Detailed diet for Alabai from birth to old age

Central Asian Shepherds are powerful and stately dogs. They are distinguished by their endurance and calm nature. The owner of a puppy of this mighty animal is advised to know what to feed the Alabai at a young and mature age. The diet for these large shepherds should be tailored to the breed, level of physical activity and age of the dog. Food for alabai must be of high quality and provide the body of an impressive animal with all the necessary nutrients. The health of young and mature dogs directly depends on proper nutrition, care and maintenance of pets.

Basic feeding standards for Alabai

It is better for the owner of the Central Asian Shepherd, regardless of the age of the animal, to adhere to the basic principles of feeding large breeds of dogs. For the correct formation of the skeleton and exterior characteristics, Alabais must be fed from a stand with brackets. The bowl is placed at the height of the animal's chest and rises as the dog grows.

You can feed the Alabai correctly with both dry food and natural food. In this case, you must observe the proportions and weight of the products, depending on the age and physiological state of the animal. Mixing these two types of feeding is highly discouraged. Dry food should be premium class; it is better to purchase it in specialized stores in factory packaging. For growing young animals, mature and elderly Alabais, food lines for large dogs are suitable, which are available from most patented manufacturers of ready-made dog food. The amount of dry food is indicated on the packaging; it is calculated taking into account the weight, age and physique of the animal.

Overly plump pets need to reduce the daily portion or use a special low-calorie line.

When feeding an Alabai with homemade food, the dog’s menu should consist of 30-50% meat products, the rest of the diet is cereals, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Dog food should be warm, thick and fresh.

The pet must be fed at the same time, creating a feeding schedule depending on the age of the dog. After 20 minutes from the start of feeding, the bowl should be removed, regardless of the presence or absence of uneaten food in it.

To feed the Alabai, you need to place two bowls at muzzle level.

The dog should eat from enamel or aluminum dishes; it is recommended to have at least two bowls: for food and drink, which must be washed every day. It is necessary to provide your pet with free access to drink; it is recommended to pour fresh water into a bowl at least 2-3 times a day. The bowl volume of an adult Central Asian Shepherd is 2.6 liters. If possible, smaller dishes are purchased for puppies; an adult bowl is installed for a one-year-old pet.

What should you not feed Alabais?

It is prohibited to feed Central Asian Shepherds:

  • pork;
  • fatty lamb;
  • sweets;
  • smoked meats;
  • pasta;
  • white bread;
  • legumes;
  • fried or spicy foods;
  • raw cereals, except rolled oats;
  • citrus fruits;
  • bird and tubular bones.

Whole milk should only be given to puppies up to 4 months of age to prevent the development of diarrhea. All dogs are advised to limit their salt intake.

Bones should not be food for dogs. Long bones can perforate the intestinal wall. Boiled bones cause constipation. The bones can be used to make soups. Once a week, from 2 months, you can give Alabai a sugar beef bone to strengthen the gums and naturally clean the teeth. An alternative is special bones made from ox veins. It is better to give raw meat or bone in the evening after a walk.

You cannot feed Alabai bones; they are only used for cleaning teeth.

When feeding an animal with traditional food, it is necessary to include mineral supplements and vitamins for Alabais in the dog’s diet; vitamin preparations are given to dogs in monthly courses with a two-week break. It is acceptable to use dry multivitamin preparations or give liquid vitamin supplements to pets. For puppies, lactating and pregnant bitches, adult and elderly shepherd dogs, there is a dosage that is prescribed to the pet by a veterinarian.

The transition to a new diet or type of feeding should be made gradually, over 10-14 days, observing the pet’s reaction to the new food.

What not to do

Attempts to diversify the Central Asian menu with “snacks” often lead to itching, poisoning, and the development of eye and ear diseases.

The following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • river fish (bony, often infected with parasites);
  • bones, especially tubular bones;
  • pasta, baked goods;
  • leftover food from the table;
  • smoked meats, sausages, salami;
  • raisins, grapes;
  • mushrooms;
  • salt, spices;
  • pickles, marinades, sauces;
  • legumes (cause increased gas formation);
  • semolina (low nutritional value) and pearl barley (poorly digested);
  • confectionery.

Features of feeding Asians depending on age

When choosing to feed dry food, you must follow the daily nutritional allowance indicated on the package. The only condition is the selection of premium food according to the age, body type and physiological state of the dog.

Natural food can be fed to both puppies and adult dogs. The young feed several times a day in small portions. You should not put a lot of food in the bowl at one time so that your pet does not gain excess weight. This is fraught with the development of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. It is necessary to maintain an equal time interval between feeding the babies; after each meal, the baby should rest for 2 hours.

As an adult, Alabai eats about 4 kg of fresh natural food prepared at home per day. Adult Central Asian Shepherds are transferred to two meals a day from the age of one year.

