One of the most popular dogs is schnauzers: all varieties of the breed with photos

When looking for a puppy, many people ask themselves the question: who to choose - a schnauzer or a Doberman, a miniature schnauzer or a fox terrier, a giant schnauzer or a shepherd, and so on. Sometimes the choice occurs between two completely different breeds, which even differ in size like an elephant and a pug. This may seem surprising to some, but not to me. For the reason that recently I myself was faced with such a choice and, although it seemed strange, it was still simply explained. After all, we don’t always choose between dogs of the same size and appearance—many can please us.

After a long search for information and thought, I chose a schnauzer, so the article will not be entirely objective, because I have now fallen in love with schnauzers for the rest of my life. But, in fact, choosing a breed is always a subjective matter: there can be no objectivity in it. The main thing is that you understand which option is right for you.

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Miniature Schnauzer or Miniature Pinscher?

The miniature pinscher, also known as the miniature pinscher, is a miniature dog up to 30 centimeters at the withers, like miniature schnauzers. Only the miniature looks stronger and is a little taller, and the pinscher is graceful, looking like a small Doberman.

If you are faced with the question of who to choose, a miniature pinscher or a miniature schnauzer, pay attention to the following points. In latitudes where it is very cold for a long time, the miniature will feel better, because... Due to its short coat, the Pinscher does not tolerate cold weather well. At the same time, both the clipped schnauzer and the pinscher feel fine in the heat.

The Miniature Schnauzer is a grooming breed: it needs to be trimmed twice a year and just a haircut about twice more. That is, a total of 3-4 procedures per year. But he does not shed, unlike the pinscher. At the same time, the Pinscher does not need to have haircuts. Think about what is more convenient for you: choosing wool from the sofa and clothes or periodically visiting the groomer?

As for character, in some ways these two breeds are similar, but the miniature pinscher has a higher level of aggression, hence some cockiness, while the miniature schnauzer is a more cheerful and kind dog.

Who should have it?

If you are energetic and sociable, then the character of a miniature schnauzer is what you need! These are tireless, curious and cheerful dogs, lovers of walking and playing together. You will need a mutual desire to communicate and training skills: if it is unsystematic, irregular or not persistent enough, the miniature may conclude that everything is allowed to him. It is more difficult to re-educate him than to train him correctly right away. However, this is a curious and intelligent breed, so your efforts will be rewarded with obedience and strong friendships.

It is important from the very beginning to accustom the little miniature schnauzer to calm communication with other animals and children - out of habit, he can show aggression, especially if they invade his personal space: a strange dog barks, and a child pulls his tail. If your dog has experience of such contacts and has developed the correct reactions, he will not be afraid, will happily frolic with children and will become a real member of the family. A child who is friendly with a dog can be safely trusted to take him for a walk - well-mannered miniature dogs listen well to children.

Miniatures can be jealous owners - they do not immediately accept new people or are hostile if it seems to them that the owner pays too much attention to strangers. Let the dog know that you love it and are not abandoning it, but also resolutely stop any attempts to bully another dog or person.

The undeniable advantage of miniatures is their compact size. For city dwellers who do not have the opportunity to keep a free-ranging dog, a miniature schnauzer is a chance to have a real watchdog companion in their apartment with a character . He will get along with you even in a small area, because the maximum height at the withers according to the breed standard is only 35 cm. You can keep him in a country house, but you need to remember that loving miniatures are not suitable for chain keeping and outdoor enclosures.

Fox Terrier or Miniature Schnauzer?

The Fox Terrier and the Miniature Schnauzer are two small, very active and funny dogs, with a lively temperament and good character. And they're cute too. However, that's where the similarities end.

The Miniature Schnauzer is the smallest working breed in the world. It is focused on the person more than anything or anyone else. He is intelligent and quick-witted, and also cunning.

The Fox Terrier is a hunting breed. And it’s hard for such people to live within the confines of an apartment and never realize their hunting instincts. Therefore, such a dog will either have to be seriously occupied with entertainment, or go hunting with it, or wait for destruction in the apartment. But if you are a hunter, then definitely take a fox terrier. For non-hunters, a miniature schnauzer is suitable.

