We create the correct diet for your Shih Tzu, taking into account the age of the dog

A beautiful dog is a healthy dog. This law is inviolable and cannot be circumvented. The key to a pet’s physical health lies in heredity and quality of care. The future owner must clearly understand how to feed the Shih Tzu depending on its age and individual needs.

Important! Shih Tzus are not prone to food allergies to natural foods, but store-bought milk, processed meats and exotic fruits may well provoke a strong reaction from the body.

Rating of the 10 best dry food for Shih Tzu

PlaceNameRatingPrice, rub.
11st Choice Breeders for miniature breeds with chicken (20kg)5.0 / 57335
2ProNature Holistic (for miniature breeds) (0.34 kg)5.0 / 5435
3Orijen Original (6 kg)4.9 / 53840
4Go! Natural Holistic (holistic menu) Go & NOW Natural (690 g) 4.9 / 5424
5Ontario "Mini Weight Control" for small breed dogs, with turkey and potatoes (2.25 kg)4.8 / 5799
6NOW FRESH salmon, duck, turkey (2.72 kg) (for miniature breeds)4.8 / 51569
7Acana Heritage (6 kg) (for small breeds)4.8 / 53404
8Wolfsblut Gray Peak Small Breed (15 kg)4.8 / 56342
9Grandorf (3 kg) Lamb with rice Mini4.7 / 51600
10Royal Canin for healthy skin and coat 2 kg (for small breeds)4.7 / 5625

How to feed

Feed puppies up to 3 months 5-6 times a day.
Dogs of this breed are often susceptible to hypoglycemia, low blood sugar levels, so it is undesirable to go without food for a long time. It is recommended to feed puppies from 3 to 12 months 3 times a day. We advise adult dogs to follow the same schedule, but you can switch to 2 meals a day.

The serving size is indicated in the instructions on the box and depends on the weight of your pet.

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We are for natural food

The Shih Tzu dog breed is not picky about food. But this does not mean that her bowl will become a dump for waste food. The remains of borscht with sour cream, half-eaten fried potatoes with a cutlet and compote are more appropriate to throw in the trash. The most basic rule for any owner that he must learn: a dog is not a trash dump. We don’t feed our family members with leftovers from our meals, do we? A dog is also a member of the family.

Then the question arises: what kind of food can and should be offered to a Shih Tzu? The diet should be based on meat. These babies benefit from a raw product, but most breeders and veterinarians recommend boiling the meat before putting it in the dog's bowl.

Boiled vegetables are given to the animal three to four times a week. You can mix them with meat to make it tastier for your dog.

What else should you feed your Shih Tzu? Cereals are required. This is rice and buckwheat. Naturally, in boiled form. It is not advisable to give millet and rolled oats to your pet. Many dogs have a weak gastrointestinal tract. And the Shih Tzu is no exception. Oats are poorly digestible by a dog's delicate stomach. Fermented milk products, namely cottage cheese and kefir, are required in a dog’s diet. Puppies are given them four times a week, adult dogs - two. Eggs - no more than 2 eggs per week, raw. A detailed dog menu for the week is presented in the subsection below.

1st Choice Breeders for miniature breeds with chicken (20kg)

The best option among super-premium feeds. It consists of high-quality meat, vegetables, and does not contain unnecessary third-rate components and by-products. The composition does not contain taste or smell enhancers or other artificial additives.

The price per kilogram (366 rubles/kg) is budget-friendly for a product of this quality. Product, there is a huge range of food for small breeds with other tastes, hypoallergenic types that are suitable for animals with a tendency to allergies.


  • There is no unpleasant smell, the animal’s mouth does not smell after eating;
  • The condition of the coat improves;
  • Does not cause digestive upset, suitable for animals with a weak gastrointestinal tract;
  • Each product in the line is balanced according to the age of the animal for which it is intended (this product for adult miniature dogs contains the required 22% protein);
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Convenient packaging with a clasp, the product does not run out.


  • It has the form of granules, which are much more difficult to digest when not chewed;
  • Difficult to find in pet stores.

