Mating and birth of Alabaev. How long do pregnant dogs last?

Central Asian Shepherds most often have a calm disposition and an extraordinary mind. The combination of such qualities often makes Alabai owners want to mate their beloved dog at home to produce purebred puppies. Owners of female dogs should understand that pregnancy and childbirth of shepherd dogs are serious physiological processes that can provoke chronic diseases or take a complicated form.

Most often, with decent feeding, maintenance and constant control of the owner, the pregnancy of the Alabai bitch ends in a successful birth and the birth of charming fluffy offspring, similar to curious, affectionate bear cubs.

How long does a pregnant Alabai dog walk?

The Alabai pregnancy lasts 9 weeks, that is, approximately 63-65 days, although sometimes the bitch can give birth 58 or 72 days from the date of mating. Determining the date of birth can be difficult in the case of uncontrolled matings or matings with several males, so it is recommended that after planned mating until the end of the heat, keep the dog on a short leash and exclude contact with males.

The increase or decrease in gestational age depends on the individual characteristics of the animal, the day of mating, age and the number of fetuses in the uterus. A small pregnancy lasts longer; the dog carries 1-2 large puppies for 70-72 days.

During a prolonged pregnancy, the owner of a dog is advised to monitor the condition of the expectant mother and fetus from a specialist; sometimes an emergency caesarean section may be required to save their life.

During a multiple pregnancy, the Central Asian Shepherd brings puppies on the 58-61st day from the date of mating. Sometimes early birth is a pathology of pregnancy, caused by injury, young or old age, chronic diseases or exhaustion of the dog.

The number of puppies in the litter affects the length of pregnancy


Pregnancy in large breeds, for example, Alabais, lasts within 9 weeks, including three trimesters. Standards have been established for each stage of offspring development. It is difficult to determine on your own the exact date of birth of puppies, especially if more than one mating occurred during estrus. Full-fledged and healthy puppies are born between 53 and 71 days after fertilization. If you fundamentally need to know the gestation period of the offspring for several matings, it is better to visit a veterinarian and have an ultrasound diagnostic done. It is possible to independently determine whether a dog is pregnant based on a number of characteristic signs.

Signs of pregnancy

To obtain purebred puppies, it is recommended to breed a female with an Alabai male, who has an excellent pedigree, good health and pronounced exterior characteristics. The ideal option is to mate with a male chosen by the breeder.

Puberty of female Alabai occurs on average at 8-12 months, but the first mating of females is recommended in the third or fourth estrus at the age of 18-24 months. Early pregnancy seriously undermines the health of a young bitch, and can lead to a pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth, the birth of non-viable offspring and the development of chronic diseases.

You can understand that your beloved dog is pregnant by the animal’s behavior and characteristic external changes.

Behavior change

From the first days of pregnancy, pregnant females become calmer and more affectionate towards their owners, try to spend more time in a stationary position, and sleep more often. Some individuals, especially during low-fertility pregnancies, retain motor activity until birth. If the female looks very lethargic and gloomy, there is a dry nose, sneezing, and copious discharge from the loop, this may indicate the development of complications and requires immediate contact with a specialist.

Increased appetite and thirst

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the dog may show signs of early toxicosis, manifested in decreased appetite, vomiting and drowsiness. In healthy dogs, by the end of the first month this condition passes safely, and the female in the “position” begins to eat and drink more often. This behavior is due to the additional consumption of fluid, protein and microelements for the proper establishment and development of all vital organ systems of the fetus. If vomiting and refusal to feed do not stop, it is necessary to urgently show the dog to a veterinarian.

Increased urination

As a result of the uterus squeezing the bladder, the pregnant bitch begins to urinate more often.

Weight gain

From approximately the 35th day, the female begins to recover intensively; by the time she gives birth, the dog can add almost half of its original weight. From the moment weight gain begins, there are usually 30 days left until delivery.

Abdominal enlargement

From the 40th day, a change in the external appearance of the female occurs, the waist gradually thickens, and the belly becomes rounded and increases in volume. In primiparous bitches or in low-fertility pregnancies, such characteristic changes may be absent.

An enlarged abdomen and nipples are signs of pregnancy alabai

Loop change

Shortly before birth, the vagina becomes swollen, moist and red; at 5 weeks and 2 weeks before birth, mucous discharge is observed from the loop. If, throughout pregnancy, green, yellow, brown or red and foul-smelling mucus is secreted from the animal’s genitals, the dog must be shown to a specialist in order to avoid premature birth or death of the bitch.

Nipple enlargement

20-25 days before giving birth, the nipples of a pregnant shepherd dog become bright, increase in size, the skin of the udder brightens, and within 10 days a small amount of colostrum is released. In firstborns, the formation of colostrum shortly or immediately at the time of birth is considered normal.


On average, pregnancy in dogs lasts 58–64 days, but some bitches give birth earlier or later than this period. Babies born between 53 and 72 days usually survive.
The time of birth is primarily influenced by the number of puppies. If there are a lot of them, then the bitch will most likely give birth 1-2 days earlier. In almost all dogs, pregnancy develops in the same way; deviations are possible only for either very large or very small breeds.

Firstborn - what to pay attention to?

It should be remembered that a dog’s first pregnancy is always stressful, not only for the dog, but often for its owner as well. The bitch experiences constant anxiety due to the fact that her body is forced to adapt to a new state, and the owner, in turn, is worried about the health of his pet and future puppies.

The owner of the bitch must remember that pregnancy is not a disease and that all the changes that occur with his dog are natural and physiological.

At the beginning of pregnancy, unpleasant symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting may appear. The dog may become lethargic and apathetic. Sometimes she behaves restlessly, becomes irritable and fussy.

By the end of the third week, the bitch’s health improves. Thick, mucous, almost colorless discharge begins to come out of the loop. And this is the first sign that indicates the bitch is pregnant.

Other signs of pregnancy:

  • 35–30 days: the bitch’s weight increases, the ribs begin to round;
  • no more than 20 days: the vagina swells, the discharge becomes less thick and more abundant;
  • 15–10 days: mammary glands swell;
  • 3–2 days: the temperature drops slightly, milk appears;
  • no more than 1 day: the temperature drops to 36.5°, appetite decreases, sometimes even to the point of complete refusal of food.

How many puppies does an Alabai bear?

Pregnancy in females of this breed lasts on average 60–65 days, but sometimes birth can occur a day or two earlier than this. Also, how long the pregnancy will last is influenced by the conditions in which the dog is kept, the characteristics of its genetics and previous illnesses. Some bitches always give birth on the same day, but for other dogs their due date shifts each time.

If this happens due to the individual characteristics of the bitch, then there is nothing wrong with this inconstancy. It’s another matter if such shifts in the timing of the next birth occur due to health problems. It is possible that the dog has a hormonal imbalance. In the latter case, it makes sense to consult a veterinarian: often hormonal imbalance affects the general health of both the bitch and her puppies.

