially chocolate;
  • Potato;
  • River fish in any form;
  • Fatty, spicy and pickled foods;
  • Whole milk;
  • Citrus;
  • Onion and garlic;
  • Mushrooms.

From the age of weaning, American Bully puppies should be fed at least 5 times a day. Then gradually the number of meals decreases, and an adult one-year-old dog needs to be fed only twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. It should be borne in mind that American Bullies are prone to gaining excess weight, so food portions should be moderate, and daily exercise should be mandatory.

How to feed an American Pit Bull Terrier

The diet must be correct and balanced; the dog must not be overfed, since American pit bull terriers, like many other similar breeds, such as French bulldogs, are prone to obesity.

It is better to use premium ready-made dry food for medium and large breed dogs. There is a ready-made combination of all the necessary products in the correct proportions.

If we talk about natural food, it should not be fatty. It is based on lean meat, cereals (buckwheat and rice), vegetables, and dairy products. It is better to talk to your veterinarian about the exact nutrition program for each dog, based on its individual characteristics.

Attention! Food intake should be divided - puppies are fed 5 times a day, adult dogs - twice a day.

What is prohibited from feeding a pit bull?

Since nutrition must be balanced, its source is natural, healthy, low-fat foods. At the same time, there are a number of dishes that under no circumstances should end up on your pet’s table:

  • animal fats;
  • grapes and bananas;
  • mushrooms;
  • flour and confectionery products;
  • milk;
  • semi-finished products.

Maintaining proper nutrition is the best way to keep your dog healthy and prolong its life.

Is it true that this is a dangerous and aggressive breed?

The character of a dog depends on its upbringing and training. Of course, it cannot be said that you can behave with an American pit bull in the same way as with a small, designer breed. The zeal to fight for them is a genetic feature and an integral part.

However, the dog’s character is balanced, in some cases it is soft and calm. But if there is a reason to attack a person or another animal, he will do it with incredible cruelty, proving to be much more dangerous than many other breeds.

Only his relatives will be more aggressive - pit bull mastiffs, which are much larger and angrier than him.

Pit bull mastiff

Use and purpose of the breed

Modern representatives of the pit bull dog breed are no longer such merciless killers as they were originally created. The animals underwent strict selective selection and various mental tests, thanks to which the breed became universal.

Black pug: what a puppy looks like, color features

The main characteristic of the modern pit bull breed is the ability to work in all, even the most difficult conditions, with the exception of places with low temperatures. They are trusted with vast territories that they protect. They examine them in the company of a person. These are not the dogs that will sit on a chain. They'll just go crazy. They require freedom of movement and the company of a guide.

American Pit Bull Terriers in the United States are the most popular breed used in police service. Thanks to their excellent sense of smell, they are able to detect drugs, explosives and other illegal substances.

For reference! In addition, dogs of this species are excellent hunters. If they are on the trail of prey, then the victim will definitely not be able to escape.

American chocolate pit bull in police service

Education and training

The black pit bull, like all its relatives, has good intelligence, which makes it easy to train. Beginners may have the false impression that the pet is constantly trying to please the owner, fulfilling all commands and requirements. Experts believe that the training process should not be interrupted, and the dog should not be left unattended for a long time.

Training should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced dog handler, with whose help it is easier to instill basic skills and make the pet obey commands. For a quiet life without sudden aggressive outbursts, he must complete an ATS course and show sufficient obedience in the process. Only after its completion can you move on to learning the skills of the protective guard service (PSS).

Blue color


Such a pure color is very rare. More often you can see a white pit bull with multi-colored spots. If a dog does not have a black edging around the lips and eyes, and the nose is light rather than black, then its color is associated with the presence of the albinism gene. This color of dog coat is not allowed. In general, white pit bulls are less susceptible to genetic diseases. These are healthy, strong, protective animals.

How much does a puppy cost and how to choose one?

The cost of a puppy depends on the class to which it belongs. When it comes to purchasing from nurseries and official breeders, prices for 2022 are as follows:

  • Pet class - 7,000 - 10,000 rubles;
  • Breed class - at least 30,000 rubles;
  • Show class - up to 60,000 rubles.