ProNature Holistic (for miniature breeds) (0.34 kg)

The best option from holisticists. The composition contains minerals, animal proteins, trace elements, vitamins. Consists of meat, fish, egg products, berries, fruits, vegetables, does not contain corn, wheat, soy, or other grains.

There are no chemical preservatives, aroma or taste enhancers. Veterinarians consider the products of this brand to be among the best for the constant feeding of miniature breed dogs.


  • High calorie content, the dog remains full for a long time, eating a small portion;
  • The appearance of the coat improves with constant holistic nutrition;
  • No problems with the gastrointestinal tract, well absorbed by the animal’s body;
  • Suitable for dogs with intolerance to certain foods;
  • After eating, the animal's mouth does not smell;
  • The small package has a convenient clasp, the food does not run out.
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Convenient packaging with a clasp, the product does not run out.


  • Not found in all pet stores.

Making up a diet

Natural food for Shih Tzu, the menu and its detailed consideration are presented in the table. The diet is designed for adult representatives of this breed.

Day of the weekMorningEvening
MondayRice cereal - 100 grams, boiled beef meat - 250 gramsVegetable stew: potatoes, carrots, zucchini, seasoned with 0.5 teaspoon of vegetable oil - 250 grams
TuesdayA pack of cottage cheese up to 5% fat (200 grams), whipped with kefirBuckwheat - 50 grams, boiled carrots - 20 grams, turkey meat or veal - 250 grams.
WednesdayBoiled by-products (liver, heart, kidneys) - 250 gramsRice cereal - 50 grams, zucchini - 50 grams, potatoes - 100 grams in the form of stew
ThursdayBuckwheat porridge - 100 grams, kefir - 200 gramsA pack of cottage cheese - 200 grams, kefir - 100 grams
FridayBoiled fish - 200 gramsRice cereal - 200 grams, boiled fish - 50 grams
SaturdayVegetable stew with veal or rabbit - 250 gramsBuckwheat - 250 grams, vegetable oil - 0.5 teaspoon (add to the finished porridge)
SundayChicken, turkey and veal meat - 250 gramsRice cereal - 50 grams, zucchini - 50 grams, potatoes - 50 grams in the form of a stew, seasoned with egg (2 pcs.)

And a few more tips regarding the menu that will be useful to the owner of a chrysanthemum dog:

  • Meat is given only boiled or scalded with boiling water. To avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to boil it.
  • Be careful with chicken meat. May cause severe allergies in your pet.
  • Low-fat fish is boiled, the bones are carefully selected and only then given to the dog.
  • Vegetables are cooked until tender. They should be soft. You can offer your Shih Tzu zucchini, potatoes, carrots, squash, and bell peppers.
  • Eggs are given only raw. Chicken - 2 pieces per week, quail - 4 pieces per week.
  • You cannot offer your pet pork, seafood, citrus fruits, sausages, cheeses, sweets and chocolate. In general, all junk food for humans. Pork and seafood are not included in this list, but pork meat is very fatty for dogs. Seafood has too much protein.
  • The dog should always have water available.

Orijen Original (6 kg)

Super premium product, suitable for all breeds, including small ones. Includes high-quality fish and meat, the content of which reaches a record 80% among other dry food, healthy herbs (dandelion, mint, turmeric).

All these ingredients help strengthen canine immunity. Does not contain third-rate by-products, chemical preservatives, flavor enhancers, aroma, vegetable proteins, gluten, or cereals. Orijen is suitable for active miniature dogs.


  • Record high animal protein content;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • The composition contains several types of fish.


  • There is no fastener on the packaging so that the food does not dry out; it will have to be poured into a closed container;
  • Strong odor and noticeable but short-lived odor from the animal's mouth;
  • Rarely, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible.


Anatoly, Lipetsk

“Nowhere does it say that this breed also suffers from coprography. They eat their own and other people's feces. They say that in order to wean them from this bad habit, they need vitamins. We gave it to ours as a preventive measure, although we haven’t noticed this in her since childhood. Perhaps this is due to the fact that she is completely on dry food and feces after this type of feeding do not attract her. )) I had indigestion a couple of times - we decided to introduce a different brand of food. But we realized that it was better to stay with Royal Canina.”

