Miniature dachshund - description of the mini-dachshund breed, coat color, care and maintenance

Not many dog ​​lovers live in private houses where any animal would be comfortable. Most breeders are concentrated in cities, living in small apartments. Therefore, small breeds of animals are becoming popular. For dog breeders who own a city apartment, the dwarf dachshund is perfect. This type of dog family is very smart, loyal, cheerful and unpretentious.

Origin of the breed

It's hard to believe, but the distant ancestors of all dachshunds were hounds. Several centuries ago in Germany there was a breed of dog called the “Deutsche Bracke”. These short hunters were famous for their ability to pursue game with agility, intelligence, endurance and fearlessness. These features were inherited by modern Takshat from their Germanic ancestors.

The name of the breed comes from the German Dachshund (“badger dog”). Over time, the long word was shortened to Dackel or Teckel. The first written references to “badger warriors” or “badger crawlers” appear in the sixteenth century. Later, the breed began to be bred purposefully.

From the name it is clear that initially long and low taxis were needed for hunting badgers and other burrowing animals. They have something to be proud of - they are the oldest known breed of burrowing dogs. Historians claim that the ancestors of little dachshunds were found already in the times of the pharaohs. Images of short-legged hunting dogs carved on stone by the masters of Ancient Egypt have survived to this day.

In the seventeenth century, hunting was an expensive pleasure. Only wealthy and wealthy people could afford to keep specially trained dogs. Taxis became the first breed available to the middle class: they did not require complex and expensive care. Thanks to the low cost of keeping, cheerful disposition, hunting passion and devotion to the owner, the breed quickly spread throughout Germany, and then beyond its borders.

Organization of a recreation area

Before bringing your dachshund into your home, you need to hide electrical wires and shoes. And to keep an animal at home, wash the floors. A small pet, trying everything on its teeth, can become infected with some kind of infection or poisoned. It is necessary to remove indoor plants out of reach of the dog.

For your pet to rest, it is recommended to set up a special area in one of the corners of the apartment. The animal should be kept away from heating radiators and drafts.

A dachshund will only be able to rest comfortably in close proximity to people.

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Description of the breed and character of the mini dachshund

The dwarf dachshund (mini-dachshund) is an intermediate option between a regular-sized dog and a very tiny rabbit dachshund. Small dachshunds look the same as other dogs of this breed, except for their size. The species is divided into several groups, depending on the characteristics of the coat:

  • short-haired (smooth-haired);
  • wire-haired;
  • long-haired.

Dwarf smooth-haired dachshunds are covered with dense shiny hair, long-haired beauties are distinguished by long wavy curls, wire-haired ones sport a shaggy coat and are somewhat similar to the Australian terrier.

The color of miniature dachshunds is divided into three main groups:

  • monochrome;
  • two-color;
  • spotted.

The first group includes monochromatic dogs of black, white or red color. Small markings may be visible on black wool in good lighting. In completely white individuals, only a black, brown or pink nose is distinguished. All mini-dachshunds from red-red to golden hue are considered red. The main thing is that all the wool is a single color, without spots or stripes.

Two-tone taxis are usually black or dark brown with clearly visible light gray markings. Dwarf dogs with a scattering of spots or stripes on their coat are called spotted. There are several options for this color:

  • marble (rather large spots of irregular shape are scattered across a monochromatic background);
  • brindle (bright red with dark or black stripes).

The character of the dwarf dog was inherited from its hunter ancestors. This is a very smart and independent little animal; it requires respect for itself and its needs. He has the makings of a leader, the leader of a pack. But this can be dealt with with proper training, and the curiosity and playfulness of the dwarf taxi dog will not let the owner get bored.

Dwarf taxi drivers are terrible owners and jealous people, worse than Othello. Dogs require constant attention from their owner and do not like strangers invading their territory. This may be why they do not get along well with small children.