Important! A purebred pit bull with a pedigree, when purchased from abroad, will cost no less than 60 thousand rubles

On the Internet and other information sources you can find advertisements for sale, in which the price of a pet may be lower, but you should not purchase such a genetically aggressive breed from an unverified breeder. There may be difficulties with upbringing, training and socialization.

When choosing a pet, you should get to know it in person and look at it several times. Reputable breeders and trusted nurseries provide this opportunity. In addition, they socialize dogs from infancy, and their character becomes clear at the age of 2 months. From such puppies you can understand how affectionate, kind the dog is or, on the contrary, how aggressive and embittered.

The puppy is also examined from all sides. He must be healthy, active, without signs of any diseases. The fur should be smooth and shiny. The most valuable pit bulls of a single color are white, black, blue, and gray. Of course, character is one of the most important qualities that you need to take a close look at.


leopard Albanian pit bull
Under the influence of the Merle phenomenon, the marbled coloration of spotted Albanian pit bulls occurred. Experts believe that this color should not exist and it is prohibited to breed animals with such hair. At the same time, the sale of puppies of this color is very popular abroad.

In the USA, as a result of crossing, a puppy of a unique merle color was obtained. By body structure it is a pit bull, and by the color of its coat it is a cheetah. The dog is named Titus. It has not yet been possible to repeat this achievement.

Pros and cons of the breed

The characteristics of the pit bull breed indicate the following advantages:

  • does not require complex and time-consuming care;
  • distinguished by intelligence and intelligence;
  • loyal, hardy;
  • friendly, sociable;
  • gets along well with younger family members - compared to representatives of small, pocket breeds.

Experts included the following in the list of negative qualities:

  • the need for early specialization and proper education;
  • attempts at constant leadership: among family members and pets, which can lead to an aggressive attitude towards other animals;
  • constant need to communicate with the owner;
  • bad reaction to loneliness.

Important! Stubbornness and willfulness, attempts to do everything in their own way have made four-legged animals difficult pets. Experts do not recommend that beginners get them - only an experienced dog lover can cope with their complex character.

Bitch: character

There is an opinion that American Pit Bull Terrier females have a more submissive and gentle character. But experts believe that character largely depends on heredity and individual characteristics. There are always exceptions, bitches with a very difficult character, and there are males with an easy-going and submissive character. But still, there is a difference in the behavior of the sexes. There are advantages and disadvantages for female and male genders.


  • Strong relationship with owner and home
  • Emotionally sensitive perception
  • Girls are smarter and smarter than boys
  • Accepts training tasks well
  • During walks, he runs less in the bushes
  • Doesn't rush at strangers
  • The breed is ideal for breeding, just one assessment from the exhibition is enough


  • Sly
  • Periodic menstruation

Pros and cons of pit bulls

Pros of owning pit bulls:

  • Pitbull is a short-haired dog, which means it requires minimal care. It does not need to be combed and washed for a long time;
  • He is also not picky when it comes to feeding. His daily diet is quite simple, without any culinary delights;
  • Thanks to their intelligence and natural fighting qualities, pit bulls are easy to train. The dog quickly becomes a loyal friend and protector for the whole family;
  • He is a very active and cheerful dog, and communication with him brings only positive emotions;
  • Dogs of this breed are not prone to illness;
  • A Pitbull will be a great addition to you. If you are an intelligent and strong-willed person, then this is the breed for you.

Cons of owning a pit bull:

A pit bull is a dog that needs to be really trained and spent a lot of time on in order for it to become a real helper; If you are not an experienced dog breeder, then most likely you do not need to get a dog of this breed; Without proper training, a dog can become a real problem, as it is naturally aggressive and has hunting instincts; She needs constant attention and long walks with significant physical activity; Without proper attention and exercise, the dog can become uncontrollable; From lack of attention, an animal can become irritable and anything can serve as a source of irritation; The disease inherent in this species is hip dysplasia, hypothyroidism. Also, dogs of this breed suffer from cardiovascular diseases such as aortic stenosis.

Pit Bull Health and Diseases

Veterinarians identify a number of diseases to which pets are predisposed:

  • dental and infectious pathologies;
  • rapid weight gain with obesity;
  • hip dysplasia - inherited;
  • various types of scabies: pets are affected by flea dermatitis, otodectosis, sarcoptic mange, demodicosis, notoedrosis;
  • allergies of various origins;
  • problems with the functionality of the thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular department, including aortic stenosis.

