How to distinguish a purebred Scottish kitten from a simple one

Folding ears are associated with the specific structure of the ears. This property was recorded in Scotland in 1961, when breeders began to deliberately breed lop-eared kittens. Hence the second name of this breed – Scottish.

Scientists have discovered that this ear structure is a gene mutation, with lop ears being a dominant gene. When two fold-eared cats are crossed, weak kittens are born. In order for the offspring to be healthy, one parent must have fold ears, and the other must have straight ears. When purchasing, find out which cats your future pet comes from. This will save you from choosing a purebred but sick kitten.

Newborn fold kittens

Kittens in a litter from a fold-eared parent and a straight-eared parent are different, but they can be distinguished from each other after 2-3 weeks.

British and Scottish ears

Important! It is recommended to buy a fold kitten when it is 6 weeks old. At earlier stages, you risk paying a large sum and finding that the kitten's ears will straighten over time.

Loss of characteristic: when the ears rise

Straight-eared kittens are called straights, and fold-eared kittens are called folds. The clear difference between them lies in the presence and number of folds on the ears. One fold causes the ears to straighten over time. This does not mean that the kitten is straight. To answer the question about his breed, an examination is carried out. It is especially important for owners who plan to crossbreed kittens. An incorrect conclusion about the straightness of an animal leads to the crossing of two lop-eared individuals and sick offspring. If there are two folds, then it is impossible to predict the outcome: the kitten can remain fold-eared with the same success as become straight-eared. Three folds ensure the ears don't straighten out.


Scots have different colors. Among the popular ones:

  1. Plain. Cats can be white, chocolate, smoky, black. White color dominates when mating.
  2. Marble. Among them there are light and dark, fur with different patterns.
  3. Tabby. The wool has different colors that form patterns.
  4. Golden, silver and smoky. Their undercoat is colored white or gold. Among silvers, they are often found with a striped color. Silvers are the most popular among breed connoisseurs.
  5. Multi-colored. They have blue eyes and light fur. The combination of colors and patterns is different, often a combination with silver, gold, tabby, smoky, marble, cream, red.
  6. Tortoiseshell. This color is found only in cats. Cats can only be caught with a tortoiseshell color if there are genetic disorders. The combination of tabby and bicolor to form a tortoiseshell is rare.

When do fold-eared kittens' ears droop?

First of all, it is necessary to understand genetic mechanics. Because you won’t be able to immediately understand whether a kitten is fold-eared or not. All babies are born with a normal ear structure and all newborn kittens have erect ears. But by 15-20 days, the ears of lop-eared babies droop. Thus, at 2 weeks of age, kittens first show their belonging to the fold-eared group. But the process is not yet complete and things can change quite quickly.

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Initially, all animals were born with one fold, but later breeders were able to achieve the formation of two, and after a while, three folds on the ears of cats. If at 2 weeks of age only one fold has formed in lop-eared kittens, then there is a high probability that later the cartilage will become stronger and the ear will straighten - in such kittens the ears rise in 50% of cases, and they grow not as folds, but straights.

The presence of a double fold is a guaranteed sign that can be used to distinguish a fold-eared kitten from an ordinary one. In this combination, the risk of encountering erect ears is reduced by another half.

The most reliable sign is the presence of a triple fold. With it, the ear will definitely remain pressed to the head. However, it will be possible to definitively determine lop ears in a kitten only at the age of 3-4 months.

Important! Despite the fact that Scots differ from other breeds in the unusual shape of their ears, some animal lovers prefer to have straight-eared Straights. They are afraid of possible health problems and believe that a cat with raised ears has a more affectionate character.

Rules for determining lop ears

You can determine whether a kitten is a fold-eared cat or not, not only by the appearance of the little Scotsman, but also by using some additional methods:

  1. Meet the parents of newborn Scottish Fold kittens. The father, as a rule, does not live with the offspring, but the cat is always with the babies for up to 2.5 months. She may belong to the Straight group, but if all the other breed characteristics are recognizable, then the litter must have fold-eared kittens.
  2. In order not to accidentally confuse a mestizo with a purebred animal, you need to inquire about the availability of documents. Even when the father is not around the kittens, breeders keep a photocopy of papers confirming his breed. If you have elite parents, you can understand that the fold-eared kitten in the litter will definitely not be a half-breed.
  3. If there is no confirmation of the breed of one of the parents, you should familiarize yourself with the mating documents. Felinological clubs always draw up an act according to the established template and register it. This will help you know that the fold-eared kitten was born legally.
  4. By the time the kitten is sold, the breeder must prepare metrics.
  5. If a small cat's ears stand up immediately after birth, this is normal. Folding is determined later. Therefore, you cannot take a kitten from the nursery before it turns 3 months old.
  6. In the early stages, even experienced experts cannot understand whether the kitten will be a fold or remain a straight. An ordinary cat, especially a mixed-breed cat with a high proportion of Scottish blood, may look like a purebred cat in the first weeks. But the difference will definitely appear by 3 months of age.

The choice of nursery or breeder is of great importance. Perhaps reputation can become a determining factor here. Owners know the capabilities of their pets better than others and predict in advance how many straight- and fold-eared babies a particular cat will have in the litter. They can give the most valuable advice on maintenance and always try to select only responsible and conscientious owners for the kids. Therefore, the final recommendation on how to avoid becoming a victim of scammers applies specifically to the behavior of breeders. They never give away very small kittens, they are always interested in the expected living conditions of their pets, willingly share advice, and show photographs of parent cats and children from previous litters. In this case, the buyer can be sure that he is purchasing a purebred Scottish Fold.

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Puberty in cats

In a Scottish pet that comes into the family at the age of 3 months, sexual maturation can begin early, at 4.5 months. Physiologically, a Scots kitten will gain strength only after 9 months or later. The reproductive period, the gestation period comes after 10 months, lasts on average until 7-8 years of age. Premature pregnancy is harmful to the kitten’s fragile body.

The cat is in heat

Scots are a breed with average sexuality, so during the period of heat, many do not arrange unbearable concerts. The period of the first and all subsequent heats is difficult not to notice; within 3-4 days, the imperturbable Scottish woman’s behavior changes dramatically. She becomes either too affectionate or restless, runs after family members, and constantly makes sharp “meowing” sounds. Begins to mark the surrounding space around. These cat days are called estrus, rut, or hunting.

According to the nature of its passage, estrus can be divided into periods:

  • The first one goes quite calmly. The cat develops small transparent discharge from its intimate parts, signaling the onset of estrus;
  • In the second period, the character changes dramatically, the cat constantly screams heartbreakingly, emitting different sounds, calling out the cats. She may not eat, constantly raising and lowering her tail, periodically rolling on the floor or raising her butt.
  • After a few days, she calms down and gradually returns to normal.