On the eve of childbirth

A couple of weeks before giving birth, select a room or part of the room where the bitch will give birth and later raise her children, and arrange a maternity box or playpen for her there. The pet should also begin to be accustomed to this room and to the box or pen about two weeks before giving birth.

IMPORTANT! The place where the dog and puppies will live must be clean, dry and not in a draft.

Prepare all the necessary tools and materials and put them in a box so that they are at hand at the right time. You will need:

  • scissors to cut the umbilical cord, and sterilized raw white thread to tie it;
  • several bedding;
  • ironed diapers and gauze napkins;
  • a cardboard box with a heating pad, lined with a soft towel;
  • antiseptic for wiping hands and tools;
  • iodine or brilliant green;
  • scales;
  • small syringe;
  • petrolatum;
  • colored woolen threads to mark puppies;
  • thermometer;
  • whole goat milk or formula for feeding puppies;
  • broth or milk for the bitch.

Alabai pregnancy by week

The progress of a successful pregnancy in Alabai is evidenced by characteristic changes in the fetuses and females week by week. Many owners in the first month of their pet’s pregnancy do not yet notice the important changes occurring in the dog’s body.

1 Week

After the first mating, it is advisable to repeat the mating a day later to consolidate the result. After ovulation, on the 3rd day, the egg is fertilized with male sperm, and a zygote is formed. The fertilized egg divides sequentially and travels through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity. During this period the dog behaves as usual.

2 week

In the second week of the embryo’s life, the zygote attaches to the uterine mucosa and the formation of the placenta begins. The first organs begin to form in the embryo. The dog becomes very affectionate and fawns over its owners all the time. Some individuals experience early toxicosis, which is manifested by decreased appetite, lethargy and drowsiness, sometimes vomiting and diarrhea.

3 week

The embryo continues to develop internal organs and the nervous system is formed. By the end of the third week, the formation of the placenta ends, which throughout the entire pregnancy will be the organ of respiration, nutrition and excretion of the future puppy. The bitch's symptoms of early toxicosis disappear, the dog becomes lethargic, inactive and sleeps a lot.

4 week

The first half of pregnancy is coming to an end. The embryo has already formed a heart, liver, sensory organs and teeth, and the skull and jaws are hardening. In the fourth week, an experienced breeder or veterinarian can use palpation to confirm the fact of pregnancy; dog owners are not recommended to palpate the fetuses through the abdominal wall on their own. By the end of the fourth week, it is advisable to do an ultrasound. From the end of the first month, it is necessary to protect the female from stress, training, active games, and jumping from heights. Treatment against external and internal parasites and vaccinations are prohibited.

5 week

In fruits, calcium is deposited in the skeleton and the digestive system is formed. The female begins to increase in volume: there is an increase in weight, expansion of the ribs, smoothing of the waist and rounding of the abdomen. The nipples become pink, the skin of the udder is light. At 4-5 weeks, light mucus is released from the female’s loop, indicating a change in hormonal levels.

week 6

The fetuses develop fur and develop reproductive organs. The bitch may notice a noticeable enlargement of the mammary glands and loss of hair around the nipples.

week 7

The fruits continue to grow, the babies' skeletal bones continue to grow, and the fruits can be felt through the dog's abdominal wall like hard lumps. The bitch is preparing for the birth of her offspring, carefully licks the nipples and begins to look for a secluded place to give birth. At this stage, you can build a maternity block for the shepherd from wooden boards and place the animal in it.

8 week

The fruits already look like small Alabais, they have already gained 2/3 of their weight at birth. At week 8, you can feel the babies moving confidently through the dog’s belly. The female may have a change in appetite; the female may pick at her food and refuse her usual food. The dog must be fed several times a day in small portions, the daily food intake should be increased by 1.5 times. Multiparous females produce and excrete colostrum. During this period, the mucous plug, which served as a natural protective barrier, is released.

Video: pregnant bitch Alabaya 58 day

Week 9

The fetuses are already ready to be born; in case of multiple pregnancy, normal labor and delivery of viable puppies occurs at the 9th week. Before giving birth, the bitch experiences anxiety due to an increase in intraperitoneal pressure, the abdomen drops, swells and the loop enlarges. Immediately 18-24 hours before birth, under the influence of hormones, the rectal temperature drops by 1-1.5 degrees. The body temperature remains at 37C for 24 hours, then it rises and labor begins.

Everything about the rules of mating and childbirth among Alabais

In order for future pregnancy and childbirth in Alabai to be successful, thorough preparation is required for mating. To do this, you should know what is typical for the process of puberty in a representative of this breed. Physically, a dog’s body becomes ready for mating and childbirth at the age of 8–12 months.

Nevertheless, it is better not to rush into mating dogs: at 8 months, pregnancy for an animal is a serious test that will entail stress for the body. Moreover, such a problem can affect not only females, but also males. The thing is that mating a dog, if it occurs at too early an age, also causes various diseases, which you will have to fight for quite a long time.

If you look at the recommendations of experts, it is believed that males can be bred at the age of 24 months, and females at 20 months.

There is no point in saying that these indicators are truly accurate, since much depends on the individual characteristics of the dog’s puberty. That is why, first of all, you need to pay attention to how your pet is in heat.

Most owners focus on the third heat, believing that it is during this period that the bitch is finally ready to mate and bear puppies.

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All about heat

How many days does an Alabai's heat last, and how to properly care for your four-legged friend during this problematic period - sooner or later every owner of a bitch of this breed will have to face this problem. As a rule, a female dog's first heat begins at the age of two years. There may be minor shifts for a couple of months.

Discharge in Alabais occurs once a year - from August to February. It is at this time that it is recommended to breed a dog. However, there are cases when the Central Asian Shepherd goes into heat twice a year. In this situation, it is better to start mating dogs in the spring.

Remember that mating Alabais, as well as all subsequent concerns associated with the bitch’s pregnancy and subsequent births, will not be cheap. It’s better to weigh the pros and cons in advance if you plan to breed.

If the dog participates in exhibitions and receives good marks, its chances of a successful mating will only increase. But if, after several exhibitions, your pet continues to be without an “excellent” rating, it is not recommended to deal with it.

Most likely, your costs will not pay off.

How to prepare and carry out mating

In order for an adult Alabai bitch to successfully become pregnant, it is necessary to prepare for mating. First of all, you are required to regularly keep a special diary. Here, write down in detail the features of each heat, including its frequency, the nature and intensity of discharge, the condition of the loop, as well as the reaction to the male.

In this case, you will accurately determine the moment that is optimal for planning the dog’s mating. About a month and a half before knitting an alabai, be sure to check the health status of your pet. To do this, it is advisable to conduct a special medical analysis, the main purpose of which is to identify hidden anaerobic infections. This includes staphylococci, streptococci, etc.