Elena, Zelenograd

"Hello. Our baby only eats rice from cereals. That is, we usually give her rice + beef or rice + chicken legs. I also add carrots or chopped green apple. We don’t like cottage cheese, but once a week I mix a teaspoon into the milk.”

Go! Natural Holistic (holistic menu) Go & NOW Natural (690 g)

Suitable for all dog breeds, especially miniature ones. It contains only natural ingredients, calf meat, turkey, lamb, duck, fruits, berries, vegetables.

The product is perfectly balanced, the necessary animal proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, microelements, acids are present, there are no harmful soybeans, preservatives, odor and taste enhancers, or low-quality by-products. All components retain their properties thanks to gentle processing.


  • Convenient sealed packaging with a zipper: the food does not expire and does not lose its properties;
  • The amount of excrement is significantly reduced, and its smell becomes less pronounced;
  • High calorie content, the dog remains full for a long time;
  • The coat becomes more shiny and smooth in appearance with prolonged constant feeding;
  • Does not cause allergies or dental problems;
  • The condition of the skin and eyes improves noticeably over time;
  • Can be found in every pet store;
  • Does not have a pronounced odor.


  • Large granules that are difficult to digest if the dog does not chew them;
  • Possible odor from the animal's mouth;
  • Occasionally, problems with the gastrointestinal tract occur.

Origin and character of the breed

First, let's briefly talk about what a Shih Tzu is. This miniature dog was bred in China. Its initial task was to decorate its royal owners. The small, extremely cute and sociable pet soon became so beloved by the Chinese emperors that they forbade ordinary people from keeping her.

For thousands of years, the Shih Tzu lived with royalty. First in China, then outside of it. Nowadays, anyone can buy this “lion” dog. What to feed your Shih Tzu? The choice is up to the owner. The pros and cons of natural nutrition and feed are discussed in the following subsections.

Despite his touching appearance, the representative of the breed is very brave. It is no coincidence that he is called the “lion” dog. A brave heart beats in the chest of a Shih Tzu. She will attack without hesitation if she sees that her master is in danger.

At home, this is an affectionate and gentle animal, surprisingly sensitive. The dog does not like an indifferent attitude towards his person. But he won’t impose himself if he sees that the owner is busy. As soon as the owner is free and sits down on the sofa or lounge chair, his trusty chrysanthemum is right there. He caresses, wags his tail, looks devotedly into your eyes. Shih Tzus are very affectionate.

Relationships with other family members, including children, are friendly. She is happy with everyone, she is ready to lick everyone. The only thing the animal doesn’t like is the child’s excessive intrusiveness. He can put it in place by lightly squeezing his hand with his teeth. Ready to be friends with other animals. And she absolutely sincerely does not understand why this cat refuses to become the best friend of a lady from the royal palaces.

This is a brief description of the Shih Tzu breed. Now let's get back to the conversation about food for these representatives of the canine elite.

Ontario Mini Weight Control with Turkey and Potatoes (2.25 kg)

Czech super-premium product. Recommended by veterinarians due to its perfectly balanced composition. Does not contain cereals or grains. The composition includes high-quality fish, meat products, vegetables (for example, tomatoes).

There are no low-quality ingredients, chemical preservatives, or meat and bone meal. Suitable for dogs with excess weight problems.


  • High content of lycopenes;
  • Suitable for dogs with poor health, problems with joints and immunity;
  • Does not cause a bad odor from the animal's mouth;
  • All useful microelements in the form of chelates are absorbed by the dog’s body 100%;
  • Small granules that are easy to digest;
  • Distributed in pet stores;
  • Hermetically sealed packaging.


  • Pronounced smell.

NOW FRESH salmon, duck, turkey (2.72 kg)

Canadian quality holistic. Products of this brand do not include grain crops, by-products, chemical preservatives, aroma or taste enhancers.

