Protect your dog from urolithiasis with Cantaren

Is it necessary to take cantaren for dogs into account? According to statistical studies, every fourth male dog that comes to see a veterinarian suffers from stones in the kidneys or bladder. Even without adding to this list the percentage of dogs that were not examined for urolithiasis, prostatitis, cystitis, urethritis, nephritis, the numbers are already impressive.


1. General description 2. Characteristics and composition 3. Beneficial effect 4. Therapeutic effect 5. Disease 6. Side effects 7. Cost 8. Reviews

Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system in domestic animals are among the most common. Every year, the outbreak occurs in the spring and fall, when the immune system weakens. For cystitis, infections, and kidney pathologies, animals are prescribed medications with anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects.

Cantarene for dogs is a homeopathic remedy whose effectiveness is recognized by veterinarians. It controls the process of formation of uric acid in the body, eliminates the symptoms of inflammation.

Why Cantaren is so attractive

All components of the medicine are entirely of plant origin with mineral supplements:

  • barberry;
  • sulfur-calcium compound;
  • Spanish fly;
  • copper enriched with arsenic.

The complex of selected components is very effective against a sick organism. Here's how it works:

  1. Stops inflammatory processes that begin in the kidneys and urinary tract as a result of the active proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Stimulates tissue cell restoration. Regeneration processes are accelerated and healing occurs faster.
  3. Increases the pet's defenses and immunity.
  4. Acts as an antispasmodic, preventing contraction of the smooth muscles of the genitourinary system. Its effectiveness is not inferior to other popular antispasmodic drugs.
  5. Relieves pain syndrome.
  6. Improves excretory properties, normalizes metabolic processes in the renal pelvis.

The medicine does not have a cumulative effect, since the active components of the drug are contained in ultra-small volumes. Their remains are eliminated naturally through urination.

general description

Cantarene is available in several dosage forms:

  • drops;
  • homeopathic tablets;
  • injection.

Injections are given subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The duration of the course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor; self-medication can be dangerous.

A homeopathic medicine is used to prevent urolithiasis, the tendency to which is more pronounced in castrated and sterilized animals. The appearance of kidney stones is also caused by metabolic disorders, so Cantaren can be used as a prophylactic agent for these pathologies.

How to use for neutered animals

Of course, dogs are castrated much less often than cats, but this also happens (service animals). Let us immediately note that there is no scientific data that would indicate a direct connection between the increased incidence of stones and castration. These problems arise due to the high predisposition of castrates to obesity. This, in turn, leads to numerous metabolic problems, which leads to the formation of stones. However, all this is poetry. Is it possible to use Kantaren to prevent this kind of complications? Yes, there is even a special scheme.

There are people who consider any homeopathic remedy to be a “dummy”. They do not believe in the effectiveness of such drugs and call them placebos

But there are also cat owners who are careful when choosing medications. “Chemistry” scares them, and the only correct solution seems to be the selection of a homeopathic remedy

One such medicine for animals is Cantaren.

Characteristics and composition

The medicine contains natural ingredients, including:

  • barberry – tones, removes salts, sand and stones;
  • liver sulfur – has a powerful antibacterial effect;
  • arsenous copper – relieves pain and spasms;
  • Spanish fly - helps remove salts from the body.

The injection solution contains ethyl alcohol, sodium chloride, tablets contain granulated sugar, maltodextrin and other components.

Features of use in cats

Features of the use of Cantaren depend on the indications for use and the form of release. In any case, it is necessary to draw up a regimen of use and calculate the dosage of the medicine.

The manufacturer reminds in the instructions that with any regimen you should adhere to the schedule of use, since skipping a medication can lead to a decrease in its effectiveness.

How to use Cantaren tablets

The tablets must be given orally. You can crush the medicine and add it to your cat's food or suspend it in a small amount of drinking water. If the cat does not resist, then the tablet can be placed on the root of the tongue so that the animal swallows it automatically. Some cat owners buy a tablet dispenser at the pharmacy (this is a device that works on the principle of a syringe).

