The largest dog in the world - TOP 10 with photos and their features

In June 2022, Guinness World Records officials recognized the Great Dane, nicknamed Freddie, as the largest dog in the world. The dog's height at the withers is 1.035 m. He is slightly lower than the previous leaders: the blue Great Dane named George and the Great Dane Zeus. Giant George was entered into the Book of Records in 2010 with a height of 1.10 cm and a weight of 110 kg. However, in 2013, the dog died, giving way to a new record holder.

Today, the Great Dane named Freddy is the leader among other breeds that claim the title of “The Biggest Dog in the World.” We will tell you in more detail who else is on this list.

Great Dane - leader

Freddy the Great Dane lives in England in the county of Norfolk. His owner Claire Stoneman assures that her pet is no different from his brothers. The Great Dane eats regular dog food and loves beef and chicken. According to the neighbors, Freddie looks more like a horse, he seems so tall to them.

It is noteworthy that along with his height, Freddie claims to be the oldest Great Dane. He recently turned 8 years old, which is a very respectable age for this breed.

The Great Dane is one of the tallest dog breeds. Its average height at the withers reaches up to 0.80 m with a weight of up to 100 kg. And Freddie is far from the first of its representatives to break the breed record. The record holder, also included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2013 after the death of the blue dog George, is a dog named Zeus from Michigan. Its height at the withers is 111.8 cm, and its weight is more than 70 kg. If he stands on his hind legs, then his height is 2.20 m in height.

On a note! Great Danes are distinguished by their kind disposition, loyalty and obedience. Despite their gigantic growth, they become real members of the family.

Care and maintenance of an adult dog

It is preferable to keep Great Danes in a large private house. It will be too crowded for huge dogs in an apartment, and their short hair does not allow them to stay in the yard all the time.

The right diet

The Great Dane can be given balanced ready-made food of premium and superpremium classes or holistic level.

With a natural diet, the basis of the diet is lean meat and offal. A dog will need about 600-800 g per day.

The norm is determined in accordance with the size and level of physical activity of the pet.

The menu also includes:

  • rice, oatmeal and buckwheat porridges;
  • dairy products;
  • fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits;
  • sea ​​fish and eggs (1-2 times a week).

Food from the master's table, any salty, fatty, fried, smoked food, sweets and baked goods are prohibited.

Important. If your Great Dane is getting fat, you need to reconsider its diet. Extra pounds are fraught with serious health problems.

Walking and physical activity

Great Danes require moderate intensity physical activity: running uphill, swimming, towing. Dogs are walked twice a day for at least 1 hour.

Training and education

The Great Dane dog breed has a sharp mind and excellent memory, so it is quite easy to train. It is important to start training as early as possible - puppies absorb new information like sponges.

As a child, the dog is actively socialized: introduced to the outside world, other people and animals. Thanks to this, an adult Great Dane will behave adequately in any situation.

Initial training is carried out in a playful way so that the puppy does not lose interest. Gradually move from simple to complex, adding endurance exercises and gestures.

The owner must act harshly, but not cruelly. Physical violence leads to disobedience, and can even break the pet’s psyche. If the dog follows orders, it is praised and given a treat.

Care and hygiene

Great Danes are brushed once a week, and during the shedding period - once every 2-3 days. Bathing is required only in case of severe pollution, but not more than once a quarter.

Important. A Great Dane puppy should get used to all hygiene procedures from childhood. It will be extremely difficult to restrain an adult dog if it begins to resist.

Caring for this dog breed includes:

  • cleaning ears, rubbing eyes – once a week;
  • trimming claws - approximately once a month;
  • brushing your teeth – 1-2 times a week;
  • worming – once every 3 months;
  • treatment against blood-sucking parasites - depending on the brand of the product.

After walks, dogs' paws are washed. If the pads are cracked, rub vegetable oil into them.

English Mastiff

Another breed that falls into the “Largest Dog in the World” category and takes second place is the English Mastiff. The average height of the aristocratic breed is 69-91 cm at the withers.

The record holder who appeared on the pages of Wikipedia is an English mastiff named Aikama Zorba. He was born in September 1981 to the breeder Prosser I. Later, an English gentleman from London, Chris Iraklides, became the owner of the dog. In 1989, the Guinness Book recorded a record weight of a dog of 155.6 kg with a height of 94 cm and a body length of 2.51 m.