High-quality meat, vegetables, and cereals maintain the required level of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the animal’s body.


  • Unfastened packaging;
  • Large granules may be difficult to digest if not chewed.


  • Pronounced smell.

Photo gallery

By following all of the above rules for pet nutrition, you will ensure your pet a long and happy life, and he, in turn, will give you a lot of positive emotions.

Acana Heritage (6 kg) (for small breeds)

This Canadian product is a good choice for a miniature breed dog. It is suitable for both active animals and completely lazy ones. The food is holistic, that is, it contains only natural ingredients.

There are no cheap low-quality components in the products of this brand; feed wheat and bone meal are completely absent. Contains only meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, and high quality dairy products.


  • High concentration of animal proteins;
  • Fresh ingredients;
  • There are no carbohydrates (the dog’s body does not need them);
  • A variety of fruits, vegetables, tonic herbs in the composition, which strengthen the heart and improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Reduces insulin levels, strengthens the liver;
  • High quality packaging.


  • May cause allergies;
  • Noticeable fishy smell;
  • High fat content.

Wolfsblut Gray Peak Small Breed (15 kg)


German quality holistic specialist. The products of this brand include only those components that are easily absorbed by the dog’s body, without causing any digestive problems.

No wheat, oats, corn, starch or gluten. Meat makes up more than half of the food - cod, mackerel, haddock, pheasant, rabbit, trout, salmon, lamb.


  • Excellent balance of vitamins, minerals, healthy supplements;
  • Complete absence of chemical ingredients (flavor and aroma enhancers and dyes);
  • Moderate size granules;
  • No noticeable odor;
  • Elegant, high quality packaging;
  • The company has an official website with a detailed description of the product and instructions;
  • The condition of the coat improves.


  • Rarely available in pet stores;
  • In isolated cases may cause constipation

Grandorf (3 kg) Lamb with rice Mini

Suitable for a small breed dog. Veterinarians often mention this brand as the most suitable for dogs prone to allergies. The composition is completely free of chicken and grains.

In addition to meat, it contains components such as vegetables and grains. It is better to take this food for an active dog. If she is lazy, then Grandorf will make her overweight.


  • High meat content - >60%;
  • High calorie content, the dog will be full for a long time;
  • No chemical flavors or additives;
  • Improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, restores intestinal microflora (and is even indicated for those dogs who have digestive problems);
  • Improves the condition of the coat.


  • High in fat, a lazy dog ​​will quickly gain weight.

Content Features

The Shih Tzu's eyes, due to their large size and protuberance, require special care and attention. It is also necessary to pluck hair from the ears to improve their ventilation and avoid otitis media.


Sometimes her eyes water. It happens because she is allergic to certain foods. Shih Tzu eyes are generally prone to inflammation. Long hairs that get into the eyes can also cause them to fester. Sometimes conjunctivitis occurs in the summer if dust gets into the eyes. That's why I keep them clean. I wash it with a special lotion and trim the hair around the eyes.


You have to take very careful care of your eyes. This is a feature of the breed. Our friend's dog, also a Shih Tzu, has eyes that fall out when he is very frightened. Bonnie has never had anything like this. I don't know what I would do in this case. But we take care of the eyes: we wash them, clean the corners, and trim around them.


Shih Tzu ears are something... When our dog was still a puppy, we forgot that we needed to pluck the hair out of them, and gave the poor thing otitis media. His ears turned red inside, and he constantly shook his head. Now we are carefully monitoring the condition of our ears so that this does not happen again.

Royal Canin for healthy skin and coat 2 kg (for small breeds)

Famous French super-premium food. It is of good quality, but lower than that of competitors (discussed in paragraphs 1-9).

Royal Canin Mini contains grains and vegetable proteins.


  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Nutritious, but does not cause excess weight in the animal (the energy intensity of the diet and the protein content in the product are precisely calculated);
  • Available at many pet stores;
  • High-quality packaging;
  • Moderate size granules;
  • Restoring the condition of the coat;
  • Contains sodium polyphosphate, which prevents the formation of plaque;
  • The composition includes many useful microelements;
  • Improved digestion.


