TOP 10 dog breeds with black fur – names, photos and characteristics

Many people, when choosing a pet dog, are guided by the color of their coat. The black dog is a universal animal, since after it there are no traces of fur on upholstered furniture, and when walking it does not become easily soiled.

The appearance of black dogs at first glance shows dominance over other breeds, however, whether they are huge or black, their character varies depending on the breed and education. Let's take a closer look at the breeds of black dogs.


This gorgeous European Cattle Dog comes only in black or sometimes black and white, making it one of the unique black dog breeds. These hard-working Belgian Shepherds give 100 percent, whether they're playing or working.

The Groenendael is a very sensitive dog that is deeply attached to its people and does not cope well with loneliness. Its long and luxurious coat requires regular grooming. But will anyone complain? It's hard to resist such a cute face.


The Mudi is a medium-sized herding dog native to Hungary. It has a wedge-shaped head, erect ears and a compact body. The muzzle and front legs are covered with short, smooth hair, while the rest of the coat is somewhat longer and very wavy. Mudi comes in a wide variety of colors.

It is a versatile dog that can hunt, kill rodents, and act as a capable herding dog. It is great for protecting your home and family. Mudi is an intelligent, energetic, active dog, very attached to its owner and family. She learns quickly, both good and bad. Moody can be distrustful of strangers and early socialization is recommended.


The only dog ​​that only comes in black is the little Schipperke. She has a cute fox face, thick black fur, a curious disposition and a confident personality. Many Schipperkes are tailless, but fortunately more and more breeders are moving away from tail docking.

Fun fact "little captain" in Flemish , as it is a traditional Belgian barge dog that specializes in catching rats.

This chubby cutie is always ready to go! A super energetic playmate for children and other pets (yes, even cats!), the Schipperke has great courage and boundless curiosity, making positive reinforcement training a must. This friendly breed loves to spend time with people and learn new tricks.

Norwegian Black Elkhound

A typical northern husky, with a curled tail and a glossy black coat. An all-weather hunting dog that is not afraid of either rain or frost. In addition, it is used as a guard and sled dog.

The Elkhound has a thick coat, longer on the chest, neck and hind legs. Like all northern dogs, it is very susceptible to periodic shedding, so it is not recommended for keeping at home. But the breed does not have a characteristic “dog” smell. He is not very fond of other dogs, but in relationships with people, even strangers, he behaves with restraint.

Black Russian Terrier

If this curly-haired cutie reminds you of a Giant Schnauzer, Newfoundland or Airedale Terrier, you're right. The Russian Terrier, specially bred in the 1930s from all of these breeds (and many more!), was created to patrol Russia's vast borders in the cold Siberian regions. As the name suggests, these guard dogs come in only one color and only one size: huge, up to 63.5 kg.

Brave, calm and confident, Black Russian Terriers are programmed to protect their owners. They are 100 percent devoted to their family and will literally follow their loved ones like a black shadow all day long.


The most popular breed of black guard dogs in cinema. Very active, harmoniously built, lean animals. Like Rottweilers, a feature of the color is red tan markings in some places. The coat is thick, short and harsh, with no undercoat. Therefore, during the cold season, the Doberman needs warm housing.

A very smart dog with a stable psyche, reacting calmly to other animals. She is devoted to her owners, and in a moment of danger she shows determination and fearlessness. It shows its guard properties better if it works in tandem with another Doberman.

Labrador Retriever

The adorable Labrador is one of the most popular dogs in the world. And it comes in black! Labrador Retrievers are kind and intelligent and are great with children. Their friendly nature makes them an excellent choice for those looking for a great family dog ​​breed .

Fun fact : Labradors have topped the AKC (American Kennel Club) list of most popular dogs for 30 years!

Active and incredibly affectionate, Labradors have wonderful personalities, easily adapt to single or family life and fully justify their middle name “retrievers”, being first-class hunting companions.

Scottish Terrier

The mention of Scottish terriers conjures up the image of a lady with an umbrella walking with a small dog along the shore of a lake. Or is it just us? Well, in any case, the Scottish Terrier is one of the cutest in the black dog category! This is an extremely proud and stubborn little terrier with a hard, waterproof coat and a fiery temperament.

