The most beautiful breeds of black cats: description and photo

What will you learn from the article?
  1. Breeds of black cats Persian cat
  • British cat
  • Scottish fold
  • Siberian cat
  • Maine Coon
  • Oriental cat
  • Devon Rex
  • Bombay cat
  • Myths and signs about black cats
  • Black cats have always been shrouded in a veil of magical mystery. There are many signs and beliefs associated with them. In this article we will look at breeds of black cats that have a truly magical touch.

    Black cat breeds

    • Persian cat;
    • British cat;
    • Scottish fold;
    • Siberian cat;
    • Maine Coon;
    • Oriental;
    • Devon Rex;
    • Bombay cat.

    Persian cat

    The black coat of the long-haired animal shimmers beautifully with the shades of a raven's wing. The eyes are either copper or red.

    This breed has a peculiarity - its black color fades a little in the sun. Therefore, if you are raising a competition winner, do not let her bask in direct rays.

    The Persian cat can be recognized by its nose - it is short, the tip is located on the line of the lower eyelids. The muzzle seems flattened. The long fluffy coat needs brushing up to several times a day.

    This breed of black cats spends its entire life next to humans. Persians are trusting, loyal and cannot stand loneliness.

    A black Persian cat needs to be bathed several times a month. There are special tint shampoos for them.

    The cost of a Persian cat kitten starts from about $100.

    Color point or acromelanism

    The English phrase color point is translated as “color spot”. With this color, kittens are born blue-eyed and almost snow-white. With age, most of their body remains either white or changes to cream, and its extremities (muzzle, tail, ears, paws) darken and acquire more saturated colors:

    • tortoiseshells;
    • solids;
    • tabby

    Color point is a form of albinism. It is part of the group of acromelanistic colors that depend on body temperature. So-called points, or dark spots, appear where it is colder. The snow-white appearance of kittens is the result of their high temperature, which is 38.5-39.5°C. In adults, this figure is much lower – 37.5-38.9°C.

    Varieties by shade

    Depending on the main color of the cat and its point, several subspecies are distinguished in this group. These include:

    • blue point - blue;
    • chocolate point – brown;
    • tortoiseshell (tri-color);
    • lilac point – gray-pink;
    • seal point – dark brown-gray, close to black;
    • red point – red (red);
    • cream point – cream (beige);
    • tabby point - spotted or striped.

    The acromelanism gene can also produce full albinos. Such cats not only have little, but basically no melanin. Because of this, not only their fur coat loses color, but also the iris. Albino cats have either pinkish-red or blue eyes. In the first case, the color comes from blood vessels, and in the second, from reflected rays of light.

    Examples of breeds

    An alternative name for color point is Siamese. It’s easy to guess that its main owners are the graceful and big-eared Siamese. Acromelanism also appears in their close relatives – Thai and Himalayan cats.

    Scottish fold

    Black Scottish Folds with shiny coats and copper eyes are perhaps the most beautiful of the breed.

    This breed of black cat is striking with its small, curled ears and flattened nose. The appearance of their neat earless head with huge round eyes is reminiscent of a small owl.

    The character of these cats is calm and lazy. Scottish Folds will not climb on tables or hang from curtains.

    Scottish Folds are cats with developed intelligence. They are trainable and can learn various tricks. But they don’t know how to jump at high places at all - this is due to changes in the vestibular apparatus.

    A Scottish Fold kitten costs from $100 to $3000.


    Black cats have always attracted the attention of people; they were surrounded by an aura of mystery and even witchcraft. Superstitious people still believe that a black cat crossing the road brings bad luck. It has long been proven that this sign has no basis, so lovers of coal pets, free from prejudice, dote on them.

    Despite the fact that such cats “get in the way” of their owners every day, this only brings them happiness

    Bright green eyes are a real decoration of a black cat, because there are no other shades in its color. This spectacular combination is present in many breeds, and a person who wants to buy a black green-eyed kitten can be guided by his preferences in the pet’s character.

    Siberian cat

    Brunettes are rare among representatives of this breed. The dense shade of their fur resembles coal.

    The Siberian breed appeared almost naturally. Their strength, fearlessness and appearance are due to harsh climatic conditions. They will easily take root in any place - an apartment or a private house.

    These cats are capricious, but affectionate with their owner if he does not limit their freedom. They love to play and frolic. By the way, Siberian cats will make friends with children and other pets, even dogs. But if there are rodents in the house, they will only be considered as prey.

