How to accustom a Chihuahua to a diaper: a review of the most effective method and reviews from owners

The choice of a Chihuahua as a pet is due not only to its external elegance and friendly disposition. To cope with natural needs, the baby can use a home toilet - a tray or a diaper. A busy owner does not need to go to the dog park with his pet twice a day and collect foul-smelling “gifts” in a special bag. You can simply throw them down the toilet or throw the diaper down the garbage disposal. But to simplify the care process, you must first teach your pet to use specially purchased amenities. If you know how to toilet train a Chihuahua, you can do it in a matter of weeks.

How to toilet train a Chihuahua?

Is it possible to train someone to relieve themselves in a certain place?

One of the advantages of the Chihuahua breed is the ability to toilet train in a specific place chosen by the owner, including a litter tray or diaper.

This plays an important role in the fact that representatives of this breed are very popular among dog breeders living in city apartments.

The owner just needs to be persistent, follow the pet’s natural “ food , then toilet” routine and be aware of some of the character traits of these dogs :

  • tendency to independently determine a place to relieve oneself;
  • negative perception of punishment and love of praise.

You can toilet train your pet in the shortest possible time if you approach this issue responsibly and with knowledge regarding the nature of the breed.

The speed of training also depends on the individual characteristics of the dog..

Why does a Chihuahua pee anywhere?

Often, toilet training does not go smoothly and the owner is faced with the fact that the pet, no matter what, relieves itself anywhere.

ProblemProbable CauseSolution
Regular bowel movements on the bed or sofaPerhaps the tray is inconvenient for the puppy - it is unstable or is in the wrong place
  • replace the tray;
  • move it to another place;
  • limit the dog's access to furniture
Relieving yourself on the carpetEven after voiding once on the carpet, the smell remains on it and the dog is fully confident that this is the toilet.Remove all carpeting or completely cover it with diapers
Chihuahua defecates next to the toilet at homeMethodically relieving himself near a litter tray or diaper may indicate that the dog has little space for the toilet.Buy a larger tray or lay out several diapers at once

If we are talking about a male dog, then you need to know that after 10 months the pet reaches puberty and can begin to mark its territory.

The situation may be aggravated:

  • old marks of other dogs;
  • the presence of a female in heat nearby;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • stress.

In such a situation it is necessary:

  • increase the number and duration of walks;
  • use special sprays designed to repel dogs from leaving marks;
  • take a responsible approach to raising a Chihuahua - often the marks left by the pet indicate that he feels like the boss in the house and marks his territory.

If nothing helps solve the problem, the only radical option left is castration.


Special preparations have been developed to stop dogs from fouling in the house. For example, a behavior correction spray. The product absorbs organic compounds left by the animal and causes lasting disgust in the pet. At the same time, people do not smell the unpleasant odor.

However, this method has a significant drawback - often dog breeders complain that they do not get the expected effect, and they cannot wean their dog off from peeing in the house. It is difficult to say what the result will be in a particular case.

When should you diaper your puppy?

It is necessary to start training a Chihuahua puppy to wear a diaper immediately after he appears in the house.

The younger the dog is, the more often it needs to go to the toilet. In addition, the puppy may pee while playing or experiencing strong emotions.

And if this can to some extent be attributed to negative aspects, then an undeniable advantage will be that:

  • the puppy has a flexible psyche;
  • his character is not fully formed;
  • he does not yet have hard-to-eradicate habits.

All this suggests that the sooner you start toilet training your pet, the easier and faster a positive result will be achieved.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

The puppy must be taken to the diaper immediately after eating and, if possible, not allowed to leave it until he relieves himself - this is the main trick for speedy toilet training. The fact is that after eating, the dog almost immediately needs to visit the toilet and this will help him quickly remember the correct place. Also, the pet must be praised after it relieves itself exactly where it is needed - Chihuahuas love affection and praise and will strive to receive it again and again.

What should the toilet be like?

When starting training, inexperienced owners try to adapt the Chihuahua to the usual cat litter box, which is impractical.

Miniature dogs are offered a wide range of special types of pallet shapes, made of plastic with and without sides. The products are equipped with a gasket that absorbs moisture well or a grill. The latest model for boys is often complemented by a column.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The role of a toilet for a Chihuahua is performed by single-use or reusable special diapers. Usually they serve as temporary devices that allow you to organize a period of active training for the puppy to walk in a designated place.

Use newspapers, scraps of old terry towels, and bed linen. After the Chihuahua has completely mastered it, a tray is installed, which is more convenient.

It becomes easier to toilet train your puppy at home if you position him with easy access to him. It is important that the Chihuahua feels calm and comfortable.

How to choose a place

It’s worth deciding where the Chihuahua’s toilet will be even before the puppy gets into the house.

