Inappropriate sexual behavior in dogs: indiscriminate mating and other problems

The posting of a soft toy and the leg of a beloved owner by a male dog rarely causes surprise, but similar actions on the part of a female dog puzzle most people. In fact, such behavior is characteristic of both sexes and is completely natural from a physiological point of view.

The catch is the feeling of shame in front of others, as well as related problems in the form of aggression, disobedience and dominance. If all of the above is unacceptable to you, then below you can find out why dogs do cages and how to prevent them.

The reason for unacceptable behavior is sexual instinct

The main reason for disorderly mating in dogs is sexual instinct. He awakens at 6-12 months depending on gender. Bitches mature the earliest.

In addition to satisfying arousal, paying attention to other animals and objects has two other purposes: stress relief and demonstrating leadership. Puppies make their first attempts to perch on each other in childhood (at about 2 months) during joint games.

How it manifests itself in bitches

Behavioral signs depend on the stage of the reproductive cycle. During estrus, the bitch begins to show an active interest in male dogs, and a soft pink discharge appears from her swollen loop. In the absence of a partner for mating, she can relieve the tension that has arisen with inanimate objects, leaning on them with her front paws and performing translational movements with her pelvis.

If the unacceptable behavior is not related to sexual instinct, then the presence of heat is not necessary. In this case, the pet can attach itself to other animals not only from behind, but from the side or in front.


Do not stop puppies from playing with cages. They serve as rehearsals for future matings. Their absence is fraught with loss of erection in males and the appearance of aggression in females.

How it manifests itself in males

Males act similarly to females, but they do it more often and are prone to masturbation. In the absence of sexual desire, erection and ejaculation will be absent.

The direction of translational movements will also differ. If the reason lies in stress relief, play or dominance, then the frictions will not be directed into the opponent’s genital tract.

Does your Yorkie bark at passers-by or other dogs?

The reasons for a dog's loud behavior during a walk can be different, but not related to each other. Let's look at the main reasons for barking.

  • The Yorkie's desire to notify its owner of approaching danger. In this case, the Yorkie, realizing his low status in the dog community, plays the role of a signalman. With this model of behavior, the dog is active on deserted streets with rare passers-by, while in a crowd it behaves quietly and even timidly.
  • The barking of a more self-confident Yorkie can be provoked by the owner’s excessive concern, which the dog interprets as cowardice and tries to protect the “frightened” person from a potential offender. Don't hide your pet from everyone, and you will avoid this problem.
  • And the third, most harmless reason for barking is the Yorkie’s desire to communicate with another dog. In other words, the dog greets in dog language, calling on the person he meets to come closer. If you let go of the Yorkie, then there will be no fight and everything will be limited to simple sniffing.

Whatever the reason for the barking, the owner should reconsider his behavior pattern and learn to let the dog know that barking is not allowed. Teach your pet to the command “Fu!” or “Quiet!”

What to do with cluttered gardens

Disorderly cages in dogs are not dangerous in themselves, either for the animal or for others. The owners begin to fight with them due to hostility and embarrassment, as well as additional problems in the form of aggression. How to solve a problem depends on its cause, as well as the object of “harassment.”

On inanimate objects

If your dog pesters soft toys a couple of times a week and shows no interest in living objects, then his actions can be left without correction. The main reasons for such “love” are stress relief (anxiety, excessive joy) and training for upcoming matings.


The craving for cages is stimulated by methylparaben. This substance is used as a preservative in cosmetics. The human nose does not smell it, but a dog’s nose detects its similarity to a bitch in heat.

If you are not satisfied with the frequency and the frictions themselves, use the following recommendations:

  1. Be proactive. Having noticed panting, whining and other characteristic signs, stop the dog with a stop command (“Fu”, “No”) and turn its attention to a loud sound or some kind of game.
  2. Make sure you get enough physical activity. Lack of activity leads to boredom, so the animal begins to entertain itself by any available means.
  3. Minimize the number of stressful situations. Track the relationship between the dog's reaction and recent events.
  4. Limit access to the object that interests your pet. You can simply throw out soft toys and pillows or put them in a closet, and cover the corner of the sofa with a chair or other large object.
  5. Use ignore. After saying “Fu,” go to another room or send the four-legged one to its place. Regardless of the offender’s reaction, ignore him for 30-60 minutes. This method is only effective on adult animals. Puppies either worry too much about lack of attention or perceive being ignored as play.

During weaning, avoid two things: too harsh punishments (shouting, use of physical force) and any encouragement of unwanted behavior, including indirect ones (laughter and other positive emotions). They can worsen the existing problem.