Interesting fact : Scottish Terriers lived in the White House with Franklin D. Roosevelt

Although you will have to brush the Scottish Terrier's rough coat regularly, he can be a great companion for those looking for a hypoallergenic breed . Although they are sometimes called "grumpy", Scottish Terriers are still loved for their balance of independence and loyalty.


These strange looking pets are one of the most unusual black dog breeds, but also one of the best. The bullet was originally bred to herd sheep on the cold Hungarian plains; the double coat with dreadlocks kept them warm and dry for centuries. Today, their herding instinct may extend to your children. Be careful!

Pulis are agile, loyal, and fast-learning pets that do best with active families . If you decide to get this breed, make sure you have enough time for training and grooming. Even though Bullets don't shed much, their dreadlocks require a lot of attention.

What is color and suit in dogs

Color is the visible pigment of the outer part of the hair. In the absence of such pigment, the hair will remain white. In addition, the concept includes the intensity of the shade and the pattern created on the surface of the pet. If several colors are mixed, then the color that occupies most of the dog’s body will be called the suit.

German dog

Have you always wanted a pony but only have room for a dog? Well, the Black Great Dane may be the middle ground you never knew you needed! The Great Dane, up to 82 cm tall at the shoulders, towers above people when standing on its hind legs, and above almost any other dog when standing on all fours. Despite their enormous size, Great Danes are typically gentle and patient , making them excellent family dogs who bond closely with their people.

Fun fact : The Great Dane named Zeus, recognized by Guinness World Records as the tallest dog in the world in 2012, measured 112 cm at the shoulders. His height when standing on his hind legs exceeded 213 cm !

Great Danes have a big appetite and a big heart; the only pity is that these huge hearts are predisposed to heart disease.

Standards and vices of a black chihuahua

According to the FCI standard, a Chihuahua must have the following characteristics:

  • compact body, the length of which slightly exceeds the height at the withers;
  • the head is in the shape of an apple, the stop is clearly defined;
  • the nose is small, slightly upturned;
  • the muzzle is short, wide at the base, tapering towards the end;
  • lips are closed, dry;
  • straight or scissor bite;
  • eyes are round, dark;
  • ears erect, open;
  • neck with a convex top line;
  • the tail is set high, and when moving the Chihuahua holds it in the form of a half ring;
  • the forelimbs are straight, long, the hind limbs have well-developed muscles, parallel to each other;
  • the paws are small, oval, the toes are not spread, the claws are convex, of moderate length;
  • permissible weight – 0.5-3 kg.

The defects of the breed include:

  • long muzzle;
  • narrow skull;
  • malocclusion;
  • bulging, deep-set or small eyes;
  • large fontanel;
  • drooping ears;
  • deer type sneeze;
  • body too long;
  • bald spots;
  • weight more than 3 kg.

Cane Corso

"bodyguard dog" in Latin . They tend to be large, weighing over 45 kg, with large heads (and jaws!) and short, shiny coats that look great in black, one of the breed's six colors. Although Cane Corsos have natural protective instincts, they are also intelligent, loyal, and affectionate with their family.

This breed can be aggressive with strangers. The Cane Corso is said to be impervious to pain , even electric fences will not keep it out. For these reasons, it is one of the best guard dog breeds, although it is not suitable for beginners. Like all dogs, these beauties do best with training at an early age. Training is necessary to prevent the dog from “owning” its family.


The large dog, up to 70 centimeters tall at the withers, is so huge and wide that it instills fear in strangers just by its appearance. The homeland of this black big guy is Germany, where the breed has been used for a long time as a cattle drive with guard functions. Gradually, the role of the guard began to prevail, and the dog became aggressive and ferocious. Now Rottweilers are still used to guard private houses, but they still try to cull aggressive dogs.

In crowded places, this short-haired black beauty behaves warily even after completing a course of special canine training, so owners are advised not to neglect wearing a muzzle on their pet. Even if this measure is preventive, it will allow those around you to feel less tense around such a huge dog, and you will be sure that even in an unforeseen situation the dog will not harm anyone.

In everyday life, a well-mannered Rottweiler is very affectionate, he becomes strongly attached to his owner and is ready to protect all entrusted family members, as well as participate in all household chores, not at all embarrassed by his size - watch TV and he is with you, everything is in the kitchen and he needs it, even if do not beg, then be with your family.


