Peculiarities of care and feeding of the Papillon “butterfly” dog breed

The French Papillon is an intelligent and capable student. For beginners who have decided to have a dog in their home for the first time, these small, smart and beautiful animals are a real find. Due to its high intellectual abilities, this breed is easy to train. The training process does not look burdensome, giving pleasure to both the dog and the person. The main element of successful training is constant communication between the owner and the dog. Papillons are sensitive to the emotions and psychological state of their owner, so the most desired reward for a four-legged ward will be an approving look and well-deserved words of praise. Any success in training, the slightest achievement of the puppy should be noted and approved.

Rating of the 10 best dry food for Papillon

PlaceNameRatingPrice, rub.
11st Choice Breeders for miniature breeds with chicken (20kg)5.0 / 57335
2ProNature Holistic (for miniature breeds) (0.34 kg)5.0 / 5435
3Orijen Original (6 kg)4.9 / 53840
4Go! Natural Holistic (holistic menu) Go & NOW Natural (690 g) 4.9 / 5424
5Ontario "Mini Weight Control" for small breed dogs, with turkey and potatoes (2.25 kg)4.8 / 5799
6NOW FRESH salmon, duck, turkey (2.72 kg) (for miniature breeds)4.8 / 51569
7Acana Heritage (6 kg) (for small breeds)4.8 / 53404
8Wolfsblut Gray Peak Small Breed (15 kg)4.8 / 56342
9Grandorf (3 kg) Lamb with rice Mini4.7 / 51600
10Royal Canin for healthy skin and coat 2 kg (for small breeds)4.7 / 5625

How to feed

Dry food naturally cleanses enamel and trains the bite.
So that its fragments are small in size so that the pet does not choke and does not injure its teeth. There is food for puppies of this breed, which contains increased dosages of protein, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins, and minerals.

Puppies are considered animals under one year of age and eat 4-5 times a day. The heaviest feeding is in the evening. Older individuals switch to food for adult dogs and two meals a day.

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A Papillon needs 100-150 grams of food per day.

Proteins make up the bulk of high-quality dry food. Manufacturers include chicken meat or a mixture of chicken, lamb, and salmon. Premium pet food never contains any by-products.

Dog food packages are marked with age and weight marks. Food for older and less active Papillons should be lower in calories.


Adult dogs of this breed need to have the hair on their ears, paws and tail shortened to make it easier for them to move around. You should brush your pet once every few days to prevent the fur from getting tangled. The dog’s teeth should also not be left unattended: they must be cleaned yourself, and also periodically taken to the veterinarian.

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Nails need to be trimmed so that the dog can comfortably move along the street without catching anything. You can look after representatives of the breed on your own without any problems, but it is important to adhere to the basic rules and not neglect preventive examinations by a veterinarian.

One of the significant advantages of this dog breed is the lack of undercoat. Therefore, Papillons practically do not shed. Or rather, they do this evenly throughout the year. If you brush them regularly, you will hardly notice any hair in the house. Before starting the procedure, be sure to moisturize your dog's long hair. This can be done using plain water or a special conditioner. If you comb dry wool, it will break.

If you don't want to spend a lot of time grooming your pet, getting a haircut from a groomer will make it easier. Most often, Papillons have their body and groin area trimmed, and the hair between the toes is trimmed. With a little practice, you can do it yourself at home. But if your pet participates in competitions or exhibitions, then it is better to leave the haircut to a professional.

There is no need to bathe your Papillon often; do it as soon as the coat gets dirty. After water procedures, be sure to use a hairdryer. If the dog's fur dries naturally, it will begin to curl, lose its aesthetic appearance, and will be much more difficult to comb.

If you do not want to constantly wash your Papillon, you can use special outdoor clothing. This is not necessarily a warm winter overall. In summer and in the off-season, you can use light raincoats, which perfectly protect the fur from rain and dirt. There are even shoes for dogs that protect their paws. Fortunately, Continental Toy Spaniels are clean breeds. They will not get into a puddle or roll around in the mud. Therefore, most often, after a walk it is enough for them to simply wash their paws.

