All about the Pomeranian Spitz breed: characteristics, features of care and maintenance

Like all small dogs, Pomeranians are surprisingly cute and adorable. At the first glance at these doggies, it is impossible to doubt their obedience and modesty. Fluffy Pomeranians are no exception to the rule. Upon closer acquaintance with these miniature dogs, the conclusion arises that Their character is far from the easiest.


The first mentions of the Pomeranian Spitz are observed in historical facts back in the 18th century. At first, only commoners loved the dog. Then she was noticed at court, and Queen Charlotte herself brought two tiny Spitz dogs to England, attested by the court artist Thomas Gainsborough, who depicted the British queen and her favorites on canvas.

Few people know that the Pomeranian, considered a German dog, is older than Germany itself, which was first proclaimed as the German Empire only in the 19th century. The dog can also be considered to have originated from Poland, since the Duchy of Pomerania itself at that time was located on its border with Germany.

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After recognition at the royal court, English dog breeders became seriously interested in the breed. At first, representatives of the species with a pure red coat color were considered true Pomeranians; individuals with a different color were rejected and not allowed to exhibit.

Price and where to buy a puppy

The quality, age and gender of the Pom puppy affect its cost. So, you can find inexpensive pet Spitz dogs for 20 thousand rubles and you will get an average dog in terms of characteristics, not for the show ring or breeding. The breeding class costs from 30 thousand rubles, for 40 - 60 thousand you will buy a puppy with the makings of a show. Already titled young specimens cost more than 60,000 rubles (3,000 - 5,000 euros abroad). Bitches are valued higher than males. “Adult” dogs will cost more than small puppies.

Pomeranian kennels:

  • Senior mate (Moscow, SZAO, Mitino),
  • Deneb-Keitos (Kemerovo),
  • GoldPom (Moscow, North-Eastern Administrative District, Otradnoe),
  • Ninaros (St. Petersburg),
  • From Panda Sharm (multi-breed, Ekaterinburg),
  • Imperial Family (Moscow),
  • Shpits&SO (Moscow),
  • From the Lagoon of Dreams (Moscow, Gelendzhik).


A distinctive characteristic of the Spitz is its small stature and vertically growing hair, which makes the dog look like a bear cub, especially with the right haircut. What this breed is loved for is its miniature size, which can be taken with you on a trip.

The classic appearance of the Spitz has recognizable external characteristics inherent in the description of the breed. The muzzle sharply transitions from a round forehead to an elongated shape, but not pointed. The lips are black, and the ears have a pricked appearance, set close to each other.

The eyes are fox-shaped, slanted, small. The thickly furred neck appears small, but it is of a standard size. The front legs are parallel to the hind legs, maintaining a rounded shape. The tail is key-shaped, of medium length, relative to the size of the animal.

The orange mane grows thickly on the body and tail. The dog has short hair on its paws. The muzzle is densely overgrown, leaving a small part from which the nose protrudes and the eyes are visible. The dog has thick, straight or curly pants.

Upon reaching six months of age, the animal stops growing.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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In size, Spitz dogs can be small, decorative, no more than 25 cm, and also have large sizes for this breed.

The weight of an adult large type dog can be 20 kg. Representatives of the breed live a long time, sometimes up to 17 years.

Breed standards

The description of the breed used today has been established since 1998. It includes the following characteristics:

  • size – different for a male (from 18 to 22 cm at the withers) and for a female (from 16 to 20 cm at the withers);
  • weight – different for males (from 1800 g to 2300 g) and females (from 1400 g to 3000 g);
  • paws – medium length;
  • head - the skull resembles a fox, the dome-shaped shape is a defect;
  • body – round, stocky, with moderately voluminous breasts;
  • trimming – allowed around the paws, on the hips;
  • wool – with a thick undercoat, long guard hair;
  • movements are smooth, free and easy;
  • temperament – ​​lively, but with caution;
  • color - divided into three groups: black, orange and others acceptable by the standard.

Minor deviations of the dog from the standards cause a decrease in its show ratings. Severe defects cause rejection.


Pomeranians are classified according to the main branches in the breed, coat color and size. Subspecies include:

  • Japanese;
  • Italian volpino;
  • American Eskimo;
  • German Wolfspitz;
  • miniature Pomeranians;
  • large individuals.

