Grandorf dog food: composition, reviews from veterinarians


Today we will tell you about one of the most popular lines of food for dogs and cats - Grandorf food. I would like to start with the fact that these foods belong to the Holistic class.

Holistics are a new generation of food, for the preparation of which only high-quality ingredients suitable for human consumption are used. They are perfectly balanced, adapted to the metabolism and other characteristics of animals of different ages and sizes, and have excellent taste properties.

This type of food is the most expensive compared to economy, premium and super-premium, but at the same time the most popular, as it perfectly matches the physiology of dogs and cats, which, in fact, these lines are aimed at. All diets are easily digestible, supply the body with necessary substances in sufficient quantities, maintain the coat and skin in a beautiful and healthy condition, and help the animal maintain youth and activity.

The Grandorf line is produced in Belgium, and the production process itself meets strict European quality standards. At the same time, the price of feed remains quite affordable. The company manages to maintain an affordable price thanks to its Russian roots. Why Russian? And all because the Grandorf company was founded and registered in Russia, but at the same time, feed is manufactured and packaged abroad in compliance with all technologies. The founders of the brand place the main emphasis on quality, while advertising costs are minimal, which has a positive effect on the cost.

For example, at the beginning of 2022, the average cost of a package of Grandorf food weighing 3 kg was 1,460 rubles, and 12 kg - 4,850 rubles. If we compare the price with Akana and Wolfsblatt feeds (holistic competitors), you will notice that the average price for two kilogram packages was 1,421 and 1,600 rubles, respectively. As we can see, this price is comparable or even higher compared to three-kilogram packages of Grandorf food. That is, relatively speaking, for the same money you can buy a whole kilogram more of Grandorf!

The main goal of the company is to preserve the health of dogs and cats, which is directly reflected in the recipe and quality of food. By the way, when developing food, the opinion of veterinarians, technologists, professional breeders and private dog owners was taken into account, while food is produced in factories equipped with modern equipment. This integrated approach allows us to obtain a natural, healthy and tasty product for our beloved pets.

Grandorf – holistic food

Holistic is a balanced food of the highest quality. Translated from Greek it means “whole.” Therefore, manufacturers who use the term “holistic” in the name of their food usually talk about its quality. Holistics contain a large amount of protein. Usually at least 70%. They also have a natural composition, healthy ingredients, a high content of vitamins, microelements and prebiotics to improve digestion. Holistics do not contain by-products, stabilizers, flavors or harmful additives. This is a new generation food. There are holistic grains, which usually contain white or brown rice. And grain-free, they usually have fruits and vegetables as their source of carbohydrates. But in any case, no matter what the manufacturer writes on the front side of the food, we are interested in its composition. Here's what you should really pay attention to when choosing food for your four-legged friend.

Grandorf for cats - types

Many veterinarians and experienced breeders advise owners of four-legged animals to purchase high-quality food and not feed their pets from the table. Grandorf cat and dog food has an excellent balanced composition, an overview of the varieties of which is presented below:

  1. A distinctive feature of the brand’s dry food is that it uses four types of high-quality meat: turkey, duck, lamb and rabbit. Chicken is not included in the composition when producing dry food. There is also a fish diet, which includes Atlantic cod and herring meat. Carbohydrates included - brown rice and sweet potatoes - are suitable even for animals with sensitive digestion.
  2. The brand's line of wet food comes in a wider variety of flavors. The brand's canned food consists exclusively of meat (chicken, duck) and seafood (salmon, tuna, crab meat, sea bass, mussels, shrimp). They do not contain grains. The sauce is your own meat or fish juice.

Dry food Grandorf for cats

As you know, cats are carnivores, and in the wild their diet is dominated by meat. Cereals and other products are present in minimal quantities. Based on this, experts have developed three types of Grandorf dry food for cats:

  1. Low grain feed
    . It contains dehydrated turkey meat and fat, Antarctic krill, brown rice and sweet potato. Vitamin supplements in small quantities include: dried carrots, chicory, cranberries, flax seeds.
  2. Low grain food with probiotics
    . This type of food contains special bacteria – probiotics – that help improve your pet’s digestion.
  3. Grain-free food
    does not contain grains. It includes only fish, turkey fat and meat, Antarctic krill, sweet potatoes, spinach, apples, cranberries and chicory.

Grandorf wet food for cats

The brand's canned food is presented in the form of metal jars containing 70 g of food. Grandorf wet food is made from selected chilled HUMAN GRADE meat and fish fillets. Prepared in its own juice. The food has good taste and a pleasant aroma for animals. The owners claim that even the most picky pets will like this food.