On a note! The English Mastiff breed is bred to guard territory. They are distinguished by their courage, balanced character and powerful appearance. However, the English Mastiff often makes a good companion accompanying its owner.

Tibetan mastiff

The next breed that is distinguished by its uniqueness is the Tibetan mastiff. This is the oldest breed, bred in the monasteries of the Tibetan region. Its purpose is to protect the territory. The average height of a male dog is up to 81 cm, weight – up to 82 kg.

One of the representatives of this breed, a male named Sensation, was sold to a famous coal magnate from China in 2011 for $1.5 million. Thus, the dog won the title of “The most expensive dog in the world.”

Interesting! His record was broken by another Tibetan Mastiff, which was purchased for $1.9 million in 2013. This cost was determined by the ancient pedigree of the dog.

Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records officially registered that the largest Tibetan mastiff weighed 113 kg. And this is far from a record number! In the 20th century of this century there lived a mastiff nicknamed Lio Chang. According to eyewitnesses, his weight reached 120 kg.

Vaccinations and susceptibility to disease

Great Dane puppies receive their first comprehensive vaccination at 8-9 weeks. After 2-3 weeks, the vaccine is reintroduced to strengthen immunity. At about six months, when the change of teeth ends, dogs are vaccinated against rabies.

The next vaccination is given at 12 months, after which it is repeated annually.

Great Danes cannot boast of excellent health. These dogs are prone to many diseases:

  • volvulus;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • cervical spondylopathy (pathology of the nervous system);
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteosarcoma (malignant bone tumor);
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • aortic stenosis;
  • hypoadrenocorticism (pathology of the endocrine system);
  • hypothyroidism;
  • demodicosis;
  • skin histiocytoma (benign tumor);
  • pododermatitis;
  • otitis;
  • deafness;
  • cataract;
  • turn of the century.

The average lifespan of a Great Dane is 7-9 years.

Saint Bernard

The Saint Bernard is one of the top five largest dogs in the world. This breed was bred for rescue work in the Alps. The height of the average representative of the breed is up to 90 cm and weighs more than 100 kg.

Among the St. Bernards there are three leaders who are distinguished by their appearance:

  1. The first is a dog named Benedictine. He weighed more than 166 kg, for which he received the title of “The heaviest dog in the world.”
  2. The second is a male named Major F. His peculiarity is that his body length from the tip of his nose to his tail is 2.59 cm.
  3. The third is a dog named Brandy. He entered the Guinness Book of Records in 1977 as “The Strongest Dog” after he was able to pull a carriage with rails weighing 2 tons 905 kg over a distance of 4.57 m in 90 seconds.

The St. Bernard's appearance can be deceiving. While seemingly calm and slow, the dog instantly shows agility and swiftness. The breed is suitable for protecting owners and guarding.

Diver (Newfoundland)

This giant dog breed rightfully occupies the fifth leading place in the ranking of “The Largest Dog in the World.” The average height of representatives is 70 kg, and weight is more than 90 kg. The largest Newfoundland weighed 120 kg, for which it was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Newfoundlands received their second name “diver” due to the innate ability to swim and the structural features of their paws. Between the pads there are membranes, like those of waterfowl. In addition, animal fur has a water-repellent property, which allows them to be used as water rescuers.

In 2009, a family from North Dakota (America) applied to have their pet named Boomer included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog among Newfoundlands. Features of the dog: height 0.91 meters, weight more than 80 kg, body length from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail 2 meters and 13 cm.

On a note! For all their enormous appearance and strength, divers are distinguished by their good disposition, affectionate character and affection for their owners.

What are the largest dog breeds in the world? | TOP 25

The largest dog on Earth is the English Mastiff. The height of this breed reaches 91 cm and weight up to 110 kilograms. This is an old English breed.

Large dogs bring a lot of joy to families. They can act as reliable defenders. They look menacing. But with proper upbringing, they are gentle, good-natured and obedient.

Rating of the largest dog breeds:

Let's look at each breed of huge dog separately with photos and detailed descriptions.

English Mastiff: height 91 cm, weight 110 kilograms

The English Mastiff is the largest dog in the world. Its representatives grow up to 69-91 cm. Weight varies from 54 to 110 kg. This is an old breed. Originally from England. Bitches are smaller and lighter than cables.