The Chihuahua is the polar opposite of the Great Dane. They usually weigh no more than 2.7 kg. However, this small body is full of vital energy! They get along well with older people and cats. Their most recognizable feature is their bat ears and high-pitched, frequent bark.

Fun fact : The smallest dog in the world, Brandy, is a Chihuahua measuring just 15.2 cm from nose to tail.

Because of their tiny size, Chihuahuas are ideal apartment pets . They have a gentle, caring and very playful temperament. Chihuahuas are easy to train and easy to care for. It is well suited for novice owners.

Pomeranian Spitz

These active little dogs have a double coat and bushy tail, giving them the appearance of a barking puffball . These fox faces are cute in any color, but we love how smart and sassy Pomeranians come across in black. Pomeranians are definitely one of the cutest black dog breeds and love to be the center of attention (so they may not be the best dog for families with small children).

It's amazing how much energy and affection is contained in a three kilogram of fluffy furball. Unlike their larger cousin, the Siberian Husky, Pomeranians don't like the cold and won't mind being carried around in a cozy doggie bag with their cute little fox face poking out.


The poodle comes in black color in all available sizes: miniature, miniature and standard . These curly-haired dogs are renowned for their intelligence, grace, and sometimes elaborate hairstyles. But behind the stylish haircut lies something more: an energetic and incredibly loyal dog.

Fun fact : In recent years, poodles have been in demand as the basis for many crossbreeds, such as the Cavapoo (a cross between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Poodle) and the Schnoodle (a cross between a Schnauzer and a Poodle). They can all have pure black fur!

All poodles are loving and very intelligent, you just have to decide on their size. For example, the standard is suitable for active people, miniature poodles get along well with children, miniature poodles are an excellent companion for entertaining and accompanying older people on daily walks.

History of the origin of the black chihuahua

The first black Chihuahuas (Techichis) were found in the 15th century in Mexico. They looked different from modern representatives of the breed - they had a stocky build and short legs. The dogs couldn't bark. As a result of crossing Techichi with wild dogs, the first Chihuahuas appeared. The original species of animals attracted the attention of cynologists, and at the end of the 19th century they were brought to Europe, where they began to seriously engage in breeding work. We managed to get elegant, aristocratic-looking dogs with a variety of colors. Pure black sneezes look spectacular, but are rarely born. More often, the charcoal color is combined with white, red markings, or on the coat of a black and tan dog there is a third shade - milky.


Schnauzers also come in three sizes (miniature, standard and giant), but all three are super cute in their “black coat”! These cuties are famous for their coarse fur, thick eyebrows and beards, which gives them a professorial appearance with a slight disapproving glance. However, their loving and caring nature belies their sullen faces. Schnauzers are sociable, energetic, intelligent and attentive; they will gladly accompany you on all your adventures.

This is a hypoallergenic dog breed . Schnauzers have a double coat: the bottom is soft and dense, and the top is hard. Daily brushing prevents clumps from forming, especially in their beards and paws. In addition, body hair should be “removed” at least twice a year. This will also help reduce the likelihood of allergies.

Black dog breeds

Black dog breeds stand out among their fellows with their mystical black color, which attracts the attention of others and brings good luck to the dog's owner. In addition, black dogs are very practical - they are easier to care for after a walk, and black hair is not noticeable on upholstered furniture. If you like black, check out our selection. We have prepared a list of black dog breeds in alphabetical order with a brief description of the main characteristics and living conditions.


The little black imp surprises with his mischievous character and inexhaustible positive energy. Affens are called “monkey pinscher”, and these are not just words. This is how you can describe the character of this charismatic native of Germany. And his little funny face is very similar to that of a monkey. The Affenpinscher is particularly curious and good-natured. At the same time, the Affen is a very loyal dog that is ready to fearlessly protect its family if necessary.

The Affenpinscher enjoys playing and frolicking with children, but will not tolerate disdainful treatment of himself - he is not a toy. Explain this to the children! The Affen behaves dominantly with other pets - it is difficult to imagine him becoming friends with them. He will even hunt rodents - it’s in his blood. It is recommended to cut hard black wool - this makes it softer. You cannot do without the obligatory combing with a special brush and slicker brush - this should be done at least 1-2 times a week.