According to the color of their fluffy fur, Pomeranians are:

  • bright red;
  • redheads;
  • black;
  • white;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • cream;
  • sable

According to the size of the spitzes, they are distinguished as:

  • small or dwarf, which grows up to 29 cm;
  • medium, height from 30 to 39 cm, which weighs up to 11 kg;
  • large, growing up to 50 cm, and weighing up to 20 kg.

To determine the size and weight of a dog in the future, you can use a growth chart, taking into account its current age and weight, and calculate a further forecast according to its size. The table can be found on the Internet.

Physical data

The dog is mobile, active, and needs long walks. The small size makes the Spitz quite fragile, so it is necessary to prevent the animal from jumping from great heights and children from playing with it excessively. In winter, the dog does not need clothing, as its coat is dense and protects well from the cold. In autumn, in damp weather, it is better to dress your pet in order to protect its fur from contamination, which will be quite difficult to tidy.

Character and appearance

These little dogs are friendly in nature. They create close relationships with children 4-5 years old, with whom they willingly play and spend time.

This is interesting: External similarity between the Pomeranian and the German Spitz

A pet, living with its owner, adopts his character and habits: if a person has a quiet disposition, then the dog will also be docile and meek, despite its eccentric potential. As for other people's dogs, Spitz dogs are very jealous and require a lot of attention to themselves, protecting their territory and conflicting with other four-legged dogs.

The Pomeranian has a leadership character, he will not tolerate another dog on his territory, even if it is large in size, the Spitz will still try to enter into conflict with him, barking and attacking. The protective nature of the Spitz has remained with it due to its origins as a hunting dog.

In addition to the distinctive fox face, there is another type of Spitzer that looks like a bear cub; dog handlers nicknamed it the bear-type Spitz; it is distinguished by short ears and a less elongated muzzle. However, there is an opinion that this look, similar to a small toy, can be given to an animal simply by having the right haircut.

Since this species is popular among decorative dogs on the market, dog handlers try most of all to breed it, even to the detriment of the animal itself. Due to appropriate manipulations, the dog is likely to have problems with the respiratory organs or disruption of spinal cord activity.

Other Features

Some of the striking character traits of this breed are courage and fearlessness .
The small size of dogs does not at all prevent them from defending the house from uninvited guests.

At any time of the year, dogs are ready to spend the whole day outdoors playing and having fun.

In winter they enjoy playing in the snow; in summer they like to swim or lie on the ground. Playfulness and curiosity are wonderful qualities of any Spitz.

They are ready to discover the world around them every day. Balls and sticks are the best toys for small dogs. Pomeranians can tinker with them around the clock.

Due to this character trait, dogs lend themselves well to training using play methods . Under these conditions, the dog will learn much faster. By about five months, the puppy masters all the basic commands. During such training, the owner and the puppy will become closer emotionally; both will find this activity interesting and comfortable.

Pomeranians love to travel with their owners.

They can easily be carried in a carrier or simply carried.

Natural curiosity does not let them get bored. Playing with children also brings moments of joy to dogs.

Over time, pets learn the intonations in their owner’s voice, then adapt to his mood. Any category of the population, be it an elderly couple or a young family burdened with children, can afford a dog of this breed.

For medicinal purposes (animal-assisted therapy), Pomeranians are recommended for communication with children. All this thanks to quick wit, intelligence and special contact responsiveness. Pomeranians help sick people, help them find not only health, but also a true friend.

Education and training

To socialize a dog, it needs appropriate training. Spitz are an intelligent breed and easily accept commands that need to be taught to them. Without this, the dog becomes too active, runs around and barks for a long time.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is advisable to train dogs to know their place and, when necessary, to maintain silence.

The dog requires a lot of time for physical activity so that it realizes its increased energy. By depriving her of this, she may become nervous and loud, barking for any reason.


Pomeranians are very sociable, so the barking will not stop all day long. For an animal, this is the main way of expressing its feelings and spiritual breadth. In modern high-rise buildings with their thin walls without sound insulation, the sonorous voice of the orange can be heard throughout all floors.

Easily excitable and too impulsive, little “bears” have difficulty responding to calm. It is important to train your Spitz correctly in order to correct this point.

Care and maintenance

Pomeranians are attractive due to their fluffy coat, which makes them look like a dandelion. However, after long walks, the mane accumulates debris and dust, and loses its silky qualities.