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As a rule, your pet may not have external manifestations of these ailments.

However, it is often these diseases that cause the death of puppies at an early age. A month before the start of estrus, it is also recommended to treat the bitch for skin parasites. Give preference to non-toxic drugs.

The mating itself, as a rule, takes place 9–14 days after the start of estrus.

Mating is carried out in two ways:

  • free. This method is applicable if the bitch has already shown a clear interest in the male, and he, in turn, has some experience in this matter;
  • manual. There are times when a bitch does not allow a male dog to approach her. In this case, it is better to put a muzzle on her so that she does not bite him. In this case, during the mating process, you will need to hold your pet by the collar and belly.

In order for the mating of adult Alabais to be effective, the procedure will need to be repeated after 1–2 days. Dogs should be brought together in the morning after an active walk. It is not advisable to feed them before mating.

Pregnancy and dog care

The gestation period for an Alabai female is 60–65 days.

A month after mating, she gains weight and becomes quite aggressive towards other females. Already in the fifth week, changes are noticeable to the naked eye: the abdomen in the rib area increases. About a week before the onset of labor, a pregnant dog begins to look for a secluded place. Create a small corner for her where she will feel comfortable.

How to prepare for and deliver a baby

When the pregnancy is coming to an end, it is very important to competently provide assistance to your pet. What’s interesting is that Alabais have a large litter: 6–10 puppies; cases of 17–20 babies being born from one bitch are not uncommon.

As soon as you notice the first signs of labor, be sure to wash the dog’s perineum and belly with warm water and toilet soap, and then wipe dry. Typically, a dog breeder's task is to monitor a woman in labor and receive newborn puppies.

It is recommended to immediately clear their muzzle of mucus and amniotic fluid.

Similar article: How to choose the right healthy and strong Alabai puppy

“Childbirth at Alabai”

In this video you will see a fragment of the birth of an Alabai.

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How many puppies does Alabai give birth to?

Females of Central Asian Shepherds give birth to numerous litters, usually 6-10 puppies. Some individuals may even have 20 puppies in a litter.

The number of babies in the litter depends on:

  • individual characteristics and age of the female;
  • day of mating;
  • health;
  • quality of feeding and keeping of the animal.

Broods of 6-8 cubs are optimal, since the female has only 5 pairs of nipples for feeding newborns.

The older the mother is, the fewer puppies she brings.

For the first time, 5-10 puppies are born to an Alabai, the number of newborns directly depends on the number of eggs in the female’s body that are ready for fertilization. Up to 7 years of age, with sufficient feeding and maintenance, the bitch can bear numerous litters. At the age of 7-8 years, a dog most often gives birth to 1-3 puppies. After 8 years of age, it is not recommended to breed a female to avoid producing small and weak puppies and causing harm to the health of an adult animal.


For the first time, bitches of the Alabai breed “heat” at the age of 7–10 months, and the first heat may be shorter and less pronounced than all subsequent ones. It usually lasts 21–24 days, followed by a period of inactivity lasting 6 to 8 months.
About a month before, the bitch becomes disobedient, can snap, loses her appetite, and sometimes even marks her territory.

Externally, estrus is manifested by swelling and enlargement of the external genitalia (loop) and discharge: initially bloody, and later lighter.

In the first days, the bitch does not allow male dogs to approach her; she growls and snaps if they try to approach her. But by the 8th–9th day of estrus, she begins to accept their advances and, if control is weakened, she can run away and mate on the side. By the fifteenth day the bitch becomes calmer. At this time, her ability to fertilize decreases, but she can still become pregnant, so constant monitoring of the dog is necessary.

ATTENTION! Estrus, especially the first one, is always stressful for the animal. You cannot scold and punish him unnecessarily. Also at this time it is necessary to protect the dog from hypothermia and ensure that its diet is balanced.

How to care for a pregnant Alabai

The owner of a Central Asian Shepherd dog must create the most comfortable and calm conditions for his pet, who is bearing puppies:

  • a pregnant bitch should be protected from stressful situations;
  • In the first month of pregnancy, the usual walking and eating regimen should be maintained; from the 5th week it is recommended to walk the dog often, but not for long. Walking should be done in direct sunlight, which promotes the accumulation of vitamin D in the fetus. In recent weeks, it is necessary to remove the animal upon request at any time of the day;
  • vaccination, flea treatment and deworming should be carried out 2 months before mating; during pregnancy, preventive measures can cause intrauterine death of puppies;
  • Jumping up, down and over barriers, running up stairs, active games, and going through tunnels should be limited to avoid abdominal injuries;
  • It is not recommended to bathe the female, allow her to swim in ponds and lie on damp ground or grass to avoid hypothermia or infection in the birth canal;
  • almost all medications are prohibited during pregnancy, medications are prescribed only by a veterinarian for pathologies that can cause premature birth or death of the bitch;
  • It is recommended to postpone all long trips during pregnancy so as not to expose the dog to unnecessary stress;
  • two weeks before giving birth, it is recommended to place the dog in a birthing unit, which should be in a dry, warm room.

Alabaev mating

It is recommended to untie a bitch of this breed on the third heat, but mating is best done on days 9–14.
In the very first days after the bitch has “flowed”, you should call the owner of the selected male and agree with him on the time of mating. It is necessary to discuss in advance all the conditions and how payment will be made. Usually, mating is either immediately paid for on the spot, or the owner of the male takes one or two puppies as payment for mating.

In this case, you should remember:

  • Only healthy dogs with a balanced temperament and a stable psyche can be bred.
  • Before mating, it is necessary to show the bitch to a veterinarian.
  • 3-4 weeks before estrus, it is necessary to give the bitch anthelmintic, since later, during pregnancy and nursing, this cannot be done.
  • For the first mating, you should select an experienced male.
  • It is advisable to invite an instructor who will tell you what to do if any difficulties arise.
  • As a rule, dogs are bred in the male territory: there he will behave more confidently.
  • It is better to knit dogs in the morning, without feeding them, but giving them a good walk.
  • It is advisable to have only three people present: the owner of the bitch, the owner of the dog and the instructor; strangers will only interfere.
  • Mating should be carried out in a calm environment.

There are two ways of knitting: freestyle and manual. In free mode, the dogs are left together for a while; in manual mode, the dogs are helped. The second method should be used only if the animals for some reason cannot breed on their own.

Both dogs should have collars, and if the “bride” is too obstinate, then she should be muzzled.

The owner of the bitch needs to hold her by the collar with one hand and under the belly with the other. A male dog usually does not need help, but sometimes, if he cannot reach the bitch’s loop, he has to be seated.

During mating, you should not shout at the dogs and, of course, under no circumstances should you force them apart. Owners should reassure their pets if they show indecisiveness, and, conversely, calm them down if they become overexcited.

