The 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in America—And What You Need to Know About Them

America's love for Labs runs deep.

For the 28th year in a row, the Labrador Retriever has been named the most popular dog breed in the United States by the American Kennel Club. With registrations for the breed rising for the sixth year in a row in 2022, these barking beauties continue to win fans.

Has your pet made the annual AKC Most Popular Dogs list? Perhaps your favorite breed appears somewhere on the long annual list, which includes 192 dog breeds and is based on the number of AKC registrations.

Read on to find out who made the top 10 and find out why people are fascinated by each of them.

Labrador Retriever

(c) American Kennel Club Notable Achievers:
You've seen them in movies like Marley and Me, but the true heroism of this breed can be seen in a search and rescue dog named Jake who searched for survivors of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and then after the hurricane. Katrina. He died in 2007.

What people like about them:

Twenty-eight years in a row? That's some serious endurance.

“The Labrador Retriever has no intention of relinquishing the top spot anytime soon,” AKC Executive Secretary Gina DiNardo said when the list was released. “Labradors make wonderful companions for a variety of people, and for good reason. The breed is very intelligent, friendly and gets along well with children.”

These beautiful dogs are the traditional water dogs of Newfoundland, Canada's large island, but the British perfected the breed in the 19th century, says the AKC. Described as "social", "cheerful" and "family friendly", it's no wonder so many households have chosen them as their trusted companion since 1991.

Shouldn't we sing a song?

Traditional campfire songs and ghost stories on holidays outside the city are becoming a thing of the past. For British families who travel in tents or caravans, this is being replaced by other activities. Thus, respondents listen to music on streaming services, play games on their smartphones and watch movies on gadgets, a OnePoll survey among 2 thousand respondents showed. Most often, the British use modern technology to monitor the weather forecast, search the Internet for what to do in the place where they are staying, read the news, and also publish photos from their vacation on social networks. About other habits - in the material “Kommersant”.

German Shepherd

(c) American Kennel Club
Notable Honorees:

After being rescued from combat during World War I, a German shepherd named Rin Tin Tin became a movie star.

What people like about them:

Modern GSDs are related to German herding dogs and have padded their resume with a variety of skills, including agility, police work, and more. Gary Szymczak, president of the German Shepherd Club of America, says they are popular primarily because of their intelligence and secondly because of their commitment and devotion to their families.

“They are so smart. They are known to be family dogs,” he says. “All dogs, all breeds have a negative side. If there's one thing I can attest to about German Shepherds, it's that they shed twice a year."

He says GSDs are very easy to train and enjoy working.

“They don't need as much exercise as your sporting dog, but since they are larger dogs, they need activity. But more importantly, a German Shepherd needs to have a purpose,” he says. “German Shepherds are not couch potatoes, that’s not what they are made for.”


Today, American dog breeds are very popular among both experienced breeders and novice dog breeders. Breeding four-legged animals in the United States of America began several centuries ago. The first “breeders” were settlers and Indians.

It must be said that American scientists bred animals not out of idle curiosity, but for specific purposes. Thus, the work functions of four-legged animals included security, protection, hunting, fishing and other areas of activity.

By crossing various breeds, scientists tried to achieve not only ideal physiological capabilities and mental characteristics, but also a beautiful exterior.

Golden retriever

(c) American Kennel Club
Notable Honorees:

Gold people have Air Bud movies to thank for bringing them into many living rooms. Presidents Ford and Reagan also had them in the White House.

What people like about them:

Maybe a simpler question: what's not to like about these beauties? Not so much.

“From its eager expression to its wagging tail, goldens are happiness in a canine unit,” says Alison Webb, eastern director of the Golden Retriever Club of America. “This is an active, people-oriented breed that wants to be involved in your daily activities. Hiking, swimming and sleeping on my feet are my dogs favorite activities. I love that these dogs are so smart, adaptable and trainable.”

They come from the Scottish Highlands where they were bred to restore and they still take this job very seriously.