Walking, physical activity and rules of safe behavior on the street

Small dachshunds are like puppies - they are highly active and inquisitive. Therefore, they require daily walks. Normally, it is believed that three walks a day should total an hour. If you have time to walk more, that’s only a plus.

Walking should be carried out on a leash, because hunting instincts can take over at any moment, and chasing a captivated pet is still entertainment.

On a note! The dachshund is a miniature dog, so a leash with an automatic length lock is perfect for it.

For walks in the cold season, the short-haired dwarf dachshund may require the purchase of special clothing.

The difference between a dwarf dachshund and a rabbit and standard breed

The dwarf dachshund cannot be considered a defect of the breed; this variety was bred purposefully. Dwarf dogs have the same division into smooth-haired, long-haired and wire-haired. The only differences are in the size of the animal:

  1. Standard dachshunds are considered the largest of the breed. Their weight reaches 6-9 kg (maximum 14 kg), height is 22-27 cm, and chest volume can be more than 35 cm.
  2. The dwarf dachshund is an intermediate option. His weight does not exceed 6 kg, height is 14-21 cm, and chest volume is within the range of 30-35 cm.
  3. The smallest representative of the breed is the rabbit dachshund. This baby does not grow higher than 15 cm, maximum weight is 3 kg, and chest volume is no more than 30 cm.

The standard look retains all the features of a hunting dog. Such taxis are still used for their intended purpose in some European countries. In Russia, the bow-legged shorty has always been perceived only as a pet.

The rabbit dachshund is a decorative animal. It was bred as an alternative to tame ferrets. The rabbit dachshund has almost no hunting habits, although its autonomy and independence have not disappeared. That is, this species will not make a hunter and watchman.

The dwarf dachshund is closer to a hunter than to a pet toy. The courage of a dog is sometimes akin to recklessness - the tiny “sausage” rushes to defend its owner in any situation, regardless of the size of the “enemy”. It is unlikely that an untrained dachshund will be of any use in a real hunt, but the species has not lost its skills as a defender.

Dog food

The opinions of the owners of such dogs are divided: some believe that their pets should be fed with specialized food, others are sure that the dog should eat only natural products.

The transition from one food to another should be gradual. You cannot immediately switch your dog from one food to another. You should not overfeed the animal, because these dogs have a tendency to become overweight.

It is also not recommended to feed a rabbit dachshund both food and natural food at the same time; you should choose one or the other.

Miniature Dachshund Breed Standard

According to the standard, a mini-dachshund must have the following parameters:

  • an elongated head narrowed towards the nose with a smooth transition from the forehead to the nose;
  • developed jaws tightly covered with lips;
  • oval eyes, set slightly askew, usually brown in color;
  • hanging soft ears with rounded ends;
  • chest with a clearly visible “keel”;
  • short, sometimes slightly crooked, strong paws;
  • squat body with well-developed muscles;
  • smooth, tapering tail.

The weight of dwarf taxis rarely exceeds 6 kg, and height depends on the sex of the animal:

  • boys grow to 16-21 cm;
  • girls - up to 14-19 cm.

In Russia, the breed standard does not recognize blue, cream or white colors, especially if the dog is an albino. Oddly enough, pure black wool is also considered a defect, so experts carefully examine the dwarf dog in bright light so as not to miss poorly visible tan marks. If they are present, the color is normal.

Head and ears

When viewed from above, the head of a mini-dachshund looks like an elongated cone with a rounded top. The long, soft, rounded ears sit high, but the taxi's short stature means that dust and debris often get into the ear canals. The ears need to be constantly inspected and cleaned to prevent inflammation.

Eyes and nose

Small oval eyes are widely spaced. The standard color of the iris is from brown to almost black. Blue, whitish or eyes with light bluish spots are considered a breed defect. The long, nosy nose ends in a soft lobe, usually black. White taxis have brown and even pink lobes.

Lips and teeth

Large teeth with powerful fangs are able to close tightly, biting everything that comes to hand. In this case, the teeth of the upper jaw completely overlap the lower row, leaving no gap (like scissor blades).