On other animals

With such interest, in addition to the above reasons, three more are added: attempts to dominate, testing relationships and play. Act according to the situation:

  1. Sexual interest

    . Keep your pet on a leash during walks. If sniffing tends to develop into something big, say “Ugh,” call the offender with the command “Come to me” and take him away from the object of desire. If you respond immediately to commands, be sure to reward your dog with praise and a treat prepared in advance.

  2. Domination

    . If the opponent agrees with a lower position in the hierarchy and the showdown does not reach the point of open aggression, then allow the four-legged animals to make the acquaintance on their own. In the opposite situation, the culprit should be punished.

  3. Testing the strength of relationships

    . Sometimes animals irritate each other in order to test a reaction. In this way, they probe the limits of what is permitted and build a further model of behavior. Outside intervention is only necessary when a fight breaks out between pets.

  4. A game

    . The dog tries to attract interest by playfully bowing, barking and touching his paw. If there is no reaction, a cage is used. Here, too, you can do without correction.

If the problem occurs only on the street, teach your pet the “Come to me” and “Sit” commands. After calling him, make him sit next to you and be sure to reward him for obedience.

On a person's arm or leg

The most outrageous situations occur when a dog pesters a person. The same methods work here: distraction (executing commands, games, loud sounds) and ignoring with isolation in a separate room.

When showing interest in people, one of three reasons is usually to blame: an attempt at dominance, overstimulation, and stress. An animal may become nervous when meeting a stranger or another pet, and may also pick up on its owner's anxiety.

A simple lack of attention should not be ruled out. With its frictions, a pet can try to attract guests, so the following scheme will be useful to wean off unwanted actions:

  1. Teach your pet some funny trick, for example, begging on its hind legs with the command “Beg.”
  2. Regularly encourage performing the trick in front of your guests. Reward the performer with sincere admiration and attention from all spectators.
  3. Ignore any attempts at friction or stop them with the “Fu” command. Do not push the animal away with force, but carefully grab the front legs and lower them to the floor.

Over time, the four-legged dog will realize that performing tricks brings him much greater benefits, and will stop jumping on guests.

Can a dog swim in a river or lake during heat?

The internal genital organs are not seriously protected these days. Therefore, swimming in open water threatens infection and inflammation, the onset of which you will not immediately guess.

Sleeping on a cold floor, especially on tiles, also leads to a similar result. This is not a reason to move your pet to the sofa. Place bedding on the floor and wash it regularly.

Additional problems – aggression, disobedience, dominance

Against the backdrop of uncontrolled cages, additional problems often arise. If their reason is dominance, then the dog will show aggression and disobedience towards the owner and other pets. In such cases, it is simply necessary to put him in his place, showing that there is only one leader in the house - a man:

  1. Throw the four-legged animal off your leg or arm, say “Fu” and look at it with a stern and intent gaze. Try not to look away. In this fight, the one who turns away first loses.
  2. Stand between the aggressor and the victim. If another animal is attacked, then stop them with your own body. As an additional measure, it is recommended to lightly press your pet with your knee, demonstrating your dominance. This will let him know that you are in charge of the situation.
  3. When pulling the aggressor away from another four-legged animal, make sure that he stands on all four legs. Too much tension on the leash can result in the dog leaning on the hind legs and instinctively lifting the front legs. Such an aggressive pose will irritate the dog even more.

“ Strictly suppress attempts at dominance with subsequent fights within the family.

Showdowns in a pack are completely natural, but regularly encouraging or ignoring such clashes can lead to a person becoming the target of an attack.

Does your Yorkshire Terrier constantly ruin things?

Many owners, perceiving the Yorkshire Terrier as a cute toy, keep the dog in the apartment all day long. In such situations, the Yorkie is often left alone at home, with no one to play with or educate him. Finding itself in such conditions, an active dog with a natural craving for adventure and adventure is constantly looking for something to entertain itself. Activity is expressed in restless behavior, whining, damage to furniture, things, and even relieving oneself in inappropriate places. The only way to fight in this case is to pay more attention to the animal and take it for long walks so that the Yorkie can play enough.

Having decided to get a mischievous Yorkie, remember that representatives of this breed need increased attention from the owner. Considering themselves at least a German Shepherd, these cute kids are endowed with a decisive character and demand to be treated accordingly.

Behavior correction: on your own or with a dog handler?

In most cases, messy dog ​​litter can be dealt with on your own. The help of a dog handler is necessary only in cases of strong hostility with attacks and physical damage, as well as prolonged absence of results.

If you decide to sign up for classes, choose individual ones. In this case, it will be easier for the dog handler to discover the cause of unwanted behavior and the main mistakes in your couple. At the same time, you can take a general training course (GTC). It will help make your pet more obedient and direct its energy in the right direction.