Periodization of the kitten's life stages. The first stage - mom is nearby

Kittens grow up to 1 year, during which significant changes occur every month. At the same time, 2-2.5 years is the period when the body finally gets stronger and becomes an adult.

First weekWeight – 100 g. Body length – 9-12 cm. No hearing until the 4th day. Eyes don't open. Undercoat appears. The umbilical cord separates on the 3rd day Food is mother's milk, which the baby senses through olfactory receptors and consumes naturally. Antibodies contained in cat milk help an unvaccinated kitten resist infections. Do not disturb the unity of the kitten and the cat, so as not to scare the baby
Second weekWeight - 250 g. By the end of this period, the eyes open; at first, the eye color of all kittens is cloudy blue. Attempts to walk, crawl away from the mother by 30-50 cm. Stroke the kitten gently. Do not cause aggression on the part of the mother cat, who is worried about the younger generation at their first manifestations of independence
Third weekWeight – 300 – 350 g. Support on 4 legs. On days 15-17 they begin to see. Orientation in distances. First milk teeth. Scratching behind the ear. Interest in playing with people Play with kittens without sudden movements. Do not leave small children and kittens unattended
Fourth weekWeight – 450 g. Approximately 26 teethOrganize worm prevention. Drink filtered water from shallow bowls. Provide the kitten with constant access to water
Fifth weekThe cat reduces the level of care for the baby. The kitten learns to wash itself. The fur becomes brightly colored Stock up on age-appropriate liquid food. Include solid foods in your diet. Provide the kitten with constant access to food (100 grams of food is the norm). Do not allow your baby to eat from adult bowls. Organize a pet house

The main characteristics of the Scottish cat breed

  • hanging ears that fit the head (for Scottish Folds and Highland Folds)
  • one of the parents has floppy ears
  • round spherical head
  • big round eyes wide open
  • average build, but quite dense
  • the kitten resembles a teddy bear
  • wool with dense short undercoat
  • curiosity and activity, even when interacting with strangers
  • non-aggressiveness, but at the same time restiveness

However, the greatest difficulty is not how to distinguish a purebred Scottish kitten from a street cat that they are trying to sell to you, or even how to distinguish a Scotsman from a representative of a low-quality breed. The main difficulty is

How to determine whether a kitten is lop-eared or not

Any pet is happiness for its owner. But almost every owner dreams that his pet will be the most beautiful, intelligent and loyal. Lately, fold-eared cat breeds have become very popular. Their hanging ears become a special source of pride for their owners. The question arises: how to determine whether a kitten is fold-eared or not. After all, you can encounter deception; this happens at every step.

How to choose the right one?

There are some recommendations and rules for choosing purebred Scots:

  • The animal must be healthy with dense hair, clean eyes and a soft belly to the touch.
  • Real folds look cheerful, playful and content.
  • It is necessary to have a pedigree and a passport of the animal, especially for its participation in exhibitions and competitions.
  • It is necessary to find out from the breeder who the kitten’s parents are, since their genetics affects the health of the babies.
  • A real fold-eared cat will have a high cost. If a seller sells a pet cheaply, then you need to think about whether it is defective.

By following these rules, you can easily choose a pet with good health. If you want to make an affectionate, gentle, playful friend, following all the recommendations, this breed is better suited. In order to quickly and easily make friends with your pet, you need to carefully watch the reaction and behavior. It is possible to determine a suitable cat this way: if it does not attack a person, does not snort, and does not try to run away. If a lop-eared pet purrs, then this is a sure sign of the beginning of friendship between him and the future owner.

This characteristic of the Scottish cat breed will help you get your bearings and understand whether they are really offering you a real purebred kitten or a mestizo. But first, a photo, because it’s better to see once than to hear seven times. Let's see what a Scottish fold and straight-eared cat looks like and a real fold-eared cat.

Genetics of differences between Scottish and British cats

At first, the researchers decided that the unusual shape of the auricle in the Scotsman was the result of an autosomal dominant trait, but later their opinion changed. The dominance turned out to be incomplete. An allele of a gene on one chromosome only masks or changes the instructions of another locus of the same gene to another copy of the same chromosome.

It sounds complicated, but for the Scots this combination almost turned out to be a death sentence - animals of this breed experienced changes in the functions of the musculoskeletal system, and pathologies of the bones and spine also developed.

A little later, American geneticists got involved in the work, and the differences between the British Fold and the Scottish Fold became more specific:

  • A pair of fdfd genes is responsible for the normal shape of an animal’s ears. The British and Scots with this “set” are no different from each other.
  • The heterozygous Fd fd model (when one of the parents is straight-eared) leads to the birth of lop-eared kittens, but does not have a negative effect on the health of the pet.
  • Negative scenario – homozygous set of FdFd genes. In this case, the difference between the British and Scottish breeds will be not only in the shape of the ears, but also in the presence of pathologies of cartilage and bones.

Straights and folds

The Scottish Fold cat breed, characterized by ears with an abnormal structure, became known in the first half of the 60s of the 20th century.

It appeared a little earlier, but did not immediately deserve the attention of scientists. In the 60s Thanks to scientific research, it was found that lop ears appear due to a gene mutation.

By crossing two identically fold-eared individuals, as scientific experiments have shown, it is almost impossible to get healthy kittens with the same unusual ears. The offspring are weak, non-viable, and have many genetic defects.

To get a healthy Scottish Fold kitten, breeders resort to tricks. They cross a fold-eared individual (Scottish Fold) with a straight-eared Scot (Scottish Straight). These breeds are considered related, but at the same time they are independent. The offspring from such a union turns out strong and healthy.

The birth of a viable kitten that meets the standards of the Scottish Fold breed is possible if its parents have the following characteristics:

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  • flexibility of the tail (the key to a healthy spine);
  • uniformity of color, which should be the same in females and males;
  • having ear folds.

The offspring born from the “correct” parents can either have the ear structure typical of Scottish Folds or be straight-eared, like Scottish Straights. It is not possible to determine this in the first weeks of a baby’s life. Fold does not appear until kittens reach three weeks of age. The ears of straights and folds at this stage of development have the same appearance.

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Diseases of the breed

The life expectancy of Scottish Fold cats is from 10 to 15 years. In order for your animal to live a long and healthy life, it is necessary to visit a veterinarian promptly, receive appropriate vaccinations, have joints checked, and follow the veterinarian's advice. The breed has some underlying health problems.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a hereditary heart disease. Symptoms:

  • tachycardia;
  • dyspnea;
  • heavy breathing with wheezing;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • fainting;
  • failure of the pelvic limb; in rare cases, both limbs may fail;
  • high blood pressure.