This is interesting: 4 rules for caring for a Spitz during estrus

Therefore, after a walk, the animal is combed with a damp brush. There is no need to bathe dogs often because they have dry skin and too much water will not do them any good. The Spitz is very clean and grooms itself with the same thoroughness as a cat.

It is necessary to comb the fur only when shedding. There is no need to do this manipulation often; aggressive grooming damages the outer hair, and the dog will never be the same again. After bathing, you should dry the undercoat with a hairdryer, which will add volume and fluffiness to the dog and save time on drying.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Even as a puppy, the dog is taught to trim its nails, because as they grow, they damage the paws, otherwise the dog will start to clumsy. It is better to do this with special nail clippers so as not to hurt the soft tissues of the fingers (dogs remember such pain for a long time).

When deciding to walk your puppy outside, you should take care of all the necessary vaccinations. Before this, the Spitz can only be carried into the air by hand. Initially, 20 minutes is enough for walking, then the time can be extended.

Owner reviews of the Pomeranian Spitz

Adequate owners who raise their pets and know the characteristics of the breed usually do not have difficulties - they knew who they were taking into the house. Various incidents can happen to people who spontaneously acquire a Spitz, like a toy. Here's what Pomeranian owners say:

  • The Spitz is the most wonderful breed. Nature miracle. This cunning beetle grabs everything on the fly. Lizun and kisser (Maria);
  • This insect has the look of a king, despite his small size. And he is a master at manipulating. You need to make sure that nothing is lying on the floor - he will deal with things very quickly. Will quickly teach you order. Makes sure that the cat and the younger dog are not spoiled - if something happens, he immediately returns them to the right path (Polina);
  • the same child, only a dog. You need to realize all the responsibility, be ready to take it upon yourself, be a good owner... make sure that there is no allergy to wool. Of course, he gnaws and marks, but I won’t give it to anyone. I love my shilopop. He is wonderful, he always smiles and doesn’t let me be sad (Nadezhda);
  • smart and flexible, understands at a glance. A complete reflection of the owner. It does not tolerate the road well, this is a disease of almost all Spitz (Olya);
  • he’s just a home showman: he comes up with his own tricks, performs them with aplomb... Well, he’s just a miracle animal, if it weren’t for the barking! (Vika);
  • The Spitz is an outlet, a medicine for the soul. Their charisma is crazy! The only annoying thing is his recklessness and vociferousness. But he always knows who he can indulge with and who he shouldn’t... (Valentina);
  • this badass is a real antidepressant. Energizer dog. Nesun - brings everything you throw, and tirelessly. His sons walk with him for three hours - they fool around, have fun, and no one gets bored (Ivan)


A properly formulated diet for a Pomeranian is an important part of caring for your pet. If the food is of poor quality and unbalanced, this will affect its activity and coat. The coat will lose its shine, constant shedding will begin, and the dog will feel tired.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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From puppyhood, the dog should be accustomed to regular foods, with dry food as a supplement. If a dog is accustomed to this diet from childhood, it will begin to refuse normal food.

When bringing a puppy from another owner, where he spent the first months of his life, you should also obtain information about what the dog was fed. It takes time to switch from one diet to another, from 7 to 10 days. You need to change products gradually.

The orange diet should contain:

  • raw and cooked meat;
  • dairy products;
  • cottage cheese;
  • stewed vegetables with vegetable oil;
  • eggs;
  • dried fruits.

It is necessary to monitor the weight of a small dog, since breeds with short legs will have difficulty moving when their body weight begins to exceed the norm. Fat dogs become lazy and lose activity.

Foods that are unhealthy for a Spitz and cause problems with weight and health are the following:

  • whole milk;
  • fatty pork;
  • fried and smoked foods;
  • sweet products;
  • sausage;
  • salty food;
  • cold and hot dishes.

Useful article: What to feed your Spitz: 10 best premium dry food for Pomeranian and German Spitz


Feed your Pomeranian the best food you can get. Make up a natural diet of foods that are easily digestible and beneficial for the dog (lean meat, poultry and sea fish, vegetables (except potatoes), cereals, dairy products, add multivitamins.

Pay special attention to the completeness of the puppies’ diet until they are six months old, when they grow most intensively. Do not change the food often and do not make the menu too varied - this is an extra burden on the young body.