Traditional methods of calming an animal

There are proven and quite effective folk methods that help calm the dog during this difficult time:

  • Drive further into the forest or field and take a long walk with the dog. Of course, this method is not suitable for everyone, but a dog busy with a walk will certainly be distracted from the “call of nature.” The main thing is that there are no other animals nearby at this time.
  • If the dog is smart and inquisitive enough, during this period it is also useful to play with it, often take it to areas with obstacles and equipment (again, so that its relatives are not nearby). When the animal is occupied with something, heat-specific behavior will appear much less.
  • A tip that many owners forget: even if the dog fawns on its owner all the time (and this happens in most cases), you should not indulge it. Simply put, you shouldn’t constantly pet your pet – she’s just waiting for it. Such owners suffer greatly, since the dog constantly climbs on them and does not allow them to do anything at all.
  • If possible, you need to... run with your pet. More precisely, run a lot and for a long time. Then she will simply get tired and will no longer have the energy for “love games”. Unfortunately, this advice is useless for owners of many huskies, greyhounds and hounds: in any case, these dogs will get tired much later than the owner.

Radical actions - castration or taking medications

Before contacting a dog handler, be sure to consult with your veterinarian. The tendency to imitate friction can be explained by the following diseases:

  1. Physiological disorders

    . This group includes diseases of the genitourinary system and various allergies. If you notice increased thirst, painful urination, itching or other problems in your pet, do not ignore them and sign up for an examination at the veterinary clinic.

  2. Mental disorders

    . They manifest themselves in various obsessive states (walking in circles, tail biting) and unmotivated aggression. To normalize the animal's condition, it may require sedatives and sessions with a behaviorist.

In addition to drug treatment, there is another radical method - castration. Its effectiveness depends on the timing and gender. It works best on male dogs and also before puberty. If the dog has already had experience demonstrating sexual desire, then it is highly likely that attempts at friction will continue even after surgery.


Unacceptable sexual behavior in castrated males may be accompanied by erection and ejaculation. Despite this, they are not able to impregnate a bitch, since their secretions do not contain sperm.

With proper persistence, disorderly cages in dogs can be corrected. If your pet pesters inanimate objects, people's legs or other animals on the street, then under no circumstances resort to physical force or screaming. This reaction will only aggravate the situation, because in this way four-legged animals reduce stress levels.

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Periodicity of estrus

We found out how many days dogs go into heat, now let’s talk about how many times a year estrus occurs.

Typically, sexual estrus in an adult female occurs twice a year. While the animal is growing, the frequency may vary. Living conditions also matter: a dog that lives on the street (yard, enclosure) may come into heat once a year.

In a service dog, this phenomenon also most often happens once a year: this frequency is influenced by training and a lot of physical activity.

In domestic girls, estrus occurs twice a year, more often in autumn or late winter; in dogs living in the north, the process starts once a year, in early spring.

Please note that for shepherd dogs and Rottweilers, emptying takes place once every 4 months.

If the period between the end and the beginning of menstruation lasts more than 8 months or less than four, you should consult a veterinarian, this is a deviation.

Strange relationships between male dogs

You also cannot conclude that a dog is infected with intestinal parasites just because it is nervous.

The main way to identify intestinal parasites is to detect them in vomit. It is impossible to see worms in feces with the naked eye, since worm eggs and only occasionally adult worms emerge from the intestines. In any case, you should consult a doctor.

Let's look at some ways of infection.

The most common types of intestinal parasites are flatworms such as tapeworms and roundworms such as roundworms. Flatworms are carried by fleas that dogs eat. The predilection of fleas to locate themselves more readily in the back of the body can also explain the dog’s attempts to grab its own tail. Intestinal parasites cause itching in dogs. The tapeworm lays eggs, which, when released in the stool, remain around the anus, which leads to itching. It is no coincidence that a veterinarian, when fighting fleas, always prescribes anthelmintics.

Ridding a dog of roundworms is more difficult, sometimes even impossible. Roundworms are carried in the intestines of rodents. How do indoor dogs that live in clean conditions catch the infection? The fact is that very rarely do domestic dogs actually become infected - most are born sick, picking up parasites in the mother's womb. Those who manage to be born without worms acquire them in the first weeks of life through mother's milk. Each puppy receives its own “reserve” of parasites, some of which later turn into adult worms capable of laying eggs in the intestines. Together with the feces, the eggs are absorbed by small rodents, and then end up in the stomachs of other dogs, whose prey this feces becomes. Most parasites are embedded in the dog's muscles, from where it is no longer possible to remove them.

In females, the processes are more complicated, and sex hormones are to blame. During the period of estrus, the larvae in the body wake up, and some of them grow into adult worms. During pregnancy, puppies become infected through the blood. Therefore, before mating, bitches are subjected to deworming, the purpose of which is to rid the puppies of the prospect of infection or at least reduce the consequences of infection.