It is better to cut off the claws after water procedures, as warm water softens them, and the process is faster and easier. If you often spend time with your dog on the street, then the claws will grind off on their own. But it’s a good idea to periodically check their length.

To clean your Papillon's teeth, you will need a toothbrush or a special finger attachment. The paste can be bought at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. It must be intended for animals, and not for people. A good preventative against the appearance of plaque will be dental bones, which gently clean the teeth during the gnawing process. Plus, dogs love them very much.

The eyes and ears of dogs are wiped several times a month with a cotton swab dipped in a special lotion.

1st Choice Breeders for miniature breeds with chicken (20kg)

The best option among super-premium feeds. It consists of high-quality meat, vegetables, and does not contain unnecessary third-rate components and by-products. The composition does not contain taste or smell enhancers or other artificial additives.

The price per kilogram (366 rubles/kg) is budget-friendly for a product of this quality. Product, there is a huge range of food for small breeds with other tastes, hypoallergenic types that are suitable for animals with a tendency to allergies.


  • There is no unpleasant smell, the animal’s mouth does not smell after eating;
  • The condition of the coat improves;
  • Does not cause digestive upset, suitable for animals with a weak gastrointestinal tract;
  • Each product in the line is balanced according to the age of the animal for which it is intended (this product for adult miniature dogs contains the required 22% protein);
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Convenient packaging with a clasp, the product does not run out.


  • It has the form of granules, which are much more difficult to digest when not chewed;
  • Difficult to find in pet stores.

ProNature Holistic (for miniature breeds) (0.34 kg)

The best option from holisticists. The composition contains minerals, animal proteins, trace elements, vitamins. Consists of meat, fish, egg products, berries, fruits, vegetables, does not contain corn, wheat, soy, or other grains.

There are no chemical preservatives, aroma or taste enhancers. Veterinarians consider the products of this brand to be among the best for the constant feeding of miniature breed dogs.


  • High calorie content, the dog remains full for a long time, eating a small portion;
  • The appearance of the coat improves with constant holistic nutrition;
  • No problems with the gastrointestinal tract, well absorbed by the animal’s body;
  • Suitable for dogs with intolerance to certain foods;
  • After eating, the animal's mouth does not smell;
  • The small package has a convenient clasp, the food does not run out.
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Convenient packaging with a clasp, the product does not run out.


  • Not found in all pet stores.

Orijen Original (6 kg)

Super premium product, suitable for all breeds, including small ones. Includes high-quality fish and meat, the content of which reaches a record 80% among other dry food, healthy herbs (dandelion, mint, turmeric).

All these ingredients help strengthen canine immunity. Does not contain third-rate by-products, chemical preservatives, flavor enhancers, aroma, vegetable proteins, gluten, or cereals. Orijen is suitable for active miniature dogs.


  • Record high animal protein content;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • The composition contains several types of fish.


  • There is no fastener on the packaging so that the food does not dry out; it will have to be poured into a closed container;
  • Strong odor and noticeable but short-lived odor from the animal's mouth;
  • Rarely, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible.


First of all, let’s clarify how a decorative dog, which is in the same group with toy terriers, received the name “spaniel”. The official version explains this metamorphosis with the origin of the early Papillons. It is believed that the ancestors of the “butterflies” were dwarf Spaniels, common in the territories of Spain and Italy. The history of the breed lasts more than 1000 years, and we will no longer know whether this information is reliable, but the popularity of Papillons even in those distant times is difficult to dispute. It is known that miniature dogs were widespread in royal courts and were even kept by monarchs, at the expense of taxpayers. For example, the ruler of France, Henry III, became famous for the extravagance of the state treasury, keeping his Papillon in the most luxurious conditions.

France was rightfully the patron country, but the cloudless existence of the breed did not last long, just over 200 years. The outbreak of the Great French Revolution (1789), which lasted 10 years, ended tragically not only for many people.

The extinction of the “rebellion” launched the mechanism for the extermination of the breed as a symbol of old habits. Part of the livestock was saved by export to countries that were peaceful at that time. The main role in the revival of the breed was played by dogs exported to Belgium. It is easy to guess that the attempt to deliberately destroy “butterflies” created a shortage of tribal representatives. The breed remained a curiosity until the beginning of the 19th century.