The disease is diagnosed by measuring blood pressure at a veterinarian, undergoing echocardiography (data on the functionality of the heart is revealed), visual assessment, x-ray diagnostics, and electrocardiography. Animals in serious condition should be treated only in a hospital hospital, where there are all conditions for such cats. A veterinarian examines the animal’s condition and prescribes treatment, light physical activity and a special diet. If the animal feels better, it can be treated at home, unquestioningly following all the instructions of the treating veterinarian. The problem can be cured, but such cats will always have to be checked by veterinary cardiologists.

Degenerative joint disease

This disease is characterized by the fact that pain is present in the tail (most often) and the mobility of the limbs is reduced. Symptoms:

  • obvious lameness;
  • the cat’s reluctance to jump on chairs or sofas;
  • it is difficult for a cat to get up from the floor after resting;
  • frequent and prolonged licking of joints when washing;
  • the cat becomes irritable and may hiss, scratch or bite.

The disease is treated with anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs; if the disease is advanced, antibiotics are prescribed. Additionally, a diet may be prescribed.


It is expressed in deformation of the paws, skeleton, and immobility of the tail. Symptoms:

  • lameness (may pass and reappear, and an animal with illness will not be able to jump on high ground);
  • squat appearance;
  • stiff gait;
  • acute reaction to touching the tail;
  • severe deformation of the hind limbs;
  • unsteady gait.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating symptoms with medication. In the absence of polycystic kidney disease, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug can be prescribed; it will relieve the cat of pain and reduce inflammation. Additionally, vitamin complexes and special supplements are prescribed. In the UK, such sick cats undergo irradiation of their extremities; for a long time the cat can calmly walk, run and jump. In Russia there are no such technologies, so such operations are not carried out.

Caring for Scottish kittens

Newborn Scottish kittens do not immediately open their eyes. Immediately after birth they are blind and completely helpless. Only on the 6th day do kittens’ eyes open.

Then their ears begin to open. At first, the babies look the same. After 3 weeks, the Scottish kitten's ears rise or fall, and the tips begin to curl. After three weeks, babies begin to walk and try to get out of the box. The sex can be determined after the first month.

At 2 months, a Scottish kitten is ready to start feeding on its own. A Scottish kitten is completely ready to separate from its mother at 3 months. A 4 month old kitten eats 6 times a day. As kittens grow older, their eye color changes.

In a week, the Scots cub gains approximately 200 grams. At two months they gain a kilogram of weight, and after the fourth month they already weigh 1.5-2 kg and are considered teenagers.

Adding to the family: how to care for a mother and her newborns

In the first weeks of life, kittens go through stages from helplessness and huddling around their mother to independent activity and exploration of their environment.

On day 10, their eyes open: they feel more confident and begin to crawl around the cat. After a month, the kittens are fed food that will be their diet throughout their lives. At the same time, they leave the boxes that served them as shelter during the helpless period of life and master the surfaces. This is a favorable period for training a kitten to use a litter tray.

Color genetics

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the Scottish Fold cat photo smoky

Kittens' eye color gradually changes: from dull blue to their real color. This process takes up to 2 years and is called reblooming. The inclusions appear first, which then spread and provide a permanent color. Green eyes take the longest to form.

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The main difference between straight ears and drooping ears is the structure of the eardrum. Immediately after birth, kittens are similar to each other. Only after a while the ears either remain hanging and close the membrane, or rise. And sometimes this happens without any outside influence.

The straightening process is affected by:

  • climatic conditions;
  • stress;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • diet;
  • physiology.

If a fold-eared cat's ears are straightened, then weather conditions may have had a direct impact. For example, in the heat they straighten and stick out in different directions. A rare position occurs when bending backwards. In some cases, after climatic conditions normalize, a return to its original place occurs. This breed is characterized by excessive sensitivity and reaction to any changes in the weather.

This also happens if the animal is under stress. Often, owners noticed changes at times when the animal became nervous. In most cases, this position of the ears became permanent.

Often, a fold-eared cat's ears will rise after giving birth . Hormonal disruptions that occur in the body also affect lop ears. That is why many breeders participate with their pets at exhibitions only until the first birth, while the ears are hanging.

During the mating process, people sometimes take this process lightly and do not pay due attention to the main reason for straightening - genetic predisposition. If the gene responsible for lop-earedness is not fixed, then even if the kitten is born lop-eared, changes will soon occur.

Also, after incorrect mating and a thoughtless choice of a partner, kittens may not only change the structure of the auricle, but also develop a number of health problems. The consequence of such a mutation can be fusion of the vertebrae or problems with the musculoskeletal system.

If a fold-eared cat's ears are straightened, then the reason may be in the animal's diet and the replacement of frequently consumed food with some other, less familiar food.

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Constant sleep of newborns - an alarming signal or normal development of the body

Newborn kittens sleep up to 22 hours a day. This is not a cause for concern, because at this time the baby’s nervous system is developing. Sleep contributes to the favorable course of this process. In the first months, the kitten should not be separated from its mother and brothers and sisters. If his weight is normal, it means that development is proceeding normally, and constant sleep is conducive to this.

Newborn kittens sleep up to 22 hours a day

You can familiarize yourself with sleep norms for the initial stages of a kitten’s life in the table.

AgeImageNumber of hours of sleep
3 weeks16
1 month15-20

In order for a kitten to switch to nighttime sleep mode, it should be provided with sufficient activity during the day: play, run. Thus, by night he will be tired, sleep will be necessary to restore strength and will coincide with the biorhythms of the owners.

Lop or not?

When the kitten reaches 3 weeks of age, signs of lop ears begin to appear:

  • in Straight, there is a hardening of the ear cartilages necessary to support the erect shape of the ear;
  • In the Fold, the cartilage tissue does not harden, and the baby develops characteristic ear folds.

The owner of a Scottish Fold kitten should be aware that the ears of a Scottish Fold can rise with age. If they are straight in a three-week-old baby, there is no hope of their lowering. No matter what ears nature bestows on your pet, you should take care to create favorable conditions for its growth and development and choose the right food for the little Scotsman. Taking care of your baby will help him grow up strong, healthy and cheerful.

Choosing a kitten class

Breeders know that the division into classes is very arbitrary: it only helps determine the baby’s career prospects . Often kittens of the same litter fall into different classes, but this is always the personal point of view of the breeder. In addition, in the process of growth there are transitions from breed to pet, from show to breed and vice versa.