“Golden dogs were bred to be hunting dogs and their natural searching instincts are intact,” says Webb. “They will bring you a chick that has fallen from the nest, and they will also carry your socks and underwear out onto the lawn if the opportunity arises. One of my dogs helps by picking up all the dog bowls after meals, and I trained another to help me pull out invasive weeds. Goldens need to exercise a lot, otherwise they will find something to do that may not be on your approved list of activities.”

The most popular American dogs: Review of the best +Video

There are not so many American dog breeds that are really in demand among other countries of the world.

It is very strange that there are not many American dog stars, since the USA occupies a leading place among countries involved in dog breeding.

There is an opinion that the first dogs that appeared in America got there by land along with moving nomads.

Domesticated dogs were true members of the tribe and helped the people they lived with in many ways. Dogs participated in hunting, along with humans, were protectors of the tribe from various wild animals, dragged things with the help of a team, etc.

French Bulldog

(c) American Kennel Club
Notable Honorees:

Show dog named Ch. Bouquet Nouvelle Ami (aka Jo-Jo) won Best of Breed at Westminster for eight consecutive years in the 1950s.

What people like about them:

Their large "bat ears" are their defining characteristic, but there are many traits that make this breed unique.

“French Bulldogs are loving companions who will make you laugh,” says Becky Smith, president of the French Bulldog Club of America. “They say that the French are clowns in a philosopher’s cloak. They do well in small spaces, making them great companions in a home or apartment.”

That's why you'll often see these cuties prancing down the sidewalks in cities—if you're planning on bringing one home, be sure to do your research.

“The most important thing is that if you are buying a French bulldog, buy it from a reputable breeder,” she says. “As popularity grows, unscrupulous breeders appear who simply make money without caring about protecting our breed. Members of the French Bulldog Club of America sign the Code of Ethics. Our overall goal [is] to 'Protect, Promote and Preserve' our precious breed."

When a person had a need for a dog to perform a certain role

... he tried to breed a breed capable of coping with this role, for example, more powerful dogs were bred for guarding, faster ones for hunting, etc.

One of the reasons for the meager list of American dog breeds is the tendency of American breeders to breed fighting dog breeds or large guard dogs.

The second reason is the love of American citizens for European and Canadian dog breeds.

Among domestic dog breeds, truly domestic dogs were bred, with a friendly disposition and an easy-going character.

American dogs are a source of pride for American families, which is why they are often adopted by local residents themselves.


(c) American Kennel Club
Notable Honorees:

A skateboarding bulldog named Tillman captured the hearts of millions and set a Guinness World Record for the fastest 100-meter skateboard run by a dog.

What people like about them:

They are a symbol of strength in their native England, which is perhaps why they remain firmly in fifth place. Their ranking "is no surprise to their fans, who love the bulldog's attractive, wrinkled face and kind and gentle disposition," says Annette Nobles, chair of public relations and media for the Bulldog Club of America. "The Bulldog may have a 'don't worry' attitude, but to the surprise of some, the Bulldog can 'turn it up' when needed."

An example of this, she said, was a dog named Rudy, who stole the show at the Westminster Kennel Club agility competition last February in New York. A lightning-fast pup has gone viral for "completing an agility course at record speed," says Nobles.

First date difficulties

About 15% of Americans are constantly looking for new acquaintances. Whether they're looking for a serious relationship or a no-strings-attached date, they've faced new obstacles over the past ten years. This is confirmed by the results of a Pew Research Center survey conducted among almost 5 thousand respondents from the United States. The majority of study participants (65%) said that at least once in recent years they had encountered a negative dating experience - a man opened his arms or discussed the details of the meeting and sex with strangers. Read more about this in the Kommersant article.

Lev Kislyak, Artyom Kosenok, Anna Povago, Olga Shkurenko


(c) American Kennel Club
Notable Honorees:

Well, Snoopy, of course! But a real dog named Uno can take credit for maintaining the breed's presence at dog shows. In 2008 he became the first beagle to win Best in Show at Westminster.

What people like about them:

There's a reason the breed is known for its good temperament, says Michelle Sager, a beagle breeder, judge and chairman of the education committee of the National Beagle Club of America.

“They were bred to hunt rabbits, they are pack dogs meant to hunt with other beagles, so they need to get along with other dogs,” she says. "So they are great for families and they get along with almost everything and everyone."