One or two days after the main one, it is recommended to carry out a control mating, especially if there is no confidence that the first one was successful.

What to feed

Proper nutrition of a pregnant bitch is the key to a successful pregnancy, childbirth and the birth of healthy, strong offspring. Your pet's diet should be rich in protein, calcium, vitamins and minerals. Particular attention is paid to providing the dog with fresh drinking water around the clock.

In the first month, the feeding regimen does not change; from the 5th week it is recommended to increase the dog’s daily intake weekly. When using ready-made food, it is recommended to switch the animal to food for pregnant dogs. The amount of food during natural feeding increases due to protein products. Feeding from the second half of pregnancy should be frequent, but fractional. You should not allow the animal to overeat, which can cause pathological birth.

During pregnancy, it is mandatory to use vitamins A, D, E, B and mineral calcium supplements when feeding the dog under the supervision of a veterinarian. A lack or excess of calcium can cause eclampsia and the death of a dog in late pregnancy or after birth.

10 days before the expected date of birth of the puppies, it is recommended to reduce the amount of protein foods in the bitch’s diet, which are completely eliminated 5 days before giving birth. If the bitch refuses all types of food and feed, you can feed the pregnant woman meat in small quantities to maintain vital functions.

The diet of a pregnant Alabai with the traditional type of feeding should contain the following products:

  • raw lean beef or veal, boiled sea fish are sources of protein necessary for the formation of all organ systems of the fetus;
  • raw or stewed vegetables (carrots, zucchini, cauliflower), fresh herbs, seaweed, dried fruits, apples - sources of vitamins and microelements;
  • vitamin-mineral complex, brewer's yeast - given before, during and for 2 months after pregnancy;
  • a decoction of raspberry or fennel leaves is a lactogenic agent;
  • vegetable oil and fish oil are sources of fatty acids;
  • cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt are sources of calcium necessary for the formation of the fruit skeleton;
  • clean drinking water to renew amniotic fluid.

Physiological signs

Childbirth in canines occurs in three stages:

  • Preparation . The uterus begins to contract and the birth canal opens.
  • Contractions.
  • Birth of puppies and placenta.

Each of them has its own special physical manifestations, which will indicate the condition of the mother in labor and help determine whether veterinary care is needed.

During the first stage:

  • The stomach sags . This occurs due to relaxation of the abdominal and pelvic muscles. When viewed from above, the animal appears thinner. This happens in 2-7 days.
  • Puppies stop moving and expressing themselves in any way.
  • The nipples swell and change color . Colostrum begins to be released. For inexperienced people giving birth for the first time, this may not happen.
  • Before the actual onset, 24 to 9 hours before noticeable contractions, body temperature drops.
  • Diarrhea or vomiting may occur within a day . The body is trying to cleanse itself as much as possible so that nothing prevents the children from leaving.
  • The heartbeat gradually increases , breathing becomes fast and intermittent.
  • Removal of the plug . Whitish mucus is released from the loop. Its color may vary depending on the condition of the dog. Greenish and brown spots should not scare you, but darker colors, premature bleeding and a strong unpleasant odor are a reason to take the animal to the veterinary clinic as quickly as possible.
  • The first noticeable contractions begin . You can feel them if you put your hand on your stomach. The dog takes up space and assumes a comfortable position.
  • The amniotic sac bursts and the water breaks. At this moment, you need to be as careful as possible, since very often water is mistaken for urine, mistakenly believing that the dog just urinated in the wrong place.

After your water breaks, full-blown contractions begin. If there are none, too few or they are useless within 2-3 hours, the fetus cannot be palpated at the loop, then you should call a veterinarian at home or go to the clinic, since such a long delay can exhaust the dog and seriously harm both it and the offspring.

How to prepare for childbirth

At the 7-8th week of pregnancy, you can begin to prepare for the birth of your pet, so that when the long-awaited event occurs, everything you need is at hand.

Determining the due date

On the day of mating, the owner is advised to mark the mating date on the calendar and add 63-65 days to it, this will be the expected date of birth. It must be taken into account that childbirth in an Alabai can begin as early as the 58th day or occur only by the 72nd day of pregnancy, both conditions are considered the physiological norm.

Preparing the birth site

Alabais are most often kept outside in enclosures, but births can occur in the fall and winter, which can lead to hypothermia and death of the puppies and the bitch. Therefore, it is recommended 2 weeks before giving birth, regardless of the season, to move the bitch to the maternity unit, in which the mother will remain with the cubs for another month after giving birth.

The place for childbirth should be in a dry and warm room, in which the air temperature must initially be maintained at 28C. For heating, it is better to use an infrared lamp installed above the birth block. 10 days after the birth of the puppies, the temperature in the room is gradually reduced, bringing it to 20C to avoid overheating of the newborns.

In the maternity unit, it is necessary to install a playpen made of wooden panels measuring 2x2 m and the walls 50-70 cm high. A ledge must be built around the perimeter of the playpen so that the dog cannot crush the puppies. Before giving birth, one wall must be removed, since a pregnant bitch is prohibited from jumping over obstacles. Before giving birth, it is necessary to put oilcloth and cotton fabric folded in several layers on the bottom of the maternity unit.

Video: place for childbirth

Following a prenatal diet

10 days before giving birth, it is recommended to limit, and 5 days to exclude, protein foods and salt in order to avoid the occurrence of eclampsia, which can lead to the death of the pregnant bitch.

Preparing medications, instruments and essentials

During childbirth, there is no time to look for basic necessities, especially in situations where the life of the newborn and the giving birth completely depends on the timely provision of assistance by the owner.

Therefore, it is recommended to prepare the following medications in advance:

  • alcohol;
  • glucose solution;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • brilliant green;
  • sodium chloride and calcium gluconate;
  • no-shpu;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • syntomycin emulsion;
  • traumeel;
  • oxytocin;
  • vikasol;
  • diphenhydramine;
  • sulfocamphocaine;
  • vitamin B;
  • Carvalol.

Also during childbirth you will need the following items:

  • oilcloth;
  • heating pad and box for newborns;
  • cotton diapers or sheets;
  • sterile syringes, gloves, scissors, pipettes and tweezers;
  • cotton wool, silk and colored wool threads;
  • notebook;
  • scales;
  • pen;
  • watch;
  • bouillon;
  • goat milk;
  • drinking water.

Agreement with a specialist

Most often, a dog whelps at night, so if an emergency occurs, it will be quite problematic to find a veterinarian who is ready to go to your home at the first call to provide emergency assistance. Therefore, it is recommended to find and agree with a specialist in advance about a possible visit during pathological childbirth. The telephone numbers of the specialist and emergency veterinary assistance should be at hand; it is better to write them down on the first page of the notebook in which data about the newborns will be recorded.

How long can labor last for an Alabai?

