Husky puppies: charming babies with the appearance of wolf cubs

Huskies are powerful, athletic dogs that are suitable for active people. When getting a puppy of this breed, you should be prepared for the fact that the baby will turn into a hurricane if he is not raised and given proper exercise. However, the undoubted advantage of keeping huskies is their unpretentiousness.

Caring for this dog includes brushing during shedding and proper nutrition.

Husky puppies (photo): care, feeding, education

The charming appearance of husky leaves no one indifferent, especially if their cute face and thick paws are accompanied by a piercing blue gaze.
And although not all Siberian Husky puppies have blue eyes, it is this quality that attracts the most attention to them.

The external attractiveness of husky babies, which are similar to Alaskan Klee Kais , has played a cruel joke on many representatives of this breed.

Random people who do not know the characteristics of this breed acquire a fluffy wolf cub, raising it as an ordinary decorative dog, and are quickly disappointed.

Little husky enjoying a walk on the green grass

The Husky is a truly working dog, requiring daily exercise and exercise, freedom-loving and mischievous, with great potential and indomitable energy.

Dogs of this breed are not suitable for homebodies and elderly people, workaholics and children.

But if the potential owner is ready for difficulties, ready for work and loves sports, then the Husky will be an ideal companion for ten years or more.

Breed varieties

Husky is a common name for sled dogs from different regions. Depending on the territory of origin, the following types of huskies are distinguished:

  1. Alaskan Husky. It is related to Sheepdogs, Malamutes and Border Collies. These are short-haired huskies that feel great even in the harshest weather. Very affectionate, sweet and devoted creatures. They get along well with small children.
  2. Klee-kai. American mini version, released in the States in the 70s. XX century An adult Klee Kai Husky grows up to 40 centimeters at the withers and weighs no more than 7 kilograms. An active, smart and cheerful dog. Despite its small size, it has good health and lives up to 16 years.
  3. Siberian Husky. One of the oldest indigenous breeds. Bred by the Chukchi as a sled dog. They grow up to 50-60 centimeters, very hardy. Not suitable for hunting.
  4. Sakhalin Husky. Powerful and hardy dog. Can reach up to 70 centimeters at the withers. A distinctive feature is the lush “collar” in the neck area. This is the longest-haired husky among all representatives of the breed. He loves people and has a calm disposition. However, it is least common as a pet.

This is interesting! The Sakhalin Husky is sometimes called the Sakhalin Laika.

Choosing a Husky Puppy

People who decide to buy a husky puppy for the first time are usually guided by the following selection criteria:

  • Color and eye color;
  • Gender of the baby;
  • The fatness of the animal.

Husky puppies fell asleep together on a colorful northern sleigh

All these criteria are only partly true, since the baby’s color is unstable and will change in a couple of years, fatness only means that the pet has an excellent appetite, and the behavioral characteristics of females and males may not differ much.

Bitches, often more mischievous and cunning than males, are also prone to escape and love to make tunnels.

Males can be flexible and gentle, adore children.

As in the case of purchasing a St. Bernard puppy , buyers prefer to purchase fully grown husky cubs.

This is justified if you buy a show pet, since the older the baby, the more clearly all the advantages and disadvantages of the exterior are visible, besides, raising in a pack of littermates helps to better adapt to any conditions.

Buying a one-month-old puppy results in a greater bond between the pet and its owner and family members.

Husky puppy under the reliable protection of a French bulldog

You should choose a husky puppy based on what the dog is intended for.

Are there plans to present her at exhibitions, will she participate in breeding or sports competitions?

Or maybe she will just be a pet, accompanying the owner on hikes.

Babies that are promising for exhibitions can be recommended by a breeder who wants their excellent potential not to be wasted just like that.

Experienced Husky owners, when purchasing an animal, make sure that the baby meets the standard and has the makings of a working dog.

A two month old husky should have:

  • Even teeth and scissor bite;
  • Thick ears pointing upward;
  • Tail hanging down and not rising above the line of the back;
  • Strong bones;
  • Lively temperament, curiosity and energy;
  • Any color, odd eyes, brown or blue eyes of various shades.

Two growing kids are inseparable friends

Choosing a husky puppy from a large nursery with excellent recommendations and results from exhibitions and competitions is preferable to purchasing from an amateur breeder.

This is due to the fact that the owner of the kennel is working to improve the breed, carefully selecting pairs, and an amateur can breed a dog with any purebred male.

Leash training

A baby husky must be taught to use a leash from the age of 3 months; walking with a freedom-loving dog without a leash can result in the loss of the family pet. In addition, the domestic pet has very developed hunting instincts; the animal, when free-ranging, can attack small dogs, cats, poultry, and pigeons. Most often, huskies are trained only by obedience commands; in the absence of experience, it is recommended to entrust the education of the animal to professionals.

Leash training can be achieved by any owner with daily exercise, patience and affection. Classes will bring positive results, provided that the pet considers the owner to be the leader and completely trusts him. Leash training consists of several stages:

  • We put on the equipment and watch the animal’s reaction; puppies of the aboriginal breed do not like a leash, some individuals are afraid or aggressively rush at it. At this moment, you need to calm the baby, pet him and try to walk the husky on a leash a little in short steps.
  • If the animal refuses to walk, you need to pause without removing the leash and use small pull-ups to encourage the puppy to move. When the baby begins to move around in the harness, the owner should immediately praise and pet his pet.
  • If the dog clearly does not want to wear equipment, you can resort to treats, but the owner’s actions should always be gentle, clear and persistent. The puppy must realize that resistance will not bring results, and in any case he will have to walk on a leash.
  • Periodically, during the first lessons, it is necessary to remove the leash, calm the pet and give it time to run freely.