Additionally, she says their size and tendency to have minor health problems are desirable traits, as is their short coat.

“Another reason why there are still so many of us is that they are still very popular as hunting dogs, there are many thousands of them across the country that are used for [rabbit] hunting,” she says.

Although they are a favorite breed, they are not for everyone.

“They like to follow their nose,” she says. “This is not a dog that can be confidently led off-leash outside of a fenced area. They are smart but can be stubborn, but they are a joy to live with.”

Breed overview

Today, there are a huge number of dog breeds that were bred in America. Let's look at the most popular varieties of four-legged animals with their names.


At a certain stage in the development of breeding work in the United States of America, scientists placed great emphasis on breeding fighting breeds of dogs. During this time, some breeds became very popular and are still widespread today.

Fighting dogs are animals that need proper education and training. If you ignore this issue, the animal can show aggression and be dangerous to humans - even causing physical harm and death.

American Bulldog

This breed of dog is one of the most common fighting species. Essentially, there are 2 varieties of the American Bulldog: classic and standard.

The classic variety of the American Bulldog is a breed that has heightened guarding instincts. The dog's body is well developed, it has strong muscle mass and strong bones. The classic type is close in its characteristics to the English bulldog type.

The standard variety of the American Bulldog has a more athletic and athletic body structure.


Representatives of the pit bull breed are animals whose main task was to participate in dog fights, as well as baiting wild animals. The dog's character is distinguished by such qualities as courage and reliability. The animal is quite strong and powerful in its physiological indicators.

Pit bulls are dogs that are distinguished by well-developed mental and intellectual abilities.

It is best to entrust animal training to professional dog handlers.

Hunting and riding

Another large group of American four-legged pets are hunting and riding animals. In fact, there is a huge variety of breeds in nature that fall into this category, but we will only look at a few of them.

American Cocker Spaniel

This variety was officially adopted and registered by the American Kennel Club in 1947. Thus, we can say that the cocker spaniel is a fairly young American breed. The character of the animal is friendly and sociable; such a dog will become a true friend for all members of your family.

Today in nature there are several possible colors of cocker spaniels: black, red, brown.

In addition to such solid colors, colors with tan, as well as combinations of several uniform colors, are allowed.

American Water Spaniel

The Water Spaniel was bred in Wisconsin. Today, this breed of dog is one of the symbols of this territory. The dog has a fairly strong and proportional build, its body is covered with curly, dense hair.

The animal plays the role of a pet perfectly. The Water Spaniel is even-tempered, friendly and active. He quickly becomes attached not only to his owner, but also to all members of the family in which he lives.

The spaniel can tolerate a variety of negative environmental conditions and has a pronounced sense of smell.


Companion dogs are those animals that are suitable for home keeping. These animals differ from the categories described above primarily in their character. Companions are friendly and easy-to-care pets.


The Pomsky is a breed that is essentially a crossbreed. Thus, the variety is a cross between a Pomeranian Spitz from England and a Husky from Siberia. People often call Pomskies “mini-huskies.” In appearance, the dogs are very attractive: they are small in size and have fluffy fur. If we talk about numerical characteristics and indicators, the largest representative of the Pomsky can reach 5 kilograms in weight, and its height does not exceed 40 centimeters.

Today, scientists and veterinarians distinguish several subgroups of Pomsky: fox Pomsky, plush husky, white Pomsky, brown with blue eyes, short-haired.

The color of a dog can be very diverse, but the most popular is the color that resembles that of a husky.


This breed of dog is considered decorative. It, like the previous variety, is a cross. Breeding of the animal involved such breeds as beagle and pug. In fact, there is no single standard regarding the appearance of this dog breed. Animals can have a variety of colors or different anatomical structures.

The idea of ​​​​breeding puggles belongs to an American breeder named Vols Havens. He began his breeding activities in 1990. At the official level, this breed is not recognized today.


(c) American Kennel Club
Notable Honorees:

Poodles roamed the hallways of the White House during the Nixon and Kennedy administrations.