Dog's neck and body

Any macho man will envy the dog’s toned body - well-developed muscles roll under the shiny skin, the skin is taut, without a single wrinkle. The voluminous thorax ends with a characteristic protrusion - the so-called keel. The long neck of the dachshund is slightly tilted forward when moving. This shifts the center of gravity and allows you to increase speed without unnecessary effort (your legs constantly “catch up” with your head).

Limbs and tail

The short, sometimes crooked legs are very powerful. The forelimbs are slightly larger than the hind limbs. The forearm of the front legs should have a slight inward slope to give reliable support to the chest. The strong tail tapers towards the end. In the normal state it is extended almost parallel to the ground, and when excited it rises vertically upward.

Coat and color

Solid-colored dwarf dachshunds are most often tan, yellow, or tan. All red dogs are considered the most valuable. In two-colored dogs, bright red or gray tan marks are clearly visible against a general brown background. The spotted (marbled) color of the micro-dachshund looks like small gray or beige spots scattered across a dark field. Brindle dogs sport black stripes of varying widths on a reddish background.

Disadvantages of the Dwarf Dachshund Breed

The desperate courage of the miniature hunter can hardly be called a flaw, but it does cause a fair amount of trouble. This “superhero” is eager to protect his owner from any danger, real or imaginary. The dachshund perceives all small animals as potential prey. He will bravely rush to “protect” the owner from a cat or a small, or even not so small, dog running past. Reconciling a mini-dachshund with another pet is not easy, but with the right amount of persistence it is quite possible.

The weak point of all dachshunds is the spine. Dogs are prohibited from going up or down stairs until their height exceeds the height of the steps (that is, never). Stairs that are too steep or climbing to a bench should be equipped with ramps. The taxi should not be lifted by the scruff of the neck, nor should it be allowed to jump on furniture or other high obstacles.

Puppies love to crawl into bed with their owner. In ancient times, this habit was deliberately developed in dogs: dwarf hunters were supposed to protect the owner’s sleep from rats and mice, and warm his feet in the cold winter. Now such skills are no longer relevant, but the habit remains. Once you take pity on a whining child and take it under your blanket, it will be difficult to wean the puppy off of it.

Dimensions and weight of an adult mini dachshund

For this breed, proportionality of build is more important than height, weight or chest volume. Ideal parameters for a miniature dog: the height at the withers is related to the length of the dachshund's body as one to 1.7 (1.8). In other words, if the height at the withers is taken as one, then the length of the body should be 1.7 or 1.8. Measurements are taken after the animal reaches maturity (15 months). At this age, growth stops and the formation of the skeletal system ends.

The average weight of an adult dachshund ranges from 4 to 5.5 kg. Dwarf dogs rarely reach the “record” 6 kg if they are not overfed. This species is not classified as a separate class. For example, the American Kennel Club has categorized it as “dogs 10 pounds or less, 12 months of age or older.”


According to the rules, the first vaccination for dachshunds must be performed by the breeder. After this, the corresponding entry is made in the pet’s veterinary passport. But often a puppy is purchased without vaccinations, so the new owner needs to take care of them. This will prevent infection with dangerous infectious diseases such as plague, enteritis, hepatitis, adenovirus, leptospirosis and rabies.

Common vaccination schedule:

  • the first – at 2 months;
  • second – 6-7;
  • the third - per year.

Today, various types of drugs are used:

  1. Polyvalent. Protection is provided against several pathologies at once.
  2. Monovalent. One vaccination is used to protect against a specific disease.

Before each vaccination, the dog must be dewormed. Adults should be vaccinated against infectious diseases and rabies every year.

Care and maintenance of a dwarf dachshund

In general, the animal does not require special living conditions. Short-haired pets do not need trimming or combing; taxi dogs with long or coarse hair are also not too picky. With a healthy diet and good physical activity, a dachshund can live a long life. But the owner will need enormous willpower not to overfeed his pet.