The shepherd dog with luxurious long black hair was bred in Belgium. Initially used as a shepherd of sheep flocks. A little later, her performance characteristics were useful in the police service. Now the Groenendael is a versatile dog: an athlete, a guard, a companion, a rescuer. Wherever the breed is used, it shows excellent performance characteristics.

The dog is very smart and energetic - it needs regular physical and intellectual exercise. To prevent the Groenendael from getting bored, you need to constantly set him various tasks and give instructions. The breed is not suitable for busy business people - the dog needs constant contact with humans. With proper upbringing, the dog will become a reliable assistant, a faithful and loving friend. You will have to take care of the beautiful fur - comb it regularly so that it does not become tangled.


The smooth-haired dog about which films are made and legends are made. There are two polar positions in society regarding the breed. Some consider it aggressive and dangerous to keep at home, others say that it is the friendliest and most peaceful breed. Who is right? The Doberman was bred as a guard dog, so the first representatives of the breed were quite aggressive. Then the breeders worked on softening the dog’s character. The modern Doberman has excellent performance characteristics, but no uncontrollable anger.

The dog gets along well with children and treats its family members and other pets with respect. She will never offend someone who is weaker than her. Dogs remain good-natured and peace-loving only in a calm environment. At the moment of danger, they transform - they decisively and fearlessly rush to the aid of their owner. With proper upbringing and professional training, they make excellent bodyguards. The dog is human-oriented and can understand him at a glance. Caring for your dog's black fur is easy - just wipe it with a damp cloth and comb it once a week. You can swim several times a year.

Cane Corso

Mastiff Neopolitano, Italian mastiff (Cane Corso) is the national pride of Italy. The smartest and very strong dog has been used since ancient times for hunting and for home protection. The breed's menacing, imposing appearance evokes fear and respect. The dog is incredibly loyal - without a doubt he will sacrifice his life to save his owner. Security is her main job. It is preferable to breed Cane Corso in private houses; in city apartments, dogs are cramped.

A strong dog is endowed with a vulnerable and gentle soul - it becomes attached to members of its family and is very bored when apart. A dog that is calm in a calm environment turns into a merciless predator if it senses bad intentions on someone’s part towards its owner. The black dog combines boundless courage and incredible tenderness. With proper upbringing and early socialization, the breed manages well and does not cause problems for owners. The short black coat is brushed 2-3 times a week with a massage mitt. You can bathe no more than 2 times a month.


Black color is one of the color varieties of this popular dog for family breeding. The Labrador bears the title of “obedience champion.” Their love of love is simply off the charts, they treat all people well - they can let a complete stranger into their home. The Labrador is a companion, but not a guard. This breed is a pleasure to train. A smart dog from an early age seeks contact with a person and quickly remembers commands.

The dog has developed hunting instincts - they will be happy to bring you toys, slippers and other things. Labradors are excellent swimmers - this is their favorite pastime. Athletic, active, obedient and inquisitive black dogs will be reliable and loyal friends for all family members. Dogs do not have the “evil gene”; they are very good-natured, love small children and take them under their care. The dog's shiny black coat needs to be looked after - combed with a special brush with thin curved spikes, groomed and bathed several times a year.

German dog

A canine giant with an elegant, aristocratic appearance, born to become a bodyguard and security guard. A real black handsome man with noble proportions and a confident gait, it’s as if he stepped out of television screens or photos of glossy magazines. You too can become the owner of this discreet and intelligent dog. The Great Dane combines impressive size and calm confidence. This is an absolutely friendly dog ​​that gets along well with children and other pets.

Behind the appearance of the canine Apollo hides an intelligent and peace-loving animal. They are rarely trained to protect the owner; aggression is not inherent in Great Danes. For proper development, a couple of daily walks and a little free space are enough. The giant dog gets along well in a small city apartment without taking up much space. The animal's shiny black fur is very short. It is combed with a massage mitten and wiped with a damp towel if necessary.


Everyone knows this breed. Newfoundland or diver - rescue dog, guard dog, hunter. A breed of black dogs that has no fear of the water element and is ready, if necessary, to rush into the water to save drowning people. A large shaggy dog ​​with a muscular, strong body is the ancestor of the dogs of the ancient Vikings, who went with them to hunt bears. Courageous and fearless, the Newfoundland has an extraordinary mind and is able to make independent decisions. If necessary, he will even save a stranger without the commands of his master.