Ready-made industrial diets (wet or dry), appropriate for age and breed, buy super premium and holistic classes. They cannot be supplemented with vitamin complexes. Transfer your dog from one food to another and from natural food to dry food (and vice versa) gradually over 2 weeks.

A balanced diet is very important for a Spitz, because it needs energy no less than large dogs. We described a complete analysis of the diet in a separate article. From it you will learn how and what to properly feed Spitz dogs of all ages, and what is better not to give them, how to please a pregnant bitch, and how to support a sick animal with nutrition.

Health and treatment

To keep your Pomeranian healthy, you need to be attentive to its behavior, clean its ears and eyes with a cotton swab dipped in warm water, and inspect its fur after walks for insects and parasites. It is also worth consulting with a veterinarian about the necessary vaccinations before walking your puppy outside.

Symptoms for which it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor:

  1. The dog began to limp. The thin bones of a Spitz are brittle, and if after active jumping from a height the dog begins to limp, then you need to show him to a doctor and check for fractures.
  2. The dog has a cloudy discharge coming out of its eyes.
  3. The Spitzel has lost his appetite, has become less active and sleepy, when moving the dog “slides” to the sides, his weight increases, his skin and fur become dry. These symptoms are characteristic of hypoglycemia and hypothyroidism.
  4. Tartar was found on the fangs. Mineralization of food debris leads to the formation of stone, which can cause gum disease.

Peculiar habits and habits

Spitz are very inventive creatures. They can learn funny tricks even without training, once they understand what their owner might like. Many of them can walk and stand on their hind legs. Others “clap their hands”, etc.

These dogs often have a love for water and bathing. They are generally for an active lifestyle. They love to dive into the snow or roll in dry leaves.

They love to travel. As a rule, they tolerate car trips well. They are comfortable with carriers and special backpacks. Just to be close to the owner.


How much a dog is given depends on how much quality care it receives, whether it has a balanced diet, and how often it visits the doctor. Dwarf breeds are considered long-lived compared to large ones.

The standard lifespan of a Pomeranian is, on average, 12-15 years. However, cases have been recorded when the dog stayed in this world until he was 16-18 years old.

Speaking of the super mini Spitz, whose height does not exceed 18 cm, this species does not live longer than 8 years. This is due to the fact that dogs' bones are very thin and fragile, and they often suffer from fractures and all sorts of consequences.

Who is the Pomeranian suitable for?

A Pomeranian cannot live without the attention of its owner, so busy people should not get one. The dog becomes an excellent companion for those who love active recreation. You can go on a hike or trip with it. Thanks to its luxurious coat, the dog easily adapts to any climatic conditions. The owner must have enough time to educate him so that the charming puppy does not grow into a naughty and wayward brat.

Pros and cons of the Pomeranian

When choosing a Pomeranian as a pet, the future owner must take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of this type of dog.

The main advantage of this breed is its attractive appearance, compactness and cheerful character, which can cheer up even the most gloomy person. This baby becomes very attached to its owner and is always ready to defend him.

Spitz dogs have high intelligence, making them easy to train. They also have a well-developed sense of smell and hearing, due to which they are considered excellent hunters. This gene was passed on to them from their beagle ancestors.

Pomeranians are very clean and tidy animals; when walking, they do not look for a puddle to swim in, but carefully avoid it and lick their fur every day.

Dogs are long-lived due to their inherent good health. An exception may be those cases whose owners did not monitor the nutrition of the ward, who did not receive enough vitamins or ate fatty and sweet foods.

One of the unpleasant characteristics is increased nervousness and frequent barking for any reason or without. For some owners this can be a significant problem. However, this nuance can be easily eliminated if you contact a trainer who will teach the dog to behave civilly.

Pomeranians are prone to dental problems and often have an incorrect bite. When choosing a dog, you should pay attention to this factor. Also, puppies begin to shed at 4 months, and since the dog has a thick mane, you need to be prepared that in the off-season the whole house will be covered with hair. In this case, you need to carefully comb the animal with a special brush.

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Manipulation of people, both owners and those who simply pay attention to them, is in the blood of this breed.
Pomeranians are very resourceful and intelligent dogs.

Raising and training dogs should begin from a very early age, otherwise they become real despots in the family. The dogs begin to “rule the show” and demand that all their whims be fulfilled.