Grandorf dog food range

The Grandorf brand produces dry and wet dog food. It is worth noting that the main food should be dry food. It is well balanced and quite nutritious. And canned food is an addition and can be used as a treat. Wet food is lighter. And they are not suitable as the main food. It is better to use a mixed type of feeding. The basis is dry food and you can additionally add canned food. Moreover, dogs usually love them very much. After all, they are very close to natural food. Dry food provides sufficient chewing load, which is the prevention of tartar.

The Grandorf food line is divided into low-grain and grain-free. There is food for puppies and adult dogs, for large and small breeds. The main component is lamb, fish, duck or rabbit meat. The food has a good natural composition with a high percentage of protein, which is very organic for pets.

Manufacturer information

Dog food under the Grandorf brand has been on the French market for about 50 years. Today, all production has been transferred to 2 factories - United Petfood Producers NV in Belgium and MONGE&C. SpA in Italy.

A distinctive feature of the brand is the feed production process: production is carried out only from natural products with strict adherence to the developed recipe. All stages of preparation take place at low temperatures, which allows you to preserve intact all the beneficial microelements of the products used.

The food appeared on the Russian market in 2009 and quickly entered it thanks to competent self-PR on thematic forums. Veterinarians quite often recommend Grandorf food for pets with digestive problems. The products cannot be purchased at a regular pet store; they are distributed online. This explains its low price compared to competitors of the same level.

Dry dog ​​food Grandorf

We suggest studying the composition of dry dog ​​food using the example of Lamb and Brown Rice food. In first place is dehydrated (dried) lamb and turkey meat. It contains amino acids, vitamins and microelements. Next comes brown rice for better digestion and absorption. And again fresh lamb and turkey. Turkey fat is used as flavoring. Which is very good. It is rich in amino acids and is beneficial for your pet's coat and skin. But it is worth noting that if stored incorrectly, it can give off a bitter taste, which your four-legged friend will not really like.

This factor must be taken into account and ensure proper storage of feed. Food should be stored in a cool, dry and dark place. And be sure to close it tightly. And, of course, it is necessary to monitor the expiration date. This was the main team. Another advantage of the food is that it contains useful additives of plant origin, which have a beneficial effect on health, immunity and digestion. Chicory extract is a source of the prebiotic inulin, which takes care of your pet’s digestive system, regulates blood sugar and helps maintain immunity.

The next addition is carob flour. Contains prebiotics pectin and lignin, which normalize intestinal microflora. Next come dried apples. And this is fiber, which is also necessary for digestion. Dried Antarctic krill is a source of amino acids and contains choline, which has a beneficial effect on the pet’s body and its nervous system. Further, the composition includes brewer's yeast, which contains vitamin B. Chondroitin and glucosamine are building materials for joints and cartilage.

Mythylsulfonylmethane is a natural ingredient that is extracted from pine bark and brown algae. It is beneficial for your pet's skin and coat. The next supplement is cranberry extract. It contains vitamin C and takes care of the genitourinary system of pets. Cranberry regulates the acidity of urine, which prevents urolithiasis. Cranberries are also a natural antiseptic. Yucca Schidigera is a plant of the agaaceae family that fights bad bacteria in the pet's intestines and reduces the smell of feces. And the composition is completed by a mixture of natural antioxidants. This is a mixture of rosemary extract, grape seeds, turmeric, and citrus fruits. Rosemary and turmeric are preservatives and contribute to longer shelf life of the feed. The composition of the feed is natural and healthy, which is good news.

Reviews from veterinarians and buyers about the food

Dog owners and veterinarians are happy to share their opinions about the pet foods they use.

Owner reviews about Grandorf:

  • Tatyana, owner of a two-year-old Spitz:

“My princess is very picky about food; she doesn’t eat everything, regardless of the class of food. After refusing to eat another food, I came across reviews about Grandorf and bought a small package to try. The baby eats it with pleasure, so we decided to stay with it, just changing the tastes. My favorite is rabbit, it is more dietary and has less odor than other flavors. The main advantage is that the dog does not get bored with it. The downside is that you can’t buy it in a store, and there’s no zip fastener on the bag.”

  • Victoria, mother of a one-year-old bull terrier:

“Our baby eats absolutely any food, there are no problems with this, but to a low-quality composition, a reaction immediately begins to appear in the form of hair falling out. We decided to try Grandorf and chose lamb for juniors. We were more than pleased with the results of the tests, ordered a large package and have now switched to the medium.

What this food gave us: the coat is shiny and almost does not fall out. Another bonus is a nice price for a super-premium and convenient large packaging.”