The main thing in the procedure for administering medicine is to keep the cat calm (the animal must be immobilized). Among my techniques for taming a cat are a clothespin on the withers, a tight vest, etc. And recently I discovered a new technique. My Honda sits motionless for 10-15 minutes if she sees a bowl of her favorite pate in front of her.

In order for the cat to swallow the tablet, you need to open its mouth and place the medicine close to the throat

Frequency of use of tablets

If the tablets are used to treat an existing disease, then a single dose of tablets should be given 2-3 times a day, the course of treatment should be up to 12 days (depending on the complexity of the disease). If we are talking about the prevention of urolithiasis, as well as to prevent relapses, the medicine should be used daily in the morning and evening for 21 days.

Tablet dosage

Regardless of the disease and body weight of the cat, Kantaren is used 1 tablet at a time.

If the veterinarian deems it necessary, the dosage can be increased, but doing this on your own is highly not recommended.

Application of solution for injection

The injection solution is injected under the skin or into the muscle.

An inexperienced owner can learn how to give subcutaneous injections. To administer the solution painlessly and safely for the cat, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Prepare the syringe without removing the cap.
  2. Bend the edge of the notch that is on the bottle (so that a section of the rubber stopper appears).
    Wipe the stopper of the bottle with a swab soaked in alcohol. Before inserting the needle into the bottle, the stopper must be treated with an aseptic solution.
  3. Remove the cap from the syringe and insert the needle into the vial (through the rubber stopper).
    Turn the bottle upside down and draw the liquid into the syringe. To draw the solution into the syringe, it is not necessary to completely remove the protective aluminum ring
  4. Release any air bubbles from the syringe.
    When all the air has been released from the syringe, a drop of solution will appear at the tip of the needle.
  5. Fix the cat, use your index finger and thumb to make a fold between the back of the head and the cat's shoulder blades.
  6. Insert the needle to a depth of 1–1.5 cm and press the syringe plunger.
    The needle must be inserted perpendicular to the skin fold
  7. When all the solution has been injected, remove the needle and pet the cat so that it does not become nervous.

Scheme of medication use

The duration of the course of using Cantaren depends on the purpose:

  • prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system - once a day for 2 weeks (the course is repeated every 6 months);
  • treatment of chronic diseases - once every 2-3 days;
  • therapy for acute diseases - 2 times a day for 10 days.

In order to increase the effectiveness of use, the course of treatment can be extended by a veterinarian to 30 days.

Table: single dose of solution

How to give a solution for drinking

The oral solution is used in the same way as injections.

You can drop the medicine directly into the animal's mouth or add the solution to food. A single dosage of the drug is 1 drop per 1 kg of cat weight.

I had to treat my older cat with drops. At first I tried to drop the medicine into the food bowl, but the cat did not eat it. Then I bought a special cat treat in the form of flakes and dripped the solution onto them, but the cat turned away from the “yummy” treat. It turned out that the animal senses a foreign smell, so no tasty food will “convince” it. The dropper pipette that these bottles are supplied with was not invented in vain. The easiest way to get your cat to take the medicine is to drop the solution into the mouth (close to the throat). Even if the cat feels unpleasant and starts spitting, the liquid will still enter the esophagus with saliva.

Some owners, for convenience, pour the required amount of solution into a syringe (in such cases, you need to be more careful about the dosage, since part of the solution will remain on the walls of the syringe)

Useful action

The homeopathic remedy is used for preventive purposes in chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as to prevent the formation of uroliths in the bladder and kidneys. Since chronic disease worsens in spring and autumn, veterinarians recommend giving Cantaren twice a year in a course: 1 tablet 2 times a day for two weeks.

General action:

  • quickly relieves inflammation and spasms;
  • reduces crystallization of salts and prevents the formation of struvite;
  • stimulates kidney function.

Tablets are prescribed in the absence of severe pain, for the prevention of urolithiasis, in acute cases, with painful urination, the presence of blood in the urine, veterinarians recommend injection of the drug. Usually the complex drug Travmatin is added to it.


The peak point of diseases occurs during the periods of autumn and spring. Attention should be paid to the health of the dog by owners whose pets are over 8 years old, and, as far as can be concluded from the above, especially male dogs. They more often need treatment for these diseases and suffer more severely from them.