During the final stages of a dog's pregnancy—about a week before the expected birth—owners should begin preparing for the birth of their puppies. Even if the dog is not pregnant for the first time, owners should not leave the animal unattended. Well, if this is the first birth, then the owners just need to know how to help the dog give birth safely.

Preparing for childbirth

If the birth takes place at home, you should find a dry, warm place without dampness or drafts. It is advisable that this is not the most fussy place in the house, otherwise the bitch will show excessive concern about her offspring and become nervous. It is better to build small sides around the birthing area to prevent puppies from spreading throughout the house.

The nest must be prepared in advance, otherwise the dog may whelp on the sofa or somewhere else that is completely unsuitable for this.

If you notice that the bitch has begun to hide in secluded places, climbing under chairs, under cabinets, in narrow spaces between walls and furniture, this is a sure sign of an approaching birth.

All unnecessary rooms should be closed and the dog should be sent to a specially equipped place.

The space for childbirth should be divided into two parts (for resting the bitch and walking the puppies) and cover it with sheets, folding them in several layers. You can prepare a special box for puppies.

It is worth taking care of safe heating: an infrared lamp, which must be fixed above the socket, is suitable for these purposes. The optimal temperature for newborns in the first 10 days is 28 degrees. Then it needs to be lowered to 20.

Overheating and hypothermia are equally harmful for puppies. You can give birth on a sofa covered with oilcloth and sheets.

Other items that may be needed during childbirth:

    Large pieces of soft material that will serve as towels for drying the puppies. Before use, you need to iron them with a hot iron to disinfect. Sterile scissors, tweezers and pipettes. Thermometer. Syringes. Cotton wool. Gauze napkins. Silk threads. Pencil and notepad. Scales. Rubber heating pad.

The following medications may also be needed:

    Alcohol. Glucose (5% in ampoules). Hydrogen peroxide. Calcium gluconate. Cordiamine (for possible resuscitation of weak puppies).

Before giving birth, long-haired dogs need to have the hair on their bellies and around the future birth opening trimmed.

Some dog handlers do not advise interfering with the process of natural childbirth, however, some breeds of dwarf dogs give birth quite difficultly, and the presence of the owner is simply necessary.

Dog breeds with a lot of facial hair may have difficulty biting the umbilical cord. Other dogs can give birth without outside help, but in the presence of their owners they feel calm and less nervous.

Behavior before childbirth, especially in primiparous bitches, is most often restless and nervous. The dog whines and rushes around the room. A couple of days before giving birth, dogs' backs sag and their stomachs sag greatly. Many animals refuse to eat.

Another sure sign of labor is a drop in temperature to about 36.5 degrees. This is a sign that labor will begin in the next 24 hours. How long childbirth lasts depends on the individual characteristics of the breed. The process can last from 3 hours to a day.

A dog breeder, especially a beginner, should ask a veterinarian in advance about how normal childbirth occurs and in what cases you need to seek help. The doctor's phone number should be kept handy during childbirth.

A couple of hours before contractions, the vagina in bitches swells sharply and mucus is released from it, which in some small breeds may not be noticeable. If the discharge is profuse and dark green in color, then veterinary attention is needed and a caesarean section may have to be performed.

Childbirth begins with contractions - involuntary muscle contractions, subtle at first, and then more and more intense. The bitch begins to tremble, scratch her paws on the floor, and her breathing and heart rate increase. This is a natural process of expansion of the birth canal.

During the initial period of labor, the intervals between contractions can be long - up to several hours. As contractions become more intense, the intervals between them decrease. At the same time, the body temperature rises (to normal). The bitch should not be fed during contractions. The dog's drinking should also be limited to avoid vomiting.

An increase in the frequency of contractions indicates the beginning of the fetus moving along the birth canal. After this, the attempts begin. Dogs can stand, lie on their sides, or sit when puppies emerge.

At this point, the outer (“water”) bladder protecting the fetus usually ruptures. Its rupture is indicated by the release of fluid from the birth canal.

When the waters break, the process of birth of the offspring begins.

Each puppy comes out in its own shell. The intervals between puppies can be up to 2 hours.

After the waters have broken, labor pains intensify, and there is an alternation of contractions and pushing.

Childbirth is considered normal when the puppies move along the birth canal in the correct position - parallel to the mother's spine. It doesn’t matter whether the puppy steps forward with its front paws or its hind paws.

When the puppy is completely out of the birth canal, dogs instinctively try to remove the membrane from it and gnaw the umbilical cord. However, this behavior is not typical for all dogs. If this does not happen, the woman in labor must be helped. To do this, tear the membrane near the puppy's nose and wipe his face with a napkin. By pulling the umbilical cord, you need to remove the placenta if it does not come out on its own.

Then you need to break the umbilical cord, after squeezing it with tweezers or fingers. The strong umbilical cord can be cut with scissors. If it bleeds heavily, you need to tie it with silk thread. When a puppy emerges from the birth canal without a membrane and is filled with fluid, it is important to clear his nose and mouth of secretions so that he can begin to breathe on his own as soon as possible.

The dog diligently licks the newborn puppy, thereby stimulating its basic vital functions - breathing and blood circulation. Sometimes puppies immediately after birth begin to suck their mother's milk - this is normal and provokes contractions of the uterus and acceleration of the process of further whelping.

The next puppy usually appears within 15-40 minutes. If the time drags on to 2 or more hours, this is a reason to call a specialist. To keep track of time, write down all readings in a notebook. Enter the weight indicators of newborns there.

If you observe difficulty with the exit of a puppy that has already partially emerged, you need to help the dog, while acting with the utmost caution. Don't forget to wear gloves or sanitize your hands. Do not forget to monitor the exits of the placenta - it is especially important that the very last one comes out. If the afterbirth remains inside the mother's body, it can cause inflammation.

If the puppy is born lethargic, has difficulty breathing and moves little, he needs help. You need to take it in your hands and, holding it upside down, rub it with a dry cloth. If the puppy starts squeaking, everything is fine, otherwise you need to try rubbing, chest massage and artificial respiration.

Liquid from the oral cavity can be removed with a pipette or syringe without a needle. Sometimes a resuscitation procedure such as a drop of cordiamine on the tongue helps. If no action within 10 minutes has an effect, then the puppy cannot be saved. You should try to carry out all procedures so that the dog cannot see it.

Postpartum period

After the end of whelping, the bitch should be given warm milk with glucose to quickly restore strength. You can also offer her milk between puppies. The birth process takes up a large amount of fluid, but the dog should not drink a lot immediately after birth. She needs to replenish fluid gradually, drinking small portions.

Within 24 hours after the birth of the offspring, the bitch should be fed semi-liquid food, high in calories and easily digestible. It's good if it's fermented milk products. In the subsequent period, food should also contain a large number of calories and be as varied as possible.