This is interesting! Active breeding work led to a fairly rapid increase in the number of livestock, in addition, the breeders received fold-eared Papillons. The variety was named to match its brother - Phalen, which is translated from French as moth.

The first appearance of “butterflies” before English dog handlers and amateurs took place in 1923. The debut ended in triumph, which led to more active breeding work. Already in 1935, Papillon conquered the United States, and after that the whole world. Today, the breed remains prestigious and quite rare. The main population is concentrated in America and England, although nurseries in many countries are rapidly increasing the pace of work.

Go! Natural Holistic (holistic menu) Go & NOW Natural (690 g)

Suitable for all dog breeds, especially miniature ones. It contains only natural ingredients, calf meat, turkey, lamb, duck, fruits, berries, vegetables.

The product is perfectly balanced, the necessary animal proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, microelements, acids are present, there are no harmful soybeans, preservatives, odor and taste enhancers, or low-quality by-products. All components retain their properties thanks to gentle processing.


  • Convenient sealed packaging with a zipper: the food does not expire and does not lose its properties;
  • The amount of excrement is significantly reduced, and its smell becomes less pronounced;
  • High calorie content, the dog remains full for a long time;
  • The coat becomes more shiny and smooth in appearance with prolonged constant feeding;
  • Does not cause allergies or dental problems;
  • The condition of the skin and eyes improves noticeably over time;
  • Can be found in every pet store;
  • Does not have a pronounced odor.


  • Large granules that are difficult to digest if the dog does not chew them;
  • Possible odor from the animal's mouth;
  • Occasionally, problems with the gastrointestinal tract occur.

a brief description of

Height: up to 28 cm
Weight: from 1.5 kg

There are 2 categories:

  1. Up to 2.5 kg, for males and females.
  2. 2.5-4.5 kg - for males and 2.5-5 kg ​​for females.

How much does a puppy cost:

  1. Show class: from 30-40 thousand rubles.
  2. Breed class: from 20 to 30 thousand rubles.
  3. Pet class: 15-20 thousand rubles.
  4. Without class: up to 10-13 thousand rubles.

Life expectancy: 12-15 years.

What is the difference between Papillons and Phalenes?Phalene (translated as "moth") is a type of breed. The main difference is the different shape and position of the ears; the Phalene has drooping ears, while the Papillon has erect ears. They also differ in character and behavior. Papillons are more mobile, Phalenes behave calmer.
Who is the breed suitable for?For beginners, active people.
This is not a pampered sofa dog, you can take it to the forest, on a hike, on trips, the pet will not mind frolicking in a noisy company. Not suitable for busy people, families with small children (a child may accidentally injure a small dog).
Boys and girls: what are the differences in character?Girls are more affectionate, emotional and tender. Boys look more impressive, more courageous and decisive. However, they can mark in the apartment.
Does a Papillon have a lot of hair?They don't shed very much because they don't have undercoat. During the shedding period, daily brushing is necessary.
Is it possible to cut hair?Clipped Papillons are not allowed to show, but non-show dogs can be cut.
Do you need clothes for walking in the cold season?Yes, but in extreme cases: if there is a lot of wet snow or severe frost outside. Such dogs are very mobile, so they are not threatened by the cold.
Do they bark often?No. They only speak out when there are suspicious sounds. They can bark if they get too excited.


  1. Smart, obedient, highly trainable.
  2. They successfully participate in agility and other dog sports.
  3. Convenient in everyday life and handling.
  4. You can take it with you on trips.
  5. They don't bark for no reason.
  6. Playful, cheerful.
  7. They are distinguished by good health.
  8. Kind and affectionate with all family members.
  9. They treat children warmly.
  10. Get along well with pets.


  1. The coat, ears and eyes require constant care.
  2. Physical activity is required.
  3. With a lack of attention they become irritable.
  4. Sometimes they show aggressiveness (mainly due to improper socialization).
  5. They can bite painfully.
  6. They are affectionate and cannot be left alone.
  7. Jealous, touchy.