Over time, the animal will completely trust the owner and calmly endure the previously unpleasant procedure.

We hope that Khasenysh owners liked our article. The animal should always be calm and interesting with you; try to walk with it more often in new interesting places. Tell us about the antics of your graceful beauties.

First days at home

Raising and caring for husky puppies can be carried out by all family members, but the person who spends the most time with the pet will have the greatest authority.

Joint walks, classes and trips to exhibitions help strengthen affection; the dog begins to sense the owner’s mood and understand him without words.

Husky puppies easily settle into a new place and are well suited for apartment living.

From the first days, the baby should have his own place to sleep, a cage to isolate the pet while he is away, and two bowls.

Most often, a sleeping mat is placed in a cage, creating a kind of cozy house, and toys are also placed there.

The cage door is left open when there is someone at home so that the baby can move freely.

If the puppy is left alone, the cage is closed. You can also build a pet booth .

Advice! It is advisable that during the first month in the new home, the puppy is left alone as little as possible. It is at this time that the foundations of neatness and establishing contact with the owner are laid.

An unexpected encounter between a husky cub and a white lion cub in New York's Central Park

Huskies, like shorthaired pointer puppies , are very active, but the little puppy sleeps a lot, and after each awakening he must be picked up and taken outside to recover.

In order for the baby to quickly develop the skill of asking to go outside, he is taken out as often as possible: after eating, resting, playing.

You can read more about how to train a dog to use the toilet outside here:

You should immediately prohibit your pet from doing anything that would be inappropriate in the behavior of an adult dog.

You cannot climb on upholstered furniture, jump on the owner, or beg at the table.

A cute baby who plays such funny pranks quickly turns into a large, ill-mannered dog, annoying and disturbing everyone.

Husky puppies have a tendency to run away from childhood

Features in the first days of life

If a person has a female husky in the house, then it is likely that the puppies will have to be looked after from the very first days of their life. Newborn babies are not much different from representatives of other breeds. They sleep and eat, growing up, they begin to play.

Husky is an amazingly beautiful dog

If an adult bitch has enough milk, then there should be no problems with nutrition. Also, the mother is able to independently care for her babies until they grow up and get stronger.

Starting from the 6th day, newborn puppies develop a trembling reflex, their body temperature begins to gradually rise, reaching normal. At the initial stages, the owner should pay attention to the place where the puppies are. If they stay with their mother, then the temperature in the room should be at least 20 degrees. In the case when there is no female, the room should be even warmer.

Important! The person should also ensure that all puppies receive enough milk. This is the only way they will grow and gain weight.

The weight of husky puppies doubles already on days 7-10, and after 6 weeks the weight of each kitten will increase 6-10 times its original weight.

Puppies should not be separated from their mother until they are at least 4-6 weeks old. At the same time, the baby must be in contact with the person for the entire specified time. This way he will be able to adapt to his new family faster.

In addition, the owner of the dogs must make sure that the puppies clearly know where their place is to sleep, feed, and which objects can be played with and which cannot. Also, from 4-6 weeks of age, babies need to be taken outside every time after eating. This way they will gradually get used to being patient until the walk.

Feeding husky puppies

The husky's overflowing energy needs constant replenishment.

Store-bought food should be high-calorie and easily digestible; babies up to four months are fed at least three times a day; from six months you can switch to twice feeding.

If feeding with natural food is intended, the diet should include:

  • Raw beef (or lamb) – 40%;
  • Boiled offal – 10%;
  • Rice and oatmeal porridge with broth or water – 20%;
  • Dairy products – 20%;
  • Boiled carrots or cabbage – 10%.

The article will tell you more about what cereals can be given to dogs.

What bright red berries - their taste will surely amaze me!

From four months, Husky puppies, like Stafford puppies , should receive vitamin complexes that strengthen bones and joints: “Puppy”, “Brevers”.

Ready-made food intended for husky nutrition contains all the necessary substances and vitamins that the baby should receive.

Convenience, ease of feeding and a balanced diet make the process of raising a pet much easier.

When feeding dry food, it is not recommended to give natural food, except for fermented milk products and vegetables.

If only the hostess were given flowers more often - they are so soft and so comfortable to lie on!

Natural yogurt is useful for children of any age, which is simply prepared by fermenting milk with the addition of fermented baked milk or a few spoons of bio-yogurt.

Rules of care and conditions for the baby

Care and maintenance of husky puppies, as well as adult dogs, is possible both in apartment conditions and in a private yard with a spacious enclosure. Of course, kids who grew up in the fresh air will have stronger immunity and more attractive appearance, but close contact with a person is established precisely when living together with them.

Important! Huskies that are too small should not be kept in enclosures in severe frosts, since they will have to spend most of their energy not on development, but on heating their bodies.

When installing an enclosure, make sure that your pet does not have the slightest chance to escape, because representatives of this breed are very smart in this direction. The floor of the enclosure is covered with wooden panels, and the booth is insulated with straw or other material.

In the case of apartment housing, take care to protect the puppy from contact with household chemicals, wires and other objects dangerous to him. The most suitable place for him will be away from heating devices, doors and drafts, but if the baby persistently asks to go to your room at night, then you can lay his rug by your bed, but just don’t take him to bed.

In any case, a small husky simply will not be able to develop normally without sufficient physical activity, which means you cannot avoid long walks in the fresh air. These are very energetic dogs, so to fully release the energy raging inside you will have to spend at least 3-4 hours a day outside.

Temperature conditions

Despite the fact that the origin of Siberian huskies is associated with cold climates and low temperatures, puppies born in nurseries in warm countries adapt well to warmth. Therefore, when kept in apartments or houses, the most comfortable temperature for them will be within +20 °C, with a slight increase for very young puppies or a decrease for older ones. A six-month-old baby can easily survive the winter in an enclosure even at -20 °C, while adult dogs can withstand much greater frosts.

