How often and how correctly should you walk your shepherds?

Experienced dog breeders are well aware of all the nuances of keeping a pet. Beginners often have many questions: how long should a German Shepherd be walked, how often should it be done, what are the rules for feeding and vaccination. Therefore, before making a responsible purchase, it is important to familiarize yourself with the nuances of the content.

When can a puppy be taken outside in winter?

As a rule, a puppy is taken from a breeder at the age of 2.5–3 months. This is the optimal time to start walking. True, it often coincides with the quarantine period of vaccinations, but even in this case it is recommended to take the puppy outside in your arms or in a carrier at least for a short time.

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Caring for a German Shepherd

A German Shepherd puppy needs to be given a permanent place in the house right away. Restricted areas:

  • in a draft;
  • alongside the door;
  • near the battery.

The best place would be a quiet corner of a room (corridor, room or kitchen), from where the dog can see all members of the household. As a bed, you should use a mattress with a removable cover, which must be washed at least once a week.

To get accustomed to the place, the puppy should be rewarded with a treat. It is unacceptable to allow him to lie on beds, sofas, carpets - this will cause problems with education in the future.

Hygiene procedures

A German Shepherd is taught to perform all hygiene procedures immediately after entering the house, while it is still a puppy. Without this, for example, it will be very difficult for an adult dog to brush his teeth. It is important to regularly carry out all care activities. Then they will be taken for granted by the dog and will not cause resistance on his part.


The dog's fur and skin are covered with a protective layer of fat. Frequent bathing disrupts it, which can lead to dermatological problems. Therefore, the first water procedure is carried out on a puppy no younger than 3 months old. In the future, the dog is bathed no more than 3 times a year.

Bathing means using detergents. It is permissible to wash off dirt after a walk with warm water. You can also wipe the paws and fur with a damp towel.

The puppy's first bath can be done as follows:

  1. It is better to bathe the puppy with a helper. Fill 2 buckets of warm water, prepare a ladle and 2 towels.
  2. Fill the bath with some water with a temperature no higher than 40 degrees, it should reach the tummy of a standing puppy. Pet the dog and talk to it in a gentle tone to calm it down.
  3. Begin gradually pouring water over the puppy's back. You can do this by hand, scooping water from the bath into your palm, then use a ladle. In the future, you can water the dog with warm water directly from the shower. You can pour water on your neck up to the level of your ears, but you should not wet your head.
  4. Scooping a little special shampoo into your palm, gently lather the fur (first the back and neck, then the belly, and lastly the paws and tail).
  5. Empty the bath water and at the same time begin to rinse the detergent from the fur. Use a ladle and previously prepared clean water, or do it straight from the shower if the puppy is not afraid of it. The shampoo must be rinsed off completely, otherwise its residue will irritate the skin.
  6. Dry your puppy's fur with a towel. Then wrap it in a second (dry) one and take it to a warm room with the windows closed.
  7. Sit for 10 minutes with the puppy in your arms, then you can unroll the towel and dry the fur with a hairdryer, holding it at a distance of at least 20 cm (blowing it with warm, not hot air).

It is advisable to carry out the procedure at night. It is better not to take the puppy out for a walk in the next 5 hours.

A dog accustomed to water procedures can easily tolerate bathing

An adult dog is first wiped with one towel, then replaced with a dry one and the procedure is repeated. A hairdryer is used in the cold season, but the absence of drafts and open windows after bathing remains an indispensable requirement at any age.

Care for ears, eyes, teeth

The eyes of the German Shepherd are wiped with a cotton swab moistened with boiled water. For this purpose, you can also use infusions of chamomile or calendula. The procedure is carried out daily, regardless of age.

The ears of an adult dog are examined once a week, dirt is cleaned only from the outer part of the auricle, without going deep, so as not to provoke inflammatory diseases. You can use special lotions, for example, “Bars” or “Veda” or regular boiled water.

It is better to use specialized lotions to remove dirt from the ears.

The ears of puppies up to 6 months may not yet be erect, in which case they are examined every other day. In a closed ear there is poor ventilation, which can cause inflammatory diseases. At the first signs of redness, you should consult a doctor to prevent otitis media.

Puppies' teeth are brushed once every 7–10 days to accustom them to this initially unpleasant procedure. Use special brushes and pastes for dogs. In adult animals (after 1 year), teeth cleaning can be done once every 2 weeks if the pet regularly receives dental treats: special pads, sticks, bones from dry veins. If not, then the regime remains the same - once every 7-10 days.