The problem is not in the selection of food, but in the pet’s excessive appetite. The dog will not be able to tear himself away from food, he will eat until the bowl is empty, and then he will start begging for more. Under no circumstances should you overfeed your dog. And it's not just about loss of activity. Obesity is the first step to loss of health.


For short-haired dogs, it is enough to dry them with a terry towel. If desired, you can also use a medium-hard brush. Long-haired beauties require regular brushing, and even a trip to grooming.

Eye care

The corners of the eyes are periodically cleaned with a soft cloth. If the dwarf taxi's eyes are watery, you need to wash them with boric acid (2% solution) or strong black tea. If after three days the pet does not feel better, a visit to the veterinarian is needed.

Dental care

Strong teeth are a legacy of our hunter ancestors. With a balanced diet, micro-dachshunds, as a rule, do not have dental problems. The maximum is the appearance of plaque. This can be easily fixed with a special toothpaste and a medium-hard brush.

Feeding your pet

You can feed your dwarf dachshund with natural products or special food. Veterinarians do not recommend getting carried away with dry mixtures. The diet should include cottage cheese, porridge, chicken (without bones), and lean beef. Raw liver has a good effect on the quality of the coat. Regularly, about once a quarter, the taxi driver needs to be given vitamins. The owner will have to pull himself together and strictly limit feeding, prohibit all snacks, no matter how this cunning sycophant begs for more.

Giving dogs bones from chicken or other poultry is dangerous because of their tubular structure. The bones split on the teeth into large fragments with sharp edges, which can damage the throat, esophagus, stomach, and cause suffocation.

Water treatments

You can bathe dwarf dachshunds almost from birth. Bathing procedures with baby shampoo or a special composition are recommended once every 3-4 months. You can wash your dog with clean water without detergents at least every day.

Outdoor walks and exercise for a decorative dachshund

The short-haired dog does not tolerate cold well and does not like to walk in frost or bad weather. Owners will have to take care of a winter wardrobe for their pet. During a walk, curious dwarf taxis strive to stick their nose into all the cracks, examine a mole or mouse hole, and measure the depth of a puddle. The consequences of insatiable curiosity are dirt and garbage “all over the place.” But leaving the dog without physical activity is completely unacceptable: deprived of the opportunity to “blow off steam,” the mini-dachshunds will become aggressive and even get sick.

Raising and training a miniature dachshund

Miniature Dachshund puppies can't help but notice all the interesting things in the house. They simply have to try the owner’s slippers, or even expensive shoes, to their teeth, check the strength of electrical wires, make sure that the furniture is inedible and find out what will happen if they slightly chew the wallpaper.

The little pranksters should not be blamed for this - they are hunters by nature and must explore the surrounding space. It’s easy to avoid damage on a catastrophic scale: remove expensive shoes, block access to wires and bottles of household chemicals. And come to terms with the idea that the furniture and wallpaper will be slightly “modified” by the dwarf hunter.

A puppy that comes into the house for the first time should be immediately placed in a tray covered with a diaper and not released until it has relieved itself, large or small. For this “feat” the child is sure to be praised, caressed and treated to something. At first, the dwarf dachshund needs to be planted in the tray regularly. At the age of three months, a smart dog usually already understands the purpose of the tray and does not leave unexpected gifts for its owners in the corners. By this time, you can no longer use the diaper.

Vaccination and deworming

Conscientious breeders will always advise the buyer on the number and timing of vaccinations. It is best to buy a puppy 2.5-3 months old. By this time, the child is gradually weaning himself from his mother, knows how to eat on his own, and most importantly, receives the necessary vaccinations. You need to check with the breeder when the vaccination took place and how soon you can take your pet outside.

Vaccination rules:

  • The vaccine is given only to healthy dogs;
  • before vaccination it is necessary to drive away worms;
  • a comprehensive vaccination (without rabies vaccine) can be done by a veterinarian or an experienced dog handler;
  • The rabies vaccination is given only by a doctor under sterile conditions.