It is important to know how to use a furminator to get rid of hair.

We take care of hygiene

Adult huskies require virtually no hygiene measures, except that they will have to be brushed during shedding to prevent hair from collecting in the house. During normal times (not during shedding season), dead hair can be removed once a week or even less often by simply brushing your pet with a wire brush.

The structure of the hair and the natural tendency of dogs to lick allow them to constantly remain clean, and even after a year without washing, no one will call them dirty. Husky wool is capable of self-cleaning and is devoid of any unpleasant odor, and excessive water procedures can even cause harm by disturbing the fat balance of the skin.

In addition to grooming, it is important to pay attention to claws, teeth, eyes and ears, and this also applies to very young puppies. The dog's teeth should always remain white and smooth, and if a stone appears, it should be removed immediately (preferably at a veterinary clinic).

Special clippers are used to trim children's claws, and eyes and ears can be wiped with a cotton swab previously soaked in a special liquid. In the cold season, the pads on the paws can be lubricated with wax, which will prevent the appearance of cracks.

Did you know? Siberian Huskies are considered the fastest and most resilient of all sled dogs. In a day, the team can cover up to 250 km, moving at a speed of 8 km/hour. In addition, they are distinguished by their increased ability for team interaction.

Pet health

Complex vaccinations against the most common canine diseases are first administered to a small husky at the age of two months, but only after preliminary deworming (the drug against helminthic infestation is given 10 days before the vaccination itself).

The quarantine period will end only two weeks after re-vaccination, and you will be able to take your pet for its first full walk.

Some veterinary experts recommend that owners get another vaccination after changing teeth, but this is more of an advice than a mandatory measure. In the future, vaccinations must be done annually so that they can protect an adult dog from such terrible diseases as distemper, rabies and enteritis.

During puppyhood, as well as at an older age, the infection can affect the eyes, ears, skin, nervous system, and sometimes joints. Vaccinations will not be able to help cope with absolutely all problems, but if together with them you adhere to the correct diet of the puppy and provide the proper level of care, then all risks can be minimized.

If your animal's skin and coat are unhealthy, it is important to know the symptoms of skin diseases in dogs.

A baby husky, moreover, if he has just come into your home, may show signs of stress, overeating and even overheating. In this case, you shouldn’t immediately rush to the first aid kit and start feeding the puppy all the medications in a row, just make sure that he always has fresh and cool water in his bowl. As an exception, you can give your pet sorbents (applied one hour before or two hours after meals), but always against the background of dietary nutrition.

If signs of indigestion do not disappear within a few weeks, but your pet is active and does not have a high fever, it is still worth visiting a veterinarian.

In general, all representatives of the Husky breed are characterized by good health indicators and, with proper care and timely medical attention, often live up to 20 years.

Find out how to help your dog get rid of parasites - fleas, worms, ticks.

Influence of psychological climate

A puppy is the same as a child, so he needs to be provided with all living conditions according to his age. The psychological climate in the family plays an important role in the process of education and training, because if the owners constantly quarrel with each other or shout at their pet for the slightest offense, then it will be very difficult to get a stable reaction from him to what is happening.

If all the actions of the owner are not consistent and one time the baby is allowed to do something for which he is punished another time, he simply will not know what they want from him, and this often causes fear or depression. Physical punishment is generally unacceptable, and you will achieve nothing except panic fear. Learning should only occur with positive reinforcement.

Education and training

The owner of a husky puppy should know that this breed loves freedom very much, huskies often run away, so the command “Come to me!” should be fundamental from the first days.

The baby is called to you periodically in various conditions: at home, on a walk, during classes, and is always treated to a treat.

The puppy should willingly run when called, even while playing with other animals - this is an important element of training .

Well-trained Husky puppies make wonderful companions and close friends with children.

By fastening the puppy on a harness , it is easier to control him, so calling can also be practiced while walking around the city.

It is advisable for the husky to be calm about any irritants: city noise, cars, other animals, people - by changing walking routes, the owner quickly socializes the baby.

Classes at the training ground should be attended immediately after the end of quarantine, especially for show puppies.

Movement in a circle and learning to stand calmly in an exhibition position are easier to practice from an early age.

One of the characteristics of husky puppies is their piercing gaze.

If a husky lives in a house, constantly communicates with the owner and family members, and walks on a leash for at least two hours a day, then an unintelligent puppy will quickly grow into the smartest dog that understands everything.

The more time spent with a dog as it grows, the higher its intelligence.

Husky puppies: care, feeding, education

Adorable husky puppies leave no one indifferent, especially if their cute face and thick paws are accompanied by a piercing blue gaze. And although not all Siberian Husky puppies have blue eyes, it is this quality that attracts the most attention to them.

How to raise a puppy

  1. Choose a nickname. Repeat it several times during the day, calling the baby to you during feeding and games. Reward each time with a treat and petting. Never use a name if you want to punish your puppy.
  2. Show me the place. This territory is his personal space, where he will feel completely safe. In an enclosure, a husky should have a warm booth, the opportunity to go into the house at any time, and communicate with members of the “pack”. Isolation is contraindicated for these dogs.
  3. Introduce pets. At first, it is recommended not to leave the puppy alone with them. Playful little huskies become clingy and can get hurt by adults.

Raise your baby from the first months of his appearance in your home, explain to him what is possible and what is not. For proper socialization, create different conditions - an apartment, city streets, parks. This way he will quickly get used to noise, sharp sounds, and crowds of people.

Up to 3 months, the puppy must:

  • learn your nickname;
  • understand who is the boss;
  • know everyone at home and distinguish them from strangers;
  • respond adequately to commands “fu” and “no”.