After giving birth, a dog needs the attention, affection and kind words of its owner more than ever.


Signs of labor

Harbingers of childbirth are characteristic changes in the behavior and appearance of the dog; the owner of a pregnant bitch needs to pay attention to the following signs of the approach of the long-awaited event.

Descent of the abdomen

7-10 days before giving birth, the large belly drops down, causing hungry pits to appear on the sides. In first-borns or small pregnancies, this process may be absent or mildly expressed.

Relaxation of the pelvic ligaments

2-3 days before the puppies are born, the bitch’s pelvic ligaments relax, which is necessary for the puppies to move through the birth canal. The relaxation of the ligaments can be judged by the appearance of mobility of the sacral bone.

Change in appetite

Shortly before giving birth, the dog may turn up its nose at its favorite food and water.

Plug coming out

2-3 days before birth, thick yellow mucus is released from the loop - a plug that frees the birth canal for the advancement of puppies. If brown or green discharge with an unpleasant odor appears, it is recommended to immediately call a veterinarian.

Loop change

A few days before birth, the loop swells, becomes large, soft, moist, loose and red.

Colostrum release

Shortly before birth, a small amount of colostrum is released from the swollen, enlarged mammary glands. If an Alabai is giving birth for the first time, colostrum may begin to be produced immediately during the birth of puppies.

Temperature drop

Immediately before childbirth, under the influence of hormones, a decrease in overall body temperature to 37C is observed. After 18-24 hours, the temperature rises sharply, during which time labor begins.

Restless behavior

The movement of puppies through the birth canal shortly before birth occurs against the background of increased intra-abdominal pressure, which is very painful, especially for primiparous bitches. The animal whines in pain, breathes frequently and shallowly, and you can notice the body trembling. In this condition, the dog can damage furniture or flooring.

Video: Alabai behavior before childbirth

Behavior before starting

The first changes that the owner notices concern the behavior of the animal and begin a few days before the end of pregnancy:

  • The animal becomes drowsy and lazy , capricious and constantly demanding attention to itself, and does not tolerate loneliness well.
  • Calm gives way to anxiety . The bitch is actively looking for or trying to organize a nest, gnawing on the litter and anything that gets her teeth. Starts to snap.
  • The constant urge to go to the toilet leads to the fact that the pet constantly asks to go outside, but almost immediately returns back.
  • Appetite changes. Both excessively active, even greedy eating of food, and complete refusal of it clearly indicate that there is less than 1 day left before the start.

Behavior changes due to well-being. The uterus, preparing for a big job, begins to contract, which causes intra-abdominal pressure to increase. In the first hours this does not appear outwardly, but the animal itself feels the changes as discomfort or even pain and understands where everything is going.

Childbirth of Alabai

A pregnant bitch most often whelps late in the evening or at night, although childbirth does not depend on the time of day. The birth of Alabais lasts 6-16 hours, the duration of the physiological process directly depends on the number of fetuses in the uterus. A dog usually gives birth for as many hours as it bears babies.

The birth of the Central Asian Shepherd consists of three successive periods.

Preparation period

At this stage, painful contractions begin - contractions of the muscles of the uterus, pushing the membranes into the birth canal. During contractions, the bitch whines, scratches with her paws, tears up the bedding, and tries to find help from her owner.

The animal most often spends this period in a lying position with its forelimbs extended forward. During the fight, the body trembles, rapid breathing is observed, the dog often looks at the stomach and licks the loop. As the tone of the uterus increases, the abdominal wall becomes hard and the fetuses cannot be felt.

This period can last from 1 to 36 hours; the owner must monitor the animal’s condition during this time. In pain and against the background of hormonal changes, the Central Asian Shepherd can run away and build a maternity nest in any inaccessible place.

During the preparatory period, it is recommended to walk the female on a short leash for a short time.

Disclosure period

From this period, labor begins, uterine contractions and advancing amniotic sacs stimulate the dilatation of the cervix. The frequency of contractions is increasing.

Exile period

Attempts occur - contractions of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm against the background of increased intra-abdominal pressure. Contractions, straining and increased pressure help push the fetus through the pelvic ring and birth canal outward. When pushing, the bitch tenses her stomach very much, holds her breath and moves her tail to the side, clearing the way for the baby to emerge.

Alabais give birth standing, lying or sitting; when sitting, when pushing, it is necessary to lift the back of the dog’s body for newborns. If a dog whelps while standing, when expelled from the vagina, the owner must pick up the cubs in time to avoid the newborns falling.

The largest puppy is always born first; its birth starts the entire birth process, so if the process goes well, the bitch should cope on her own. The baby moves through the pelvic ring towards the vagina in the membranes - the fetal and water bladders; before expulsion of the fetus, the water bladder bursts and amniotic fluid flows out of it, which ensures optimal movement of the puppy towards the exit. If the first puppy is not born after the water breaks, an emergency caesarean section must be performed immediately to save the life of the mother and fetus.

If the puppy is not born after the water breaks, an urgent cesarean section is required.

Newborns are born in the amniotic sac in a cephalic or breech presentation. Most often, Alabai bitches independently rupture the amniotic sac with their teeth, gnaw the umbilical cord, turn the newborn onto its back and lick the face and abdomen. Thus, the mother clears the airways of mucus and stimulates breathing, and also massages the intestines for its first bowel movement. After licking, a healthy puppy should independently find the nipple and begin to suck.

It is better to control whether your dog is biting the umbilical cord or to cut it yourself with sterile scissors.

A diligent mother can bite off the umbilical cord too short and lick the newborn until an umbilical hernia forms.

After birth, a colored thread is put on the puppy, the time of birth is recorded in a notebook and checked for the absence of congenital defects: cleft lip, cleft palate, dewclaws, tail and limb deformities. During pushing, the newborn must be placed in a box with a heating pad so that the mother does not crush him at the time of the birth of the next puppy. When the next baby comes out, all babies must be placed close to the nipples, otherwise the mother will refuse to accept them.

Each puppy needs to wear a colored ribbon after birth to monitor future development and weight gain.

After the birth of a puppy, the afterbirth comes out of the loop; the number of afterbirths that come out should be equal to the number of babies born. A bitch can be fed no more than 4 placenta, rich in hormones and proteins, to replenish lost energy and stimulate the production of breast milk. After all the babies and placenta are born, the dog calms down and the belly becomes soft.

Video: birth of Alabai


Puppies can come out with both their heads and tails, but always with the amniotic sac instead. It must be remembered that the number of placenta during childbirth should always be equal to the number of puppies born. The first newborns come out quickly, and then the interval may increase - this is also worth remembering.

Your first labor can be especially difficult, so it's important that you don't miss the start. If the dog is a “firstborn”, it may not be able to rupture the amniotic sac itself, so you will have to do it - rupture it, rub the puppy. If the mother herself has chewed the umbilical cord, then bring it to the nipples; if not, then do it yourself.