Ontario Mini Weight Control with Turkey and Potatoes (2.25 kg)

Czech super-premium product. Recommended by veterinarians due to its perfectly balanced composition. Does not contain cereals or grains. The composition includes high-quality fish, meat products, vegetables (for example, tomatoes).

There are no low-quality ingredients, chemical preservatives, or meat and bone meal. Suitable for dogs with excess weight problems.


  • High content of lycopenes;
  • Suitable for dogs with poor health, problems with joints and immunity;
  • Does not cause a bad odor from the animal's mouth;
  • All useful microelements in the form of chelates are absorbed by the dog’s body 100%;
  • Small granules that are easy to digest;
  • Distributed in pet stores;
  • Hermetically sealed packaging.


  • Pronounced smell.


It is better to start describing this breed with its appearance. The dog's physique is proportional, its joints and muscle tissue are highly developed. The average height is 28 cm. The body weight of dwarf Papillons is 2 kg, and that of ordinary Papillons is 5 kg. Many owners prefer to carry their pet in their arms.

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The dog's head is proportional to other parts of the body, the frontal region protrudes and is longer than the muzzle. The transition to the nose is smooth, almost imperceptible. The lips are thin and fit tightly to the jaw, covering the tongue and teeth. The nose is small, the eyes are almond-shaped, brown in color, and have an expressive look.

The fur is wavy and has a characteristic shine when exposed to sunlight. Dogs have no undercoat. Each individual's hair is different and has specific markings. Most animals have a tricolor color, consisting of red, white and black shades.

NOW FRESH salmon, duck, turkey (2.72 kg)

Canadian quality holistic. Products of this brand do not include grain crops, by-products, chemical preservatives, aroma or taste enhancers.

High-quality meat, vegetables, and cereals maintain the required level of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the animal’s body.


  • Unfastened packaging;
  • Large granules may be difficult to digest if not chewed.


  • Pronounced smell.

Acana Heritage (6 kg) (for small breeds)

This Canadian product is a good choice for a miniature breed dog. It is suitable for both active animals and completely lazy ones. The food is holistic, that is, it contains only natural ingredients.

There are no cheap low-quality components in the products of this brand; feed wheat and bone meal are completely absent. Contains only meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, and high quality dairy products.


  • High concentration of animal proteins;
  • Fresh ingredients;
  • There are no carbohydrates (the dog’s body does not need them);
  • A variety of fruits, vegetables, tonic herbs in the composition, which strengthen the heart and improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Reduces insulin levels, strengthens the liver;
  • High quality packaging.


  • May cause allergies;
  • Noticeable fishy smell;
  • High fat content.

Wolfsblut Gray Peak Small Breed (15 kg)

German quality holistic specialist. The products of this brand include only those components that are easily absorbed by the dog’s body, without causing any digestive problems.

No wheat, oats, corn, starch or gluten. Meat makes up more than half of the food - cod, mackerel, haddock, pheasant, rabbit, trout, salmon, lamb.


  • Excellent balance of vitamins, minerals, healthy supplements;
  • Complete absence of chemical ingredients (flavor and aroma enhancers and dyes);
  • Moderate size granules;
  • No noticeable odor;
  • Elegant, high quality packaging;
  • The company has an official website with a detailed description of the product and instructions;
  • The condition of the coat improves.


  • Rarely available in pet stores;
  • In isolated cases may cause constipation

Grandorf (3 kg) Lamb with rice Mini

Suitable for a small breed dog. Veterinarians often mention this brand as the most suitable for dogs prone to allergies. The composition is completely free of chicken and grains.

In addition to meat, it contains components such as vegetables and grains. It is better to take this food for an active dog. If she is lazy, then Grandorf will make her overweight.


  • High meat content - >60%;
  • High calorie content, the dog will be full for a long time;
  • No chemical flavors or additives;
  • Improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, restores intestinal microflora (and is even indicated for those dogs who have digestive problems);
  • Improves the condition of the coat.


  • High in fat, a lazy dog ​​will quickly gain weight.

Royal Canin for healthy skin and coat 2 kg (for small breeds)

Famous French super-premium food. It is of good quality, but lower than that of competitors (discussed in paragraphs 1-9).