Miniature Schnauzer: the price of the issue

If you want to buy a purebred miniature schnauzer with a good pedigree, then you should not go to the poultry market for such a purchase or be tempted by tempting offers with a low price. As practice shows, any experienced groomer is able to turn a half-breed schnauzer or any puppy with coarse hair into a purebred miniature. In such cases, instead of a friendly, intelligent and sociable miniature schnauzer, you risk acquiring a nervous, hysterical and fearful dog of an unknown breed.

The most suitable age for purchasing a puppy is 2 months. As for the cost specifically, the price of a miniature schnauzer can be 100-700 euros and depends on the popularity of the kennel where the dog will be purchased, pedigree, color, mating costs and even the region. The highest prices are in capitals and large cities; in the periphery you can find an excellent purebred puppy at more modest prices.

Miniature Schnauzer or Corgi?

In terms of intelligence, these dogs are approximately equal: the miniature schnauzer is in 12th place in the world rankings, and the corgi is in 11th. Therefore, in terms of training abilities - a miniature schnauzer or a Welsh corgi - it does not matter.

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In terms of beauty, the Miniature Schnauzer is definitely the leader if it is trimmed and well-groomed. You won't walk down the street unnoticed with your handsome man. But corgis are more like mongrels: those who do not know this breed always confuse them with mongrels. Although personally, I really like the appearance of corgis.

The breed is chic in character: cheerful, cheerful, funny, kind, gets along with cats, active, playful, not mischievous, not vindictive, and has a sense of humor. Corgis love small children more and bark less - this is their advantage. But there are also miniatures who are quite silent - depending on your luck and how you raise them. I immediately made it clear to mine that I don’t like it when he barks throughout the apartment - and now he almost never does that.

Another nuance associated with corgi. These are squat dogs with a rather long body. Therefore, it is advisable for them to strengthen the spinal muscles with special exercises. In any case, many owners practice this. And I think this is very correct. But miniatures need general loads, i.e. You don’t have to do special exercises with them: just let them run and jump.

Training and education of the miniature

The main goal of training a Miniature Schnauzer dog is to develop useful skills and suppress the animal’s negative character traits.

In order to properly raise a pet and raise it to be loyal, obedient and intelligent, it is necessary to begin training at the age of 3-4 months. By this point, the puppy’s nervous system is fully formed, and he is ready to perceive and remember commands, as well as respond adequately to other educational measures. This period of development is considered the most favorable for the beginning of training, and if the moment was missed, the subsequent socialization of the dog will not proceed so smoothly.

First of all, it is necessary to control the natural aggressiveness of the miniature. From the very first days, the dog will try to take a leading position in the house, defending its right to primacy by angry barking, biting and other manifestations of aggression.

To prevent this behavior from developing into a big problem when the dog grows up, you cannot ignore these manifestations, but immediately extinguish them. There is no need to scream or hit the animal, however, a small slap with a newspaper or twig will do the dog good. Miniature schnauzers have a fairly developed intellect and perfectly sense the mood of the owner, so the pet will immediately understand why it was punished.

Before embarking on a serious educational process, initial training should be carried out. It is necessary to teach the animal to bring thrown objects to the owner using the fetch command; subsequently, this skill will help the dog master other commands.

If during training the dog begins to get irritated, and at least a hint of aggression appears in his behavior, it is worth distracting the animal and switching his attention to something else.

Having achieved the first successes, you can begin more serious exercises, gradually complicating the task. In order for the animal not to lose interest in learning, you will need to diversify the “lessons” and develop a reward system, and also remember to praise the pet every time it did what was required of it.

Who is better - a miniature schnauzer or a sharpei?

If you are looking for a larger dog, the Shar Pei may be more suitable. If, on the contrary, you want something smaller, for example, so that you can carry him in your arms if something happens, then a miniature schnauzer is better.