Have you noticed that your pet has frequent and painful urination, and the discharge has a pungent ammonia smell? Perhaps the dog has a fever or has pus or blood in the urine? If you answered “Yes” to at least one of these points, then you should think about it and make an appointment with a veterinarian. A disease detected at an early stage is easier to treat and less painful for your pet.

Characteristics of cantarene

Kantaren for dogs is a combination type drug that has a complex antiphlogistic effect on the body.

Homeopathic medicines are trusted by consumers, and therefore in demand, since they consist entirely of natural ingredients, which means they have no chance of harming the animal. An important positive aspect of a homeopathic remedy is the possibility of its use in parallel with other medications.

If we delve deeper into this aspect, it is worth pointing out that the remedy includes barberry, Spanish fly, calcium sulfur liver and arsenic copper. What kind of chemical effect on the dog’s body can we talk about with this composition? Your risks are zero, and confidence in the drug increases in direct proportion.

It is impossible not to say about the obvious advantage - the impossibility of overdosing with Cantaren, therefore treatment with this drug can be prescribed to both puppies and adult and elderly dogs.

Therapeutic effect

Homeopathic remedies used in veterinary practice are based on natural ingredients. They can be used without fear of harming the pet, and the medications provide quick, effective help.

Thanks to microdoses of the active substance, Kantaren is safe even for puppies, pregnant and lactating females. However, only a veterinarian can determine the possibility of treating a disease with homeopathic medicines after examining the dog and making a diagnosis.

Cantaren is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis.

The medicine is effective as part of complex therapy and is used together with antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The treatment regimen is determined by the doctor, taking into account the symptoms of the disease, the general health of the dog, the results of tests and other clinical studies, and the presence of complications. For acute pathologies, injections are usually used; for long-term treatment, it is better to choose drops and tablets.

The solution is administered intramuscularly, twice a day, 1 ml. The usual course of treatment is 35 days, but depends on the condition of the animal and is determined by the doctor. With frequent relapses of the disease, treatment will be longer - 2-3 weeks or more.

More detailed information about the treatment of dogs with Cantaren and dosages is presented in the table:

Types of Kataren and instructions for use

The pharmaceutical manufacturing company presents its product in two forms:

  • Injection solution . Colorless transparent liquid in glass bottles of 10 ml or 100 ml.
  • Pills . White or pale yellow pills 0.1 mg in polymer packages of 50 pieces.

Injection doses:

A single volume of solution of 0.1 ml per 1 kg of body weight is placed intramuscularly or under the skin.

(maximum dose – 4 ml, minimum – 0.5).

Acute stage of the disease - 1-2 injections per day

Chronic course of the pathology - from 1 to 3 injections per week.


Recommended Doses


(urolithiasis disease)

  • Injections - in case of exacerbation of the disease, 2 times/day subcutaneously or intramuscularly, for a week, then 1 time/day for 7 days
  • Tablets – 1 pc. 2 rubles/day – 1-2 weeks

Cystitis and Urethritis

  • Injections – 2-3 times/day for 7-10 days

Pyelonephritis and Glorumelonephritis

  • Injections – intramuscularly or subcutaneously 2 times a day, up to 2-4 weeks
  • Tablets – 1 pc. 2 rubles/day, 2-4 weeks.

Indications for use

Cantaren is used for inflammatory and degenerative conditions of the pelvic organs and kidneys. The most common of them:

1. Cystitis.

Characterized by the following symptoms:

  • It hurts the dog to urinate;
  • urination becomes frequent;
  • urine acquires a pungent odor of ammonia;
  • there is a sharp increase in temperature;
  • Bloody or purulent discharge appears in the urine.

2. Urolithiasis disease.

Has the following signs:

  • formation of sand or stones (calculi) in the urinary organs;
  • the animal loses its appetite;
  • pain appears when relieving minor needs;
  • The dog whines and cannot pass urine:
  • lethargy appears;
  • the amount of urine decreases sharply in volume.

3. Pyelonephritis.
This inflammatory process of the kidneys is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • urination is frequent and painful;
  • heat;
  • general condition is lethargic, depressed;
  • pain in the lumbar region.