  • With constant feeding of this food, it is impossible to do without additional supplements with vitamins and microelements;
  • Inconvenient packaging without fastener;
  • Contains poorly digestible grains and artificial additives (preservatives, dyes.);

Among these foods, the best choices for a miniature animal would be 1st Choice Breeders Miniature Breed with Chicken (20kg) and Wolfsblut Gray Peak Small Breed (15kg).

The first is the highest quality, and at the same time inexpensive, super-premium food.

The second is a natural holistic company, and the company has a detailed official website with all the information on the food and instructions.

Both products have a minimum of disadvantages, which are offset by advantages from the balance of nutrients, vitamins, microelements and the absence of harmful preservatives to convenient packaging.

Prohibited Products

As for the list of prohibited products, it includes:

  • fish and chicken bones;
  • pork, fatty lamb and beef;
  • River fish;
  • raw liver;
  • frozen food;
  • fresh milk;
  • legumes and corn grits;
  • potatoes, pasta and flour products;
  • You should not feed your animal smoked, spicy, salty or sweet foods.

It should be remembered that some representatives of the breed may be allergic to chicken.

Feeding tips for miniature dogs

To maintain the health of a small dog, it is important to consider recommendations and advice on feeding and managing the animal’s diet:

  1. It is advisable for miniature breeds to eat dry food daily. This is due to the fact that they often experience oral diseases: inflammation of the gums, unpleasant odor from the mouth, loose teeth, and excessive deposits of tartar. Diseases develop faster than in large individuals. Preference is given to holistic feeds; they do not contain dyes, preservatives, or by-products. Dry food reduces the risk of these diseases, but is not a panacea.
  2. The diet should include wet food. Miniature dogs are prone to diseases of the urinary system; due to their size, the kidneys produce a small amount of urine, which contains a concentration of harmful inorganic substances. Wet food helps saturate the body with additional fluid and prevents the appearance of formations in the urinary system. It is not advisable to mix dry and wet food; it is better to offer them to the animal at different times.
  3. Do not choose your own nutritional supplements for the animal and do not give food from your table. The advantage of ready-made dry food is its balance. The substances your dog needs are available in the right quantities. Homemade table food contains a lot of salt, fat, spices, and other substances harmful to the animal. A dog whose diet is based on dry food does not need additional biological additives. An excess of vitamins is more harmful than their deficiency.
  4. Do not overfeed. Small individuals have a tendency to become obese. If you do not control the number of servings in the bowl, then over time the animal may become overweight. On packages of ready-made dry food there is a table on portion sizes and feeding frequency. Compliance with these standards will protect your dog from weight problems.

For an adult dog

If you plan to feed your Shih Tzu natural food, then the following dishes are provided:

  • from meat (raw and boiled) – 0.25 kg per day;
  • from boiled offal - twice a week;
  • in the form of fermented milk products - three times a week or more often;
  • from eggs (boiled, fried);
  • in the form of porridge (with vegetable or butter, without oil), cooked in whey or milk - from 25% of the daily requirement;
  • with herbs and chopped vegetables;
  • with a small amount of dried fruits and berries.

To prevent the appearance of roundworms, once every 7 days you are given a piece of bread with butter and a sprinkle of squeezed garlic. It is allowed to salt the food, but occasionally, not daily. Select dry food that has a large amount of Omega acids, vitamins A and E.

  • There are varieties for puppies, adolescents, adult Shih Tzus, as well as for dogs expecting offspring and wet nurses. Information about the intended use is on the packaging.

Super premium dry food for Shih Tzu is preferred. It is allowed to soak it if the pet does not always agree to eat it in its original form. Canned food for dogs is useful when feeding.

It is possible to use a mixed type of feeding, when in addition to natural food, the diet includes dry food. This approach is optimal if you need to go somewhere and take your Shih Tzu with you, because... on the road it is more convenient to use ready-made food.