If you started training from scratch, are doing everything correctly, and your puppy exhibits unwanted behavior, watch him. Perhaps something is bothering him. For example, scratching walls, chewing plaster - lack of minerals and salts in the diet. Review your diet. Chews shoes - gums itch. Buy rubber toys and direct your puppy's attention to them. Keep a close eye on your baby, spend more time with him, don’t leave him alone for a long time in an empty apartment, and you will avoid damage to property and notice the onset of the disease in time.

The earlier you start training, the better your chances of raising an obedient pet. Huskies can be trained from the age of three months - start with basic commands. Before a training lesson, let your husky burn off some energy - this will make it easier for them to concentrate on the lesson.

Classes with a trainer in a group with already trained dogs will be more effective - a young dog, imitating adults, will quickly learn commands.

Reinforce the correct completion of the task with a treat, but do not overfeed, otherwise interest in learning will be lost. Better praise the puppy more.

Never raise your voice and, especially, do not use physical punishment. This way you will get the opposite result - he will stop listening to you.

In general, you should train a Husky the same way you would train a dog of any other breed. You just need more persistence, patience in education, time to repeat and consolidate what you have learned.

Description of the breed

The word "husky" goes back to the distorted name of the Eskimo people - "Eski". Various northern peoples, such as the Chukchi, Kereks, the above-mentioned Eskimos and other peoples inhabiting the north of Eastern Siberia, and later various people who came to the north of North America, used dogs of this breed for transport purposes. Involuntary selection, which took place in conditions of cold, long distances covered, feeding (on the road) on dried fish and constant stress, led to the formation in huskies of the very characteristics that make them recognizable.

Dogs of this breed are of medium height, with dense coats, and have a lean figure; some note a vague resemblance of these dogs to wolves. Let's take a look at the more detailed description:

  • the coat is long, the undercoat is very thick;
  • Huskies have erect ears covered with fur on the inside;
  • international standards allow up to 15 color options for dogs, but huskies are characterized by the presence of a light muzzle and a dark periorbital area;
  • the most common eye color is blue, but brown, olive and golden are also found;
  • males are usually larger, their skeleton is more pronounced;
  • Huskies are very hardy, can withstand long-term loads, and females are practically not inferior to males in terms of endurance;
  • Huskies treat all strangers very kindly, which excludes the possibility of using it as a guard dog.

What you need to keep a husky in a private house or apartment

The Siberian Husky is a breed that was formed as a result of natural selection in the harsh conditions of low temperatures in Eastern Siberia and North America. Historically, dogs were trained to travel long distances under constant stress while subsisting on dried fish. All this left an imprint on the exterior and character of the dogs. In order for these animals to be able to live outside the special conditions of their historical homeland, the owners must know what is needed to keep a husky in a house or city apartment.

Subtleties of content

To purchase a Husky, you should find a reliable breeder or kennel with a positive reputation. A puppy should be adopted in the second month of life, because before that it is very important for them to stay with their mother. When choosing a puppy, pay attention to its bone structure; it must be strong. Look at the condition of the paws, tail, bite, and oral cavity. The puppy should also be active, curious and relatively peaceful.

You should check with the breeder for the availability of documents for the dog, and also check for the presence of a brand or, if any, a chip. If you are offered a dog for too low a price, be sure to be wary, since a good purebred husky cannot be cheap.

It is very important to provide your puppy with a number of accessories - a food bowl, a water bowl, a collar. You should also provide the puppy with a leash, a short collar, and a muzzle. It is necessary to provide the puppy with toys that are resistant to attempts to chew them. The dog also needs to prepare a special backpack equipped with weights so that the dog is not hyperactive, a cooling mat, and a furminator for grooming.

Any pile floor coverings, such as carpets and rugs, should be removed from the dogs' reach - huskies love to tear them up. Also hide clothes, shoes and valuables. It is worth removing glass utensils, equipment, clay pots, wires can be lubricated with special preparations, and it is advisable to put various detergents away to avoid poisoning. Isolate your dog from sources of noise, sharp objects and exposed wires.

The dog should be kept under conditions of regular physical activity. Every day you will have to devote up to four hours to walks, otherwise the puppy simply will not waste his energy, and you should not worry about the weather - the puppy will be comfortable in conditions from +20 to -20. The number of walks will have to be increased to three instead of the usual two for other breeds.

It is important for the puppy, in addition to just running around, to engage in games. In winter, from the age of 9 months, the puppy is given rides in sleighs and sleds, and in the summer - games with balls, frisbees and similar accessories.

In the apartment

In the apartment interior, the husky will have nowhere to splash out his energy if you don’t engage in his leisure time during walks. Therefore, be mentally prepared for the fact that walls, doors and some small things may be damaged. Therefore, sometimes it is advisable for a puppy to use a spacious crate with a soft place to sleep on the floor if the owners are forced to leave the dog unattended.

In no case should we forget to open the cage as soon as possible without too destructive consequences.

Features of care in summer

The hot period requires special care for this breed. A person should follow the following recommendations:

  • take the dog outside in the early morning and late evening when the heat subsides;
  • If possible, stay in the shade of trees - walks in the park are best;
  • provide constant access to water;
  • regularly carry out water procedures - this is especially true for small puppies.

In summer, physical activity should be gentle, since the heat makes the dog get tired faster. At this time, walks can be reduced to 1 hour a day.

Important! Dogs cannot be cut during the summer. Every description of the Siberian breed boils down to the fact that the hair of these dogs is not intended for cutting.

Also, do not forget about protection against ticks. Starting in spring, insects become active and easily climb onto a dog running in thick grass. In this case, you can use special drops and spray. Also, after a walk, the animal’s fur must be inspected for parasites.