This is precisely one of the difficult moments in the character of the breed . Once the owner of the Pomeranian once gives in to the puppy, succumbing to his tricks, his whole life will be subordinated to the hysterics, insults and whims of the dog. Representatives of this breed, regardless of gender, are very sensitive to manifestations of weakness on the part of the owner and members of his family.

On the very first day of arrival in the house, the puppy must learn who is boss in the house . Then you can achieve the development of positive traits in the character of the Pomeranian Spitz - adequate behavior and the correct reaction to the owner’s demands.

Excerpt from the Spitz standard:

The dog is constantly attentive, active and very attached to its owner.

The Spitz is intelligent and extremely easy to train. It is an ideal guard for home and yard. Has good health and longevity.

List of nicknames

When choosing a name for a Spitz boy or girl, you should remember that this is a dog of aristocratic origin, and it is better to exclude offensive nicknames. Be that as it may, the owner will still affectionately call his shaggy treasure and the noble nicknames will turn into Musya, Pupsik and Bubochka.

Dog breeders advise calling the dog a short name, not exceeding two syllables, so that it is easier for the animal to remember its name, and the owner can quickly pronounce the name during a walk.

The following nicknames are suitable for boys:

  • Rocky, Casper, Elvis, Raisin, Dymchik, Verdi;
  • Umka, Bublik, Zhik, Danko, Zeus, Lord and others.

For girls, more feminine names are suitable, for example:

  • Lucky, Rippy, Vega, Daffney, Elka, Zizi, Kiwi;
  • Spark, Roxy, Chelsea, Lexi, Zhani and others.

Rules for choosing a Spitz

In order to know how to choose the right puppy, you need to decide for what purpose a person needs a dog. If you want to have a Spitz just as a pet, you can choose an ordinary dog ​​without overpaying for pedigree and genes. In any case, the animal will be devoted to its owner.

If the desire to purchase an Pomeranian is connected with plans to participate in exhibitions or to reproduce, then you need to take into account the characteristics of the pedigree. You need to ask how many puppies were in the litter; their number should not exceed 4 individuals.

For exhibitions, it is better to choose a male dog; they grow larger than females, and their coat is brighter. When choosing a boy, you need to take into account that he is less amenable to training. The Spitz male is more aggressive, cocky, and begins to mark territory at a certain age. It's difficult to wean him off of this.

Bitches are more docile than males, they are easier to train, they are not so loud and calmer. One of the disadvantages is that during heat the dog will have to wear panties so that it does not spoil the furniture with characteristic stains.


Any breed of dog does not tolerate rude treatment, but in the Pomeranian this feeling is exaggerated.
He will not forgive a person for using physical punishment on himself.

First you need to become an authority in the eyes of the dog, earn its trust, and then start training . Confidence in your actions and firmness in intentions should not turn into anger and rudeness. Any physical punishment is unacceptable in relation to the Pomeranian. It must be handled patiently and calmly.

Proud and confident dogs remember the slightest mistakes in training for a long time. At the same time, they love praise very much. The person from whom the Spitz receives approval and attention will be marked by special love, willingness to make concessions and fulfill various requests.

The Pomeranian is an extremely emotional breed. Dogs are attached to their owners beyond measure. Therefore, they can be jealous and offended. Whims are also common among these cute creatures. They absolutely cannot stand loneliness due to the mobility of their character.

You need to accustom yourself to the new order in the house. Remove all shoes from the hallway and place food in storage areas.

Puppy cost

When buying a Pomeranian baby, its price will be determined depending on its pedigree, purebred and the availability of documents. If we consider the option of participating in competitions, then the requests for a dog will significantly exceed the requirements for an animal to play the role of a pet.

This is interesting: Tips for buying a Spitz puppy

Their price ranges from 40 to 150 thousand rubles. In this case, the buyer receives a full package of documents and a guarantee in addition.

Pets that are not going to take first place in beauty contests will cost much less, in the region of 19 to 40 thousand rubles. They will also be purebred, but may not have top-notch winning qualities. And mixed species, not purebreds, will cost much less than the main two options.


Despite the Pomeranian's fluffy and long coat, you won't have to constantly groom it. It is enough just to follow a few rules in caring for the coat and there will be no problems, since the thickness of the undercoat perfectly supports itself and the guard villi.