Show class (show – display, demonstration)

This includes kittens that fully comply with the breed standard, without disqualifying characteristics or shortcomings. Reference cats are included in the top show class (top – top, highest). These animals remain in nurseries for breeding and exhibition activities. Show-class kittens (the pride, decoration and advertising of the nursery) are practically not put up for sale. Such copies are sold for a lot of money and with reservations - “on conditions” or “in co-ownership”.

Breed class (breed – tribe)

This group is represented only by cats with excellent pedigrees and excellent reproductive capabilities. They also appear at shows and win titles that give them the right to participate in breeding. With proper selection, show-class offspring are obtained from such females.

This is interesting! Breeding males usually fall into the pet category, since a breeding cat is judged not so much by its pedigree and conformation, but by the health and quality of the kittens it produces.

Such animals are often sold with the condition of mandatory removal of the reproductive organs, which does not prevent them from having a pedigree and claiming exhibition regalia (in the “castrati” category). The price for breed-class cats is in the average price range. It happens that show-class kittens are found among breed-quality animals. This happens due to oversight or due to insufficient experience of the breeder.

Pet class (pet – pet)

These are purebred kittens that, in the opinion of the breeder, are not of interest either for exhibitions or for breeding. They often have disqualifying defects that do not threaten health or life.

Such kittens are sold already neutered or with the condition of spaying. A pedigree for a pet-class animal is issued only at the request of the buyer: in this case, the entry “not for breeding” appears in the documents. The cost of pet quality kittens is the lowest.

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How to come to terms with loss

But sometimes kittens die, despite competent and timely help. There is no universal way to help ease the pain of loss. But those who have encountered such grief are advised to adhere to certain rules.

First, you should understand that it is normal to experience grief. Therefore, a person must give himself permission to suffer for a certain amount of time. It is advisable not to keep emotions to yourself, but to cry or shout them out in some deserted place (in the forest, in a closed car, or in a house when there is no one in it). Exercising or performing monotonous activities can also help distract you.

Secondly, it is necessary to get rid of the feeling of guilt for the death of the kitten. Paradoxically, the more effort a person makes to save his pet, the more he reproaches himself subsequently. You need to understand that the law of natural selection exists in nature and it is pointless to argue with it.

Thirdly, you should get a new furry pet. Some people, having experienced the loss of one kitten, do not dare to have another baby for fear of going through the pain again. But, as practice shows, the happiness that a new “family member” brings overcomes the bitterness of loss. In addition, new worries take up all my free time.

Also, after the kitten has died, the owner needs to decide what to do with the deceased animal. Most cities have laws that prohibit burying pets in flowerbeds and parks within the city. Therefore, it is best to take the kitten’s corpse outside the populated area and bury it in a picturesque place.

In large cities there are crematoriums and cemeteries for pets. This is an expensive procedure, but many wealthy people prefer to use such institutions.

They say that a dead animal runs to heaven on a rainbow. There is no need to darken his path with bitter tears. It is better to remember the happy moments spent together.

Features of the care and maintenance of “Scots”

Scots are an unpretentious breed, which, however, requires special care. Caring for Scottish cats is not difficult, but it has its own specifics that you need to know about.

Coat care

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Plush fur does not require special care, but a cat that lives in an apartment and is warm all year round may be constantly shedding. There is no pathology in this, it’s just that the cat’s body does not grasp the system of changing seasons.

Due to constant shedding, a cat's fur requires regular brushing. If this is not done, tangles may form that cannot be removed with a comb.

For express shedding, you can contact a groomer. The cat groomer will comb your cat and tell you how to care for its fur. For combing at home, it is best to use a furminator. It makes it much easier to remove excess hair.

For reference! Dry air can also lead to heavy, constant shedding. In this case, buying a humidifier will change the situation.


Cats are very clean animals and do not require special water procedures. Bathing is very stressful for a cat.

You only need to wash a Scotsman if he has gotten very dirty in something.

Important! After washing, the cat must be dried thoroughly. If this is not done, the kitty may catch a cold.

Dental care

The Scots do not require any special dental care. But some cats can develop plaque that develops into tartar.

To prevent these conditions, you can give hard treats that remove plaque from the teeth. Also, cats with a predisposition to the appearance of plaque and stone are recommended to visit the veterinarian once every six months. In advanced cases, the stone is cleared using an ultrasound scaler under general anesthesia.

Eye care

The Scottish cat has a short, flat face, so drooping eyes are normal for Scottish cats. This is called "brachycephalic syndrome."

Normally, tears, moistening the eye, should flow into the nasolacrimal duct. In Scots, due to their short muzzle, the nasolacrimal duct may be deformed or completely closed. Therefore, tear fluid overflows over the edge of the eyelid, and smudges appear under the eyes.

If your pet has this problem, the best solution is to use a special eye wash lotion. Instead of lotion, you can use boiled water or aqueous chlorhexidine.

Important! You cannot use tea leaves to wash your eyes, as the tea leaves contain microorganisms that can form pathogenic microflora in a cat’s eye.

Nail care

Some Scottish cats have uncontrollable nail growth and this needs to be monitored. Normally, when using a scratching post, the cat removes the top layer of its claws, thereby grinding them down. But some Scots neglect the scratching post (perhaps due to joint pain).

If an ordinary cat can have its claws trimmed only when necessary, then the Scottish paws need to be given attention monthly. If this is not done, the claw will bend and dig into the paw pad with its sharp part, causing pain to the animal.

To properly trim a Scotsman's claws, you need to press the cat's finger from above - then the claw will “come out” of the paw, and cut off its tip to the pink border.

Important! If you accidentally touch the pink part of the claw, you can damage the vessel. To stop bleeding, hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate in powder form is used.


Scots are usually not picky eaters and choosing food is not difficult. A proper diet helps the cat’s body maintain immunity, prevents urolithiasis and eating disorders.

With the purchase of a Scottish cat, the owner is faced with the question of what to feed the animal. The choice has to be made between a natural diet and ready-made food. When deciding to feed an animal natural food, it is necessary to create a diet. To do this, you need to visit a veterinary nutritionist.

From food the cat should receive:

  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • minerals;
  • essential amino acids;
  • fiber;
  • vitamins;
  • macro- and microelements.

Important! Only a specialist can choose the right diet! Feeding your cat "from the table" can lead to digestive problems.

Feeding commercial food saves the owner from preparing food specifically for the cat, and it is also more economically profitable. All the necessary elements are already in the food, in the best combination. The owners just have to calculate the portion. A hint about the amount of food per day is always on the back of the pack.

Food is divided into classes: economy, premium and super-premium, and also comes in the form of dry food, spiders, canned food and mousses. More or less good food starts from the premium class.