In terms of diet, in the summer it is necessary to observe moderation. An adult dog can determine how much it needs to eat, but the owner will have to decide for the baby.

Rescue in the heat

How to care?

Hygiene issues are very important when caring for a dog. While still a puppy, the husky should receive hygiene procedures more often than other dogs because it has long hair and a thick undercoat. Huskies shed twice a year, leaving a huge amount of hair behind. If the dog lives in a comfortable climate, these periods may be less pronounced.

Up to six months, the dog is brushed twice a week, after which the coat coarsens to some extent, and then the frequency of brushing can be reduced to once a week. At home, the dog is combed with a wide-tooth comb or a furminator. It is important to preserve that part of the undercoat that has not yet shed. During periods of shedding, dogs are brushed daily, or, if the house is private, once every 3-4 days.

In addition to regular brushing, the dog needs to be given a bath, and those living at home need to have their paws washed regularly.

You should not allow your dog to climb through puddles and mud, but if this happens, you can remove the contamination with a damp sponge or special wipes. Once every six months you should clean your pet’s ears and eyes with a cotton swab and disinfectant. It is recommended to use veterinary lotions for this.

Huskies should receive preventive eye drops . In addition, specialized institutions should clean the dog’s teeth and remove stones from them. Veterinary clinics are ideal for this.

In summer and winter, dogs need care for their paw pads. There are special creams, gels and even wax for this.

In addition, it is worth taking care of the animal’s claws. To prevent them from breaking, thereby causing discomfort to the dog, they need to be regularly trimmed to the optimal length.

How to train: what you need to know

  1. Husky is a working breed with a strong character. Boys try to dominate, girls are less inclined to lead, but in both cases they cannot be raised like sofa dogs, to indulge every whim. The owner must be a leader and constantly prove it. Do not succumb to the student’s tricks, persistently achieve the fulfillment of commands.
  2. Not suitable as a first pet. The owner of a husky must have knowledge and experience in training, and be self-confident. Professional trainers at our center will give advice on the proper training of dogs of any age and show how to conduct lessons.
  3. Teach useful skills gradually, without pressure. Play with your pet, communicate, become the “center of the universe” for him and he will obey you unquestioningly.
  4. The dog needs daily physical and mental exercise, otherwise it will direct its energy towards destruction. Recommended training courses: controlled city dog, obedience.
  5. Sled racing is the best use for the breed. Beginning of training (from 2 months) - accustoming to a harness and equipment. Wear them for a short time in the apartment or on a walk so that the puppy gets used to it quickly. Training a husky at home should consist of developing basic commands, without which interaction between the musher and the runner is impossible - forward, stop, right, left, past, impossible. From 10-11 months, he can pull a skier, provided that he skis well and only a small part of the weight rests on the dog. The first serious load is at the age of one year, when the bones become stronger. If you cannot put your pet in a harness, practice riding skills on walks - start teaching him with canicross or towing a tire. In Moscow, not all parks allow dogs, so it’s better to go outside the city where there is space for exercise.
  6. At temperatures above +16 degrees, it is advisable not to carry out training with loads. Warm weather can have a negative impact on your Husky's health.

Other articles:

  • Exhibitions, ranks, titles, certificates, diplomas
  • How to train pug dogs

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Nutritional Features

Up to 2 months, puppies need to be fed up to 6 times a day, up to 4 - 4 times a day, at 5 months the puppy should be fed at least 4 times a day, and from six months to 10 months the puppy receives food three times every day. An adult pet should be fed up to 2 times a day.

When purchasing a puppy, some breeders recommend keeping it on a rice diet for up to 7 days, followed by white poultry meat or sea fish.

At each stage, you should maintain a diet, feeding the puppy at a certain time. From 4 months, vitamins and microelements are added to the diet. Regardless of the owners’ choice between a natural product and ready-made meals, it is important for the owners to ensure that their diet contains immunostimulating vitamins A and C, and B vitamins for skin and muscles. Vitamin D is important for calcium metabolism, vitamin E has a positive effect on reproduction, and metal ions and non-metallic compounds form the framework of bones and tissues, and also play a role in enzymatic regulation.

If you choose natural food, then you must follow a certain list of rules. Half of the diet should be meat (beef, turkey, rabbit) or fish. You can try offal such as liver, heart and other organs, which are rich in microelements and vitamins.

It is useful to feed huskies porridges made from grains and cereals - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal . Moreover, steamed buckwheat or oatmeal can (and even is advisable) be given daily. You can add quail eggs up to twice a week . The totality of these products should not exceed 1/5 of the diet.

Another 1/5 of the diet should be given to dairy products. to vegetables , with preference given to products containing fiber - carrots, cabbage, apples, etc.

If you decide to resort to ready-made food, then it is important to take into account the price class of the food and how guaranteed it is to meet your dog’s needs. It is advisable to choose the premium or super-premium price class of feed . Cheap food often contains low-quality additives that have an allergenic effect, disrupt the intestinal microflora, or simply give a feeling of fullness without actually satiating the dog. They contain starch, corn and sometimes grain additives.

If dry puppy food is used as a basis, you can sometimes dilute it with canned food.

Puppies must have a diet with a high percentage of meat. Dry food can be mixed with a natural product only if we are talking about adding fermented milk products or vegetables.

Opinions vary regarding the method of transferring to dry food. Some breeders tend to believe that they can do it in 10 days, every 3 days reducing the share of natural food by a quarter and increasing the share of dry food by the same quarter of the portion; others believe that this process should be stretched out over 2-3 weeks. Therefore, we can draw a general conclusion that the transition to dry food should not take less than 10 days and should be a gradual process. It is also important to supply the appropriate amount of water with dry food.