Royal Canin Mini contains grains and vegetable proteins.


  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Nutritious, but does not cause excess weight in the animal (the energy intensity of the diet and the protein content in the product are precisely calculated);
  • Available at many pet stores;
  • High-quality packaging;
  • Moderate size granules;
  • Restoring the condition of the coat;
  • Contains sodium polyphosphate, which prevents the formation of plaque;
  • The composition includes many useful microelements;
  • Improved digestion.


  • With constant feeding of this food, it is impossible to do without additional supplements with vitamins and microelements;
  • Inconvenient packaging without fastener;
  • Contains poorly digestible grains and artificial additives (preservatives, dyes.);

Among these foods, the best choices for a miniature animal would be 1st Choice Breeders Miniature Breed with Chicken (20kg) and Wolfsblut Gray Peak Small Breed (15kg).

The first is the highest quality, and at the same time inexpensive, super-premium food.

The second is a natural holistic company, and the company has a detailed official website with all the information on the food and instructions.

Both products have a minimum of disadvantages, which are offset by advantages from the balance of nutrients, vitamins, microelements and the absence of harmful preservatives to convenient packaging.


According to official sources, the ancestors of the cute breed are dwarf spaniels from Spain. French monarchs kept dogs in their royal apartments. For example, Henry II provided his pet with the best conditions and spent part of the state budget on his care and maintenance.

The excessive love of the kings turned out to be disastrous for the breed, because after the end of the revolution in France, the dogs were mercilessly exterminated, celebrating the end of tyranny. Thanks to the activities of caring animal defenders, the Papillon was saved from destruction. And already in the middle of the 19th century the population completely recovered.

Feeding tips for miniature dogs

To maintain the health of a small dog, it is important to consider recommendations and advice on feeding and managing the animal’s diet:

  1. It is advisable for miniature breeds to eat dry food daily. This is due to the fact that they often experience oral diseases: inflammation of the gums, unpleasant odor from the mouth, loose teeth, and excessive deposits of tartar. Diseases develop faster than in large individuals. Preference is given to holistic feeds; they do not contain dyes, preservatives, or by-products. Dry food reduces the risk of these diseases, but is not a panacea.
  2. The diet should include wet food. Miniature dogs are prone to diseases of the urinary system; due to their size, the kidneys produce a small amount of urine, which contains a concentration of harmful inorganic substances. Wet food helps saturate the body with additional fluid and prevents the appearance of formations in the urinary system. It is not advisable to mix dry and wet food; it is better to offer them to the animal at different times.
  3. Do not choose your own nutritional supplements for the animal and do not give food from your table. The advantage of ready-made dry food is its balance. The substances your dog needs are available in the right quantities. Homemade table food contains a lot of salt, fat, spices, and other substances harmful to the animal. A dog whose diet is based on dry food does not need additional biological additives. An excess of vitamins is more harmful than their deficiency.
  4. Do not overfeed. Small individuals have a tendency to become obese. If you do not control the number of servings in the bowl, then over time the animal may become overweight. On packages of ready-made dry food there is a table on portion sizes and feeding frequency. Compliance with these standards will protect your dog from weight problems.

Possible diseases

Compared to all decorative dogs, the Papillon has a strong immune system and nervous system, and suffers from diseases of the digestive system much less often than others. Butterfly diseases are caused by poor genetics and improper care.

In order to prevent a number of diseases that are transmitted from other dogs, the animal is vaccinated. In most cases, the administration of the drug will protect your pet from becoming infected with serious diseases, and in case of infection, it will alleviate its condition and protect it from death.

Papillons often experience:

  • deterioration and loss of vision due to the development of retinal atrophy, cataracts, glaucoma, corneal dystrophy, entropy;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • congenital, acquired deafness;
  • skin damage, fractures, joint dislocations;

Before purchasing a puppy you like, it is advisable to show it to a veterinarian, who will carefully examine the animal and identify congenital diseases.

What vitamins are needed when feeding small breed dogs

If the dog’s diet consists of natural food, ready-made vitamin complexes will serve as an additional source of vitamins and minerals. There are many types of multivitamins and specialty vitamins on the pet market designed for small dog breeds.