The most suitable places for this:

  • glazed loggia;
  • bathroom;
  • corridor;
  • hallway.

In the first few days, the puppy should not be allowed to roam around the entire apartment or house. It is better to keep it in a limited, but sufficient space for comfortable living. You also need to put a diaper or a tray there.

Keeping a Chihuahua in this way eliminates the possibility that he will get confused in a new place, will not be able to find a toilet and, as a result, will relieve himself on the carpet, in the kitchen or other place not intended for this .

If it is not possible to fence off a space for the puppy, you should lay out several diapers at once - at least 1 in each room. As the Chihuahua gets older, it will be better to determine the toilet and the number of diapers can be gradually reduced.

You should not place the toilet next to the food area - representatives of this breed are very clean and will refuse to relieve themselves where they eat.

Toilet at home

Pallet-shaped devices are usually installed when the Chihuahua has already become accustomed. Puddles that spoil carpets practically disappear. The puppy almost always finds a prepared place.

This is interesting: All the information you need to keep a Chihuahua in an apartment

Usually the tray for girls has higher sides. If a model for a boy is required, preference is given to products equipped with a column. Using such an important detail, a male Chihuahua, while relieving himself, gradually begins to raise his leg, transferring this skill to the outdoor toilet.


Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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First, the grate is covered with newspaper, if the breeder has taught the baby to do so. After a few days, there will be no need to use paper, since the smart Chihuahua will already get the hang of it.

Usually the tray for girls has higher sides. If a model for a boy is required, preference is given to products equipped with a column. Using such an important detail, a male Chihuahua, while relieving himself, gradually begins to raise his leg, transferring this skill to the outdoor toilet.

The first 5 days are the most difficult for a Chihuahua puppy to master new conditions. He finds it difficult to immediately understand the owner’s requirements. Therefore, it is recommended to provide several convenient temporary toilets.

It is possible to quickly accustom the puppy to the litter box by briefly limiting the area where he stays. You can put up an enclosure and close the doors of other rooms. Then the baby loses the temptation to arrange a toilet, bypassing the designated place.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is recommended to place several diapers around the apartment. This measure helps to conveniently plant the little Chihuahua when he begins to worry and sniff. A pet that has relieved itself and has remembered the correct place is sure to be petted and praised.


The first 5 days are the most difficult for a Chihuahua puppy to master new conditions. He finds it difficult to immediately understand the owner’s requirements. Therefore, it is recommended to provide several convenient temporary toilets.

This is important for anyone who wants to get a Chihuahua to know: Rules for caring for a dog

Their role is effectively played by special moisture-absorbing diapers. Disposable ones are immediately thrown away after one use. Reusable analogues that are easy to wash are more durable.

This is interesting: 5 rules for training a puppy to wear a diaper

A two-month-old Chihuahua undergoes routine vaccination, followed by quarantine for at least 14 days. Then another vaccination is given. Accordingly, the ban on the puppy going outside and communicating with other dogs continues.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is recommended to place several diapers around the apartment. This measure helps to conveniently plant the little Chihuahua when he begins to worry and sniff. A pet that has relieved itself and has remembered the correct place is sure to be petted and praised.

Considering these factors, they begin to walk the baby no earlier than when he reaches the age of three months. There comes a time when it is necessary to teach your Chihuahua to use the toilet outside.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Considering the physiology of an ungrown Chihuahua, it will have to be taken out up to seven times a day. Therefore, someone must be at home at all times so that the stages of learning proceed calmly, consistently, and effectively.

Training methods

There are several ways to train a Chihuahua to wear a diaper.:

  • If the dog is in a cage, enclosure, arena or any other confined space, you need to cover the entire floor in it with diapers, leaving no alternative for the pet to relieve itself. The number of diapers should be gradually reduced and eventually only 1 should be left. By this time, the Chihuahua will be well aware that this is the toilet.
  • If the dog has access to the entire apartment, you should lay out several diapers at once in different places - the more there are, the less likely it is that the pet will wander past.

You can’t scold your pet – a Chihuahua only needs positive motivation.

The most effective way

The help and support of the owner will help the dog in the shortest possible time not only get used to the new home, but also clearly remember what a toilet is and where it is located.

Most often, dogs go to the toilet where they have already gone at least once..

The reason for this is the pheromones contained in previous feces - dogs smell them, even if it is elusive to the owner’s sense of smell, and go to do their business there. This is why it is important to thoroughly wash the floor where the dog has peed and remove or completely cover all carpeted areas with diapers.

However, this fact can also play a positive role in the issue of accustoming a Chihuahua to a diaper lying on the floor - by spraying a special spray on it or leaving a simple rag or newspaper with which you previously blotted the puddle, you can significantly speed up the process of the dog remembering exactly where the toilet is located.