Important! Self-medication of these pathologies is impossible; if they are present, the owner must contact a veterinary clinic. Doctors will conduct a full diagnostic examination and prescribe adequate therapy. The selection of antihistamines for allergies should be handled by a veterinarian.

Origin story and what it looks like in the photo

The ancestors of gray pit bulls were bull and terriers, obtained from crossing Old English bulldogs with terriers.

From the first, these dogs inherited strength, strong physique, prominent muscles, courage, perseverance, as well as many colors, including white, black and blue. From terriers they received endurance, speed, intelligence, excellent reaction and tirelessness.

Until 1835, when a law was introduced banning the baiting of other animals by dogs, bull and terriers were widely used for fighting bears and bulls. Later, they began to be used as fighting dogs, pitting them against other dogs.

Despite the fact that such qualities as ruthlessness towards the enemy and malice towards other dogs were encouraged in dogs of this breed, aggression towards people has long been considered an unacceptable vice for them.

NOTE! Animals that showed aggressiveness towards humans were, at best, excluded from breeding, and at worst, destroyed without regret.

Thanks to this, a breed was formed whose representatives could tirelessly fight the enemy, but at the same time did not show malice towards people.

Excellent reaction, speed and endurance made pit bulls also suitable as working and hunting dogs. And the fact that they were not naturally aggressive towards humans was the reason why they became popular as companion dogs.

However, the specific character and temperament of pit bull terriers create certain difficulties with the education and socialization of such dogs.

For a non-specialist, especially if this is his first dog, it is not always easy to cope with such a pet, therefore, currently, in order to have a pet of this breed, in most European countries you need to obtain a special permit.


The appearance of fighting breeds is associated with the human need for spectacle. Already at the stage of ancient civilization, people loved and actively participated in organizing various types of battles. In addition to gladiator fights, animal fights became popular. For this purpose, special breeds of dogs were developed, called fighting dogs. This is how mastiffs and mastiffs appeared. Initially they were released for fights with bulls. There were also fights with monkeys, wild boars and bears. But these breeds were clumsy, so old-format bulldogs were bred. They had a specific exterior - a square head, broad shoulders, a death grip. These were ideal fighters.

Over time, a ban on this type of entertainment appeared in England. As a result, a large number of bulldogs and ambullies ended up on the street. Some of them died, others became the basis for other breeds. Only a small percentage of dogs were left untouched. It was the heavy bulldogs that became the ancestors of the American pit bull terriers.

If you look at the paintings of that time, you can see dog and bull fights captured by the artist. They are vaguely similar to pit bull terriers. They have little in common with Amoubles, as representatives of this breed were crossed with Pugs to shorten their muzzles.

The American Pit Bull Terrier (often briefly called the Bull Terrier) had quick reactions, endurance, and the ability to hunt, guard, and track. It is impossible to say which type of terrier played a big role in the formation of the breed:

  • There were all types of terriers in Europe.
  • Hunting breeds were in their infancy.

It is a mistake to consider the United States to be the home country of the pit bull. Fighting dogs were imported from other continents. They were mainly brought with them by immigrants from England, Holland, and Spain. Due to the low demand for fighting, the breed was on the verge of extinction. In the United States, “shadow knackering,” i.e., the illegal organization of fighting, existed until the twentieth century. It was in America that the purposeful breeding and improvement of the breed began. So the black pit bull was obtained from the best parents, winners of many fights. In breeding practice, the country of the breed is considered to be the one where the main lines originated, but the pit bull terrier was not originally bred in the USA.

In the 20th century there was a ban on fighting. Which automatically imposed a ban on breeding the relevant breeds. However, the number of pit bull terriers and Amstaffs did not decrease. Articles often appeared in the media about attacks by such dogs on people. It is worth remembering that any animal can bite. But such an advertising campaign helped shape the image of killer dogs.

The black pit bull began to undergo socialization only in 1870. It was then that two breeds were added to the register of the Kennel Union of America - the American Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier. The separation was done intentionally, as the breeders separated the breeds and did not want people to put them on the same level.