In terms of care, the Miniature Schnauzer is easier. Yes, he needs to be trimmed and cut, bathed with conditioner so that the fur on his skirt and paws looks more beautiful, and also combed regularly, but he does not shed and he does not have folds, like a Shar Pei, which requires an eye and an eye - Otherwise, the dog will face diaper rash and other troubles. The Miniature Schnauzer is a generally healthier breed than the Shar Pei.

Socialization of a mentally healthy miniature schnauzer is easier than that of a sharpei, because... he can be aggressive towards other dogs, but at the same time timid in places. Miniature dogs can also sometimes fight with other dogs, but this is rather an exception for them.

The Miniature Schnauzer has higher intelligence. Let me remind you that this dog ranks 12th in intelligence among all breeds. Shar Pei is placed only in 50th place.

Key points in training

These beauties also have a share of cunning; they are rightly called “cute impudents,” which exactly describes their attitude to training. For example, by succumbing to weakness and allowing the puppy to fall asleep in the bed, you can forever instill in him the desire to return there again. Taking advantage of their charm, they will easily win their place in the master's bed; no attempts to drive him out will be successful.

The main thing is to learn to strictly, but without assault, instill respect and obedience in the animal. Such a smart, quick-witted dog can really be taught commands.

It is important to organize early socialization and general training for your beagle at a young age.

  • Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

Miniature Schnauzer or Dachshund?

Two wonderful breeds are equally worthy of attention. Dachshunds are great companions, funny and trainable. In size they range from very small (smaller than miniature schnauzers) to very weighty.

But let's not forget that the dachshund is a hunter. It was bred to hunt burrowing animals. Accordingly, such instincts are highly developed in her. Therefore, if, for example, you get a dachshund in a village and the dog has access to chickens and other living creatures, it will very quickly run over all of it. A schnauzer, of course, can also chase birds and small rodents, but this habit does not take on the nature of a natural disaster, as in some dachshunds.

How to choose a puppy

  1. If you decide to get a companion dog, then you should trust your heart. But when choosing a dog for exhibitions or hunting, you should take the issue seriously.
  2. The main criteria for selecting a beagle will be the reputation of the breeder and the pedigree of the parent. As well as the presence/absence of deviations from generally accepted standards in the puppy (strong limbs, correct bite, well-groomed beautiful coat, correctly developed reproductive organs).
  3. A healthy puppy will be active and playful, have an excellent appetite and meet all the characteristics of the breed. It is important to take into account the color peculiarities of babies - within 12 weeks they may change slightly in color, for example, become lighter.

Boxer or Schnauzer?

The Schnauzer and Boxer are very noble and stylish breeds. The Boxer, despite its menacing appearance and impressive size, is a fairly balanced dog that will not harm smaller animals or children if raised correctly. Even cats get along well with Boxers.

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The Schnauzer is slightly inferior to the well-trained Boxer in diligent behavior. Boxers are easier to handle, while schnauzers are sweet, cunning dogs. If we compare large schnauzers - giant schnauzers - with a boxer, then they are similar to a boxer according to such criteria as activity, protection of territory and owner, sociability, concentration, moderate level of aggression, tolerance towards children and service qualities.

Boxers do not need regular grooming, but Schnauzers do need to be trimmed. But I’ll say it again: they don’t shed. As for me, it’s easier to take your dog to the groomer 3-4 times a year than to constantly catch hair all over the apartment. I say this from the experience of keeping a short-haired cat whose hair is constantly falling out. But initially I took a short-haired one, because... I thought she had less hair. Many owners of smooth-haired dogs admit that they thought the same thing.

Who is not suitable for miniature?

