Gemon dog food - reviews from veterinarians, composition, price and tips for use in the diet (105 photos)

If we are talking about premium food, then it is better to choose the Italian brand Gemon, which is very popular among consumers.

The products of this company are distinguished by a wide range, low prices, and good quality raw materials.

In this article we will look at all the features of the food, and how suitable it is for your pets.


The product is a development of the Italian company Monge, specializing only in nutrition for four-legged pets. The food is suitable for dogs of different age categories, breeds, and sizes. It includes:

  • meat (proteins);
  • fish (minerals);
  • vegetables (fiber);
  • hypoallergenic rice (carbohydrates).

Thanks to the beneficial components, with regular use of this product, your pet will remain in good health and have regular, normal stools.

Characteristics of gemon dog food

The price corresponds to the quality. There is nothing artificial in the composition. The food is made only from high quality products. Monge ensures that animals eat healthy food.

A wide variety of flavors and types of gemon dog food. It can be consumed even by pregnant dogs. This food can be consumed by dogs of different ages and sizes. But, if the dog is prone to allergies, then give it with caution.

The food composition is dominated by cereals, especially rice.

Gemon dog food range

The diet is designed to feed breeds of all sizes, with different composition, appearance and tastes, which allows you to choose a product to suit your pet’s liking.

Dry options

These foods are intended for daily consumption.

  1. Gemon puppy & junior. This dry puppy food "Dzhimon" promotes healthy growth and mobility of dogs. There are 4 types:
  • mini – small breeds;
  • medium – small;
  • maxi – large;
  • for all.

It comes in the flavor of rice with tuna or chicken.

The product is suitable for pregnant and postpartum bitches.

  1. Gemon adult. A dry, healthy type of food for dogs aged 1 to 8 years and weighing 12-80 kg. The product has a beneficial effect on the body of a four-legged pet. 4 types have also been developed: mini, medium, maxi and general.

They have different tastes:

  • with Chiken;
  • rice with tuna or lamb.

In addition to the listed types of food, there is also a light version for dietary nutrition and overweight dogs, containing a minimal amount of fat (Gemon dog light). And with increased L-carnitine, intended for pets that spend a large amount of energy every day (Gemon dog action energy).

Manufacturers do not produce food for pets prone to allergic reactions.

The cost of each type of food may vary due to the requirements of suppliers, store owners and the method of purchasing the goods (via the Internet or directly). The table shows the approximate price per package.

Type of feedWeight (kg)Cost, rub.)
Puppy & juniorAdult

Canned options

This type of product for dogs can be used as their main food. It differs from dry in appearance (pieces with gravy) and lighter packaging weight (100-400 g).

  1. Gemon dog light. Tin cans of 200-400 g, costing from 100 to 300 rubles. This product is a lightweight food for obese dogs. It is divided according to the weight and age of the animals, but the taste variety is common to all:
  • rice:
  • with turkey;
  • chicken;
  • lamb
  • beef.
  • tuna with salmon;
  • liver;
  • rabbit.

  1. Gemon dog pouch. Pauchi differs from the previous version in the larger size of the pieces. Price – up to 70 rubles. Dzhimon food is recommended to be used as a supplement to the main diet in the form of a dry product. The assortment includes types for different ages of dogs:
  • 0.5-2 years (chicken based);
  • 2-8 (ham, beef, cold cuts);
  • 8+ (turkey).

  1. Gemon dog pate. The pates are packed in lamisters (aluminum boxes) of 150 g each. The cost is up to 150 rubles. This is a convenient food for dogs that are unable to chew large, hard pieces. Like spiders, these foods are divided only by age, but the flavor options are more varied:
  • chicken;
  • beef;
  • turkey;
  • tuna with salmon;
  • rabbit: mono, with fillet.


The Gemon company appeared in 1963 in Italy. Then she was breeding chicken, but soon the business was on the verge of bankruptcy and the owner decided to produce wet food in canned chicken meat for pets. Gemon became the first in Italy to produce wet dog food.

Djimon is considered an affordable pet food for every day

Dog food "Dzhimon" is classified as a premium product, as it contains natural ingredients and is half meat. The manufacturer grows all the raw materials used in the manufacture of products on its own farms and meadows.

The Italian brand Gemon does not use growth hormones or other growth-stimulating drugs for raising poultry or livestock, which has a positive effect on the quality of nutrition for pets.