In 1989, a man named Bennett created the Working Pit Bull Association. Due to the lack of a breed standard, several types of exterior can be distinguished. This is how puppies were registered in two clubs. The pit bull began to suffer from closely related matings. So Bennett and his associates gave up dog fighting and left the clubs.

The main activities went in two directions:

  • reducing aggression towards people,
  • maintaining courage.

The work is still unfinished and continues to this day. You cannot take and radically cross out what has been established for centuries. Today, people can see the pit bull not only as a monster and a killer, but also as a strong and loyal companion. Due to the activities of breeders of fighting dogs, the quality of the breed suffers .

Character and behavior

A kind pit bull is the main characteristic of the Writer breed. These dogs have a balanced, obedient and absolutely non-conflict character. They are people-oriented and do not tend to dominate.

Trained animals can be easily controlled using voice commands without using other methods of influence.

Pitbulls get along well with other four-legged animals, be it a dog, a cat or a bird. They love children and are ready to spend hours playing with them.

However, the owner of the nursery, Irina Heinonen, notes that some individuals may still have residual anger, since the breed is in its formation stage. Therefore, adults should supervise the games between the dog and the child.

Breed dossier

Country of origin: United States of America.

Classification: Group 3. Terriers. Section 3. Bull-type.

Training: The American Pit Bull Terrier is a smart dog, easy to train, easily remembers commands and quickly executes them. This dog is a good performer with a strong character and excellent leadership qualities.

Color: can be any, solid or with markings.

Dimensions. Height at the withers: males: 53 - 58 cm, females 46 - 52 cm. Weight: from 10 to 40 kg.

General impression: a strong dog, smooth-haired, powerfully built. The American Pit Bull Terrier exudes strength and confidence.

Use: service and search dog, sports dog, companion dog, fighting dog.

Physical activity: active. American Pit Bull Terriers need active physical activity and strength training. These dogs are excellent runners and will gladly accompany their owner while jogging.

Personality: strong, balanced, friendly.

: suitable for keeping in an apartment and in an enclosure. An American Pit Bull Terrier can be kept in an enclosure provided it has daily communication with its owners and proper socialization during puppyhood, otherwise the dog may become angry and distrustful, and will attack people for no apparent reason.

Grooming: easy. The American Pit Bull Terrier is a smooth-haired breed of dog, and care for their coat is minimal.

Liveability: average. The American Pit Bull Terrier treats other pets in the house neutrally and does not show aggression. This is a friendly breed that loves its owners and all members of the family in which it lives.

Diseases: The American Pit Bull Terrier is in good health, but if poorly cared for, it can develop any canine disease.

Diet: dry food and supplementary feeding

A balanced diet is important, only then will the dog grow strong and healthy.

Life expectancy: 12-14 years.

Photo: American Pit Bull Terrier

Necessary care

Having a puppy in the house does not only bring joy. From the first days it is necessary to build a hierarchy of relationships and adhere to one line of behavior. This applies to all family members. A pit bull puppy is unlikely to love other animals, so think carefully about whether you should get one if you have a cat or other animals in the house. To prevent bad behavior, you need to walk your pet, give it toys and spend time with it. The puppy does not require special care - rare bathing, trimming of nails, cleaning of ears .

Character traits

Gray pit bull terriers are strong, self-confident, hardy and agile dogs. They are distinguished by a lively, energetic and moderately inquisitive disposition.

Modern pit bull terriers are friendly towards people, including children.

The fact that these dogs were bred to fight other animals has caused innate animal aggression, which needs to be properly corrected through early socialization and education.

However, a well-bred pit bull that has no mental problems and comes from healthy lines can be considered a completely reliable companion and family friend.

The behavioral characteristics of representatives of this breed largely depend on how the dog was raised and in what conditions it was kept, which is why you can often hear conflicting opinions about pit bulls.

Some people consider these dogs to be the kindest and most peaceful creatures in the world, while others consider them to be ruthless fighting machines whose goal is to destroy the enemy.

In fact, the character of gray pit bulls is very multifaceted and even somewhat contradictory, so that it depends only on the owner what kind of dog his dog will grow up to be: affectionate and good-natured, or prone to behavioral breakdowns and causeless aggression.