Its impressive size should not deceive you - this is a very good-natured and playful dog who happily spends time with children. He takes them under his wing and can become an excellent nanny. In a family, the Newfoundland becomes attached to one of the members, choosing him as its owner. The dog is not very active; it can lie at the feet of its owner for a long time. But regular walks are necessary for the normal development of the breed. The Newfie's fluffy coat is long and thick. It must be combed out with a brush with metal bristles.


The service breed comes in exclusively black coat color with red markings. Other colors are not allowed. The dog's appearance evokes respect, and its fighting qualities instill fear in others. Yes, the dog is well trained and easily adapts to environmental conditions, but it is ready to defend its home around the clock. These are the best watchmen and security guards. When raising a breed, it is important to teach the dog to distinguish between real and imaginary danger.

Behind the external severity of the Rottweiler lies a serious and balanced dog, which, with proper training, will become a reliable human assistant. The breed does not tolerate separation from humans well and needs constant attention. She gets along well with children and can become a companion for active, fun games, but she is not suitable as a nanny. Dogs are suspicious of strangers, so a muzzle is required in crowded places. The short-haired breed is easy to maintain - the pet's fur is combed weekly with a rubber brush.

Giant Schnauzer

A large dog with a ridiculous bearded muzzle and mustache is a Giant Schnauzer. Historically, these funny dogs herded cattle in the foothills of the Alps. They were also used as cart guides and to guard homes. The comical appearance is deceptive; the dog has a very serious character. A dog can be affectionate and calm around its family, but as soon as danger appears, it turns into a ferocious predator. Giant Schnauzers are considered hardworking dogs; they are happy to help their owner and follow his commands.

The dogs are distinguished by their stable psyche and good obedience. They can be friends with children and family friends. Nature has endowed the breed with facial expressions similar to those of humans. By the expression on the dog’s face, you can immediately determine whether he is happy or indignant, feels sad, or has done something wrong. A dog's black coat requires careful care. After eating, you need to wipe the beard and mustache, cut off too long hair around the eyes and ears, and do general grooming. To prevent the formation of mats, the dog must be brushed daily.

Scottish Terrier

The Scottish Terrier (Scottish Terrier) is a compact dog with characteristic eyebrows and a beard. A strong, strong, well-built dog with good performance and endurance. The breed has a complex character and cannot be called obedient. Scotch Terriers are prone to mood swings, making them not ideal companions. The dogs are tough and angry, they can attack a passerby, and they hunt for cats. Training partially solves these problems, but even a well-mannered terrier can refuse to follow commands.

These black dogs are intelligent and inquisitive, but most often act as a passive observer. Fun games are not always welcome - it depends on the mood. They can bite a naughty child, so it is not recommended to leave dogs alone with children. However, when protecting their family, Scotch Terriers will fight to the death. The size and character of the pet are suitable for apartment living. Coarse wool needs to be trimmed once every 3-6 months and undergo hygienic grooming.


The Hovawart is an ancient breed of guard and herding dogs. This is a strong and hardy dog ​​with German roots, who gives all his love and devotion to one owner. He expresses his love unobtrusively and calmly. The dog has well-developed guard characteristics and will become a reliable guard at home. A distinctive feature of the breed is its long maturation period. The dog will remain a cheerful and playful puppy until the age of three.

Forceful methods of raising a Hovawart will not bring results; you need to raise the dog gently, patiently and calmly. The dog does not need the comfort of home; he is happy to go on a trip with his owner, just to be close to him. These are devoted companions, guards and protectors of the whole family. The concept of family dog ​​also includes pets. While walking with children, he will “herd” and “count” them. The dog's luxurious, shiny coat is water-repellent and hardly gets dirty. It is washed when it gets dirty and combed out to prevent tangles from appearing.

Black Terrier

The legendary breed, artificially bred in the Soviet Union, is popularly called “Stalin’s dog.” The mighty furry pet copes well with the role of a watchman, service dog and home companion. It easily adapts to any natural conditions, is unpretentious in care, and does not require special maintenance. Dogs can be kept outside; they tolerate cold temperatures and heat well.