The birth process can last differently: from 2.5 hours to 16. After birth, all puppies must find and suck milk at their mother's breast.

How many puppies does it give birth to?

Usually, the Alabai gives birth to many puppies . On average, this is 6-10 puppies.

But here everything is individual, the number of kids can be much larger or smaller. The younger the bitch, the larger the litter she will produce.

Offspring in winter

It happens that a dog gives birth during the winter period . If the dog is in the yard, it still needs to be placed in a warm room to protect the mother and offspring from hypothermia.

The dog should not be in the cold or draft, and the recommended temperature is +26-+30 degrees.

How to help an Alabai bitch during childbirth

If the bitch confidently copes with childbirth, you should not interfere with the physiological process. The owner should simply be nearby, put the puppies in a box and record the time of their birth. The minimum help is to encourage the pet and cut the umbilical cord 3 cm from the baby's tummy. If the course is successful, the owner can independently deliver a shepherd dog, consulting a specialist by phone if necessary.

Intervention and direct assistance from the owner is required when the following complications occur.

Alabai bitch has no interest in puppies

In such a situation, the owner must:

  1. Rip the membranes yourself.
  2. Cut the umbilical cord.
  3. Remove mucus from the respiratory tract using a rubber bulb.
  4. Rub the baby.
  5. Massage the abdomen with a damp swab and remove meconium.
  6. Then it is recommended to give the puppy to the bitches to lick and receive colostrum.

The bitch has no breast milk

An alternative to colostrum is warm goat's milk, which should be given to babies from a sterile pipette.

The puppy is unable to suck

The baby should be attached tightly to the nipple moistened with breast milk. If the cub smacked, it means he coped and began to suck.

After birth, when the mother climbs out of the puppy, he must eat

The bitch behaves aggressively towards the puppies

Due to hormonal imbalance, the dog may lack maternal instinct. If the female crushes or eats the babies, it is necessary to urgently put the children in a box under a lamp, take them out of the room and feed them with goat’s milk. If the mother does not accept the puppies after a few hours, it is worth finding a foster nursing mother for them. It is necessary to place the babies next to another bitch during her absence, passing her and the new puppies through one. After returning, it is recommended to put a muzzle on the female and attach all the babies to the nipples, and after feeding, put all the puppies in a separate box so that they have the same smell.

The female is very tired

To replenish energy and stimulate labor, it is recommended to walk the animal outside, run up the stairs, give sweetened tea or meat broth, and massage the abdomen and vagina.

The fetus is stuck in the birth canal

The amniotic sac with the part of the body that has come out must be grasped with a clean gauze napkin and very slowly pulled out of the loop, trying to keep up with the pushing.

Puppy won't come out after water breaks

Prolonged stay of a newborn without amniotic fluid is detrimental to the baby’s life; to stimulate labor, it is recommended to administer oxytocin intramuscularly.

Indications for urgently calling a specialist are:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • severe weakness of labor;
  • prolonged labor that does not result in the birth of puppies;
  • pain, weakness, fever and green discharge a day after birth.

What needs to be prepared?

Active preparation begins already in the last month of pregnancy, 7-10 days before the expected date. At this time, a maternity nest and a pen for the expectant mother and her offspring are being prepared. The bitch is gradually accustomed to this place, allowed to get used to it, and made it cozy for her.

Required preparation:

  • Place . This is usually a box with tight walls, easy access for humans and the ability for the mother to easily leave the area. For representatives of small breeds (such as Yorkies, Chihuahuas), a medium-sized cardboard or plastic box is suitable. For medium-sized breeds, such as pugs, you need something larger. But for large dogs (German shepherds, huskies, St. Bernards) it is best to arrange such a rookery right in their booths in the enclosure, or build a special large box with strong walls. The dog should fit freely in its nest, but be able to rest against the walls with its paws and back; it will need this during childbirth.
  • Equip a pen or playpen in which the puppies will move in the first weeks. The walls should be high enough, but not prevent the woman in labor from leaving it.
  • Provide thermal and light conditions in the selected room. Any draft, overheating or hypothermia can be fatal for small dogs, so it is recommended to maintain the room temperature at 28 degrees, gradually reducing it to 20 degrees over the course of a month. It is also worth considering that bright light is painful for animals starting to open their eyes, so thick curtains on the windows and soft artificial light will be a good solution in the first weeks.
  • Remove all valuable coverings . Childbirth is messy, so you'll need a supply of spare diapers and towels, and clothes that you won't mind throwing away if something happens. It is better to remove carpets from the room.
  • Just before leaving the burden, the bitch, due to nerves and pain, begins to gnaw on everything that comes to hand, so remove everything valuable from its reach.
  • Cleanliness is the key to the health of the mother and future offspring , so it is necessary to regularly not only wash and vacuum all rooms, but also disinfect them. Do not approach the mother or babies in street clothes, shoes or with unwashed hands.

Breeding Alabais has specific features, which will be discussed in this article. These are discreet, noble and at the same time fearless animals.

Alabais are among the most ancient dog breeds. They are in good health, strong and resilient. They can live 16–17 years, and at the same time they have almost no hereditary diseases.

How to care after childbirth

After birth, it is necessary to create a calm atmosphere for mother and babies. The dog requires attentive care, affection and quality feeding to recover from a difficult physiological process:

  • After rest, it is recommended to thoroughly bathe and dry the animal’s fur;
  • after drying, the dog needs a long walk, which is preferably done in an apron or overalls that protect the mother’s belly and external genitalia. After each walk, the owner must wash the bitch’s limbs and mammary glands to avoid infection of newborns;
  • in the first time after childbirth, greenish lochia is released from the birth canal, so it is necessary to change the bedding in the playpen several times a day;
  • It is imperative to examine the mammary glands every day to avoid the development of mastitis. In case of engorgement and an increase in local temperature, it is necessary to lubricate the nipples with Vaseline, gently milk them using a massage and attach the puppies to them. Cracks in the nipples can be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil or Vaseline.

Pregnancy and childbirth of Alabai

Central Asian Shepherds most often have a calm disposition and an extraordinary mind. The combination of such qualities often makes Alabai owners want to mate their beloved dog at home to produce purebred puppies. Owners of female dogs should understand that pregnancy and childbirth of shepherd dogs are serious physiological processes that can provoke chronic diseases or take a complicated form.

Most often, with decent feeding, maintenance and constant control of the owner, the pregnancy of the Alabai bitch ends in a successful birth and the birth of charming fluffy offspring, similar to curious, affectionate bear cubs.

What to feed Alabai after childbirth

The diet of a nursing Central Asian Shepherd dog should be balanced and highly nutritious, sufficient to produce the required amount of fatty breast milk. Feeding the Alabai during this period has its own characteristics.