Economy food contains too few nutrients, and the cat must eat too much to be satisfied. Sooner or later this will lead to obesity.

It is impossible to say unequivocally that some food is good and some is bad. There is food that is suitable for a particular cat, and if there is one that will only cause the animal to become upset.


You need to understand one difference between a cat and a male cat, they are much more affectionate and kinder

. Cats are able to use affection to show that they are the masters of the house; they are not as arrogant as cats. Cats do not show their love for their owner so ardently; they are reserved and shy. Cats are more capricious and this is how they can get what they want.

All cats are clean animals, which cannot be said about cats. They can groom themselves several times a day and lick themselves; if they accidentally damage their fur during play, they will begin to lick themselves again.

Cats are very important for the owner's attention, which they will seek in different ways: rubbing underfoot, lying on their knees, meowing. That is why when cats get into a new home, they begin to look for an owner with whom they will live in perfect harmony. You can agree on some concessions with the cat, tell her about your conditions

You can agree on some concessions with the cat, tell her about your conditions

You can agree on some concessions with the cat, tell her about your conditions.

But don't forget that cats are cunning animals.

, which look like foxes that can fool their owner around his finger. But in order to prevent this from happening, you need to raise the animal from the time it appears in your home. If she manages to sense your weaknesses, she will always take advantage of it.

If we talk about cats, they don’t always want to play with their owners, and if they don’t need it, then there is no excuse to force them to play. But cats, on the contrary, themselves ask to play with their owner, and it seems that they never get tired of spending time with their pet.

Cats are harmless animals, which cannot be said about cats

. Cat girls, after a quarrel with their owner, will consider themselves guilty and ask for forgiveness from their owner, get in the way, and look pitifully. Cats are similar in nature to dogs, which are just as loyal to their owner. Cats definitely won’t do all this; they will be offended by their owner and lie down proudly, waiting for him to ask for forgiveness and treat him to some kind of delicacy. Cats are proud animals who are persistent in their decision. Regardless of their appearance, cats always think that they are good-looking and that they are the masters of the house.

Both cats and cats are kind animals, but they can get angry and... Although this is extremely rare if you really anger them. All cats are animals that are the life of the party; they can become attached to any person. And cats, in turn, only go to people they like.

British colors

There is a common misconception that the color of British cats must be blue (gray). However, it is not. A specific color does not distinguish a breed from others. Representatives of this breed have quite a lot of color types, and each of them has its own characteristics.


This type of color is considered the rarest. It can be easily distinguished by its uniform coat, which has a rich brown color.

Blue wool color

This shade is the most common among kittens of this breed. Its difference is pure blue, without gray and silver tints as standard. This is also a popular color for the Scots, which is why the question arises of how to distinguish a British cat from a Scottish one. In this case, everyone should remember that the difference between one breed and another is not the color of the coat.


This coloring is also typical for both the British and the Scots. The differences between a British and a Scottish cat of this color are in the depth of color. Among the Scots it is somewhat darker and deeper.

But this color will help to distinguish between the British Shorthair and Scottish Shorthair cats, because it is found only among the British. The Scottish breed also has a similar color, but it is distinguished by greater precision of lines and depth of the gray part of the color.


Black color is very rare, and therefore its owners are highly valued by cat lovers

It is important that the color is clean, without white hairs and spots - these are considered defective. Both males and females can be black


Very beautiful and also quite rare - white color. These pets look very aristocratic. Moreover, they are somewhat different even from their own relatives. They are more flexible and their status is thinner and more graceful. They are the only ones characterized by light yellow, light green and green eyes - this is the main difference in color.

Differences in appearance

Cats differ from cats by their faces

The British cat has a wide bone, muscular, squat due to short strong legs (cobby type). High cheekbones, with a round skull on a short strong neck. Ears are indirectly set. It is the cheekbones that give the expression of such a cat’s face a businesslike, serious look, “cheekiness.” Representatives of this breed have a massive tail of medium length. The undercoat is thick and developed. The British breed is designated in documents as BRI:

  • BRI SH - British Shorthair;
  • BRI LH - British Longhair.

Among the representatives of the British breed, sexual dimorphism is developed, when by the appearance of the animal one can immediately determine its gender: cats are larger, more powerful, cats have a more graceful body, their muzzle is more accurately sculpted.

Both the “British” and the “Scots” do not experience aggression towards children

The Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold) also comes from Great Britain. Most often, the muzzle expresses frivolity, causing emotion in a person. The skull is rounded, reminiscent of an owl's head. The neck is clearly visible, the body is slightly elongated. The jaws are strong, the chin is strong. One of the criteria by which experts distinguish these cats is grace. Scottish dogs are lighter and more agile. The paws of the “Scots” are thinner and longer, and the tail is much more mobile.

Scottish kittens are more playful than representatives of the British breed

Scottish Folds have one important distinguishing feature: curled ears, which, according to the breed's exterior, should not extend beyond the contour of the head. Kittens are born with normal ears; they begin to curl when the kitten reaches 30 days of age.

Cat breeds also differ in skull shape

In the litter of “Scots” you can also often find a straight-eared kitten (straight). If both parents are lop-eared, the level of genetic risk is significantly increased. The coat of the “British” and “Scots” is equally thick and short. As for tactile sensations, the fur of a British cat is more like plush, while Scottish cats are a little fluffier.

Scottish Folds are identified as a separate species and are labeled SFS; Straights are usually designated SSS or SCS in pedigrees.

A professional can easily notice the difference between cat breeds, but an ordinary animal lover will have to take a closer look

Tails and eyes

Let's continue the comparison of British and Scottish cats. The attentive eye of a cat lover may notice other differences between these breeds. How do Scottish cats differ from British cats besides the shape of their ears and body type? The British have a short and thick tail with a “carrot” tail, that is, tapering towards the end. Their eyes depend on their color.

The structure of the coat also differs. The British have a dense, “plush” coat, the Scots have soft wool, but cannot boast of such a thick fur coat. Their fur is looser. The colors of British and Scottish cats are currently very diverse, so they can hardly serve as a distinctive feature.

True, these breeds are still too similar to each other. Sometimes only a specialist can understand the difference between Scottish cats and British cats. It is important for buyers to carefully study the pedigree of cats and figure out what breed their parents belonged to.

How much does it cost and where to buy

The cost depends on what category the Scottish kittens belong to. If you just choose a beautiful pet, the price may be less than 10 thousand rubles.

If a kitten with a rich pedigree meets breed standards and can participate in exhibitions, the price will increase to 50 thousand rubles.