The dog looks massive and proportionate. She has thick paws of medium length. The body is covered with short and dense hair of yellowish-brown or silver color. The ears and front of the muzzle are black. The head is square. The ears are drooping and thin. The tail is of medium length and crescent-shaped.

English mastiffs are characterized by balance, courage, and peacefulness. They can become both a companion dog and a guard dog. They do not need long walks or intense physical activity.

Aikama Zobro is considered the record holder of this breed. This dog is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The animal's height is 94 cm and its weight reaches 155.58 kg.

Spanish Mastiff: height 88 cm, weight 120 kilograms

The second largest dogs are Spanish Mastiffs. They grow up to 72-88 cm. Animals weigh 70-120 kg. The birthplace of the breed is Extremadura (Spain). Spanish mastiffs were bred to protect livestock from predators. Today they are part of the family for many.

Dogs of this breed look majestic and powerful. They are harmoniously built. The muzzle is wide and square-shaped. The ears are medium, flattened, hanging. The withers are well defined. The tail is medium in length. It tapers towards the tip. The coat of Spanish Mastiffs lies tightly to the body. Its length is average. Color may vary. There are black, yellow, and sable dogs. Stains are acceptable.

By nature, Spanish mastiffs are good-natured and loyal. They have good guard skills.

Saint Bernard: height 90 cm, weight 100 kilograms

The St. Bernard is one of the three largest dog breeds. It was obtained by crossing dogs from the Swiss and Italian Alps. He was initially brought out to assist in rescue efforts. The animal is strong and powerful. Grows up to 65-90 cm. Weight can reach up to 100 kg.

Saint Bernards look majestic. They have a massive and wide rounded head. The ears are medium in size and widely spaced. They have a triangular shape. The neck is strong and short. The body is muscular with a straight back and pronounced withers. The legs are medium in length and wide. The tail is long, hanging down. The coat can be short or long. In the latter case, a little wavy. The color of representatives of this breed is white with red and dark brown spots. The look is melancholic and wise. The character of St. Bernards is friendly and courageous.

The heaviest dog is the St. Bernard Benedictine. He weighed 166.4 kg. Major F was recognized as the longest dog. The length of this animal was 2.59 m.

Pyrenean Mastiff: height 75 cm, weight 100 kilograms

The Pyrenean Mastiff breed is also considered large. It appeared in Aragon (Spain). It was originally bred as a herding dog. Today, Pyrenean mastiffs are used for guard purposes. Many people take them as companions.

Representatives of this breed look massive. The height of cables reaches 81 cm, and that of females – 75 cm. The weight of the animal can reach up to 81-100 kg.

The Pyrenean Mastiff has a large head and a wide muzzle. The ears are thin and drooping, triangular. The body is strong. The neck is small and thick. The tail is long. The chest is dense. The limbs are of medium length and straight. The coat is long and thick. Pyrenean Mastiffs are very fluffy. Can be one-, two- and three-color. There are pure white, white-brown individuals. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their reliability and high intelligence.

Great Dane: height 80 cm, weight 91 kilograms

The height of Great Danes at the withers reaches 72-80 cm. Dogs weigh 45-91 kg. Great Danes look noble and elegant. They have long legs and a toned body. The ears are medium in length and drooping. The coat is short. The color is interesting. The dogs are white with black spots. By nature, representatives of this breed are loyal, affectionate, kind and obedient.

Zeus is considered the largest Great Dane. Its height is 111.8 cm and its weight is 70.3 kg. Length when standing on hind legs - 2.2 m.

Tibetan Mastiff: height 71 cm, weight 82 kilograms

This breed is considered the oldest. Tibetan mastiffs once served in the monasteries of Tibet. They were kept as guards. Also, such dogs were escorts for nomads in the Himalayan mountains.

Tibetan mastiffs grow up to 66-71 cm. Weight can reach 82 kg. Externally, representatives of this breed look like fluffy bears. They have a brown color. Chestnut tan is allowed. The coat is long and stiff, forming a mane on the neck that falls to the shoulders. The case is strong. The paws are thick.

By nature, the animals are reserved and calm, very obedient and clean. The Tibetan Mastiff can become a good family friend and a faithful guard.

Newfoundland: height 75 cm, weight 70 kilograms

Dogs of this breed grow up to 63-75 cm. Their body weight is 45-70 kg. But some Newfoundlands can be heavier. For example, there is a known representative of this breed whose weight was 120 kg.