Nail trimming

If a dog is walked enough, its nails usually wear down on their own. But in this case, they should be checked at least once a week for chips and cracks. If the claws grow, then once a month their ends are shortened with a nail clipper.

Using a special nail cutter, only the hollow part of the claw is cut off.

Puppies have their nails trimmed without fail, because they don’t yet have the physical activity to sharpen the tips themselves.

German Shepherds have black nails, making it difficult to see where the hollow part ends and the living tissue begins. To avoid damaging them, if you lack experience, it is better to have this procedure performed by a professional.


Both puppies and adult pets are brushed 2 times a week. The procedure can be carried out more often if the owner notices that in the areas where the hair is brushed (in the area of ​​the hind legs, behind the ears) the hair becomes tangled.

They usually try to disassemble the tangles and cut them off in a hopeless situation. A dog whose coat is regularly groomed should not have matted hair.

German Shepherds shed their coats twice a year. During these periods they are combed daily. The use of a furminator during shedding is acceptable, but not more than once a week, so as not to damage the guard hairs.

German Shepherds shed heavily, so a Furminator can be used during these periods.

Proper nutrition

Having taken the puppy from the kennel, the new owner must give him the same food for 2 weeks that the baby received in his previous place. After this, the owner can choose which feeding plan to follow: prepared dry and wet or natural products.

The transition to a new plan is carried out within 10 days, during each of which 10% of the usual diet is replaced by a new one.

The following ready-to-eat foods are suitable for German Shepherd puppies:

The bowl is placed on a stand, which is adjusted to the puppy’s chest level. This will avoid problems with the spine.

If a natural feeding plan is chosen, the menu is compiled with the help of a veterinarian. The baby's diet must include:

  • fresh or lightly cooked veal, beef, horse meat (they do not give minced meat, but pieces);
  • offal (heart, kidneys, udder, tripe) - introduced from 4 months and given 3 times a week;
  • eggs - 1 piece 2 times a week;
  • cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir - 2 times a week;
  • grated vegetables, fruits, chopped herbs - can be given stewed, mixed with porridge.

Cereals and bread should be present in the diet in minimal quantities. The basis of the German Shepherd's diet is meat. When feeding natural products, the dog needs vitamin and mineral complexes.

Feed the puppies:

  • at 1 month - 6 times a day;
  • at 2 months - 5-6 times;
  • from 3 to 6 months - 3–4 times;
  • from 6 months to 1 year - 2–3 times;
  • from 1 year and throughout life - 2 times.

After 1 year, the German Shepherd's diet expands. They add to it:

  • rabbit, turkey, beef;
  • sea ​​fish without bones (boiled 2 times a week).

The basic principles of nutrition remain the same as for puppies. Cereals in the form of porridges should be present in the diet, but not occupy more than 25%.

Ready-made foods for adult shepherd dogs are recommended:

  • Eukanuba Breed specific;

    Eukanuba diet, designed specifically for German Shepherds, contains additional amounts of chondroprotectors to support joint health.

  • Forza10 Best Breeders German Shepherd;
  • Royal Canin German Shepherd Adult.

Walking your pet

The German Shepherd puppy is allowed to go for walks when he has received his first vaccinations; until this time it is better to observe quarantine.

The first trips outside should not take more than 10 minutes. At 3 months, exposure to fresh air is about half an hour per exit. Already at this age, the puppy is accustomed to a leash.

The duration is increased gradually. By six months, walks a day can take up to 2 hours, by 10 months - up to 3 hours. Next, the German Shepherd needs to be walked often and a lot.

In public places, dogs of this breed should be kept on a leash and muzzle, which the puppy is accustomed to starting from 6 months of age.

Until the age of 1, puppies are not given too long or heavy physical activity to avoid improper formation of the spine.

In winter, your pet can wear an insulated vest. In cold rainy weather - waterproof overalls. In other weather conditions there is no need for clothing for a German Shepherd.

In cold weather, you can put an insulated vest on your dog

Cleaning after a walk

Walking a German Shepherd ends with its inspection and cleaning. When examining, pay attention to both the general appearance of the dog and individual parts of the body.

Shepherd examination

It is carried out with caution, since when pressure is applied to painful areas, the shepherd is capable of an unexpected reaction and can bite the owner.

This is interesting! First, examine the paws, especially the pads, where wounds from glass, cracks or splinters may appear. Spikelets often get stuck between the fingers: if they are not pulled out, suppuration is possible. In winter, paws suffer from reagents and salt, so they are washed with warm water at home.