Defining tasks

Being tasked is one of the most basic behaviors you need to teach your puppy. Nobody wants to have a dog that constantly thinks that the house is its bathroom. While you can potty train a Chihuahua of any age, the sooner you start potty training your puppy, the better. Between 6 and 12 months of age, a Chihuahua's brain develops rapidly, making it much easier for them to learn new skills.

The most important part of training your Chihuahua to pee outside is to be patient. It will take time for your puppy to master this skill. Remember that these amazing little dogs are stubborn as hell, so they will be more difficult to train than other dogs. Keep in mind that Chihuahuas do not respond well to punishment or scolding, this hurts their feelings and can slow down their progress.

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How to train to the tray

First of all, you need to understand that litter box training is not a matter of one day; you need to show some persistence and be patient.

It is normal for your pet to walk past the litter box at first. It takes time for a dog to remember the right place to relieve itself.

There are several points to consider:

  • The right place . You need to track which place the puppy has independently chosen for the toilet (most often this is a place near the doors, balcony or windows), and place the tray there, gradually moving it to where it should be permanently.
  • Limited space . If it is not possible or desirable to keep a dog in a confined space all the time, then this should be done at least while the owners are away - this will minimize the likelihood that the puppy will make a mistake and go to the toilet in the wrong place.
  • Praise . For every correct action, including defecating in a designated place, the Chihuahua should be praised. But you can’t scold for mistakes and blunders - the pet will feel negative and will look for a secluded place for the toilet that is difficult for the owners to reach.
  • Help . After sleeping and eating, you need to take the puppy to the tray, this will help the pet quickly understand what it is intended for.

It is important to keep the tray clean . And not only to avoid unpleasant odors in the house. The fact is that the puppy will not go to the toilet where it is dirty and, at best, will do all his business near the tray.


If the tray is clean, but the pet still relieves itself near it, perhaps the reason is the size of the tray and it is worth purchasing a larger toilet.

If you are training a Chihuahua that is accustomed to wearing a diaper, you should first wrap it around the mesh of the tray.

Punishments and rewards

Professional breeders advise using only humane toilet training methods. Chihuahuas are excellent psychologists, they perfectly sense the mood of the owner and distinguish the intonation of the voice. Dog handlers recommend using facial expressions, sounds and commands during the learning process.

For example, if the puppy is preparing to sit on the “potty” in the wrong place, click your fingers and say with a menacing look, “You can’t!” You should immediately pick up the animal and take it to a specially designated toilet area. When intimate matters are done, give the dog a piece of a well-deserved treat, praise with a kind word, and pat him on the head. The animal will not miss the next benefit for itself, so it will strive to relieve itself in a strictly established place.

As for inhumane methods of education, it is not recommended:

  • emotionally scream at the animal;
  • use physical force, beat;
  • poke the culprit's nose into the excrement.

Such actions will instill fear of people on a subconscious level in the puppy and develop self-doubt. He may not understand why he is scolded for the natural biological needs of the body, so he will avoid the owner. It is likely that subsequent acts of defecation will be carried out unnoticed in a secluded corner of the apartment. Such methods will only bring negative aspects to your relationship with your pet.

It is pointless to engage in educational work 10 minutes after bowel movement due to short-term memory. The dog will consider the punishment insulting and groundless in relation to itself, therefore the “criminal” should be caught at the scene of the “crime”.

It is possible and necessary to punish for mistakes. As a punishment, a temporary restriction of free space can be applied, for example, putting him in an artificial enclosure, or commanding him and putting him in his place! Complete ignoring for 1 hour, in some cases, has a positive effect. Use your imagination, but do not use sadistic methods of education.

Analyze why your puppy pees and poops in the wrong place. Perhaps the toilet is too small and inconvenient for the baby? Or maybe he doesn’t have time to run? Or does the smell of past feces on the floor beckon?

Dogs determine the toilet by smell, so if the puppy has emptied on the rug and the smell persists, it will probably return next time to lay another “larva.” Enzymatic cleaners effectively eliminate odors and remove urine stains from any surface. They are harmless to humans and animals. I recommend:

  1. Nature's Miracle Pet Stain & Odor;
  2. Binatec Ultizym Universal;
  3. Mr. Fresh;
  4. OdorGone.

On the contrary, cleaning products containing ammonia and chlorine will attract attention. Among the folk remedies, solutions of potassium permanganate, vinegar, iodine (10 drops per liter of water), soda with hydrogen peroxide can help eliminate urine odor.

Among the folk remedies, solutions of potassium permanganate, vinegar, iodine (10 drops per liter of water), soda with hydrogen peroxide can help eliminate the smell of urine.

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