Newfoundlands look powerful and graceful. The body is compact and dense. The head is heavy and large. The muzzle is square in shape. The ears are small and triangular. The neck is muscular and powerful. The legs are straight and short. The tail is wide and thick. The coat is smooth, hard, long and dense. The classic color is black. But there are also brown, chocolate and bronze Newfoundlands. Animals are affectionate, strong, smart and independent.

Boerboel: height 65 centimeters, weight 90 kg

The Boerboel is also a large breed. The height of the bitches is 59-65 cm, and the height of the cables is 64-70 cm. The weight fluctuates around 70-90 kg. The breed is considered a service breed. Boerboels have protective qualities. These dogs were bred in South Africa.

Boerboels look quite textured. The head is rectangular and large. The ears are triangular and wide. The neck is massive, of medium length, with a scruff. The body is dense and powerful. The paws are massive and strong. The tail is docked in puppyhood. The coat is smooth, thick and short, beige or brindle in color. Boerboels need affection and care, and a lot of physical activity.

Moscow watchdog: height 78 centimeters, weight 60 kg

The Moscow guard breed is considered one of the largest. Such dogs grow up to 78 cm. Their weight can reach up to 60 kg.

The animals look elegant. They have thick, long fur. The tail is fluffy, medium in length. Color white-brown. The head is large and wide. The neck is powerful and short. The ears are triangular and drooping. The paws are round and large.

Representatives of the Moscow guard breed are distinguished by their independence, balance, and sociality. They have well-expressed security and watchdog qualities. Dogs are brave and loyal. Show friendliness and affection towards children.

Leonberger: height 80 centimeters, weight 77 kg

The Leonberger is also a large breed. This type of dog was bred back in 1846 in Germany. It was obtained as a result of crossing Pyrenean shepherd dogs, Newfoundlands and St. Bernards.

The cables of this breed grow up to 80 cm, and females - up to 75 cm. Weight is in the range of 45-77 kg. Leonbergers look very attractive. They have shiny fur with tan marks. The muzzle is black. The head is massive. The ears are drooping and fleshy. The neck is elongated, smoothly blending into the withers. The body is muscular. The chest is oval. The stomach is taut. The paws are strong and elongated. Leonbergers have a two-layer coat. It is medium soft and thick. Color red, sand, yellow, red-brown.

Representatives of this breed are reasonable, patient, accommodating and very kind. There is phlegmatic character in his character. Leonbergers are friendly towards other animals and children. They are obedient and meek.

Central Asian Shepherd: height 75 centimeters, weight 80 kg

The Central Asian Shepherd is a large dog breed. It is also called alabai, the Turkmen wolfhound. Animals grow up to 65-75 cm and have a body weight of 40-80 kg. The bitches are significantly smaller than the cables.

Central Asian Shepherds have a large, square-shaped muzzle, a dense and powerful body, and medium-length oval-shaped paws. The neck is short. The tail is saber-shaped. The ears are small and triangular. The color of Alabaev can be different. There are dogs of white-sand, white-golden color. There are also red, brown, gray, white and black Central Asian Shepherds. The coat is hard, straight and rough.

Alabais are suitable for security and guard duty. Such dogs seem slow, clumsy and very calm. In fact, they have quite an explosive character and excellent reactions.

Neapolitan Mastiff: height 79 centimeters, weight 70 kg

Neapolitan Mastiffs grow up to 60-79 cm. Their weight varies between 50-70 kg. The breed is considered a service breed. Its homeland is Italy. The dog looks very massive, athletic and brutal. Neapolitan Mastiffs have thick, folded skin. The body is slightly stretched. The chest is very powerful. The ribs are convex. The head is large and short. The neck is narrowed. The ears are small, triangular, hanging along the cheeks. The tail is thick. The paws are muscular, massive, rounded. The color can be lead-gray, gray, black or black-gray. There are also red, brindle and fawn Neapolitan mastiffs. Single white spots are acceptable on the paws and chest.

Dogs of this breed have good guarding qualities. However, they are non-aggressive. By nature they are benevolent, friendly, balanced and playful. Therefore, they are often chosen as home companions.

Irish wolfhound: height 79 cm, weight 54 kg

The Irish Wolfhound is a large hunting dog breed. The height of such animals at the withers is 71-79 cm. The weight of dogs can be from 40.5 to 54.5 kg.