The vitamin multicomplex solves the problem of vitamin deficiency in the body of an adult animal.

For example, Farmavit Active, Wolmar Winsome Pro Bio Booster Ca Mini or Galakan Champion. These nutritional supplements are developed for small breed dogs, are hypoallergenic, and do not cause side effects.

Learning ability

Papillons are easy to train due to their extraordinary intelligence. Their energy and playfulness make them brilliant athletes in agility, Frisbee and other dog sports. In the company of their beloved owner, they will playfully master both obedience standards and circus tricks - the main thing is that the trainer does not skimp on praise.

Such a pet also makes no mistakes in dancing - you can often meet Papillons at freestyle competitions.

In addition, these kids are always ready to learn and play, regardless of age, confirming the popular wisdom “A small dog is a puppy until old age.”

How to properly feed small breed dog puppies

When a puppy is just born, its digestive system is on its way to development; a diet of the right foods is the key to health for years to come. Newborn puppies can be supplemented with milk or a specialized formula. At the age of about 1-3 months, you need to feed puppies with natural food: lean meat, eggs, fish, porridge, fermented milk.

Protein should make up at least 70% of the diet. We add healthy fats and boiled vegetables to the rest of the diet. This menu may seem boring to humans, but puppies do not need a variety of foods.

Their gastrointestinal tract is just learning how to digest food, and preference is given to simple and healthy foods. The diet should not contain fatty, fried, sweet foods; they are prohibited for puppies and cause serious health and digestive problems.

Photo and video review

Before choosing a pet, you should look at the photos of these cute creatures, after which there will be no doubt about buying such a dog. You can clearly see the behavior and features of caring for the Pipillon in the video.

The Papillon breed is an excellent choice for both beginning breeders and more experienced trainers. The appearance of the dogs will not leave anyone indifferent; children love them very much, and their pets reciprocate their feelings. But when grooming, you should pay attention to the fur and claws. The key to health is proper nutrition, daily walks, active games and love from the owners.

If your miniature dog has digestive problems due to food

A common reason for visiting a veterinarian is gastrointestinal problems. Not a single animal is safe from them.

The reasons for their appearance are usually similar: either a specific brand of ready-made dry or wet food is not suitable for the animal, or the owner decides to save money and buys cheap brands of food that have an unbalanced and even harmful composition.

The most common digestive disorders are:

  • Diarrhea, constipation
  • Allergies that cause a skin reaction
  • Intolerance to components included in the finished feed
  • Uncontrollable vomiting
  • Poisoning

For each of these symptoms, the dog should be shown to a veterinarian to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Self-medication or self-diagnosis is fraught with the emergence of new diseases. If you do not review your dog’s diet, then over time, minor problems with the gastrointestinal tract will lead to the development of chronic diseases of the internal organs.

The damage will mainly be caused to the stomach and liver, and various parts of the intestines.

To solve the problem, it is enough to change the brand of food, choosing a diet without harmful and poorly digestible components. A competent veterinarian can advise which food is best to introduce, based on the health of a particular dog. Change the food gradually; too sudden a change will cause severe digestive upset. The replacement should be made within a week, mixing the new type of food with the old one.

Education and training

Even a beginner can train a representative of this breed, since the dog is extremely inquisitive, interested in the world around him, and shows respect for his owner. However, the task is complicated by the tendency of some dogs to dominate, so the owner must show his leadership qualities towards it.

During the training process, you should not raise your voice to your pet; this breed is sensitive to the mood of the owner. One intonation can show the dog that he did wrong. Dissatisfaction and coldness on the part of the owner are a serious punishment for a cheerful dog. Constant composure from a person can lead to psycho-emotional stress and even a nervous breakdown.

One of the mistakes of a novice dog breeder is to forgive all antics and excessive admiration for the cute appearance of the four-legged dog. The dog exhibits highly intellectual abilities, so she immediately understands in what cases she is wrong or, on the contrary, deserves encouragement. We must not forget about good words, treats and strokes. If you approach training correctly, the result will not take long to arrive. Spaniels are capable of performing complex tricks.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Training begins not with commands, but with nicknames. It is necessary to teach the Papillon to respond to its name. Before each feeding, the animal must be called loudly. Over time, the butterfly will get used to it and respond to the call.