The Black Terrier is designed to be a working dog, you will have to figure out what to do with it. Dogs are suitable for sports. Agility, frisbee dog, coursing, scany-cross, skijoring - choose what you will do for your blackie. Dogs are kind, play carefully with children, and can become their nanny. Next to children, they forget about their harsh character and allow themselves to be treated like a toy. The beautiful appearance of the animal's black coat is maintained by regular trimming, combing and bathing.


Despite their bizarre appearance (slim build with long heads and legs), greyhounds have a long and noble history. They are the fastest sprinters of all dogs, but as any greyhound owner will tell you, these good-natured and gentle hounds are better known as "70 km/h couch potatoes."

Fun fact : As athletic as they may seem, greyhounds are slackers who can sleep up to 18 hours a day!

The amazing ability to constantly snooze makes Greyhounds excellent apartment dogs, despite their impressive size and hunting instincts. Just let them run around the park a few times a week and they'll be happy to watch TV on the couch with you for hours. But don't count on them for long-distance hikes.

Health and life expectancy

If you follow the vaccination schedule and pay close attention to your Chihuahua's condition, they rarely get sick. Proper nutrition, regular walks, and comfortable keeping of dogs contribute to their long and fulfilling life. Chikhovs are classified as long-livers, the average lifespan is about 15 years, but there are cases when they reached the age of 18-20 years.


If you want a real teddy bear, the black Newfoundland is for you. Incredibly fluffy and always cuddly, these gentle giants weigh 45-68 kg. They are wonderful companions for children and loyal working dogs who are happy to help at any time.

Newfoundlands are excellent swimmers , who are specially bred for water rescue work. Newfoundlands are strong enough to rescue a drowning person from rough waters - a useful skill if you live on an island like Newfoundland!


Who can resist a cute wrinkly pug? With its curled tail and smiling face, the pug is one of the most adorable black dog breeds. The diminutive and energetic pug traces its ancestry back to ancient China . Pugs are calm and docile dogs.

Fun fact : Black Pugs have less undercoat than their fawn counterparts, which results in less shedding.

Pugs will be happy to spend time alone, with canine friends, with children and the elderly. Their sociable nature makes them suitable pets for any life situation. When Pugs are confident that they are adored, they are full of charm and affection, and are ready to give their loved ones lots of hugs.

Types of Chihuahuas by coat length

Black dogs are highly valued by breeders, but if a Chihuahua carries genes of other shades, this may affect the coat color of the offspring. Depending on their coat type, black Chihuahuas can be divided into three groups:

  • smooth-haired;
  • short-haired;
  • long-haired.


The coat is short and lies close to the body. If the dog has an undercoat, the hair will be longer than usual, especially on the tail. On the stomach and neck, the hairs are so sparse that the skin shows through. The structure of the coat is soft and shiny.


Short-haired Chihuahuas have longer fur than smooth-haired Chihuahuas, but it is shorter than long-haired Chihuahuas. This type of coat is not standard.


Black long-haired Chihuahuas have soft, fine, silky, slightly wavy or straight hair. It forms feathers on the ears, paws, tail, and inner parts of the limbs. The fluffy collar and “pants” look impressive. Hairiness is considered a breed defect.

Flat-Coated Retriever

The Flat-Coated Retriever falls somewhere between the Labrador and the Golden Retriever. Its lush, straight coat is a gorgeous sable black color. Full of energy, these dogs love to play and swim for hours with their favorite people.

These beauties have an elongated head and a more graceful silhouette than their stocky counterparts. Owners of Flat-Coated Retrievers claim that these dogs never grow up , retaining their puppyish, mischievous energy into old age.

Giant Schnauzer

Not a particularly popular breed for private ownership, but a very good service dog, serving in the service of the police and search engines. He has an independent, stubborn character and immediately uses any weakness on the part of the owner to his advantage.

The breed is characterized by a black color, the wool is very hard, similar to wire. The undercoat is thick and dense, on the muzzle the hair is longer, looking like a lush mustache. The coarse, faded coat of Giant Schnauzers must be plucked periodically, and it is recommended to begin this procedure at 6 months of the pet’s life. A distinctive feature of the breed is the complete absence of the “dog” smell.