Anthelmintic drugs should be given to the dachshund 10-14 days before vaccination. The toxins released by the worms suppress the animal's immune system, making the vaccination useless. To make life easier for yourself and the veterinarian, it is recommended to put a label on the anthelmintic drug in the veterinary passport and indicate the date of the test.

Vaccinations and vaccine selection are the job of a veterinarian. You shouldn't take on this on your own.


Dachshunds are a type of dog that practically does not feel full and can eat to the point of complete overeating, which is fraught with danger to the pet’s health. Therefore, from the first days the puppy must be accustomed to the regime. Babies need to be fed four times a day, puppies over three months old - three times a day, over six months old should be fed morning and evening meals. It is advisable to feed before or during a person's meal so that the pet is busy eating its own food and does not beg for handouts from the table.

The diet of a dwarf dachshund should be predominantly protein. These can be specially selected ready-made holistic or premium mixtures. Poor quality feed leads to intestinal blockage, weak joints and bones, the appearance of tartar and even tooth loss.

Homemade food is also suitable, which may include:

  • cottage cheese
  • eggs
  • cereal porridge
  • lean meat and some sea fish

Vitamin supplements are welcome. The prohibited list especially includes tubular chicken bones, which not only damage the teeth and digestive tract of the animal, but can also rupture the intestines, leading to a painful death.

The dachshund should be given food after a walk; anatomical features do not allow a well-fed animal to be active with a full stomach. A bowl of clean water should always be freely available to your pet.

Mating of a small dachshund

Before introducing a boy to a girl, you need to prepare both animals:

  • get vaccinated;
  • cleanse the intestines of helminths;
  • remove external parasites.

The point is that most drugs are prohibited during pregnancy and lactation, so it is better to do prevention in advance. Another condition for the expectant mother is normal weight. Lack of muscle mass will complicate pregnancy, and obesity negatively affects the dog's overall health.

The dwarf dachshund comes into heat twice a year or less. It is believed that mating is necessary for an adult girl to maintain psychological and physical health. Veterinarians recommend carrying out the first mating upon reaching the age of 15-20 months, i.e. only after maturity. Pregnancy at too young an age (under one year) is dangerous for both the expectant mother and her litter.

You need to make an appointment 10-14 days after the start of estrus. By this time, the egg of an adult dog has already formed and is ready for fertilization. Shifting mating forward or backward reduces the likelihood of conception.

What to do if fleas appear?

When your pet constantly itches and behaves restlessly, you can suspect that it has fleas. In this case, it is necessary to carefully examine the animal. If there are a lot of insects, then they are easy to detect. In small numbers, fleas manifest themselves in feces in the form of brown spots, including on the litter.

Today, special anti-flea products are effective. They are presented in a wide variety, so when choosing, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian and carefully study the instructions for their use.

A common and gentle method of flea control for dachshunds is bathing with a special shampoo. The product is applied to the dog, left on it for a while, and then washed off in the shower. Drops or sprays are indicated as a preventative option. They are effective and have a long-lasting effect. Such drugs are allowed to be used for adult dogs.

After treating the animal, it is important to vacuum the living area and carry out wet cleaning with insecticidal preparations. If there were a lot of fleas, then it is possible that they managed to lay eggs in secluded places. Therefore, after a while, the treatment of the animal will have to be repeated. After you manage to get rid of the insects, it is recommended to change the litter.

Frequent diseases in the dwarf dachshund

A pet's sweet face and pleading eyes are common reasons for overfeeding. Dachshunds love to eat tasty food and a lot, and quickly gain excess weight. This is not only a problem of appearance: a large mass leads to overload of the spine and affects the pet’s character.