History of the origin of the breed

The first word in the name (American) gives the false impression that the breed was developed in the USA, but this is not the case. The homeland of these dogs is Great Britain, and it was from there that they came to Europe and the American continent.

American pit bull

The Pit Bull is a hybrid breed, its parents were the Old English Terrier and the Old English Bulldog. British breeders wanted to get a dog that would combine courage, speed and well-developed muscles. All assigned tasks were completed.

The pit bull is a dog that was originally used to fight and hunt bulls, bears and boars. Since 1835, animal protection laws began to appear and the use of dogs as hunters was prohibited. Despite the fact that dog fighting continued, the price of representatives of the breed fell.

At this moment, the Americans became interested in holding such “spectacular” events. They continued the British tradition. Some time later, a ban was introduced on the organization of dog fights, but they are still carried out illegally in some countries (including the USA and Russia).

Old English Bulldog

Despite the fact that such competitions have always been cruel and merciless, they have helped in improving the quality of the breed, as they have identified the best of the best. Now the qualities originally laid down have been further improved.

Old English Terrier

origin of name

Since the practice of dog fighting was most developed in America, and pit bull terriers appeared there most often, the breed received its addition - the American one. And the name pit bull comes from its purpose pit - “pit for fighting”, bull - “bull”. At one time, the breeding of American Bull Terriers was suspended, the breeders were monitored, and the characteristics of not only puppies, but also adults were monitored.

Interesting! This breed, due to its origin, is still called the English Pit Bull Terrier by some. But the word “American” has taken root more in society and among professionals than the English pit bull.

Small gray dog ​​breeds

Smaller gray dog ​​breeds may be either completely gray or have only gray as part of their coat pattern. The most common small gray dog ​​breeds are:

Italian Greyhound

The smallest greyhound dog, the Italian Greyhound, typically does not exceed 5 kg in weight and 38 cm in height at the withers. This is a smart, sweet, affectionate, calm and very sensitive dog. They are wonderful companions for those who can spend enough time with them, both indoors and outdoors. Common colors in this breed other than gray include black, white or tan.

Yorkshire Terrier

The most common color of the Yorkshire Terrier is a coat that is not entirely gray. While they have a beautiful metallic gray coloring on their body parts, the rest is a beautiful fiery color. However, you can see examples of Yorkies in blue or silver gray. They are especially known for their beautiful long hair that can be cut in a variety of styles...


Like the Schnauzer, the Poodle comes in several different types, which are primarily determined by its size. All types of poodles can show gray in their fur pattern, although it will be in several different shades. Poodles of all types tend to be very strong-willed, well-behaved, responsive to play, and can be incredibly loving. They are also noted as one of the smartest dog breeds in the world, so they need a lot of games to learn...

Chinese Crested Dog

Another type of small gray dog ​​is the Chinese Crested Dog. Although they are not a solid color, this is not related to the coat pattern. This breed is unique in our list of gray dogs because its coat is actually white and its fur is gray. Since they have no hair on most of their body, these parts are visible and give them a gray tint. Hairy parts usually cover its head, tail and legs. These pieces of skin are what gives them their tufted appearance.


Elegant, stylish and proportionate, the Whippet is an energetic, loving and responsive dog breed. All colors and combinations are accepted except merle patterns. Although they may seem like a calm dog, they need plenty of exercise and should ideally be allowed to run freely in a large yard.

Pit bull color genetics: many nuances

The American Pit Bull Terrier has short hair with a hard, elastic, close-fitting outer layer of hair. There is no hair in the pit bull's belly area.

The muzzle, paws and ears are covered with “velor” fur, shorter than the guard hair. The pigmentation of a pit bull’s nose, lips, and irises varies, as does the color palette of the coat.

The dog's coat can be anything: the breed even allows random inclusions of white and colored spots.

Attention! People who want to buy an unusual-looking pit bull are not fully aware of the problems they may face in the future. There are colors (for example, merle) that are artificial for pit bulls and lead to congenital diseases and serious mental disorders.

Before purchasing a cute pit bull puppy, you should learn not only the history of the origin of the breed, its biometric characteristics, but also understand why, for example, buying a luxurious Albanian pit bull or a blue-eyed albino will entail many problems and difficulties.