You should only buy from trusted places, preferably from a nursery. Experienced breeders will help you choose the right kitten according to your wishes.

How to distinguish from an ordinary cat

You can easily distinguish a Scotsman from an ordinary cat after he reaches 3-6 months. By this time, all the signs of the breed appear and it is easier to determine whether the cat you are being offered is purebred.

It is better to trust a professional, he will be able to distinguish earlier. The Scottish cat has the main distinctive features: the structure of the body and paws, the shape of the muzzle and the structure of the coat.

Conditions of detention

Scottish cats are considered one of the easiest pets to care for. They feel great both in a small apartment and in a private house. It is worth buying or making your own personal sleeping place for an animal. It is also recommended to purchase a scratching post, the length of which should correspond to the height of the Scottish cat. You should not refuse to buy a carrier to transport your pet if necessary.

The Scots are not picky when it comes to content. In order for an animal to live comfortably in a room, it must be clean and safe. This pet is extremely clean, he puts his fur in order and quickly gets used to going to the litter box.

Before bringing a small pet into your home, you need to complete the following steps.

  • Remove unnecessary objects from the kitten's access area. For example, wires, breakable and sharp objects.
  • Buy food and water dishes for the animal. The best option would be heavy metal or ceramic cookware.
  • Place the tray and fill it with filler. Kittens should buy a container with low sides, and as they grow older, change it to a higher model.
  • Prepare a place to rest - this can be a sunbed or a blanket folded several times.
  • Buy food, toys, scratching post.

Nail care

Domestic cats need their nails trimmed. This process is quite simple and does not cause discomfort to the animal. You need to put Scottish on your lap and, taking his paw in your hands, press on the pads. Once your pet has released its claws, they can be trimmed. In this process, the main thing is not to damage the living body of the claw. Claws should be trimmed carefully, once every 2-3 weeks.

Eye and ear hygiene

The eyes and ears of Scottish cats need regular examination. These animals usually have clean ears, but when plaque appears in them, the contamination is removed with a cotton swab. When cleaning your ears, you can also use a special lotion.

The special structure of the skull of the Scottish breed of cats causes the narrowing of their nasolacrimal ducts. For this reason, your pet may experience slight discharge from the eyes. In this case, the eyes need to be cleaned with a cotton pad or chlorhexidine wipe.

Dental care

To keep the pet's teeth in good condition, the owner can buy him a special toy - an edible chewing stick. Alternatively, you can use a toothbrush and toothpaste for cats. A Scottish cat's teeth should be brushed 1 or 2 times a week. Scottish dogs do not like this process, so it is better to accustom them to this from an early age.

Kitten care

Scottish kittens do not require special care. They can be fed dry food, but of good quality. Kittens should not be brushed unless there is a reason for it. Babies with long hair should be gradually accustomed to brushing, carrying out the procedure twice a month. Little Scottish cats need to be bathed only if they are very dirty in the mud.

Kittens need to have their nails trimmed from an early age so that they get used to this procedure. You don't need to clean your ears, but if they smell bad, that's a reason to go to the vet. Watery eyes should be wiped once every 7 days with a cotton pad soaked in chlorhexidine.

What should a cat normally do?

If everything is fine with the animal after giving birth, it will definitely take care of the offspring that are born: the cat’s task is to remove the remnants of the placenta from the kittens, lick them and push them in the direction of the nipples.

First, your pet carefully licks her babies, first of all freeing their eyes and nose from the mucus that got there during the birth process. After this, the animal takes the umbilical cord into its mouth and, chewing it (at the same time, the umbilical cord is effectively crushed), chews it. In addition, “experienced” women in labor carefully lick the umbilical area: the saliva that gets into the wound, rich in antibacterial substances, prevents the development of inflammation.

Finally, the cat carefully and diligently licks the anal area of ​​each kitten individually. She does this for the effective removal of original feces. If the babies are not very “smart,” your pet will definitely push them towards the nipples. It is interesting that breeders have long made a simple and logical conclusion: kittens that “without prodding” accurately determine the direction of the “milk fountains” are 100% likely to grow up to be the largest and physically strongest.

Note that cats constantly nurse their babies for about an hour or two from the moment the latter is born. Since their eyes begin to open somewhere towards the end of the first week, the mother deliberately lies sideways to her babies so that they can always find nipples with milk. If your pet exhibits restless behavior and cannot calm down, forcefully put it down.

  • After about two weeks, the cat no longer “indulges” the cubs so much, and only lies down to feed when they all start poking at her stomach at once.
  • Starting from the age of four or five weeks, when the offspring have long and sharp teeth, the mother increasingly refuses to feed them and runs away, sometimes hissing indignantly.
  • By eight weeks, kittens can be completely weaned and finally transferred to “adult” food.

Be sure to watch whether the cat licks the genital area of ​​newborn kittens: for about three days, the instincts that promote natural bowel and bladder emptying do not work in babies, and therefore the mother must induce these processes artificially.

And she also has the unpleasant responsibility of eating all the excreted feces and urine (natural expediency - so that there is no smell of anything around the den). However, in practice such care often lasts much longer than three days, and the cat stops licking the “private” areas of her kittens only after the babies themselves can crawl outside the place of their birth.

Who should you choose, a male cat or a female cat?

If you are not purchasing a pet for breeding, then buy a male. He is a brighter representative of the breed. They grow large. You can castrate them from 6 months, but it is better to do this from 8-10 months, when the skeleton is already fully formed. Properly raised males and females of this breed are equally affectionate animals. If you plan to have cubs from your favorite cat, then buy a girl and very preferably with a metric or immediately with a pedigree. If she has a weak phenotype (single folded ears), then it is better to castrate her, like a cat, after six months. Females have their ovaries and uterus removed. This operation is more complicated and more expensive than for males. Short-haired or long-haired kitten?