You need to brush your dog twice a week. Brushing too often can remove the undercoat. Daily care will be needed during shedding and only with a massage brush.

You should bathe your pet only if it is heavily soiled, but not more than once a month. At other times, you can use dry dog ​​shampoos and then gently comb the coat.

After walks, it will be enough to wipe the Spitz’s paws with a damp cloth and lightly brush against the grain.

Interesting Facts

The ancestors of the small fluffy Spitz dogs were northern sled dogs, which were bred in the Icelandic snowy expanses.

Many famous people choose to have an Pomeranian as a pet. Connoisseurs of this breed include the Osborne family, Sylvester Stallone, Elvis Presley, Paris Hilton, Maria Sharapova.

In some European countries, miniature Spitz dogs serve as caregivers for seriously ill people, due to their sensitive nature and intellectual development.

The Pomeranian came to England from Italy along with Queen Victoria, who had 6 such dogs, one of them, Marco’s favorite, was buried with Her Majesty.

The initial weight of the dogs was 15-16 kg.

Attitude towards children and pets

The brave and active Pomeranian loves to play, but is best suited to a home with older children who can be trusted to handle it with care. Always supervise any interactions between dogs and small children. Teach your child never to approach any dog ​​while it is sleeping or eating, or to try to take food from it. No dog should be left unattended with a child.

Pomeranians get along well with cats and other animals, especially if they are raised together.


Oleg: “My friends asked me to sit with a Spitz for 10 days. I took my dog ​​with me to the dacha, she was next to me all the time, affectionate and kind. She refused to eat dry food and only liked boiled chicken. Her owners trained her to do important things in a litter box and didn't take her out often, so she was afraid to go outside. The most significant drawback is the hair, which is everywhere, the dog shed for 2 months in a row.”

Victoria: “My dog ​​prefers only one owner and ignores other people. On the street she is aggressive towards all dogs, so we walk her separately. There’s a lot of wool at home, but no matter what, we all love it.”

Julia: “Our dog is almost 6 years old. She annoys her husband because of her loud barking. When she behaves quietly, she simply has no value, but every time the doorbell rings, a frantic howl begins. Without training, the animal will become impudent. And yet, different diets cause him stomach problems, so you need to choose one thing, either food or regular food.”

Key points in training

Spitz are decorative dogs; they do not need training for hunting or working breeds. But general training is required. You can seek help from professional dog handlers who will help the owner and puppy establish contact and understand the principles of training.

You need to start raising and training your baby from the very first days. Spitzes have a manipulative streak where they feel like they can do anything. It is worth understanding that this is not a plush toy, but a dog that must obey its owners.

Therefore, it is important to prohibit the animal from eating from the table, sleeping on furniture, playing with household items, biting and snapping. You can’t hit your pet, but you can strictly explain it and deprive it of treats.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

The socialization course consists of a consistent introduction to the environment. At first, the puppy is taken out to quiet parks. Then to the dog parks. After the baby has become accustomed to the company of other people and animals, you can try taking him for a walk on noisy avenues, train stations, or taking a ride on public transport. This will help your pet learn to control their emotions, stop being afraid of loud sounds, and get used to cars and roads.

By 3-4 months, the puppy needs to know his name and basic commands: “sit”, “place”, “near”, “no”, “voice”. Training should be carried out when the baby is ready to play and learn. The motivation method with treats will speed up the process.

Photo and video review

Many people, when deciding to adopt a pet, often forget that they are choosing a living creature that needs care and attention. A small Spitz can become the best friend for the whole family, despite the subtleties of its maintenance. In the end, we are responsible for those we tame.


From the description of the Spitz dog it is clear that this is a small animal, and therefore it will not have problems with bones and joints. However, furry animals have their own breed problems:

  • dislocations and increased injuries;
  • dwarfism, manifested not only in miniature size, but also bulging eyes, not overgrown fontanel, problems of the central nervous system;
  • improper growth of teeth due to long milk roots;
  • periodontal disease and tartar formation;
  • dry eyes;
  • characteristic cough due to stressful situations;
  • genetic alopecia;
  • epilepsy.

Despite this, the breed boasts endurance and strength of body. All of these problems are a consequence of miniature size and anatomical features, and not a predisposition to disease.

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