The product range is divided into several types:

  • dry food;
  • wet canned food;
  • spiders, consisting of pieces of meat or fish;
  • pates in bags, for one-time use.

For reference! Sometimes inexperienced buyers look for Gemon dog food or refer to the Italian brand with the words “Gemon” or “Gemon”. In fact, the generally accepted translation of the name reads "Djimon".

In addition to natural products, the food consists of various additives


Dry food Gemon

The table shows various additives per 1 kg.

ComponentsCereals from 5% Natural meat 10% By-products 22% Oils and natural fats Yeast (brewer's 1%) Mineral elements Chondroitin Beet pulp 2% Chestnut extract Yucca schidigera Choline chloride Fish and by-products 1 g FOS Vitamin E
Technical additives400 g MSM Glucose 400 g Chondroitin salt 260 g Antioxidants
MineralsProtein 24% Oils and fats 12% Cellulose 2.5% Salin 6.8% Calcium 1.6% Phosphorus 1.1%
Food additivesA 17000 ME D3 1150 ME E 120 mg Iron acid 260 mg Manganese phenol 73 mg Zinc oxide 150 mg Copper sulfate pentahydrate 37 mg Sodium selenite 0.35 mg Anhydrous calcium iodate 2 mg
Amino acidsDL-radiomethionine 2000 mg

Canned food

ComponentsNatural meat 12-14% By-products 45% Cereals Chicken eggs Mineral elements
AdditivesThickeners Components that form jelly
MineralsProtein 8% Oils and fats 7% Cellulose 0.5% Salin 2% Moisture content 80%
VitaminsA 3000 ME D3 200 ME E 6 mg

What does Gemon dog food contain?

Common ingredients contained in prepared dog food and its composition:

ComponentsTheir number in percentage
CerealsThe exact number is not specified, of which the minimum amount of rice is from 5%
Meat by-products22%, of which fresh lamb content is 10%
Brewer's yeast1%
Fats and oilsNot indicated
Fish waste and pure fishNo data available
Vegetable by-productsBeet pulp – 2%, chestnut extract, Yucca Schidigera
Vitamin E (tocopherol)Not indicated
Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)No information
Vitamin B (Choline Chloride)No data

The products listed above are the main and basic ones, which make up more than half of the diet. The remaining ingredients are various additives, vitamins and minerals that have little effect on the properties of the finished food.

  • Brewer's yeast. They have a beneficial effect on hair growth, help restore the coat after pregnancy and during lactation, reduce allergic reactions and facilitate molting.
  • Beet pulp. A source of fiber, it helps the stomach digest food.
  • Yucca Schidigera. Improves the functioning of the digestive tract and practically removes the odor from excrement.
  • Vitamin B. Supports liver function, good for skin and coat.

Percentage of nutrients in 100 grams of Gemon dog food:

  1. Proteins – 25%, of which 5% are chicken, fish and fish waste. The content is quite small, despite the fact that during processing the meat loses weight and remains no more than 1.3-2.5 grams. Fish is healthy and is the main source of proteins, but it is only useful in its pure form. It is hardly worth relying on the integrity of the manufacturer; most likely, the fish ended up in the food along with scales and giblets.
  2. Fats - 14%, the base is a vague formulation that can contain anything from sunflower oil to lamb fat.
  3. Carbohydrates - the content is unknown, but the grains listed in the ingredients indicate their obvious presence. In fact, cereals are of little use to pets, so their presence in Gemon dry food only serves to reduce the cost.
  4. Fiber - 2.5%. Contained in beet pulp.
  5. Calcium - 1.5%. Very important for active four-legged friends, found in meat and offal.
  6. Phosphorus - 1.3%. The source is fish and fish trimmings.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros common to all types of nutrition:

  • a wide variety of products, allowing you to choose the most suitable option for your dog;
  • average price category, these foods are 10-20% cheaper than other premium products;
  • wet products, a good solution for sick or elderly pets;
  • vitamins and minerals promote sufficient growth and development of dogs, improve coat and skin;
  • All these foods do not contain flavor enhancers, preservatives, or dyes.


  • increased carbohydrate component;
  • low protein levels;
  • lack of more precise detail of the composition, which does not allow us to understand what raw materials are used;
  • a little-known product, but it can be purchased using the Internet.