It is strictly forbidden to feed your Husky sausages, sausages, flour products and minced meat. You should not feed your dog long bones or chicken skins. Also exclude legumes, grapes and other foods that cause flatulence from the diet - this can cause discomfort. Raw liver and river fish should not be given to dogs due to the increased risk of helminthiasis, as well as the likelihood of poisoning. Potatoes and, in particular, the starch they contain can lead to metabolic disorders in a dog.

Caring for ears, teeth and claws

The Siberian dog requires special care not only for its coat, but also for its teeth, ears and claws. As for teeth, it all depends on your diet. If the animal mainly eats dry food, then there is no need to remove plaque. The animal cleans its teeth on its own by chewing the granules.

If the pet eats mostly regular food, then the owner will have to take care of dental hygiene. For this, a special paste and toothbrush are used. The procedure should be carried out at least 1-2 times a week.

The dog's ears are examined at least once a week. If there is accumulated sulfur or dirt in the sinks, they should be wiped with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide.

Attention! The owner should pay attention if the animal frequently shakes its head and scratches its ears. This may be a sign of an inflammatory process. In this case, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

As for the claws, with an active lifestyle, they grind down on their own on asphalt or other hard surfaces. Otherwise, nails should be trimmed at least once a month.

Education and training

The Husky puppy is very active and loving, so he will happily absorb all the attention you give him. The first six months are critical for the formation of the owner-pet relationship. During this period of a husky’s life, it is important to devote all your free time to him, playing with him, caring for him, walking him and giving him your affection and warmth.

During walks, you need to give him all your strength, making him exhausted, so that at home he will be more calm and diligent.

Are Husky dogs suitable for living in an apartment?

Husky puppies quickly adapt to apartment conditions. The main thing is to provide them with proper physical activity. Without it, the pet can turn into a destroyer. After all, it is also a hunting dog.

However, a long walk and a sufficient number of games do not at all guarantee that the furry baby will behave docilely. A puppy is a puppy, and therefore he can chew everything he can get his teeth into, or play, turning the house upside down.

Another point is molting. During this period, dogs lose a lot of hair. If you comb them irregularly or do it poorly, the floors and furniture in the apartment will become downy.

Husky puppies: how to prepare your home for new residents

Before the puppy arrives, you must purchase:

  • a bed (it is better to choose plastic models with nylon mattresses, as they are more resistant to sharp teeth). You cannot buy soft beds or wicker baskets for this breed. They can easily harm the baby if he bites off and swallows a piece;
  • bowls for food and water (preferably steel);
  • collar (changes according to the age of the dog);
  • long leash (this breed must be given the opportunity to move away from the owner);
  • furminator (selected based on the length of the dog’s coat);
  • toys and “chews”;
  • a crate (this is not a means of punishment, but a guarantee of the puppy’s safety when the owners are not at home).

Important! The dog should be able to stand up to its full height in the crate, and also stretch out to its full length if desired.

Diseases and vaccinations

Dogs of this breed are characterized by very good health, but this does not mean that they are not susceptible to diseases, including infectious ones.

At the age of 2 months, dogs are given a combined vaccination against rabies, distemper and enteritis, with a second dose administered a month later. To prepare for vaccination as planned, the puppy should be given anthelmintic drugs 10 days before. After the second vaccination, the dog stays at home for two weeks, and then it can be taken outside. After a year, it will be necessary to revaccinate in the same way.

During the warm season, it is important to protect dogs from ticks, as they are carriers of piroplasmosis, which can potentially be fatal to a pet. To protect your dog, you can use prophylactic collars or pharmacological external agents, as well as preparations for internal use.

Most often in Husky dogs, the eyes, ears, musculoskeletal system and nervous system are affected, and with improper nutrition, internal organs, especially the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the appearance, walking and training, as well as the nutrition of your pet, then it will be strong and healthy.

To learn how to care for a husky, watch the following video.

Is it possible to keep a husky outside?

This breed is comfortable outdoors. She won’t get bored, because there are a lot of things to do in the open space. Also, don't worry if your dog prefers to sleep in the snow during the winter. This is her northern blood speaking.

But your pet definitely needs to be protected from the sun, so you will need to build a canopy over the dog kennel.

This is interesting! Huskies love to climb, so it is advisable to make the roof of the kennel flat so that the dog can climb on it.

Husky dog ​​enclosure

When building an enclosure, it is important to consider a number of points:

  1. Chain-link mesh is not suitable as a fence. The dog will easily chew it through and go on an exciting journey around the surrounding area.
  2. The fence should not be painted. It is impossible for a dog to be poisoned by paint particles.
  3. It is important to take care of the canopy from sun and rain.
  4. The floor in the enclosure cannot be made of earth. The husky will easily make a dig and again go for an independent walk. These are very strong and resourceful dogs. Therefore, the owner needs to be more cunning than them.

Features of a husky

The specificity of the breed lies in its endurance to weather and physical stress.

  1. Expressive eyes . Huskies with blue eyes are more common, but there can be odd-eyed and brown-eyed dogs.
  2. Thick layer of fur . Due to their ability to withstand temperatures down to -60°C, huskies have a thick layer of fur even on their paws. The wool is highly insulating and dogs can sleep in the snow.
  3. Self-cleaning wool . Shedding occurs quickly, 2 times a year, without smell.
  4. The ability to change metabolism . This skill gives the animal the opportunity to run for many hours in a row without getting tired. In a harness, a husky can run up to 250 km per day at an average speed of 10-15 km/h.
  5. Not suitable for protection . They have no aggression towards humans, adore children and are very friendly.
  6. Often they suffer from retinal dystrophy and diseases of the posterior musculoskeletal system.