Irish wolfhounds look elegant. They have a toned and elongated body, thin, long and bony legs. The tail is long, with a slight bend. The muzzle is elongated. The ears are small and pink-shaped. The neck is long with tightly stretched skin. Despite their impressive size, Irish wolfhounds move easily and lithely. Their coat is hard and medium in length. Dogs come in different colors. There are brindle, white, gray, black and fawn-brown individuals.

Irish Wolfhounds are loving and loyal. They are very attached to their owner. They get along well with small children. They are quite easy to train. They are calm and quiet in nature. They treat even strangers peacefully.

Kuvasz: height 76 cm, weight 90 kg

The Kuvasz is an ancient working dog breed. She was bred in Hungary. In the Middle Ages, such dogs were owned exclusively by people of royal blood. Today the breed is accessible and widespread. It is no longer used to protect the home, but as a home companion.

Kuvasz look noble and massive. The dogs are well built and beautiful. Their body is proportional. The coat is thick and wavy. It forms a small mane on the neck. Representatives of this breed have a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles. The body is rectangular. The head is wedge-shaped. The muzzle is large and wide. The ears are triangular. Kuvasz are standard white or ivory.

The weight of dogs can reach up to 34-90 kg. The height at the withers varies between 65-76 cm. Bitches are significantly smaller than cables.

Kuvasz are very loyal and brave by nature. They are strong and brave. Not picky and in good health. Therefore, they are easy to maintain.

Caucasian Shepherd: height 75 cm, weight 90 kilograms

This is a fairly ancient breed. Appeared in the Caucasus. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs grow up to 75 cm in height and reach 90 kg in weight.

The dogs are fluffy and look like funny bears. They have long and stiff fur. The body is elongated, with a wide back. The tail is medium-sized with long hair, sickle-shaped. The paws are powerful and dense. The head is rounded. The neck is wide and short, with a scruff. Drop ears. The muzzle is wide, tapering towards the nose. The paws are smooth and dense. In terms of color, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are found in plain and spotted varieties. There are red, dark gray and black individuals.

By nature, representatives of this breed are courageous and decisive. They are distrustful of strangers. They are characterized by endurance, good adaptation and undemandingness.

Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound: height 75 cm, weight 70 kilograms

The Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound dog breed is also called Khotosho. It is quite ancient. Especially common in Buryatia. At one time, the Khotoshu lived in Buddhist monasteries. They were used to guard cattle, sheep and camels. These dogs were also used for hunting. Today, Buryat-Mongolian wolfhounds are actively involved in protection. Also, such animals are good companions and bodyguards. They are used in search operations. Cables grow up to 75 cm, and females - up to 65 cm. The weight of such dogs varies between 45-70 kg.

They look harmonious and coherent. They have a medium-length, toned body. Paws are straight and not long. The ears are triangular and drooping. The muzzle is oval. Color black and red or black and white tan. The coat is thick and tough. There are Buryat-Mongolian wolfhounds with medium and short hair. The peculiarity of the breed is its heavy shedding.

Khotosho have a stable psyche. Such dogs cannot be called phlegmatic. In the right situations they show aggression. Buryat-Mongolian wolfhounds do not tolerate strangers well. Children are loved and treated with respect and care.

Pyrenean mountain: height 81 cm, weight 75 kg

Such dogs grow up to 81 cm at the withers. Their weight is 54-75 kg. The breed is classified as a service breed. Its homeland is France. For a long time, shepherds used mountain Pyrenean dogs to guard livestock during grazing.

Representatives of the Pyrenean breed look elegant. They have a strong build. The neck is powerful and short, with slight dewlap. The head shape is wedge-shaped. The ears are small, drooping. The tail is long with a bend at the end. When excited, it curls into a ring. The legs are long, smooth and muscular. The color of representatives of this breed is snow-white. The coat is thick and long, and quite hard to the touch.

By nature, Mountain Pyrenees dogs are strong-willed, gentle and good-natured. Representatives of this breed are very smart. They are easy to train.

Komondor: height 80 cm, weight 60 kilograms

The Komondor is a large and unusual breed of dog. Also called the Hungarian Shepherd. Adult animals have a height at the withers of 65-80 cm. The weight of bitches is 40-50 kg, and the weight of cables is 50-60 kg.

Hungarian Shepherds look original. They have very long hair that covers the entire body, including the muzzle. These dogs have no visible eyes or paws. The coat looks like dreadlocks or braids. The color of the animals is white.