4. Prostatitis.

Dangerous prostate disease:

  • weight loss;
  • vomit;
  • stool disorders;
  • purulent, bloody discharge when urinating;
  • drowsy state;
  • apathy and fever;
  • gait disturbances.

In addition, there are other diseases that require taking Cantaren:

  • nephrosis;
  • urethritis;
  • bladder paresis;
  • renal failure;
  • glomerulonephritis, etc.

The use of this drug does not prohibit the parallel use of other medications as prescribed by the doctor.

Side effects

The homeopathic remedy includes natural ingredients, therefore it is considered safe, however, individual intolerance or an allergic reaction to the components of Cantaren cannot be ruled out. If an allergy occurs, the veterinarian will replace the medication.

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In extremely rare cases, when taking tablets and drops, digestive disorders may occur; no other side effects have been identified.

Different breeds

The instructions indicate that the drug cannot be used if the pet has an individual intolerance to it. In such a situation, there is a high risk of allergic diseases. Taking drops or tablets may cause digestive problems.

The homeopathic medicine has no other contraindications. It is prescribed to different breeds of dogs, regardless of age.

Safety and personal hygiene measures

When working with Kantaren, it is recommended to adhere to the rules of hygiene and observe general safety measures:

  • After working with the product, you need to wash your hands thoroughly;
  • if “Kantaren” gets on the skin or in the eyes, they need to be rinsed using plenty of water;
  • if a person is highly sensitive to the components of the drug, it is necessary to avoid direct contact with it;
  • If you have an allergy or the medicine has entered the human body, you need to urgently visit a doctor (you need to take the label or instructions for the medicine with you).

Important! Empty bottles from "Kantaren" cannot be used for household purposes. They should be disposed of.

Kantaren for dogs - reviews

Lena. We have a pug, Filya, with a predisposition to urolithiasis.

Many owners use Cantaren for prevention.

Cantaren is always in the first aid kit; as soon as we notice symptoms, we give it immediately. He no longer resists, he probably understands that after taking the pills relief comes immediately, after a couple of days.

Svetlana. I learned about Kantaren from a veterinarian when my Yorkie was spayed. We were advised to give it twice a year to keep the dog healthy. By the way, the tablets are apparently sweet, he chews them with pleasure. I don’t know if Kantaren helps or not, but the dog is five years old and absolutely healthy.

Misha. We were shocked when we found out that the dog might have cystitis. They were more frightened than she herself, and they took her to a hospital. But the vet quickly explained everything, how to treat, what to do. For 5 days they only gave Cantaren injections, everything went away.

Pharmacological properties

Let's look at how the drug acts on the body:

  • with the help of “Kantaren”, inflammation in the urinary system quickly disappears, the microflora is normalized, blocking pathogenic processes. Thanks to this effect, you can not take antibiotics, but limit yourself only to the drug in question;
  • This remedy is a good pain reliever;
  • the drug helps remove kidney stones and also prevents their subsequent appearance;
  • “Kantaren” helps improve metabolic processes in the body, restoring the excretory function of the kidneys;
  • the drug helps restore the body's protective properties.

Contraindications and precautions

Cantaren; in terms of the degree of influence on the body, it is classified as a low-hazard substance and is equated to class IV (GOST 12.1.007-76).

None of the components included in the tablets or solution? are not able to accumulate in the body, since they are contained in ultra-low concentrations. Therefore, if everything is done correctly, this medication does not cause adverse reactions or complications.

Like many homeopathic medicines, Kantaren has no contraindications. The only thing that can prohibit the use of this medicine is the presence of an individual intolerance to a component of the drug in the animal. In this case, allergic reactions may occur.

You can give tablets or inject this drug to pregnant and elderly pets.

It is forbidden to use tablets or give injections after the expiration date of the drug has expired. It should be stored in a place that is inaccessible to children and pets. The storage specifications for Cantaren are described in the instructions.

Unused product is disposed of in accordance with all requirements of existing legislation in the country.

When using Kantaren to treat animals, always follow the recommendations given in the instructions. This is the only way your dog will be healthy and the medicine taken will work properly.

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