Reviews from veterinarians about Grandorf food:

  • Ekaterina Viktorovna, veterinarian with 12 years of experience:

“Grandorf is a great option for dogs with allergies. The percentage of meat or fish is not lower than 60%, which is a high figure. But you need to keep in mind that a fairly large amount of fat is suitable only for active dogs. During seasons of low mobility, it is better to replace it with other food or monitor the pet’s weight. If you gain weight, reduce portions. Transferring from other brands is easy for our patients.”

Reviews from dog owners from thematic forums:

Assortment of cat food

Grandorf cat food is available in several lines. This is food for adult cats, for sterilized cats and a grain-free line for cats sensitive to this component. There are dry and wet food. To ensure your pet gets everything it needs, it is recommended to combine dry and wet food. But the basis should be dry food, which is more nutritious and prevents tartar. All foods contain at least 70% animal protein. We propose to analyze the composition of feed in more detail.


The reviews included both approval and negative assessments. This is fine. One dog is not suitable for holistic, but feels great on economy class food. If you want to get an idea about the product, consider the opinion of the specialist and dog owners. A veterinarian can analyze the composition of the food, but unless he has conducted an experiment on his own dog, the nuances will slip away.

Dog breeders can make mistakes and violate feeding rules. For example, they combine natural food with ready-made food. The dog develops indigestion. The dog owner concludes that the food is of poor quality.

A sudden change in diet or additional intake of vitamins can lead to hair loss. On this basis, it is alleged that the dog was poisoned with ready-made holistic food.

Veterinarian review

Evgeniy, veterinarian. I analyzed the composition of food mixtures, assessed the assortment taking into account different tastes, found out the opinions of dog owners about the food, and made the following conclusions:

  1. The food meets the requirements for ready-made holistic food.
  2. The relatively low protein content is compensated by a balanced amino acid composition.
  3. With regard to fiber content, an outdated research method played a cruel joke. When determining the crude fiber content, pectin substances and soluble fibers, which in this feed are sufficient to ensure normal digestion, are not taken into account.

Watch your pet. If he is cheerful, active, his coat is shiny, the feeder is empty, his stool is regular without digestive disorders, then the food is adequate. It cannot be ruled out that your pet may be intolerant to certain components. Overall, I think Grandorf foods are high quality and recommend them for your dog.

Customer Reviews

Dog owners expressed different opinions about the food:

Evelina, Dolgoprudny. I have a poodle, nine years old. The fur has become dull. An unpleasant odor appeared from the mouth; upon closer examination, I discovered a yellowish coating on the teeth. I took her to the clinic and spent money on cleaning my teeth. It helped for a while, but then the unpleasant symptoms returned. I changed the food, there was an improvement, then it got even worse. Skin rashes appeared, hair fell off, and the pet was constantly itching. The clinic advised me to try the Lamb with Rice Mini food for small dogs. At first the pet did not eat willingly and begged. Showed willpower. She gave nothing but dry food. After a month, my pet was unrecognizable. It stopped itching, the fur became thicker and shinier. I have an appetite. We have been eating Grandorf food for 4 months now. I am happy with the food and recommend it to other dog breeders.

Dry food Grandorf cats

Let's look at dry food using the example of food 4 types of meat with brown rice for cats. The composition includes dehydrated turkey, duck and rabbit meat, which are rich in protein, vitamins and amino acids. Next is brown rice, which is an excellent source of fiber and promotes excellent digestion. Next comes dehydrated lamb and fresh turkey. Additional ingredients include turkey fat, which contains amino acids and promotes good skin and coat condition. Salmon oil is rich in omega 3 and helps support immunity. Dried Antarctic krill is rich in protein and omega 3. Good for the heart, brain and nervous system. Dried green apple is a natural antioxidant and source of fiber. Dried cranberries are a natural antioxidant and antiseptic that cleanses the liver and kidneys. Helps prevent urolithiasis. Contains a complex of natural and living prebiotics. And vitamin C and rosemary work as a natural preservative. As can be seen from the ingredients, the composition is natural and rich in protein, vitamins, antioxidants, and microelements.

Grandorf canned food for cats

Grandorf canned food can serve as a good treat and addition to dry food. The line for cats includes canned food with very interesting ingredients. For example, chicken breast with crab meat. Ingredients: chicken breast 50%, crab meat 25% and broth 25%. Chicken breast is a white dietary meat that is rich in proteins, low in fat and high in amino acids. Crab meat contains iodine, which is good for the thyroid gland. The manufacturer did not provide information about the broth. The next canned food is chicken breast with duck. We talked about chicken breast above. And duck fillet is rich in amino acids and is hypoallergenic. There are canned tuna fillets and shrimp. Tuna fillet is rich in amino acids, potassium, phosphorus, and iodine. Tuna is very well digestible. The composition of canned food is natural, healthy and varied. And even the most picky gourmets will like it.

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