Breed standard (appearance)

Despite the fact that the pit bull breed is known not only in narrow circles of breeders, but also to almost all ordinary people, it is not considered official by many international organizations, including the International Association of Cynologists. There is no breed standard in Russia either. As an independent breed, the pit bull is recognized only by two organizations: ADBA and UKC.

UKC breed standard

Description of the Pitbull breed according to UKC:

  • The weight of males is 20-27 kg, females are lighter - 14-22 kg. Height should correspond to weight, there should be no shortage or overshoot.
  • The muzzle is deep, tapering towards the nose, the lower jaw is very powerful and prominent. The bite is scissors, but there should be no overshot.
  • Round or almond-shaped eyes are set low. The color can be any except blue and blue.
  • The body is muscular, strong, powerful, the front half of the body is 2 times larger and wider than the back. The tail is a direct continuation of the body. When at rest, it hangs calmly; when active, it rises to the croup.
  • Strong, muscular, developed limbs, knees pressed to the body, widely spaced.
  • Traffic is brisk but moderate. The dog is ready to run at any moment. Coordination is well developed.
  • The coat is dense, hard, adjacent to the skin, without undercoat. The color can be absolutely anything except merle.

Some colors are quite common, the most common being brown and red. The brindle color of the pit bull is also quite popular. More rare are the black pit bull, blue pit bull, and gray pit bull.

White pit bull

Characteristics of the pit bull breed that are grounds for disqualification at shows:

  • excessive aggression or cowardice;
  • complete or partial deafness of one ear or both ears;
  • short tail;
  • albinism;
  • long wool.

Representatives of the breed are competition winners

Shades of black in pit bulls

  • Black . The purest possible shade of jet black is desirable, and this coat color may also have small white markings, for example, in the form of a white tie or white fingertips.
  • Black and white . On the main black background there are white markings, the total area of ​​which occupies no more than 50%.
  • Black and Tan . With this color on a black background there are markings in the form of tan marks of reddish, reddish or light brownish shades. The location of the spots is the same as, for example, on Rottweilers or Dobermans: above the eyes, on the muzzle, on the chest, lower legs and under the tail.
  • Tricolor . Similar to black and tan, except that this color also has white markings.
  • Brindle . This color appears almost black if there are few red stripes on a black background.

The dark gray color also sometimes looks almost black, but can be distinguished by a more or less pronounced bluish tint to the coat.

Distinctive features

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Before you get a Frenchie, you need to take seriously the fact that this is not just a funny indoor bulldog peeing in a litter box. Firstly, despite his diminutive size, he still needs constant walks filled with vivid impressions and opportunities to throw out his vigorous energy.

Secondly, Frenchies simply love to dominate, and if the owner often follows the pet’s lead, the bulldog’s character and psyche are distorted very quickly.

Thirdly, you need to immediately realize that the “Frenchies” are quite expensive to feed and treat.

Dimensions and other features of the Blue Bulldog:

  • Dog height: male – 30-35 cm, female – 25-30 cm;
  • Dog weight: male – 10-15 kg, female – 8-12 kg;
  • Lifespan: 10-15 years;

Peculiarities of color: dogs with the D gene (weakened black color gene) have a rare blue color. Such a gene may also be present in a standard-colored Frenchie, but with further breeding there is a high probability of “blue” puppies appearing in his offspring.

Body type: strong, muscular.

The large head has a square outline and a darker color. Due to the structural features of the head and its massiveness, Frenchies cannot swim.


The presence of an upturned flat nose and a flattened muzzle leads to the fact that bulldogs have difficulty breathing; they do not tolerate heat and prolonged exercise.

The tail is naturally docked. French leather has many folds that require special care to avoid specific diseases. But his short coat requires minimal grooming.

Breed description, standards, appearance

American Bullies are bodybuilding dogs with an athletic build, a square head and massive bones. Their movements are powerful, but at the same time light. They are compact, agile, fast, hardy. In these qualities, American Bullies are often superior to fighting dogs.

American Bullies are medium-sized dogs. Outwardly, they are similar to pit bull terriers and American staffs.