The owners of Miniature Schnauzers are ready to talk about them forever and have difficulty remembering the disadvantages of keeping them, but the characteristic features must be taken into account when choosing a pet breed.
The miniature schnauzer is not the dog that is ready to lie on a pillow all day long and look at the world phlegmatically; this can be a problem for a stay-at-home owner. It is better to take a closer look at a breed with other characteristics if you:

  • you cannot walk your dog regularly - the miniature schnauzer , despite its modest size, is not at all a pet and will not be able to go to the litter box like a cat ;
  • love solitude and silence - kids have a lively disposition and will distract you and demand attention;
  • you work a lot outside the home - miniature dogs do not tolerate loneliness well and need close contact with their owner;
  • if you are not ready to devote time to training or are not sure that you can handle it, an ill-mannered miniature will grow up wayward, stubborn and disobedient;
  • If you don't like talkative dogs, your little schnauzer will bark a lot, and you will most likely need to wean him off this.

Miniature or bulldog?

Many people adore bulldogs and are big fans of the breed. Apparently, you are not one of them, because... you doubt it. Therefore, I will try to tip the scales in favor of the miniature schnauzer. I have good reason for this.

No one wins by size: bulldogs and miniatures come in different sizes, you can choose one for yourself. But the miniature is a healthier breed, because the bulldog is a brachycephalic with a flattened muzzle: it may have problems with breathing and heart. In addition, due to these characteristics, brachycephalic breeds are not recommended to travel on an airplane, and in some countries, transporting such breeds by air is even prohibited. So, if you are planning to fly somewhere with your dog, definitely choose a miniature schnauzer.


Owners should be ready for the female beagle to reach puberty at the age of 7-10 months. This will be indicated by blood discharge and a swollen genital loop. But readiness to conceive occurs only after the dog has fully matured, or rather at one and a half to two years. Estrus will last 19-23 days with a frequency of 3-6 months .

You should approach the selection of a pair for mating with responsibility and ask the breeder for advice. He will tell you how to choose a healthy dog ​​with the “correct” characteristics. It is worth noting that mating will be more successful if at least one of the partners is experienced.

  • Having made your choice, it is worth creating the conditions for getting to know each other. It is best to do this on neutral territory, in a park, on a playground. But the place should not be too crowded and noisy. The dogs must sniff each other and accept.
  • If the result is positive, a mating date can be set. It should fall for a period that lasts a week after the 10-15th day of estrus. The place of the meeting is not particularly important; mating can be carried out both on the territory of the girl and on the territory of the boy. The main thing is that the meeting takes place in the morning and no one disturbs them. You need to repeat the procedure in about a day.
  • Pregnancy can sometimes be difficult, and there is a risk of giving birth to weak and premature puppies. Beagles usually become parents of 5-6 puppies .

Miniature Schnauzer or Yorkie?

York is a Yorkshire terrier, that is, also a terrier and a hunter. True, modern Yorkies are a purely decorative breed, so as an option they are perfect for an apartment and do not go crazy due to increased activity. Therefore, many owners perceive the Yorkie as such an indoor breed that they even set up a toilet at home and do not take it for walks. This is, of course, wrong.

I myself considered the Yorkie as an option. From my experience with schnauzers and Yorkies, I can say that I like all schnauzers, even large ones, much more. The reason is a more cheerful disposition, a more balanced psyche, higher intelligence. And Yorkies are often hysterical and cowardly, which, by the way, often results in aggression: often, out of the blue, they try to attack my dog ​​on the street, although she didn’t even have time to pay attention to them. But, of course, there are many adequate Yorkies and there are inadequate miniatures: it also depends on individual character traits and upbringing.

Distinctive features

The main signs for the true identification of a Beagle dog:

  • The body structure is compact, strong, the bones are well developed, but not coarse, elastic muscles, a straight straight back and front legs, a flexible loin, powerful jumping hocks, a wide, voluminous chest, with well-bent ribs, narrowed closer to the stomach.
  • The head from the back of the head to the end of the nose should be evenly divided into two parts, that is, the distance between the forehead and nose should be maximally proportional to the distance from the forehead to the back of the head; elongated shape, without folds, but with a small tubercle, powerful skull.
  • The neck is of medium length, with a slight bend, allowing the animal to follow the trail, and has a slight dewlap.
  • ears are rounded triangular in shape, long, approximately reaching the nose, set low, thin, velvety.
  • The eyes are large, but not bulging, not deep, brown or hazel in color, the look is kind and sincere, inviting, attentive, the distance between the eyes and nose forms a regular triangle.
  • The nose in the classic version has a dark black color, but in rare cases it is light in color with white fur; wide shape, open nostrils.
  • The jaw is quite strong, powerful, rectangular in shape, the lips are slightly drooping, have a regular scissor bite, the muzzle is not pointed.
  • The tail is strong, without bends, set fairly high, of medium length, not curled, with a dense coat of hair.
  • The color is found in different versions, the rarest is pure white, more often common in a combination of two or three colors: white, black, red (in shades from fiery red to lemon yellow).
  • The coat is dense, short, water-repellent, and completely covers the body.