Komondors are intelligent, even-tempered, loyal and affectionate. They have pronounced guard qualities. Such dogs are large, but easily adapt to urban conditions.

Anatolian Shepherd: height 81 centimeters, weight 65 kg

The Anatolian Shepherd is one of the ancient large breeds. It is also called kangal. The breed appeared in Turkey, in Eastern Anatolia. Belongs to the watchdog and herding breeds. Such animals grow up to 71-81 cm. The weight of dogs reaches 40-65 kg.

Kangals have a large head. The body and paws are light red, sandy. The ears and part of the muzzle are black. The coat is short or medium. There is a thick undercoat. The body is powerful. The paws are long. The tail is straight and slightly curved.

Anatolian Shepherds are very obedient, energetic and loyal. They adore children and love to play with them. Kangals are smart and easy to train.

Black Russian Terrier: height 78 cm, weight 60 kg

This breed is classified as a service breed. It was developed in the USSR. Cables grow up to 78 cm, and females - up to 74 cm. The weight of adult individuals varies between 45-60 kg.

Dogs of this breed look charismatic and graceful. They have a thick, two-layer, wavy coat of medium length. There is a beard and long bangs that cover the eyes. The torso is proportional. The body is elongated and strong. The paws are straight and long. The ears are dense and triangular. The neck is muscular, with a scruff. The dogs are completely black.

Black Russian Terriers are quite energetic animals. They need constant contact with their owner. Dogs of this breed are often used as watchmen and bodyguards. Such animals adapt well to the role of pets and companions. Black Russian Terriers are great with children. They treat strangers with distrust. But they attack only if someone encroaches on the safety of the owner.

Bullmastiff: height 71 centimeters, weight 59 kilograms

The bullmastiff is also a large dog breed. Such animals grow up to 71 cm at the withers. Their body weight can reach up to 59 kg.

Bullmastiffs have a dense and prominent physique. They always have a tired, melancholy look. The muzzle is wrinkled. The folds straighten out only during sleep. Bullmastiffs have a massive and square head. The muzzle is short and obtuse. The ears are set high and small. Their shape is triangular. The neck is muscular and short. The body is compact and massive. The paws are curved and wide. The tail is thick and slightly curved. The color is light red. The ears and muzzle are black.

Bullmastiffs are balanced, calm and loyal by nature. Very brave: they will never abandon their owner and family members in trouble. Dogs of this breed are intelligent and disciplined. They are easy to train. Bullmastiffs have a good sense of smell. Therefore, they are sometimes used as bloodhounds.

Dogue de Bordeaux: height 69 cm, weight 52 kilograms

This is an ancient breed. Appeared in France. Belongs to the mastiff group. In the Middle Ages it was used as a fighting or hunting weapon. Today, Dogues de Bordeaux are used as guard dogs. The weight of adults is 45-52 kg. The height at the withers varies between 57-69 cm.

Dogs of this breed look powerful. They have a round, wrinkled head. The ears are small and drooping. Paws of medium length. The tail is long and slightly curved upward. The coat is short. Dogues de Bordeaux are red in color. A white spot may be present on the chest.

The Dogue de Bordeaux is calm and friendly. These are loyal and sociable dogs. Show wariness towards strangers. Always ready to protect family members.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog: height 72 cm, weight 64 kilograms

This is a Swiss breed. Dogs grow up to 69-72 cm. Their weight reaches 54-64 kg. The Great Swiss Mountain Dog looks noble. According to the standard, the body, upper part of the head, ears and part of the paws are black. The chest is white with red spots along the edges. The muzzle is black, white and red. The coat is short and shiny. Ears are drooping. Paws of medium length.

The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog needs vigorous, long walks every day. He is not suited to life in the city. Therefore, this breed should be owned exclusively by owners of private houses and cottages.

South Russian Shepherd: height 66 centimeters, weight 50 kg

The South Russian shepherd dog breed is considered a herding breed. Dogs grow up to 66 cm. The body weight of animals reaches 50 kg. In appearance, South Russian Shepherd Dogs are similar to the Hungarian Komondor. She also has long hair that covers her entire body. Dogs of this breed do not have visible ears, tail and eyes. The coat is soft and slightly wavy.

South Russian breeds are very active and playful. By nature, they are independent, quick-witted and very loyal. Unpretentious to living conditions.