    A Siberian kitten can be purchased for $100.

    Mythical names for cats

    No less interesting are names from ancient Greek mythology and other cultures. So, for example, the following nicknames, taken from the pantheon of gods and goddesses of Ancient Greece, are suitable for a black cat:

    • Nyukta - Nikata - Nikta is the daughter of Chaos. Translated it means Night or Mist;
    • Erebus (a) – Mist;
    • Selena or Mena is the embodiment (personification) of the night luminary - the Moon;
    • Hecate is the goddess of darkness, patroness of sorcerers, magicians and everything mysterious;
    • Lamia is a creature akin to a witch.

    In world religions there were goddesses of night and darkness, whose names can be borrowed to emphasize the color of the pet’s fur:

    • Nephthys - in ancient Egyptian mythology, she is the opposite of the light Isis and floats in a night barge, communicating with the dark world;
    • Nott is the goddess of the night in Old Germanic and Scandinavian mythology;
    • Mara is the goddess of darkness among the ancient Slavs;
    • Brekstoi is the goddess of darkness among the Poles;
    • Lilu – in Akkadian (Assyria and Babylon) means “night”. Later they began to call night demons this way;
    • Lilith - in Mesopotamia this was the name given to the evil night demoness; in Judaism, this is the first wife of Adam, the ancestor of demons and demons, the personification of the “Black Moon”.

    Not everyone wants to call a cute, affectionate little lump such names. Then you can play up the dark color of the cat’s fur by calling her beautiful Japanese names:

    • Ayumi is the one who walks in dreams;
    • Amaya - night rain;
    • Miyako/Miya – child of the night;
    • Kasumi - fog;
    • Tsukiko/Tsukiko – child of the moon.

    If the owner is not a fan of mysticism and ancient dark legends, then you can come up with a funny nickname for the baby.

    Maine Coon

    Of all the representatives of the largest breed of domestic cats, the black color is considered the most valuable. Dark giants differ from their fellows by their docile disposition and the mystical luxury of black wool.

    The Maine Coon's color can be solid black, or it can be tabby - with a patterned play of shades.

    Maine Coons are quite easy-going cats, but they love independence. Do not anger your pet - this predator, thanks to its size, can fend for itself.

    Black cats of this breed feel best in a private home - they need space for physical activity. They will simply destroy the city apartment.

    The largest cats cost from $300.

    Name in honor of the idol

    The name given to a black cat may have a secret meaning, known only to the owner, and evoke certain associations with the color. So, for example, a black baby can be christened after famous and beloved dark-skinned beauties:

    • Naomi (Campbell);
    • Keke (Palmer);
    • Kenya (Moore);
    • Rihanna;
    • Alisha (Keys);
    • Ciara;
    • Lupita (Nyong'o);
    • Gugu (Embata-Rho);
    • Beyoncé (Knowles).

    Fans of beauties who conquer the whole world with their talent and beauty will remember their idols with tenderness, caressing the silky fur coat of a graceful and mysterious cat. Those who are disgusted by calling animals by human names may like the idea of ​​giving their pet a nickname in honor of populated areas.

    Oriental cat

    Graceful cats with ebony-colored fur. From shades of black, patterns may appear on their fur coat - tabby, speckled, brindle and others.

    The appearance of this oriental beauty is very exotic. A short-haired cat with an elongated body and long, thin legs. On the elongated muzzle, huge slanting eyes are set close together.

    The grace of the panther, especially noticeable in the photo, would be matched by an imperturbable character. But no, these creatures are real hooligans. They are very loud and require constant attention. Play, play and play. Orientals are in constant motion.

    This unusual black cat breed loves all people who are willing to play with it. But an Oriental may dislike a particular person and begin to vindictively harm him.

    An exotic kitten will cost you $200.

    Ticked cat colors

    The main feature of ticked color in cats is the vagueness of the pattern. It's like he's covered with a light veil. Residual stripes are observed only on the muzzle. Its relationship with other varieties of tabby can be determined by the mesmerizing shimmer of the coat, achieved through zonal hair coloring.

    Initially, ticking was found only in “Abyssinians,” but over time, breeders achieved its manifestation in other breeds: Ragamuffin, Chausie, “British,” LaPerma, Cornish Rex, “Oriental,” Manx and others.

    The requirements for these animals are much lower than for Abyssinian cats. Their standard allows for open “necklaces” on the neck, the letter “M” on the forehead (scarab sign) and stripes around the paws and tail.