The third common type of parasite in dogs is Trichomonas - the most insidious and harmful parasite that penetrates the wall of the colon, causing bleeding that can be detected in excrement. Trichomonas does not need the help of carriers; the dog itself becomes infected through dirt. This is a very hardy non-intestinal parasite and should be treated over several days at a time.

The earth is a source of infection with another type of intestinal parasite: hookworm, which, when penetrating the body, causes skin inflammation. The diagnosis is made by analyzing the dog's stool.

Remember to check your dog regularly and even if the answer is negative, do not refuse deworming.

When you see the utensils of a deceased person, you understand how stupid it is to start all this. Things and things, things and things, magazines and magazines - everything was left, and a lot was thrown out into the street - went into the trash.

The heirs took the most valuable things, but they didn’t take these letters. Letters with blurred words. From the woman I love. And only a curious, sad guy like me will stand next to an open bag of garbage and sort through this other people’s ashes.

And then they bring me trousers and jackets from one auction, left over from the dead, for free. And I think about them for a long time. Then I change it, of course.

Of all my flower pickings, I remember one thing vividly - in the Koktebel mountains.

Early in the morning I left right after the rain to collect wild tulips. I got to the right place in the clouds and only in the gaps in the clouds did I manage to fish flowers out of the thick, dark, wet grass. He didn’t calm down until he had a tight, fresh sheaf in his hands. Was happy. There is no one in all Fopax. And you can barely see the path five steps away. Devil's Finger is a rock, also in the fog, as if it never existed.

When he returned, his beloved was still sleeping. He put the tulips in the water - in many vases - and lay down next to his beloved. It started to rain again... And all this, alas, has already happened...

Happiness is the state when you can love the present. Not the past, not the future - but the present.

There are things that you cannot remember and cannot describe in such a way that others understand. For example, hunger, that incredible insight of hunger that you reach if you have been in need for months and are undernourished.

A flaming bowl of chicken soup turns into a circle of sunshine, and you remember it for years afterward.

What wonderful and bloody horrors appear in hunger. What kind of executions and tortures do you come up with for the rich and well-fed, when you encounter them on the streets, when in fur coats and wisps of steam they come out of the brightly lit doors of restaurants. And what a pleasure, indescribable for a man on the street, for a man with hungry eyes, if he manages to fuck a rich girl. Meet someone by chance somewhere and fuck. “I’m a plebeian,” you think, “lumpen, but I’m fucking you!” Just fuck and fuck!”

This is the highest sex if you have a woman higher than yourself, clean, well-fed, belonging to someone else. Now that I have already reached the age, I often want to fuck a well-groomed lady from high society who is beginning to gain weight, a respectable mother and the wife of some gray-haired idiot.

Fuck her roughly, without regard for her, in a common way, without unnecessary foreplay and caresses. Freud,

Freud, Old Sigmund - when that heavy ass appears from her fragrant rags, I forget everything you taught me, and only revenge, revenge and revenge: “I am not rightfully fucking their woman, their woman!”

They say black men experience this when they possess a white woman. I'm not black, but I experience it.


I hid, went into secret. I'm studying. I’m sitting in the kitchen in a millionaire’s house - the servant’s friend and lover - whoever notices me there, waiting for my time, when my 1917 will break out. Until then, I’ll wash the rooms, sometimes I’ll touch up the door, screw in a screw, sew a skirt, change the trousers—I feed myself. The lord’s wife, a guest from London, complimented me yesterday: “What beautiful boots you have.” I wanted to say in response: “What an insignificant face you have. And your queen too,” but remained silent. I will not, I think, offend in vain. What does she know about me?

This lady’s friend or lover, a famous architect, passing through the kitchen for another drink, glanced at my hands and was delighted: “You have the hands of a creative person,” he said. At this point I couldn’t deny myself the pleasure and with cautious malice, understandable only to me, I said: “Maybe a destructive personality, who knows?”

So I walk among enemies, study, silently, quietly in a corner, I don’t open my mouth much, I listen more, I wait until I gain strength.

How to teach?

The process of developing this skill is completely similar to learning the “Place” command. That is, you need to start work by tying the animal and presenting it with a reward for the very fact of being in the space limited by the leash. Of course, the best type of reward would be not only a treat given by the host, but also attention and praise from the guest.

As soon as the animal begins to calmly wait for “its turn,” a leash will no longer be required. But for some time the dog will still need to be escorted to the barrier. Subsequently, she will begin to go “to position” on her own. To increase the animal’s desire to move towards the barrier, you can put a treat or her toy there. This needs to be done literally a couple of minutes before the guests arrive. Of course, if the doorbell rang suddenly, then resorting to such a trick will not work.

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