Moscow watchdog

The next representative from the category of the largest dogs is the Moscow watchdog. The breed was bred in Russia in the 50s of the 20th century by crossing several representatives of other breeds at once: St. Bernard, Caucasian Shepherd Dog and Russian Piebald Hound. According to the standard, the average height of male dogs should be up to 78 cm, the minimum weight should be at least 60 kg.

The Moscow guard dog is distinguished by its fearless character, good disposition and balance. Without unnecessary barking, she will quickly protect her owner from danger and has good watchdog qualities.

Important! A dog of this breed loves his family very much, plays with children, but is suspicious of strangers who come into the house. Therefore, all guests should be wary of it.


This breed was first developed in Germany in 1846 by crossing three breeds: Pyrenean Shepherd, St. Bernard and Newfoundland. The average height of a Leonberger dog is up to 80 cm and weight up to 77 kg. This is an ideal pet, suitable for family keeping, and is distinguished by its love for the owner’s children.

Leonberg's character is kind and flexible. The dog has watchdog qualities, quickly learns commands, and is smart.

Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd)

The established standard for the Alabai breed is the height of males up to 75 cm and weight up to 80 kg. However, among the representatives of the breed there was a unique dog named Bulldozer. He received this nickname due to his habit as a puppy of clearing snow on the paths with his nose. As an adult, Bulldozer weighed 130 kg! His owner loaded the dog with strength training every day: covering a distance of 10 km with a special weight on his back.

On a note! Alabais are intended for protection and guard duty. They are distinguished by their explosive nature, quick reaction and muscular body.

Neapolitan Mastiff

Another breed from the category of the largest dogs is the Neapolitan Mastiff. The standard height at the withers for males is set to 79 cm, weight – up to 70 kg. The breed is distinguished by its protective qualities, playfulness of character and goodwill towards its owners.

Among the representatives of the Neapolitans, a dog named Marta distinguished itself. In 2022, at a dog competition held in California, she earned the honorary title of “Ugliest Dog.” This title could not dampen the mood of her owner Shirley Zindler, as she received a cash reward of $1,500 from the prize fund.

Martha was so loved by the audience and judges that after participating in the competition, she and her hostess went to New York to film a TV show.

Brief history of origin

The ancestors of Great Danes are considered to be Bullenbeissers (an extinct breed of the Molossian type) and a group of hunting dogs used in the Middle Ages for baiting large ungulates. These dogs combined the characteristics of powerful mastiffs and fast, agile greyhounds.

At first, the dogs had many differences. They had different sizes, builds and colors. In 1878, German breeders began targeted selection to create a single breed. 2 years later, the first standard was presented at an exhibition in Berlin.

Irish Wolfhound

The breed arose as a result of crossing dogs brought from distant Ireland with local dogs. Wolfhounds are considered the tallest dogs. The standard for the breed is a height of 79 cm and a minimum weight of 54.5 kg. The character of the animal is naturally calm and quiet. They love to play with children, remain loyal to their owner and are easy to train.

Among the representatives of wolfhounds there is a dog named Keon, who in 2022 was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Its peculiarity is its tail, the length of which is more than 76 cm. Despite his Irish nickname, meaning “brave warrior,” Keon is very good-natured and affectionate.

It is simply impossible to list all the dogs that can live up to the title “The Biggest Dog in the World.” We talked about the most famous and interesting representatives of different breeds. If you also know which dogs can be awarded this title, then share in the comments. We will definitely tell you about them on the pages of our website.

Pros and cons of the breed

Balanced and friendly characterPoor health
DevotionShort life expectancy
High threshold of irritabilityDifficulties with apartment maintenance
Good security qualities
Loves children
Does not require complex care

How much does a puppy cost?

The price of a Great Dane puppy depends on its exterior, title status of the parents, exhibition prospects and the reputation of the kennel. The cost is also affected by color - marbled dogs are more popular than fawn and black.

A puppy with slight deviations from the standard costs 12-20 thousand rubles, and a dog with excellent external characteristics, born from champion dogs, costs 50-70 thousand rubles.

In Moscow, purebred Great Dane puppies are sold in nurseries:

  • Inner Light;
  • Olrei;
  • "Adamant Dog"

For a long time, Great Danes were shepherds, guards and hunters. Now they are loved all over the world as devoted companions.

A person walking next to such a dog will definitely be the center of attention.

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