Pros and cons of Gemon food

Pros of Gemon:

  • Fresh meat is used in the production of feed.
  • The composition of gemon dog food is completely natural. It does not contain artificial additives.
  • Big variety. The food is suitable for dogs of different sizes. You can choose food individually for each dog.
  • Wet food can be given to old and sick dogs as chewing is not required. You can swallow it right away. The consistency of wet food allows.
  • Wide variety of tastes. Every dog ​​will find its own taste.
  • Availability of vitamin supplements
  • Affordable price.
  • gemon has a wide range of feeds. The photo of gemon dog food illustrates this.

  • Insufficient protein content. Only five percent meat. The rest is offal. This leads to the fact that the pet constantly wants to eat and is not satisfied. And overeating is already harmful.
  • Lots of carbohydrates.
  • The composition is unclear. There are no exact data indications.
  • Do not give to dogs with allergies.
  • Few points of sale. Mostly purchased online.

Feeding tips

Dry puppies need to be filled with warm water 2 minutes before feeding. Adult dogs do not need to soak it before use.

Pets that regularly eat dry food should have fresh, clean water available at all times.

The wet version of the product should be given to the dog warm (or at room temperature).

This is interesting: TOP 10 wet food for dogs

Feed rate

  • Puppies weighing up to 5 kg should consume 90 g of dry and 350 g of wet food per day.
  • Dogs weighing up to 10 kg – 150 g dry and 700 g wet.
  • Weighing from 10-25 kg - 300 g dry, 1000 g wet.
  • Pets weighing up to 50 kg - 400 g dry and 1800 g wet.
  • Large dogs eat 500 grams of dry food and 3100 grams of wet food.

These are all approximate figures and depend on the weight of the particular pet.

Daily norm

For pregnant bitches, the dose of the dehydrated product increases by 10%, and in the last weeks before birth and during lactation - by 25%.

Pet weight (kg)Volume of dry food (g)Wet (g)

For puppies, the daily intake of Gemon wet food is calculated to be 40-50 g per 1 kg of weight.

Conclusions about Djimon food

There are both positive and negative reviews about Gemon dog food. But the “Dai Paw” website will not recommend it as a permanent food for your pet for another reason - the opaque composition. Which, by the way, is much worse than the so popular Monge.

Gemon feed price

  • Dry dog ​​food Gemon 1 kg - about 300 rubles;
  • Dry food Djimon for dogs 3 kg - from 770 to 970 rubles;
  • Dry dog ​​food Gemon 15 kg - from 3210 to 3620 rubles.

The indicated prices are indicative and may differ depending on the option, store, and also change significantly over time.

Reviews from veterinarians

  1. Elena Zhukova: “I recommend Gemon to dog owners only if they cannot purchase a better product. The undoubted advantages of this food are: low cost and the fact that Italian production is more attentive to the creation of the product.”
  2. Vladimir Parkov: “This food contains a small percentage of natural meat, and the company does not indicate what kind of meat it is. The same applies to offal and fish (it is not known whether the whole seafood product is used or just its meat).”
  3. Zhanna Moretskaya: “The manufacturer presents several types of Djimon food, wet and dry. I believe that they are suitable for short-term use and, if possible, it is better to switch to a diet containing less grains, they do not provide dogs with the same feeling of satisfying hunger as protein-rich foods.”

Reviews from veterinarians are based on ongoing work with animals fed Gemon products.

Despite the disadvantages, this product remains a leader in the premium line due to its affordable price and relatively good quality level for it. There is no ideal food suitable for all dogs without exception. And before giving your animal food that is still unfamiliar to him, you should consult a doctor.

Product reviews

Reviews about gemon dry food for dogs are not clear; there are those for whom the food was not suitable, and there are owners for whose pets it suited perfectly.

Natalya writes: “We have been using this diet not long ago, the price is good, the dog likes it. I used to buy super-premium, but the price for it has changed, and it is now an order of magnitude more expensive.

As for quality, I have never regretted switching to this premium brand.

Of course, it is more profitable to buy large bags, the food in them is of the same quality, our dog likes it. Therefore, I recommend it to everyone, buy it, you won’t regret it.”

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Anastasia writes: “We were looking for good and high-quality food for a long time, and settled on Dzhemon. To begin with, we took a kilogram bag, so to speak, for testing. Our Busya liked it, ate it with pleasure, there was no reaction.

Then we decided to try again, took a big bag, but, unfortunately, after two weeks the dog developed an allergy and had to be taken to a shelter.”

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