If you choose to feed natural food or canned meat, then after eating the decorative hair on the Shih Tzu’s face is washed in warm water, then dried or wiped.

What vitamins are needed when feeding small breed dogs

If the dog’s diet consists of natural food, ready-made vitamin complexes will serve as an additional source of vitamins and minerals. There are many types of multivitamins and specialty vitamins on the pet market designed for small dog breeds.

The vitamin multicomplex solves the problem of vitamin deficiency in the body of an adult animal.

For example, Farmavit Active, Wolmar Winsome Pro Bio Booster Ca Mini or Galakan Champion. These nutritional supplements are developed for small breed dogs, are hypoallergenic, and do not cause side effects.

Useful supplements

When feeding natural food, the Shih Tzu must additionally receive vitamins. For example, you can mix seaweed and fish oil into the porridge. It is also necessary to take care of an additional source of calcium - it is better if it is pharmaceutical preparations. The dosage of vitamins should be based on the recommendations of a veterinarian, and not the advice of other dog owners. Hypervitaminosis is no less dangerous than vitamin deficiency.

How to properly feed small breed dog puppies

When a puppy is just born, its digestive system is on its way to development; a diet of the right foods is the key to health for years to come. Newborn puppies can be supplemented with milk or a specialized formula. At the age of about 1-3 months, you need to feed puppies with natural food: lean meat, eggs, fish, porridge, fermented milk.

Protein should make up at least 70% of the diet. We add healthy fats and boiled vegetables to the rest of the diet. This menu may seem boring to humans, but puppies do not need a variety of foods.

Their gastrointestinal tract is just learning how to digest food, and preference is given to simple and healthy foods. The diet should not contain fatty, fried, sweet foods; they are prohibited for puppies and cause serious health and digestive problems.

For a puppy

At 2-3 months of age, the owner of a Shih Tzu puppy decides how to feed the pet further. When feeding changes from what was previously offered, a gradual transition to the new option is required. Over the course of 7-10 days, smooth changes are made - the food is partially replaced with a new one. At the same time, the reaction of the Shih Tzu's body to such changes is monitored. If problems arise, they abandon the new product.

The natural menu includes:

  • fermented milk products (for example, kefir, yogurt), if the baby’s body accepts them well
  • milk porridges (for example, rolled oats)
  • lightly cooked meat (for example, beef, chicken, rabbit)
  • vegetable purees with oil or fish oil (contains vitamins, promotes development)
  • cooked sea fish (2-3 times a week)
  • boiled eggs (up to 2 pieces per week).

If you plan to give ready-made food, then super-premium is preferable.

A significant amount of micronutrients are also provided for the growing Shih Tzu through multivitamin supplements selected on the advice of a veterinarian.

At 3-7 months, when the Shih Tzu puppy changes teeth, calcium gluconate tablets (or an analogue) will be required every day until the process is completed. During this time, very solid foods are avoided in order to maintain the correct taste.

If your miniature dog has digestive problems due to food

A common reason for visiting a veterinarian is gastrointestinal problems. Not a single animal is safe from them.

The reasons for their appearance are usually similar: either a specific brand of ready-made dry or wet food is not suitable for the animal, or the owner decides to save money and buys cheap brands of food that have an unbalanced and even harmful composition.

The most common digestive disorders are:

  • Diarrhea, constipation
  • Allergies that cause a skin reaction
  • Intolerance to components included in the finished feed
  • Uncontrollable vomiting
  • Poisoning

For each of these symptoms, the dog should be shown to a veterinarian to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Self-medication or self-diagnosis is fraught with the emergence of new diseases. If you do not review your dog’s diet, then over time, minor problems with the gastrointestinal tract will lead to the development of chronic diseases of the internal organs.

The damage will mainly be caused to the stomach and liver, and various parts of the intestines.

To solve the problem, it is enough to change the brand of food, choosing a diet without harmful and poorly digestible components. A competent veterinarian can advise which food is best to introduce, based on the health of a particular dog. Change the food gradually; too sudden a change will cause severe digestive upset. The replacement should be made within a week, mixing the new type of food with the old one.