On the first day after birth, food should be light, semi-liquid and easily digestible. The ideal options are liquid fermented milk products.

Meat should not be given within 7 days after birth to avoid the development of eclampsia. The pathology is manifested by depression, refusal of puppies, anxiety, and lack of coordination. In this condition, both newborns and their mother can die. The first aid for eclampsia is to give the dog Valocordin, calcium gluconate or calcium chloride with milk, after which you must immediately consult a doctor.

Water must always be freely available in sufficient quantity. It is recommended to fill the dishes with clean drink several times a day.

For 5-7 weeks when breastfeeding puppies, it is necessary to increase the daily feeding rate by 25% weekly. The best option is to use ready-made industrial puppy food for feeding a lactating female. The dog needs to be fed three to four times a day. When using natural food, the female's diet should consist of the following products: fresh meat and offal, vegetables, herbs, and dairy products. Food should be warm and semi-liquid.

To improve lactation, it is useful to give breastfeeding mothers milk and sweet tea with milk.

Vitamin and mineral supplements are an essential part of the diet.

Pregnancy of Central Asian Shepherd Dogs Alabaev and childbirth

Pregnancy of Central Asian Shepherd Dogs Alabaev and childbirth
Pregnancy of Central Asian Shepherd Dogs Alabaev and childbirth

Central Asian Alabai shepherd dogs carry babies from 56 to 64 days; in case of multiple pregnancy, you can visually determine whether the bitch is pregnant or not by the volume of the abdomen and swollen nipples after about 30-35 days. An ultrasound can determine not only whether a bitch is pregnant, but also how many babies are expected.

Childbirth of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog Alabai Just like in people, the onset and course of labor in a dog depends on many components - genetics, health, whether the bitch is giving birth for the first time or has already given birth, the place where the birth takes place.

  1. The place for giving birth to Alabai puppies must be chosen in advance and the bitch placed there about a week before the expected birth, so that the bitch gets used to it, looks around and accepts this place. We put together a box from planed boards measuring 1.50x1.50, which allows the bitch to lie freely in it; a block is nailed to the inside of the box walls, which will prevent the baby from being crushed if he crawls behind the mother’s back. You need to prepare: - disposable diapers, - rags to wipe the puppies and a first aid kit, - scales for weighing newborns, - a notebook where you will write down the weight of the puppies at birth and then during control weighings, - you will also need a basket or basin where you will put puppies while cleaning the crate, - an empty plastic bottle for hot water, if the bitch does not show proper attention to the newborn first-born, - scissors for cutting the umbilical cord, if the bitch cannot handle it herself, - disposable gloves and the veterinarian’s phone number in a visible place, if anything happens - will go wrong.
  2. Signs of imminent birth and the appearance of Alabai puppies will allow you not to miss the beginning. I will list some, they can be all at once, partially or even just some: - if there was hair on the bitch’s belly, then it falls out around the nipples before giving birth; - the dog is restless, follows you with its tail, digs the bedding - a week before giving birth, the Central Asian Shepherd needs Measure the dog’s temperature in the morning and evening, paying attention to its sharp drop. A temperature of 38.5 C is considered the norm, a day before the onset of labor it drops to 36.5-37 C. - before the dog begins to give birth, the animals begin to breathe intermittently, as if the dog does not have enough air and was running hard, maybe trembling will appear from painful cramping attacks, - in about a day a clot will come out of the loop - this is a plug that covered the cervix - the release of fetal fluid.
  3. So the birth has begun, Alabai puppies walk either with their heads or tails - this is normal, with a bladder of amniotic fluid and a placenta (afterbirth). Important: the number of afterbirths is always equal to the number of puppies, strictly follow this. Usually the bitch herself frees the puppy from the bubble, gnaws the umbilical cord and licks the puppy, but if the bitch is tired or she is a “firstborn”, break the bubble with your hands and rub the puppy thoroughly with a clean cloth, bring it to the mother to gnaw the umbilical cord, or cut it off yourself and place the puppy on the nipples, healthy The puppy will immediately grab the nipple. The first puppies of Alabai go quite quickly, then there is a longer break and then the interval may increase. In my practice, labor began in the morning, and the last puppy could also appear in the morning.

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Newborn Alabai puppies: development and care

Newborn Alabai puppies are born weighing 350-550 g. Babies are blind and deaf at birth, their bodies are covered with soft fur.

If the puppies are fed and healthy, they sleep a lot and squeak little.

The owner must create comfortable conditions for the puppies and the mother, who most often takes care of the babies on her own:

  • the playpen with newborns should be in a room with an air temperature of 28-30C;
  • cotton bedding must be washed and disinfected daily;
  • in newborn babies, dewclaws are removed on days 3-5, ears and tails are cropped;
  • It is recommended to place the weakest puppies on the rear teats and ensure that all the pups are fed. Well-fed puppies are calm and sleep a lot;
  • The babies' eyes will open on the 10-15th day, and the babies will be able to hear from the 15th day. From this time on, newborns begin to actively explore the world; puppies should not leave the playpen and move freely around the house;
  • with numerous offspring, you need to feed the babies one at a time. The fed puppies are placed in a box with a heating pad for 3 hours, where they are given goat's milk;
  • Newborns’ nails, which can scratch the skin of the nipples, need to be trimmed weekly;
  • Complementary feeding begins at 3 weeks, gradually introducing rice water, calcined cottage cheese, scraped veal and porridge;
  • Puppies can be weaned from their mother only at 2 months, gradually replacing one breastfeeding with adult food.

Proper preparation, attentiveness of the owner, proper feeding and care of a pregnant and lactating female allow you to get charming, clumsy puppies. Little Alabai are funny, fat fluffy balls that actively and touchingly explore the new world. Communication with healthy, well-fed puppies gives priceless moments of affection, fun and tenderness to all family members.


Alabaev breeding should occur on the third heat. Before it, 1.5 months before, it is necessary to have your pet examined by a veterinarian, pass the necessary tests and get vaccinations if they were not done in a timely manner.

also important to choose the right partner, who should also be examined at the clinic . If you want to get healthy offspring, then both parents must be healthy and not have any pathologies or abnormalities.

There is no need to feed the animals before the process itself, you can only supply water. Mating should take place on the male’s territory, where he will feel confident. Mating should occur on the 10-14th day of estrus.

In order for the mating to end successfully, certain rules must be followed.:

  1. If this is the first mating for a female, then she needs a more experienced partner.
  2. The most favorable time for this process is the first half of the day.
  3. Don't expect the dogs to attack each other right away; they need about half an hour to get to know each other.
  4. If the mating is manual, then the owner of the male dog must help him get attached to the bitch.
  5. You cannot interrupt the animal lock; it can last differently - from five minutes to half an hour.
  6. In order for conception to occur with the greatest probability, the dogs must mate again after two days.
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