Miniature Schnauzer or Beagle?

Are you a hunter or a runner? No? Only Schnauzer! The Beagle is a hunting breed that requires a lot of exercise every day. If you do not provide this, then every evening you will be afraid to go into your own apartment in anticipation of a new surprise. Either the beagle will climb onto the dining table and break all the dishes, or gut the blanket... Incidents also happen to schnauzers, but this breed is much easier to curb. And the destruction from it is much less, if there is any at all. Mine, for example, never spoils or chews anything.

Walking with a beagle always feels like a marathon, but at sprint speed. Either you will run with him on a leash, or he will regularly run away from you. Dog trainers even joke that it’s not the owners who walk the beagles, but the beagles who walk the owners, but they don’t have to spend money on a fitness room.

Yes, beagles are a small, beautiful breed with a good character. But it is not suitable for ordinary people who cannot provide it with daily exercise - at least three hours, and not just a walk at a light pace, but running. If you are not so energetic, take a miniature or a Risen. Mittels are a slightly more active breed, although not as active as beagles, but Mittels are still more suitable for active people.

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Schnauzers are also dogs that literally dissolve in their owners, adoring them to the point of madness. Beagles, like all hunters, have a completely different purpose in life: they were not bred for love. Therefore, they are much less owner-oriented. At the puppy course, where we went with our miniature dog, there was also a beagle. While mine was sitting in front of my husband and me and looking into our mouths, the beagle was completely uncontrollable and did not pay attention to the owner.

Breed characteristics

Short description
Conditions of detention:In a house without a garden, in a house with a large garden, in a house with a small garden, in an apartment
Purpose:Hunting dog, companion dog, search dog
Color:Tri-color (an arbitrary mixture of white, red and black), bicolor (white-red in different shades from red to lemon) and single-color (white)
Wool length:Short
Adult dog size:The height of females is 33-38 cm, the height of males is 36-41 cm, the weight of females is 9-10 kg, the weight of males is 10-14 kg
Average life expectancy:11-15 years
Walk:Required at least 2 times a day
Physical activity needs:High physical activity needs (regular or daily exercise for more than 3 hours per day)
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group 6. Hounds and related breeds, section 1. Hounds, subsection 1.3 small hounds, number 161, year 1955, with working test
Puppy price:10000-50000 rubles

Schnauzer or Doberman?

When I was choosing a puppy breed, I was faced with this choice, among other things. I really wanted a Doberman: this is a noble, beautiful and loyal dog. And the Doberman is stylish. He also has a high level of obedience and, unlike schnauzers, he is not so cunning. But the arguments against the Doberman and for the schnauzer still worked - my husband and I chose the miniature. The first argument is that schnauzers do not shed. To remove dead hair, they need to be trimmed. True, trimming costs money, and it must be done on time. Otherwise, the dog will look like an unkempt brownie. Doberman Pinschers do not need a haircut, but they shed a lot, even though this breed is short-haired.

The second argument is health. Unfortunately, modern Dobermans barely live to be 10 years old. The reason is a weak heart. I really hope that sooner or later breeders will work on this problem, because the breed is beautiful and I would like to develop it. But schnauzers are in good health: they are not prone to any serious diseases.

The third argument is that the Doberman needs serious physical activity, which is why it is better to keep him in a private home. Moreover, people are afraid of Dobermans, and therefore simply going out to the park and letting your dog run around without a leash will not work. Thus, she will be forced to receive less activity all the time.