What people like about them:

"We've been very popular for a very long time," says Susan Burge, president of the Poodle Club of America, who notes that the breed, which originated as duck hunters in Germany, has been on the list for many years. “Poodles, unlike other breeds, come in three different sizes and different shades. So I think diversity is part of it. The other reality is that we have non-shedding coats, and I think poodles get the most exposure for that.”

She says a well-bred poodle is first and foremost very smart, so if you get one, put on your thinking cap.

“The worst possible combination is a smart poodle and a dumb owner,” says Burge. “Because the poodle will play with this owner no matter what.” They're going to test the limits a little bit."

It's clear that people love poodles and vice versa.

"They don't care if you want to run in the park or if you want to spend all day on the couch, they want to be with people," she says. “This is not a dog that does well in isolation.”

Selection of breeds

In this selection you can find the most popular types of American dog breeds.

Fighting dogs

For a long time, American breeders were breeding fighting dog breeds, which needed to be made larger, stronger, more powerful, and ruthless than other dog breeds.

Such dogs took part in dog fights.

The first American fighting dog breed was registered as the Pit Bull Terrier.

Prominent representatives of fighting breeds of American dogs are:

  • - bandog;
  • - Staffordshire Terrier;
  • - American bulldog;
  • - bully.

Also, one of the most popular breeds of American dogs is the American Akita.

Akitas are large dogs with a loyal and kind character, loving freedom, movement, and long walks.

Based on the history of the origin of these breeds, when getting a fighting dog, you must remember about its timely and proper upbringing, since fighting genes can manifest themselves if you miss the moment of training, and you risk getting a very dangerous animal.


(c) American Kennel Club
Notable Honorees:

According to the BBC, a rescued Rotty named Jake was awarded an RSPCA award in the United Kingdom for chasing down a woman who attacked her in 2010.

What people like about them:

The AKC notes that they are loyal, loving guardians who do well when trained early and given a task.

“I can tell you that this is one of the few types of dogs that will try to trick you, they can be quite cunning,” says dog trainer Jill Kessler-Miller, who serves on the board of directors of the Rottweiler Club of America.

The working breed has been used in a variety of applications, including human protection, search and rescue, and police work.

“A trait that most of us value very much is how extremely gentle and sensitive they are to people who are vulnerable or compromised. They have the ability to assess a situation (a room, a person) and adapt quickly,” Kessler-Miller says. “My own dog Nemo is a complete goofball and is all about everything 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But when we went to the hospital, he 'knew' how to slow down and became gentle and careful with people who were very sick and hooked up to multiple machines."

American dog breeds: varieties and selection tips

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American dogs are a fairly popular category of four-legged pets. Animals are divided into several groups, each of which has its own individual characteristics and characteristics.

German Shorthaired Pointer

(c) American Kennel Club
Notable Honorees:

The 3-year-old GSP, known as CJ, won Best in Show at the 2016 Westminster Dog Show.

What people like about them:

The qualities that attract people to the breed—athleticism, enthusiasm and friendliness, according to the AKC—have worked wonders this year. The German-born competitive hunter moved from 10th place in 2022 to ninth in 2022, its highest position since the breed was recognized in 1930.

Labrador may have taken first place, but GSP definitely deserves an honorable mention.

“The German Shorthaired Pointer should be considered, however,” AKC Executive Secretary Gina DiNardo said in a statement when the list was made public. “This jack of all trades in the signage world has slowly but steadily gained popularity over the years. People continue to fall in love with his versatility, exceptional intelligence and willingness to please.”


Most American dog breeds were officially registered only in the 80s, but there are also relatively ancient dog breeds whose roots lay in America.

Americans, according to statistics, keep about 70 million dogs, the majority of which are European breeds.

Most often, Americans own Labradors, which are of Canadian origin.

Below are the cities of America, and the dog breeds that are most loved by the residents of this city:

  1. New York - French bulldog;
  2. Los Angeles - Golden Retriever;
  3. San Francisco - German Shepherd.

Many American dog breeds are not well known, but are still attractive for their physical and external characteristics and unique character, corresponding to the country from which they come.

Over time, American breeders moved away from breeding exclusively fighting breeds of dogs, and today, many representatives of American breeds become truly domestic and full-fledged members of families around the world.

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