Then they look at the ears, where both parasites and thorns/chips get caught. Both are removed using tweezers. Next, check for scratches and cracks on the nose, as well as the condition of the mouth and eyes. Finally, they go over the entire coat, looking for ticks (in summer). All foreign objects are carefully removed.

Cleaning a Shepherd

Daily brushing removes dust, dander and dirt from your dog's skin/fur. First, the German Shepherd is combed, standing on its left: they pass the comb over the head, neck, body, tail and limbs.

This is interesting! Particular delicacy is shown when combing the inner thighs, as many dogs react painfully to manipulation in this area.

Cleaning is carried out in the same way as combing, changing the comb to a brush: it is first directed with light pressure against the hair, and with more noticeable pressure along the hair. This is dry cleaning, which usually precedes wet cleaning, performed using a special sponge. Some shepherds tolerate cleaning well with a vacuum cleaner with a small attachment. In winter, snow purification is recommended; in summer, swimming in the river. In addition, the shepherd dog is periodically washed in the bathroom, since dry cleaning does not completely remove dander and dirt.

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Walking area

For walking, it is better to choose a relatively secluded place where there will be a minimum of irritants. There is no need to use playgrounds, schoolyards, areas under windows and near entrances for walks. Complaints from residents will spoil the pleasure of walking together for you and your pet.

When moving, constantly adjust the length of the leash, releasing it as much as possible if no one is nearby and pulling it in as short as possible if people or animals pass by. Always be prepared for the fact that a cat, dog, or person may suddenly jump out from around a corner or bush, and your dog may react to them in different ways. Try to hold the leash with both hands.

If a child or a dog is running towards you and your dog, or a stranger is approaching, it is better to ask in advance not to approach, since you still cannot 100% predict the development of the situation with strangers/dogs. They may behave inappropriately, or maybe your dog.

Required accessories

Walking even the most well-trained German Shepherd requires a standard set of accessories (collar, leash and muzzle) that guarantee the safety of passers-by and the dog itself in various peak situations. This could be a meeting with an angry male or a female in heat, as well as other irritating factors.

Important! You need to get used to the collar before going outside, from about 2 months, by simply putting it on the puppy as it wanders around the apartment. A strict collar, studded with metal spikes, is worn (if necessary) only on an adult shepherd, on other days making do with the usual one - made of leatherette, tarpaulin, leather or synthetic braid.

You will need 2 leashes, long and short. A long one (10-12 m) is necessary for relatively free walking of the shepherd dog and is considered universal, as it is equipped with a mechanism that fixes the length of the leash. You can buy a leash hidden in a plastic case and which is a tape measure with a spring device.

A short leash up to 1-1.5 m, clings to the collar with a carabiner and is used when leading a shepherd dog next to the owner. A metal mesh/leather muzzle is adjusted to the size of the dog's muzzle and used when necessary. The muzzle and collar should not squeeze the muzzle/throat, but should not hang loose on the dog. Walking gear should be stored in an accessible place so that your pet can remind you to go for a walk by bringing you a leash or collar. On the other hand, you need to make sure that the dog does not play with them or try to chew them.

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Taking care of your German Shepherd's health

In order for your pet to stay with you for a long time, you need to carefully monitor its health. Scheduled visits to the veterinarian are required once a year, but if consultation is needed on various issues (well-being, nutrition), then you need to visit more often.

In the first year of a puppy’s life, meetings with the veterinarian occur frequently, because all vaccinations must be completed. Vaccination is the only way for a dog to avoid the serious consequences of certain infections that (such as rabies) can be fatal. Vaccinations are carried out according to a schedule that should be followed:

  • 1.5 months - vaccination against hepatitis, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis, repeated administration of the vaccine after 2 weeks;
  • 3 months - against canine distemper, repeated vaccination after six months;
  • 4 months - against leptospirosis;
  • 6 months - for rabies, repeat every year.

If you have not started vaccinating your pet on time, contact your veterinarian, he will create an individual schedule for your dog.

The pet is regularly treated for parasites for preventive purposes: deworming is carried out once every 3 months, and medications against fleas and ticks are used as needed, since various products protect the dog from them for periods of 1 to 3 months.

Deworming is also carried out 2 weeks before each vaccination.

The German Shepherd is a large dog, so as it ages, it may develop problems with the musculoskeletal system, such as hip dysplasia. This pathology can lead to lameness and disability of the animal. If you suspect any unusual gait, you should immediately contact your veterinarian - in the early stages the disease is easier to correct.

What types of harnesses are there?