Alabai must be fed with high-quality natural food in sufficient quantities.
Feeding an adult Alabai with traditional food involves the use of meat and plant products in a 1:1 ratio. Alabai puppies can be fed the same thing that mature individuals are fed, provided that the proportions of food are maintained according to the weight of the babies and special preparation of food. The diet of a puppy and an adult shepherd dog should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Products for feeding Alabai

Feeding dogs with natural food involves using the following products in the menu of Central Asian Shepherds:

  • raw meat - veal, beef, horse meat, lean lamb;
  • offal - kidneys, liver, heart, tripe, udder, lungs, spleen;
  • sea ​​and river fish, squid;
  • eggs;
  • fermented milk products – cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, curdled milk, whey;
  • cereals – Alabai can be rolled oats, rice, buckwheat, crushed corn and millet can be added in small quantities, it is recommended to cook porridge from at least three types of cereals;
  • vegetables, fruits and herbs - cabbage, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, beets, Jerusalem artichoke, apple, garlic, raspberry leaves, nettles, dill, parsley, lettuce, spinach.

Feed additives must be fed to animals in small quantities. This could be: meat and bone meal, eggshells, calcined cottage cheese, walnuts, seaweed, rye flour or bread, sunflower oil.

Prohibited Products

The list of products for the Alabai menu is simple and not much different from the usual dog menu. But when compiling a diet, it is important to take into account not only the required ingredients, but also prohibited foods. You can read more about what you should not feed your dog in our article.

Alabai should not be given sweets

List of prohibited foods for the Central Asian Shepherd:

  1. Food prepared for humans. Fatty, spicy and salty foods should not be given to your dog.
  2. Bones. Only spongy and moslak are acceptable.
  3. Any spices, salt and pepper.
  4. Smoked products, sausages, ready-made semi-finished products.
  5. Bakery products, muffins, pasta.
  6. Products that provoke fermentation - grapes, raisins.
  7. Sweets, candies, chocolate.

Important! For Alabai, any confectionery products are unacceptable. Xylitol, found in baked goods and chewing gum, is considered a lethal poison for dogs.

Alabai nutrition after one year

The backbone of the young animals has already been formed. The puppy resembles an adult animal, but the growth of muscle mass will end only at 2 years. Until this age, it is necessary to feed your pet carefully and variedly. It is necessary to introduce vitamin and calcium-containing preparations into the diet. 12-15 month old puppies are gradually transferred to one or two feedings a day with one fasting day per week.

After 1 year, the Alabai puppy eats like an adult dog

A Central Asian Shepherd dog at 1 year old should eat no more than 2 liters of food at a time. In winter, the volume of food is increased by 10-15%. The diet should be varied and balanced. Alabai can consume per day:

  • 750 g of meat, fish or 1.5 kg of offal;
  • 1 kg of cottage cheese or 1 liter of fermented milk products;
  • 500 g of vegetables or cereals;
  • 100 g bran or 200 g rye flour.

Refusal to eat: possible reasons

It happens that just recently, a vigorous and active alabai becomes lethargic, inactive, and refuses to eat. This is not always a sign of disease. Such “whims” sometimes occur when a dog’s usual diet is changed, especially if the dog does not like the food. Sometimes refusal of food is caused by stress associated with moving, change of owner or death. Poor appetite often occurs during the hot season. From time to time, dogs arrange fasting days for themselves, drinking only water.

But there are cases when refusal to eat is caused by serious reasons that require urgent contact with a veterinarian. When emergency specialist help is needed:

  1. If a dog has a fever, it has a high or very low body temperature.
  2. The animal exhibits drooling, unmotivated aggression, and attempts to hide in a dark place.
  3. With purulent, bloody discharge, liquid, foul-smelling stool.
  4. If a dog's coat becomes dull, the animal has lost a lot of weight.
  5. The animal refuses not only food, but also water.

In such situations, delay is dangerous; failure to seek medical help in a timely manner can lead to the death of your pet.

Be attentive to your pet, show more affection and care, do not lose sight of changes in its appearance and mood. Feed your animal only high-quality, fresh food. And then the health of your Alabai will always be excellent. This means you won’t have to fear for your peace and well-being with such a security guard.

Nutrition for elderly Alabais

A special line of dry food has been developed for large dogs over 7 years old. When feeding traditional food, it is necessary to reduce the serving size and the amount of raw meat, offal and fish. For aging dogs, increase the amount of low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, boiled vegetables and vegetable oil consumed.

Feeding the aging Alabai should be more gentle

Proper feeding of a powerful dog is the key to the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system. External signs, state of health and vitality throughout life depend on this.

What to feed Alabai - briefly about the dog breed

Alabaya is a massive, large dog bred in Turkmenistan to protect people and animals. Among the common people, they were given the nickname wolfhound, and all thanks to their lightning-fast reaction, fearlessness and devotion to man.

Representatives of this breed are practically omnivorous, so they can be fed both natural and dry industrial food.

The Alabai diet should include a sufficient amount of phosphorus and calcium, which contributes to strong teeth and proper bone development. The ratio of these elements should be 2:1. If the owner neglects this rule, then over time the pet may develop disorders in the musculoskeletal system, weaken ligaments, slow growth and develop dysplasia.