How long should you walk your husky per day?

Huskies have one more particularly important point in their care and maintenance, namely walking. As already mentioned, you can’t just take your dog outside for 5 minutes to go to the toilet. Active and energetic animals require a special approach.

If the animal is kept in an apartment, then walks should take at least 2 hours a day. This time can be divided into 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening. If a person is uncomfortable and needs to rush to work in the morning, then in the morning you can limit yourself to a 30-minute jog.

Important! Full physical activity is allowed only after the dog reaches the age of 1 year. By this time, the dog’s skeleton is already fully formed and it can frolic and jump without negative consequences for itself.

Walking the dog is very important

Signs of a Healthy Husky

If you decide to buy a puppy, you need to know what it should look like in good condition:

  • eyes without discharge;
  • The medium-length coat is thick and shiny;
  • black and white, gray and white or piebald;
  • erect ears. The inner surface of the ear is clean, without discharge or dirt;
  • white teeth and correct bite. No bad breath;
  • straight and wide paws covered with thick hair;
  • uniform belly;
  • pads and paws are soft and without cracks;
  • long straight tail, without bends or curvatures.

Caring for an older dog

If properly cared for, the Husky will remain in shape for up to 10 years. Check the health of an older dog daily: examine the paws, eyes, teeth and ears, feel the surface of the body for lumps and nodules.

Increase the number of feedings, reducing the portions, and the frequency of walks, reducing the duration. Place a soft bedding on the dog's usual place.

Aging Huskies become grumpy and finicky. On the street, do not allow fights with other dogs, and at home, allow your pet to take a break from the attention of family members.

Tips for choosing a husky

When buying a dog online, you may encounter scammers. To avoid buying a sick dog or a mixed breed dog, follow these tips:

  1. Make sure that the puppy matches the photo that the breeders post, that it is healthy, cheerful and with documents.
  2. The price for a full-fledged purebred puppy cannot be low. If you are offered a puppy at a low price, find out what kind of catch awaits you.
  3. Call the breeder and ask for additional real-time photos of the puppy. It happens that a photo of a puppy hangs on the Internet for several months. Ask for photos from all angles: muzzle, bite, front and back views. You can ask for a video to see the puppy's behavior.
  4. Look at the anatomy, especially the bite. If the dog has an incorrect bite, you may have problems with nutrition and teeth, then the dog will not be suitable for shows. If the bite is bad, the dog is not suitable for breeding.
  5. Buy a dog with documents. Find out what authentic documents look like. Without documents, a dog is considered mongrel.
  6. The dog must have a mark. It may be on the ear or on the stomach. This indicates that the dog is registered. The brand on the documents must match the brand on the dog. Dogs may be microchipped. The chip is a capsule that is administered at the veterinary clinic. It contains information about the dog and owner. You can read information from the chip using equipment.

Features of preparing a home for keeping a husky puppy

Prepare your home and yard to prevent your puppy from escaping. The Husky requires more or less constant vigilance. You will also need a fence at least 150 cm high with a hard floor. Concrete or strong mesh at the base of the fence would be a pretty good option.

Give your puppy plenty of exercise. Due to their nature, Siberian Husky puppies require a lot of activity.

Huskies were bred to be working dogs, so they get bored quickly if they don't have something to do. To keep your Husky happy, you will need to make sure he gets 30 to 60 minutes of vigorous exercise daily.

Huskies are great dogs to run around with as they get a little older. They love to run, play and chase things.

Huskies are energetic and get bored easily. If you don't provide your puppy with proper exercise, the result will be a miserable dog that howls constantly and destroys your home.

Introduce your puppy to other people and animals. Huskies are naturally friendly. But, like any dog, a husky puppy requires socialization to develop comfortably with people and other animals.

If your puppy seems nervous or aggressive with other dogs or people, then pet training and socialization classes may be a good idea. These activities help your dog learn how to interact well with others.

Set appropriate boundaries between you and your puppy. Since Huskies are very stubborn, it is important to set boundaries right away. They need to know that you are in charge.

Don't let your puppy sleep in the bed as this creates confusion about his role in the family.

Have everyone in your family give your dog a small amount of food. This will teach your Husky that everyone in the house can control his access to food.

Follow the established rules. If you're not there, your dog learns that sometimes he can get what he wants if he tries. Make sure all family members understand and adhere to these rules. Be patient. Your dog can be taught anything if you are confident and consistent.

Signs of illness in a husky

The puppy should be very active, playing, barking, responding to touch and jumping on its feet. Signs that your dog is sick:

  • lies in the corner and shows no signs of presence;
  • does not respond to stroking;
  • eyes water;
  • bloated stomach;
  • there is discharge from the ears and nose;
  • curvatures in the tail indicate displacement of the vertebrae;
  • the dog smells unpleasant;
  • bad breath;
  • discharge from the anus.

Sources: soderzhanie-v-domashnix-usloviyax.html

Husky health

This breed is famous for its good health and endurance. With good maintenance, care and feeding, the dog will live to a ripe old age without diseases. The average life expectancy is 12-15 years.

Huskies have breed characteristics associated with health that are diseases in other dogs. For example, increased blood clotting or increased heart size. This is due to the place where the breed was bred and is adaptive in nature.

However, there are a number of genetic diseases:

  • Hip dysplasia (hip dysplasia) is expressed by lameness of the dog. Physiotherapeutic or drug treatment will help in the initial stages. But often the owners apply in the later phases of the disease, when the only solution is surgery;
  • Retinal atrophy is a dystrophic disorder. Both eyes are affected. The prognosis is disappointing - complete blindness;
  • Juvenile cataract is the appearance of a thickening on the pupil. Vision is significantly reduced. Young individuals under two years of age are susceptible. Treatment is surgical;
  • Dermatitis.