The Scottish breed has both short-haired (Scottish Folds, Scottish Straights) and long-haired (Highland Folds, Highland Straights). Long-haired pets kept in apartments require daily care. Brush them at least 1-2 times a day. Then they will definitely not have tangles. If you are ready to devote time to this procedure daily or at least once every 3 days, then this breed is for you. Buy several iron combs with wooden handles, as they are reliable

If you don’t have much time and desire, pay attention to shorthaired

The second stage is independence and growing up

Sixth weekThe final transition from mother's milk to foreign foodFeed the kitten 6 times a day, 40 grams of food at each meal. Observe the animal's stool; if there are any problems, contact a veterinarian after 3 days.
Seventh weekWeight – 550-900 g. Males stand out among females in sizeThe kitten should not drink its mother's milk. Balance of dry and liquid food
Eighth weekWeight – 750 – 1200 g. All milk teeth. Eats solid food Separate from mother. Get examined by a veterinarian. Monitor the condition of your ears and eyes. Comb
Ninth weekForming a type of relationship with the ownersGet vaccinated
Tenth weekWeight – 850-1400 g. Independence. Sensitivity to learning Do not be aggressive in training
Eleventh weekResearch stage: exploring the corners of the apartmentPrevent the kitten from colliding with dangerous objects: close windows, remove small parts, toxic substances
Twelfth weekWeight – 900-1600 g. Change of eyes Pet’s response to its name, to the call for foodOrganize repeated prophylaxis against worms. Stop kitten aggression
Thirteenth - fifteenth weeksWeight – 1.5 kg. Molars appear Feed 5 times a day. Trim nails regularly
Sixteenth weekWeight – 1.8 kgGet vaccinated
Five monthsWeight – 2 kgFeed 4 times a day. Get a rabies vaccination
Six monthsStrong molars. Dimensions of an adult animal. Puberty Organize worm prevention. Feed 3 times a day. Sterilize if there is no goal to breed offspring
Seven monthsSeasonal moltBrushing your pet
Eight – nine monthsThe cat is almost an adultSterilize if not done before. Consult your doctor about vaccination
Ten – eleven monthsAdult phase of lifeInclude food for adult cats in the diet

Cat vaccination periods

How to distinguish a British kitten from an ordinary one

Many unscrupulous breeders can sell an ordinary kitten to an inexperienced buyer under the guise of a purebred one. Therefore, it is important to know how to distinguish a purebred animal by appearance. The British kitten has:

  • short hair of the same length, that is, some hairs should not be longer than others. Representatives of the breed cannot be fluffy or shaggy, unless it is a British Longhair cat;
  • short and strong body with massive legs;
  • the British have strict color requirements;
  • Eye color matches color.


The British cat has a calm and aristocratic character. Able to withstand the pangs of loneliness while the owner is at work, at which time he usually sleeps. Does not like the owner's affection, as well as attempts at training or education.


The British are in good health and, under optimal conditions, can live up to 15–20 years. The animal is prone to obesity, so you need to monitor its diet.

What documents should there be?

The purebred Scottish Fold cat, as well as its health parameters, must be confirmed by official documents:

  • metric or pedigree;
  • certificate of registration (for American organizations);
  • purchase agreement;
  • veterinary passport;
  • transfer to own a cat (in rare cases);
  • veterinary certificate No. 1 (for imported animals).

If you receive a metric in your hands, the pedigree is no longer needed, and vice versa. But the breeder is obliged to hand over one of these main papers, regardless of the purpose of acquiring the “Scot” - for breeding or castration.

Documentation of the litter in the breed club is strictly regulated, but is inexpensive. All papers received from the breeder minimize your potential risks: you will always return the animal and the money spent if it is found to have congenital anomalies.


This is a birth certificate issued after the animal is registered in the club system. The following must be included in the document (where the emblem of the system to which the “Scotsman” is assigned) is affixed:

  • Name;
  • date of birth;
  • gender and breed;
  • color;
  • names/colors of manufacturers;
  • breeder's name and other information.

The European certificate is affixed with the seal of the club and the signature of the responsible person who activated the litter: this is necessary to exchange the metric for the pedigree. In American systems, a slip (metric) is used to register a kitten and obtain a pedigree through the central office.


This includes the kitten’s ancestors (up to 3–5 generations) with their names, colors and pedigree numbers. This document contains the name of the nursery and club, the association's emblem, information about the kitten, as well as the names of the breeder and owner.

European pedigrees are provided with a number, the seal of the club and the signature of its leader, American ones - only with a number. Pedigree in the USA is informative, and pedigree is confirmed by registering the kitten (and its litter) in the system according to its rules.

In European associations, you may be given a pedigree without a number or marked “pet”, or not at all if you adopted a “Scot” for castration. If you want to draw up a pedigree yourself (provided you have a metric), do it before the pet turns one year old. If you are not going to breed purebred cats, you won't need a pedigree.

Veterinary passport

Information such as:

  • name and gender of the kitten;
  • breed and date of birth;
  • vaccination records (with a veterinary clinic stamp, a special sticker and a doctor’s signature);
  • owner/breeder's name.

Despite the fact that a veterinary passport is issued to every purebred animal, it cannot serve as confirmation of the breed: the veterinary passport is filled out by the breeder or doctor, and clubs and felinological associations are responsible for the purity of the breed.

Other documents

All other documents (certificate of registration of the kitten in the system, transfer of ownership, veterinary certificate in form No. 1) are optional, that is, optional. An exception is a purchase and sale agreement, which will protect your rights if an unscrupulous breeder sells you a cat that is known to be sick.

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Training and education

Scottish Straight Intelligent by nature, Scottish Straight cats are easy to educate and very difficult to fully train.
Teaching a Straight to use a litter box and a scratching post is not at all difficult, provided that this process was started in time, before your pet matures. By the way, young Scottish cats are active and sometimes uncontrollable, so in the first months of the baby’s life you will have to put up with the inevitable destruction in the house. Even if the fame of Yuri Kuklachev haunts you, it’s better not to get carried away with the serious drill of straights. Whatever the experts say, unquestioning obedience to commands is not the strong point of Scottish straight-eared cats. Instill in your pet the basics of etiquette and teach him to respect subordination - this will be quite enough. As for a full-fledged training program, save it for show-class individuals, who will later have to demonstrate their talents at exhibitions.

  • If the animal allows itself too much, try to stop it with the command “No!”, which is given in a stern and loud voice.
  • If the kitten does not respond to a stern tone, grab it by the scruff of the neck and imitate a cat hissing. The baby will understand this language faster.
  • Do not try to poke the kitten's muzzle into the puddle it has made or try to hammer the basics of cleanliness into it with a slipper. After suffering stress, the cat will definitely play a mischief in another place, but this time it will be reliably hidden from you.
  • Have you noticed that your plush beast is sitting in an unambiguous position on the carpet or trying to steal food from the table? Scare him with a loud whistle or clap of your hands. Make no mistake, fear is a very powerful educational tool.
  • Never scold or praise a Scottish Straight cat after the fact. Despite a fairly high level of intelligence, the animal is not able to connect together yesterday's exemplary behavior and today's reward.