But, you should not increase the dosage of vitamins, since their excess can negatively affect the functioning of the four-legged friend’s body.
Important! If your pet has health problems, you will need to take a biochemical blood test at the clinic. Based on its results, the veterinarian will tell you how to properly replenish the balance in the blood.

Dependence of appetite on the activity and physique of the dog

The question of how much Alabai eats per day worries every responsible owner. Feeding depends on the activity and body type of the pet. An adult dog that is quite active throughout the day is fed three times a day. If the pet prefers to spend time leisurely, then it is fed 2 times a day.

It is strictly forbidden to overfeed representatives of this breed, since an excess of food is harmful to their health.

Alabai's daily diet must include meat

General principles

First of all, the Central Asian Shepherd is not a gourmet, and happily eats almost everything that is offered to it, which means there will be no problems with the selection of products. Another thing is that you can’t give a dog everything - while gobbling up food on both cheeks, the Alabai may not understand that it would be better for him not to even smell this particular product.

The dog’s diet can be based on natural products or by purchasing industrially produced food. Most owners prefer the first option, although it, predictably, requires much more time and effort.

ALL DOGS (13 kg) Dry complete

ALL DOGS, according to many dog ​​breeders, is considered a complete diet for our smaller four-legged brothers of any breed, size, age and activity level. Each owner adjusts its portions according to the needs of their pet. Together with it, the pet receives a complex of essential nutrients for life. The food is produced in Denmark, based on the latest research on pet nutrition and international standards, which indicate recommended levels of nutritional content. It belongs to the economy class.


  • Suitable for almost all breeds.
  • Quite popular due to its excellent composition.
  • Induces pleasure while eating.
  • Excellent oral hygiene and plaque removal.
  • Does not contain GMOs, excess or artificial additives.


  • Not suitable for everyone.
  • Insufficient amount of protein.
  • You need to add vitamins and natural meat.
  • Poor assortment from the manufacturer.

Most of the listed types of dry food, we recommend paying attention to Belcando Junior Maxi and Royal Canin Maxi Adult in the ranking of the best.

This food is based on natural ingredients. Proper nutrition is the key to a healthy body and excellent physical condition of any animal.

The price of these feeds is high, but it is worth it. Moreover, they contain all the useful components, including vitamins, and your beloved pet receives adequate nutrition.


OUR DIET, produced in Russia, provides the body of four-legged pets with the entire complex of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are so necessary for health. The composition contains natural ingredients, probiotics that support the immune system. The dog is healthy and active all day long thanks to fatty acids, chicken and salmon fat. The listed components are present in the specified diet. Considered economy class.


  • Qualitative.
  • The dog eats with pleasure.
  • Gives activity to the animal.
  • The fur shines and shines.
  • Well absorbed.
  • Choice of flavors.


  • Large granules.
  • Cats eat.
  • Only for large representatives of the breed.

What not to give

There are a number of foods that should not be fed to Alabai puppies, as they pose a threat to life and health or are not recommended for other reasons. Owners who don’t know very well what to feed their puppy will find the list of prohibited foods useful:

You should limit your dog from unwanted foods.

  • Scraps from your table - not only can they be harmful to your pet’s health, he develops the habit of asking for food from the table, which is fundamentally wrong;
  • Bones - the dog can injure his larynx or palate with sharp fragments;
  • Pasta and vermicelli;
  • Spices;
  • Smoked meats and sausages;
  • Grapes and raisins;
  • Sweets, baked goods and any types of baked goods;
  • Xylitol is a sugar substitute that is deadly to dogs. If your dog accidentally eats anything with xylitol, contact your veterinarian immediately - the consequences can be fatal.

In case of poisoning, the dog must be taken to a veterinarian immediately


CHAPPI is produced in Russia for economy class. It contains cereals, which are considered the best sources of carbohydrates. Proteins are present in the form of meat and offal. Use vegetables, for example, carrots, vegetable oils. CHAPPI is convenient because there is no need to add vitamins to it; they are already contained in sufficient quantities.


  • Wide availability.
  • Nutritious food.
  • Does not cause constipation in the animal.
  • Decent quality.
  • Promotes healthy appearance of coat and teeth.
  • Doggies like it.
  • There are no artificial flavors or flavor enhancers.


  • Treatment of the animal after eating these dry granules.
  • Bad composition.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Hair falls out.
  • Bloating.
  • Not suitable for all individuals.
  • Unattractive packaging.

Vitamins and supplements

When raising your beloved puppy on ready-made super-premium food, no additional vitamins and mineral supplements are required in the diet of a small dog, since high-quality food contains all the elements necessary for the animal. Oversaturation of the body with vitamins or minerals leads to the development of hypervitaminosis and the development of systemic pathologies.

A natural diet is not able to fully provide the body of growing young animals with all important nutrients, therefore, in order to form proper bones, muscles and prevent rickets, it is recommended to give the pet vitamin and mineral supplements in dry or liquid form.

The dosage of drugs should be determined by a veterinarian taking into account the age, physiological condition and individual characteristics of the puppy.

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