What mistakes should not be made?

This is how Siberian Huskies are trained at home. Raising and caring for the dogs described requires, as you can see, compliance with certain rules. When raising a puppy, you should try to avoid making mistakes that are typical for beginners. These include primarily:

  • prohibitions on communication with other dogs;
  • carrying the dog in your arms (especially belly first);
  • retraining (the husky will not perform an already learned command several times in a row for no apparent reason).

Among other things, a dog of this breed should under no circumstances be allowed to play with household items - old socks, unnecessary slippers, etc. Otherwise, in the future the dog will do the same with new things. Moreover, it is unlikely that it will be possible to wean him from this.

Husky care: how often to bathe

Dogs of this breed almost never emit an unpleasant dog odor. This is considered one of the advantages of the Siberian Husky. But the cleanliness of the fur of these dogs should be monitored as carefully as possible. During a walk, you should not allow your dog to climb into puddles or run through the mud, much less roll around in it.

The fact is that experienced dog breeders do not recommend bathing huskies too often. These dogs should take water treatments no more than once a year. If the husky does get dirty during a walk, the paws and contaminated areas of the body just need to be thoroughly wiped with a soft, damp sponge.

Training at 2 months. Upbringing

At 2 months old, your husky puppy is still at home, in quarantine after the first vaccinations, and he is still not allowed to go for walks. Therefore, it’s time to start raising a puppy in the home conditions that are already familiar to him.

Toilet training

The first step is teaching the puppy to go to the toilet in a diaper . You should not rush to teach going to the toilet directly outside, bypassing this stage, because puppies are not physiologically ready for walking twice a day. This ability is developed in husky puppies no earlier than 6 months, and in some up to 1 year.

It should be remembered that any learning is a rather complex thing and, seeing the first positive results, you should not think that your puppy has already understood everything, but you should continue training according to the method, so that after a while you do not have to start all over again.

Collar and leash training

The second important point will be to accustom the puppy to a collar and leash . Yes, yes, this should be done at home, so that by the time the puppy goes outside for the first time, wearing a collar will not be additional stress for him, but is already a familiar thing, and he can start exploring the world around him, rather than trying to get rid of an unknown object.

What to allow a puppy and what not

The third point, which causes the greatest difficulty for new puppy owners, will be determining the puppy’s boundaries of what is permitted. Often, many novice dog owners think that the unwanted behavior of a husky puppy will “go away on its own, outgrow it.” But, unfortunately, the behavior that is allowed for a puppy will be taken for granted later by an adult dog.


Any unwanted behavior in a puppy WILL NOT go away on its own, but will only become stronger over time.

Therefore, it is necessary to start defining the puppy’s boundaries of what is permitted now. You will need:

  • Teach to play only with your toys, and not with your things;
  • Explain that you cannot bite your hands even in a game;
  • Establish the correct daily routine, establishing the rule that in the morning you need to sleep and not wake you up;
  • Stop chewing furniture, clothes, walls and baseboards;
  • Teach to stay home alone, knowing that your absence is not a reason to bark or howl.

IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO KNOW: constant and excessive punishments that follow almost every action of a puppy have a detrimental effect on its fragile psyche and can lead to a husky puppy growing up cowardly and embittered. For normal natural development, a puppy must have the opportunity to explore the world around him, which is currently limited to your apartment or house.

Introduction to Basic Commands

Already now you should begin to familiarize yourself with the initial obedience commands in a light playful form, while focusing on rewards for execution, because the puppy’s psyche is still quite plastic and excessive severity and exactingness can lead to the puppy being intimidated and cowardly. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to try to interest the puppy by offering him a toy or treat, and sometimes just praise.

Features of training

Proper upbringing from an early age is something that Husky dogs definitely need. The care and maintenance of these large, intelligent dogs requires training. If enough attention is not paid to raising a puppy, it will grow up completely uncontrollable. Love of freedom and the desire to lead in everything and everywhere are literally in the blood of these northern dogs.

When starting to train a puppy, you should remember that a husky is, first of all, not a service dog, but a working dog. For example, she will happily take children or even the owners themselves on a sled on her own, without any training. But at the same time, it will not be possible to develop aggressiveness towards strangers in a dog by any means.

Most often, husky training begins at 2-3 months. The training program is chosen so that the dog’s training is as interesting as possible. Huskies should not be punished for not following commands during classes. Much better results with these dogs can be achieved using praise.

When training, the commands themselves should be given to the husky in a clear, authoritative, calm voice. You should be persistent during training. However, we must not forget that these northern dogs respond much better to requests than to orders.

Proper care of a husky puppy requires punishment only in the following cases:

  • manifestations of aggression towards the owner;
  • committing actions that are dangerous for the dog itself;
  • manifestations of aggression towards other dogs.

Under no circumstances should you beat a husky. The following technique is usually used as punishment:

  • the dog is picked up by the withers;
  • they press her to the floor so that she cannot move;
  • After the dog stops resisting and relaxes, he is released.

You should definitely use some treats as a reward during training. You should praise dogs in an even, soft voice. These dogs absolutely cannot stand shrill intonations.

A little history

The Husky breed was developed naturally over thousands of years by the inhabitants of the Far North - the Chukchi. According to physiological characteristics, it is a relative of the well-known Siberian husky (but not its variety). Huskies were used by the Chukchi mainly as sled dogs.

Unfortunately, unlike the husky, after the 17th year this breed was recognized in our country as having no prospects. And therefore, no attention was paid to her at all. The only thing that saved the husky from extinction was that even before the revolution, several of these dogs were taken from Kamchatka by the Americans. That is why the breed was registered not in Russia, but in the USA.

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