The fourth argument is aggression. A Schnauzer with the right genetics and the right upbringing is a kind dog that will not attack people or animals. The Doberman has an increased level of aggression at the genetic level. With proper education, this problem can be corrected. But you still need to be vigilant. And since the Doberman is also a dominant breed, it needs a strong leader. If you can’t be like that and don’t want to constantly deal with the consequences of fights, and don’t have experience with dogs, take a schnauzer. In any case, the Miniature Schnauzer is very suitable for beginners.

Pros and cons of physiology

It is not difficult to maintain a miniature dog, but it still requires care. You also need to take care of a bearded baby’s hairstyle, otherwise he will look untidy and he will feel uncomfortable.

  • Be prepared for the fact that your pet will need to be washed - not constantly, as it gets dirty, but shampoo should be at the ready.
  • Miniature Schnauzers are brushed twice a week with a furminator - for some, the need for such care may be a disadvantage , but, as a rule, owners quickly get used to grooming. Children take special pleasure in caring for the dog's fur.
  • Teeth need periodic brushing, nails need to be trimmed, and ears need to be trimmed.
  • Once every few months, the miniature needs trimming - plucking out dead hairs. The procedure can be entrusted to a professional groomer or performed at home (over time, you will begin to succeed quickly and efficiently). Long hairs on the muzzle are trimmed with scissors.
  • The coat of the miniature is hard, wiry, requires combing (choose a comb with blunt teeth so that they do not hurt the skin), but almost does not shed.

By choosing a miniature schnauzer, you:

  • save yourself the hassle of constantly cleaning up hairballs and
  • reduce the risk of a reaction to a dog if you are allergic .

However, it is not the fur that causes allergies, but the secretions secreted by the glands of animals. A reaction to a non-furry animal is less likely, because saliva does not spread throughout the room along with the falling out fur. But there are no completely hypoallergenic breeds, and even contact with a low-shedding miniature schnauzer can provoke an attack - it is better to check in advance whether you have allergies . Some of those who want to get a dog agree in advance with the kennel that they will spend several hours in the room with the animals - this helps to assess in advance the likelihood of health difficulties. Breeders are sympathetic to such experiments, and they are unlikely to refuse you - it is better to provide for everything than to return a puppy to the kennel that you have already fallen in love with.

Schnauzer or Labrador?

Some schnauzers get along well with children, some do not particularly like them (we are talking about small ones that can cause pain to the dog). In any case, you will have to make efforts on your own to build the right relationship between your pet and your child.

With Labradors everything is simpler: these dogs are programmed for affection and patience. They love everyone and everything: even a burglar who breaks into their house will be licked to death. This is an anecdote, but there is some truth in it. Although recently, dog handlers have noticed that aggression has penetrated into the ranks of this wonderful breed, which has always been called a family breed. But still, the bulk of Labradors are sweethearts.

So, if your dilemma concerns choosing a dog for a child, then it is most likely a Labrador. But, if you have children in the house, and you really want a schnauzer, that’s also not a problem: with proper upbringing of the child and the dog, everything will be fine - schnauzers can also love children, at least children from their family. They treat unfamiliar children differently: mostly either indifferently or kindly.

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General and differences

Miniatures and midgets are very similar in character. All owners of these breeds note their friendly disposition towards their owners and their family members, their guarding skills, and their mischievous and playful mood. This dog is always in the mood for active games and loves long walks.

The differences are most concentrated in the appearance of the pets. Mittels are taller, according to the standard up to 50 cm at the withers. Miniatures are smaller - up to 35 cm at the withers. Accordingly, the weight indicators are smaller. The structure of the muzzle also varies slightly, although there is a clear similarity.

In terms of colors, the Miniature Schnauzer can wear only 2 standard shades - black and “pepper and salt”. Miniatures can have 4 standard colors - black, white, black and gray and pepper. Recently, chocolate shades of schnauzers have gained particular popularity, but this color has not yet been recognized by dog ​​handlers.

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