Walks or diaper?

The Shih Tzu needs daily walking. This pet will not wear a diaper instead of full walks. Reusable diapers can be used as a temporary solution for up to 3-4 months. Read about toilet training here.


While Justin was very tiny, of course, we put a diaper on him. He hit her with varying degrees of success. When he grew up, from the age of five or six months the question of diapers disappeared. On the street he has a lot of important things to do - sniff everything, mark every corner, say hello to everyone he knows.


I tried to accustom Bonya to a diaper, but I failed. The breeder taught her to go outside, and I was unable to change her habit. Therefore, if you left her alone for a long time, you could then find a puddle in the hallway. I solved the problem with reusable diapers. And if you take her outside on time, she will never allow herself to do this.

During their walk, Bonya and her little son get into such crazy running around that I can’t imagine how I could force her to sit locked up all day. They would destroy my whole house.

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Larisa, Bogdanovich

March 27

Hello. I have a Shih Tzu, one year and 4 months old. An allergy has appeared, it is impossible to determine what exactly. Manifests itself in the form of redness of the chest, tummy and the inside of the paws. The dog's diet included: chicken, beef, rice, buckwheat, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, pumpkin, zucchini. First I eliminated tomatoes and peppers, then chicken and buckwheat, now I replaced pumpkin and beef with turkey. I have been trying to detect the allergen for about two months now, to no avail. After taking kefir, the tummy becomes light, but after porridge it turns red again. Give me advice on what I should do. The city is small, they won’t do a blood test for allergens. Doesn't eat dry food.

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August 4

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Diet for a pregnant miniature dog

Pregnancy of a pet is an important moment; it is necessary to organize the correct diet for the animal. It is advisable to avoid sudden changes in diet; pregnancy is stressful for the pet and changing the diet can aggravate the pet’s condition. The main part of the menu should be animal proteins. An overweight towards fast carbohydrates and fats can cause excess weight.

It is better to choose premium dog food intended for pregnant females; they have a good composition and contain a balanced set of vitamins and minerals necessary for a pregnant animal. It is important to monitor the portions you consume. Excessive feeding can lead to excess weight gain; there is no need to feed your pet for two or three. Additional weight can weaken the dog’s labor and add increased stress to the internal organs.

In the first half of pregnancy, the animal is fed according to the usual schedule, maintaining the portion size that was before pregnancy. To avoid weight gain, small pets need to remain active, but remember - you should not overwork the animal during pregnancy. If it was decided to switch the animal to another food, then the best time for this is the first half of pregnancy. The transition is carried out smoothly, on average about 8-10 days. If the new food is not suitable for a particular pet, the return to the previous one should be gradual.

In the second half of pregnancy, active growth of puppies in the womb begins; if before this excess nutrition was spent on the pet’s excess weight, now all the excess will go to feed the fetuses. The animal’s body gives all its resources to its offspring. It is important to gradually increase the pet's diet; by the end of pregnancy, the bitch should receive about 30% more food than usual.

There are periods when the female’s appetite decreases or disappears. There is no need to force feed; when the dog feels better, it will begin to eat properly again. During this period, it is better to offer food often and in small portions. During pregnancy, the uterus puts a lot of pressure on the internal organs, and large portions of food will worsen the condition, and a lack of food will provoke the birth of weakened offspring.

Nutrition rules

The following rules are provided:

  • Food is given according to a schedule and only in a specially designated place.
  • The food is not placed on the floor so that the habit of taking it from the ground does not form.
  • After receiving the puppy, the diet is first provided with the same diet that was offered to him before.
  • New items are added to the diet at the rate of up to one unit per day.
  • Portion volume is carefully controlled. Everything that remains is superfluous and will not be offered again. On average, a serving is approximately 5% of the weight of an adult, up to 10% of the weight of a Shih Tzu puppy.
  • It is monitored so that after eating the Shih Tzu's stomach does not bulge or become sunken.

If you do not break these rules, your Shih Tzu will be healthy and cheerful.

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