    Devon Rex

    This cat looks like a magical creature. The black color of the curly coat may consist of patterns interspersed with silver or ocher tints. Emerald or hazel eyes sparkle. It feels like their gaze penetrates into the depths of the soul. Low-set ears, a thin neck and long legs give their appearance a special magic.

    Energetic cats have a good disposition. They like people and are ready to live with them in a city apartment.

    Devon Rexes are very active. In addition, they are excellent at expressing emotions. To communicate with people, they have a rich vocabulary consisting of a variety of sounds.

    If you are allergic to cats, get a Devon Rex. These cats are considered hypoallergenic, which gives many people a chance to find a pet.

    An elf kitten will delight you for $200.

    Bombay cat

    Are you interested in knowing which of all the black cats is the blackest? The Bombay cat proudly bears this title. The breed is called this way because of its resemblance to the black panther living in the Indian state of Bombay.

    This breed is characterized by an elongated, muscular body and proportional shape. The coat is shiny and smooth; among the black color it is impossible to find any other shades.

    They love to play, but unlike their prototype, the panther, they are very cowardly. You should not let your animal outside without a leash; most likely the cat will have to be removed from the tree.

    The kitten of the blackest cat in the world can be bought for $300.

    Color options

    According to international standards, the black color is assigned the code n (sil, wild, ebony, sable). The guard hairs and undercoat should have a uniform color: each hair is completely dyed, without colored or white inclusions.

    The nose, paw pads, and whiskers must be exclusively black.

    Possible eye colors

    The iris of the eyes often plays with all shades of yellow and green: bright emerald, bright green, orange, olive, light sand.

    Reference. Black kittens are born with blue irises.

    Myths and signs about black cats

    • In ancient times, people kept black cats in temples, considering them to be amulets that brought good luck. Since then, the reputation of the gloomy predators has somewhat deteriorated.
    • In the Middle Ages, they believed that a black cat could be an enchanted witch. A woman who dared to own a cursed animal was sentenced to be burned.
    • And at the same time, many believed that a black cat would provide its owner with financial well-being. There will always be money in the house where the animal lives. Well, as a last resort, the black cat could be exchanged with the devil for an irredeemable ruble.
    • There were also opposite opinions. The Chinese, for example, used cats to ward off evil spirits.
    • The British attracted love to these animals, and Scandinavian fishermen tried to insure themselves against storms.
    • The Slavs of Ancient Rus' welcomed black cats, realizing that their color, invisible in the dark, helped to effectively catch rodents.
    • Nowadays, people are still attracted to these mysterious animals. Few people expect psychic abilities from feline brunettes, but many note their magical charm.

    Genetics is the basis of everything

    The ancestors of modern “mustachios” inhabited the hot savannas of Africa and the forests of Europe. At that time, cats used color solely for the purpose of survival and hunting. Inconspicuousness on the sand, among bushes and tree branches was achieved thanks to gray and brown tones, as well as numerous stripes and spots scattered over the entire surface of the fur coat. As a result of domestication and subsequent selection, cat colors have become more diverse and unusual.

    The color of the hairs is determined by a special pigment - melanin, which is divided into 2 types:

    • pheomelanin, which gives pigmentation in the red-yellow-orange spectrum by reflecting the rays of the sun;
    • eumelanin, which gives black pigmentation by absorbing the rays of the sun.

    Experienced cat owners will confirm that the coat of male cats has a less rich color palette. This is also explained by genetics.

    Pheomelanin and eumelanin activate 2 genes: O and o, respectively. They are present only on X chromosomes, that is, the coat color is firmly linked to the sex. In the genetic code of females there are as many as 2 X chromosomes, so they have 3 basic colors available to them:

    • red, or red (OO);
    • black(oo);
    • tortoiseshell (Oo).

    Males have only one X chromosome. The latter option is not typical for them, but still sometimes occurs and is accompanied by infertility.

    The genes listed are only part of a huge system. In addition to them, there are also those that are responsible for the saturation, brightness and contrast of the final color. Based on these characteristics, all existing cat colors are divided into the following types:

    • solid, or solid;
    • colors with white, including piebald;
    • tabby, or tabby;
    • tipping, or typed;
    • color point, or acromelanism.

    The coloring of the kittens' coat depends on the correct crossing of their parents. For this reason, breeders of purebred animals strictly monitor the pedigree and be sure to check the documents of partners for the upcoming mating.

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