Over time, intervertebral discs become stiffer and perform their functions worse. The dog begins to hunch over to relieve tension in the spine, and weakness and voluntary urination often appear. Animals with back problems may shy away from their owner's affection, as touching causes pain. Sometimes the animal even refuses food: it becomes too painful to tilt its head to the bowl. In critical cases, problems with the spine lead to paralysis of the limbs or the entire body. If your pet has a wobbling, “drunk” gait, you should consult a veterinarian. This may be a sign of disk damage.

Another hereditary problem for taxi dogs is eye diseases (cataracts, retinal or optic nerve atrophy). “Swimmer’s syndrome”, a manifestation of osteoporosis, is also associated with a genetic predisposition. The disease usually appears in the first months of life and can be cured.


Vaccinations and preventive work to combat fleas, insects and other parasites can ensure excellent Dachshund health. Before the first vaccination, it is necessary to give deworming medication.

How to care for a Dachshund puppy before vaccinations? The first vaccination is carried out when the puppy is two months old, and the next one at six months of age. Before vaccination, you need to isolate the puppy from contact with other animals and not go for walks in public places. Once a month you need to treat your dog for fleas and ticks.

An important point in caring for your dachshund is maintaining its health, as well as preventing and treating diseases.

The most common diseases

Representatives of this breed most often suffer from the following:

  1. Acanthosis nigricas is a disorder in which the sebaceous glands malfunction. It causes thickening of the skin and pigmentation on the tummy, chest and legs.
  2. Swimmer's syndrome is a disorder associated with a lack of calcium in the body. With it, puppies are not able to stand on their paws, crawling on their bellies.
  3. Discopathy is a displacement, deformation, or defect of the vertebral discs.
  4. Idiopathic epilepsy - manifested by the occurrence of seizures (muscle tremors, gag reflexes, coordination disorder).
  5. Enteritis is a disease of the intestinal tract, which is caused by improper feeding or viruses and microbes.
  6. Alopecia (baldness) is a disease of pigment weakening.
  7. Contagious diseases - plague, rabies.

In order to avoid the occurrence of various diseases it is necessary:

  • when arriving from the street, immediately clean your shoes;
  • systematically wash floors;
  • do not allow the dog to put found objects into its mouth;
  • do not allow contact with street dogs;
  • carry out vaccinations in a timely manner.

Life expectancy of a small dachshund

The dachshund is considered the longest-living dog. On average, dachshunds live 12-14 years, while small species can please their owner 2-3 years longer. The lifespan of a pet is affected by:

  1. Gender of the animal. Males almost do not suffer from disorders of the reproductive system, while girls are often susceptible to uterine pathologies. A sterilized or healthy girl can sometimes live longer than a boy.
  2. Care, nutrition, physical activity. The more attention an animal receives, the longer it will live.

If we compare the age of a dog with a human, then the first year of a dachshund’s life is 15 years, then each year lived is counted as 5-7 “human” years. They say about the dog's age:

  • condition of the coat (dull with graying near the nose and lips occurs in mini-dachshunds over 7 years old);
  • deep-set eyes (the deeper, the older);
  • condition of the teeth (white, sharp in young dogs, rounded, yellowish in older dogs).

Congenital diseases or improper care can shorten the life expectancy of a taxi dog. Animals purchased from a nursery or from a reputable breeder usually do not have hereditary problems. If the owner feeds them properly, devotes enough time to walks and does not forget to visit the veterinarian, the chance of becoming a long-liver increases.

With proper care and quality nutrition, dwarf pets can live up to 17 years. The record documented life expectancy is 25 years.

Choosing a collar for your pet

In addition to all the accessories listed, you need to choose the right collar for your dog. For a dachshund, metal attributes are not a suitable option. Despite all the reliability, they put pressure on the neck, and as a result, wearing them turns into torture for the pet. It is also not recommended to buy too thick, soft models.

The best option is collars with a thickening in the middle. To walk your dog, you additionally need to buy a roulette leash. Recommended length is 3-5 m.