Diet for a pregnant miniature dog

Pregnancy of a pet is an important moment; it is necessary to organize the correct diet for the animal. It is advisable to avoid sudden changes in diet; pregnancy is stressful for the pet and changing the diet can aggravate the pet’s condition. The main part of the menu should be animal proteins. An overweight towards fast carbohydrates and fats can cause excess weight.

It is better to choose premium dog food intended for pregnant females; they have a good composition and contain a balanced set of vitamins and minerals necessary for a pregnant animal. It is important to monitor the portions you consume. Excessive feeding can lead to excess weight gain; there is no need to feed your pet for two or three. Additional weight can weaken the dog’s labor and add increased stress to the internal organs.

In the first half of pregnancy, the animal is fed according to the usual schedule, maintaining the portion size that was before pregnancy. To avoid weight gain, small pets need to remain active, but remember - you should not overwork the animal during pregnancy. If it was decided to switch the animal to another food, then the best time for this is the first half of pregnancy. The transition is carried out smoothly, on average about 8-10 days. If the new food is not suitable for a particular pet, the return to the previous one should be gradual.

In the second half of pregnancy, active growth of puppies in the womb begins; if before this excess nutrition was spent on the pet’s excess weight, now all the excess will go to feed the fetuses. The animal’s body gives all its resources to its offspring. It is important to gradually increase the pet's diet; by the end of pregnancy, the bitch should receive about 30% more food than usual.

There are periods when the female’s appetite decreases or disappears. There is no need to force feed; when the dog feels better, it will begin to eat properly again. During this period, it is better to offer food often and in small portions. During pregnancy, the uterus puts a lot of pressure on the internal organs, and large portions of food will worsen the condition, and a lack of food will provoke the birth of weakened offspring.

Character and appearance

The Papillon's character may seem bad to some, since the dog loves to dominate other animals and even people. The owner accompanies every whim of the cute spaniel, which complicates the relationship between them. The characteristics of the breed include the following factors:

  1. The dog is cheerful, but completely depends on the person. The owner's prolonged absence or rude attitude causes long-term emotional stress.
  2. Representatives of the Papillon breed will always be in an optimistic, positive mood. The dog easily masters tricks and commands, amuses a bored owner or feels sorry for him when he climbs into his arms.
  3. The animal is jealous of other pets and people; the arrival of guests can seriously spoil its mood and even cause aggression.
  4. The baby's behavior changes depending on the mood of those around him.
  5. The curiosity of Papillons makes them do dirty tricks and resist learning in every possible way. In this case, you cannot raise your voice at the dog, much less use physical force, otherwise you can forever ruin the pet’s attitude towards you.

The appearance of the dog will not leave anyone indifferent; everyone, without exception, is touched by the furball, and the unusual shape of the ears attracts special attention. General breed standards are as follows:

  1. The Papillon's head differs from other spaniels in its small dimensions, which harmoniously combines with its small body. The skull is not perfectly round; you can see a clear transition line from the forehead to the face.
  2. The nose is miniature, black, round in shape. When viewed from above, it is somewhat flattened, but has a straight and even back. The face is pointed and turned up. The jaws are very powerful and strong when gripping, with a scissor bite. If the tongue is not hidden behind the teeth, but constantly sticks out, then we can talk about a serious defect that does not meet the breed standards.
  3. The dog's gaze is expressive, its eyes are large, dark in color, and shaped like almonds.
  4. The ears are shifted back, located at such a distance from each other that it is possible to see the round shape of the skull. There are individuals with erect and hanging ears; for each case there are individual standards.

In the international classification, dogs with erect ears are called Papillons, and those with hanging ears are called Phalenas. There is no other difference between them. The neck is short, slightly curved closer to the head. The moth dog's paws are long when compared with the overall size of the body. The claws are black, powerful and quite thick, requiring special attention. The gait of the Papillon and Phalene shows aristocratic pride, royal past and self-confidence.

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