Before you decide which harness material is best for you, remember a few important tips. Always carefully inspect the product, how it is stitched, what quality the riveting is.

The fastening ring should ideally be cast, this is the only way it will withstand a sharp jerk from the German Shepherd. The fastener must be made of metal - the plastic will burst under pressure. When choosing between a traditional clasp and a length adjuster, give preference to the latter.

The harness is made from different materials:

  • leather;
  • from tarpaulin;
  • from synthetics.

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of various harnesses.


This harness is universal, suitable for both daily walks and training. It is well stitched and riveted, with a cast or welded ring. Thanks to the strength of the material, it will last a long time.

You should not use the harness during rain or snow, because the leather quickly gets wet and stretches, and after drying it becomes hard to the touch and less wear-resistant.


A canvas harness does not stretch, but has many disadvantages. Firstly, tarpaulin is fragile and short-lived. Secondly, it gets very dirty and is very difficult to wash. Thirdly, when it rains, it quickly gets wet.


We can only find positive things about this harness. It does not get wet, does not stretch, and has increased strength. Along with these advantages, it is easy to wash.

Feeding a puppy natural food by month

Some owners of four-legged friends refuse dry food, preferring to feed their pet natural food. During the adaptation period of about two weeks, the puppy should receive food as close as possible to what the breeder ate. Then the puppy can be accustomed to natural feeding.

Black German Shepherd: characteristics, what is it called

The first 6 months of life are a period of active growth that requires high-calorie food. The diet of a two-month-old German consists of:

  • meat;
  • milk;
  • rice and oatmeal;
  • cottage cheese and kefir.

For your information! Raw meat is healthier for puppies of any age, but each dog requires an individual approach. When upset, you can give boiled meat, which will help bring the stomach back to normal.

At 3 months, boiled carrots and vegetable oil are added to the diet, since the puppy’s body requires minerals found in vegetables.

At the age of 4 months, the German Shepherd undergoes a change of teeth, requiring additional calcium. The easiest way is to add gelatin to your diet.

After 6 months, the shepherd’s body growth stabilizes. During this period, you can diversify your diet with offal, different types of cereals, except semolina, since it is poorly digestible. Milk should be excluded from the diet of male dogs, while girls should receive it daily.

Dry food

It is quite difficult to create a balanced diet for your pet on your own, but for full growth and development, the dog must receive not only the right amount of food, but also all the necessary microelements in it. Dry food manufacturers cope with this task. Things to consider when choosing a brand:

  • the food must be specialized (designed specifically for German shepherds);
  • suit the age of the pet;
  • The food should be based on meat;
  • no synthetic additives.

Important! The dog may not agree with the person’s choice, even if it seems that the food is the best. Therefore, it would be good to choose several options and see which food is more suitable and appealing to your pet.

These dogs love to swim on their own in ponds.


At 2 months, a German Shepherd puppy should be vaccinated according to the schedule. This is the main aspect of the dog’s health and protection from diseases. 7-10 days before vaccination, the puppy should be given an anthelmintic.

Before vaccination, the veterinarian must rule out diseases during a preliminary examination. If there are external signs of illness, vaccination should be postponed for some time. If the puppy has a good weight and is completely healthy, then vaccination is allowed.

Important! Immediately after administering a new drug, you must not leave the veterinary clinic for at least half an hour to avoid a negative reaction to the vaccine.

While the puppy is growing, vaccinations should be carried out according to the vaccination schedule and try not to deviate from it.

Teaching correct behavior when going out for a walk and returning

When bringing your dog into the entrance, try to lead it on a short leash along the wall, separating it from people walking up the stairs. In case of an emergency, you will have the opportunity to pin your pet with your knee.

In front of the apartment door/gate, train the dog to sit and wait until you open/close the door and put the keys in your pocket. Don’t let yourself fly down headlong and drag you along towards people.

Try to train your dog to also sit down when leaving the apartment/yard and when entering, so that you can easily put on or remove the collar, leash and muzzle. Then, subsequently, walks will not create any discomfort for you and will bring only pleasant emotions.


History of the origin of smooth-haired Germans

The first mentions of short-haired German Shepherds were found in documents from the 7th century. By the 19th century, they were widespread in what is now Germany, where the dogs were used as herding dogs. The breed owes its modern appearance to Friedrich von Stefanitz, who was engaged in selection and brought the shorthaired Germans to perfection. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Union of Shepherd Dog Owners was created, within which a lot of work was done to select the best representatives and develop a standard. Animals from herding turned into service animals - pets were given to the army and police.

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