There are 4 types of American Bullies, which differ in size: Pocket, Standard, Classic, XL. The first are the shortest (they are called pocket), the second and third are medium in size, and the fourth are the largest.

American Bullies have short, thick, shiny fur. They come in a variety of colors.

Dimensions and design

The dimensions of the dog depend on the type to which it belongs:

American bully standard (Standart). The height of the male is 43–51 cm, females – 40–48 cm. This group is the most numerous. Its representatives have a heavy head, a short, square-shaped muzzle, a muscular body and massive bones. The American Bully breed standard is the template for other types of Bullies. It is believed that they should have a similar set of qualities (except for height). The Classic American Bully is the same height as the Standard type. However, the Classic American Bully is lighter in weight, their body is still muscular, but less powerful than the Standard, and their bone structure is lighter. They are most similar to Pit Bull Terriers and Amstaffs. American Bully Pocket (Pocket). Height for males is 35–43 cm, for females – 33–40 cm. Otherwise, mini-pitbulls are not inferior to the standard in terms of external characteristics. American Bully XL. The height of the male reaches 50–58 cm, females – 48–56 cm. Outwardly, these giants among the American Bullies do not differ from representatives of the Standart type.

A complete breed description should include information about the different parts of the American Bully's body. For example, a dog’s head is large, with a powerful forehead, angular, and has pronounced muscles in the cheek area.

The muzzle is of medium length, wide, and has a sharp transition to the skull. Its upper part is straight (not up or down). The nose is large and has wide nostrils. Its shade can be any (except light pink).

The ears are set high, their tips tilt forward. Sometimes owners dock them to make it harder for the pet to be injured during a fight.

American Bullies have a variety of eye colors, with the exception of pinkish or red (albinism). They are shaped like almonds and planted far apart.

The lower jaw is more pronounced than the upper. The lips fit tightly to the jaws. American Bullies have a scissor bite - the upper row of teeth covers the lower row.

The neck is powerful, slightly curved, the skin on it fits tightly, minimal looseness is acceptable.

Broad, athletic shoulders flow into straight, strong front legs. The distance from the withers area to the elbow joint of the forelimb should correspond to the same parameter from the elbow to the foot. The paws are rounded at the bottom, the toes are pressed tightly together.

The body is muscular, bulky, and of medium length. The chest is wide, so the distance between the front legs is relatively large. The back is short, slightly sloping down or straight. There is a slight slope in the buttocks area.

The hind legs are lower than the front legs, they are also muscular, their upper part is parallel and the lower part is straight. The croup is slightly sloping downwards.

The tail is of medium length, tapering towards the tip. When moving, the American Bully raises it to the level of its back. Creases, knots, and curvature are unacceptable.

Normally, an American Bully should not be overweight. This parameter is assessed by appearance; if the weight and height correspond to the proportions of the dog’s body, then there are no deviations.

The American Bully's gait is light and powerful. During games, he is energetic, fast, agile, and demonstrates powerful pushes while jumping. It is bad if the dog walks swaying, raises its paws high, and makes raking movements with them.

Potential owners should study the characteristics of the American Bully breed in order to select a purebred pet.

Color and coat type

The length of the American Bully's coat is no more than 1 cm. The coat is thick, there are no bald spots on the body, the hairs lie tightly to the body. Wool shines under different types of lighting.

The color of the American Bully is varied:

  • white with blue, chocolate, black tints;
  • black with white spots;
  • different shades of brown;
  • shades of blue and gray;
  • lilac with white spots;
  • speckled color;
  • brindle color;
  • different shades of red.

American bullies look interesting when they have 3 colors mixed on their body, for example, fawn, white, sable or light gray, white and wet asphalt.

Choosing a puppy

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a rather controversial breed. Therefore, those who decide to choose her for themselves need to carefully approach the purchase of a puppy. He must be quite active, but at the same time balanced. It is strongly recommended that you contact a specialized kennel, because the owners who sell such dogs through advertisements may not be very conscientious.

What kind of parents the puppy had plays an important role. If the father or mother had hereditary diseases, and were also distinguished by aggressive behavior, it is recommended to refrain from purchasing. The pedigree is carefully studied, and if there are no complaints about it, you can look at the baby. The color of the fur, eyes and other external features of the future pet are selected at the discretion of the owner.