Preparatory stages

If you decide to purchase a purebred kitten, then you need to take care of some important aspects in advance:

  • Food containers. It is recommended to purchase 3 bowls, which will be made of ceramic, nickel-plated metal, or Teflon-coated options. Place them in a secluded place;
  • Toilet tray. For a baby, choose an option with low sides. Place it in a place where the kitten can reach it. Choose a special filler with a “stimulating” aroma;
  • Carrying. Fold-eared kittens need regular examination by a veterinarian, and for this the animal must be taken there in comfort. In addition, if you want to pursue your pet’s career, you will have to regularly take him to exhibitions;
  • Toys. Many people believe that it is not necessary to spend money on this. This is a serious mistake, since games are important for the normal physical and psychological development of the animal. It is not recommended to use various ribbons, garlands and foil toys;
  • Scratching post. If you do not want the wallpaper and furniture to be torn, then you definitely need to purchase this item;
  • Shampoo. Your arsenal should include a dry option that will help clean the fur from dust, as well as a special shampoo for short-haired cats.

How to care for a British kitten in the first days in a new place?

For an animal, moving to a new home is always a big stress. In order to reduce possible negativity, prepare in advance the conditions for its normal existence. Give the kitten time to get comfortable, make sure that all dangerous places are isolated. Play will help your animal relax, so use any method to engage him.

Another important rule - do not leave the animal alone, as it may get scared. Don't raise your tone, be calm, give your baby the opportunity to sniff you

Bring the kitten to the area where the toilet is located, as well as bowls of food and water.

Bring the kitten to the area where the toilet is located, as well as bowls of food and water.

To train him to use the toilet, place him in a tray several times, which should contain a mixture of filler: the one you bought and the one you used in your pet.

How to care for lop-eared kittens and rules of education:

  • Do not tease or play with your baby with your hand, as this will provoke aggression. As a result, this will become a habit for the kitten, and he will constantly scratch and bite. For entertainment, use special or self-made toys;
  • If you see an animal misbehaving, do not hit it under any circumstances. Since this will cause him to mistrust, and in the future, with any wave of his hand, he will be afraid. To distract the kitten and show him what he is doing wrong, just clap your hands and sternly say “Fu”. The same category of prohibitions includes the use of a spray bottle and a vacuum cleaner;
  • All breeds of cats, Scottish and British as well, perfectly understand the intonations of the human voice. The animal must understand why exactly it is being scolded and praised. This refers to the fact that everything should be done on time, so if you discover something dirty only after a while, there is no need to scold the kitten.

Nutrition rules

If you have a baby from 2-4 months, then it will look something like this:

  • Breakfast: half a pack of baby cottage cheese, without any additives;
  • Snack: a small piece of shredded chicken with broth;
  • Lunch: dry food for kittens;
  • Dinner: a little raw beef minced through a meat grinder.

Be sure to remember that there should be a bowl of purified water next to your food.

When the animal has grown, the nutrition changes slightly and can be like this:

  • Breakfast: a pack of baby cottage cheese and boiled chicken with broth;
  • Lunch: dry food with various additives;
  • Dinner: raw beef.

Features of appearance. British cat breed

British cats have dense, short hair that provides reliable protection from cold and moisture. They are hardy and physically strong, and perform well in hunting. The main characteristics also include the good health of the animal. With proper care, the risks of developing chronic diseases are quite small.

External features include:

  • powerful torso with a developed chest and massive muscles;
  • strong limbs of short length that can withstand loads well;
  • decent weight, varies between 4-6 kg on average;
  • large round head;
  • thick cheeks;
  • strong, well-developed chin;
  • The ears are medium-sized, erect, with a wide base;
  • large, wide-set eyes;
  • body proportions are harmonious;
  • thick wool with a dense structure;
  • The color of the coat is varied; this breed has about 60 variations.

Character traits

We suggest studying the character traits of this breed in order to understand how Scottish cats differ from British cats.

The British representative has an aristocratic character, so she is not prone to active games and does not particularly welcome “carrying” in her arms. A self-sufficient nature requires respect for itself; you need to be able to negotiate and reckon with it.

She has a very good memory, and if you offend a cat, she will remember this unpleasant gesture. A British woman can carry a grudge for a long time, but she will never show aggression towards loved ones. She will skillfully show her dissatisfaction through her behavioral manners.

Buying Scottish Fold, how to buy correctly?

  • The kitten's ears should fit snugly to the head;
  • The head should be round and the coat plush and soft;
  • The kitten's gait and movements should be smooth and flexible (fold-eared cats may have diseases of the musculoskeletal system at the genetic level, which can occur when these animals are improperly crossed);
  • The tail should be flexible and not very long;

It is recommended to buy kittens from trusted nurseries, where crossing is carried out according to all the rules for breeding this breed.

When buying an animal from unknown people, there is a risk of developing joint diseases in the future, due to possible unscrupulous compliance by these people with the conditions of crossing its ancestors.

  • Single fold ears (if only the ends of the ears are bent);
  • Double fold (the ears bend entirely at the base of the auricle, leaving a small gap between the ears and the head);
  • Triple fold (complete fit of the ears to the head).

The coat color of cats can be either monochromatic or with a variety of color shades.

Fold ear in kittens: norm, photo, description

Among the cat breeds recognized by international felinological organizations, only Scottish Folds and Highland Folds are fold-eared, that is, Scottish shorthaired and semi-longhaired fold cats. We clarified about recognition by felinologists, because There are also outbred fold-eared cats, which are obtained as a result of random genetic mutations, but no one further fixes this gene and breeds a new breed. In the middle of the 20th century, it occurred to the Scot Mary Ross to do something similar, who, not having the skills and knowledge of a breeder, intuitively felt that she might be dealing with an emerging breed.

What do newborn fold kittens look like? Here are lop-eared kittens at birth: photos of newborns.

When properly crossed, the lop ear gene is inherited from one of the parents. It is dominant, that is, if it is included in the cat’s genetic makeup, it should appear visually. However, there are nuances.

Difference in character

Typically, British pets are purchased by working people who spend a long time outside the home. Plush pets can be alone in the apartment without fear of loneliness. Importance, aristocratic behavior and sedateness - these qualities distinguish the British from other breeds.

Animals do not like to be picked up or squeezed. The cat itself will approach the owner for a portion of affection. The British are prone to depression, cats need to be interested in active games. Representatives of this breed quickly gain weight; it is important to prevent British pets from becoming obese, especially after castration or sterilization. Extra pounds are an additional burden on the internal organs of pets.

The Scots are easier to communicate with people and other animals. Playful, playful cats resemble dogs in their habits: they can fetch an object thrown by the owner, hide, and frolic with other kids. Scottish dogs are more amenable to education and training. They quickly acquire hygiene skills.

Representatives of the breeds are very clean animals; they will refuse a dirty tray and will not eat from dirty dishes. If they feel unwell, their behavior will attract the attention of family members to their problems. Scottish and British cat in the photo.

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