If you want a dog with a mustache and beard, you need an Affenpinscher. These charming, scruffy dogs, despite their small size, are quite daring and brave. It is worth noting that Affenpinschers are most often found in black color, so it is not for nothing that they are on our list. Less commonly, you can find Affenpinschers with red, beige, gray and black-beige colors.

Fun fact : The breed's German name translates to "monkey terrier ," and one look at this dog's Ewok-like face from Star Wars explains why they were named that way.

Affenpinschers are not only playful and full of mischievous charm, but they are also extremely intelligent. After training, these affectionate black dogs are ready for some nice cuddles.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. A black dog always looks impressive, mastito, and attractive.
  2. Wool does not leave visible problems on dark furniture and floors.
  3. In most breeds, the cover has water-repellent properties, which facilitates the task of careful care.
  4. When choosing a puppy, you need to document the purity of its pedigree line. This is a guarantee of mental stability and will help avoid problems with education. A thorough detailed inspection is required.
  5. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian regarding coat care.
  6. Each black dog has its own behavioral characteristics, which must be taken into account. You can ask breeders or experienced dog breeders about character traits, collect and study the information yourself.

Portuguese water dog

These smart curls rose to fame as "First Dogs" during the Obama presidency, but they're also loved by many less famous people! Friendly, loyal, and easy to train, the Portuguese Water Dog is one of the best black dog breeds for families.

This intelligent and sensitive dog also makes a terrific service dog and energetic training buddy. Their curly coat is waterproof and hypoallergenic , which is good since the Portuguese Water Dog loves to get a lot of exercise and will happily jump into the water whenever possible.

Varieties of colors

Coat color is an important feature in determining the breed. When filling out documents for a pet, it is mandatory to indicate the color. This can be either a one-color solid version or two-color or three-color combinations.

The black dog is a truly mystical creature

Traditionally, there are four main colors - black, white, brown and red. The full coloring of a dog is made up of skin and hair color. The combination of main hair and undercoat is also important. In general terms, a dog's coat can be one color or multi-colored.

Interesting! It is not uncommon for a coat of one color to have a white patch in a specific location, most often on the chest, muzzle, neck, or tip of the tail.

Neapolitan Mastiff

The Black Neapolitan Mastiff will make a good family dog: affectionate, loyal and loving to the whole family. Originating from traditional Italian guard dogs , massive Mastiffs are surprisingly gentle and quite charming with their large, sad eyes and continuous wrinkles all over their bodies.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is not the best breed of black dog for an apartment: these giants can weigh up to 82 kg!

The Neapolitan Mastiff can be aloof; socialization and training at an early age will help correct this. However, we can't help you control his drooling - just keep a towel handy.

How to choose a puppy that is completely black

French bulldog (black and blue): description of the breed

Once you have decided on the breed of your puppy, it is very important to purchase it from a professional breeder. It is advisable to visit the kennel on your own, to get acquainted with the conditions of keeping the dogs there and with the parents of the offspring. This way you can reliably understand what the black dog will become in the future when it grows up.

Not all puppies look like their parents at a tender age

Breeders must draw up a purchase and sale agreement and write down all the conditions there. You must also be provided with documents for the puppy. A metric indicating the breed, date of birth, gender and parents is a mandatory document.

Important! Puppies do not always look like their parents and adult representatives of the breed. The change of puppy coat occurs in dogs after a year. Therefore, determining the breed from a puppy is a very difficult task, and only experienced dog handlers can do it.

You need to be very conscious when choosing a dog breed and its color. Strangers are more wary of black dogs than light dogs. Something mystical, mysterious and at the same time noble is felt in this color.

When purchasing a puppy, it is worth remembering that it requires attention and care from the owner. It is love and proper training that determine what a baby will become when he grows up.

Dutch Shepherd

Originally from the Netherlands, this small, stocky herding dog is as smart as its cousin, the German Shepherd. However, the Dutch Shepherd is more likely to be born completely black. Once nearly extinct , the loyal Dutch Shepherd excels at herding and law enforcement duties. She is highly valued for her intelligence, devotion, activity and endurance.

The Dutch Shepherd shows 100% unconditional love for its human families and companions. The main thing is to make sure that your pet regularly trains for obedience, agility and scent.

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