The main feature of pit bull puppies is their stunning appearance and cuteness. You should not opt ​​for individuals with a large head, as this is not at all a sign of power. The back should be level, the joints should not be too fragile, and the feet should be placed correctly. Behavior is also important. An ideal pet should not be aggressive, shy or inactive. If you comply with all the conditions, there is a chance to get a healthy and smart dog, as well as a loyal friend.

See below for more information on the characteristics of this dog breed.

How to name a pet

The pet's name is what the pit bull will hear most often; it should be pleasant for both the owner and the pet. American Pit Bull Terriers are serious animals; their nickname should reflect their character.

Popular nicknames for boys:

  • Archie;
  • Dexter;
  • Parker;
  • Lord;
  • Thunder;
  • Bond;
  • Oscar.

Nicknames for girls:

  • Jesse;
  • Tory;
  • Angel;
  • Gretchen;
  • Sanda;
  • Dina;
  • Selina;
  • Chloe;
  • Umber.

It is important to remember that the nickname must correspond not only to the wishes of the owner, but also to the character of the pet. Therefore, it is better not to plan it in advance, but to wait a little and study the dog’s habits.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a breed with a difficult history and difficult fate. For their own benefit, people deliberately made them more aggressive, angry, cruel, and caused them a lot of pain. All this, undoubtedly, was deposited in genetic memory. However, now it is already a transformed and adapted breed. Despite the fact that the ghosts of the past sometimes manifest themselves in the pet’s independent character, this is a completely balanced and adequate dog. She won't attack without reason. She, like anyone else, needs affection, care from her owner and upbringing, which has the right message.

Additional information about the breed

The pit bull has powerful jaws and a constant need to chew something. Old non-studded tires, special hard treats, and molded rubber balls are perfect for dogs to play with.

It is important to provide your dog with toys in a timely manner so that he does not switch to his home environment out of boredom. On top of that, pitas are very affectionate and cannot stand long separation from their family. Prolonged loneliness can have a detrimental effect on your pet's health and character.

Prolonged loneliness can have a detrimental effect on your pet's health and character.

Pit bulls do not have an undercoat, so it is important to protect the dog from drafts and to purchase insulating clothing for it during the winter cold. In addition, pitas do not like to sleep on the floor. A special dog bed or sofa will not be superfluous.

A special dog bed or sofa will not be superfluous.

Pit bull care

Pitbulls cannot spend the winter outside. Short hair does not provide them with proper warmth. Therefore, keeping these dogs in the yard is excluded. In winter weather, animals have time to freeze during a walk. Therefore, this breed is only suitable for living in a house or apartment. Moreover, its small size allows you to do this.

Caring for a pit bull is not difficult. Once a week you need to brush your dog. After a walk outside, you need to wipe the fur with a damp cloth. There is no need to bathe dogs often, as they become dirty, but preferably no more than once every 2 months. The ideal option would be to bathe once every six months. In this case, the pit bull's coat will be healthy and silky.

To prevent plaque, it is recommended that dogs have their teeth brushed. Claws should be trimmed if necessary to prevent overgrown ones from cutting into the paw pads. Typically, dogs that are often taken for walks wear down their nails on their own. Your pit bull's eyes should also be examined regularly. They must be dry, without oxides.

Dogs are prone to obesity, so it is necessary to strictly control the animal’s diet and amount of food. Excess weight leads to various diseases. To maintain optimal weight, the dog must regularly receive the necessary physical activity. The owner should not be lazy and walk a lot with his pet in the fresh air. Moreover, pit bulls love active games.

Toys for American Pitbull

All modern toys for dogs can be divided into 3 types:

  • items for executing the “Aport” command;
  • items for joint games with the owner;
  • items for independent games.

A pit bull should have all types of toys so that he does not get bored. The main thing is that they must match its size.

The best fetching toy is a puller - two identical rings. They are most often chosen by owners of large dogs; their sizes grow from mini to xxl as the dog grows older.

For joint games with the owner, ropes and all their variations are most often used. For independent games, you can choose any toys. And with the help of games in the fresh air, the dog will be able not only to throw out all his emotions, but also to pump up his muscles.

Puller game

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