Miniature dachshund and children

All dachshunds believe that children pose a danger to their owner. They bark at children they meet on the street and protest against the arrival of guests with children. If there were already children in the house when the dwarf dachshund puppy appeared there, then you can still hope for a successful outcome. But when the baby is born later than the dog is purchased, the real problems begin.

Mini-dachshunds love peace and quiet, but what kind of peace can we talk about if there is a newborn in the house? And funny children's games are rarely complete without loud laughter, squealing or noise. The little dachshund is trying in every possible way to restore order: barking, whining, and even rushing at those who break the silence. Because of this, families with children often have to part with their four-legged pets.


Contrary to popular belief, dwarf Dachshunds are quite efficient, moreover, they are more playful than their standard counterparts. In defense of large Dachshunds, we note that they work successfully as hounds. Small dogs are used for burrow hunting in difficult terrain where there is a risk of the dog getting stuck in a passage . The dachshund does not kill the animal when a threat arises, but drives it to the surface, to the hunter.

The humanistic mood of society has led to the condemnation of hunting for fun and more and more Dachshunds are becoming sofa favorites. By the way, in addition to working skills, four-legged animals can boast of a sharp mind and the ability to adapt to the owner’s lifestyle.

Choosing a mini dachshund puppy, where and how much you can buy

Buying a dwarf puppy from your own hands is much more profitable, but along with the pet you can get a whole bunch of troubles: lack of vaccinations, hereditary diseases, social or mental problems. A pet store or flea market is no better in this regard. If you need a healthy dwarf pet, you should find a breeder with a good reputation, visit the nursery, see the conditions in which the dogs are kept, and get to know the employees.

According to an ad on the website, you can find a pet for a couple of thousand, or even for free. A purebred dwarf dachshund with all vaccinations cannot cost less than 30-40 thousand rubles. Too low a price increases the risk of buying a “pig in a poke.”

Interesting Facts

One of the significant factors that allowed the breed to gain great popularity in England was that Queen Victoria herself was breeding dwarf dachshunds.

Another surprise for the owner may be the dog’s ability to dig tunnels. It costs nothing for a dachshund to dig a tunnel under the fence to the street if there is something there that interests him. Therefore, when choosing a place in the yard for your pet, it would be a good idea to remember this.

Pets painted in unusual colors are becoming increasingly popular. For example, the cost of a dwarf marbled dachshund is much higher than a dog with a classic color. At the same time, in some countries, white and beige coat colors are disqualifying.

Marble color dog

When purchasing such a pet, you should carefully evaluate your capabilities for maintaining it, so that the little nimble friend does not turn into a home destroyer.

Brave rescuers and defenders of everything and everyone

The dwarf dachshund in the house is a cute and cute “ghost with a motor.” She manages to be in all places at the same time, protecting owners from any real or imaginary threat. Without her participation, no events are conceivable. The micro-taxi absolutely does not correspond to the traditional image of the “couch sloth”. If the owner is able to devote enough time to walks and activities with his pet, then catastrophic consequences in the home can be avoided. Otherwise, a smart dog will definitely demonstrate its character to its owners in the furnishings, toys and small inhabitants of the house.

Tray training

It is recommended to remove all carpets from the floor first. To speed up the process, you need to purchase special diapers at the pet store. They absorb moisture well and are not saturated with the smell of urine.

A litter tray should be purchased before you bring your dachshund into the home. Due to their physiological characteristics, puppies of this breed often relieve themselves naturally. Most likely, the baby will ignore the proposed option. He will choose his place in one of the corners of the living space. He shouldn't be punished for this. It is necessary to moisten a small piece of cloth in the left puddle, put it under the diaper, and wash the place where the pet relieved itself thoroughly with a soap solution and vinegar to remove the smell.

If such manipulations are repeated several times, the puppy will learn to navigate, and, therefore, will begin to constantly relieve itself in the potty. Dachshunds are smart dogs, so there are rarely representatives that cannot be toilet trained.

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